title>GB 4706.44-1999 Particular requirements for safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Thermal storage room heaters - GB 4706.44-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 4706.44-1999 Particular requirements for safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Thermal storage room heaters

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 4706.44-1999

Standard Name: Particular requirements for safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Thermal storage room heaters

Chinese Name: 家用和类似用途电器的安全 贮热式房间加热器的特殊要求

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1999-01-01

Date of Implementation:2000-05-01

Date of Expiration:2006-09-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Environmental protection, health and safety >> 13.120 Household products safety

Standard Classification Number:Electrician>>General Electrician>>K09 Health, Safety, Labor Protection

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB 4706.44-2005

Procurement status:≡IEC 335-2-61-1992

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Publication date:2004-04-02

other information

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Guangzhou Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Household Electrical Appliances

Publishing department:State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision

competent authority:China Light Industry Federation

Introduction to standards:

This standard discusses the safety of storage room heaters for household and similar purposes intended to be placed in rooms for heating. For single-phase storage room heaters, the rated voltage should not exceed 250V; for other storage room heaters, the rated voltage should not exceed 480V. Appliances that are not intended for general household use but are still dangerous to the public, such as storage room heaters used by non-professionals in shops, light industrial plants and farms, are within the scope of this standard. This standard has taken into account the common hazards caused by appliances that people come into contact with in and around the house. Generally, this standard does not consider: - Appliances used by unattended young children or disabled people; - Appliances played by young children. GB 4706.44-1999 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Particular requirements for storage room heaters GB4706.44-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

GB 4706.44 —1999
This standard is equivalent to IEC335-2-61.1992 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Part 2: Particular requirements for thermal storage room heaters. This standard should be used in conjunction with GB4706.1-1998 General safety requirements for household and similar electrical appliances. Parts marked with *applicable\ in this standard indicate that the corresponding provisions in GB 4706.1-1998 are applicable to this standard; parts marked with "replace\" or "modify\" in this standard shall be subject to this standard; parts marked with "addition*" in this standard indicate that in addition to complying with the corresponding provisions in GB4706.1-1998, they shall also comply with the provisions added in this standard. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Household Electrical Appliances. The main drafting unit of this standard is Guangzhou Daily Electrical Appliances Research Institute. The main drafter of this standard is Xu Yanrong.
This standard is entrusted to the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Household Electrical Appliances for interpretation. GB 4706.44—1999
IEC Preface
1) JEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is an international standardization organization composed of all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). Its purpose is to promote international cooperation on standardization issues in the electrical and electronic fields. To this end, IEC carries out international standardization activities and publishes international standards. The formulation of these standards is entrusted to technical committees. Any IEC National Committee interested in the technical issue may participate in the formulation work. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations associated with IEC may also participate in this work. JEC and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) work closely together on the basis of an agreement between the two organizations. 2) Formal resolutions or agreements of IEC on technical issues, formulated by technical committees in which all national committees with a particular interest in the issue participate, represent, as far as possible, the international consensus on the issues involved. 3) These formal resolutions or agreements, published in the form of standards, technical reports or guidelines, are accepted by the National Committees in this sense.
4) In order to achieve international consensus, IEC National Committees agree to use 1EC to the greatest extent possible in their national and regional standards. International Standard. Differences between IEC standards and corresponding national or regional standards shall be clearly indicated in the latter. 5) IEC has not established a procedure for the recognition mark. IEC assumes no responsibility for claims that a device complies with an IEC standard.
This standard was prepared by IEC Technical Committee 61 (Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances). This standard is the first edition of IEC335-2-61
This standard is based on the following documents:
Draft International Standard
61 (Central Office) 619
Voting Report
61 (Central Office) 658
Amendments to Draft International Standards
61 (Central Office) 666
For details of the voting on this standard, please see the voting results report listed in the table above, Voting Report
61 (Central Office) 741
This standard should be consistent with IEC This standard is based on the third edition of IEC 335-1 (1991). This standard supplements or modifies the corresponding provisions of IEC 335-1, transforming it into the IEC standard: "Safety requirements for thermal room heaters". Any specific provisions of IEC 335-1 not mentioned in this standard shall apply as long as they are appropriate: For any provisions marked with "addition", "modification" or "replacement" in this standard, the relevant text in IEC 335-1 shall be modified accordingly. Note: The provisions, notes and figures added on the basis of EC 335-1 shall be included in 101 Start numbering. The following differences exist in some countries:
-7.1 All thermal storage room heaters must be marked with a warning on their covers (Sweden). -11.8 The limit of 130 K is replaced by 175 K (Belgium, France and the United Kingdom). 11.8 The immediate surroundings are to extend to 100 mm above the air outlet grille (Germany, Belgium, France, Germany and Switzerland). -11.8 The limit of the temperature rise of surfaces accessible by the test rod, excluding the air outlet grille and their immediate surroundings, is 80 K (Norway and Sweden).
1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Safety of household and similar electrical appllances Particular requirements for thermal storage room heaters
Safety of household and similar electrical appllances Particular requirements for thermal storage room heaters This chapter in GB 4706.1--1998 is replaced by the following. GB 4706. 44 —1999
idt IEC 335-2-61.1992Www.bzxZ.net
This standard deals with the safety of storage room heaters for household and similar purposes intended to be placed in rooms for heating. For single-phase storage room heaters, the rated voltage shall not exceed 250 V; for other storage room heaters, the rated voltage shall not exceed 480 V.
Appliances that are not intended for general household use but are still dangerous to the public, such as storage room heaters used by lay persons in shops, light industrial plants and farms, are within the scope of this standard. This standard has taken into account the common hazards caused by appliances that people come into contact with in and around the home. Generally, this standard does not consider appliances used by unattended young children or invalids! Appliances played by young children.
1 Note: This standard applies only to integral heat storage room heaters. However, if properly applied, it can be used as a guide for the development of requirements and test specifications for other heat storage room heaters. For heaters equipped with direct heating electric heating elements, GB4706.23 is also applicable. For heaters used in vehicles, ships or aircraft, additional requirements need to be added. For heaters used in tropical areas, special requirements need to be added: In many countries, additional requirements are stipulated by the national public health department, the national labor insurance department, the national water supply department and related departments. 2 This standard does not apply to: Heaters designed for industrial use, heaters integrated with buildings; Central heating systems, Floor heating equipment Sauna heaters (GB 4706.31) Heaters intended for use in special environments, such as places with corrosive and explosive gases (dust, steam or gas). 2 Definitions
This chapter in GB 4706.1—1998 is applicable except for the following. 2.2.9 Replacement:
Normal operation
Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on November 11, 1999 and implemented on May 1, 2000
GB 4706. 44—1999
A heater installed in a normal use state operates for a specific number of working cycles, each cycle lasting 24 hours, including the heating process and the heat release process. The heating process ends when the heating controller that controls the temperature of the heat storage core first de-energizes all the electric heating elements. 2.2.101 Thermal storage room heater A heater that stores heat obtained from electrical energy in a heat storage core and can release it at any time. 2.2.102 contralled-output heater a storage room heater whose heat output can be controlled by certain means (such as fans, shutters or air flaps). 2.2.103 free-output heater a storage room heater that releases heat by natural convection and radiation and whose heat output is changed only by adjusting the load. 2.2.104 rated charging period the longest uninterrupted heating period set by the manufacturer for the heater. 2.2.105 rated charge
the energy consumption required for a rated heating period set by the manufacturer for the heater. 3 General requirements
This clause in GB 4706.1-1998 is applicable. 4 General conditions for testing
This clause in GB 4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 4.5 Added,
For output-controlled heaters with auxiliary air outlets, normally, when the heater is fixed, air enters the room only from the main air outlet. However, the auxiliary air outlet should also be subjected to the tests specified for the air outlet. Note: Removable parts include accessories provided with the heater, such as racks and humidifiers. 4.6 Added,
Thermostats that are sensitive to room temperature, such as thermostats with sensitive elements installed at the air inlet, should be short-circuited. 4.9 Added:
When it is determined that direct-heating electric heating elements work together with heat storage electric heating elements, this clause shall only apply if the structure permits. 5 Blank chapter
6 Classification
This chapter in GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following content. 6.1 Replaced:
Thermostatic room heaters shall be Class I, Class I or Class II appliances. Compliance may be determined by regulatory inspection and relevant tests. 7 Marking and instructions
This clause of GB 4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following. 7.1 Addition:
Heaters shall be marked with the following:
Rated heating time, h;
Weight of the assembled appliance, kg.
For heaters with more than one power connection, the symbol of each circuit and its rated voltage, rated input power and nature of the power supply shall be marked.
GB 4706. 44 — 1999
If the temperature rise measured during the test in clause 19 exceeds the corresponding limit specified in clause 11, a warning prohibiting covering shall be marked on the heater.
7.10 Added:
The heating controller shall not be marked with the disconnect position unless the controller is equipped with an all-pole disconnect switch with a contact spacing of at least 3m between each pole.
7.12 Added:
The instructions shall be given on a water-resistant card or in a booklet. The instructions shall include the following information. These instructions shall be retained for future reference. 1-Information should be given that "the heater may emit odors during the first few operations and the room should be well ventilated." The instructions shall also include:
Rated load,
The minimum distance that must be kept between the heater and flammable materials (such as furniture and curtains). If the temperature rise measured during the test in Chapter 19 exceeds the limit specified in Chapter 11, the instructions shall include the following information: - Do not cover
- Do not place objects in contact with the heater. 7.12.1 Added:
|The instructions should include the following:
The installation of the heater should be carried out by professionals: During any reassembly of the heater, if a thermal insulation component is damaged or worn in a way that may affect its safety, the component should be replaced:
-Keep the heater stable. The main thing is to place the heater on a level surface and be careful to avoid uneven surfaces, such as those caused by carpet or floor tiles protruding partially under the heater. The instructions should also include:
A line diagram with clearly marked terminals!
Instructions for installing the heater on the floor or wall, and if necessary, the minimum installation height. 7.15 Added:
After the heater is installed in normal use, the signs prohibiting covering should be clearly visible from the outside, and the font height should be at least 3mm.
8 Protection against touching live parts
GB 4706.1-1998 This chapter is applicable. 9 Starting of electric appliances
This chapter in GB4706.1-1998 is not applicable. 10 Power input and current
This chapter in GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 10.1 Added:
The heater shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of 11.2. When measuring the power input of the heat storage electric heating element during the heating period, any fans, shutters, air flaps and similar devices shall be adjusted to the position that produces the minimum heat output.
When measuring the power input of the direct heating electric heating element during the heat release period, any fans, shutters, air flaps and similar devices shall be adjusted to the position that produces the minimum heat output. The hoods shall be adjusted to the position that produces the maximum heat output.
For each power connection mode, the total input power shall be measured with all controls adjusted to the position that obtains the maximum input power.
Note that the differences specified for electric heating appliances apply to heaters with motors. 10.101 The heater shall accommodate at least 100% of the rated load. Compliance may be determined by measuring the energy consumption during a rated heating time. The heater shall be started at room temperature and the rated voltage shall be applied. If the heating controls are user-adjustable, they shall be set to the maximum setting position. Any fans, shutters, air flaps and similar devices shall be adjusted to the position that produces the minimum heat output. 11 Heating
This clause of GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except as follows. 11.2 Replacement:
Embedded heaters shall be installed embedded in the wall. Other heaters shall be placed in the test corner.
The test corner and the mounting plate for the built-in heater should be made of matt black painted plywood, approximately 20 mm thick. The test corner should extend at least 300 mm outside the heater. A wooden board 120 mm high and 15 mm thick should be fixed along the entire side of the inner wall of the test corner and in contact with the base plate.
The holes on the bottom of the heater and the holes within 25 mm of the base plate should be blocked. The heater should be placed in the test corner according to the following regulations: Heaters that are normally used on the floor should be placed on the base plate as close to the side walls as possible; Heaters that are normally fixed to the wall should be fixed to one side wall and close to the other side wall and the base plate according to normal use unless there are special instructions for installation in the installation instructions. If the fixed heater has an opening at ground level, a 20 mm thick felt pad should be placed on the floor and pushed flat into the opening according to its structure. If there is a protective cover or the opening is too small to allow the felt pad to fit, push the felt pad flat against the opening as close to the opening as possible.
Note: The purpose of using a felt pad is to simulate a situation where a carpet may block the air inlet or outlet. 11.3 Addition:
The temperature rise of the felt pad and the bottom surface of the heater shall also be determined by means of thermocouples attached to small black-coated discs. Place the thermocouples on the surface of the felt pad and fix one of the thermocouples in the center of a matt black-coated plywood measuring 75 mm × 75 mm × 20 mm and flush with the surface of the board. Place the plywood on the test corner base plate below the hottest part of the heater. When the plywood cannot be inserted, the temperature of the test corner base plate shall be regarded as the temperature of the bottom surface of the heater. 11.6 Replacement:
Combination appliances shall be operated under normal operating conditions and at 1.15 times the rated power input. 11.7 Replacement:
Heats with controlled output shall be subjected to three duty cycles and heaters with random output shall be subjected to two duty cycles. The heaters shall heat up until the first operation of the heating controls. During the first and third duty cycles, all louvers, flaps, and similar devices shall be adjusted to positions that produce the minimum heat output during the heat release process. During this process, fans shall be set to the lowest speed or, if possible, the power supply shall be disconnected. During the second duty cycle, all fans, louvers, and similar devices shall be adjusted to positions that produce the maximum heat output during the heat release process.
If the most unfavorable temperature rise is not clearly observed during the first or second duty cycle test, the next cycle shall be carried out, in which all fans, louvers, flaps, and similar devices shall be adjusted to positions that produce a moderate heat output. Before the last duty cycle is started, thermocouples fixed to live parts shall be removed. For heaters equipped with direct heating elements, they should be operated under the most unfavorable combination of direct heating elements and heat storage heating elements being energized at the same time.
11.8 Added:
GB 4706.44 1999
Start measuring the temperature rise 20 minutes after the end of the heating process. For output controllable heaters, during the second working cycle, 15 minutes after the end of the heating process, start the fan and open all shutters, air flaps and similar devices.
Add the following content to Table 3:
Surfaces that can be touched by the test rod*, except the air outlet grids and their surroundings 101>) The surfaces of the air outlet grids and their surroundings that can be touched by the test sample: - Heaters with air outlet grids on both sides or in front of the heater and with air outlets - Other heaters
Felt pads, plywood surfaces or heater surfaces 101) The surroundings refer to the surfaces within 25m from the air outlet grid, 102) The test rod refers to a national column rod with a diameter of 75 mm and a semi-spherical end at one end,Its length is not limited. Note: Thermal storage room heaters can be considered as devices that work continuously for a long time. 12 Blank Chapter
13 Leakage current and electrical strength at working temperature This chapter of GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 13.1 Addition,
Temperature rise, K
The tests of 13.2 and 13.3 should be carried out at the end of the heating process of the last working cycle specified in 11.7 and before the heating controller is activated.
During the heat release process, the tests of 13.2 and 13.3 should also be carried out on the motor and the direct heating element. 14 Blank Chapter
15 Moisture resistance
This chapter of GB 4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 15.2 Addition:
250mL of water containing about 1% sodium chloride is continuously sprayed on the most unfavorable position of the top surface of the heater within 5s, that is, the position where the liquid container may be placed during normal use. Leakage current and electrical strength
This chapter in GB 4706.1-1998 is applicable. 17 Overload protection of transformers and related circuits This chapter in GB 4706.1-1998 is applicable. 18 Durability
This chapter in GB 4706. 1-1998 is not applicable. 19 Abnormal operation
GB 4706. 44-1999
This chapter in GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 19.1 Modification
The clause indicating the applicability to various types of appliances is replaced by the following: Compliance may be determined by the tests of 19.3 and 19.7 (if necessary). 19.3 replaces
Test conditions: as in clause 11, but the input shall be equal to 1.24 times the rated power input. 19.3.1 Output-controlled heaters shall be subjected to one operating cycle at minimum heat output, but uncovered. 19.3.2 The heater shall be subjected to one operating cycle at maximum heat output. During the heat release process, a blanket of the same width as the heater and of a mass of 470 g/m ± 47 g/m is taken and allowed to extend from the wall, pass over the top of the heater and fall from the front of the heater to cover the front of the heater: the blanket between the wall and the heater is allowed to fall behind the heater, taking care to ensure that the blanket does not open the front of the heater. Measure the temperature rise of the heater surface under the blanket. 19.3.3 The heater shall be subjected to a duty cycle test at maximum heat output. During the heat release process, a matt black painted plywood is placed in the most unfavorable position directly in front of the heater. The plywood shall be 13 mm thick, at least equal to the height of the heater, and 75% of the width of the heater or 60 cm wide, whichever is greater. Direct heating elements shall be in operation. The temperature rise of the plywood shall be measured by a thermocouple attached to the back of a small black-painted disc made of copper or brass. The diameter of the disc is 15 mm and the thickness is 1 mm. The front of the disc shall be flush with the surface of the plywood. 19.3.4 The heating shall be subjected to a duty cycle test at maximum heat output. During the heat release process, a folded blanket of the same width as the heater and of a mass of 470 g/m2 ± 47 g/m2 is placed on top of the heater. The blanket is folded into six layers, and the width of each layer is equal to the distance from the front of the heater to the wall. The temperature rise of the heater surface under the blanket is measured. During the test, the temperature rise of the air at a distance of 10 mm from the air outlet is measured 20 min after the heating process has ended, using the apparatus shown in Figure 101.
19.13 Addition:
During the test of 19.3, the temperature rise of the heater surface under the blanket and the temperature rise of the plywood shall not exceed 175 K. The temperature rise of the air shall not exceed 175 K.
19.101 The heater shall be constructed so that the risk of fire or electric shock is avoided even if one phase of the supply fails, a controller operating during the test of clause 11 fails, or an air mixing device fails. Compliance may be determined by disconnecting one of the phases of the supply, short-circuiting any controller operating during the test of clause 11, or simulating a failure of the air mixing device in the most unfavorable position. Only one fault condition can be simulated at a time. For each fault condition, the heater shall be supplied with rated voltage and subjected to a duty cycle test. Fans, shutters, air flaps and similar devices shall be adjusted to the position that produces the minimum heat output. During and after each test, the heater shall comply with the requirements of 19.13. During the test with the air mixing device in the most unfavourable position, the temperature rise shall not exceed: Air outlet grid and immediate surroundings:
? During the first 5 min. 180 K;
Adopt instructions,
1] IEC 335-2-61 requires the mass of the wool to be about 470 g/m, without tolerance. To facilitate the test, the requirements for blankets in GB4706.23-1996 (Particular requirements for safety of indoor heaters for household and similar electrical appliances idtIEC 335-2-30, 1990) are adopted, with an increased tolerance of ± 10%, · After this period, 155 K.
Other external surfaces of the heater: 140 K: - Test angle base: 100 K,
GB 4706. 44 - 1999
Note: In general, the above test is limited to situations where it may give unfavorable results. 20 Stability and mechanical hazards
This chapter in GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 20.1 Change:
"The test of tilting it 15\ on the horizontal plane" is replaced by the following contents: The heater is placed in any normal use position on the horizontal plane, and a force of 200 N is applied to the top of the heater in the most unfavorable horizontal direction.
During the test, the heater shall not fall over.
Note: Prevent the heater from sliding.
21 Mechanical strength
This chapter in GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 21.1 Addition:
Compliance shall also be determined by the following test. A weight of 80 kg shall be slowly placed on the top of the heater. The top load surface shall be within a diameter of 230 mm. The outer shell of the heater shall not be deformed in a manner that would affect its compliance with the requirements of this standard. 22 Structure
This chapter in GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following. 22.22 Replacement:
Asbestos shall not be used.
Compliance may be determined by visual inspection. 22.101 The heater shall be constructed so that substances introduced through the air inlet or air outlet or hot particles generated by the heat storage core, thermal insulation or other materials entering the air duct inside the heater will not cause damage that would affect its compliance with the requirements of this standard. Compliance may be determined by visual inspection. 22.102 Heating elements shall be so constructed or supported that they remain in their original position during normal use. It is not possible for broken parts of heating elements to fall out of the appliance or escape through the air outlets. Compliance may be determined by inspection.
22.103 Heaters shall be so constructed that molten or burning material cannot fall out of the bottom of the heater. Compliance may be determined by inspection. NOTE This requirement is considered to be met if the heating elements are not visible from the bottom. 22.104 The arrangement of the parts of the heater that must be assembled during assembly shall be such that it is easy to fit the heat storage core and heating elements to the heater and then make internal connections.
The arrangement and marking of internal wiring and terminals shall be such that incorrect wiring is not possible. If multi-pin connectors are used for internal wiring, the internal wiring shall be marked with polarity.
Compliance may be determined by inspection and assembly of the heater (if necessary). 22.105 The structure of the heater shall allow the thermal circuit breaker to be reset and the controller and heating element to be replaced without damaging the thermal insulation. Compliance can be determined by inspection. 22.106 The structure of the heater shall prevent objects from falling or being pressed into the back of the heater. The protective cover provided for this purpose shall be not less than 50 mm below the top of the heater and not more than 50 mm from the side. These requirements do not apply if the heater is equipped with a gap determination device to ensure that there is a gap of at least 75 mm between the back of the heater and the wall. The depth of any groove for the wall panel shall not exceed 25 cm measured from the base plate. Compliance can be determined by inspection and measurement. 22.107 The weight of the heater in dry condition shall not exceed 1.1 times the rated weight. Compliance can be determined by measurement, 22.108 For heaters having outlets for supplying air to more than one room, the structure shall be such that the heater or its surroundings will not be damaged by any air outlet or by reverse air flow in the air duct. Compliance may be determined by delivering gas at a pressure of 25 Pa to each air outlet in turn. During the test, all other air outlets shall be closed and the fan shall be turned off. This test shall be run until a steady state is reached. The temperature rise on the heater surface shall not exceed 150K, and the temperature rise on the test corner wall and base shall not exceed 60K. The heater shall not suffer damage that affects its compliance with the requirements of this standard. 23 Internal wiring
This chapter in GB 4706.1--1998 applies. 24 Components
This clause in GB 4706.1-1998 applies except as follows 24.101 If thermal cut-outs are provided to limit the temperature of the heat storage core, at least one of the thermal cut-outs shall be of the non-self-resetting type and shall require a tool to reset it. The action of the thermal cut-out shall be independent of any control which limits the temperature during the tests of clause 11. Compliance shall be checked by inspection, by manual tests and by the test procedures of clause 19. 5 Supply connections and external flexible cords
This clause in GB 4706.1-1998 applies except as follows. 25.1 Not applicable.
25.3 Addition:
The heater shall be provided with means for permanent connection to fixed wiring. 26 Terminals for external conductors
This clause in GB 4706.1-1998 applies. 27 Grounding measures
This chapter in GB 47Q6.1-1998 is applicable. 28 Screws and connections
This chapter in GB4706.1-1998 is applicable. Creepage distance, electrical clearance and through insulation distance29
This chapter in GB 4706.1-1998 is applicable. 30 Heat resistance, flame resistance and electrical decay resistance
GB 4706.44-1999
This chapter in GB 4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 30.2 Added:
30.2.3 is applicable.
31 Rust prevention
This chapter in GB4706.1-199B applies, radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
This chapter in GB4706.1-1998 applies
a-Square hardwood board
GB 4706. 44-1999
4 together
b-Insulating material; this material should not be pressed between the chrysanthemum board and the hammer water board I-Square board
d-Thermocouple fixed in the center of the copper plate, the thermocouple metal wire is installed between the transmission board and the insulating material. Figure 101 Device for measuring air temperature
Unit: mn
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