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HG/T 2584-1994 Rubber Industrial Gloves

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2584-1994

Standard Name: Rubber Industrial Gloves

Chinese Name: 橡胶工业手套

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-02-09

Date of Implementation:1995-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Rubber Products and Auxiliary Materials>>G44 Latex Products

associated standards

alternative situation:HG 4-1455-82; replaced by HG/T 2584-2002

Procurement status:JIS T8116-79(89) NEQ

Publication information

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HG/T 2584-1994 Rubber Industrial Gloves HG/T2584-1994 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
HG /T 2584 94
Rubber Industrial Gloves
1994-02-09 Issued
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on 1995-01-01
WWW.bzSoSO.comChemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rubber Industrial Gloves
Subject Content and Scope of Application
HG / T 2584 — 94
Replaces HG 4 -- 1455 — 82
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, acceptance rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of rubber industrial gloves. This standard applies to labor protection gloves made of natural latex as the main material for use in industry, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, etc. 2 Reference standards
GB/T528 Determination of lavalier properties of vegetable rubber and thermoplastic rubber GB2828 Batch inspection counting sampling procedures and sampling tables (applicable to continuous batch inspection) GB12624 Technical conditions for labor protection gloves 3 Terms
3.1 Tensile load: The force per unit width on the test part when the test piece breaks when pulled up. 3.2 Permeability resistance: The ability to prevent liquid (excluding gas) adhering to the surface of the film from penetrating into the surface. 4 Technical requirements
Appearance defects
The gloves should be free of defects that seriously affect the appearance, such as rubber particles, sticking, etc. 4.2 Specifications and dimensions
The specifications and dimensions of the gloves are measured according to the 5.2 gauge width method and should comply with the provisions of Table 1. Table
S (small)
M (medium)
L (large)
EL (extra large)
Total length
Minimum value
Finger length
Basic size
Ultimate deviation
Note: When there are special requirements for the model, specification and size of gloves, the supplier and the end shall negotiate. 4.3 Tensile load
Basic size
Ultimate deviation
± 10
Tensile load shall be tested according to the test method specified in 5.3, and its value shall not be less than 100N/cm4.4 Permeation resistance
Single layer thickness
Minimum value
Test according to the provisions of 6.8 in GB12624. The test piece shall have no cracks, no dissolution and no spots. No other abnormal phenomenon. When testing the finished product, there is no obvious swelling, shrinkage, hardening, etc., and it does not hinder the movement of fingers. 4.5 Pinholes
Check according to the method in Appendix A, no pinholes.
5 Test method
5.1 Appearance inspection
Inflate the gloves and visually inspect them without stretching them. If it is difficult to judge, the film can be stretched to about one time to make a judgment. 5.2 Size measurement
5.2.1 The thickness of the gloves is measured by using a percentage thickness gauge to measure three points: the finger part (about 10.mm from the top of the middle finger), the palm part (near the center), and the wrist part (about 25mm from the concave side), and the arithmetic average is taken. 5.2.2 The total length of the gloves (the length from the middle finger tip to the wrist in the vertical direction), the palm width (the width of the thumb at the base of the hand), and the middle finger length (the vertical distance from the middle finger and the ring finger fork to the top of the middle finger) are measured by flattening the product and measuring with a millimeter scale. 5.3 Determination of tensile load
5.3.1 Use the I-type cutter specified in GB528 to cut the sample from the back, wrist and palm smooth surface of the glove along the diffusion direction. 5.3.2 The tensile load is determined in accordance with the provisions of GB528 and calculated by formula (1): F
Wherein: L——tensile load, N/cm;
F—maximum load, N;
B—width of the working part of the sample, cm.
5.4 Determination of permeability resistance
Perform according to the relevant provisions of 6.8 of GB12624. (The reagent is 80% H,SO4, and the ratio of methylene blue is 0.2g/100mL). The sample can be cut from the palm or back of one glove, and the other glove can be used for finished product testing. 5.5 Pinhole water slide test
Carry out according to the method of Xie Lu A.
6 Acceptance rules
6.1 The unit product for sampling inspection is - pair of gloves. 6.2 According to GB2828 batching and sampling, the inspection level and AQL value shall comply with the provisions of 2. Table 2
Inspection level
Specification size
Tension load
Xie permeability
Pinhole water
Superior product
Qualified product
6.3 When the inspection result does not exceed the AQL value specified in Table 2, the gloves can be considered to meet the requirements of this standard and should be accepted. 6.4 The permeation resistance test shall be conducted at least once a month. 6.5 If any of the inspection results exceeds the AQL value specified in Table 2, the gloves are considered to be unqualified. The unqualified items of qualified products can be strictly inspected once. If they are still unqualified, the products of this batch or period are unqualified. Packaging and marking
7.1 Each glove should have a specification mark about 2 cm from the edge on the front. 7.2 Each pair of gloves should be packed in a saddle, and the product name, specification, trademark, manufacturer name, and production date should be marked on it. 7.3 Several packs are packed in a box, and the box should be marked with the product name, specification, quantity, manufacturer name, trademark, and standard number. 7.4 Several bags or boxes are packed in a box, and the box should be marked with the product name, specification, quantity, manufacturer name, packing date, production batch number, label number, quality mark, volume and weight. 7.5 Packaging and marking If there are special requirements, it can be carried out according to the agreement between the supply and demand parties. 8.1 Gloves should be covered during transportation to prevent them from being exposed to the sun and the shade, and should not be exposed to moisture or heat. 8.2 Gloves should be stored in a well-ventilated, cool and dry warehouse (the indoor suitable humidity should be below 30 degrees Celsius and below 80%. Products should be placed on shelves more than 20 cm above the ground, and appropriate distances should be maintained between stacks. They should be protected from direct sunlight or strong artificial light with high ultraviolet content, and should not be exposed to oil, acid, copper, manganese and other substances harmful to rubber at a distance of 1 square meter from heat sources. 8.3 In Under the above storage conditions, the storage period of gloves is 18 months from the date of manufacture. AI Principle
Appendix A
Water leakage test method for rubber industrial gloves
Fill a certain amount of water into the gloves hanging on the test device and observe their leakage. A2 Device
The sample chuck can clamp the edge of the glove sample, so that it is fixed and suspended and can fill the glove with a specified amount of water. A3 Test conditionsbZxz.net
3.1 Water filling volume
S: 500mL; M: 600mL; L: 600mL; EL: 700 mL3.2 After filling with water, hang for not less than 2
A4 Test steps
4.1: Install the edge of the glove sample on the chuck to clamp it tightly. 4.2: Fill the glove sample with a specified amount of water and immediately record the time. 4.3: After the glove sample is filled with water, hang it for no less than 2 minutes and observe whether there is water in each part of the glove. 4.4: Remove the glove sample and record the test results. A5: Test result display
For any glove sample with water leakage, the test result is indicated by "drowning". Additional instructions:
This standard is issued by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Latex Industry Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by Guangzhou No. 10 Rubber Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Nian Hongling and Qu Baoqing. This standard adopts and complies with JIST8116-79 (89) "Labor Hygiene Protection Gloves" of the People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Rubber Industry Annual Set
HG / T 2584 —94
Compiled by the Chemical Industry Standards Continuing Department
(Institute of Standardization, Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal code: 100013
Printed by the Institute of Standardization, Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Format 880×12301/16 Number of printed sheets 8000 First edition in June 1994
First printing in June 1994
Number of copies 1—500
Cost 2.10 Yuan
G/T 25494
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