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Specifications for quality inspection and acceptance of geographic conditions monitoring achievements

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39613-2020

Standard Name:Specifications for quality inspection and acceptance of geographic conditions monitoring achievements

Chinese Name: 地理国情监测成果质量检查与验收

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-12-14

Date of Implementation:2020-12-14

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.040 Astronomy, Geodesy, Geography

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Surveying and Mapping>>A75 Surveying and Mapping Comprehensive

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2020-12-01

other information

drafter:Zhang Jixian, Zhang Li, Zhao Haitao, Mao Wenjuan, Chen Haipeng, Zhai Liang, Li Chong, Gao Wenchao, Chen Chunxi, Wang Shan, Liu Jia, Zhang Qiuyi, Li Miao, Li Chang, Yin Su, Tian Zongbiao, Qiu Bo, Zhao Ying, Zhou Jin, Yao Bingquan, He Chuan

Drafting unit:National Surveying and Mapping Product Quality Inspection and Testing Center, Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, Sichuan Surveying and Mapping Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Station of the Ministry of Natural Resources, National Ba

Focal point unit:National Surveying and Mapping Product Quality Inspection and Testing Center, Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, Sichuan Surveying and Mapping Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Station of the Ministry of Natural Resources, National Basic Geographic Information Center

Proposing unit:Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39613-2020.Specifications for quality inspection and acceptance of geographic conditions monitoring achievements.
GB/T 39613 specifies the basic requirements, sampling inspection procedures, quality assessment methods and quality assessment indicators for quality inspection and acceptance of geographic conditions monitoring achievements.
GB/T 39613 is applicable to the quality inspection and acceptance of basic achievements and thematic achievements.
2Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 18316-2008 Quality inspection and acceptance of digital surveying and mapping results
GB/T 24356 Quality inspection and acceptance of surveying and mapping results
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 18316-2008 and GB/T 24356 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Geographic conditions monitoring
Comprehensively utilize modern surveying and mapping technologies such as global satellite navigation and positioning technology, aerospace remote sensing technology, and geographic information system technology, and integrate the existing surveying and mapping results archives of various periods to conduct dynamic, quantitative, and spatial monitoring of factors such as topography, water systems, transportation, and land cover, and statistically analyze their changes, change frequencies, distribution characteristics, regional differences, and change trends, so as to form monitoring data, maps, and research reports that reflect the spatial distribution of various resources, environmental, ecological, and economic factors and their development and change laws.
4 Basic requirements
4.1 Two-level inspection and one-level acceptance
The inspection and acceptance of the results of geographical national conditions monitoring shall implement the "two-level inspection and one-level acceptance" system. The results of geographical national conditions monitoring shall be inspected and accepted by the first-level inspection, second-level inspection and production entrusting party in turn. The inspection work at each level shall be carried out independently and shall not be omitted or replaced.
4.1.1 First-level inspection:
The basic requirements of the first-level inspection include:
a) The first-level inspection shall conduct 100% internal inspection of the results of geographical national conditions monitoring, focusing on the results in the changed area. Field inspection shall be carried out for those involving field production. The inspection ratio shall not be less than 30% of the field production during production, and inspection records shall be kept;
This standard specifies the basic requirements, sampling inspection procedures, quality assessment methods and quality assessment indicators for the quality inspection and acceptance of the results of geographical national conditions monitoring. This standard applies to the quality inspection and acceptance of basic results and special results.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specifications for quality inspection and acceptance of geographic conditions monitoring achievements2020-12-14Issued
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Administration of Standardization
Implementation on 2020-12-14
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
Basic requirements
Two-level inspection and one-level acceptance
Inspection and acceptance objects
Basic principles of quality assessment
5 Sampling inspection procedures
Composition of batch results
Unit results quality assessment
Batch results quality determination
Preparation of report||tt| |Quality Assessment Method
Unit Achievement Quality Characterization
Unit Achievement Quality Scoring Method
Unit Achievement Quality Assessment
Batch Achievement Quality Determination
Quality Assessment Index
Assessment Requirements
Surface Cover Classification Data Achievement
Geographic National Conditions Element Data Achievement…
Production Metadata Achievement
Remote Sensing Image Interpretation Sample Data Achievement.
Basic Statistical Achievement
Thematic Monitoring Achievement
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Geographic Information Standardization (SAC/TC230). GB/T39613—2020
The drafting units of this standard are: National Surveying and Mapping Product Quality Inspection and Testing Center, Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, Sichuan Surveying and Mapping Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Station of the Ministry of Natural Resources, and National Basic Geographic Information Center. The main drafters of this standard are: Zhang Jixian, Zhang Li, Zhao Haitao, Mao Wenjuan, Chen Haipeng, Zhai Liang, Li Chong, Gao Wenchao, Chen Chunxi, Wang Shan, Liu Jia, Zhang Qiuyi, Li Miao, Li Chang, Yin Li, Tian Zongbiao, Qiu Bo, Zhao Ying, Zhou Jin, Yao Bingquan, and He Chuan. 1
Quality inspection and acceptance of geographical national conditions monitoring results GB/T39613-—2020
This standard specifies the basic requirements, sampling inspection procedures, quality assessment methods and quality assessment indicators for quality inspection and acceptance of geographical national conditions monitoring results.
This standard applies to the quality inspection and acceptance of basic and special results. Normative reference documents
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For all referenced documents with dates, only the versions with dates apply to this document. For all referenced documents without dates, the latest versions (including all amendments) apply to this document. GB/T18316—2008 Quality inspection and acceptance of digital surveying and mapping results GB/T24356 Quality inspection and acceptance of surveying and mapping results 3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T18316—2008 and GB/T24356 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document 3.1
geographic conditions monitoring
Comprehensively utilize modern surveying and mapping technologies such as global satellite navigation and positioning technology, aerospace remote sensing technology, and geographic information system technology, and integrate existing surveying and mapping results archives from various periods to conduct dynamic, quantitative, and spatial monitoring of topography, water systems, transportation, surface cover and other elements, and statistically analyze their changes, frequency of changes, distribution characteristics, regional differences, and trends, so as to form monitoring data, maps, diagrams, and research reports that reflect the spatial distribution of various resource, environmental, ecological, and economic elements and the laws of their development and change. 4 Basic requirements
Two-level inspection and one-level acceptance
The inspection and acceptance of geographical national conditions monitoring results shall implement the "two-level inspection, one-level acceptance" system. The geographical national conditions monitoring results shall be successively inspected through the first-level inspection, the second-level inspection and the acceptance of the production entrusting party. The inspection work at each level shall be carried out independently and shall not be omitted or replaced. 4.1.1 First-level inspection
The basic requirements for the first-level inspection include:
The first-level inspection shall conduct 100% internal inspection of the geographical national conditions monitoring results, focusing on the results in the changed area, and involving field production. a)
Field inspection shall be carried out for production, and the inspection ratio shall not be less than 30% of the field work during production, and inspection records shall be kept; b) Problems found in the first-level inspection and the results of the re-inspection shall be recorded in the inspection record; c) The monitoring operator shall sign the inspection record after modifying the quality problems raised by the first-level inspection; d) The inspection record of the first-level inspection shall be submitted together with the geographical national conditions monitoring results. Secondary inspection department; if the quality index requirements are not met after the first-level inspection, the geographical national conditions monitoring results should be returned for processing; e)
The geographical national conditions monitoring results after returning for processing should be reviewed to determine whether the problems have been completely corrected GB/T39613—2020
4.1.2 Secondary inspection
The basic requirements for the secondary inspection include:
The geographical national conditions monitoring results can only be inspected at the second level after passing the first-level inspectiona)
b) The second-level inspection conducts 100% internal inspection of the geographical national conditions monitoring results, focusing on the results in the changed area. Field inspections should be carried out for those involving field production. The inspection ratio should not be less than 10% of the field work during production, and in principle, the field inspection area should not be repeated with the first-level inspection.
The problems found in the inspection and the results of the re-inspection should be recorded in the inspection record. d)
The second-level inspection should review the first-level inspection record.
The monitoring operator should sign the inspection record after modifying the quality problems raised by the second-level inspection. If the second-level inspection fails or fails to meet the quality index requirements, the geographical national conditions monitoring results should be returned for processing. f)
The geographical national conditions monitoring results should be re-inspected for the second level until they are qualified. g) After the second-level inspection is completed, the unit's results quality level should be evaluated, and an inspection report should be written. The inspection record and inspection report should be submitted with the results for acceptance.
4.1.3 Acceptance
The basic requirements for acceptance include:
The geographical national conditions monitoring results can only be accepted after they have passed the second-level inspection. The problems found in the acceptance and the results of the re-inspection should be recorded in the inspection record. The acceptance should review the second-level inspection records and reports. The batch of results that failed the acceptance will be returned for processing and resubmitted for acceptance. When re-accepting, re-sampling should be carried out. For qualified batch results, the errors found in the inspection shall be corrected and verified through re-inspection. After the acceptance work is completed, an inspection report shall be prepared. The inspection report format shall be implemented in accordance with Appendix A of GB/T18316-2008. For results involving digital orthophoto data, the inspection and acceptance shall be implemented in accordance with GB/T18316-2008. g)
Inspection and acceptance objects
The basic objects of inspection, acceptance and quality assessment are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Basic objects for inspection, acceptance and quality assessmentSerial number
Result type
Digital orthophoto data results
Surface cover classification data results
Geographic national conditions factor data results
Production metadata results
Remote sensing image interpretation sample data results
Basic statistical results
Thematic monitoring results
Basic principles of quality assessmentbzxz.net
The basic principles of result quality assessment include: a)
Result quality assessment is divided into unit result quality assessment and batch result quality determination: 2
Basic Special and special results
Basic results
Special results
b) The quality levels of unit results of detailed inspection are divided into excellent, good, qualified and unqualified, and the quality levels of unit results of general inspection are divided into qualified and unqualified;
The quality of batch results is determined by qualified and unqualified; d)
The quality assessment indicators of relevant results in Chapter 7, such as quality elements, quality sub-elements, inspection item definitions, quality element weights, quality sub-element weights, as well as error rate limits and error and omission classifications, if adjusted, should be reported to the production entrusting party for approval. Sampling inspection procedure
Composition of batch results
Batch results should be composed of geographical national conditions monitoring unit results of the same level and specification produced under the guidance of the same technical design book. When the production volume is large, batch results can be composed according to different production time, different operation methods or different operation units, and batch inspection can be implemented.
5.2 Detailed investigation
Determine sampling units
The sampling units of the geographical national conditions monitoring results are shown in Table 2. Table 2
Results of land cover classification data
Results of geographical national conditions element data
Results of production metadata
Results of remote sensing image interpretation samples
Basic statistical results
Results of thematic monitoring
Determine the sample size
Determine the sample size according to the provisions of Table 3.
Sampling units for monitoring results
Sampling units
County-level survey areas
County-level survey areas
County-level survey areas
Administrative divisions
The logical sampling method is adopted, that is, whether the data is physically trimmed is determined according to the actual needs of the inspection work, but the data problems caused by trimming are not counted as errors and omissions in human results.
Only one sampling unit can be used for the same batch of results.
Sample size determination table
Sample size
5.2.3 Sample selection
The procedure for sampling is as follows:
Table 3 (continued)
Sample size
Submit in batches, the number of batches should be the smallest, and the batch size of each batch should be uniform. Sample selection In general, the stratified proportional random sampling method is used to select samples from the batch results, that is, the batch results are divided into different layers according to different monitoring operation units, different monitoring category divisions and other factors. According to the sample size, the unit results in each layer are randomly selected in proportion.
b) The sample size of land cover classification data shall not be less than the requirements of Table 3. For the inspection of the two quality elements of results acquisition accuracy and classification accuracy, detailed sample inspection can be carried out according to the county-level survey area, or a detailed inspection of a map sheet not less than 10% of the area of ​​the survey area can be selected within the county-level survey area. The map sheet focuses on covering areas with large changes, such as: the periphery of towns above the county level, the periphery of major projects, etc. c
Thematic monitoring results adopt a holistic inspection method. The inspection of the three quality elements of monitoring data, statistical data, and map results can be carried out by sampling not less than 10% of the results according to administrative divisions, regions, feature sets, map sheets, etc. according to the situation.
d) Extract relevant information of batch results, such as technical design documents, technical summaries, inspection reports, joint tables, map sheet lists, etc. 5.2.4 Sample detailed inspection
According to the inspection items specified in the quality assessment indicators of each type of results in Chapter 7, inspect the unit results one by one, and count the number of various errors and omissions, error rates, etc.
5.3 General inspection
Generally inspect the important inspection items or important elements of the unit results outside the sample, as well as the common and tendency problems found in the sample detailed inspection, and count the number of various errors and omissions, error rates, etc. 4 Unit result quality assessment
According to the results of the sample detailed inspection and the general inspection outside the sample, assess the quality of the unit results in accordance with the provisions of 6.3. 5 Batch result quality determination
According to the results of the unit result quality assessment, determine the batch result quality in accordance with the provisions of 6.4. 5.6
Prepare report
The content and format of the inspection report shall be in accordance with the provisions of Appendix A of GB/T18316-2008 6 Quality assessment method
Unit result quality representation
The unit result quality level is represented by a percentage system. Different quality characterization indicators are used for the geographical national conditions monitoring results, see Table 4. 4
Result type
Monitoring results Unit result quality characterization indicators Surface cover classification data results
Geographic national conditions element data results
Production metadata results
Remote sensing image interpretation sample data results
Basic statistical results
Thematic monitoring results
Unit result quality scoring method
6.2.1 Surface cover classification, geographical national conditions elements, production metadataG B/T39613-—2020
Quality Characterization
Error Rate
Number of Errors and Omissions
Surface Cover Classification, Geographic National Conditions, Production Metadata Results Score the inspection items, quality sub-elements, and quality elements in accordance with the requirements of GB/T18316-2008. The unit result quality score adopts the weighted average method of quality elements: Quality Element Scoring Method
According to the quality inspection results, the quality element score is calculated according to the provisions of the detailed inspection quality assessment indicators of each unit result in Table 8, Table 9, and Table 10.
Unit Results Quality Score
According to the quality inspection results, the unit result quality score is calculated, see formula (1): S
Unit result quality score;
Number of quality elements contained in the unit result; S
Unit result quality element score;
Quality element weight.
Remote sensing image interpretation samples, basic statistics, thematic monitoring data........................( )
Remote sensing image interpretation samples, basic statistics, thematic monitoring data results are scored according to the requirements of GB/T24356 for quality elements, quality sub-elements, and unit results quality. The types of errors and omissions and the standards for deductions are shown in Table 5. Table 5 Remote sensing image interpretation samples, basic statistics, thematic monitoring results types of errors and omissions and standards for deductions Error type
! It is the adjustment coefficient, which is generally taken as 1. When adjustment is required, it must be approved by the production client. Deduction standard
12/t points
4/t points
1/t points
The scoring method for quality sub-elements is shown in formula (2): S2=100-[aiX(12/t)+aX(4/t)+a:X(1/t)]Where:
Quality sub-element score;
Number of Class B errors and omissions;
Adjustment coefficient;
-Number of Class C errors and omissions;
-Number of Class D errors and omissions.
The quality element scoring method is shown in formula (3): 力
The quality element score value;
The number of quality sub-elements contained in the quality element; Sa
The score value of the first quality sub-element in the quality element; p,
The weight of the quality sub-element in the quality element. The unit achievement quality scoring method is shown in formula (4): Xp,
The unit achievement score value;
The number of quality elements contained in the unit achievement; The score value of the first quality element in the unit achievement; The weight of the quality element in the unit achievement.
Unit achievement quality assessment
When a unit achievement has any of the following situations, it is judged as unqualified: Class A errors and omissions occur in the unit achievement;
b) The quality score of the quality sub-element is less than 60 points. The unit achievement quality assessment level is shown in Table 6.
Table 6 Unit achievement quality assessment level
Quality score
90 points ≤ S ≤ 100 points
75 points ≤ S < 90 points
60 points ≤ S < 75 points
S < 60 points
Or the achievement quality element is unqualified
Batch achievement quality judgment
The quality level of the batch achievement is determined by the judgment conditions. The judgment conditions are shown in Table 7. 6
Quality level
.. (3)
Quality level
Batch qualified
Batch unqualified
Quality assessment indicators
Assessment requirements
Table 7 Quality judgment conditions for batch results
Judgment conditions
No unqualified unit results were found in the detailed and general surveys Unqualified unit results were found in the detailed and general surveys GB/T39613-—2020
Technical documents (such as design books, technical summaries, inspection reports, etc.) and information documents (such as task divisions, task area boundary data, etc.) for batch results cannot be submitted
The scope of submitted data is incomplete
Quality of various types of results When using the quantitative assessment indicators in practice, the following requirements should be noted: a)
When the inspection results of the inspection items of the quality elements do not meet the qualified conditions, no points will be calculated and the quality element will be unqualified; when counting the total number of unit achievement elements, the mathematical number of all elements in the data will be used for statistics, and the number of point, line and surface elements will be counted according to the mathematical number of points, lines and surfaces in the data; b)
When there are overall or common problems, and the error rate limit is obviously greater than the technical requirements, which has a serious impact on the use of the results, there is no need to count the number of errors, calculate the error rate and score, and the quality element will be unqualified; each error is generally counted as one error. d)
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