title>JB/T 6939.2-1993 Test method for controllers for small wind turbines - JB/T 6939.2-1993 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 6939.2-1993 Test method for controllers for small wind turbines

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6939.2-1993

Standard Name: Test method for controllers for small wind turbines

Chinese Name: 小型风力发电机组用控制器 试验方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1993-07-29

Date of Implementation:1994-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Energy, Nuclear Technology>>Energy>>F11 Wind Energy

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by JB/T 6939.2-2004

Publication information

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Focal point unit:Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Institute

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 6939.2-1993 Test method for controllers used in small wind turbines JB/T6939.2-1993 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 6939.293
Controller for small wind turbines
Test method||tt| |Released on 1993-07-29
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on 1994-01-01
Machinery Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China||tt| |Controller for small wind turbines
Test method
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the rechargeable small wind power generation Test conditions, test contents and test methods for unit controllers. This standard applies to controller products for rechargeable small wind turbines (hereinafter referred to as controllers). 2 Reference standards
3 Test conditions
Basic environmental test procedures for electrical and electronic products Test face A : Low overflow test method Basic Environmental Test Procedures for Electrical and Electronic Products Test B: High temperature test method Basic Environmental Test Procedures for Electrical and Electronic Products Test Fc: Alarm (sinusoidal) test method 3.1 If there are no special requirements, all tests of the controller should be in a normal temperature environment in progress. 3.2 The instruments and meters used for testing should be calibrated and qualified and within the calibration period. See Appendix A (reference part) for its accuracy level. 4 Test content and method
4.1 Overvoltage test
4.1.1 Overvoltage protection function test of automatic protection controller The test should be wired according to the schematic diagram shown in Figure 1. DC voltage regulator
Figure 1
Controller The maximum output voltage of the DC voltage regulator used in the test should not be less than 1.2 times the allowable overvoltage value of the battery pack (The requirements for the DC voltage regulator used in the following tests are the same). The test is carried out as follows:
a Adjust the output voltage of the DC voltage regulator to the rated voltage of the battery pack: slowly adjust the DC voltage regulator so that its output voltage gradually rises, Until the controller overvoltage protection device automatically operates, at this time, the voltage value indicated by b.
direct voltage meter is the action voltage of the controller overvoltage protection: continue to slowly adjust the DC voltage regulator to make The output voltage gradually decreases until the controller overvoltage protection device automatically recovers. At this time, the voltage value indicated by the DC voltmeter is the recovery voltage of the controller overvoltage protection: The test is repeated three times, and the measured controller overvoltage protection The operating voltage and recovery voltage are recorded in Table 1: d.
Record the arithmetic mean of the three test results in Table 6. e.
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on 1993-07-29
Implemented on 1994-01-01
4.1.2 Overvoltage indication function test of simple controller Test The wiring is carried out according to the schematic diagram shown in Figure 1. The test is carried out according to the following steps:
a. Adjust the output voltage of the DC voltage regulator to the rated voltage of the battery pack: b. Continue to slowly adjust the DC voltage regulator to gradually increase the output voltage until Until the controller indicates overvoltage, the voltage value indicated by the DC voltmeter at this time is the overvoltage indication voltage value of the controller. Repeat the test three times and fill in the results in Table 1: Record the arithmetic mean of the three test results in Table 7 . c
4.2 Undervoltage test
4.2.1 Undervoltage protection function test of automatic protection controller Test Wiring according to the schematic diagram shown in Figure 1. The test is carried out as follows:
Adjust the output voltage of the DC voltage regulator to the rated voltage of the battery pack: a.
b. Slowly adjust the DC voltage regulator so that its output voltage gradually decreases until the controller's undervoltage protection device automatically activates. At this time, the voltage value indicated by the DC voltmeter is the action voltage of the controller's undervoltage protection. e. Continue to adjust the DC voltage. regulator to slowly increase its output voltage until the controller's undervoltage protection device automatically recovers. At this time, the voltage value indicated by the DC voltmeter is the recovery voltage of the controller's undervoltage protection. d. Repeat the test three times, and Record the action voltage and recovery voltage of the controller's undervoltage protection obtained in Table 1; e. Record the arithmetic mean of the three test results in Table 6. 4.2.2 Undervoltage indication function test of the simple controller Test Carry out wiring according to the schematic diagram shown in Figure 1. The test is carried out according to the following steps:
a. Adjust the output voltage value of the DC voltage regulator to the rated voltage value of the battery pack; b. Continue to adjust the DC voltage regulator so that its output voltage slowly decreases until Until the controller indicates undervoltage, the voltage value indicated by the DC voltmeter is the undervoltage indication voltage value. Repeat the test three times, and fill in the results in Table 1; c. Record the arithmetic mean of the test results in Table 7. 4.3 Battery pack voltage indication function test
4.3.1 The automatic protection controller with battery pack voltage indication function can be tested according to the following regulations. 4.3.2 The test is conducted according to the schematic diagram shown in Figure 1. 4.3 .3 During the test, adjust the output voltage of the DC regulator to the overvoltage, undervoltage and normal operating voltage of the battery pack, and observe whether the controller can correctly indicate the three states of overvoltage, undervoltage and normal operation. The results are recorded in Table 6. 4.4 Voltage regulation rate and current regulation rate test 4.4.1 For the DC input type controller, the wiring should be according to the schematic diagram shown in Figure 2: For the AC input type controller, the three-phase voltage regulation should be according to the schematic diagram shown in Figure 2. The transformer and DC voltmeter are connected to the corresponding test points in the controller. Three-phase voltage regulation
Fig. 2
V,---multi-digit voltmeter, K-
voltage regulator
output lift
switch, R.
negative payment Resistance
JB/T 6939.2—93
4.4.2 When testing the voltage regulation rate, the load resistance should be adjusted when the input voltage of the controller is the rated voltage so that the load current is equal to the rated value. At this time Measure the output voltage at the regulated output terminal of the controller. Then adjust the three-phase voltage regulating transformer so that the input voltage of the controller fluctuates by 10% and 10% of the rated input voltage respectively, and measure the corresponding output voltage at the regulated output end of the controller. The results are recorded in Table 2. Test three times, calculate the arithmetic mean, and calculate the voltage regulation rate according to formula (1). 8
Where: 8—
Voltage adjustment rate, %;
Rated output voltage of a regulated output terminal, V; UU
The output voltage of the regulated output terminal when one input terminal fluctuates, VX100
Take the larger value from the two calculations and record it in Table 6 or Table 7 (automatic protection The results of the type controller are recorded in Table 6. The results of the simple controller are recorded in Table 7, the same below).
4.4.3 When testing the current regulation rate, the input voltage of the controller should be maintained at the rated value, the load resistance should be adjusted to make the load current equal to the rated value, and the output voltage of the controller's regulated output terminal should be measured at this time. Then cut off the load resistor to make the load current zero, and measure the output voltage at the regulated output terminal of the controller at this time. The results are filled in Table 2. Test three times and calculate the arithmetic mean value using the technical formula (2) to calculate the current adjustment rate, aul
where: 8-
-current adjustment rate, %:|| tt||U--The load current is the auxiliary output voltage of the isochronous voltage shift output terminal, V. The calculation results are recorded in Table 6 or Table 7.
4.5 Ripple voltage test
The digital voltmeter is replaced with an AC voltmeter or electronic oscilloscope, and the rest remains unchanged.
4.5.2 When testing the ripple voltage, maintain the input voltage of the controller at the rated value, and adjust the load resistor so that the load current is at the rated value. At this time, the ripple voltage measured by the AC millivolt meter or electronic oscilloscope is the ripple voltage at the regulated output terminal of the controller, and the results are filled in Table 2. Test three times and record the arithmetic average value in Table 6 or Table 7.4.6 Voltage-regulated output short-circuit automatic protection test 4.6.1 The schematic diagram of the test circuit is shown in Figure 2. 4.6.2 During the test, adjust the output voltage value + of the three-phase voltage regulating transformer so that it reaches the rated output voltage value of the small wind turbine, short-circuit the voltage-stabilizing output terminal to be tested, observe the short-circuit automatic protection action time, and conduct the test five times in a row. The results are filled in Table 3. Record the arithmetic mean of the five times in Table 6 or Table 7.
4.7 Overload test
4.7.1. The test is conducted according to the schematic diagram shown in Figure 3. The capacity of the adjustable power supply in the diagram should not be less than 5 times the maximum output power of the unit supporting the controller.
Adjustable electricity bill
Figure 3
R, | | tt | value, adjust the load resistance so that the load current is the rated value. Then adjust the adjustable power supply so that the product of the readings of the DC voltmeter and the DC ammeter (i.e. the input power of the controller) is not less than twice the rated output power of the unit supporting the controller. After 5 minutes, the overvoltage and undervoltage values ??of the controller are recorded in Table 4. 4.7.3 During the overload test at the output end of the controller, when the input voltage of the controller is at the rated value, the load resistance should be adjusted so that the load current It is 1.5 times the rated output current. After 5 minutes, measure the overvoltage and undervoltage values ??of the controller, and record the test results in Table 4. After the test is completed, record the overload test results in Table 6 or Table 74.8 Temperature test
4.8.1 Low temperature test
The low temperature test is carried out according to the procedures and test conditions specified in Test Ab in GB2423.1. Place the sample machine under test into the test box (room), then turn on the cold source to keep the temperature of the test box (room) at -20±3C, and the controller load works continuously for 16 hours. During this period, measure the overvoltage and undervoltage values ??of the controller every 8 hours, and record the results in Table 5. 4.8.2 High Temperature Test
The high temperature test shall follow the procedures and test conditions specified in Test Bb in GB2423.2 Proceed. Place the sample machine under test into the test box (room), then heat up the test box (room) to keep the temperature at 40±3°C, and the controller load works continuously for 16 hours. Measure the overvoltage and undervoltage values ??of the controller every 8 hours, and record the results in Table 5.
After the test, record the temperature test results in Table 6 or Table 7. 4.9 Vibration test
The vibration test shall be conducted according to the procedures and test conditions specified in GB2423.10. The vibration conditions that the product should be able to withstand are: vibration frequency is 20Hz, amplitude peak is 0.38mm, acceleration peak is 6.0m/s, duration is not less than 10min, and the test results are filled in Table 4. After the test is completed, record the vibration test results in Table 6 or Table 7. 5 Test Report
5.1 During the test process, relevant data and information should be compiled in a timely manner. After the test is completed, the results of observation, measurement and calculation should be verified, compiled and summarized, and a test report should be prepared.
5.2 The test report should include the following content:
Test time and location:
Test purpose:
Main technical parameters of the tested prototype:
Measuring instruments and instrument accuracy:
Test results and analysis;| |tt||Conclusion.
Tested prototype model:
Factory number:
Test items
Test||tt| |pressure
test sample model:
factory number:|| tt||action voltage
recovery voltage
overvoltage indication voltage
action voltage
recovery voltage
undervoltage indication voltage
try Project
Voltage regulation rate
Current detection rate
Side test
Fine voltage
v||tt| |V
Ripple voltage
Table 1 Overvoltage test and undervoltage test records Table
Table 2 Regulated output indicator test record table
1 | |tt | tt||Testing time:
Testing location:
Testing time:
Testing location:
Arithmetic mean
Arithmetic mean
Sample machine tested Model:
Factory number:
Trial item
Short circuit automatic protection
Action time
Remaining testers:| |tt||Prototype model under test:
Factory number:
Group test project
Input end overload test
Output end rush Load test
Pregnancy test
Group tester:
Prototype model:
Factory number:
Test items
Low test
High temperature test
Test person:
Table 3 short circuit Automatic protection action time test record table test
table 4 Overload test and vibration test record table
Overvoltage value
Table 5 Temperature test record table
Overvoltage value
under medical value
end||tt ||Fruit
Overvoltage value
Test time:
Test point:
Arithmetic mean
Test Time:
Environment scale:
Test location,
Overvoltage value
Test time:| |tt||Ambient temperature:
Test location:
16 h
Undervoltage value
Tested prototype model:
Factory number:
under medical treatment
test||tt ||Instruction
yu pressure
test||tt| |mixing
action test
Table 6 automatic protection controller test record table test items
action Voltage V
Recovery voltage: V
Action voltage V
Recovery voltage V
Overvoltage indication
Long-term voltage indication
Normal operation Indication
Voltage regulation rate %
Current regulation rate %
Ripple voltage mV
Short circuit automatic protection action time:
Input end overload test| |tt||Output end overload test
Low temperature test
High temperature test
The average working time before the first failure is h
Test results
Test time:
Ambient temperature:
Test location:
Model of machine under test:
Factory number:
Full test item
Overvoltage indication voltage value||tt ||V
Undervoltage indication voltage value
Regulated voltage
Dynamic test
Voltage regulation %
Current regulation %
Ripple voltage mVw|| tt||JB/T 6939.2—93
Table 7 Simple controller test record table
Test results
Short circuit automatic protection action time
Input end overload test
Output Overload test
Low temperature test
High test
Average working time before first failure h
Test time:
Ambient temperature:
Run test location:
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.