title>Classification and codes of diseases - GB/T 14396-1993 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Classification and codes of diseases

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 14396-1993

Standard Name:Classification and codes of diseases

Chinese Name: 疾病分类与代码

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1993-05-14

Date of Implementation:1994-01-01

Date of Expiration:2002-06-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A24 Classification Code

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 14396-2001

Procurement status:WHO-(ICD-199) MOD

Publication information

other information

Drafting unit:China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding, State Administration of Technical Supervision, Health Statistics Information Center, Ministry of Health, Beijing World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Disease

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the classification and codes of diseases, injuries and poisoning, their external causes, non-medical reasons for contact with health care institutions, and tumor morphology. This standard applies to the macro-management and statistical analysis of diseases, injuries, and causes of death by administrative agencies at all levels in the departments of statistics, medical and health care, public security, civil affairs, insurance and welfare, and is also applicable to the collection, collation and analysis of relevant data in various medical science fields. GB/T 14396-1993 Disease Classification and Codes GB/T14396-1993 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the classification and codes of diseases, injuries and poisoning, their external causes, non-medical reasons for contact with health care institutions, and tumor morphology. This standard applies to the macro-management and statistical analysis of diseases, injuries, and causes of death by administrative agencies at all levels in the departments of statistics, medical and health care, public security, civil affairs, insurance and welfare, and is also applicable to the collection, collation and analysis of relevant data in various medical science fields.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Classification and codes of diseases
Classification and codes ofr diseasesGR/T14396-93
This standard is equivalent to the World Health Organization WHO-(ICD-9) International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision 1 Subject content and scope of application
1.1 Subject content
This standard specifies the classification and codes of diseases, injuries, poisonings and their external causes, non-medical diseases integrated with health care institutions and tumor morphology.
1.2 Scope of application
This standard is applicable to the macro-management and statistical analysis of diseases, disabilities, causes of death, etc. by administrative management agencies at all levels, such as the general office, medical and health, public security, civil affairs, insurance and welfare departments. It is also applicable to the collection, collation and analysis of relevant data in various medical science fields. 2 Terms and symbols
2.1 Terms
2.1-1 Classification of diseases Classification of diseases is a method of classifying various diseases into categories and systems according to certain established principles. 2.2 Symbols
This standard has a "+" or "*" sign after the code of some diseases or other diagnostic terms. 2.2.1 The asterisk \ \
represents the cause of the diagnosed disease. In the statistics of a single cause, the code must be summarized and counted. 2.2.2 The asterisk \*\
represents the clinical manifestation of the diagnosed disease. The code is not counted. 2.2.3 Square brackets \[-”
The content in square brackets is a synonym, a substitute word, an annotation phrase or an indicative phrase. 2.2.4 Brackets \()"
The words in round brackets are auxiliary words. Whether the modifiers in the round brackets appear or not will not affect the coding. 2.3 Foreign word pairs
This standard lists the corresponding English names after the Chinese diagnostic names. When the Chinese meaning can be obtained from the above text, the English name shall be omitted,
For example: 01.9 English words specified 3 Classification principles and abbreviation methods
3.1 Classification adopts the basic principle of etiology as the main factor and anatomy site and other factors as the auxiliary factors. 3.2 Coding method
3.2.1 Diseases (including symptoms, signs and other unclear conditions and the nature of injuries and poisoning) are represented by three or four digits. Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on May 14, 1993 and implemented on January 1, 1994
From 001.0 to 999.9.
GB/T 74396--93
3.2.2 Supplementary classification of multiple causes of injury and poisoning is represented by the English letter "F" plus three or four digits, from E8C0.1 to E999.9.
3.2.3 The dash "\
represents a three-digit number, and the dash after \ is the fourth digit. For example: 730.7 Bone disease caused by poliomyelitis (045.+) 045.1+ Acute myelitis with other paralysis 045.2+ Acute non-paralytic myelitis 3.2.4 The classification of certain factors that affect health status and contact with health care institutions is represented by the English letter "V" plus two or three digits, from V01.0 to V82.9. 3.2.5 The morphology of tumors is represented by the English letter "M" plus three or four digits, from M800 to M997. After the four-digit number, add "\" and a digit to indicate the nature of the tumor: a.
/0: indicates benign tumor:
/1: indicates undetermined malignancy or malignancy (borderline malignancy): 72: indicates in situ tumor: | |tt||/3: indicates a malignant tumor at the primary site; 76: indicates a malignant tumor at the secondary site; 79: indicates that it is not certain whether it is a malignant tumor at the primary or secondary site. Three-digit category capsule (including E, V supplementary table) 4
Infectious diseases are called parasitic diseases
Chinese name
Intestinal infectious diseases
Medicine typhoid and paratyphoid
Other salmonella infections
Suffering from helminthiasis
Other (bacterial) food poisoning
Other protozoal enteric diseases
Enteric infections caused by other pathogens
Unspecified enteric infections
Primary tuberculosis infection
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Other respiratory tuberculosis
Tuberculosis of the cerebrospinal and central nervous systems
Intestinal, peritoneal and mesenteric lymphofibrosis
English name
Intestinal infcetious diseasesCholera
Typhoid and paratyphoid feversOther salmonella infcctiong
Cther food poisoning (bacierial)Amorbiasis
Otherpretoznal intestinal discascsIntestinal infeetions due o other crganismsIll defined intest: nal infectionsTuherculosis ||tt || glands
Chinese name
Tuberculosis of bones and joints
Tuberculosis of the urogenital system
Tuberculosis of other organs
Mycobacterial tuberculosis
Bacterial diseases transmitted by animals
Rat-bite fever||tt| |Other bacterial diseases transmitted by animals
Other bacterial diseases
Diseases caused by other mycobacteria
Whooping cough
Streptococcal sore throat and fever
Meningococcal infection
Actinomycetic infection
Other bacterial diseases
Bacterial infections caused by conditions classified elsewhere and unspecified sites
Poliomyelitis and other viral diseases of the central nervous system mediated by non-arthropod vectors
Poliomyelitis (325.2*)
Central nervous system lentiviral infections
Enteroviral diseases caused by meningitis
Other enteroviral diseases of the visceral nervous systemOther non-segmented viral diseases of the central nervous system
Viral diseases with exanthema
Tuberculsis of buncs and joinisTuberculosis of grnitonrinary SystemTuberculoxin of other organsMiliary tubeiculosis
Zuonutic bacterial diseases
Rat-bite fever
Other zoonotic bacterial discascsDther bacterlal diseases
Disrases due to other mycobarterialDiphtheria
Whooping cough
Sireptococcal sore tarout and scarlatinaErysipelas
Meningococcal infectien
Actinomycotic infections
Other bacterial diseases
Ractcrial infection in Eondi:iorus classifiedelsewhere and of unspecified silePoliomyelitis and other non-arthrupndharnevlral diseases of central nervous systenAcute poliomyel:tis
Slow virus infection of central nervous sys.tem
Meringitis due to enterovirus systrem.
Othtr non arthropod-borne viral disrases of lentral nervous system
Viral diseases aceompanied by cxanthcmSmallpux
Cowpox and parararrinis
Chinese name
Herpes zoster
First pure dandruff
Its viral pain disease
Arthropod Vector-borne viral diseases
Yellow fever
Dengue fever
Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis (323.3)
Tick-borne viral encephalitis (323.3)
Other and unspecified arthropod-borne viral encephalitis (323.3*)
Arthropod-borne hemorrhagic fever
Other arthropod-borne viral diseases, viruses and chlamydiae|| tt||Viral hepatitis (573.1*)
Epidemic leukemia
Specific diseases caused by coxsackievirus
Infectious mononucleosis
Other conjunctivitis caused by viruses and chlamydia
Other diseases caused by viruses and chlamydia
Conditions classified elsewhere and toxic infections of unspecified sites
Rickettsiosis and Other arthropod-borne diseases
Epidemic typhus
Other typhus
Tick-borne rickettsial diseases
Other rickettsial diseases
Therapeutic groups
Other arthropod-borne diseases
Syphilis and other venereal diseases
Congenital syphilis
Herpax zoiter
He:pes simplex
t Othee viral exanthemata
Arthropod borae viral discasesYelluw fever
: andunspecified arthropods
Arthropod oornc hacmorrhegi: IeverOther atthropet-burne viril dixeasesOther discascs due to viruses and ChlamydiaeViral hepatitis
Specific diseakes due to lo roxsarkie virusInfec:ticun mononurleosis | and other arthruped-horne dis-eases
Louse-borne [epidemie] typhusOthertyphus
Tiek-borne rickettsioses
Other ricketlsiroses
Leishmaniasis|| tt||T'rypanosomiasis
Relapsing fever
Cther arihropod-borne diseasesSyphilis aad ather venereal diseasenCungenital syphilis
GB/T 1439693
Symptomatic early syphilis
Latent weekly syphilis
Cardiovascular syphilis
Symptomatic Other forms of late syphilis
Latent late syphilis
Other and unspecified syphilis
Gonorrheal infection
Other STDs
Other spirochete diseases
Heptococcus pharyngitis
Other spirochete infections| |tt||Mycoses
Other and unspecified dermatomycoses
Coccidioidomycosis||t t||Histoplasmosis
Other mycoses
Organic mycoses
Hemorrhage Diseases [schizontosis]
other aspiration infections
other filarial infections
filariasis Guinea worm Disease
Hookworm and nematode diseases
Other intestinal nematode diseases
Other and unspecified nematode diseases
Unspecified intestinal Parasitic diseases
Other infectious diseases and parasitic diseases
Shaping diseases
Pediculosis and pubic lice
English Silk
Early syphilis, symptomatitEarly sypinilis. tatent
Cardiovascular syphitis
Other forms of late syphilix, with symptoms
Late syphilis, latent
Other and anspecified sypailisGunococcal infections
Cuher venerea, disedsex
Other spirochaetal diseases
Vincent's argina
Other spirochaetal infeerionMycoses
Dermatophytnsis| |tt||Dermatomycosis, other and unspecificdCandidiasis
Blastatniycotir: infection
Other mycoses
Opportrnistit mycases
St:histosomiesis [ bilharziasis!Other trematode infectior.s
Other cestode infertion
Filarial infection and dracontiesis s and parusitic diseasesToxoplasmosis
Pediculosis and phthirus infcslalionAcariasis
GB/T 14396
Chinese name
Other pests and diseases
Other and unspecified infectious diseases and three infectious and parasitic diseases Late effects of
Late effects of nucleus necrotizing
Late effects of acute poliomyelitis
Late effects of other infectious diseases and parasites Malignant neoplasms of the lips, oral cavity, and pharynx
Malignant tumor of the lip
Malignant tumor of the tongue
Malignant tumor of the gingiva
Malignant tumor of the sole| |tt||Other and unspecified parts of the cavity||t t||Oropharyngeal malignancy
Malignant neoplasm of heteropharynx
Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx
Malignant neoplasm of other parts of lip, oral cavity and pharynx or unspecified parts||tt| |Malignant tumors of digestive organs and abdomen
Malignant tumors of esophagus
Malignant tumors of stomach
Malignant tumors of small intestine, including duodenum
Malignant tumors of colon
Malignant neoplasms of the intestine, rectal sigmoid junction and anus
Malignant neoplasms of the liver and intrahepatic bile ducts
Malignant neoplasms of the anus and extrahepatic bile ducts
English name
(ther infcetaticn
(other ard unspeciticd ir.feerious uul parasitiu disensos
Late effects of inferlious and parasitie dis-eases
Late effec's o! tuberrnlesisLate effects n: aeule poliomnyelitisLate effects af other infeetious and perasiricdisenses
Malignant neoplasm of lip:oral cavity andpharynx
Malignant ncoplusm of bip
Malignant nroplann
other anid unspeci-Fied paris ol mouth
Malignant nccplasm of oropharynxMalignant. neuplasm of nasnpharyux organy andperitoneun
Maliguant neoplasm of ocsophagusMalignant neoplasm uf stoniachMalignant neoplasrn of small inltstine,in-cluding duodenurr
Malignaat ncoplasm of cnlen
Malignant ncplaam of gelbladder inl extrahepatic bile ducls
Chinese name
Malignant tumor of pancreas Tumor
Malignant tumor of the retroperitoneum and peritoneum
Other sites of interest are unclear.
Malignant tumor of the digestive organs and peritoneum
Respiratory and intrathoracic cavity Malignant tumors of organs
Malignant tumors of the cervix, middle ear and accessory sinusMalignant tumors of the larynx
Malignant tumors of the trachea, bronchi and spinal cord
Malignant tumors of the membranes| |tt||Malignant tumors of the scrotum, heart, and mediastinum
Other parts of the respiratory system and intrathoracic organs and unidentified soreness
Bone, connective tissue Malignant tumors of tissue, skin and breast
Malignant tumors of bone and articular cartilage
Malignant tumors of connective tissue and other soft tissue
Malignant melanoma of the skin||tt| |Other malignant tumors of the skin
Malignant swelling and pain of the female breast
Malignant tumors of the male breast
Malignant tumors of the genitourinary organs
Malignant tumors of the uterus in specific areas Malignant tumor
Malignant tumor of cervix
Malignant tumor of placenta
Malignant tumor of uterine body
Malignant tumor of ovary and other appendages Other and unspecified Malignant tumors of female reproductive organs
Malignant tumors of the prostate
Malignant tumors of the testicle
English name
Meligaxnt n.oplasu of pirerasMulignant Beopiram ef retrope:ruoneurt rt!pcritoneum
Malignant heoplnsmi o: other ind il! def:nert sitcs within the digcatine cuginsanf periioneum
tt||Malignan reoplnsm of rasat eavitith middle ear and arcrssory sinustsMatignani rleoplasm nf larynxMalignant neplasm of trhiu.bronuhu:and lung
Malignaat neoplasm of pteura +r arl ill-cetined sites withtain the respiralory xvstentand intrathorarin orgens
Mallgnant neoplasm of bone,conneclive tis-sue,skin andbreast
Malignant neop.asny of bohe and artirulertcertilave
tt | x urcriMaligint nenplesm od plarenaMalignant neoplasm of bady of uturllkMalignant neoplasm of evary and ihruterir:e ntinexa
Maliguunt icoplann of other nnd unspeei-fied [einuale genital organsMalignant ncoplasn of prostaleMalignant rlersplasm of estis generation
GB/T 14396—93
Chinese name
Malignant neoplasms of genitalia and other male reproductive organs
Malignant neoplasms of bladder
Malignant neoplasms of kidney and other urinary organs
Malignant neoplasms of other and unspecified parts
Malignant neoplasms of the eye
Malignant neoplasms of the brain
Malignant neoplasms of other and unspecified parts of the nervous system Tumor
Malignant tumor of thyroid gland
Malignant tumor of other endocrine glands and related structures
Malignant tumor of other parts or unclear parts
Secondary tumor of lymph node Malignant tumors of the respiratory and digestive systems
Secondary deep tumors
Secondary malignant neoplasms of other specified sites Malignant swellings and painful swellings of unspecified sites
Malignant tumors of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissue
Zygotic sarcoma and reticulocyte flap
Hodgkin's disease
Other malignant tumors of histiocytes and histiocytes
Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative tumors Lymphoid leukemia
Myeloid leukemia|| tt||Monocytic leukemia
Other specified leukemias
Leukemia of unspecified cell type
Benign neoplasms
Benign neoplasms of the lip, oral cavity, and pharynx
Benign tumors in other parts of the digestive system
English name
Malignant neoplasr uf prnis aad t her nsleFenital organs
tt||Malignau: neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of nervous system nco.plasm of lyruph: nodes ||tt || |haematopoietic tissue
Lymphenurcoma and reticulonarcon.sHodgkin's diseasc
Other melignant neoplastn of lymphuvid and histiocytic tissue
Multiple myeloma and irnnuunoproliferativeneoplasma
Lyphoid lukaemia|| tt||Myeloid leuketmia
Monocytie leukemia
Other specified leukaemia
City name
ve system
General swelling and pain of respiratory and intrathoracic organs
Bone and thoracic cartilage
Other swellings of connective tissue and other soft tissues Benign solitary tumor
Benign tumor of skin
Benign tumor of breastbzxz.net
Uterine smooth muscle
Other benign tumors of uterus
Benign tumor of ovary| |tt||Benign tumors of other female reproductive organs
Benign tumors of male reproductive organs
Benign tumors of kidney and other urinary organs
Benign tumors of
Benign tumors of the brain and other parts of the nervous system | |tt||Benign tumors of oval glands
Benign tumors of other endocrine glands and related glands
Hematomas and lymphatic vessels of any part
Other and unspecified Digestive tumors of the finger parts
Carcinoma in situ
Digestive organs and uterus
Respiratory system
Carcinoma in situ of the skin||tt| |Carcinoma in situ of breast and genitourinary system
Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified sites
Dynamic undefined neoplasms
Dynamic undefined neoplasms of digestive and respiratory system
Dynamic undetermined tumors of urogenital organs
Benign lroplasm of respiratory aud intrathoracic organs
Benign neoplaxm ol bon: and articularcarti.agt
Other benign neoplasm of comnective andother kift tiysuc
Benign neuplasin ef kin
Renign Broplas ud breash
Urerine teiomyoma
Other henign ncoplasn tf uterusBenign neuplasm of ovary
Benign neoglasm cf other lernalc genitalorga
Bcnign neoplasm cf male genital orgausBenign neoplasu of kidey arud cotacr uri-naryufgans
Benign neoplasm af eye
Benign ncoplasm of brain and other vartsof nervous system
Benign neoplast of thyroid glardBenign neoplasm uf other endocrineglairls and rrelated structuresHaemangioma and lyruphengionn, ainy siteBenign neopiasm of other nnd unspccificdsites
Carcinoma in situ
Carcinoma in sity of digcslive rguasCarcinoma in itu of Icspiralory sysiemCarcinoma in sita of skin
Cercinomn in xita of brcasl anc genitouri-narysystern
Carcinona in sit:n of other nd unspec.[iedsites
Neoplusms of uncertaln behaviourNeoplasm of ntertain behaviotuir of digex.tive and resp:ratory systemsNenplasm of unccrtain beinviour uf genilourinily argans
Neoplusin uf uncertain behaviout of en-docrine glasnds and rvuus tystenNeoplasm nf :eertain bchaviour uf uthu:and unspecilied sites and tissucsNeoplasms uf unspecificed natureKeplasm nf rnspecified nature.内分泌、营养性和代谢性疾病及其免疫疾ENDOCRINE、忠
维生素 A 缺乏
Disorders of thyroil gland
Simple and unspeilit:l gitreNontexie nedular goirre
Thyrotoxicasis wi.h ur withaul goitreCongenital hypathyitidisn
Acuired hypethyroidisr!
Other d:sorders of thyroid
Diseases of other endocrine glandsJiberes mellus
Oiker diserder cf pnncreatie internal see-retion
Jiorlerk uf parnthyroid glandDigordcrs of the pituit.ary gland and itshypothalam:c cur:trol
Discases of thytnus g-ind
Jisordets of adrcnal glerndsOvarian dysfunetion
Tenticular dysfulelion
Pnlvglandular dysiun.icn iud rrlated d.sorders
Otber endorrine disorcers
Nutritienat dericiencies
(ther aevere protein-calari+ lmalnat\tionOrher and unspecificd prptein ca.orie nalnurii
Vilarrin A defizicncy
Tliainine and niaein defirirncy s.atesIeficietey of L tnplex crponens generation
GB/1 14396- 93
Chinese name
Ascorbic acid deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency
Other nutritional deficiencies
Other metabolic and immune diseases
Amino acid transfer and metabolic disorders
Carbohydrate transfer and metabolic disorders
Lipid metabolism disorders
Plasma protein metabolism disorders
Mineral metabolism disorders
Fluid, electrolyte and acid balance
Other and unspecified metabolic diseases
Obesity and other overnutrition
Diseases involving immune mechanisms
Blood and hematopoietic organ diseases
Mental disorders
Iron deficiency anemia
Anemia due to deficiency of other hematopoietic factors
Hereditary hemolytic anemia
Acquired hemolytic anemia
Sexual dysfunction
Other and unspecified anemias
Coagulation deficiency
Purple emaciation and other hemorrhagic conditions
Leukocyte diseases
Other endocrine and hematopoietic organ diseases
Organic mental illness
Organic mental illness in the elderly and pre-elderly
Alcoholic mental illness
Drug-induced mental illness
Transient organic non-psychotic conditions
English name
Aseorbic cid delicielcy | Disorders of p.asma protein metabolismGout
Disordlers of mineral metabolism BLOU
Iron deficiency anaemis
Other deficiency arnaemias
reditary haemolytic anaemiasAcquired haemalyic enaemias
Aplastic anaemia
Other and unspecificd anzemiasCoaguletion defects
Puroura and other huenuorrhagic conditina xDiseases of while bloud ecllsCJther cliseen of hlood and blood Furrnirg organs
Organic psychotic conditionsSerile und presrnie organi psychotie ronlitians
Alcoholir: psyeh:sen
Drug psyehesus
Trausien orgamie: psyeotic condilinns291
300 316
GB/T 14396---93
Article name
Other organic mental illnesses (chronic) Other mental illnesses
Affective mental illness
Thoughtful state
Other non-organic mental illnesses
Psychosis peculiar to childhood
Neurotic disorders, personality disorders and other non-psychotic mental disorders
Mental dysfunction
Sexual deviancy and racism
Alcohol addiction syndrome
Drug addiction
Non-sexual abuse of drugs
Inflammation of physiological functions caused by emotional factors
Special symptoms or syndromes not to be classified elsewhere Symptoms
Acute reaction to mental stress Acute mental
Mental stress reaction
Adaptive reaction
Specific non-psychiatric mental disorders after organic encephalopathy
Depressive disorders not elsewhere classified
Behavioral disorders not elsewhere classified
Emotional disorders specific to childhood and adolescence
Childhood hyperactivity syndrome
Specific developmental delay
Psychological factors associated with disorders classified elsewhere
Mental retardation
Mild mental retardation
Other specified mental retardation
Major specified mental retardation
Member name
Other orguic psychoti: conctitions(elirnit:)
Other psychoses
Sehizophrenie phvenises
Affertive sychoscs
Paranod slelts
Othe: nanorgan:c psyenoses
Psychoscs with nrigin sperifie to rh ldlhoodNeuroaie d lisorriers, persoaulity disorders and other nanpsychotic. disordersNeurotic disorders
Persunality disorders
Srxual deviations and disrdersA.cohol dependence syndromleDrug dependence
Nondependent abuse oi drugs
Acute reacjon to stress
Adjustment reactien
Specifie nonpsychotie mer.tail disordetrafollowing organic brain damageDhpresaive d:sorder, no1 elarwhe:r: clussified
Disturbancc of eonduct nut elstwheru cl.ssifiect
Disurbance uf eutins specific tu chitd-hrd and adolescenec
Hyperkineric syndronre cf childhexodSperifie: delays in dereiopmentPsychic fectors asse:cinted with diseasesclassified elsewherc
Mental retardation
Mild nental retardation
Other epecificd tmental re.ardationUnspecified mentul rctardation
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