This standard specifies the equipment, sample procedures and result calculation for testing the Shore hardness of flexible graphite plates. JB/T 6624-1993 Shore hardness test method for flexible graphite plates JB/T6624-1993 Standard download and decompression password:
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J22 | 07 Release Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China Release 1994-01-01 Implementation 1 Topic Content Machinery Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China| |tt||Flexible stone blackboard Shore hardness test method JB/T 662493 This standard specifies the equipment, sample requirements, test procedures and result calculations for testing the Shore hardness of flexible stone slabs. 2 Reference Standards GB2918 ZBJ22009 3 Test Equipment Standard Environmental Flexible Graphite Sheet Density Test Method for Condition Conditioning and Testing of Plastic Samples HSD Type Shore hardness tester, indication range is 10~140HSD, indication accuracy is ±2.5HSD; a. b. Micrometer: accuracy is 0.01mm. 4 Samples and Preparation 4.1 Cut the plate into a square with a side length of 50±0.1mm, use a micrometer to measure the thickness at 5 points (accurate to 0.1mm, take 5 arithmetic mean of points), and then stack several plates (plates with a thickness above 3.0mm do not need to be added), so that the thickness is not less than and closest to 3.0mm, which is a sample. 4.2 One sample per group. 4.3 The sample should have uniform thickness, smooth and flat surface, no bubbles, and no mechanical or obvious impurities. 5 Status adjustment Conduct status adjustment according to Article 2.3 of GB2918. 6 Test steps Test the density of single-layer plate according to ZBJ22009 6.1 6.2 Install the hardness tester on the hardness tester bracket, adjust the bubble of the leveler to make the instrument level. 6.3 Place the sample on the test platform and test its hardness value. The reading is accurate to one decimal place. 6.4 At least 5 points should be measured on each sample. 6.5 The distance between the test point and the edge of the sample and the distance between each test point should not be less than 10mm. 7 Test results 7.1 The test results are expressed as the arithmetic mean of the test values ??at each point, rounded to one decimal place. 7.2 If the standard deviation is required, it can be calculated according to the following formula: E(X,-x) -1 In the formula: S- X Sample hardness Standard deviation; Single test point test value: Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on 1993-05-07 Implemented on 1994-01-01 X- Test report JB/T 662493 The arithmetic mean of the test values ??of the group of samples: The number of test points. The test report should include the following: a. b. e d. e.||tt| |f. g. Indicate the number of this standard; Specification, grade and manufacturer of the plate; Testing machine model: Environmental conditions of the test: Density of single-layer board, thickness of sample; Test results; Test date, personnel. Additional notes: This standard is proposed and administered by the Hefei General Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard is drafted by the Hefei General Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Sun Huachao and Zhu Qiang. 2 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.