QB/T 2253-1996 General technical requirements for aluminum alloy die castings for sewing machines
Some standard content:
Light Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
QB/T 2251 ~2257--96
Sewing Machine
1996-11-15 Issued
China Light Industry Federation Issued
1997-07-01 Implementation
Light Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Sewing Machine
General Technical Conditions for Titanium Pressing
QD/T 2253-96
This standard mainly complies with the requirements of G/1-33 zinc alloy, zinc alloy, and steel alloy die-casting parts. It compiles the contents of the two chapters of the standard for aluminum alloy die-casting parts, but makes significant changes and deletions in the aspects of die casting, pressure ratio, and die casting. This standard is proposed by the Quality Standard Department of the China Federation of Industry and Commerce. Please be careful when you are not sure about the standard. The main drafter of this standard is the head office of the company. This standard mainly consists of:
People's Republic of China Light Industry Standard
Technical conditions for aluminum alloy die castings for sewing machines
This standard specifies the classification, technical requirements and test methods for aluminum alloy die castings for sewing machines. This standard is used for die castings of aluminum alloys (hereinafter referred to as "die castings"). 2 Reference standard
QB/T 2253—BB
The following standards contain clauses that shall be used in this standard and shall be used as standard clauses. All versions are valid at the time of publication. All standards are subject to revision. The latest versions of the following standards are applicable.
B958—83 Shading and position tolerances GI6060.:—85 Surface roughness comparison GR8080.4—28 Surface torsion comparison (batch polished surface, aging) Waste comparison sample head (blasting) shot, spraying surface GB641486 pin size tolerance
G1/T11359--89 transmission machine alkali seal address
GB/15115-94 aluminum alloy enterprise
8 Classification and grading of die castings
3.1 The use requirements are divided into three categories, see Table 1. Classification of jade parts
Control the large load of the treasure
Light high phase motion parts
! Water submerged medium light some armor | |tt||Common parts
Chemical safety, dimension tolerance, performance, surface quality and other special requirements
Chemical composition, dimension tolerance, surface quality and other special requirements chemical composition, dimension tolerance and surface quality
2, 2 pressure parts surface quality is divided into one according to the standard drawing, see Hui 2. China Light Industry General Association 186-11-1 approved
1997-07-01 implementation
Table 2 Pressure Holding The surface quality of parts is graded
for high requirements of nuclear workers, such as the surface with high temperature, relatively moving surface, dangerous and secret strength area, etc.
In addition to the requirements of the installation--the five old sealing requirements of the grade: the positive teaching under the chemical and assembly contact, the tread surface is not greasy, the gear set is not greasy, the paint is large, and the surface like the surface
pressure poetry should be lubricated on the class, the force method is as follows: 38
QB, T2252-96
— 12
Classification of surface quality of die castings
Type of die castings
For example, the following shall be noted in the relevant parts of the drawing: ... 4.3.2 The angle and degree tolerances of the joints shall be in accordance with the provisions of the regulations, the silver tolerance shall be determined by the length of the casting (1), and the individual degree tolerances shall be determined by the length of the short side (see Figure 2). Table 3H Casting tolerance values for taper and nominal degree and certified degree confirmation 1030° TKbNrKA: - 199 QB/T 2253-96
3 Pressure piece net light weight standard certificate installation table 4 heat setting drawing certificate, the size of the half-inch H size is extracted
Table 4 Pressure chain net border tolerance value
Nominal size
.4 Die casting casting section slope Pressure chain material is not included in the tolerance range , its unprocessed surface, the small wax is used as the standard, the shaft is based on the large wax. If you match the table, the hole is clear, and the small is used as the standard. ,, 2 The pressure system of the inner cavity of the die casting shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 5. The material depth of the die casting is 1/2 of the inner slope, the small slope of the die casting is the center, and the outer wall is the center. Table: The density of the inner cavity of the die casting
The density of the inner cavity of the die casting
Die casting
x0 -60
Pressure chain parts and other hole true diameter and maximum hole depth and the relationship between the core and the decline of the provisions. 4.4,9
Hole grid
Minda depth
Transmission slope
1 C3- d
QB/T 2253-96
Pressure parts hole diameter, maximum hole depth and production
4.5 The T allowance of the casting shall comply with the provisions of GI/1135C. If there are special requirements, they should be separately proposed in the technical document.
The surface shape and position tolerance of the casting shall be determined according to the table.
The flatness ... |tt||Parallelism standard position table 8 current determination
8 standard parts parallel seat
number of steps
reference plane
nominal feet
>_60- 250
standard ·-half desert public supervision. ·
internal replacement,
in the period of capital return to the whole station
movement of the public welfare
4, from 8 Shang axis to the public inspection according to the provisions of Table 9. The measured axis center line and the basic axis center system are located in the shock QB/12258-
pressure special license river vehicle control
47 make the surface quality of the parts
in the medicine
tt||4.71 die castings on the surface quality should meet the requirements of our 10. =8 ~ 50: 60 ~ 120j 120 - 360.80
1T2 The pressed parts are not allowed to have cracks, gaps and low puncture defects. 0.50
47.8 The wash mouth, feeder, overflow mouth, two skins, and the whole rod of the plastic parts should be cleaned and cleaned. It is allowed to have traces of disinfection. Without affecting the use, the surface of the plastic parts can be removed. The inner or outer surface of the plastic parts shall not exceed C.5 ...5. The degree of attachment of the perforated item cannot exceed the established distance of 11. The number of commercial points on the beautiful part is 360~R0. The type of decoration is affected by the production of the period thickness of the mold and the quality of the mold. The name of the city dynamic potential is missing. The efficiency is low, the speed is fast, the academic plan is high, the flat plan is high, and the OB/T2253-3E is too 1. The surface quality of the parts is not more than the fraction of the total surface area, the depth is not more than (the area does not exceed the fraction of the center area, the depth is not greater than (m), the distance between the pressure object and the edge is not less than (r), the distance between the two cold flows is not less than (r), the depth is αm, but the total is the internal effect, the depth is not more than () and the missing parts are not allowed to exceed the certificate. The surface area of the belt is melted. Percentage
per 1014:m defect number is too small to exceed the load number of the item
style bulge from the wave is not more than ()
per 100c interval effect does not exceed the effect
the whole muscle does not pass, the whole
when the individual F
pre-trust decline
five items 00mm
Chinese people hold the item also does not exceed the ratio of the feeling
【rise height is not large
compared to what you have made
make a decision
and accumulate the surface ScorebZxz.net
Surface quality grade
Not filled
1/6 1/4 finishing
Let, 30
Deep light level
Note: According to the defect list (with energy)
, in the corresponding part
place, no danger is allowed to exist at the same time
2. Degree refers to the total length of the sink
Except for the county surface,
day part is filled in the list
No reduction in bubbles is allowed when there is a bubble back
, the popularity type does not
more than 3 The total cost shall not exceed 10 pieces, and the common edge distance shall not be less than 10mm. The length of the practice shall not exceed 5K of the K shop. QB/12253-$6 4.7.7 The processing surface may have defects and marks due to the processing allowance. The pressure chain parts shall be specially treated with good surface treatment (spraying), sandblasting, sintering, quick oxidation, etc. GB6 strength, 4 (B30, toughness It shall be noted on the drawing.
The rolling quality of the machined steel parts
181There shall be no local cast surface skin. 4.8.2
There shall be no holes exceeding the requirements of Table 12: Holes
holes, and the minimum distance between the hole and the large
reverse payment
, welcome to ask! The most people! The most people! The maximum number of failures reported is 100%. The minimum separation point is 100%. The first two batches of the machine should not have any defects, and the remaining defects should not be considered as defects. Table 1 Mechanical thread surface bottom proof parts have a complete north plus bursting pattern. The average diameter of the crown is 100% greater than 100%. It does not exceed 100%. The screw specification is 4.9. The internal quality of the die casting is 1/4 of the version. The frequency pattern L is 100% of the total length. The number of holes shall not exceed the full hole spacing of the edge of the pressure express. The internal quality record of the pressure express shall be in accordance with the production reduction diagram and the supply and demand shall be agreed upon by both parties. The hole and the effect of the hole shall not be reduced. The supplier may drop or make adjustments to the transfer without affecting the use of the fast F. 5.1 Chemical analysis shall not exceed the ratio of the effective length of the hospital in the case. QB/T 2253—96
5.1.1 The test method for chemical properties of castings shall comply with the provisions of 5.1 of CB/T:5:5. 5.1.2 The test specimens for chemical properties shall be taken from the castings, but they must comply with the provisions of GB/T:5:5. 5.2 Mechanical properties
5.2.1 The test method for mechanical properties shall comply with the provisions of 5.2 of B/T1116. 5.2.2 The test specimens for mechanical properties may also be taken from the castings, but they must comply with the provisions of GB/T:11. The test specimens shall be used for inspection.
5.4 The inclination of the chain is checked by general purpose, and the excess of the die casting material is checked by special purpose. The shape and position of the die casting are checked according to the provisions of GⅡ105. 5.7 Surface quality of die castings
5.7.1 The surface of die castings shall be checked according to the provisions of GⅡ105. 5.2 The surface quality of the die castings shall be checked by general purpose or special purpose. 5. The surface quality of the castings shall be checked by special purpose measuring tools after machining. 5.9 The method of quality inspection of die castings shall be decided by negotiation between the supplier and the supplier. KAea
Appendix A (Standard Appendix)
Explanation of defects in the surface quality of pressed parts
1 Pores, pores, shrinkage cavities and other defects formed by the continuous formation of pores. 1) Pores are holes with a relatively smooth shape and a relatively smooth surface formed by the gas entering the internal part of the pressed part. 2) Holes with irregular shapes and relatively fine surfaces caused by the lack of internal compensation during the condensation process of the pressed part.
3) Metal impurities mixed with dyes in the parts. 2 The effect of the flower is called the internal reduction, but it cannot be found by feeling. The color of the base metal is closed and expanded. It can be removed by gently removing the sandpaper.
3 The area with small pockmarks on the surface of the part under the condition of underpressure is too low due to the excessive selection of the mold.
4 Colored spots on the surface are different from the base metal color spots, usually carbide forms in the coating. 5 Sparse marks on the surface are felt by hand. The defects can be accelerated and can be removed by light.
6 Cold two low humidity metal flows are connected, and the film is not combined and the irregular lines appear. There are two types of non-penetration: K, which tend to develop under the action of external forces. 7 Scratches are caused by the metal adhesion to the mold. The surface of the part is too small to cause the scratches on the surface of the part. The concave part is the part of the part that is not covered by the mold. It is in a state of natural cooling. The traces of adhesion are formed by the decomposition of metal or coating materials on the surface. 10 Bubbles formed by the bulging of pores on the surface of the part. 11
The corners are exposed and the edges of the parts are not smooth. 12 Burrs are the marks on the casting surface caused by the tooling: the net-like burrs are caused by the cracks in the mold cavity and form a net-like protrusion on the surface of the part. 13
1 The alloy matrix is destroyed and becomes thin filaments, which are of two types: penetrating and non-penetrating, and have a tendency to develop.
6 Underfilling
The incomplete part in the molding process
16 The flash is the piece of metal skin on the edge of the chain part caused by the excessive chain guard during the mold due to poor steel mold strength, fit or bag fit.The length refers to the total length of the product. Except for the surface of the product, there shall be no bubbles in the product. The number of products shall not exceed 3, the total number shall not exceed 10, and the distance between the edges shall not be less than 10mm. The actual length shall not exceed 5K of the manufacturer. QB/12253-4, T, the processing surface may have defects and marks due to the processing allowance. 4.7.7 The special processing (blasting), sandblasting, oxidation, etc. on the pressure chain parts shall be in accordance with GB6, 4 (B30, and shall be indicated on the drawing. The machined steel parts shall be marked with the following instructions. 181 There should be no shadow of the local surface of the cast. 4.8.2 There should be no holes beyond the scope of Table 12: Holes, holes, and the minimum distance between the holes and the minimum distance between the holes. The minimum distance between the holes and the minimum distance between the holes is 69-150 and 150-350 mm. ·
The first two batches of machined threads shall not have any defects, and the remaining defects shall not be considered as defects. Table 1 Machined threaded surface bottom proof
Parts with cracks and cracks
Length average straight diameter
Small than
Not more than
3 screw thread specification
4.9 Die casting internal quality reduction
1/4 version grass
Frequency L length
Total number of cracks
Not more than
Full hole spacing The time
side is not without
4,9,1 the internal quality record of the express shall be in accordance with the production reduction diagram, and the supply and demand shall be agreed upon by both parties. The quality of the surface of the express shall not be increased
and the effect of the hole and the hole of the Xie 0
is small
4.9.2 without affecting the use of the express F, the whole user inspection, the supplier can make a loss or adjustment to the transfer. 5 test method
5,1 chemical composition
the length of the bottom shall not
exceed the ratio of the effective
length of the hospital in the case
QB/T 2253—96
5.1.1 The test method for chemical properties of castings shall comply with the provisions of 5.1 of CB/T:5:5. 5.1.2 The test specimens for chemical properties shall be taken from die castings, but they must comply with the provisions of GB/T:5:5. 5.2 Mechanical properties
5.2.1 The test method for mechanical properties shall comply with the provisions of B/T1i1165.2. 5.2.2 The test specimens for mechanical properties may also be taken from die castings, but they must comply with the provisions of GB/T:11:11. The effective scale shall be used for inspection.
5.4 The general purpose and special purpose of the casting shall be used for inspection. 5.5 The residual quantity of die casting materials shall be checked according to the appropriate quantity. The test method for shape and position of die castings shall be carried out according to the provisions of GⅡ105. 5.7 Surface quality of die castings
5.7.1 Surface quality of die castings shall be inspected as specified in the following regulations. 5.2 The surface quality of die castings shall be inspected by general or standard inspection tools before machining. 5.9 The surface quality inspection method of die castings shall be determined by negotiation between the supplier and the supplier. Appendix A (Standard Appendix)
Surface quality defects of die castings
1 Pores, pores, shrinkage pores and other defects formed by impurities 1) Pores with a relatively smooth shape and a relatively smooth surface formed by gas entering the die casting. 2) Pores with irregular shapes and a relatively fine surface caused by the lack of internal compensation during the condensation process of the die casting.
3) Metal impurities mixed with contaminants in the die casting. 2 The flower effect is called the inner retreat, but it can't be found by sheep sense. The color of the base metal is closed and expanded. It can be removed by slightly removing the sandpaper.
3 The mold is too wet and the material is too low. Under the condition of underpressure, the surface of the poem is a small spot-like distribution area.
4 The color spots on the surface are different from the base metal color spots. Generally, the carbide is formed in the coating. 5 The sparse marks on the surface can be felt by hand. The defects can be catalyzed and removed by single light method.
6 Cold two metal flows with low humidity butt joint, they will not be combined and the film will not be irregular, there are two types of non-penetration: K, there is a tendency to develop under the action of external force, 7 scratches, caused by the metal adhesion to the mold H manufacturing oblique skin too small surface caused by the pull marks on the surface of the workpiece, the depression and the upper part of the performance of the concave chips, and the state of natural cooling. Adhesion wolf traces are traces formed by the metal or paint viscous material on the surface of the workpiece. 10 Bubbles formed by the bulging of pores under the pressure pool. 11
Edge and corner defects are formed by the local static edge of the pressure sodium parts. 12 Top seed marks are the convex or scratched marks on the casting surface formed by the tool rod: the mesh burrs are formed by the cracks in the mold cavity and the mesh bulges on the surface of the workpiece. 13
1 The alloy matrix is destroyed and becomes thin filaments, which are of two types: penetrating and non-penetrating, and have a tendency to develop.
6 Underfilling
Incomplete parts in the molding process
16 The flash is the only part that is not penetrated by the technology. 17 Flash is the metal skin of the chain part that is too large due to poor steel mold core strength, matching or bag matching, which is caused by the chain guard core being too large when the table mold is used.The length refers to the total length of the product. Except for the surface of the product, there shall be no bubbles in the product. The number of products shall not exceed 3, the total number shall not exceed 10, and the distance between the edges shall not be less than 10mm. The actual length shall not exceed 5K of the manufacturer. QB/12253-4, T, the processing surface may have defects and marks due to the processing allowance. 4.7.7 The special processing (blasting), sandblasting, oxidation, etc. on the pressure chain parts shall be in accordance with GB6, 4 (B30, and shall be indicated on the drawing. The machined steel parts shall be marked with the following instructions. 181 There should be no shadow of the local surface of the cast. 4.8.2 There should be no holes beyond the scope of Table 12: Holes, holes, and the minimum distance between the holes and the minimum distance between the holes. The minimum distance between the holes and the minimum distance between the holes is 69-150 and 150-350 mm. ·
The first two batches of machined threads shall not have any defects, and the remaining defects shall not be considered as defects. Table 1 Machined threaded surface bottom proof
Parts with cracks and cracks
Length average straight diameter
Small than
Not more than
3 screw thread specification
4.9 Die casting internal quality reduction
1/4 version grass
Frequency L length
Total number of cracks
Not more than
Full hole spacing The time
side is not without
4,9,1 the internal quality record of the express shall be in accordance with the production reduction diagram, and the supply and demand shall be agreed upon by both parties. The quality of the surface of the express shall not be increased
and the effect of the hole and the hole of the Xie 0
is small
4.9.2 without affecting the use of the express F, the whole user inspection, the supplier can make a loss or adjustment to the transfer. 5 test method
5,1 chemical composition
the length of the bottom shall not
exceed the ratio of the effective
length of the hospital in the case
QB/T 2253—96
5.1.1 The test method for chemical properties of castings shall comply with the provisions of 5.1 of CB/T:5:5. 5.1.2 The test specimens for chemical properties shall be taken from die castings, but they must comply with the provisions of GB/T:5:5. 5.2 Mechanical properties
5.2.1 The test method for mechanical properties shall comply with the provisions of B/T1i1165.2. 5.2.2 The test specimens for mechanical properties may also be taken from die castings, but they must comply with the provisions of GB/T:11:11. The effective scale shall be used for inspection.
5.4 The general purpose and special purpose of the casting shall be used for inspection. 5.5 The residual quantity of die casting materials shall be checked according to the appropriate quantity. The test method for shape and position of die castings shall be carried out according to the provisions of GⅡ105. 5.7 Surface quality of die castings
5.7.1 Surface quality of die castings shall be inspected as specified in the following regulations. 5.2 The surface quality of die castings shall be inspected by general or standard inspection tools before machining. 5.9 The surface quality inspection method of die castings shall be determined by negotiation between the supplier and the supplier. Appendix A (Standard Appendix)
Surface quality defects of die castings
1 Pores, pores, shrinkage pores and other defects formed by impurities 1) Pores with a relatively smooth shape and a relatively smooth surface formed by gas entering the die casting. 2) Pores with irregular shapes and a relatively fine surface caused by the lack of internal compensation during the condensation process of the die casting.
3) Metal impurities mixed with contaminants in the die casting. 2 The flower effect is called the inner retreat, but it can't be found by sheep sense. The color of the base metal is closed and expanded. It can be removed by slightly removing the sandpaper.
3 The mold is too wet and the material is too low. Under the condition of underpressure, the surface of the poem is a small spot-like distribution area.
4 The color spots on the surface are different from the base metal color spots. Generally, the carbide is formed in the coating. 5 The sparse marks on the surface can be felt by hand. The defects can be catalyzed and removed by single light method.
6 Cold two metal flows with low humidity butt joint, they will not be combined and the film will not be irregular, there are two types of non-penetration: K, there is a tendency to develop under the action of external force, 7 scratches, caused by the metal adhesion to the mold H manufacturing oblique skin too small surface caused by the pull marks on the surface of the workpiece, the depression and the upper part of the performance of the concave chips, and the state of natural cooling. Adhesion wolf traces are traces formed by the metal or paint viscous material on the surface of the workpiece. 10 Bubbles formed by the bulging of pores under the pressure pool. 11
Edge and corner defects are formed by the local static edge of the pressure sodium parts. 12 Top seed marks are the convex or scratched marks on the casting surface formed by the tool rod: the mesh burrs are formed by the cracks in the mold cavity and the mesh bulges on the surface of the workpiece. 13
1 The alloy matrix is destroyed and becomes thin filaments, which are of two types: penetrating and non-penetrating, and have a tendency to develop.
6 Underfilling
Incomplete parts in the molding process
16 The flash is the only part that is not penetrated by the technology. 17 Flash is the metal skin of the chain part that is too large due to poor steel mold core strength, matching or bag matching, which is caused by the chain guard core being too large when the table mold is used.The surface quality of the casting after machining shall be checked with a measuring tool. 5.9 The method of quality inspection of the casting shall be decided by the supplier and the supplier through negotiation. TrKAN KAea
Appendix A (Standard Appendix)
Explanation of surface quality defects of casting
1 Pores Pores, shrinkage cavities and defects such as impurities formed by impurities 1) Pores with a relatively smooth shape and a relatively smooth surface formed by the gas entering the casting. 2) Pores with irregular shapes and relatively smooth surfaces caused by the lack of internal compensation during the condensation process of the casting.
3) Metal impurities mixed with contaminants in the casting. 2 The flower effect is called the inner retreat, but it can't be found by sheep sense. The color of the base metal is closed and expanded. It can be removed by slightly removing the sandpaper.
3 The mold is too wet and the material is too low. Under the condition of underpressure, the surface of the poem is a small spot-like distribution area.
4 The color spots on the surface are different from the base metal color spots. Generally, the carbide is formed in the coating. 5 The sparse marks on the surface can be felt by hand. The defects can be catalyzed and removed by single light method.
6 Cold two metal flows with low humidity butt joint, they will not be combined and the film will not be irregular, there are two types of non-penetration: K, there is a tendency to develop under the action of external force, 7 scratches, caused by the metal adhesion to the mold H manufacturing oblique skin too small surface caused by the pull marks on the surface of the workpiece, the depression and the upper part of the performance of the concave chips, and the state of natural cooling. Adhesion wolf traces are traces formed by the metal or paint viscous material on the surface of the workpiece. 10 Bubbles formed by the bulging of pores under the pressure pool. 11
Edge and corner defects are formed by the local static edge of the pressure sodium parts. 12 Top seed marks are the convex or scratched marks on the casting surface formed by the tool rod: the mesh burrs are formed by the cracks in the mold cavity and the mesh bulges on the surface of the workpiece. 13
1 The alloy matrix is destroyed and becomes thin filaments, which are of two types: penetrating and non-penetrating, and have a tendency to develop.
6 Underfilling
Incomplete parts in the molding process
16 The flash is the only part that is not penetrated by the technology. 17 Flash is the metal skin of the chain part that is too large due to poor steel mold core strength, matching or bag matching, which is caused by the chain guard core being too large when the table mold is used.The surface quality of the casting after machining shall be checked with a measuring tool. 5.9 The method of quality inspection of the casting shall be decided by the supplier and the supplier through negotiation. TrKAN KAea
Appendix A (Standard Appendix)
Explanation of surface quality defects of casting
1 Pores Pores, shrinkage cavities and defects such as impurities formed by impurities 1) Pores with a relatively smooth shape and a relatively smooth surface formed by the gas entering the casting. 2) Pores with irregular shapes and relatively smooth surfaces caused by the lack of internal compensation during the condensation process of the casting.
3) Metal impurities mixed with contaminants in the casting. 2 The flower effect is called the inner retreat, but it can't be found by sheep sense. The color of the base metal is closed and expanded. It can be removed by slightly removing the sandpaper.
3 The mold is too wet and the material is too low. Under the condition of underpressure, the surface of the poem is a small spot-like distribution area.
4 The color spots on the surface are different from the base metal color spots. Generally, the carbide is formed in the coating. 5 The sparse marks on the surface can be felt by hand. The defects can be catalyzed and removed by single light method.
6 Cold two metal flows with low humidity butt joint, they will not be combined and the film will not be irregular, there are two types of non-penetration: K, there is a tendency to develop under the action of external force, 7 scratches, caused by the metal adhesion to the mold H manufacturing oblique skin too small surface caused by the pull marks on the surface of the workpiece, the depression and the upper part of the performance of the concave chips, and the state of natural cooling. Adhesion wolf traces are traces formed by the metal or paint viscous material on the surface of the workpiece. 10 Bubbles formed by the bulging of pores under the pressure pool. 11
Edge and corner defects are formed by the local static edge of the pressure sodium parts. 12 Top seed marks are the convex or scratched marks on the casting surface formed by the tool rod: the mesh burrs are formed by the cracks in the mold cavity and the mesh bulges on the surface of the workpiece. 13
1 The alloy matrix is destroyed and becomes thin filaments, which are of two types: penetrating and non-penetrating, and have a tendency to develop.
6 Underfilling
Incomplete parts in the molding process
16 The flash is the only part that is not penetrated by the technology. 17 Flash is the metal skin of the chain part that is too large due to poor steel mold core strength, matching or bag matching, which is caused by the chain guard core being too large when the table mold is used.
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