Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment >> 35.020 Information technology (IT) general
Standard Classification Number:Electronic Components and Information Technology>>Electronic Components and Information Technology Comprehensive>>L04 Basic Standards and General Methods
This standard specifies the basic terms and definitions used in electronic data interchange. This standard is applicable to the development and design of electronic data interchange application systems in various industries. GB/T 14915-1994 Electronic Data Interchange Terminology GB/T14915-1994 Standard download decompression password:
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National Standard of the People's Republic of China Terms of electronic data interchange The terms of electronic data interchange GB/T14915—94 This standard refers to the terminology of the Trade Data Interchange Directory (TDID) in the UN/EDIFACT directory. UN/EDIFACT is the United Nations' rules for electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport. They include a series of standards, directories and guidelines for the electronic exchange of structured data between independent computerized systems, especially those involving trade in goods or services. In this standard, "[EDI]" is used to distinguish different terms with the same name. When used within the scope of this standard, the "[EDI]" in front of these entries can be removed. 1 Subject content and scope of application This standard specifies the basic terms and definitions used in electronic data interchange. This standard is applicable to the development and design of electronic data interchange application systems in various industries. 2 Terminology 2.1 Data A formal representation of an object, concept or instruction suitable for communication, interpretation or processing by human or automatic means. 2.1.1 Data unit A segment, group of segments, composite data element or data element defined in the directory and its message type specifications. 2.1.2 Data element A data element that is considered to be indivisible in a certain context. NOTE: In EDIFACT, it refers to a data element that is specified to identify and describe the value representation. Data element attribute2.1.2.1 A characteristic of a defined data element. Data element directorya list of attributes that identifies, names and describes a data element, and a specification of how the corresponding data element value should be represented. Data element namedata element name One or more words that express the concept of a data element in natural language. Data element separator data element separator Character used to separate data elements in a segment. Data element tag data element tag Unique identifier of a data element in a data element directory. Data element reference number data element reference number Same as Data element value data element value A specific item of an identified data element as specified in the data element directory. Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on January 11, 1994 862 Implementation on October 1, 1994 GB/T 14915—94 Data element representation data element representation The format of a data item (e.g., numeric, alphabetic, variable length, etc.). Simple data element simple data element A data element containing a single value. Service data element service data element data element used in the service segment. Component data element component data element simple data element identified by its position in the composite data element. Component data element separator character used to separate component data elements in a composite data element. Composite data element composite data element data element containing two or more component data elements. 2.2 Segment A predefined and identified set of functionally related data element values. The values of these data elements are identified by their sequential position in the set. A segment begins with a segment marker and ends with a segment terminator. It can be a service segment or a user data segment. 2.2.1 Segment code segment code A code that uniquely identifies a segment as specified in the segment directory. 2.2.2 Segment directory segment directory identifies, names, describes and specifies a list of segments. 2.2.3 segment name segment name One or more words that express the concept of a data segment in natural language. 2.2.41 segment table A table that shows the sequential order of segments, the arrangement and status of segments in segment groups, and the number of times segments and segment groups are allowed to be repeated in a message. 2.2.5 segment tag A composite data element in which the first component data element contains a code that uniquely identifies the segment according to the relevant segment directory. Other component data elements may be used conditionally to indicate the level, nesting relationship, and repetition of the segment in the message structure. 2.2.6 segment terminatorSyntactic character that indicates the end of a segment. service segment A segment required to provide services for user data. 2.2.8 simple segment a segment that does not require any restrictions (i.e., the meaning of the segment is fixed and explicit). user data segment a segment containing application data. 2.2.10 repeating segment a segment that may be repeated as specified in the specification of the associated message type. 2.2.11 nested segment a segment that contains a specific message type and is directly associated with another segment in an identified and structured group of segments. 2.2.12 group of segments an identified, repeatable grouped set of segments. 2.2.13 section control segment a service segment used to separate message header segments, detail segments, and summary segments to avoid ambiguity between the contents of the segments within a message. 2.3 [EDI] message an ordered sequence of characters used to convey information. GB/T 14915--94 Note: In EDIFACT, refers specifically to a collection of segments arranged in the order specified in the message directory, starting with the message header and ending with the message trailer. 2.3.1 Message header message header Starts and uniquely identifies the service segment of a message. 2. 3.2 Message trailer message trailer ends the service segment of a message. 2.3.3 Message code message code Unique six-letter character identifier for the type of message. 2.3.4 Message diagram message diagram A graphic representation of the sequence of segments in a message. 2.3.5 Message directory message directory A list that identifies, names, describes, and specifies message types. 2.3.6 Message type message type A collection of identified and structured data elements required for a specific transaction type. For example: Invoice 2.3.7 Message framework A message pattern that includes all segment groups and sequence sets of segments related to a practical business field (or multiple practical business fields) and applies to all messages developed for this field. 2.4 Functional group One or more messages of the same type that begin with a functional group header service segment and end with a functional group trailer service segment. 2.4.1 The functional group header begins and identifies the service segment of the functional group. 2.4.2 The functional group trailer ends the service segment of the functional group. 2.5 Qualifier A data element whose value shall be expressed as a code that gives a specific meaning to another data element or the function of a segment. 2.6 Segment qualifierSame as 2.5. 2.6.1 qualified data element a data element with an associated qualifier that conveys a precise meaning. 2.6.2 generic data element as in 2.6.1. 2.6.3 qualified data segment a data segment with an associated qualifier that conveys a precise meaning. 2.7 [EDI interchangeinterchange a communication between partners in the form of a structured collection of messages and service segments, beginning with an interchange control header and ending with an interchange control trailer. 2.7.1 interchange agreementinterchange agreement a document in the form of a user manual that describes the syntax level, messages, regulations and security requirements. 2.7.2 electronic data interchangecomputer-to-computer business data transmission in a standard format. 2.8 conditional a statement of the conditions for the use of a segment, data element, composite data element or component data element in a segment and message directory. 2.9 Mandatory In the segment and message catalog, the description of the segment, data element, composite data element or component data element (see conditional type) that must be used is specified. 86.1 2. 10 Explicit representation explicit representation GB/T14915-94 A method used to identify the location of a data segment in a message. 2.11 Implicit representation implicit representation A method that implicitly locates a data segment based on its relative position in a message. 2.12 Trade Data Interchange Application Protocol (TD-AP) trade data interchange application protocol is an accepted method for exchanging trade data messages based on international standards for the representation and structure of remotely transmitted trade data. 2.13 Trade Data Log trade data log provides a record of the transmission of trade data that records the entire history of trade data exchanges. 2.14 Trade Data Message trade data exchanged between trading parties concerning the conclusion or behavior of a trade transaction. 2.15 Trade data transfer trade data transfer one or more trade data messages sent to another party as a unit of transmission including start and end data. 2.16 Trade transaction trade transaction a specific contract between two trading parties for ordering and selling, providing goods, services or other matters, identified as a transaction related to a trade data message. trade partners the sender and/or receiver of electronic commerce information exchange. 2.18 [EDI] code code a string of characters recording or representing information in an abbreviated form, a. b. a specific symbol form used to represent or identify information, which can be recognized by a computer. 9 [EDI character set character set a finite set of several different characters that are considered complete for a particular purpose. 2.20 document a data carrier that records data and is generally fixed and can be read by humans or machines. 2.21 functional requirement functional requirement an identification required for business or administration. 2.22 header section header section the part of a message that precedes the actual content and trailer of a business transaction and contains information related to the entire message. 3 summary section the part of a message that follows the actual content of a message and contains summary information related to the entire message. 2.24 identifier identifier a character or group of characters used to identify or name a data item and possibly indicate a certain nature of the data. 2.25 maximum use maximum use the maximum number of times a data element, compound data element, segment or repeatable segment can occur. 2.26 level level the relative hierarchical position of a data segment in a message. 2.27 technical assessment technical assessment the process of evaluating whether UN/EDIFACT messages and supporting directories conform to the rules of syntax, message design and syntax implementation. This work is done by the rapporteur groups as part of the agreed EDIFACT development process. 2.28 trial directory trial directory A directory of message types released for trial use and the segments, composite data elements, data elements and codes involved. 9 progressive data transfer 2.29 GB/T 14915—94 A technique that allows the sender to send a series of messages when there is more data. The receiver creates a business file to link all the data. These messages are linked by a common reference number. 2.30 tag A unique identifier for a segment or data element. omission In the actual message, one or more data units defined as conditional in the message type specification are omitted. 2.32 release character A character used to restore the original meaning of any syntax separator. 3 Requirement designator 2.33 A symbol that specifies whether a data element or segment is mandatory or conditional (see 2.38 status). 2.34 A separator character A character used as a syntactic separator for data, also known as a delimiter. 2.35 A string of syntactic delimiters and indicators used in an exchange at the beginning of an advice exchange. 2.36 Syntax rulessyntaxrules Rules governing the structure of exchange function groups, messages, segments and data elements. 2.37 Subsetsub-set An excerpt of a message type for an industry or application area. The excerpt shall follow the rules for data unit omission and the subset shall indicate only those units required by the industry or application area. 2.38 Statusstatus Status (1): Documents/messages in EDIFACT carry an indicator indicating the level at which they have been prepared. The following states may be indicated: Draft document Draft recommendation State (2): An indication of whether a segment group, segment, composite data element or data element is mandatory (M) or conditional (C) in the application. 2.39 Version number version number A number identifying the status of a message type. 2.40 Version/releaseversion/release An indication of the periodic release of the United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory and its corresponding sets of message types and their supporting data sets. 2.41 Directory versiondirectoryversion An identification of the directory release. It includes the last two digits of the year and the third digit identifies a standard message or a trial message. Version/Release… Version number Message… Message code Message frame Message type Message directory· Message header. Message map· Message trailer Mandatory Identifier Header section Component data element Component data element delimiter Electronic data interchange Segment marker Segment code… Segment directory· Segment qualifier· Segment terminator· Delimiter character Service string notification… Service segment. Service data element Compound data element. … Functional requirements Functional group Functional group header Functional group tail Summary section eChina- GB/T 14915—94 Appendix A Chinese index (reference) ...2.40 ........**..... Center Welcomes China Electric Power Center ...... 2.1. 2.11 Product Industry .... 2.2.1 ..2.2.6 Cococooo0bccaoo. ........ 2.1. 2.10 ... Special E-Electric Country Technical Assessment Simple Segment Simple Data Element Exchange Protocol· Section Control Segment Progressive Data Transfer Trading Partners Trade Transactions Trade Data Messages Trade Data Transfer Trade Data Exchange Application Protocol Trade Data Log||t t||++++eearoeoiee Directory version Ordinary data element· Nested segment Release character Trial directory Data unit· Data element Data element tag Data element representation Data element reference number· Data element separator· Data element name Data element directory…. Data element attribute Data element value Conditional Explicit representation Qualifier Qualified data segment Qualified data element Requirement specifier Implicit representation .....2.26 .............. 2. 2.8 2.1. 2. 9 *** 2.7.1 ..... 2.6.2 .· ........... 2.1. 2. 7 ..2.6.3 User data segment· Syntax rule Repeated segment character set component data element component data element separatorcomposite data element conditional ... data element bpeeeeop data element attribute element directory data element name data element reference numberdata element separator China Heart Center Center Center data element tag ......... data element value data element representation data unit directory version ..... document ........... electronic data interchange explicit representation functional group GB/T 14915—94 Character set Maximum number of uses Appendix B English index (reference) ++eopnre++ +++++++Ppp.0eee0p+ ee*中 epe *o *++ #p+epe? 1.....0... Jingdao Industry Ai Geng Guang Ying China Industry Center ++0-+0+*+0*+0*+ ......... 2. 37 2. 1. 2. 13 ++.....+. . 中e4e9680 2. 1.2.2 ... .. 2. 1.2. 6 | | tt | requirement generic data element group of segments .... header section ........ identifier implicit representation interchange ....+. interchange agreement professional center medium volume China electricity electricity electricity electricity quantity marketing demand ++0+0++00+++++0 zero service electricity meal zero product + ee+hp +ho +pooehh +hp ppe ++ +++ep+ ++p ee spare parts oeeedet++ee++odaie++++* China Specialized Center China Specialized Free Electric Safety +oIe+onpuroi0 OROObOoU9O0OB5O00 China Specialized Electricity 010001100000.0 China Specialized School TP-----5+. China Specialized Electricity *.. .· .* pooiooe .... 2.20 ..++.++. #o电心 ++-+e+++++o+++-ee0. .2.4.2 ..2.6.2 mandatory maximum use message .++.+..+0+.-.++..+0.++++. message code -... message diagram message directory .. message framework welcome message header ........ +oee*.ee+ ++ phee+e message trailer message type -... nested segment omission industry quality goods quantity quantity progressive data transfer qualified data element qualified data segment qualifier release.character repeating segment requirement designator section control segment! segment segment code segment directory segment name segment qualifier segrnent table segment tag|| tt||segment terminator separator character service data element service segment service string advice GB/T 14915--94 Specialized business Quality industry center Small and medium-sized National quality management industry||tt ||tteeeP Electric complex measurement Measure bone operation and electrocardiogram national service national quantity industry-a ++++.++-++++ +++++++++ simple data element ..... .+++++ .2.3.5 ... ...... twenty three. 1 ..-++-. 1051h80P00000106 Academics Center#oCenter. eCenter China service industry, China volume industry, China products Xuediandian Yingxin Yicaozhong simple Segment ..*.....**.**+.. .**+.....++*.............+........+......+status ++ +++++++++++. Sub-set .----+.-.--. summary section .. syntax rules|| tt||++++++++++ technical assessment electric power state power state-owned products heart power trade data interchange application protocol (TD-AP)trade data log trade data message +Quantity Quantity Center .... 2.2 .2.2.2 .... 2.2.5 2. 1 . 2. 10 quantity zero business .e.-e. trade data transfer trade transaction trade partners trial directory user data segment version number version/release Additional notes: Business GB/T14915--94 This standard is issued by the China Standardization and Information Technology Commission Coding Institute. This standard was drafted by the China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding. The main drafters of this standard are Liu Fang, Fang Qing, Cheng Nufan, Zhang Rongjing, Hu Hanjing, and Yan Weidong. 870 .... 2.28 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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