title>E-commerce credit—Index system for online retailing trustworthiness evaluation - GB/T 34056-2017 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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E-commerce credit—Index system for online retailing trustworthiness evaluation

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 34056-2017

Standard Name:E-commerce credit—Index system for online retailing trustworthiness evaluation

Chinese Name: 电子商务信用 网络零售信用评价指标体系

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2017-07-31

Date of Implementation:2017-11-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and management of companies (enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Services>>03.080.01 General services

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A10 Commerce, Trade, Contract

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

other information

Review date:2023-12-28

drafter:Ye Ruyi, Li Xiudi, Gao Limei, Gong Yuefang, Chu Yi, Zhou Daohua, Li Xianghua, Sun Caiying, Lin Zhusheng, Zhou Li, Jiang Zhou, Feng Lijun, Li Yao, Xu Zhen, Lang Cheng, Li Nanyang, Xu Meng, Li Yunsheng, Xiong Wen, Liu Jing, An Yanhong, Ye Chunsun, Lin Ying

Drafting unit:China National Institute of Standardization, Beijing Zhonglianxiangfu Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Standardization Research Institute, Chengdu Zhongke Daqi Software Co., Ltd., Sichuan Sanchi Technology Co., Ltd., Beijin (Beijing) Culture Co., Ltd.,

Focal point unit:National Social Credit Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 470)

Proposing unit:National Social Credit Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 470)

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 34056-2017 E-commerce credit network retail credit evaluation index system GB/T34056-2017 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the principles, index composition, weights and methods for evaluating network retail credit. This standard is applicable to the credit evaluation of self-operated retail websites and online stores on third-party network retail platforms, and other types of e-commerce credit evaluation can be used as a reference.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
E-commerce credit
Online retail trustworthiness
Evaluation index system
E-commerce credit-Index system for online retailingtrustworthiness evaluation
2017-07-31 Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
2017-11-01 Implementation
Terms and definitions
General requirements
Evaluation data
Evaluation indicators
Indicator system composition
5.2 First-level indicators
5.3 First-level indicator weight adjustment
5.4 Second-level indicators and weights
6 Example of indicator system for online retail of consumer goods
Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Table of first-level indicator system for credit evaluation of online retail of consumer goods Appendix B (Informative Appendix) Table of second-level indicator system for credit evaluation of online retail of consumer goods References
Hii KAoNhi KAca
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Social Credit Standardization (SAC/TC470). GB/T34056—2017
The drafting units of this standard are: China National Institute of Standardization, Beijing Zhonglianxiangfu Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Standardization Research Institute, Chengdu Zhongke Daqi Software Co., Ltd., Sichuan Sanchi Technology Co., Ltd., Beijin (Beijing) Culture Co., Ltd., Zhongdaxin (Beijing) Credit Evaluation Center Co., Ltd., Sichuan Quanhui Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu Yingming E-commerce Co., Ltd., Hebei Provincial Institute of Standardization, Tianjin Institute of Standardization, Shishi Zhian Technology Vocational Training School, Ningde Xintanbo Information Technology Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Ye Ruyi, Li Xiudi, Gao Limei, Gong Yuefang, Chu Yi, Zhou Daohua, Li Xianghua, Sun Caiying, Lin Zhusheng, Zhou Li, Jiang Zhou, Feng Lijun, Li Yao, Xu Zhen, Lang Cheng, Li Nanyang, Xu Meng, Li Yunsheng, Xiong Wen, Liu Jing, An Yanhong, Ye Chunsun, Lin Ying. Ⅲ
With the rapid development of e-commerce, the proportion of online retail transactions in the total retail sales of consumer goods is increasing. In order to reduce the occurrence of various types of dishonest events in online retail, protect the rights and interests of consumers, and better play the role of online retail credit evaluation and services in encouraging the trustworthiness and restricting the dishonesty of online retail operators, this standard is specially formulated. This standard defines the goal of online retail credit evaluation to help customers avoid online shopping risks. Based on the theory and data of customer online shopping trust formation and the distribution characteristics of online shopping complaint data, it selects classification indicators such as information disclosure, products, payment delivery, and after-sales service that are closely related to online shopping risks. It also selects capability indicators that reflect business conditions and comprehensive indicators that reflect overall credit conditions. It provides a unified technical foundation for the emerging online retail credit evaluation in my country from the aspects of evaluation basic principles, basic requirements and indicator system. IV
HiiKAoNhi KAca
1 Scope
E-commerce credit
Online retail credit
Evaluation indicator system
This standard specifies the principles, indicator composition, weights and methods for evaluating online retail credit. GB/T34056—2017
This standard applies to the credit evaluation of self-operated retail websites and online stores on third-party online retail platforms. Other types of e-commerce credit evaluation can be used as a reference.
Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 2.1
e-commerce credit
E-commerce credit
In e-commerce transactions, the ability of a transaction party to obtain the trust of the transaction party as the basis of the transaction. Note 1: The transaction party must operate in good faith, abide by the transaction commitments and agreements, and meet the reasonable expectations of the transaction party to obtain and maintain this ability. Note 2: The credit level of online retail depends on the comprehensive risk level of customers' online shopping. When the risk level meets the requirements of online shopping transactions, the customer satisfaction level can be used as a credit evaluation indicator.
[GB/T34057—2017, definition 3.1]
risk involvedwithonlineshopping
The adverse effect of uncertainty on the customer's online shopping to achieve the expected goals. Note: The invisible and remote characteristics of online transactions increase transaction uncertainty and risk. 2.3
online retailing
Online retailing
The sale of goods to consumers through the Internet. 2.4
Consumer goods
consumer product
Products designed and produced for, but not limited to, personal use, including product components, parts, accessories, packaging and instructions for use. [ISO10377:2013 definition 2.2]
3 General requirements
Evaluation of online retail credit should aim to help buyers avoid online shopping risks caused by sellers, and should follow the principles of fairness, justice, standardization and science, including:
a) The evaluation data should be authentic, reliable, dynamic, representative and timely; b) The evaluation indicators should cover common customer online shopping risks and experience perceptions, and be consistent with the characteristics of the business model, main products, etc.; The weight of the evaluation indicators should be consistent with the importance of the indicators, the degree of customer attention, etc.; d) The scoring rules should be reasonable and detailed, and operational; e) The expression of the evaluation results should be comparable and clear and easy to understand. 1
4 Evaluation data
Online retail credit evaluation data may include: transaction data;
b) Customer evaluation data: should not include false customer evaluation data, and distinguish paid evaluation from free evaluation, so that the evaluation results reflect the actual feelings of customers;
c) Buyer sampling survey results;
d) Complaint records;
Government supervision records;
Other data.
5 Evaluation indicators
5.1 Index system composition
Online retail credit evaluation adopts two-level indicators. According to the characteristics of business model, main products, etc., different first-level indicators and corresponding second-level indicators can be selected and added.
5.2 First-level indicators
First-level indicators for online retail credit evaluation can be selected from the following indicators, and other indicators can also be added according to the characteristics of business model, main products, etc.:
Business legality: Business legality is a veto indicator for online retail credit evaluation, which checks business qualifications and whether there are any illegal or irregular business behaviors.
Business status: Evaluate the recent business activity. Information disclosure: Evaluate whether the description of the products sold can help customers understand the quality and performance of the products, whether there is misleading or missing key information, etc., and also include the evaluation of promotional information. d) Product quality: Evaluate whether the quality and performance of the products received by customers meet the website description and the expectations of customers when subscribing or placing orders. Note: The product here refers to the final physical product, digital product or service for consumption that customers expect to obtain from their purchase behavior, including product maintenance services, or the product itself is a service, such as housekeeping services. Supporting services: evaluate whether the supporting services provided to complete shopping behavior meet the website's promises and whether they meet the basic needs of online shopping, such as delivery, payment, return and exchange, after-sales compensation, etc. Privacy and personal data protection: evaluate whether the privacy and personal data protection policy of this website is clearly informed to customers, whether relevant risks are reminded, and whether customer privacy and personal data can be guaranteed to be used only for shopping and not leaked. Once it is discovered that the business entity has a customer privacy or personal data leakage incident within a period of time, the evaluation level should be lowered or the incident should be noted in the evaluation results. Comprehensive evaluation: make a comprehensive evaluation on all or part of the above indicators, or on credibility, satisfaction, risk, etc.
3 Adjustment of the weight of the first-level indicators
In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4, the weight of the first-level indicators can be adjusted according to the availability and accuracy of the data. For example, when there is a lack of comprehensive evaluation data or the complaint data is incomplete, the weight of the "comprehensive evaluation" can be reduced; conversely, when more comprehensive comprehensive evaluation data can be obtained or complaint data is mastered, the weight of the first-level indicator of "comprehensive evaluation" can be increased. When adjusting, the proportion of the business activity index in the total score should not exceed 10%, and the same first-level indicators and weights should be used as much as possible for platforms with basically the same business model and main products. 2
Second-level indicators and weights
The selection, scoring rules and weight determination of the second-level indicators should all take into account the characteristics of online shopping risk points, data availability, data quality and other factors. When adjusting, the same second-level indicators and weights should be used for platforms with basically the same business model and main products. Example of the index system for online retail of consumer goods
The first-level index and second-level index for credit evaluation of online retail of consumer goods are respectively referred to in Appendix A and Appendix B, which can be adjusted according to the relevant provisions in Chapter 3 and Chapter 5.
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Table of the first-level index system for credit evaluation of online retail of consumer goodsThe table of the first-level index system for credit evaluation of online retail of consumer goods is shown in Table A.1. In the table, self-operated retail websites are referred to as websites, and online stores on third-party online retail platforms are referred to as online stores. Table A.1 First-level indicator system for evaluating the credit of online retail of consumer goods First-level indicator
1. Legality of operation
2. Operating conditionsbzxZ.net
3. Information disclosure
4. Product quality
5. Supporting services
6. Comprehensive evaluation and external complaints
General requirements and instructions
This indicator is a threshold indicator for evaluating the credit of online retail. The evaluation of online retail credit must meet the following requirements: (1) The operator has a legal online retail identity; (2) The evaluated website/online store has no serious violations of laws and regulations. Those who fail the evaluation of this indicator will be directly rated as good or below (not including good). The website/online store continues to operate and has a certain transaction volume. The description of the products sold, prices and charges is accurate and clear. The products received by customers (including installation, maintenance and other services stipulated by the mandatory product certification system or promised by the seller) are consistent with the description and the expectations of customers before browsing the website/online store and placing an order. The requirements for this item are as follows:
(1) The payment method is convenient and safe
(2) Delivery/shipping meets the promised level and customer expectations: (3) The return and exchange service is not lower than the relevant laws and regulations and the seller's commitment: (4) The website/online store's honest operation should be recognized by customers who have made purchases. This indicator is explained as follows:| |tt||(1) The comprehensive evaluation of customers' trust in websites or online stores is positive data reflecting comprehensive credit; (2) The number of complaints received from outside the website or the number of complaints received from the platform and the number of government administrative penalties are negative data reflecting comprehensive credit;
(3) The two data can be substituted for each other, and this indicator can also be substituted for other primary indicators as a whole (see 5.3)
Full score of indicators
(Veto item)
Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
Table of the secondary indicator system for credit evaluation of online retail of consumer goods GB/T34056—2017
Table of the secondary indicator system for credit evaluation of online retail of consumer goods is shown in Table B.1. In the table, self-operated retail websites are referred to as websites, and online stores on third-party online retail platforms are referred to as online stores. Table B.1
Secondary indicator system for credit evaluation of online retail of consumer goods Table First-level indicator
"Legality of operation
II. Operation status
Secondary indicator
Entity qualifications/identity of the operator
Internet information service
Registration and license
Administrative license
Record of serious illegal and irregular crimes
Time of starting operation
Recent transaction activity
Description of secondary indicators
Verify the legal person's certificate and identity
Verify ICP registration or ICP
Operation license
Verify Business license, special
industry retail requires relevant administrative
whether the website/online store has been punished for various serious illegal
crimes such as pornography, gambling, drugs,
pyramid selling, fraud, import and export violations, etc. in the past three years
Check the website/online store's
online retail years, excluding
non-online retail e-commerce business
and offline business
Check the cumulative
transaction volume or transaction amount in the past three months
Quick item)
Scoring rules (depending on the actual situation, continuous scores can be used or other data and methods can be used)
Verification is conducted through data provided by the government and judicial departments: (1) Website: Verify the authenticity and validity of the business license, legal person ID and website ICP filing or ICP business license of the website operation registration agency. When an individual operates a website, the legal person ID is not verified. Verify the authenticity and validity of the identity document.
(2) Online store: Verify the identity document of the online store registrant and the authenticity and validity of the business license of the registration agency.
(3) Criminal records.
If there is a mismatch in qualification/identity information, lack of administrative license, or serious criminal record, no credit rating will be given within 3 years. 4 points for 3 years, 2 points for 1 year, 1 point for 6 months, and 0 points for less than 6 months. Points
(1) Website: 6 points if the number of transactions reaches RMB 10,000 or the number of transactions reaches 5,000 and the transaction amount reaches RMB 500,000; 4 points if the number of transactions reaches 5,000 or the number of transactions reaches 2,500 and the transaction amount reaches RMB 250,000; 2 points if the number of transactions reaches 2,000 or the number of transactions reaches 1,000 and the transaction amount reaches RMB 100,000; 1 point if the number of transactions reaches 1,000 or the number of transactions reaches 500 and the transaction amount reaches RMB 50,000; 0 points for other reasons. (2) Online store: 6 points if the number of transactions reaches 1,000 or the number of transactions reaches 500 and the transaction amount reaches RMB 50,000; 6 points if the number of transactions reaches 500 or the number of transactions reaches 250 and the transaction amount reaches RMB 2.50,000 yuan will be counted as 4 points; 200 transactions or 100 transactions and the transaction amount reaches 10,000 yuan will be counted as 2 points; 100 transactions or 50 transactions and the transaction amount reaches 5,000 yuan will be counted as 1 point; otherwise, 0 points will be counted.
When transaction volume data is unavailable, the website (average daily IP visits/5) is used instead of the number of transactions in three months
First-level indicators
Second-level indicators
Product description
Product price label
Product delivery related
III. Information disclosure
Delivery charge label
After-sales charge label
Conformity with description
IV. Product quality
Conformity with expectations
Table B.1 (continued)
Explanation of second-level indicators
Evaluate the degree of adequacy of description of main attributes of products
Evaluate the clarity of product price labeling, The degree of truthfulness, accuracy and non-misleading. The product's shipping location and expected arrival time should be clearly stated in a prominent position on the webpage. The delivery charges should be clearly indicated next to the product price on the product description page. The method and charges for obtaining after-sales services (such as installation, maintenance, returns and exchanges, etc.) should be clearly indicated next to the product price on the product description page. Evaluate the delivered products (including the stipulated or promised after-sales services, such as installation and maintenance, etc.) and the consistency between the product text and picture descriptions provided by the website/online store and the website/online store services. Consistency between the consultation replies and commitments of the service personnel
The extent to which the quality of the products delivered to the buyer (including the stipulated or promised after-sales services, such as installation and maintenance, etc.) meets the buyer's expectations when placing the order
Scoring rules (continuous scores can be used according to actual conditions: other data and methods can also be used)
Based on the feedback from the buyer and the evaluation of the sampled data, a very sufficient description will be scored 10 points; a relatively sufficient description will be scored 7 points; a not very sufficient description will be scored 4 points; and a very insufficient description will be scored 0 points
The full score is 4 points. Based on the feedback from the buyer and the evaluation of the sampled data, if the product price label is unclear, 1 to 2 points will be deducted according to the severity. If there is misleading information such as inconsistency between the marked price and the actual payment (negotiation is allowed) Lower the payment price or increase the discount) 1 point to 4 points will be deducted according to the severity, until 4 points are deducted cumulatively
For all product categories sold on the website/online store, 10 product description pages will be randomly checked in proportion (if there are less than 10, check all and evaluate according to proportion). If all of them indicate the shipping location and expected arrival time, 2 points will be awarded. If 1 to 3 are not marked, 1 point will be awarded, and if more than 3 are not marked, 0 point will be awarded
For all product categories sold on the website/online store, 10 product description pages will be randomly checked in proportion (if there are less than 10, check all and evaluate according to proportion). If all of them indicate the delivery charge standard, 2 points will be awarded. If 1 to 3 are not marked, 1 point will be awarded, and if more than 3 are not marked, 0 point will be awarded; 2 points will be awarded for free delivery of all products on the website/online store
For all product categories sold on the website/online store Randomly check 10 product description pages in proportion (if there are less than 10, check all and evaluate in proportion). If all pages indicate the after-sales service acquisition method and charging standard, 2 points will be awarded. If 1 to 3 pages are not marked, 1 point will be awarded. If more than 3 pages are not marked, 0 points will be awarded.
Based on buyer feedback and sampling data evaluation, the degree of consistency between product quality and description is obtained: very consistent or excessively consistent is awarded 12 points, all important features are consistent is awarded 9 points, most important features are consistent is awarded 6 points, and half or most important features are inconsistent is awarded 0 points to 3 points. It can also be scored according to the average degree of consistency
Based on buyer feedback and sampling data evaluation, the overall quality is consistent with more than 80% of buyer expectations, 8 points, consistent with 60% to 80% (excluding 80%) of buyer expectations, 6 points, consistent with 40% to 60% (excluding 60%) of buyer expectations, 4 points, and consistent with less than 40% of buyer expectations. It can also be scored according to the average degree of consistency
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