JB/T 9747-1999 Test methods for air filters of internal combustion engines
Some standard content:
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 9747—1999
Internal combustion engines---air filters--Test methods1999-09-17 Issued
National Machinery Industry Bureau
2000-01-01 Implementation
2 Reference standards
Risk items
5 Test equipment
Measuring plate accuracy
7 Test conditions
8 Test method selection
Appendix (suggested appendix)
Appendix B (suggested appendix)
Test equipment and performance test line
Test record form
This standard is a revision of NVJ337-B4 internal combustion engine air cleaner test method. The supplement only makes a periodic revision to the original standard, and the main technical content has not changed. This standard is implemented from 7-4. Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are both informative appendices. This standard is proposed by the Technical Committee for Standardization of Internal Combustion Engines. The drafting unit of this standard is Shanghai Internal Combustion Research Institute. The main drafter of this standard is Zhang Shaojie. The standard was first issued on October 46, 1984. Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Air filter: test method
Internal combustion engines
Internal combustion engines-Air filtersTest nethods JB/T 97471999
This standard specifies the test items, test equipment, test conditions and test methods of internal combustion air filters. This standard is applicable to air filters for small and medium-power internal combustion engines. 2 References
The texts contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. The versions shown are valid at the time of publication of this standard. All standards may be revised. All parties using this standard should consider the latest version of the following standards: GB.T3821—1983
3 Standards
Method for determination of cleanliness of diesel engine oil for small and medium power internal combustion engines (valid for 2011)
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Test piece
Refers to the filter element phase filter or air cleaner assembly under test. 3.2 Coarse filter
A device for separating part of the dust by means of reading or degassing. 3.3 Absolute droplet filter
A device for filtering light dust passing through the test piece. 3.4 Test air flow
The air flow rate that must pass through the outlet of the test piece and reach the standard atmospheric conditions per unit time, expressed in m: 3.5 Test air flow
The air flow rate that must pass through the outlet of the test piece and reach the standard atmospheric conditions, expressed in m\. 3.6 Dust extraction air flow
The air flow rate that must pass through the outlet of the coarse filter and reach the standard atmospheric conditions, expressed in m. 3.7 Assembly pressure
The static pressure measured at the assembly outlet when the test air flows through the assembly, expressed in millimeters of water. 3.8 Assembly original resistance
The static pressure obtained at the assembly outlet when the rated air flow passes through the assembly equipped with a new filter element, expressed in millimeters of water. 3.9 Original filter element resistance
Approved by the National Machinery Industry Bureau on September 17, 1999 and implemented on January 1, 2000
The difference between the static pressure measured at the rated air flow when a new filter element is connected to the resistance tester and the static pressure measured after replacing the filter element with an ideal nozzle. It is expressed in Pu (meters of water column). 3.10. Clogging end positive force
assembly test laboratory life (see 3.15) test the assembly power of the final factory, and the rate of water flow is shown. Note: The resistance level measured in 3.7-3.10 should be corrected to the straight line under the standard atmospheric conditions. 3.11 Filtration efficiency
The ability of the test piece to remove specific test powder is expressed in the number of self-filtration. The port cleaning efficiency is calculated by formula (1), formula (2) and formula (3). When using the absolute filter element method:
IAM,+sM +AM,
When the test piece is weighed with a weighing pan:
in which: the filtration efficiency can be expressed as a percentage;
2M—the mass increase of the test piece before and after the addition of dust, 8;M—the maximum mass increase of the absolute core before and after the addition of dust, 8;M—the mass increase of the dust collecting device before and after the addition of dust, more:M—dust adding pan, g.
3.12 Assembly original source cleaning efficiency
The ability of the assembly equipped with a new filter element to remove dust at the rated research air flow, expressed in percentage. 3.13 Original filter efficiency
The ability of the new filter element to remove dust at the rated air flow, expressed in percentage. .14 Twist filter efficiency
The ability of the filter to separate dust at rated air flow rate, expressed as a percentage. And calculated according to the formula (): e
Formula:—Twist filter efficiency, %
AM is the mass of the filter before and after adding dust: M——the amount of added dust,
3.15 Assembly test life
Under rated air flow rate, at the specified dust concentration, dust is added to the assembly inversely and evenly. When the assembly reaches the blocking resistance or the assembly filtration efficiency drops to the specified value, the cumulative time of adding dust to the assembly is expressed in h, and connected with formula (5) and formula (6) Calculation:
where: T, k!-assembly test life when the assembly resistance reaches the blocking end resistance, hT-assembly test life when the assembly cleaning efficiency drops to the specified value, h:3do
When the total resistance reaches the blocking end resistance, the cumulative mass of dust added to the assembly. Name: When the assembly cleaning efficiency drops to the specified value, the cumulative mass of dust added to the assembly, g; M
rated air flow, ml;
N-dust concentration during the cleaning efficiency test, e. The smaller of the above and below is the assembly test life. 3 .16 Internal cleanliness of the assembly
The amount of impurities (including dust, dirt and foreign matter) retained inside the assembly is expressed in m. 3:17 Oil loss rate
Oil-type or oil-type air filter, the amount of oil carried away by unit air flow per unit time, expressed in m". And according to the formula (7+ shoots:
Where: S——loss of motion, g/m;
M——the amount of oil lost by air during the test time (oil loss), respectively: 2——test air flow rate, m/h:
t——test time, ha
3.1 Standard atmospheric conditions
Air pressure: 100kPa
Ambient temperature: 25℃.
3.19 When the test air conditions are different from those in 3.18, the test air flow and resistance of the test piece are calculated using formula [8] and formula (9): 2n=0.1264206
Where: n - test air volume, m'h; &h
Resistance of the test piece under standard atmospheric conditions, kFad.—diameter of the orifice plate of the flowmeter, nm:
- coefficient of expansion:
- coefficient of air expansion:
P - atmospheric pressure under test conditions, kra
Environmental temperature under test conditions, kPa:
p - vacuum seat in the pipe in front of the orifice plate of the flowmeter, kPa: P - atmospheric pressure under standard conditions;
T - environmental temperature under standard conditions:
3B/ 9747-199
P—Air density under standard atmospheric conditions, kg/m, pressure before the orifice of the flow meter, ka:
Test piece resistance under test atmospheric conditions, Pa, 4 Test items
4.1 The various assembly test items covered by this standard are listed in Table 1. Table 1 Test items for various assemblies
Test items
Assembly internal cleanliness
Total pressure
Main pressure
Assembly initial cleanliness
Electromagnetic elimination efficiency
Total electrical test products
Operation test
Note: C means test required.
4.2 Test record table see Appendix B (indicated appendix). 5 Test volume:
Lubricating type
Air fuel pump
For the remaining test items of this standard, the following equipment and devices [see Appendix (indicated appendix)] are used for testing. 5.1 Air filter test bench [see Appendix A1)
Air filter
It includes air pump (or other air extraction equipment), pressure regulating box, flow meter, regulating valve, differential pressure gauge and absolute filter. 5.1 Automatic dust adding system (see Appendix A2)
The average pressure of the air supply to the powder injector shall not be less than 55kPa. In order to make the dust float, the air velocity in the dust injection and connecting pipe shall not be less than 15m/s. The powder density deviation shall not be greater than 3%. The use of other types of automatic dust adding system shall not change the main components of the test equipment.
5.2. For dust equipment (see Figure A3)
5.1.2 Dust ejector [see Figure A4)
When the test air flow is not greater than 200mm, use Figure A4a) in Appendix A. When the test air flow is greater than 200mm*A, use Figure A4b) in Appendix A.
5.3 The resistance measuring coil and annular chamber are shown in Figure A5 in Appendix A. The connection between the air filter and the pressure measuring tube is shown in Figure A6. The inner diameter of the resistance measuring tube is equal to the inner diameter of the air outlet of the air filter (see Figure A6a) and Figure A6b in Appendix A). For air filters directly installed on internal combustion engines, the inner and outer diameters of the resistance measuring disc width are respectively the same as the inner and outer diameters of the internal combustion engine set connection point (see Appendix A Figure A6c). JB/T9747-1999
5.4 Filter element force measurement device (see Appendix A Figure A7) 5.5 Filter element original filtration efficiency test device (see Appendix A Figure A8) Appendix A Figure A8, 15ms.V=-6ms 5.6
Total or filtration efficiency and assembly test laboratory will be the test shoe (see Appendix A Figure A9) Appendix A uses A9, 15m/, hand V absolute filter.||tt| |Electric heating dry explosion box.
Assisted with the test,
Measurement accuracy
Atmospheric pressure: 0.1kPa.
Temperature: 0.5%
6.3Relative humidity: 2%,
Air flow: 2% of the measured value.
Resistance: 24.5Pa.
Weighing pan accuracy see Table 2.
Table 2 Weighing accuracy
Weighing item
Absolute core
Test tax dust
And the weighing pan test piece method to test the exhaust efficiency
Note: When the exhaust efficiency test is performed by one method The maximum dust added is: . Test equipment
7.1 Test room: The ambient temperature of the test room is 24T±6, and the relative light source is 35%-65%. 7.7 Test dust
Use the absolute method to test the filtration efficiency
7.2.1 This standard uses quartz powder as the test dust, and its particle composition should comply with the provisions of Table 3. Before use, it should be dried in a 105+2℃ dry room and cooled.
. 2.2 Dust concentration during the filtration efficiency test M single-stage air filter, N yuan 0.5gml:
It has no double (multi) air filter with flowing fragrance, N-[.0um: air dehumidifier with flag flow tube, N-2.&/m rescue
Table 3 Particle composition of test dust
Note: TZC-z type micro recorder for comparative analysis. 7.2.3 The total test laboratory will be the potential dust liquid bottom during the test: single-stage oil-free air filter, N;
Other rational air filters, 2.N%
7.2.4 The amount of powder added during the filtration efficiency test M is calculated according to formula [1]: Mr (+e1Ne
-Dust salt, more:
Test time, h:
. Test air flow, m;
Credit points
22 ± 3
38 ± 3
29 ± 3
2-Dust air flow, and small; For assemblies without exhaust ejection devices. Take -0; -Dust concentration for reduction efficiency test, N, m
If M, z20g, take M=20g.
Oil shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB11122.
7.4 Absolute filter core material
Treat the filter medium at 509 and 95% relative humidity for 96 hours, and its moisture absorption capacity is less than 1% by weight: Use the test dust test specified in this standard, and the filtration efficiency should be not less than 9%. 8 Test method
B.1 Total internal cleanliness test
6.1.1 For dry air filter Remove all packaging of the assembly (packaging is not plugged in the air inlet and outlet of the assembly), place it at room temperature for not less than 48 hours, and then use clean gauze to remove dust and dirt on the outer surface of the assembly. 8.1..2 Weigh the original sensor of the assembly, and indicate it as . Disassemble the assembly and gently shave or replace the impurities inside the assembly (including the surface of all parts) with a soft brush or gauze. Weigh the cleaned assembly (including all parts) on a balance and weigh the mass of the assembly after cleaning, expressed in m. The wear from to should be completely released within 15min.
JB/T 9747—1995 1.1.2 and The difference in mass is the internal cleanliness of the assembly, expressed in mg. 8.1.1 For oil-free and flow-through assemblies Wipe the dust and dirt on the external surface of the assembly with a clean cloth. Perform the operation in accordance with the regulations of GB3821 and calculate the internal cleanliness of the assembly. 8.2 Oil loss rate test
The oil loss test is only used for oil bath and oil bay air filter purifiers. 8.2.1 Carry out the oil loss rate test in the vertical position [see Figure A10a in Note A]] Weigh the original mass of the assembly, expressed in mg. Weigh the mass of the assembly after adding oil (or filter element oil), calculate the added (diffused) oil, expressed in mg. For oil-type assemblies, the oil level should match the oil level mark in the oil tank. , the filter element should be oiled and drained for no less than 20 hours. For oil diffused assemblies, the filter element should be oiled and drained in accordance with the instructions. The oil plate used complies with the provisions of .3. Reversely connect the assembly to the resistance measuring tube on the air cleaner test bench. Adjust the air flow plate so that it can be evacuated for 1 hour at the rated air drop volume. Weigh the mass of the assembly and calculate the oil loss rate according to formula [71. 8.2.2 Carry out oil loss rate or risk in the inclined position [see Figure A1b in Appendix A] 1 Sequence 2.2.! The inclination angle of the assembly shall be the maximum inclination angle specified in the technical conditions of the means of transport or power equipment using the assembly. Measure the total according to 8.21.1 and Calculate the original mass of the assembly and add the oil pan. The assembly is evacuated for 10 minutes at 110% of the rated air flow. Weigh the assembly again and calculate the oil loss rate according to formula (7). 8.2.3 Take the more accurate value among and as the oil loss rate. %3 Assembly original assembly stress test
3.3.1 For oil-type assemblies, add appropriate lubricating oil to the assembly. The oil level should be consistent with the oil level mark in the oil pool. The filter element should be immersed in oil and drained for not less than 20 hours. For oil-filled assemblies, the filter element should be filled with appropriate lubricating oil according to the instructions for use. The material used meets the requirements of 3. S.3.2 The swimming assembly is connected to the resistance measuring device of the air filter test unit 1. [ See Figure A1 and Figure A6 in Appendix A]. 8.3.3 For assemblies with exhaust and ejection dust removal devices, connect the dust holding port of the coarse filter to the path with its dust blocking device and flow meter [Figure ||tt| in Appendix A]. 8.3.4 Adjust the air flow plate so that the air flow through the assembly outlet is 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, [00% and 110% of the specified air flow plate, and measure and record the assembly resistance under each air flow regulation. 3, 5 For assemblies with air-carrying and ejection dust extraction devices, while adjusting the air flow rate through the assembly outlet, the dust extraction air flow through the dust exhaust port of the filter should be adjusted to be equal to a certain percentage of the air flow rate through the assembly outlet. During the test, there should be no air flow phenomenon in the dust exhaust of the filter.
Complete 3, 6 According to formula (6), the assembly resistance measured in 8.3.4 is adjusted to the standard atmospheric condition, and the assembly original pressure characteristic curve is drawn according to Figure A! 1 in Appendix A,
B.4.1 According to Figure A7a in Appendix A, install the new filter element on the resistance measuring device, d,-d42mm8.43 Adjust the air flow rate so that the air flow through the resistance measuring device is equal to 5%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, JB door 9747-1990
[00% and 0% of the rated flow rate, measure and record the limit force under each air flow rate, 8.4.3 According to Figure A7b in Appendix A, replace the new filter element with an ideal nozzle [see Figure B7c in Appendix B], weight 8, 8.42 content 4.4 The forces measured in 8.4.2 and 8.4.3 can be normalized to the standard atmospheric condition according to formula (9). The difference in the corrected resistance is the original resistance of the filter element, and the original flow-resistance characteristic curve of the required filter element is drawn according to 3.6. B.4.5 If the nest does not have an ideal spray, the resistance of the test glue in 8.42 can be adjusted to the standard atmospheric conditions according to formula (9), and then the corresponding value shown in Figure A12 in Appendix A is the original resistance of the filter element. B.5 Assembly original cleaning efficiency test
8.5.1 For the original filtration efficiency test of oil bath type and oil leakage type assemblies, it should be carried out after the total oil loss rate is determined. 8.5.1 For assemblies with automatic dust removal devices, a curtain with an appropriate volume is used as a dust collection device to replace the automatic dust removal device (see Figure A in Appendix A) to collect the dust separated by the coarse filter. For assemblies with exhaust ejection devices, continue with 6,3,3,3. 8.5.4 Weigh the original mass of the assembly and the collection device, and express it as. 8.5.5 When the filter efficiency is tested by the weighing pan test piece method, the assembly shall be evacuated for 10 minutes under a specified air flow rate and then weighed immediately. After heating, evacuation and weighing shall be continued until the mass change value of the assembly is not less than the value of adding dust during the filter efficiency test for two consecutive times. For oil bath type assembly, evacuation is not required. 8.5.6 When the filter efficiency is tested by the weighing absolute filter element method, the absolute filter element shall be kept in a medium drying box at 105℃ for at least 4 hours and then installed in the absolute filter after weighing.
More.5. To start the automatic dust adding system, add a specified amount of dust into the assembly within 10 minutes under the rated air flow rate. The dust amount is determined according to formula (10).
8.5.8 For assemblies with exhaust induced dust extraction devices, the provisions of 8.3.5 shall be met when evacuating or adding dust. 8.5.9 When testing the filtration efficiency by weighing the test piece method, the mass of the assembly and the dust collecting device should be weighed quickly, and the mass increase of the assembly and the dust collecting device before adding dust should be calculated.
8.5.10 When testing the filtration efficiency by weighing the absolute filter element method, repeat the content of 8.5.6 again, and calculate the mass increase of the absolute filter element before and after the dust is added.
5. Calculate the initial filtration efficiency of the assembly according to formula [1] or formula (2) and formula (3). 8.5.12 If necessary, the initial filtration efficiency test can be carried out on the oil bath assembly in the inclined position. The assembly feeding angle is selected according to the provisions of 8.22.1.
8.5.13 For assemblies without air intake, when performing the filtration efficiency test, the loading shown in Figure A9a), Figure A9c) in Appendix A should be selected.
8.6 Test of initial filter efficiency of filter element
6.1 The test device of initial filter efficiency of filter element is shown in Appendix A8. 6.3 The test method of initial filter efficiency of filter element and the method of calculating filter efficiency shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions in 8.5. 8? Coarse filter efficiency test
8. The test results of 1 phase 5.9 are known. The mass increase of the coarse filter before and after adding dust is known. 8.7.2 Calculate the coarse filter efficiency according to formula (4). 7.3 The coarse filtration efficiency test can also be carried out at any given air flow rate with a certain air flow rate of high to low, and a coarse filtration efficiency characteristic curve can be drawn (such as Figure A13B in Appendix A). 8.7.4 During the reverse efficiency characteristic test, the dust load and dust removal time shall be in accordance with the provisions of 72.4. 8.8 Assembly laboratory performance test 8.8.1 Assembly laboratory life test can be carried out after the original filter assembly and the filter chain test. The test device is as follows: As shown in Figure A9 of Appendix A.
%8.2 Count the cumulative mass of test dust added to the assembly through the efficiency test room, and indicate. 8.8.3 Connect the assembly and test equipment that have been weighed to the resistance measurement on the air filter test bench, %.%.4 Take the whole test room to prepare for the test process, and the components meet the requirements of 8.3.3 and 83.5. 8.8.5 Start the automatic dust addition system, and add dust to the assembly at the rated air flow rate [and meet the requirements of 8.35). At the dust concentration specified in 7.2.3, add dust to the assembly.
8.8.6 When the total bottom resistance increases by 19.6-490Pa, measure and record the total resistance, count the accumulated dust, and conduct the filtration efficiency test at 85.5 and 8.5.9 (or 85.6 and 8.5[0). During the test, take 5-10 data and calculate the filtration efficiency using formula (11), formula (12) and formula (13):
Where: Knife - filtration:
Measure the mass increase of the test piece before and after the dust is added during the two consecutive increases in the total resistance. 8.8.7 Repeat the contents of 8.8.6. After the assembly resistance reaches the blocking end resistance, continue to test according to the contents of 8.8.6 until the total force falls to the blocking end resistance and the test is terminated. 88.8 Correct the assembly resistance measured in 8.8.6-8.8.7 to the standard atmospheric condition according to formula (9). 8. 8. 9 According to the test results of 8.8.6-8, F, 8, draw the assembly laboratory life characteristic curve as shown in Appendix A, and calculate the assembly laboratory life according to formula (15) or formula (6). 8. 9 Sealing test
When the assembly laboratory life test is completed, or when the assembly resistance reaches the end of blocking resistance, immediately disassemble the assembly. Check and record whether there are any traces of dust leakage in the sealed parts inside the assembly. 9.10 Vibration test
.10.! Install the assembly on the vibration test bench. Info 12 Perform vibration test according to the vibration frequency, amplitude and time specified in the relevant standards or the agreement between the supply and demand parties or the technical requirements of the product sample.
8.10.3 Frequently observe and record the situation of the assembly during the dynamic test. 9.10.4 When the oil-soluble and oil-immersed assemblies are subjected to a dynamic test run, no oil shall be added to the assembly and no oil shall be injected into the core.6 When the filter efficiency is tested by weighing the absolute filter element, the absolute filter element shall be kept in a medium drying box at 105℃2℃ for at least 4 hours, and then installed in the absolute filter after being weighed.
More.5. To start the automatic dust adding system, add a specified amount of dust into the assembly within 10 minutes at the rated air flow rate. The dust amount is determined according to formula (10).
8.5.8 For assemblies that are dry and have exhaust induced dust extraction devices, when empty or adding dust, the provisions of 8.3.5 shall be met. 8.5.9 When the filter efficiency is tested by weighing the test piece method, the mass of the assembly and the dust collecting device shall be weighed quickly, and the mass increase of the assembly and the dust collecting device before adding dust shall be calculated. www.bzxz.net
8.5.10 When the filter efficiency is tested by the weighing absolute filter element method, the contents of 8.5.6 shall be repeated and the mass increase of the absolute filter element before and after the dust is measured shall be calculated.
5. The initial filter efficiency of the assembly shall be calculated according to formula [1] or formula (2) and formula (3). 8.5.12 If necessary, the initial filter efficiency test of the oil bath assembly can be carried out in the inclined position. The assembly feeding angle shall be selected in accordance with the provisions of 8.22.1.
8.5.13 For the assembly with non-intake air, when the filter efficiency test is carried out, the loading amount shown in Figure A9a), Figure A9c) of Appendix A shall be selected.
8.6 Initial filter efficiency test of filter element
&6.1 The initial filter efficiency test device of the filter element is shown in Figure A8 of Appendix A. 6.3 The original filter efficiency test method and filter efficiency calculation method shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions in 8.5. 8. Coarse filter efficiency test 8. The test results of 1 phase 5.9 are known. The mass increase of the coarse filter before and after adding dust is known. 8.7.2 Calculate the coarse filter efficiency according to formula (4). 7.3 The coarse filter efficiency test can also be carried out under any fixed air flow rate of percent efficiency, in the order of large air flow rate first and small air flow rate, and the coarse filter efficiency characteristic curve can be drawn (such as Figure A13B in Appendix A). 8.7.4 During the reverse efficiency characteristic test, the dust addition amount and dusting time shall be in accordance with the provisions of 72.4. 8.8 Assembly laboratory performance test 8.8.1 Assembly laboratory life test can be carried out after the original filter and filter chain test of the assembly. The test device is as follows: As shown in Figure A9 of Appendix A.
%8.2 Count the cumulative mass of test dust added to the assembly through the efficiency test room, and indicate. 8.8.3 Connect the assembly and test equipment that have been weighed to the resistance measurement on the air filter test bench, %.%.4 Take the whole test room to prepare for the test process, and the components meet the requirements of 8.3.3 and 83.5. 8.8.5 Start the automatic dust addition system, and add dust to the assembly at the rated air flow rate [and meet the requirements of 8.35). At the dust concentration specified in 7.2.3, add dust to the assembly.
8.8.6 When the total bottom resistance increases by 19.6-490Pa, measure and record the total resistance, count the accumulated dust, and conduct the filtration efficiency test at 85.5 and 8.5.9 (or 85.6 and 8.5[0). During the test, take 5-10 data and calculate the filtration efficiency using formula (11), formula (12) and formula (13):
Where: Knife - filtration:
Measure the mass increase of the test piece before and after the dust is added during the two consecutive increases in the total resistance. 8.8.7 Repeat the contents of 8.8.6. After the assembly resistance reaches the blocking end resistance, continue to test according to the contents of 8.8.6 until the total force falls to the blocking end resistance and the test is terminated. 88.8 Correct the assembly resistance measured in 8.8.6-8.8.7 to the standard atmospheric condition according to formula (9). 8. 8. 9 According to the test results of 8.8.6-8, F, 8, draw the assembly laboratory life characteristic curve as shown in Appendix A, and calculate the assembly laboratory life according to formula (15) or formula (6). 8. 9 Sealing test
When the assembly laboratory life test is completed, or when the assembly resistance reaches the end of blocking resistance, immediately disassemble the assembly. Check and record whether there are any traces of dust leakage in the sealed parts inside the assembly. 9.10 Vibration test
.10.! Install the assembly on the vibration test bench. Info 12 Perform vibration test according to the vibration frequency, amplitude and time specified in the relevant standards or the agreement between the supply and demand parties or the technical requirements of the product sample.
8.10.3 Frequently observe and record the situation of the assembly during the dynamic test. 9.10.4 When the oil-soluble and oil-immersed assemblies are subjected to a dynamic test run, no oil shall be added to the assembly and no oil shall be injected into the core.6 When the filter efficiency is tested by weighing the absolute filter element, the absolute filter element shall be kept in a medium drying box at 105℃2℃ for at least 4 hours, and then installed in the absolute filter after being weighed.
More.5. To start the automatic dust adding system, add a specified amount of dust into the assembly within 10 minutes at the rated air flow rate. The dust amount is determined according to formula (10).
8.5.8 For assemblies that are dry and have exhaust induced dust extraction devices, when empty or adding dust, the provisions of 8.3.5 shall be met. 8.5.9 When the filter efficiency is tested by weighing the test piece method, the mass of the assembly and the dust collecting device shall be weighed quickly, and the mass increase of the assembly and the dust collecting device before adding dust shall be calculated.
8.5.10 When the filter efficiency is tested by the weighing absolute filter element method, the contents of 8.5.6 shall be repeated and the mass increase of the absolute filter element before and after the dust is measured shall be calculated.
5. The initial filter efficiency of the assembly shall be calculated according to formula [1] or formula (2) and formula (3). 8.5.12 If necessary, the initial filter efficiency test of the oil bath assembly can be carried out in the inclined position. The assembly feeding angle shall be selected in accordance with the provisions of 8.22.1.
8.5.13 For the assembly with non-intake air, when the filter efficiency test is carried out, the loading amount shown in Figure A9a), Figure A9c) of Appendix A shall be selected.
8.6 Initial filter efficiency test of filter element
&6.1 The initial filter efficiency test device of the filter element is shown in Figure A8 of Appendix A. 6.3 The original filter efficiency test method and filter efficiency calculation method shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions in 8.5. 8. Coarse filter efficiency test 8. The test results of 1 phase 5.9 are known. The mass increase of the coarse filter before and after adding dust is known. 8.7.2 Calculate the coarse filter efficiency according to formula (4). 7.3 The coarse filter efficiency test can also be carried out under any fixed air flow rate of percent efficiency, in the order of large air flow rate first and small air flow rate, and the coarse filter efficiency characteristic curve can be drawn (such as Figure A13B in Appendix A). 8.7.4 During the reverse efficiency characteristic test, the dust addition amount and dusting time shall be in accordance with the provisions of 72.4. 8.8 Assembly laboratory performance test 8.8.1 Assembly laboratory life test can be carried out after the original filter and filter chain test of the assembly. The test device is as follows: As shown in Figure A9 of Appendix A.
%8.2 Count the cumulative mass of test dust added to the assembly through the efficiency test room, and indicate. 8.8.3 Connect the assembly and test equipment that have been weighed to the resistance measurement on the air filter test bench, %.%.4 Take the whole test room to prepare for the test process, and the components meet the requirements of 8.3.3 and 83.5. 8.8.5 Start the automatic dust addition system, and add dust to the assembly at the rated air flow rate [and meet the requirements of 8.35). At the dust concentration specified in 7.2.3, add dust to the assembly.
8.8.6 When the total bottom resistance increases by 19.6-490Pa, measure and record the total resistance, count the accumulated dust, and conduct the filtration efficiency test at 85.5 and 8.5.9 (or 85.6 and 8.5[0). During the test, take 5-10 data and calculate the filtration efficiency using formula (11), formula (12) and formula (13):
Where: Knife - filtration:
Measure the mass increase of the test piece before and after the dust is added during the two consecutive increases in the total resistance. 8.8.7 Repeat the contents of 8.8.6. After the assembly resistance reaches the blocking end resistance, continue to test according to the contents of 8.8.6 until the total force falls to the blocking end resistance and the test is terminated. 88.8 Correct the assembly resistance measured in 8.8.6-8.8.7 to the standard atmospheric condition according to formula (9). 8. 8. 9 According to the test results of 8.8.6-8, F, 8, draw the assembly laboratory life characteristic curve as shown in Appendix A, and calculate the assembly laboratory life according to formula (15) or formula (6). 8. 9 Sealing test
When the assembly laboratory life test is completed, or when the assembly resistance reaches the end of blocking resistance, immediately disassemble the assembly. Check and record whether there are any traces of dust leakage in the sealed parts inside the assembly. 9.10 Vibration test
.10.! Install the assembly on the vibration test bench. Info 12 Perform vibration test according to the vibration frequency, amplitude and time specified in the relevant standards or the agreement between the supply and demand parties or the technical requirements of the product sample.
8.10.3 Frequently observe and record the situation of the assembly during the dynamic test. 9.10.4 When the oil-soluble and oil-immersed assemblies are subjected to a dynamic test run, no oil shall be added to the assembly and no oil shall be injected into the core.The test is terminated when the force drops by the secondary method to the end resistance of the plugging. 88.8 Correct the assembly resistance measured in 8.8.6-8.8.7 to the standard atmospheric condition according to formula (9). 8.8.9 According to the test results of 8.8.6-8, F, 8, draw the assembly laboratory life characteristic curve as shown in Appendix A, A14, and calculate the assembly laboratory life according to formula 15) or formula (6). 8.9 Sealing test
When the assembly laboratory life test is completed, or when the assembly resistance reaches the end resistance of plugging, the assembly is immediately disassembled. Check and record whether there are any traces of dust leakage in the sealed parts inside the assembly. 9.10 Vibration test
.10.! Install the assembly on the vibration test bench. 12 Perform vibration test according to the vibration frequency, amplitude and time specified in the relevant standards or the negotiation between the supply and demand parties or the technical requirements of the product sample.
8.10.3 Frequently observe and record the conditions that occur during the dynamic test of the assembly. 9.10.4 When the oil-soluble and oil-immersed assemblies are subjected to dynamic test, no oil shall be added to the assembly and no oil shall be injected into the core.The test is terminated when the force drops by the secondary method to the end resistance of the plugging. 88.8 Correct the assembly resistance measured in 8.8.6-8.8.7 to the standard atmospheric condition according to formula (9). 8.8.9 According to the test results of 8.8.6-8, F, 8, draw the assembly laboratory life characteristic curve as shown in Appendix A, A14, and calculate the assembly laboratory life according to formula 15) or formula (6). 8.9 Sealing test
When the assembly laboratory life test is completed, or when the assembly resistance reaches the end resistance of plugging, the assembly is immediately disassembled. Check and record whether there are any traces of dust leakage in the sealed parts inside the assembly. 9.10 Vibration test
.10.! Install the assembly on the vibration test bench. 12 Perform vibration test according to the vibration frequency, amplitude and time specified in the relevant standards or the negotiation between the supply and demand parties or the technical requirements of the product sample.
8.10.3 Frequently observe and record the conditions that occur during the dynamic test of the assembly. 9.10.4 When the oil-soluble and oil-immersed assemblies are subjected to dynamic test, no oil shall be added to the assembly and no oil shall be injected into the core.
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