title>JB/T 8514.2-1997 Guidelines for Enterprise Standardization Work General provisions for compiling enterprise standard system tables - JB/T 8514.2-1997 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8514.2-1997 Guidelines for Enterprise Standardization Work General provisions for compiling enterprise standard system tables

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8514.2-1997

Standard Name: Guidelines for Enterprise Standardization Work General provisions for compiling enterprise standard system tables

Chinese Name: 企业标准化工作导则 编制企业标准体系表的一般规定

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1997-03-04

Date of Implementation:1997-10-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery>>J01 Technical Management

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/Z 290.2-88

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery

Publishing department:Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 8514.2-1997 This standard is based on the provisions of GB/T 15496-1995 "Guidelines for Enterprise Standardization Work" on the establishment of enterprise standard system, and refers to GB/T 15497-1995 "Constitution and requirements of enterprise standard system technical standard system", GB/T 15498-1995 "Constitution and requirements of enterprise standard system management standard work standard system", and combines the characteristics of machinery industry enterprises to revise JB/Z 290.2-88 "General provisions for the compilation of enterprise standard system table in enterprise standardization work guidelines". This standard stipulates the composition and compilation requirements and methods of enterprise standard system table. This standard is applicable to guide machinery industry enterprises to compile enterprise standard system table. JB/T 8514.2-1997 General provisions for the compilation of enterprise standard system table in enterprise standardization work guidelines JB/T8514.2-1997 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 8514.1~~8514.3-1997
Guidelines for Enterprise Standardization
Published on March 4, 1997
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on October 1, 1997
JB/T 8514.2—1997
This standard is based on the provisions on establishing enterprise standard system in GB/T15496-1995 "Guidelines for Enterprise Standardization Work". With reference to the relevant standards of GB/T15497-1995 "Constitution and Requirements of Enterprise Standard System Technical Standard System" and GB/T15498-1995 "Constitution and Requirements of Enterprise Standard System Management Standard Work Standard System", and combined with the characteristics of machinery industry enterprises, JB/Z290.2-88 "General Provisions for the Preparation of Enterprise Standard System Table in the Guidelines for Enterprise Standardization Work" has been revised. The content has the following changes: 1. "Compilation principles" have been changed from comprehensive sets, appropriate levels, and clear divisions to system principles, practice principles, and development principles. 2. The appendixes "General basic standards and technical standards category examples" and "Management standards category examples" have been added to the standard. 3. The format of the summary table has been added.
4. The technical standard subsystem has been increased from the original seven categories to ten categories, and the categories of the management standard subsystem and the work standard subsystem have been appropriately adjusted. In Article 6.3.4, the contents of the work subsystem are explained, which shall be determined by the enterprise according to its actual management situation. 5. The format and columns of the "Detailed List" have been appropriately modified. Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are both appendices of the standard. This standard shall be implemented from October 1, 1997, and will replace JB/Z290.2-88. This standard is proposed and managed by the Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The drafting units of this standard are: China Machinery Industry Standardization Technical Association, Beiren Group Corporation, Beijing No. 2 Machine Tool Plant, Beijing Heavy Electric Motor Plant, Xi'an Instrument Factory, Tianjin Electromechanical Standardization Station, and Mechanical Science Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are: Meng Xianpei, Xu Fuben, Fu Wenying, Wang Mengyun, and Yu Meimei. 10
1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China
Guidelines for Enterprise Standardization Work
General Provisions for the Preparation of Enterprise Standard System Tables This standard specifies the composition, preparation requirements and methods of enterprise standard system tables. This standard is applicable to guiding machinery industry enterprises in the preparation of enterprise standard system tables. 2 Referenced standards
Replaces JB/Z290.2—88
The clauses contained in the following standards constitute the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T3935.1-1996
JB/Z 338.14—88
3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Enterprise standard system
General terms in standardization and related fields Part 1 Basic terms Guidelines for process management Process standardization
Standards within an enterprise form a scientific and organic whole according to their internal connections. [3.1 in GB/T13017-1995] 3.2 Enterprise standard system table
A table in which the standards in the enterprise standard system are arranged in a certain form. [3.2 in GB/T13017-1995] 3.3 Working standard
A standard formulated for work items that need to be coordinated and unified in the field of enterprise standardization. [3.2 in GB/T15498-1995] 3.4 The other terms in this standard adopt the definitions specified in GB3935.1. 4 Principles of compilation
4.1 System principle
In compiling a standard system, we should fully study all the things and concepts that need to be coordinated and unified in the production technology and business management of the enterprise within a certain period of time, form a system structure with appropriate levels and matching functions, and form a matching system that is interrelated, mutually restricted and coordinated. 4.2 Principles of Practice
The standard system should adapt to and meet the needs of enterprises in organizing production, operation and management under the market mechanism, and must be adapted to resource allocation and environmental conditions, and become the basic measures for developing production technology and conducting scientific management, so that it is practical and applicable. 4.3 Principles of Development
The standard system should be able to adjust, develop and update with the progress of science and technology, market demand, changes in enterprise business objectives and management mechanisms, and should be predictable and expandable, becoming a dynamic and open system. 5 Composition
The enterprise standard system is generally composed of a technical standard subsystem, a management standard subsystem and a work standard subsystem. Its constituent units are the standards that should be in the enterprise.
The enterprise standard system table is generally composed of an enterprise standard system structure diagram, a detailed table, a summary table and a compilation description. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China on March 4, 1997 and implemented on October 1, 1997
Structure diagram
The structure diagram shows the subsystems of the standard and their layers, and their relationships with each other. The structure diagram recommends two modes: Type I (as shown in Figure 1) and Type II (as shown in Figure 2). The constituent units of the technical standard subsystem and the management standard subsystem can be selected according to Appendix A (Appendix to the standard) and Appendix B (Appendix to the standard) of this standard. The content of the work standard can be compiled according to the provisions of 6.3.4 of this standard combined with the actual management situation of the enterprise. Enterprise standard system
Related regulatory documents
Work standards
Management standards
Technical standards
Operator work standards
Manager job standards
Material management standards
Financial management standards
●Labor management standards
●Energy management standards
Quality management standards
Technical management standards
Production, safety management standards
, planning management standards
Basic management standards
Safety Hygiene and environmental protection standards
Method standards
·Material standards
·Components standards
Tooling equipment standards
Process standards
·Design standards
?Product standards
Basic standards
Enterprise standard system1
Enterprise standard system
Related regulatory documents
General basic standards
Information technology standards
Standardization management standards
General standards
Management standards
Technical standards
Material management standards Standards
Financial management standards
Labor management standards
Energy management standards
Quality management standards
Technical management standards
·Safety management standards
·Planning management standards
·Safety, health and environmental protection standards
Method standards
Material standards
·Components standards
Tooling equipment standards
Process standards
Design standards
Product standards
Basic standards
Work standards
Operation standards|| tt||Operator
Position standard
Enterprise standard system 1
5.2 Detailed list
The format and filling content of the detailed list of standards at all levels and types are shown in Table 1. 12
Classification number
Classification name
Retrieval number
Or serial number
Standard name
There are three symbols for the degree of adoption of international standards: a) Equivalent to idtISO8514:8514 (=), b) Equivalent to eqvISO8514:8514 (=), JB/T 8514. 2-1997
Table 1 Detailed list
Standard number
c) Non-equivalent to neqISO8514:8514 (≠). The dynamic status of standard confirmation, revision, abolition, etc. shall be described in the remarks column. 5.3 Summary table
The format of the summary table of enterprise standard system is shown in Table 2. Table 2 Summary table
5.4 Preparation Instructions
Standard System Detailed Table
Implementation Date
Summary Table
Superior Standards
The contents of the preparation instructions for the enterprise standard system table should generally include: a) The basis for preparing the system table and the purpose to be achieved; b) An overview of domestic and foreign standards and current industry standards related to the enterprise; c) Analysis of the current standard level of the enterprise and clarification of future work priorities; d) The intersection of subsystems in the enterprise standard system and treatment opinions; e) Management of the standard system table, approval procedures and explanation of important contents; f) Other matters that should be explained, such as reference material catalogs, etc. 6 Preparation Methods
6.1 Investigation and Analysis
Adoption of International and Foreign Standards
Standard Number
Enterprise Standards
The status of domestic and foreign standards and industry standards related to the enterprise should be studied, and the enterprise's products, production technology, and business management should be investigated and analyzed to grasp the overall situation.
6.2 Determine the system plan
JB/T 8514. 2 - 1997
On the premise of ensuring the coordination and consistency of the system, determine the overall structure of the enterprise standard system. 6.3 Determine the subsystem
6.3.1 General basic standard subsystem
Analyze and determine the standard items of relevant general mandatory standards, general methods, information technology, etc. that have a direct impact on ensuring and improving the production technology, product quality, and management level of the enterprise. The categories of standards are shown in Appendix A. 6.3.2 Technical standard subsystem
Technical standards are the main body of enterprise standardization. They are standard items in engineering technology determined in accordance with national technical and economic policies and market needs to achieve the specified electromechanical product quality. The categories of standards are shown in Appendix A. 6.3.3 Management standard subsystem
Standard items necessary for improving management business level and work efficiency, ensuring the implementation of various technical standards, and realizing scientific management to ensure product quality. The categories of standards are shown in Appendix B. 6.3.4 Work Standard Subsystem
Analyze the relevant work, manufacturing process, operation (job) requirements that have a significant impact on the enterprise's production technology, product quality, and business management, and determine their standard items.
6.4 Draw charts and write instructions
a) Draw the enterprise standard system structure diagram based on the determined system plan and subsystem structure; b) Fill in the standard items in the detailed table according to the subsystem; c) Fill in the summary table according to the detailed table;
d) Write instructions according to the requirements of 5.4.
6.5 Approval and Implementation
Organize meetings to discuss and review, modify and supplement. After the finalization, it will be approved by the enterprise leaders and released for implementation. 14
A1 General basic standards
JB/T 8514.2-1997
Appendix A
(Appendix to the standard)
Examples of categories of general basic standards and technical standards are the basis for enterprises to formulate technical standards and management standards, and are standards with broad guiding significance. A1.1 General standards
refers to the mandatory standards commonly used in the production and operation of enterprises and the general technical method standards related to the production technology and operation management of enterprises. ;
a) Quantity and unit standards;
b) General standards related to safety, environmental protection, and health of enterprises; c) Standards in ergonomics, value engineering, network technology, statistical methods, etc. A1.2 Standardization management standards
refers to the regulations guiding the formulation and revision of enterprise standards and the implementation of standardization work. Such as: a) Enterprise standardization management guidelines (organizational structure, responsibilities, standard implementation, standard information and data management, etc.); b) Standard formulation and revision work rules; c) Standard printing and issuance rules; d) Standardization review procedures, etc. A1.3 Information management standards are standards that ensure the application of computer technology in enterprises and the smooth flow of business and production technology information. A2 Technical standards are standards formulated for technical matters that need to be coordinated and unified in the field of standardization. The forms of enterprise technical standards include standards, specifications, procedures, etc. A2.1 Product standards are standards that specify the requirements that a product or a group of products should meet to determine their adaptability to use. Notes 1 In addition to the adaptability requirements for use and environment, a product standard can directly include or reference content such as terminology, sampling, testing, packaging and labeling, and may also include process requirements when necessary. 2 A product standard can be comprehensive or partial, depending on whether it specifies all necessary or only part of it. In this regard, standards can be divided into standards for size, material and technical delivery. As can be seen from the above, product standards can be divided into: a) product internal control standards; b) trade (certification) product standards; c) product varieties, specifications, environmental protection (emissions, noise), safety and other standards. A2.2 Basic standards are standards that serve as the basis for other standards within a certain range and are widely used. For example: a) terminology standards; b) symbols, codes, and marking standards; c) technical drawings, mechanical drawings, electrical drawings, etc.; d) tolerances, form and position tolerances, surface roughness, etc.; e) gears, keys, threads, splines, etc. 15
A2.3 Design standards
refers to standards for ensuring and improving product design quality. Such as: a) product design specifications; b) design calculation methods; c) product design procedures and design review standards; d) product drawings and design documents. A2.4 Parts (components) standards refer to the standards for general parts (such as accessories, transmission parts, operating parts, hydraulic parts, etc.) and components. The material, variety, specification, technical requirements, testing, inspection, packaging, storage, transportation, marking and other aspects meet the required performance requirements, dimensional accuracy, etc. A2.5 Process standards refer to the standards formulated for the processing or assembly methods, process indicators and requirements of raw materials and semi-finished products according to the requirements of product standards. The scope of process standards can refer to the provisions of JB/Z338.14. A2.6 Tooling and equipment standards refer to the standards formulated for the structure, size, specification, accuracy requirements, etc. of various tools (including knives, grinders, fixtures, molds, auxiliary tools, station equipment, measuring instruments, pliers tools, etc.) or their parts used in the product manufacturing process. Equipment standards are standards for the technical requirements, use, repair and maintenance methods, verification and operating procedures of production and testing equipment. For example:
a) Equipment technical standards;
b) Purchasing and acceptance specifications for purchased equipment; c) Equipment repair and maintenance procedures;
d) Equipment operation, inspection and verification procedures. A2.7 Material standards
are standards for the quality and specifications of various materials such as raw materials, auxiliary materials, fuels, etc. used in the production process. For example: a) Material technical conditions;
b) Various material procurement and acceptance rules.
A2.8 Inspection and test method standards
refers to the standards for testing and testing the quality and performance of finished products, semi-finished products, materials, etc. For example: a) Test method standards (such as type tests, production tests, etc.); b) Inspection procedures [including sampling, application of statistical methods, factory (warehouse) inspection, process inspection, process (final) inspection, etc.; c) Inspection method standards.
A2.9 Safety, environmental protection and health standards
Safety standards are standards formulated for the purpose of protecting the safety of people and things. Health standards are standards formulated for the health requirements of food, medicine and other aspects to protect human health. Environmental protection standards are standards formulated for the quality of air, water, soil, noise, vibration and other environmental factors, pollution sources, detection methods and other matters to protect the environment and promote ecological balance. For example: a) Safety technical conditions for various electromechanical equipment; b) Noise limits for various electromechanical equipment;
c) Safety operating procedures for various electromechanical equipment. A2.10 Others
refers to standard items that cannot be included in the above standard categories and need to be classified separately. For example: A2.10.1 Packaging, handling, storage and marking standards a) Product packaging technical specifications (including packaging design, testing, packaging materials, packaging methods, packaging protection, etc.); b) Product packaging box standards;
c) Product storage, transportation and marking rules, etc. www.bzxz.net
JB/T 8514.2—1997
Note: When the content of this type of standard is not much, it can be included in the product standard category. A2.10.2 Service standards
a) Requirements for the preparation of product manuals; b) Product installation and delivery standards, etc.
Note: When the content of this standard is not much, it can be included in the design standard category. 17
B1 Basic management standards
JB/T 8514. 2- 1997
Appendix B
(Appendix to the standard)
Examples of management standard categories
It refers to standards that are widely used and have broad guiding significance as the basis for other management standards within the enterprise. For example: a) Standardization management;
b) Information management.
B2 Marketing and planning management standards
Marketing management standards refer to standards formulated within the scope of enterprise marketing, focusing on management requirements such as market research, contract signing, product sales and information feedback.
Planning management standards are standards formulated for management matters in the planning management of enterprise production and operation. Such as: a) business plan management;
b) contract review management;
c) user service management.
B3 Production and safety management standards
Production management standards are standards formulated for the management of specific activities from production technology preparation, raw material input, process processing to product or labor completion.
Safety management standards are management standards formulated for the purpose of protecting the safety of people and things. Such as: a) production plan management;
b) production operation environment protection management;
c) general rules for safe production.
B4 Technical management standards
refers to standards formulated for management matters of product design, documents and data management. Such as: a) product development and design management;
b) process management;
c) technical documents and drawings management.
B5 Quality management standards
refers to the standards formulated for all activities of all management functions that determine quality policies, objectives and responsibilities and implement them in the quality system through such as quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement. Such as: a) Quality planning management procedures;
b) Quality system establishment and operation management procedures; c) Quality manual;
d) Process quality control management procedures.
B6 Equipment and energy management standards
Equipment management standards are standards formulated for the management of the entire process of equipment selection, control, maintenance, maintenance, transformation and scrapping. Energy management standards are standards formulated for scientific planning, organization, command, supervision and regulation of the entire process of energy production, distribution, conversion and consumption. Such as: a) Equipment repair and maintenance management;
b) Equipment technical file management;
c) Energy measurement management;
d) Energy consumption statistics and analysis standards
B7 Personnel and labor management standards
JB/T 8514. 2-1997
refers to the standards formulated for the management of labor management, personnel training, qualification assessment, etc. within the enterprise. Such as: a) Personnel training management;
b) Labor management;
c) Qualification assessment management.
B8 Financial management standards
refers to the standards formulated for the management of the enterprise's finance, cost, etc. Such as: a) Financial management;
b) Cost management.
B9 Material management standards
refers to the standards formulated for the management of the procurement, transportation and storage of raw materials, auxiliary materials, parts and components required in the production process. Such as:
a) Procurement management;
b) Material handling and storage management.
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