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GB/T 2900.64-2003 Electrical terminology with or without time relay

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 2900.64-2003

Standard Name: Electrical terminology with or without time relay

Chinese Name: 电工术语 有或无时间继电器

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2003-01-17

Date of Implementation:2003-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation>>Vocabulary>>01.040.29 Electrical Engineering (Vocabulary)

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>General Electrical Engineering>>K04 Basic Standards and General Methods

associated standards

Procurement status:IEC 60050-445:2002

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Publication date:2003-06-01

other information

Release date:2003-01-17

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Shi Xinyuan, Wang Yu, Yang Fu

Drafting unit:The Fourth Electronic Research Institute of the Ministry of Information Industry

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electrical Terminology

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electrical Terminology

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard is equivalent to IEC 60050-445:2002. This standard specifies the terms and definitions of on-or-off time relays and is applicable to the compilation and translation of on-or-off time relay standards. Professional literature, teaching materials and books. GB/T 2900.64-2003 Electrical terminology on-or-off time relays GB/T2900.64-2003 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

GD/T 290D.64—2003/1KC.60050-445:2002 The market group adopts TFC.500415C62 International Electrotechnical Specifications Section 145: Relays with or without coupling.
The terms related to quantities and items in this section are in accordance with G3100--3-322199 and the definition of single letter.
This section is coordinated with the national standard of the terminology as far as possible, and the relevant standards are promoted! GB/T 2UK.1·1H92 Electric..Technical#
The whole terminology
G/T31H7—1SS is internationally recognized. The terminology in this part is numbered with the same standard as that in this part 60050-4452002. This part is issued by the National Standardization Committee. 1. The originating units of this part are: the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Ministry of Information Industry, the Institute of Mechanical Science and Technology This part is mainly drafted by the Institute of Electrical Engineering, China, the United States ...
IEC61812-1.1 Time relays Part 1: Tests and tests 1EC60947:1999 Low voltage switches and controllers Part 1: General [EC60059-441:1984 International Electrical Specifications Chapter 441 Switches, controllers, disconnect terminals and specifications
3.1 Relay types
Time relay time relay
Time delay relay (for protection) with one or more timing functions. 445-01-02
Actuation delay relay on-delay relay
Timer that starts when the relay is actuated. After a set time, the delay time is reduced to the time chain in which the relay switches to the actuation state. 445 01.03
Release delay relay off-(lkelayrelay)When the excitation is applied, the auxiliary output circuit immediately switches to the action state, starting from the time the excitation is removed, and after a set time its output circuit switches to the release state! Time relay: Release delay relay can be with or without auxiliary power, such as 44501-Q4
Off-delay relay with auxiliary power supply is a time delay relay with auxiliary power supply. If the auxiliary power supply is removed, the output circuit immediately switches to the release state. 445:0105
Interval timing relay
When the excitation is removed, the output circuit switches to the action state for a set time and then switches to the release state. Your time relay GB/1 2900,64 —2003/EC 60050-445:2002
Flash relay Masherreley
Within the time of the fan excitation disk, the output circuit is periodically converted to the action and release state parameters: or the control device with the action time roughly equal to the release time, bZxz.net
Note the most chain type, the power is switched from "closed" or from "off" 445-01-07
Pulse device pusrrela
Within the time of applying the excitation, the control circuit is periodically converted to the action and release state filter time relay. 1. The action time and release time are selected respectively, according to the energy device, the output power is "" or "off\44501-Q8
Magnetic excitation pulse Pulse interval timing device making-pulsrintervnlrelay pulse excitation device (rejection) mpuelu (eeed) when the excitation is applied or, the output circuit immediately switches to the action state, and when the time is determined to end, the output circuit is delayed to switch to the effective state.
de-excitation pulse interval timing device breskinx-pws:inlervalreluy when the large hidden excitation brush is applied, the output circuit immediately switches to the action state, and when the time is determined to end, the output circuit is delayed to switch to the time relay of the sample release state.
star-delta time relaystar~delta The time relay has two alternatingly switched delayed output circuits, which are used to start the motor in star connection (Y), and after starting, it switches to the time relay in reverse connection (△).
in: star connection (Y) and delta connection (△) block EV441-14-44. 445-01-11
series negative time relay
laad serles tlme relay
and the time relay connected to the top of the centerline. 445-01-12
Accumulated time relay
summatinu limc Telay
During the application of the average de-energizing quantity, the time is added. When the set time is reached, the time of the control state of the core circuit is maintained. 445-01-13
Maintaied timt relay
Maintained time relay
If the time is removed, the time will not be released. 3.2 Status and working conditionsadoerato445-02-01
The state (using a time relay)rleseconitlo) (fur1nelay) when the circuit is in the initial state is called the state of the circuit.2
B/T2900.642003/IEC 60050-445:2002 Action state (for time relay) Uprrateeundilion (for time trelays) The state of the time relay opposite to the release state in the output circuit. 445-02-03
Release value (for time relay) Releagevalue (tortimcreleys) The value of the excitation and/or auxiliary power supply after the time relay switches to the release state. 44502-04
Auxiliary action (monthly 3.3 Energizing
Energizing disk (for time relay) Energizingquantity (forlintli.ys) The amount of electricity that must be removed from the input circuit in order to ensure the time relay's use. 44503-02
Auxiliary power supply (for time relay) Uziliarysupply (forimerelays) The amount of electricity that must be applied in addition to the excitation quantity to ensure the time relay's energy conservation. 3.4 output circuit outputclrcult
output circuit short-time current tLimiliashorl-timeewrrentofanonipulcircultUnder specified conditions, the maximum output value that can be maintained for a specified short time due to the effective conduction of the circuit. 44504 ​​02
output circuit conditional short-circuit currentsondatlonal short-circult currentorauontpntcircultThe contact circuit protected by a specified short-circuit protection device can carry the current during the entire time when the protection device is disconnected under specified conditions
445 04 03
solid-state output circuit voltage dropvultagedropofasolld-stateoutputcrcultThe voltage measured at both ends of the device when the effective conduction period of the relay output circuit is in a specified load. 445-04-04
Solid state output circuit breaking current ofr-stalecarrentofasolld-slaltoulpul time relay coupon effective non-conducting solid state output circuit, the current flowing through under the specified voltage, 445·0405
Instant output imestantaneons outpot output speed block applies/removes the inductive disk when the power supply is connected, the output circuit is transferred to the soft state/release state output mountain. 3.5 Time
specified time
time is the specified characteristics of the specified functional type of the electrical appliance, such as action time, release time, pulse excitation time, interval timing time, 445-05-02
minimum control time ntmumloatraliopuls the known duration of the excitation quantity that can achieve the specified function, 445-05-03
critical overflow time erlticalimpulse1fme the long duration of the excitation applied to the relay without affecting the operating state or the specified function, 3
CB/T 2900.64—2003/[RC: 60050-445:2002445-0504
Recovery time (for time relay) recnvery1ime (for time relay3) Short time before the energized quantity must be removed before the mixed action can be performed again445-05-05
Critical de-energization timecritilcalmterupttimeThe length of time that the relay is de-energized without affecting its scheduled function445-05-06
The scheduled operation (closing and (or) opening) sequence of the output circuit of the time relay related to time. 445.0507
setting ratio
The ratio of the maximum setting value to the minimum setting value of the scheduled time. 44505-08
Action delay time m-detime
Action delay time is the time from when the excitation disk is added to the time when the output circuit is switched to the action state. 445-05.09
Discharge delay time orf-delaytime
The time from when the excitation is removed to when the output voltage is switched to the state of the release. 4450510
Interval timing time interval
The time when the temporary output circuit of the relay is in the dynamic state 445-05-11
Pulse action state time
The periodic change time when the relay is in the action state. 445-05-12
pulse discharge state timepailseofftimeThe periodic change time of the relay output circuit is in the release state. 445-05-13
release time of the pn-delay relayaction delay ...
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