title>JB/T 7560-1994 UDS series three-phase high voltage rectifier components - JB/T 7560-1994 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 7560-1994 UDS series three-phase high voltage rectifier components

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7560-1994

Standard Name: UDS series three-phase high voltage rectifier components

Chinese Name: UDS 系列三相高压整流组件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-12-09

Date of Implementation:1995-06-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>Power Transmission and Transformation Equipment>>K46 Power Semiconductor Devices and Components

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1995-06-01

other information

drafter:Liu Shouchang, Zhang Dafu, Wang Lingyan

Drafting unit:Dalian 3280 Electronic Industry Company

Focal point unit:Xi'an Power Electronics Technology Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Proposing unit:Xi'an Power Electronics Technology Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the technical requirements for the model, dimensions, quality classification and inspection of three-phase high-voltage rectifier components. This standard applies to three-phase high-voltage rectifier components (hereinafter referred to as components) with a power frequency of 50Hz, a rectifier current of 3A to 100A and a DC output voltage of 5kV to 20kV. Components with a rectifier current of more than 100A and a DC output voltage of more than 20kV can refer to this standard. JB/T 7560-1994 UDS series three-phase high-voltage rectifier components JB/T7560-1994 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 7560-1994
UDS Series Three-Phase High-Voltage Rectifier Assembly
Published on December 9, 1994
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on June 1, 1995
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
UDS Series Three-Phase High-Voltage Rectifier Assembly
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
JB/T 7560-1994
This standard specifies the technical requirements for the model, dimensions, quality classification and inspection of three-phase high-voltage rectifier assemblies. This standard applies to three-phase high-voltage rectifier assemblies (hereinafter referred to as assemblies) with a power frequency of 50Hz, a rectifier current of 3A to 100A and a DC output voltage of 5kV to 20kV. Assemblies with a rectifier current of more than 100A and a DC output voltage of more than 20kV can be implemented as a reference. 2
Referenced standards
Basic environmental test procedures for electrical and electronic products Ordinary rectifier tube
ZBK46002 High-voltage rectifier stack
Component model and dimensions
3.1 Component model
The component model should be as follows:
Cooling method code: A indicates Natural air cooling F means air cooling
J means oil immersion cooling
Rated output DC voltage value
Rated rectifier current value
Electrical connection type
Ordinary rectifier tube
Three-phase, rated rectifier current is 6A, DC output is 15kV, the component model of natural air cooling is UDS6--15A, component electrical connection type
Component electrical connection type see Figure 1.
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on December 9, 1994
Implemented on June 1, 1995
3.3 Component dimensions
The component dimensions shall comply with the requirements of Figure 2 and Table 1. mm
Basic model
UDS5, 6
UDS 20, 50
UDS80, 100
Technical requirements
Environmental conditions:
6, 8, 10
5, 6.8, 10
6, 8, 10, 12 、15
Environmental overflow: -40℃~55℃;
Relative humidity: ≤85% when the ambient temperature is 25℃;B
Maximum appearance and installation dimensions
Altitude: ≤2000m;
No corrosive gas and conductive dust.
4.2Components of the assembly:
Each rectifier tube of the assembly shall comply with the provisions of GB4939. Each voltage-equalizing resistor, capacitor, and varistor of the group shall comply with the provisions of the relevant national standards or industry standards, and an aging screening test shall be carried out before assembly.
4.3 Component quality classification
The quality of the three grades of first-class products, qualified products, and components shall comply with the requirements of Table 2 and 4.1. The quality of superior products and first-class products is divided into superior products, qualified products, and the products shall also comply with the relevant provisions of JB/DQ2300 "General Rules for Quality Classification of Power Semiconductor Devices". Table 2
Superior products
First-class products
Qualified products
Superior products
First-class products
Qualified products
Superior products
First-class products
Qualified products
Superior products
First-class products
Qualified products
Superior products
First-class products
Qualified products
Superior products
First-class products
Qualified products
Superior products
First-class products||t t||Qualified products
Superior products
First-class products
Qualified products
Superior products
First-class products
Qualified products
Rectified current
DC output voltage
5, 6, 8, 10
15, 20
15, 20
15, 20
15, 20
15, 20
Surge current
Forward peak voltage
Overload voltage
Sensible heat test time
Note: 1) Refers to the number of cycles of 50Hz frequency, 2) The high value of this indicator is the multiple of the surge impulse voltage of one cycle of AC power with equalizing resistor, and the low value is the multiple of the highest test voltage repeated with varistor (capacitor).
4.4 Appearance quality
The appearance of the component should be free of leaking solder, cold solder, Looseness, scratches. 4.4.1
In addition to meeting the requirements of 4.4.1, the appearance quality of the superior device should also be beautiful. 4.4.2
Factory inspection and type test
Factory inspection
Each batch of products shall be inspected one by one according to Table 3.
Inspection items
Component forward peak voltage
Component current
Component DC output voltage
Overload voltage| |tt||5.2 Type test
Test method
Under normal lighting and normal vision
Use vernier caliper and meter ruler
Appendix E
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Grade criterion
Conform to 4.4
Conform to 3.3
Conform to Table 2
Conform to Table 2
Conform to Table 2
No spark and breakdown
Sampling Scheme
Qualified products
First-class products
Superior products
Type tests should be carried out when the product is finalized and put into production for appraisal, or when there are major changes in process, design, structure, or when production is resumed after suspension. For products in normal production, type tests are carried out once every two years. Type tests are carried out on batches of products that have passed factory inspection. Type tests are carried out in accordance with the items and requirements specified in Table 4. Table 4
Test items
Surge current
Low temperature test
High Temperature load test
Steady-state damp heat test
Impact test or alarm test
Appendix D
GB2423.1 (Test Ab)
GB2423.2 (Test Ba)
GB2423.3 (Test Ca) 40±2C, relative humidity 85%, qualified products, first-class products: 48h, superior products: 95hGB2423.5 (Test Ea) acceleration 150m/s*, Half sine wave, impulse duration 11ms, total impact 18 times (with standard packaging), GB2423.10 (test Fe) frequency 20200Hz, displacement amplitude 10mm, duration 10±0.5min (with standard packaging) Judgment
Measurement after test:
Ve does not decrease
Measurement after test:
Vp does not decrease
Measurement after test:
V does not decrease
Measurement after test:
V Do not reduce
Sampling plan
If one unit fails a test, additional tests can be carried out according to the n=4 sampling plan, and 4 more samples are randomly selected from the same batch of products for testing. If all 4 units are qualified, they pass. Otherwise, they fail the type test. 6
Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
Marking on the product:
Product model and quality grade;
Drain polarity;
Manufacturer name or trademark;
Product number:
Certificate of conformity.
6.2 Marking on the packaging box
In addition to items a and c in 6.1, there should also be markings such as product name, weight, volume, moisture-proof, vibration-proof, handle with care, do not invert, delivery address and unit.
6.3 Packaging
Each product should be wrapped with plastic film first, then placed in a positioned foam plastic frame, and then packed into a corrugated paper box and sealed tightly. 6.4 Transportation
Should be handled with care, rainproof and moisture-proof.
During transportation,
the storage place should be corrosion-resistant, dry, and the relative humidity should not exceed 85%. 5
JB/T 75601994
Component rectifier current I. Test
Test the rectifier current Io of the component under specified conditions: Al
The component rectifier current test circuit is shown in Figure A1. ~50Hz
In the figure: T, single-phase autotransformer;
T--rectifier transformer;
R-current limiting resistor;
Dj, Dz, D, rectifier tube;
Test conditions:
Ambient temperature 55±2℃ (under specified heat dissipation conditions); the tested component
The rectifier component is placed flat on an insulating bracket 1m above the ground; b.
Connect the rectifier component to one arm, and the average forward current is one-third of the rated rectifier current of the component, and the current waveform is a sine half c.
Test procedure:
Before the tested component is connected to the circuit, the power supply is set to zero; the ambient temperature is set to the specified value;
Slowly adjust the self-transformer so that the current added to one arm of the tested component meets the requirements of item C in A3, and after the current stabilizes, the current e.
is reduced to zero.
Repeat the above test procedure for the other five arms of the component, and measure the VM of the component after the test. If Vm meets the requirements of Table 2, this test passes JB/T75601994
The DC output voltage V of the component. Test
Inspect the DC output voltage V of the assembly under specified conditions, B1
The DC output voltage test circuit of the rectifier assembly is shown in Figure B1. B2
In the figure: T, self-transformer;
T. Rectifier transformer
D, Dz, D, rectifier tube,
R, R, sampling resistor;
R, R. Current limiting resistor;
V voltmeter.
Test conditions:
With equalizing resistor and varistor during the test; mA
Test voltage is the DC output voltage of the component, the voltage waveform is a sine wave, and the voltage value complies with the Vp test procedure in Table 2;
Before the tested component is connected to the circuit, the power supply is set to zero; the ambient temperature is set to the specified value;
Slowly adjust the transformer so that the voltage value applied to the tested component reaches the specified value Vs: During the test lasting 1min, if there is no abnormality, the test is passed.
Overload voltage Vov test
Inspect the overload voltage Vov of the component under specified conditions. C2 overload voltage Vov test circuit is shown as C1. ~50Hz
In the figure: T,---auto-voltage transformer
T. High-voltage rectifier transformer;
PV electrostatic induction meter.
Test conditions:
Environmental temperature 25±2℃;
Rectifier assembly is placed flat on an insulating bracket 1m above the ground: the rectifier assembly is tested in single-phase bridge mode, the phase-to-phase test voltage AC effective value is VX2×0.7, and the voltage waveform is a sine half wave; adjust the wiring terminals AB, BC, AC for voltage test; Test procedure:
Before the tested assembly is connected to the circuit, the power supply is set to zero; the ambient temperature is set to the specified value;
Slowly adjust the autotransformer so that the voltage value applied to the tested assembly meets the requirements of item C in C3; if there is no abnormality during the test voltage, measure V after the test. If it is qualified again, this test is passed. JB/T7560-1994
Appendix D
Component forward surge current Is test
D1 Under specified conditions, check the forward surge current rating of the single arm of the rectifier component. D2 The test circuit is shown in Figure D1.
Tested component
In the figure, As, V,—peak current meter, peak voltage meter or oscilloscope (long afterglow time) D, high-voltage silicon stack that blocks the forward voltage generated by transformer T; R, resistor that adjusts the surge current;
--the minimum protection resistor for the normal operation of the circuit; R.
S--an electrical switch or electronic switch with a conduction angle of 180 degrees during the forward (surge) half cycle; T,--a low-voltage high-current transformer that provides the forward (surge) half cycle current through S. This current waveform should be basically a sine half wave with a duration of approximately 10ms and a repetition frequency of approximately 50 pulses per second; T, through the high-voltage silicon stack D, provides a high-voltage low-current transformer with a reverse half cycle. If the transformer is fed by a separate power supply, T, and T, should be fed on the same phase of the power grid. Its voltage waveform should be basically a sine half wave.
D3 test conditions:
Pre-surge temperature: radiator surface temperature ≤75℃C (the limiting operating temperature of the varistor of the protection device is 75℃); surge current: according to the surge current regulations in Table 2, the applied current should meet the requirements of item C in A3; reverse half-cycle voltage: 50% reverse repetitive peak voltage; the number of cycles of each wave: according to the number of cycles of the surge current in Table 2, the conduction angle should be between 160 degrees and 180 degrees: surge times: first-class products, qualified products 1 time/min, surge times 20 times, superior products 1 time/min, surge times 30 times. D4 test procedure:
Adjust the voltage source to zero;
Close S, adjust R, and display by the peak reading instrument Ap or oscilloscope comparison method, so that the forward surge current of one arm of the tested component reaches the specified value of item b in D3, and then disconnect S:
Display by V, adjust the reverse peak voltage to 50% of the specified value of the DC output voltage in Table 2; Close S, so that the tested component flows through the surge current of the specified frequency. During the surge process, pay attention to monitoring the reverse volt-ampere characteristics, and repeat the above test procedures for the other five arms of the tested component; After the test, measure the forward peak voltage and DC output voltage. If there is no abnormality, the rated value of the surge current is confirmed. 9
Appendix E
Component forward peak voltage Vr test
E1 Under the specified conditions, measure the forward peak voltage of a single arm of the component by the pulse method. 2 The test circuit is shown in Figure E1.
In the figure, Rs\non-inductive resistor for calibrating current; R,-resistor for limiting charging current and protecting; L, C—inductor and capacitor for generating forward current pulse: S---switching device for controlling current pulse, which generates pulse current when turned on, and V should be disconnected immediately after the pulse current ends. Ap beep value voltmeter, peak current meter or oscilloscope. The bee value voltmeter should be able to display the voltage value when the forward current reaches the peak value;
G-adjustable pulse AC power supply.
Test conditions:
Temperature: 25±2C for factory test;
Forward peak current (single arm of the component): one third of the rated rectified current of the component (3 can be selected); b.
Current pulse width: selected based on the fact that the heating effect of the device under test during the measurement period can be ignored, and at the same time the current cutoff can fully reach balance during the pulse width;
The current pulse can be a single shot or a low repetition frequency pulse with negligible heating; Measurement point location: as specified in Figure E1.
Measurement procedure
Peak voltage of the component under test (VM). The leads are connected as shown in Figure E1. At room temperature, the voltage of the pulse generator increases from zero, so that the forward peak current flowing through one arm of the component under test reaches the specified value. At this time, the value displayed by the oscilloscope or peak voltage meter is the measured forward peak voltage. The waveforms of the pulse current and voltage on the oscilloscope are shown in Figure E2. Repeat the above measurement procedure for the other five arms of the component under test. 10
Connect the rectifier component to one arm for testing. The average forward current is one-third of the rated rectifier current of the component. The current waveform is a sine half c.
Test procedure:
Before the tested component is connected to the circuit, the power supply is set to zero; the ambient temperature is set to the specified value;
Slowly adjust the self-transformer so that the current added to one arm of the tested component meets the requirements of item C in A3. After the current stabilizes, reduce the current e.
to zero.
Repeat the above test procedure for the other five arms of the component. After the test, measure the VM of the component. If Vm meets the requirements of Table 2, this test passes JB/T75601994
The DC output voltage V of the component. Test
Inspect the DC output voltage V of the component under specified conditions. B1
The DC output voltage test circuit of the rectifier component is shown in Figure B1. B2
In the figure: T, self-transformer;
T. Rectifier transformer
D, Dz, D, rectifier tube,
R, R, sampling resistor;
R, R. Current limiting resistor;
V voltmeter.
Test conditions:
With equalizing resistor and varistor during the test; mA
The test voltage is the DC output voltage of the component, the voltage waveform is a sine wave, and the voltage value meets the Vp test procedure in Table 2;
Before the tested component is connected to the circuit, the power supply is set to zero; the ambient temperature is set to the specified value;
Slowly adjust the self-transformer so that the voltage value applied to the tested component reaches the specified value Vs: The test lasts for 1min. If there is no abnormality, the test is passed.
Overload voltage Vov test
Inspect the overload voltage Vov of the component under specified conditions. C2 overload voltage Vov test circuit is shown as C1. ~50Hz
In the figure: T,---auto-coupling voltage regulating transformer
T. High voltage rectifier transformer;
PV electrostatic induction meter.
Test conditions:
Environmental temperature 25±2℃;
Rectifier assembly is placed flat on an insulating bracket 1m above the ground: the rectifier assembly is tested in single-phase bridge mode, the phase-to-phase test voltage AC effective value is VX2×0.7, and the voltage waveform is a sine half wave; adjust the connection terminals AB, BC, and AC for voltage test; Test procedure:
Before the tested assembly is connected to the circuit, the power supply is set to zero; the ambient temperature is set to the specified value;
Slowly adjust the autotransformer so that the voltage value applied to the tested assembly meets the requirements of item C in C3; if there is no abnormality during the test voltage, measure V after the test. If it is qualified, this test is passed. JB/T7560-1994
Appendix D
Component forward surge current Is test
D1 Under the specified conditions, check the forward surge current rating of the single arm of the rectifier assembly. D2 test circuit is shown in Figure D1.
Test component
In the figure, As, V,—peak current meter, peak voltage meter or oscilloscope (long afterglow time) D, high-voltage silicon stack that blocks the forward voltage generated by transformer T; R, resistor that adjusts the surge current;
--minimum protection resistor for normal operation of the circuit; R.
S--electrical switch or electronic switch with a 180-degree conduction angle during the forward (surge) half cycle; T,--low-voltage high-current transformer that provides forward (surge) half-cycle current through S. This current waveform should be basically a sine half-wave with a duration of approximately 10ms and a repetition frequency of approximately 50 pulses per second; T, through the high-voltage silicon stack D, provides a high-voltage low-current transformer with a reverse half-cycle. If the transformer is fed by a separate power supply, T, and T, should be fed on the same phase of the power grid. Its voltage waveform should be basically a sine half-wave.
D3 test conditions:
Temperature before surge: radiator surface temperature ≤75℃C (limited operating temperature of varistor of protection device is 75℃); Surge current: according to the surge current regulations in Table 2, the applied current shall meet the requirements of item C in A3; Reverse half-cycle voltage: 50% reverse repetitive peak voltage; Frequency of each wave: according to the frequency of surge current in Table 2, the conduction angle shall be between 160 and 180 degrees: Number of surges: first-class products and qualified products 1 time/min, 20 times for surges, 1 time/min for superior products, and 30 times for surges. D4 test procedure: bZxz.net
Adjust the voltage source to zero;
Close S, adjust R, and display by the peak reading instrument Ap or oscilloscope comparison method, so that the forward surge current of one arm of the tested component reaches the specified value of item b in D3, and then disconnect S:
Display by V, adjust the reverse peak voltage to 50% of the specified value of the DC output voltage in Table 2; Close S, so that the tested component flows through the surge current of the specified frequency. During the surge process, pay attention to monitoring the reverse volt-ampere characteristics, and repeat the above test procedures for the other five arms of the tested component; After the test, measure the forward peak voltage and DC output voltage. If there is no abnormality, the rated value of the surge current is confirmed. 9
Appendix E
Component forward peak voltage Vr test
E1 Under the specified conditions, measure the forward peak voltage of a single arm of the component by the pulse method. 2 The test circuit is shown in Figure E1.
In the figure, Rs\non-inductive resistor for calibrating current; R,-resistor for limiting charging current and protecting; L, C—inductor and capacitor for generating forward current pulse: S---switching device for controlling current pulse, which generates pulse current when turned on, and V should be disconnected immediately after the pulse current ends. Ap beep value voltmeter, peak current meter or oscilloscope. The bee value voltmeter should be able to display the voltage value when the forward current reaches the peak value;
G-adjustable pulse AC power supply.
Test conditions:
Temperature: 25±2C for factory test;
Forward peak current (single arm of the component): one third of the rated rectified current of the component (3 can be selected); b.
Current pulse width: selected based on the fact that the heating effect of the device under test during the measurement period can be ignored, and at the same time the current cutoff can fully reach equilibrium during the pulse width;
The current pulse can be a single shot or a low repetition frequency pulse with negligible heating; Measurement point location: as specified in Figure E1.
Measurement procedure
Peak voltage of the component under test (VM). The leads are connected as shown in Figure E1. At room temperature, the voltage of the pulse generator increases from zero, so that the forward peak current flowing through one arm of the component under test reaches the specified value. At this time, the value displayed by the oscilloscope or peak voltage meter is the measured forward peak voltage. The waveforms of the pulse current and voltage on the oscilloscope are shown in Figure E2. Repeat the above measurement procedure for the other five arms of the component under test. 10
Connect the rectifier component to one arm for testing. The average forward current is one-third of the rated rectifier current of the component. The current waveform is a sine half c.
Test procedure:
Before the tested component is connected to the circuit, the power supply is set to zero; the ambient temperature is set to the specified value;
Slowly adjust the self-transformer so that the current added to one arm of the tested component meets the requirements of item C in A3. After the current stabilizes, reduce the current e.
to zero.
Repeat the above test procedure for the other five arms of the component. After the test, measure the VM of the component. If Vm meets the requirements of Table 2, this test passes JB/T75601994
The DC output voltage V of the component. Test
Inspect the DC output voltage V of the component under specified conditions. B1
The DC output voltage test circuit of the rectifier component is shown in Figure B1. B2
In the figure: T, self-transformer;
T. Rectifier transformer
D, Dz, D, rectifier tube,
R, R, sampling resistor;
R, R. Current limiting resistor;
V voltmeter.
Test conditions:
With equalizing resistor and varistor during the test; mA
The test voltage is the DC output voltage of the component, the voltage waveform is a sine wave, and the voltage value meets the Vp test procedure in Table 2;
Before the tested component is connected to the circuit, the power supply is set to zero; the ambient temperature is set to the specified value;
Slowly adjust the self-transformer so that the voltage value applied to the tested component reaches the specified value Vs: The test lasts for 1min. If there is no abnormality, the test is passed.
Overload voltage Vov test
Inspect the overload voltage Vov of the component under specified conditions. C2 Overload voltage Vov test circuit is shown as C1. ~50Hz
In the figure: T,---Auto-coupling voltage regulating transformer
T. High voltage rectifier transformer;
PV electrostatic induction meter.
Test conditions:
Environmental temperature 25±2℃;
Rectifier assembly is placed flat on an insulating bracket 1m above the ground: the rectifier assembly is tested in single-phase bridge mode, the phase-to-phase test voltage AC effective value is VX2×0.7, and the voltage waveform is a sine half wave; adjust the connection terminals AB, BC, and AC for voltage test; Test procedure:
Before the tested assembly is connected to the circuit, the power supply is set to zero; the ambient temperature is set to the specified value;
Slowly adjust the autotransformer so that the voltage value applied to the tested assembly meets the requirements of item C in C3; if there is no abnormality during the test voltage, measure V after the test. If it is qualified, this test is passed. JB/T7560-1994
Appendix D
Component forward surge current Is test
D1 Under the specified conditions, check the forward surge current rating of the single arm of the rectifier assembly. D2 test circuit is shown in Figure D1.
Test component
In the figure, As, V,—peak current meter, peak voltage meter or oscilloscope (long afterglow time) D, high-voltage silicon stack that blocks the forward voltage generated by transformer T; R, resistor that adjusts the surge current;
--minimum protection resistor for normal operation of the circuit; R.
S--electrical switch or electronic switch with a 180-degree conduction angle during the forward (surge) half cycle; T,--low-voltage high-current transformer that provides forward (surge) half-cycle current through S. This current waveform should be basically a sine half-wave with a duration of approximately 10ms and a repetition frequency of approximately 50 pulses per second; T, a high-voltage low-current transformer that provides a reverse half-cycle through the high-voltage silicon stack D. If the transformer is fed by a separate power supply, T, and T, should be fed on the same phase of the power grid. Its voltage waveform should be basically a sine half-wave.
D3 test conditions:
Pre-surge temperature: radiator surface temperature ≤75℃C (the limiting operating temperature of the varistor of the protection device is 75℃); Surge current: According to the surge current regulations in Table 2, the applied current should meet the requirements of item C in A3; Reverse half-cycle voltage: 50% reverse repetitive peak voltage; Frequency of each wave: According to the frequency of the surge current in Table 2, the conduction angle should be between 160 degrees and 180 degrees: Number of surges: First-class products and qualified products 1 time/min, 20 times for surges, 1 time/min for superior products, and 30 times for surges. D4 test procedure:
Adjust the voltage source to zero;
Close S, adjust R, and display by the peak reading instrument Ap or oscilloscope comparison method, so that the forward surge current of one arm of the tested component reaches the specified value of item b in D3, and then disconnect S:
Display by V, adjust the reverse peak voltage to 50% of the specified value of the DC output voltage in Table 2; Close S, so that the tested component flows through the surge current of the specified frequency. During the surge process, pay attention to monitoring the reverse volt-ampere characteristics, and repeat the above test procedures for the other five arms of the tested component; After the test, measure the forward peak voltage and DC output voltage. If there is no abnormality, the rated value of the surge current is confirmed. 9
Appendix E
Component forward peak voltage Vr test
E1 Under the specified conditions, measure the forward peak voltage of a single arm of the component by the pulse method. 2 The test circuit is shown in Figure E1.
In the figure, Rs\non-inductive resistor for calibrating current; R,-resistor for limiting charging current and protecting; L, C—inductor and capacitor for generating forward current pulse: S---switching device for controlling current pulse, which generates pulse current when turned on, and V should be disconnected immediately after the pulse current ends. Ap beep value voltmeter, peak current meter or oscilloscope. The bee value voltmeter should be able to display the voltage value when the forward current reaches the peak value;
G-adjustable pulse AC power supply.
Test conditions:
Temperature: 25±2C for factory test;
Forward peak current (single arm of the component): one third of the rated rectified current of the component (3 can be selected); b.
Current pulse width: selected based on the fact that the heating effect of the device under test during the measurement period can be ignored, and at the same time the current cutoff can fully reach balance during the pulse width;
The current pulse can be a single shot or a low repetition frequency pulse with negligible heating; Measurement point location: as specified in Figure E1.
Measurement procedure
Peak voltage of the component under test (VM). The leads are connected as shown in Figure E1. At room temperature, the voltage of the pulse generator increases from zero, so that the forward peak current flowing through one arm of the component under test reaches the specified value. At this time, the value displayed by the oscilloscope or peak voltage meter is the measured forward peak voltage. The waveforms of the pulse current and voltage on the oscilloscope are shown in Figure E2. Repeat the above measurement procedure for the other five arms of the component under test. 10Current limiting resistor;
V voltmeter.
Test conditions:
With equalizing resistor and varistor during the test; mA
Test voltage is the DC output voltage of the component, the voltage waveform is a sine wave, and the voltage value meets the Vp test procedure in Table 2;
Before the tested component is connected to the circuit, the power supply is set to zero; the ambient temperature is set to the specified value;
Slowly adjust the transformer so that the voltage value applied to the tested component reaches the specified value Vs: During the test lasting 1min, if there is no abnormality, the test is passed.
Overload voltage Vov test
Inspect the overload voltage Vov of the component under specified conditions. C2 overload voltage Vov test circuit is shown as C1. ~50Hz
In the figure: T,---auto-voltage transformer
T. High-voltage rectifier transformer;
PV electrostatic induction meter.
Test conditions:
Environmental temperature 25±2℃;
Rectifier assembly is placed flat on an insulating bracket 1m above the ground: the rectifier assembly is tested in single-phase bridge mode, the phase-to-phase test voltage AC effective value is VX2×0.7, and the voltage waveform is a sine half wave; adjust the wiring terminals AB, BC, AC for voltage test; Test procedure:
Before the tested assembly is connected to the circuit, the power supply is set to zero; the ambient temperature is set to the specified value;
Slowly adjust the autotransformer so that the voltage value applied to the tested assembly meets the requirements of item C in C3; if there is no abnormality during the test voltage, measure V after the test. If it is qualified again, this test is passed. JB/T7560-1994
Appendix D
Component forward surge current Is test
D1 Under specified conditions, check the forward surge current rating of the single arm of the rectifier component. D2 The test circuit is shown in Figure D1.
Tested component
In the figure, As, V,—peak current meter, peak voltage meter or oscilloscope (long afterglow time) D, high-voltage silicon stack that blocks the forward voltage generated by transformer T; R, resistor that adjusts the surge current;
--the minimum protection resistor for the normal operation of the circuit; R.
S--an electrical switch or electronic switch with a conduction angle of 180 degrees during the forward (surge) half cycle; T,--a low-voltage high-current transformer that provides the forward (surge) half cycle current through S. This current waveform should be basically a sine half wave with a duration of approximately 10ms and a repetition frequency of approximately 50 pulses per second; T, through the high-voltage silicon stack D, provides a high-voltage low-current transformer with a reverse half cycle. If the transformer is fed by a separate power supply, T, and T, should be fed on the same phase of the power grid. Its voltage waveform should be basically a sine half wave.
D3 test conditions:
Pre-surge temperature: radiator surface temperature ≤75℃C (the limiting operating temperature of the varistor of the protection device is 75℃); surge current: according to the surge current regulations in Table 2, the applied current should meet the requirements of item C in A3; reverse half-cycle voltage: 50% reverse repetitive peak voltage; the number of cycles of each wave: according to the number of cycles of the surge current in Table 2, the conduction angle should be between 160 degrees and 180 degrees: surge times: first-class products, qualified products 1 time/min, surge times 20 times, superior products 1 time/min, surge times 30 times. D4 test procedure:
Adjust the voltage source to zero;
Close S, adjust R, and display by the peak reading instrument Ap or oscilloscope comparison method, so that the forward surge current of one arm of the tested component reaches the specified value of item b in D3, and then disconnect S:
Display by V, adjust the reverse peak voltage to 50% of the specified value of the DC output voltage in Table 2; Close S, so that the tested component flows through the surge current of the specified frequency. During the surge process, pay attention to monitoring the reverse volt-ampere characteristics, and repeat the above test procedures for the other five arms of the tested component; After the test, measure the forward peak voltage and DC output voltage. If there is no abnormality, the rated value of the surge current is confirmed. 9
Appendix E
Component forward peak voltage Vr test
E1 Under the specified conditions, measure the forward peak voltage of a single arm of the component by the pulse method. 2 The test circuit is shown in Figure E1.
In the figure, Rs\non-inductive resistor for calibrating current; R,-resistor for limiting charging current and protecting; L, C—inductor and capacitor for generating forward current pulse: S---switching device for controlling current pulse, which generates pulse current when turned on, and V should be disconnected immediately after the pulse current ends. Ap beep value voltmeter, peak current meter or oscilloscope. The bee value voltmeter should be able to display the voltage value when the forward current reaches the peak value;
G-adjustable pulse AC power supply.
Test conditions:
Temperature: 25±2C for factory test;
Forward peak current (single arm of the component): one third of the rated rectified current of the component (3 can be selected); b.
Current pulse width: selected based on the fact that the heating effect of the device under test during the measurement period can be ignored, and at the same time the current cutoff can fully reach equilibrium during the pulse width;
The current pulse can be a single shot or a low repetition frequency pulse with negligible heating; Measurement point location: as specified in Figure E1.
Measurement procedure
Peak voltage of the component under test (VM). The leads are connected as shown in Figure E1. At room temperature, the voltage of the pulse generator increases from zero, so that the forward peak current flowing through one arm of the component under test reaches the specified value. At this time, the value displayed by the oscilloscope or peak voltage meter is the measured forward peak voltage. The waveforms of the pulse current and voltage on the oscilloscope are shown in Figure E2. Repeat the above measurement procedure for the other five arms of the component under test. 10Current limiting resistor;
V voltmeter.
Test conditions:
With equalizing resistor and varistor during the test; mA
Test voltage is the DC output voltage of the component, the voltage waveform is a sine wave, and the voltage value meets the Vp test procedure in Table 2;
Before the tested component is connected to the circuit, the power supply is set to zero; the ambient temperature is set to the specified value;
Slowly adjust the transformer so that the voltage value applied to the tested component reaches the specified value Vs: During the test lasting 1min, if there is no abnormality, the test is passed.
Overload voltage Vov test
Inspect the overload voltage Vov of the component under specified conditions. C2 overload voltage Vov test circuit is shown as C1. ~50Hz
In the figure: T,---auto-voltage transformer
T. High-voltage rectifier transformer;
PV electrostatic induction meter.
Test conditions:
Environmental temperature 25±2℃;
Rectifier assembly is placed flat on an insulating bracket 1m above the ground: the rectifier assembly is tested in single-phase bridge mode, the phase-to-phase test voltage AC effective value is VX2×0.7, and the voltage waveform is a sine half wave; adjust the wiring terminals AB, BC, AC for voltage test; Test procedure:
Before the tested assembly is connected to the circuit, the power supply is set to zero; the ambient temperature is set to the specified value;
Slowly adjust the autotransformer so that the voltage value applied to the tested assembly meets the requirements of item C in C3; if there is no abnormality during the test voltage, measure V after the test. If it is qualified again, this test is passed. JB/T7560-1994
Appendix D
Component forward surge current Is test
D1 Under specified conditions, check the forward surge current rating of the single arm of the rectifier component. D2 The test circuit is shown in Figure D1.
Tested component
In the figure, As, V,—peak current meter, peak voltage meter or oscilloscope (long afterglow time) D, high-voltage silicon stack that blocks the forward voltage generated by transformer T; R, resistor that adjusts the surge current;
--the minimum protection resistor for the normal operation of the circuit; R.
S--an electrical switch or electronic switch with a conduction angle of 180 degrees during the forward (surge) half cycle; T,--a low-voltage high-current transformer that provides the forward (surge) half cycle current through S. This current waveform should be basically a sine half wave with a duration of approximately 10ms and a repetition frequency of approximately 50 pulses per second; T, through the high-voltage silicon stack D, provides a high-voltage low-current transformer with a reverse half cycle. If the transformer is fed by a separate power supply, T, and T, should be fed on the same phase of the power grid. Its voltage waveform should be basically a sine half wave.
D3 test conditions:
Pre-surge temperature: radiator surface temperature ≤75℃C (the limiting operating temperature of the varistor of the protection device is 75℃); surge current: according to the surge current regulations in Table 2, the applied current should meet the requirements of item C in A3; reverse half-cycle voltage: 50% reverse repetitive peak voltage; the number of cycles of each wave: according to the number of cycles of the surge current in Table 2, the conduction angle should be between 160 degrees and 180 degrees: surge times: first-class products, qualified products 1 time/min, surge times 20 times, superior products 1 time/min, surge times 30 times. D4 test procedure:
Adjust the voltage source to zero;
Close S, adjust R, and display by the peak reading instrument Ap or oscilloscope comparison method, so that the forward surge current of one arm of the tested component reaches the specified value of item b in D3, and then disconnect S:
Display by V, adjust the reverse peak voltage to 50% of the specified value of the DC output voltage in Table 2; Close S, so that the tested component flows through the surge current of the specified frequency. During the surge process, pay attention to monitoring the reverse volt-ampere characteristics, and repeat the above test procedures for the other five arms of the tested component; After the test, measure the forward peak voltage and DC output voltage. If there is no abnormality, the rated value of the surge current is confirmed. 9
Appendix E
Component forward peak voltage Vr test
E1 Under the specified conditions, measure the forward peak voltage of a single arm of the component by the pulse method. 2 The test circuit is shown in Figure E1.
In the figure, Rs\non-inductive resistor for calibrating current; R,-resistor for limiting charging current and protecting; L, C—inductor and capacitor for generating forward current pulse: S---switching device for controlling current pulse, which generates pulse current when turned on, and V should be disconnected immediately after the pulse current ends. Ap beep value voltmeter, peak current meter or oscilloscope. The bee value voltmeter should be able to display the voltage value when the forward current reaches the peak value;
G-adjustable pulse AC power supply.
Test conditions:
Temperature: 25±2C for factory test;
Forward peak current (single arm of the component): one third of the rated rectified current of the component (3 can be selected); b.
Current pulse width: selected based on the fact that the heating effect of the device under test during the measurement period can be ignored, and at the same time the current cutoff can fully reach equilibrium during the pulse width;
The current pulse can be a single shot or a low repetition frequency pulse with negligible heating; Measurement point location: as specified in Figure E1.
Measurement procedure
Peak voltage of the component under test (VM). The leads are connected as shown in Figure E1. At room temperature, the voltage of the pulse generator increases from zero, so that the forward peak current flowing through one arm of the component under test reaches the specified value. At this time, the value displayed by the oscilloscope or peak voltage meter is the measured forward peak voltage. The waveforms of the pulse current and voltage on the oscilloscope are shown in Figure E2. Repeat the above measurement procedure for the other five arms of the component under test. 10
S--An electrical switch or electronic switch with a 180-degree conduction angle during the forward (surge) half cycle; T, a low-voltage high-current transformer that provides a forward (surge) half-cycle current through S. This current waveform should be basically a sinusoidal half-wave with a duration of approximately 10ms and a repetition frequency of approximately 50 pulses per second; T, provides a high-voltage low-current transformer for the reverse half cycle through a high-voltage silicon stack D. If the transformer is fed by a separate power supply, T, and T, should be fed on the same phase of the power grid. Its voltage waveform should be basically a sinusoidal half-wave.
D3 test conditions:
Temperature before surge: radiator surface temperature ≤75℃C (limited operating temperature of varistor of protection device is 75℃); Surge current: according to the surge current regulations in Table 2, the applied current shall meet the requirements of item C in A3; Reverse half-cycle voltage: 50% reverse repetitive peak voltage; Frequency of each wave: according to the frequency of surge current in Table 2, the conduction angle shall be between 160 and 180 degrees: Number of surges: first-class products and qualified products 1 time/min, 20 times for surges, 1 time/min for superior products, and 30 times for surges. D4 test procedure:
Adjust the voltage source to zero;
Close S, adjust R, and display by the peak reading instrument Ap or oscilloscope comparison method, so that the forward surge current of one arm of the tested component reaches the specified value of item b in D3, and then disconnect S:
Display by V, adjust the reverse peak voltage to 50% of the specified value of the DC output voltage in Table 2; Close S, so that the tested component flows through the surge current of the specified frequency. During the surge process, pay attention to monitoring the reverse volt-ampere characteristics, and repeat the above test procedures for the other five arms of the tested component; After the test, measure the forward peak voltage and DC output voltage. If there is no abnormality, the rated value of the surge current is confirmed. 9
Appendix E
Component forward peak voltage Vr test
E1 Under the specified conditions, measure the forward peak voltage of a single arm of the component by the pulse method. 2 The test circuit is shown in Figure E1.
In the figure, Rs\non-inductive resistor for calibrating current; R,-resistor for limiting charging current and protecting; L, C—inductor and capacitor for generating forward current pulse: S---switching device for controlling current pulse, which generates pulse current when turned on, and V should be disconnected immediately after the pulse current ends. Ap beep value voltmeter, peak current meter or oscilloscope. The bee value voltmeter should be able to display the voltage value when the forward current reaches the peak value;
G-adjustable pulse AC power supply.
Test conditions:
Temperature: 25±2C for factory test;
Forward peak current (single arm of the component): one third of the rated rectified current of the component (3 can be selected); b.
Current pulse width: selected based on the fact that the heating effect of the device under test during the measurement period can be ignored, and at the same time the current cutoff can fully reach equilibrium during the pulse width;
The current pulse can be a single shot or a low repetition frequency pulse with negligible heating; Measurement point location: as specified in Figure E1.
Measurement procedure
Peak voltage of the component under test (VM). The leads are connected as shown in Figure E1. At room temperature, the voltage of the pulse generator increases from zero, so that the forward peak current flowing through one arm of the component under test reaches the specified value. At this time, the value displayed by the oscilloscope or peak voltage meter is the measured forward peak voltage. The waveforms of the pulse current and voltage on the oscilloscope are shown in Figure E2. Repeat the above measurement procedure for the other five arms of the component under test. 10
S--An electrical switch or electronic switch with a 180-degree conduction angle during the forward (surge) half cycle; T, a low-voltage high-current transformer that provides a forward (surge) half-cycle current through S. This current waveform should be basically a sinusoidal half-wave with a duration of approximately 10ms and a repetition frequency of approximately 50 pulses per second; T, provides a high-voltage low-current transformer for the reverse half cycle through a high-voltage silicon stack D. If the transformer is fed by a separate power supply, T, and T, should be fed on the same phase of the power grid. Its voltage waveform should be basically a sinusoidal half-wave.
D3 test conditions:
Temperature before surge: radiator surface temperature ≤75℃C (limited operating temperature of varistor of protection device is 75℃); Surge current: according to the surge current regulations in Table 2, the applied current shall meet the requirements of item C in A3; Reverse half-cycle voltage: 50% reverse repetitive peak voltage; Frequency of each wave: according to the frequency of surge current in Table 2, the conduction angle shall be between 160 and 180 degrees: Number of surges: first-class products and qualified products 1 time/min, 20 times for surges, 1 time/min for superior products, and 30 times for surges. D4 test procedure:
Adjust the voltage source to zero;
Close S, adjust R, and display by the peak reading instrument Ap or oscilloscope comparison method, so that the forward surge current of one arm of the tested component reaches the specified value of item b in D3, and then disconnect S:
Display by V, adjust the reverse peak voltage to 50% of the specified value of the DC output voltage in Table 2; Close S, so that the tested component flows through the surge current of the specified frequency. During the surge process, pay attention to monitoring the reverse volt-ampere characteristics, and repeat the above test procedures for the other five arms of the tested component; After the test, measure the forward peak voltage and DC output voltage. If there is no abnormality, the rated value of the surge current is confirmed. 9
Appendix E
Component forward peak voltage Vr test
E1 Under the specified conditions, measure the forward peak voltage of a single arm of the component by the pulse method. 2 The test circuit is shown in Figure E1.
In the figure, Rs\non-inductive resistor for calibrating current; R,-resistor for limiting charging current and protecting; L, C—inductor and capacitor for generating forward current pulse: S---switching device for controlling current pulse, which generates pulse current when turned on, and V should be disconnected immediately after the pulse current ends. Ap beep value voltmeter, peak current meter or oscilloscope. The bee value voltmeter should be able to display the voltage value when the forward current reaches the peak value;
G-adjustable pulse AC power supply.
Test conditions:
Temperature: 25±2C for factory test;
Forward peak current (single arm of the component): one third of the rated rectified current of the component (3 can be selected); b.
Current pulse width: selected based on the fact that the heating effect of the device under test during the measurement period can be ignored, and at the same time the current cutoff can fully reach balance during the pulse width;
The current pulse can be a single shot or a low repetition frequency pulse with negligible heating; Measurement point location: as specified in Figure E1.
Measurement procedure
Peak voltage of the component under test (VM). The leads are connected as shown in Figure E1. At room temperature, the voltage of the pulse generator increases from zero, so that the forward peak current flowing through one arm of the component under test reaches the specified value. At this time, the value displayed by the oscilloscope or peak voltage meter is the measured forward peak voltage. The waveforms of the pulse current and voltage on the oscilloscope are shown in Figure E2. Repeat the above measurement procedure for the other five arms of the component under test. 10
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