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HG/T 2399-1992 Inner tube vulcanizing machine product quality classification and inspection details

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2399-1992

Standard Name: Inner tube vulcanizing machine product quality classification and inspection details

Chinese Name: 内胎硫化机产品质量分等及检查细则

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1992-09-15

Date of Implementation:1993-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Chemical Equipment>>71.120.99 Other Chemical Equipment

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Chemical Machinery and Equipment>>G95 Rubber and Plastic Machinery

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HG/T 2399-1992 Inner tube vulcanizing machine product quality classification and inspection details HG/T2399-1992 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
HG/T 2399-92
Inner tube vulcanizer
Product quality classification and inspection details
1992-09-15 Issued
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
1993-07-01 Implementation
Standard Photo Network.bsso.cm Various standard industry information free download Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Inner tube vulcanizer
Product quality classification and inspection details
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the product quality classification, assessment indicators and evaluation methods of inner tube vulcanizer in accordance with the General Rules for Quality Classification of Rubber Machinery Products
This standard is applicable to the assessment and evaluation of product quality grades of inner tube vulcanizers produced in accordance with GB8598. 2 Reference standards
GB1184 Shape and position tolerances Provisions for unmarked tolerances ZB/TG95010 General technical requirements for painting of rubber and plastic machinery ZB/TG95013 Inner tube vulcanizer inspection methods HG/T 5-1541
General technical requirements for rubber machinery appearance
General technical requirements for rubber machinery packaging
JB8 Product label
3 Main assessment contents
Product design structure and control (see Table 1) 31
Quality characteristics
Product design structure
Control level
Quality characteristics||tt| |Importance
Category code
Superior product
With clamping force adjustment and indication function
With equivalent vulcanization
Control function
With temperature regulation
Display function
Qualified product
With temperature display
Operation procedure should have manual and automatic control functions1992-09-15Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of ChinaStandard Change the net m.bzsoao,cca customer standard industry change free download inspection method
Inspect the actual object
1993-07-01 implementation
3.2 Product performance (see Table 2)
Quality characteristics
Clamping force, MN
Nominal spacing of the inner side of the connecting rod, mm
Model installation height, mm
Opening and closing time, s
3.3 Installation Matching (see Table 3)
Quality characteristics
Parallelism of the lower plane of the crossbeam (top cover) to the upper plane of the base
, mm
Verticality of the
inner side of the connecting rods on both sides to the working plane of the base
at the mold closing position, mm
Meshing surface clearance of the transmission gears on both sides when the mold is closed, mm
Hydraulic pressure test of steam pipeline tight system
HG/T 2399—92
Quality characteristics
Category code
Quality characteristics
Category code
Water pressure of compressed air pipeline system
Working condition of lubrication system
Superior product
First-class product
Qualified product
Meet the requirements of Article 1.1 of GB8598
Superior product| |tt||First-class products
Qualified products
Specifications are 910, 1140, 1430
Specifications are 2040
Comply with the 8th grade tolerance value in Appendix 3 of GB1184
When the clamping force reaches 20% of the rated value, the gap between the meshing surfaces of the transmission gears on both sides is 0
Inspection method
Inspect according to Article 3.1 of ZB/TG95013
tt| |Inspect according to Article 2.1 of ZB/TG95013
Inspect according to Article 2.2 of ZB/TG95013
Inspect according to Article 3.2 of ZB/TG95013
Inspection method
Inspect according to Article 2.3 of ZB/TG95013
Inspect with angle square and feeler gauge
Inspect with 0.01 feeler gauge|| tt||Under 1.25 times the maximum working pressure, the whole system has no leakage within 10 minutesbZxz.net
Under 1.25 times the maximum working pressure, the whole system has no leakage within 5 minutes
Smooth, no leakage, and ensure that all lubrication points are well lubricated
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3.4 ​​Parts and components (see Table 4)
Quality characteristics| |tt||Flatness of the working surface of the base, mm
Parallelism between the two holes of the connecting rod, mm
Quality characteristics
Category code
Purchased electromechanical supporting components (see Table 5)
Quality characteristics
Quality characteristics
Main electromechanical supporting components
Importance||t t||Category code
3.6 Safety and environmental protection (see Table 6)
Quality characteristics
Safety interlock device
Residual pressure inside the tire when opening the mold MPa
Superior product
Superior product
Qualified product
Conform to the 9th grade tolerance value in GB1184
Conform to the tolerance value in GB1184
Obtain the corresponding superior product title
or be able to Ensure the quality of the host reaches the level of superior products
First-class products
Qualified products
Can ensure the quality of the host reaches the level of first-class
Quality characteristics
Category code
The position of the safety bar should be lower than the model parting
Overload protection device
After each working cycle of the vulcanizer,
Must stop working, when re-closing the mold,
must be started manually
Noise value in idling dB (A)
Can ensure the quality of the main machine
Quality characteristic value
Superior product
First-class product
Inspection method
Use a flat ruler to simulate inspection
Use a caliper to insert the mandrel
Inspection method| |tt||Inspection certificate
and physical object
Inspection method
Qualified products
Can make the crossbeam stop at any
position during the mold closing process, and can run in the reverse direction
Standard variable pitch adjustment
Inspect according to ZB/TG95013
Article 4.3
According to ZB/TG95013
Article 4.2 Inspection
Inspect according to Article 4.1 of ZB/TG95013
Inspect the actual product
Inspect according to Article 3.3 of ZB/TG95013
Inspect according to Article 4.4 of ZB/TG95013
3.7 Painting, appearance and packaging (see Table 7)
Quality characteristics
Rust prevention, paint and machined surface||tt ||Factory technical documents
Internal cleanliness of the product
Packaging quality
Other main factory requirements
Quality characteristics
Category code
Superior products
First-class products
Qualified products
Meet the design requirements and meet the requirements of ZB/T
G95010||tt ||Complete, unified, correct, clear, in line with relevant standards, no water accumulation, no residual debris, etc.
Meet the requirements of HG5-1543
Meet the requirements of JB8
Meet the design requirements
Standard authorization network: cm.ba80c0.cmInspection method
Inspect the actual object according to the standard
Inspect the actual object
Inspect the actual object according to the standard
Inspect the actual object
3.8 User evaluation (see Table 8)
Quality characteristics
Quality characteristics
Category code
User evaluation
Quality property value
Superior product
First-class product
Qualified product
User recognizes that the product has reached the corresponding grade level Inspection method
Check user feedback information and original vouchers
mSpecial category standard industry information free download
3.9 Quality characteristic value inspection record (see Table 9) Sequence
Quality characteristics
Importance category
Special code
4 Product quality grade assessment
Quality characteristic value
Superior product
First-class product
4.1. Product quality grade assessment method According to the importance category specified in Table 10
Characteristic value level
Product quality grade
Superior product
First-class product
Qualified product
Superior product
All achieved
Qualified product
First-class product
Cumulatively all achieved
Standard theft investment fee network
Qualified product
Superior product|| tt||All achieved
Superior products
First-class products
First-class products
All achieved cumulatively
All achieved cumulatively
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Qualified products
Qualified products
All achieved
1 defect is allowed
2 defects are allowed for Class C items
4.2 Evaluation of product quality grade (see Table 11) HG/T2399-92
Table 11 Summary of product quality inspection and grade evaluation table Manufacturer name
Product name
Specification type No.
Product No.
Completion Date
Quality Characteristics
Importance Category
Number of Items to be Inspected
Product Assessment Grade:
Quality Person in Charge:
Additional Notes:
Number of Items Actually Inspected
Superior Product Level
Product Drawing No.
Factory No.
Superior Product Level
This standard is proposed by the Rubber Machinery Committee of China Chemical Equipment Association and
Qualified Product Level
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Rubber Machinery Standardization Technical Committee of the National Rubber and Plastic Machinery Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by Yiyang Rubber Machinery Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Meng Haixing, Zhang Jinlian and Guo Jianhui. Standard investment network m.bg8080.cco. All kinds of standard industry information are free to download
People's Republic of China
Chemical industry standards
Inner tube vulcanizer
Product quality classification and inspection details
Editor Chemical Industry Standard Editorial Department
(Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal code: 100013
Printing Chemical Industry Standardization Research Institute
Copyright is exclusive and may not be reproduced
Format 880×12301/16
5 Printing sheets% Number of words 14000
First edition in July 1993
First printing in July 1993
Print number 1500
Standard micro-grant investment network.car.heoso.cos
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