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JB/T 5849-1991 Impedance relays and devices

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5849-1991

Standard Name: Impedance relays and devices

Chinese Name: 阻抗继电器及装置

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-10-17

Date of Implementation:1992-10-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>Power Transmission and Transformation Equipment>>K45 Relay Protection and Automatic Devices

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JB/T 5849-1991 Impedance relays and devices JB/T5849-1991 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Impedance Relays and Devices
Subject Content and Applicable Model
This standard specifies the classification principles, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, and packaging, storage and transportation requirements for impedance relays and devices.
This standard applies to impedance relays and devices (hereinafter referred to as products). The products are used as measuring elements, phase selection elements or starting elements in distance protection of large grounding current systems or small grounding current systems, as impedance elements in phase differential high-frequency protection, as judgment elements in low-impedance protection, demagnetization protection or out-of-step protection of generator transformer groups, and as backup protection for phase-to-phase short circuits. This standard is only applicable to new products.
2 Reference standards
3 Terminology
Periodic inspection counting sampling procedure and sampling table (applicable to the inspection of production process stability) Electrical terminology Basic terminology
Electrical terminology Relays and relay protection devices Basic test methods for relays and relay protection devices General technical conditions for power system protection and automatic relays and devices Test procedures and test methods for impedance relays The terms used in this standard are in accordance with the provisions of GB2900.1 and GB2900.17. 4 Product classification
4.1 Type and classification
4.1.1 According to the construction principle, it is divided into rectifier type and static type
4.1.2 According to the installation method, it is divided into protruding installation and embedded installation.
4.2 Model and meaning
The product is specified by the enterprise standard.
4.3 Specifications and rated parameters
4.3.1 Rated parameters
AC voltage rating: 100,
AC current rating: 5 or 1A;
Power frequency rating: 50Hz;
For static products, DC voltage (auxiliary excitation) rating: 220, 110, 48, 24, 12V. 4.3.2 Specifications and parameters
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on October 24, 1991 and implemented on October 1, 1992
Specifications and parameters are specified by product enterprise standards
4.4 Overall dimensions, installation dimensions and terminal diagrams are specified by product enterprise standards
4.5 Weight
Specified by product enterprise standards
Technical requirements
Benchmark conditions, benchmark values ​​and test deviations of influencing quantities and influencing factors The benchmark conditions, benchmark values ​​and test deviations of influencing quantities and influencing factors are shown in Table 1. Table 1
Influence quantities and influencing factors
Ambient temperature
Atmospheric pressure
Relative humidity
Working position
External magnetic field induction intensity mT
Power supply frequency
AC power supply waveform
DC transient component in AC
AC component in DC (ripple)
Base value
Perpendicular to the installation vertical plane
Sine wave
Standard limit values ​​of the nominal range of influence quantities and influencing factors The standard limit values ​​of the nominal range of influence quantities and influencing factors are shown in Table 2. Table
Influence quantity and influencing factors
Ambient temperature
Atmospheric pressure
Relative humidity
Working position
Power supply frequency
AC current waveform
DC transient component in AC
Test deviation
-20, +10
Inclination in any direction does not exceed 2°
0.5 in any direction
Distortion factor is not more than 2%
Not more than 5% of the peak value
Not more than 6%
Nominal range
Choose from the following values; 10~50 or -25~4080~110
The average maximum relative humidity of the wettest month is 90%, and the average minimum temperature of the month is 25℃Deviate from the reference position in any direction by 5°
Distortion factor is not more than 5
Specified by enterprise standards
Influence quantity and influencing factors
AC component in DC%
Variation range of auxiliary excitation quantity
5.3 Other requirements for the place of use
Continued Table 12.
a. The place of use is not allowed to have vibration and impact exceeding the provisions of enterprise standards; nominal range
DC 220V and 110V, 80%~110% of the rated value; DC 48V, 90%~110% of the rated value
b. The place of use shall not have explosive media, and the surrounding medium shall not contain gases and conductive media that corrode metals and destroy insulation. It is not allowed to be filled with water vapor and serious mold; c. The place of use shall have facilities to protect against rain, snow, wind and sand. 5.4 Extreme range limit values ​​of ambient temperature
The extreme range limit values ​​of ambient temperature are -25℃ and 70℃. Under the conditions of transportation and storage, the product without excitation should be able to withstand temperature changes within this range and should not suffer damage due to irreversible changes. 5.5 Action characteristics
The action impedance characteristics of the product are mainly various circular characteristics, and the main representative characteristic circles are Figures 1 to 6 (for example). +jx
Action area
Full impedance characteristics
Action area
Throwing ball circular characteristics
Direction circular characteristics
Offset circular characteristics
Apple circular characteristics
5.6 Action value setting range
The action impedance setting range of the product is specified by the product enterprise standard. 5.7 Accuracy
The consistency of the action impedance of the product is specified by the product enterprise standard. 5.8 Return coefficient
Specified by the product enterprise standard.
5.9 Correctness of action
Correctness of product action is specified by the product enterprise standard. 5.10 Transient overrun
Specified by the product enterprise standard.
Olive-shaped characteristic
5.11 Effect of temperature change on action value
When the ambient temperature changes within the nominal range (see 5.2), the variation of the product action impedance shall not exceed ±10%. 5.12 The effect of other influences and influencing factors on the action value is specified by the product enterprise standard.
5.13 Accurate working current
Specified by the product enterprise standard.
5.14 Action time
Specified by the product enterprise standard.
5.15 Power consumption
Specified by the product enterprise standard.
5.16 Thermal performance
5.16.1 Temperature rise
When the ambient temperature is 40℃ (50℃), the voltage coil and current coil of the product should be able to work for a long time under the condition of applying 1.1 times the rated value of the input excitation, without causing thermal damage to the insulation or other electrical components and devices. The temperature rise of each coil should not exceed 65℃ (55℃). 5.16.2 Extreme short-time withstand value
The current coil of the product should be able to withstand the application of 20 times the rated current for 1s without causing damage to the insulation or other electrical components and devices. 5.17 Extreme dynamic stability
5.17.1 The current coil of the product should be able to withstand a peak current of 2.5 times the extreme short-time withstand value specified in Article 5.16.2 for 10mS. 5.17.2 After the product has been subjected to the ultimate dynamic stability test, there shall be no insulation damage, no permanent mechanical deformation of the coil and structural parts, and the product performance and insulation requirements shall still comply with the provisions of 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 5.13, 5.14 and 5.18. 38
5.18 Dielectric strength
5.18.1 Conduct the dielectric strength and other insulation tests of the product at the following locations a. Between all conductive circuits and the ground (i.e., metal casing or exposed non-live metal parts); b. Between conductive circuits that are not electrically connected, the specific locations shall be specified by the enterprise standards. 5.18.2 The product shall be able to withstand an AC test voltage of 2kV (effective value) with a frequency of 50Hz for 1min at the above-listed locations without breakdown or flashover.
5.18.3 During the factory test, the test duration is allowed to be shortened to 1S, but the test voltage should be increased by 10% at this time. 5.19 Insulation resistance
5.19.1 Under the test atmospheric conditions specified in Article 11.1.2 of ZBK33004, the insulation resistance of the relay measured at the position specified in Article 5.18.1 of this standard should not be less than 300MQ, and the insulation resistance of the device should not be less than 100MQ. 5.19.2 Under the damp heat test conditions specified in Article 11.3.2 of ZBK33004, the insulation resistance of the relay measured at the location specified in Article 5.18.1 of this standard shall not be less than 4MQ, and the device shall not be less than 1.5M2. It shall also withstand a voltage of 50Hz, 1.5kV for 1min. 5.20 Impulse voltage withstand capability
5.20.1 At the location specified in Article 5.18.1, the product shall be able to withstand a short-time impulse voltage test of a standard lightning wave with a voltage peak of 5kV. 5.20.2 After the impulse voltage test, the performance of the product shall still meet the requirements of Articles 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.13, and 5.14 of this standard. During the test, flashovers that do not damage the insulation are allowed. If flashover occurs, the insulation resistance and dielectric strength shall be rechecked, but the dielectric strength test voltage shall be 75% of the specified value. 5.21 Contact performance
5.21.1 Contact capacity
When the voltage does not exceed 220V and the current does not exceed 0.2A (or 0.5A), in a DC inductive load circuit with a time constant of 5×10-$s, the contact breaking capacity shall not be less than 10W (or 20W). 5.21.2 Electrical life
When the contact carries the rated load, the product shall be able to reliably operate and return 10 times. 5.22 Mechanical life
When the product contact circuit is not loaded, it shall be able to complete 104 operations. 5.23 Ability to withstand high-frequency electrical interference
According to Article 13.1 of ZBK33004, static products should be able to withstand a common-mode interference test voltage of 1MHz and a maximum peak of 2.5kV and a differential-mode interference test voltage of 1kV. In the interference test, at the maximum sensitivity angle, when the applied characteristic quantity is 120% of the action impedance, the product should not malfunction. Under the least sensitive conditions, when the applied characteristic quantity is 80% of the action impedance, the product should not refuse to operate. 5.24 Interruption of auxiliary excitation
The product enterprise standard of static products shall specify the interruption time of auxiliary excitation and the qualified criterion. 5.25 Structural and appearance requirements
The structure and appearance of the product shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 14 of ZBK33004. 6 Test methods
6.1 Test conditions
According to the relevant provisions of Chapter 3 of GB7261.
6.2 Structural and Appearance Inspection
Structural and appearance inspections shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of Chapter 4 of GB7261 (Article 5.25). 6.3 Article 5.4 The test of the influence of the extreme range limit value of temperature shall be conducted in accordance with Article 2.23 of ZBK45001. 6.4
Article 5.5 The test of action characteristics shall be conducted in accordance with the method specified in Article 2.1 of ZBK45001. 6.5 Article 5.6 The test of the setting range of action value shall be conducted in accordance with the method specified in Article 2.3 of ZBK45001. 39
Article 5.7 The test of accuracy shall be conducted in accordance with the method specified in Article 2.7 of ZBK45001. 6.6
Article 5.8 The test of return coefficient shall be conducted in accordance with the method specified in Article 2.9 of ZBK45001. 6.7
Article 5.9 The test of correctness of action shall be carried out in accordance with the methods specified in Articles 2.4 and 2.5 of ZBK45001. 6.8
Article 5.10 The test of transient overrun shall be carried out in accordance with the methods specified in Article 2.13 of ZBK45001. 6.9
Article 5.11 The test of the influence of temperature change on the action value shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.14 of ZBK45001. Article 5.12 The test of the influence of other influencing quantities and influencing factors on the action value shall be carried out in accordance with Articles 15.1 and 15.2 of GB6261. Article 5:13 The test of precise working current shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.6 of ZBK45001. Article 5.14 The test of action time shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.8 of ZBK45001. Article 5.15 The test of power consumption shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.16 of ZBK45001. Article 5.16.1 The test of temperature rise shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.15 of ZBK45001. Article 5.16.2 The test of ultimate short-time withstand value and Article 5.17 The test of ultimate dynamic stability shall be carried out in accordance with Chapter 23 of GB7261. Article 5.18 The test of dielectric strength shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.18 of ZBK45001. Article 5.19.1 The test of insulation resistance shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.17 of ZBK45001. Article 5.19.2 The test of insulation resistance under damp and hot conditions shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.20 of ZBK45001. Article 5.20 The test of impulse voltage resistance shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.19 of ZBK45001. Article 5.21 The test of contact performance shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.21 of ZBK45001. Article 5.22 The test of mechanical life shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.22 of ZBK45001. Article 5.23 The test of the ability to withstand high-frequency electrical interference shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.24 of ZBK45001. Article 5.24 The test of the interruption of auxiliary excitation quantity shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.25 of ZBK45001. 7 Inspection rules
The product enterprise standard shall be specified in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 16 of ZBK33004. 8 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
The product enterprise standard shall be specified in accordance with the requirements of Chapters 17 to 20 of ZBK33004. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed and managed by the Xuchang Relay Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Xuchang Relay Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Yang Wei.Article 10 The test of transient overrun shall be carried out in accordance with the method specified in Article 2.13 of ZBK45001. Article 5.11 The test of the influence of temperature change on the action value shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.14 of ZBK45001. Article 5.12 The test of the influence of other influencing quantities and influencing factors on the action value shall be carried out in accordance with Articles 15.1 and 15.2 of GB6261. Article 5:13 The test of precise working current shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.6 of ZBK45001. Article 5.14 The test of action time shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.8 of ZBK45001. Article 5.15 The test of power consumption shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.16 of ZBK45001. Article 5.16.1 The test of temperature rise shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.15 of ZBK45001. The tests of the ultimate short-time withstand value in Article 5.16.2 and the ultimate dynamic stability in Article 5.17 shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 23 of GB7261. The test of dielectric strength in Article 5.18 shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.18 of ZBK45001. The test of insulation resistance in Article 5.19.1 shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.17 of ZBK45001. The test of insulation resistance under damp and hot conditions in Article 5.19.2 shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.20 of ZBK45001. The test of impulse voltage bearing capacity in Article 5.20 shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.19 of ZBK45001. The test of contact performance in Article 5.21 shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.21 of ZBK45001. The test of mechanical life in Article 5.22 shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.22 of ZBK45001. Article 5.23 The test of the ability to withstand high-frequency electrical interference shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.24 of ZBK45001. Article 5.24 The test of the interruption of the auxiliary excitation quantity shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.25 of ZBK45001. 7 Inspection rules
The product enterprise standard shall be specified in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 16 of ZBK33004. 8 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
The product enterprise standard shall be specified in accordance with the requirements of Chapters 17 to 20 of ZBK33004. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed and coordinated by the Xuchang Relay Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Xuchang Relay Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Yang Wei.Article 10 The test of transient overrun shall be carried out in accordance with the method specified in Article 2.13 of ZBK45001. Article 5.11 The test of the influence of temperature change on the action value shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.14 of ZBK45001. Article 5.12 The test of the influence of other influencing quantities and influencing factors on the action value shall be carried out in accordance with Articles 15.1 and 15.2 of GB6261. Article 5:13 The test of precise working current shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.6 of ZBK45001. Article 5.14 The test of action time shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.8 of ZBK45001. Article 5.15 The test of power consumption shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.16 of ZBK45001. Article 5.16.1 The test of temperature rise shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.15 of ZBK45001. The tests of the ultimate short-time withstand value in Article 5.16.2 and the ultimate dynamic stability in Article 5.17 shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 23 of GB7261. The test of dielectric strength in Article 5.18 shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.18 of ZBK45001. The test of insulation resistance in Article 5.19.1 shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.17 of ZBK45001. The test of insulation resistance under damp and hot conditions in Article 5.19.2 shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.20 of ZBK45001. The test of impulse voltage bearing capacity in Article 5.20 shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.19 of ZBK45001. The test of contact performance in Article 5.21 shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.21 of ZBK45001. The test of mechanical life in Article 5.22 shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.22 of ZBK45001. Article 5.23 The test of the ability to withstand high-frequency electrical interference shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.24 of ZBK45001. Article 5.24 The test of the interruption of the auxiliary excitation quantity shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.25 of ZBK45001. 7 Inspection rules
The product enterprise standard shall be specified in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 16 of ZBK33004. 8 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
The product enterprise standard shall be specified in accordance with the requirements of Chapters 17 to 20 of ZBK33004. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed and coordinated by the Xuchang Relay Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Xuchang Relay Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Yang Wei.
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