title>Test methods for complex pemittivity of dielectric material in microwave frequency band-Method for terminal open circuit of coaxial feeder - SJ/T 10142-1991 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Test methods for complex pemittivity of dielectric material in microwave frequency band-Method for terminal open circuit of coaxial feeder

Basic Information

Standard ID: SJ/T 10142-1991

Standard Name:Test methods for complex pemittivity of dielectric material in microwave frequency band-Method for terminal open circuit of coaxial feeder

Chinese Name: 电介质材料微波复介电常数测试方法 同轴线终端开路法

Standard category:Electronic Industry Standard (SJ)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-04-02

Date of Implementation:1991-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:General>>Standardization Management and General Provisions>>A01 Technical Management

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SJ/T 10142-1991 Dielectric material microwave complex dielectric constant test method coaxial cable terminal open circuit method SJ/T10142-1991 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Electronic Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China SJ/T1014210143-91
Test Method for Microwave Complex Permittivity of Dielectric Materials Issued on April 2, 1991
Implementation on July 1, 1991
Promulgated by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China Test Method for Microwave Complex Permittivity of Dielectric Materials of the Electronic Industry of the People's Republic of China Open-circuit Method for Axis Terminals
1 Main content and scope of application
SJ/1 1014291
This standard specifies the use of the open-circuit method for the measurement of microwave complex dielectric constants of solid and bulk dielectric materials of various properties:
The complex dielectric constant involved in the standard is determined by the real part of the relative dielectric constant and the dielectric frequency angle, as shown below.rr = e - jer = s (1 - itand: The coaxial line open circuit method specified in this standard uses the semi-rigid coaxial transmission carrier as the test sensor, which is divided into the harmonic method and the reflection method.
This standard applies to:
8. The resonance method
is applicable to solid and dielectric materials.
Applicable frequency range, 4GHz~12GHz.
Dielectric characteristic measurement range:
umd,=t. I~-1.
Reflection method
is applicable to solid and liquid dielectric materials.
Applicable pressure range: 0.2~.4
Dielectric property measurement range:
2 Principle of the method
Use the end-of-line homogeneous auxiliary line as a step filter, the working mode is TEM mode, at the end of the transmission line, apply the reflection method or the general method to solve the complex dielectric constant of the selected test line. 2. 1 Harmonic transfer method
Add a ring at the beginning of the semi-gate independent auxiliary line sensor to form an open-ended coaxial resonator, the harmonic mode is approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China 199「0402 199107.01 implementation bottle
SJ/1 12142—91
is the TEM mode (= is the mode number, the number of semi-dwelling units in the time-series coaxial test line). According to the relationship between the effective ear sample, the coaxial elimination frequency, the quality of the fixed item 2 and the dielectric properties of the sample, and the influence of the open circuit modulation surface and the emission conductivity of the same system, the dielectric value of the tested sample is calculated. The scanning value is conducted through the directional coupler main line, the standard precision reflector to the open circuit resonator end. The actual question is to connect the sub-line of the coupler to the harmonic band wave meter, and the reflector terminal of the coaxial coupler is used to detect the vibration signal ratio. , the system shows the harmonic balance of the time and space, and the wavelength meter determines the harmonic efficiency of the coaxial oscillator with the help of the standard standard, the wavelength meter determines the half-power bandwidth of the coaxial oscillator, and the quality of the coaxial oscillator is determined by the wavelength meter.
2.2 Reflection method
The embedded sample is close to the open end face of the semi-conductive coaxial sensor. According to the transmission principle, the edge field of the sample at the open surface is distorted, which makes the reflection coefficient change: according to the relationship between the complex reflection coefficient and the dielectric properties of the sample, the dielectric band value and the pseudo-loss tangent value of the sample are calculated.
The micro-frequency signal is sent through the directional divider, the scalar frequency sensor, and the scalar network analyzer reflection test unit error network correction, and then the sensor end face is attached to the dielectric test surface to determine the complex reflection coefficient of the sample. 2.3 Test system 2.3.1 Please use the test system shown in Figure 1 according to the test results. 2.3.2 Use the test system shown in Figure 2 for reflection removal. 3.1 The signal source is limited to the output power of 50mW, the amplitude stability is better than .4mB/1min, and the frequency stability of the signal source is better than 10-5/10mit. 3.2 Isolator SJ/T10112--91 Isolation ratio is greater than 2(kB; positive and negative link ratio is less than 1.05F. Bandwidth greater than 1 yuan%: 3.3 Standard holding device
Range of use: 0 [GE
Accuracy: 0.02313/10u white.
3. New type meter
Accuracy: better than × 10\5,
2 value: greater than 100mm,
3.5 Transmission tensile test
Fast war ratio within the working range. Small 1.3.
36 Double tracer
Sensitivity better than .imv/aiv.
3.7 Liquid embedded digital reflectometer
Accuracy 5×1C-
3.B Standard network analyzer reflection test unit
Complex reflection coefficient model measurement error
Complex reflection coefficient amplitude and measurement recognition table 2;U. 5%. 3.9 Sensor
The sensor consists of a semi-rigid coaxial transmission line, a 7-way connector, and an open-circuit cat-faced ring. When the test is completed, the two PJ-7-way connectors contain diaphragms. 3.9.1 Semi-rigid coaxial transmission line
uses a semi-rigid material transmission line with inner and outer conductors filled with polytetrafluoroethylene. The appearance is straight and the characteristics are: 2m56+U. 52,
3.92Semi-rigid coaxial transmission line length
When using the resonance method, a rigid transmission line with an outer conductor diameter of 3.2mm is selected. The transmission length is determined by the following formula:
where nTEMa is the potential modulus. 4-6~8
---harmonic wavelength, cm
When using the resonance method, in the range of 0.1~.201GHz, a semi-rigid coaxial transmission line with an outer conductor diameter of 6mm is used. In the range of 2~4GHz, a semi-rigid coaxial transmission line with an outer conductor diameter of 5.2mm is selected. The length of the semi-rigid coaxial transmission line is .Dcm.
8. PJ-7 flat
The sensor end is connected to the semi-rigid coaxial transmission line with a PJ-7 flat connector. When the source is measured, a PJ-7 flat connector is used to connect the annular diaphragm in between. 3
Pj-7 flat connector resistance system 2.*-50±0.5g3.9.4 Open end grounding ring
Semi-rigid coaxial transmission line open setting replacement The ground ring, its end face and the open circuit face of the transmission line are on the return line, and the surface flatness is less than 0.05* The outer diameter of the ground ring is 2cm. 3.9.5 Mechanical accessories
The accessories are composed of a platform and a translation frame, which are used to fix the sensor and the sample. 39.6 Sensor schematic diagram see A
4 Sample requirements and sound
4.1 Solid dielectric sample
Solid sample size requirements:
A IfA,
In the formula, A is the surface of the sample test end face, m*: M semi-rigid shaft transmission line open circuit end face surface area, m sample thickness and width are greater than 5mm,
The test surface has no uneven spots, the inside is uniformly induced, and there is no degradation. It must be cleaned and dried before testing: 4.2 Liquid solid sample
The solid sample should be placed in a clear container, and its surface area requirements are the same as those in formula (3) of Article 4.1. The inside of the sample is uniform and free of impurities.
5 Test conditions
5. Test atmosphere conditions for positive belt:
Temperature range, 20~30℃
Relative humidity: 45%--75%,
air, 86106kp
5.2 Standard atmospheric conditions for shear test:
Temperature: 25±01
Relative strength: %--52%:
Air pressure 86106
White Test procedure
6:1 Please follow the test steps
B.1.1 Start the system and preheat it for 1h to enter the positive belt working state. The standard attenuator is at a certain value (dB), 6, 1.2 according to the test requirements to select the frequency sweep range, so that the TEM harmonic curve of the coaxial oscillator without the sample appears on the oscilloscope, and the harmonic frequency e is measured using a harmonic wavelength meter. F1- According to the requirements of 6.1.2, the TEMr mode is set to the TEM+1 frequency. 6.1.4 Adjust the sweep signal so that the TEMs mode resonance curve is displayed on the oscilloscope. Adjust the standard precision attenuator to 4
S/T 1614291
2.CIths scale position, quickly cut the half-power point of the oscillator to the selected value, and determine the half-power point position, see Figure S (1) Return the standard precision attenuator to the (dB) position, and measure the resonant frequency (MH) and the half-power point bandwidth 4f (MHz) through the harmonic wavelength meter. The oscilloscope graph is shown in Figure 3 (b). fa
6.1.5 Place the test sample on the coaxial TEM and determine the coaxial spectrum harmonic frequency and half-power point bandwidth f according to 6.1.4. 6.1.6 The original test record table is shown in Appendix D. 6.2 Reflection method test step
B.2.1 Turn on the hot water for 1 h. Make the system enter the normal working state: 6.2.2 Determine the working efficiency of the signal source
6.2. Sub-scalar network analysis The error network control of the test unit adopts the three-point method to perform error network correction, and respectively eliminate the need for the transmitter end to have mercury, steam storage water and open circuit radiation
6.2.4 Place the dielectric sample on the entire end of the transmitter to measure the complex reflection coefficient 1 when there is a dielectric sample. 6.2.5 The original test record table is shown in Appendix E. B.2.6 The dielectric property of the water used for error network correction is shown in Appendix B. 7.1 Spectral method calculation formula
7. 1. 1 Calculation of TEM4 Floor model number r
Wu Zhong:
The propagation speed of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum, m/s, C=2.998×10m/s7.1.2 Calculate the transmission data number.
Where: -The temporary tuning frequency of the coaxial resonant circuit end, Hz1fe
The resonance frequency of the coaxial resonator terminal when there is a dielectric sample, Hz; The dielectric band number of the semi-rigid coaxial transmission line filled with dielectric, = Calculate the effective cavity length Lacn
Where: -TEM model number Modulus
Ya——Characteristics of coaxial transmission line: +&,ra=The resonant angular frequency when the oscillator is open-circuited, tad,we=2nfCa.: The coaxial terminal is connected to the outside of the coaxial transmission line. When the outer diameter of the coaxial transmission line is 5.4mm, +C,=0.033uF. When the outer diameter of the coaxial transmission line is 9.2m01: C=0.02IpFC
The inner image of the coaxial receiver terminal is narrow. When the outer thickness of the coaxial transmission line is 6.4rriml: r=-0.205imF, when the outer diameter of the coaxial transmission line is 3.2a:rn, =0.0036pF. 7.1.4 Calculation of dielectric bandgap
In the case of the sample, the angle of the resonance angle is 2aa-
, which is related to the bottle. It can be solved by the following formula:
D—Inner diameter of the outer conductor of the semi-rigid coaxial transmission carrier mm—Inner diameter of the inner conductor of the semi-radial extraction transmission carrier.mm is calculated, and the number is
quarter-order Bessel function.
.1.5 Calculation of tan value
In the formula, I=20 + 2
CG, + C,+ C
0\-radiative conductivity real part, calculated by formula (9): Q+-f:/afo
7.2 Inverse method calculation formula
7.2.1 Three-point method fast positive error network calculation su-=m+ n-n+na-)
-0- +-
Sn - C(-50 +2s- A)
bg, =(-8(1 ~ S)
P,=exp[ -f2arelan.ot.C:+crZolj,22
T-+ ax:+ n
- ... )
7.3 The formulas of the harmonic method and the reflection method are calculated by computer numerical solution. The calculation formula of the harmonic method is solved by the initial value.
8 Error
This standard is for testing. When the regression method is used for measurement, the maximum accuracy of the measurement within the test range is: $+1
This standard test method, when the reverse method is used for measurement, the maximum accuracy of the measurement within the test range is; 12
SJ /TTC142·91
Appendix A
Sensor enclosure
1 Sex rack 2 Sample rack T dynamic adjustment market start: 3, rack T platform 4--bracket 5-opening some return ring 6-coaxial transmission line, 7-P flat head: -Please state platform average: H-PJ7 conductor: (-PJ7 outside description, 11-style is 11 sample Appendix B
Steam valve water dielectric properties table
(fill in)
. 21h5
SJ/T 10142—91
Positive position of the side capacitor C
The fast positive frequency of the 3.2mm thin semi-coaxial transmission line G.
Please check the original scene of the test method
Near-term name
Test date||tt| |fa(MHb)
Change drag unit
Secretion name
Additional instructions,
Sr door 10142-91
Reflection method test original training record
(Exam material)
Thanks to the examiner
Thanks to the test period
This standard is difficult to produce Shanghai University of Science and Technology, and the Institute of Electronic Standardization of the Ministry of Mechanical and Electrical Industry is responsible for drafting. This standard is drafted by Li Zhaonian, Wang Tugong, Yao Zhijian, Iadt54 Calculate the dielectric band digital
, when there is a sample, the angle of the resonance is 2aa-
, the capacitance value is related to the bottle, and the proof can be obtained by the following formula:
D—semi-rigid coaxial transmission carrier outer conductor inner diameter mm-semi-linear extraction transmission carrier inner conductor diameter.mm is the number, the number,
quarter-order Bessel function.
.1.5 Calculate the value of tan
where I=20 + 2
CG, + C,+ C
0\-radiative conductivity real part, calculated by formula (9): Q+-f:/afo
7.2 Inverse method calculation formula
7.2.1 Three-point method fast positive error network calculation su-=m+ n-n+na-)
-0- +-
Sn - C(-50 +2s- A)
bg, =(-8(1 ~ S)
P,=exp[ -f2arelan.ot.C:+crZolj,22
T-+ ax:+ n
- ... )
7.3 The formulas of the harmonic method and the reflection method are calculated by computer numerical solution. The calculation formula of the harmonic method is solved by the initial value.
8 Error
This standard is for testing. When the regression method is used for measurement, the maximum accuracy of the measurement within the test range is: $+1
This standard test method, when the reverse method is used for measurement, the maximum accuracy of the measurement within the test range is; 12
SJ /TTC142·91
Appendix AbzxZ.net
Sensor enclosure
1 Sex rack 2 Sample rack T dynamic adjustment market start: 3, rack T platform 4--bracket 5-opening some return ring 6-coaxial transmission line, 7-P flat head: -Please state platform average: H-PJ7 conductor: (-PJ7 outside description, 11-style is 11 sample Appendix B
Steam valve water dielectric properties table
(fill in)
. 21h5
SJ/T 10142—91
Positive position of the side capacitor C
The fast positive frequency of the 3.2mm thin semi-coaxial transmission line G.
Please check the original scene of the test method
Near-term name
Test date||tt| |fa(MHb)
Change drag unit
Secretion name
Additional instructions,
Sr door 10142-91
Reflection method test original training record
(Exam material)
Thanks to the examiner
Thanks to the test period
This standard is difficult to produce Shanghai University of Science and Technology, and the Institute of Electronic Standardization of the Ministry of Mechanical and Electrical Industry is responsible for drafting. This standard is drafted by Li Zhaonian, Wang Tugong, Yao Zhijian, Iadt54 Calculate the dielectric band digital
, when there is a sample, the angle of the resonance is 2aa-
, the capacitance value is related to the bottle, and the proof can be obtained by the following formula:
D—semi-rigid coaxial transmission carrier outer conductor inner diameter mm-semi-linear extraction transmission carrier inner conductor diameter.mm is the number, the number,
quarter-order Bessel function.
.1.5 Calculate the value of tan
where I=20 + 2
CG, + C,+ C
0\-radiative conductivity real part, calculated by formula (9): Q+-f:/afo
7.2 Inverse method calculation formula
7.2.1 Three-point method fast positive error network calculation su-=m+ n-n+na-)
-0- +-
Sn - C(-50 +2s- A)
bg, =(-8(1 ~ S)
P,=exp[ -f2arelan.ot.C:+crZolj,22
T-+ ax:+ n
- ... )
7.3 The formulas of the harmonic method and the reflection method are calculated by computer numerical solution. The calculation formula of the harmonic method is solved by the initial value.
8 Error
This standard is for testing. When the regression method is used for measurement, the maximum accuracy of the measurement within the test range is: $+1
This standard test method, when the reverse method is used for measurement, the maximum accuracy of the measurement within the test range is; 12
SJ /TTC142·91
Appendix A
Sensor enclosure
1 Sex rack 2 Sample rack T dynamic adjustment market start: 3, rack T platform 4--bracket 5-opening some return ring 6-coaxial transmission line, 7-P flat head: -Please state platform average: H-PJ7 conductor: (-PJ7 outside description, 11-style is 11 sample Appendix B
Steam valve water dielectric properties table
(fill in)
. 21h5
SJ/T 10142—91
Positive position of the side capacitor C
The fast positive frequency of the 3.2mm thin semi-coaxial transmission line G.
Please check the original scene of the test method
Near-term name
Test date||tt| |fa(MHb)
Change drag unit
Secretion name
Additional instructions,
Sr door 10142-91
Reflection method test original training record
(Exam material)
Thanks to the examiner
Thanks to the test period
This standard is difficult to produce Shanghai University of Science and Technology, and the Institute of Electronic Standardization of the Ministry of Mechanical and Electrical Industry is responsible for drafting. This standard is drafted by Li Zhaonian, Wang Tugong, Yao Zhijian, Iadt5
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