Some standard content:
ICS 71. 100. 35
Classification number: Y44
Registration number: 16386-2005
Light Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Collagen hydrolysate
Published on July 26, 2005
National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China Implemented on January 1, 2006
All technical contents of this standard are mandatory. This environmental standard is proposed by China Light Industry Federation. Foreword
This international standard is issued by the Gelatin Branch of China Sun Moon Chemical Industry Association! 1QB2732-2005
This standard was drafted by National Industrial Rubber Production Monitoring and Inspection Center (Beijing) at no charge, and Wenzhou Sanlisheng Non-Glue Co., Ltd. participated in the drafting of this standard.
1 Scope
Hydrolyzed collagen
This standard specifies the classification, requirements, testing methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging and transportation of hydrolyzed collagen. Note: This standard is applicable to pre-production hydrolyzed collagen powder and hydrolyzed collagen aqueous suspension using recycled collagen as raw material. 2 Normative referenced documents
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For references with an indicated date, all subsequent amendments (excluding errors) or revisions are not applicable to this standard: however, all parties that have reached an agreement on the standard may use the latest version. For references without an indicated date, the latest version applies to this standard. GL/T191 Packaging storage and transportation diagram
GT4789.2 Microbiological examination of food content Determination of total number of colonies GH/T4789.3: Microbiological examination of food hygiene Determination of common bacterial flora GB/T4789.4 Microbiological examination of food hygiene Salmonella test GB/T4789.10 Microbiological examination of food hygiene Golden worm test GB/5009.3·2003 Determination of moisture in food GB/T5009.4-2003
Determination of ash in food || tt||GB/T5009.5-2003 Determination of protein content in food CB/T5009.11:2003 Determination of total and inorganic content in food (H/T5009.74) GR/T5009.123-2003 Determination of heavy metal content in food additives 3 points US
Hydrolyzed collagen is divided into hydrolyzed collagen protein powder and hydrolyzed collagen protein and filtrate. 4 Requirements
Raw material requirements
From the edible gelatin or pharmaceutical gelatin production unit registered with the relevant government departments 4.2 Production process requirements
The production process shall not use toxic organic solvents 4.3 Inertness requirements
4.3.1 Hydrolyzed collagen powder is white or light yellow powder, clean and free of pollutants. 4.8.2 Hydrolyzed collagen powder is transparent or light yellow liquid, and should not contain foreign substances, foreign substances or visible impurities. 4.4 Chemical index
Should comply with the requirements of Table 1.
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value is not explained, in the analysis of the code is considered pure water distilled water or water of appropriate purity: the source of the shell is specified as an aqueous solution, its concentration is expressed by mass. 5.1 moisture
calibration G3: T5009.3-240? 5.2 Relative molecular weight determination by direct chromatography-mass spectrometry (condensate chromatography method) 5.2.1 Principle Utilize the main body of multiple emulsion (also known as the chromatography-mass spectrometry) to perform the separation. Use a centrifugal analyzer to detect the separation. The maximum standard is to calibrate the sample accurately. 5.7.2 Reagents Kt filter (0.2 mal/L) Chemical solution (0.5 ml, T. 5723 Dong Man G50 5.2.3 Instrument 5.23. 1 Spectrophotometer (see Figure 1). 5 2 3. 2 External spectrophotometer. QB 2732 -2005
1-* constant! Apparatus, 2-elution Fanning tube: 3-reverse %: 4-folding apparatus: a flow saturation head: 6 part of the collection and use a
Figure 1 Polymerization chromatography equipment
5.2.4 Steps
52.4.1 Prepare hydrolyzed gelatin solution?4), heat and place in the form, rapidly cool to room temperature: 0.25, and then perform chromatographic analysis on the main sample. After the chromatographic analysis is completed, the collected fractions: 23m 5.2.5 Data processing Select 5~6 sample samples with relative molecular mass of 1.50W-20[H] and analyze them according to the operating period. Determine the elution volume of each test fraction on the sieve; then compare the series with the corresponding 0g time chart to obtain the calibration line The calibration line can be adjusted for molecular mass. In other words, the calibration line is checked and the calculated value is 5. 2. 6 precision watts. The average value obtained by the technical analysis is 5QB 27322005
5.3 Protein
Determine the content of protein by the method specified in GH/T5009.5-2003. The conversion factor for the quality of the sample is Spectrophotometry
5.4.1 Source Analysis
At 45°C, measure the transmittance ratio of the hydrolyzed collagen source at wavelengths of 450 and 520° using a spectrophotometer. 5.4.2 Instrument
Ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer.
5.4.3 Analytical Steps For the hydrolyzed collagen source protein powder, prepare Drops (6.6%): For the hydrolyzed amine egg white, prepare water concentration (1%); and keep it at 48. Place the melt into 10m ratio and use steam water as a cushion. Adjust the spectrophotometer to 450: At 45°C, measure the transmittance Adjust the wavelength to 820n: Open the key Operation: 5.4.4 Expression of results
It is advisable to express the transmittance ratio measured under a certain period of time, and keep two valid numbers for the result.
5.4.5 Precision
The absolute difference between the two treatment results obtained under the reconstitution condition shall not be less than 1%: 5.5 Ash content
Determine by the method specified in GB1009.4-2003. 5. White dioxide spot
5.6.1 Principle
Convert the alkali in the decomposed collagen into liquid, use basic titration, and calculate the content of carbon dioxide through the decomposed point. 5.6.2 Reagents
56.2.1 Oxidation solution (3%)
56.2.2 Drops of phenol blue-ethanol (volume fraction 29≤) pure solution (1g/L) Sodium hydroxide solution (0.1w1/L). Acid <2 mnl/.).
5.6.3 Instrument
See Figure 2 for the dichromatographic determination apparatus.
5.8.4 Analysis steps
5.B.4.1. Add 150 mL of water to the flask (A), and pass 150 mL of carbon monoxide through the system for 15 min at a constant flow rate of 3100 mL/min. Add 0.15 mL of phenol blue-ethanol (20% by volume) solution (1 g/L) into the 10 mL of hydrogen monoxide solution, and titrate with 0.1 mol/L of sodium oxychloride until a blue color appears. The solution can be dripped through and the solution is poured into the reading tube (D). Remove the separatory funnel (B) without affecting the light of carbon monoxide, and add 25.100 L of sample water to the flask. Add 100 mL of hydrochloric acid to the porcelain flask through the separatory funnel and boil for 1 h. Open the piston of the separatory funnel, stop passing carbon monoxide, and stop heating and cooling the dyeing water. 5..46 Add a little water to the test tube, transfer the liquid in the test tube to a 200mL wide-mouthed flask, and then heat it in the water! Smin, cool part Add 1.0 g/l phenol blue-alcohol (volume fraction 20%) solution (1 g/l>0.11 mL), then titrate with sodium hydrogen amine solution (0.1 mol/s) until the color changes from yellow to blue-purple (volume consumed is). Perform a midstream determination (volume consumed is V) 4
5.6.5 Final calculation
A side is always hot: B and liquid diffuse C clean home: D one test: one guide Figure 2 Dioxide determination diagram
The content of carbonyl in the test bank is X:, the number is expressed in grams per gram (m/kg), according to formula (1), X,=64060x0.5x(rn)×c
64 060
Content of sulfur dioxide in the sample, in grams per gram (m/ml); mass of sulfur dioxide (SO4), in grams per kilogram (g/ml); volume of sodium hydroxide solution consumed, in milliliters (ml); volume of blank sodium hydroxide solution consumed, in milliliters (ml); mass of sample, in grams (g);
Calculate the integer
5. 6. B. Precision
The absolute value of two independent results obtained under the condition of multiplexing should not be greater than 10mg/kg5.7 Peroxide
5. 7. 1 Principle
Unit is meter
Use the method of measuring the reducing property of the substance to determine the oxidizing substance. If there is an oxidizing substance in the substance to be measured, add excess iodine to produce chemical iodine, and then titrate the precipitated iodine with sodium bicarbonate standard solution. QB 2732—2005
5.7.2 Reagents
5.7.21 Acid bath (20%).
5.722 New solution (20)
57.2.3 Filter <10g/L.)
37.2.4 Microbial safety (5)
5.7.25 Standard reagent 0. mc/ Weigh the sample into 1007511ml of the sample container, add 140mL of water-soluble sample, add the following reagents "absorption wave (20%6m, concentration (20%) 10m, precipitate solution (1g/L) 2mL3mL, net end: H2O <5) 1ml, and stop at the bottom. Stir the thiosulfate standard solution (.01/) until the blue color of the solution disappears, and perform the sample empty test according to the above method. Calculate the content x of the substance in the sample, expressed as mg/g, according to formula (2). 34x0.5×10(-r)c
= The content of the chemical is calculated by high efficiency chemical box (H34
, the degree of life is, g/mo): the volume of the standard solution of white sulfuric acid is liter (m3/liter). The test mass is the unit of mole (m). The unit of study is integer.
57.5 specific density
The value obtained independently under three conditions should not be less than 1mg/kg. 5.8PH
RA.I principle
In, the hydrolysis of white water concentration was measured by adding only reagent
instrument: 01:00
5. Bar. 2.2 potassium hydroxide solution (mH 6,0). 6.8.3 Analytical step
6.31! Slightly acidic second differential filter (H.0) calibrated H instrument 5.3.2 than the original yellow water (1%) (new water is hot water), at 5, the H instrument melt wave, 5.8.4 results show
directly from 1 this last effluent source steam white liquid and is in the small to small lake point after the position,
5.8.5 fine south breath
under the reproducible conditions obtained meat change offender pan consumption male catfish plan a large degree! ,! H. 3
5.9 Water insolubles
5.9. Original cut
Sichuan Cheng sure state disease filter water collagen extended water immersion and wait for the insolubles to shoot three. 5. 3. 2 Instrument
5 loss sand quality average annual: 30ml.
5.9.3 Analysis step
5.3.1 will be calculated 105% ~ 110: 4, typical coke: m), QB 2732: 2035
5 9 3 2 except small report drive point sample (= 1gm), extract to 0.1g, into the body. Add m2. water, shake test no free phase, will be used for the standard filter method to increase. Small hot water flow collection increase garbage up or down 3 effect 5.E skin Yao Jia fast talk about the sale 4 collection glass car, put me in a cooler to room temperature, Dun Shanpo Qing Ou Dong Dong. operation, straight (). 5.9.4 Results
dynamic selection of water through the total base X, straight in % small, according to formula (3) grams. M, -x100
water insoluble matter, :
m, one: the number of diarrhea line check book quality, sheep is grams), \. — The quality of the end of the discussion, for and pipe; a filter music, from the position is grams ().
The reference shall be expressed in decimal places.
5.9. 5 Density
The absolute value of the total density of the sample shall not exceed 0.5.10 Determination of arsenic by absorption method GB500923-2003 5.11 Arsenic by BT500.11-2003 5.12 Arsenic by argon spot method (in units of % )
Heat GT S002.74 Avoidance
5. 13 microorganisms
Total floating microorganisms, large two kinds of bacteria, pathogenic bacteria G3/T4759.2, G13/T4789.3, GA/T47894, GB/T4789.[06 Inspection rules
Day 1. Factory inspection
Import 1. Before production, the product quality inspection department will conduct inspection on the whole batch according to the standard. After the inspection is qualified, the quality inspection department will issue the qualified certificate. The professional sales
6.1.2 For the following collagen powder, the package shall be inspected for moisture, white matter, transmittance, science, 2H, water-tight, bean gold, total number of people, human enterobacteria type, and taste before delivery. Q2732—2005
6.1.3 For hydrolyzed collagen, the factory inspection items include protein quality, permeability, pH, total bacterial count, major bacterial group, and pathogenic bacteria. 6.2 Type inspection
6.2.1 Type inspection items include all items required by 4.3-4.5 of this standard. 6.2.2 Type inspection shall be carried out every six months during production. When one of the following situations is found, the type inspection shall be carried out again. When new products are identified and finalized:
b When raw materials and processes are changed:
c) When the national quality supervision agency proposes the requirement of type inspection. B.3 Sampling plan
6.3.1 For hydrolyzed collagen, after inspecting the outer packaging, according to the provisions of Table 3, a certain amount of products with the same batch number shall be randomly selected. The number of packages of the products in the same batch shall be 51-108
501 -1 KHF
, and the sample shall be counted as one piece
6.3.2 For hydrolyzed protein solution, 16 barrels (bottles) shall be randomly selected from the batch for inspection of sensory requirements and physical and chemical indicators, 3 barrels (bottles) shall be used for microbiological inspection, and the other 6 barrels (bottles) shall be reserved for self-sampling. 6.4 Determination of regulations
6.4.1 When one indicator (except for embedded organisms) in the inspection result does not meet the requirements of this standard, samples of twice the number shall be taken from the quality sample batch for re-inspection. If one indicator in the re-inspection result is still unqualified, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified. 6.4.2 When one of the microbial indicators in the test results does not meet the requirements of the standard, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified: Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
.1 Marking
The product packaging shall clearly indicate the product name, manufacturer's name, factory design, trademark, product price, batch number, production date, product parameters, net content, product quality and implementation standard number, and the packaging bag shall contain the product quality and implementation standard number. The packaging and transportation graphic mark shall comply with the requirements of GB/T191.
7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 For hydrolyzed collagen powder, the product packaging shall be divided into two layers, the inner layer is a food-grade plastic film, which shall be tightly sealed, and the outer layer shall be sterile and dry, and shall comply with the corresponding hygiene standards and relevant regulations.
2.2 For hydrolyzed collagen liquid, the packaging materials and containers shall comply with the corresponding national standards and relevant regulations. 7.3 During transportation, the product should be transported in a sterile, ventilated and covered transport vehicle to prevent moisture and heat. It should not be mixed with toxic substances. 7.4 Storage The product should be stored in a dry, ventilated and clean indoor warehouse to avoid moisture. It should not be stored with pollutants or easily contaminated items.
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