HG/T 2259-1991 Photographic chemicals Potassium iodide (for emulsion)
Some standard content:
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Photographic Chemicals
Potassium Iodide (for Emulsion)
Published on 1991-12-28
Implemented on 1992-07-01
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China "·Published Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Photographic Chemicals
Potassium Iodide (for Emulsion)
This product is a white product, easily soluble in water, soluble in ethanol and acetone. It is slightly deliquescent in humid air. Long-term exposure to air will precipitate iodine and have a slightly yellowish color. Color,
Molecular formula: KI
Relative molecular mass: 163.00 (according to the 1987 international relative atomic mass) 1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and packaging, marking, transportation and storage of photographic chemicals potassium iodide (for emulsion)
This standard applies to potassium iodide used in the preparation of photographic emulsion. 2 Reference standards
Chemical reagents Preparation of standard solutions for titration analysis (volume analysis) Preparation of standard solutions for determination of impurities in chemical reagents Preparation of preparations and products used in chemical reagent test methods GB6682
GB 9723bzxz.net
Laboratory water specifications
Chemical reagents·General rules for flame atomic absorption spectrometry General rules for determination of pH value of chemical reagents
HG3—1168 Preparation and determination method of clarity standard of chemical reagents (glass emulsion method) 3 Technical requirements
3.1 Potassium iodide (KI) content not less than: 99.0%. 3.2 Aqueous solution reaction: qualified.
3.3 Photographic performance: qualified,
3.4 Maximum content of impurities (Indicators are expressed in percentage): Name
Clarity test
Water insoluble matter
Chloride (CI)
Iodate (10)
Sulfate (SO)
Calcium (Ca)
Iron (Fe)
Heavy metals (expressed in Pb)
Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on December 28, 1991
Implementation on July 1, 1992
4 Test method
HG 2259 91
The standard solutions for analysis, standard solutions for impurity determination and the preparations and products used in this test method are prepared in accordance with the provisions of GB601, GB602 and GB603: the experimental water should meet the specifications of Grade 3 water in GB6682: if other provisions are required, they shall be given in the standard.
4.1 Determination of potassium iodide (KI) content
Weigh 0.5g of sample, weigh to 0.0001g and dissolve in 100mL of water. Add 10mL of acetic acid (1+19) and 3 drops of warm red sodium salt indicator solution (5g/L), and silver nitrate standard titration solution (c (AgNO) = 0.1mol/L) to avoid The content of potassium iodide (KI) X after photo titration until the emulsion turns red is calculated as follows: Vcx0.1660
Wherein: X is the percentage of potassium iodide, %; the amount of silver nitrate standard titration solution, mL; the actual concentration of silver nitrate standard titration solution, mol/L; m
mass of sample, g;
the mass of potassium iodide (KI) equivalent to 1.00mL silver nitrate standard titration solution (c(AgNO,)=1.000mol/L), expressed in grams
4.2 Aqueous solution reaction
Weigh 5g of sample, accurate to 0.01g, and dissolve in 100mL of carbon dioxide-free water. Determine according to the provisions of GB9724 4.3 Photographic properties
Determine according to the method agreed by the supply and demand parties. 4.4 Determination of impurities
The sample must be weighed to the nearest 0.01g
4.4.1 Clarity test
Weigh 20g of sample and dissolve it in 100mL of water. The turbidity shall not be greater than the clarity standard No. 3 specified in HG3-1168. 4.4.2 Water-insoluble matter
Weigh 50g of sample and dissolve it in 150mL of water. Keep it warm in a water bath for 1h, filter it with a No. 4 glass filter at a constant weight, wash it with hot water until there is no iodine ion reaction in the washing liquid, and dry it at 105~110℃ to constant weight. The mass of the filter residue shall not be greater than 5.0mg. 4.4.3 Chloride
Weigh 1g of sample and dissolve it in 100mL of water: add 1mL of hydrogen peroxide, add 1mL of phosphoric acid, boil until the solution is colorless, cool, add 0.5mL of hydrogen peroxide, heat to boil, cool, dilute to 100mL, take 10mL, dilute to 25mL, add 2mL of nitric acid 1+3), 1mL of silver nitrate solution (17g/L), shake the hook, let it stand for 10min, the turbidity should not be greater than the standard, the standard is to take 0.02mg of chloride (CI) impurity standard Solution, dilute to 25mL, and treat the same volume of sample solution at the same time.
4.4.4 Iodate
Weigh 10g sample, dissolve in 20mL water, add 5mL sulfuric acid (1+24), shake well, place in the dark for 10min, add 1mL starch indicator solution (5g/L), and titrate with sodium thiosulfate standard titration solution (c(Na,S,O).0.01mol/L) until the blue color of the solution disappears. The amount of sodium thiosulfate standard titration solution shall not exceed 0.70mL. 4.4.5 Sulfate
Weigh 0.5g sample and dissolve in 10ml water. Add 5mL ethanol, 1mL hydrochloric acid (1+9), 30mg ascorbic acid, and add 3ml of sodium iodide (250ml) dropwise under continuous shaking, dilute to 25mL. Place for 5min, and the concentration shall not be greater than the standard. The standard is to take 0.2m and prepare the impurity standard liquid and sample tube in the same way. 4.4.6 Calcium
Determine in accordance with the provisions of GB9723, where: Instrument conditions
Light source: calcium hollow cathode lamp;
Wavelength: 422.7nm;
Flame: air-acetylene.
HG2259-91 Determination method
Weigh 25g of sample, dissolve in water, and dilute to 100mL. Take 20mL, a total of four portions, and determine according to the provisions of 6.2.2 in GB9723
Weigh 2g of sample and place in an evaporating dish. Add 2mL of sulfuric acid (2+3), slowly heat until the sulfuric acid vapor escapes, and cool. The residue is soaked in 25 mL of water, and 1 mL of hydrochloric acid, 30 mg of ammonium persulfate, and 2 mL of ammonium thiocyanate solution (250 g/L) are added and mixed well. Extracted with 10 mL of n-butanol, the red color of the organic layer shall not be darker than the standard. The standard is to take 0.006 mg of iron (Fe) impurity standard solution, dilute to 25 mL, and treat it with the same volume of sample solution at the same time.
4.4.8 Heavy metals (in terms of Pb)
Weigh: 10 g of sample, dissolve in 25 mL of water, and dilute to 40 mL. Take 30 mL, dilute to 40 mL, add 30 mg of ascorbic acid, 1 mL of acetic acid (1+19) and 10 mL of newly prepared saturated hydrogen sulfide water, and shake well. After 10 minutes of storage, the dark color should not be darker than the standard. The standard is to take the remaining 10mL test solution and 0.025mg of lead (Pb) impurity standard solution, dilute to 40mL, and treat it in the same way as the sample solution of the same volume.
5 Inspection rules
Sampling and acceptance shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB619. 6. Packaging, marking, transportation and purchase and storage
6.1 Packaging
Packing unit 20kg inner packaging is double-layer plastic bag, sealed: outer packaging is fiberboard barrel. If special packaging is required, it shall be decided by negotiation between the supply and demand parties.
6.2 Marking
The outer packaging container should be firmly labeled with the product name, standard number, photographic chemicals (for emulsion), registered trademark, net weight, gross weight, batch number, date of manufacture, manufacturer name and address. The packaging container should be accompanied by a quality certificate. 6.3 Transportation
: Handle with care during transportation, and avoid moisture and heat. Do not damage the packaging. 6.4 Store in a dry warehouse.
Store in a cool,
Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Photographic Chemicals Standardization Technical Unit of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by Beijing Chemical Plant and the Institute of Photographic Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main drafters of this standard are Sun Tianzhen, Guan Ruibao, Li Zhenxing, Wang Rongqin and Hu Suqin. People's Republic of China Chemical Industry Standard Phase Chemistry Potassium Iodide (for Emulsion) HG2259-91 Edited by Chemical Industry Standard Editorial Department (Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry) Government Code: 100013 Printed by Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry Copyright reserved Reproduction prohibited Format 880×12301/16: Printing Sheet % Number of Words 8000 First Printing in December 1992 Edition in December 1992 Number of Prints 1-500 2259-91
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