title>HG/T 2963-1999 Industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate (potassium hexacyanoferrate) - HG/T 2963-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 2963-1999 Industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate (potassium hexacyanoferrate)

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2963-1999

Standard Name: Industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate (potassium hexacyanoferrate)

Chinese Name: 工业六氰合铁酸四钾(黄血盐钾)

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-04-20

Date of Implementation:2000-04-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Inorganic Chemistry>>71.060.50 Salt

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Inorganic Chemical Raw Materials>>G12 Inorganic Salt

associated standards

alternative situation:HG/T 2963-1982(1989)

Procurement status:GOST 6816-1979(1990) NEQ

Publication information

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HG/T 2963-1999 Industrial Tetrapotassium Hexacyanoferrate (Potassium Flavour) HG/T2963-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Record number: 2768--1999
HG/T 2963--1999
This standard is a revision of the chemical industry standard HG/T2963-1982 (1989) "Industrial Potassium Ferrocyanide". This standard adopts the Russian national standard IOCT6816:1979 (revised in 1990) "Technical Conditions for Industrial Potassium Ferrocyanide" in a non-equivalent manner. The main technical differences between this standard and the Russian national standard are as follows: 1 The Russian national standard divides products into two levels: superior products and first-class products; this standard divides products into three levels: superior products, first-class products and qualified products.
2 In the test method, both standards use the mercury titration method to determine chloride. The Russian national standard uses sodium nitrosoferrocyanide as an indicator; this standard adopts the test method commonly used in my country, using diphenylazocarbonyl hydrazide as an indicator liquid. The main differences between this standard and HG/T2963-1982 (1989): 1HG/T2963-1982 (1989) divides products into two levels: first-class products and second-class products; this standard divides products into three levels: superior products, first-class products and qualified products.
2 In the test method, HG/T2963-1982 (1989) uses zinc metal to prepare standard titration solution to measure the main content; this standard uses zinc sulfate standard titration solution to measure the main content, which is consistent with the Russian national standard. From the date of entry into force of this standard, it will replace HG/T2963-1982 (1989). This standard was proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the former Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the inorganic salt product standardization technical management unit of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The drafting units of this standard are: Tianjin Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, Sichuan Yongchuan Chemical Plant. The main drafters of this standard are: Zhang Jingjuan and Nie Chengqing. This standard was first issued as a national standard in December 1982, confirmed in 1989, and adjusted from a national standard to a recommended chemical industry standard in 1992.
This standard is entrusted to the technical unit responsible for standardization of inorganic salt products of the Ministry of Chemical Industry for interpretation. 906
1 Scope
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrat (potassium hexacyanoferrat) Kaliumhexacyanoferrat (H) for industrial use HG/T 2963--1999
Replaces HG/T 2963--1982(1989)
This standard specifies the requirements, sampling, test methods, as well as marking, packaging, transportation and storage of industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrat (potassium hexacyanoferrat).
This standard applies to tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate prepared by complexation with hydrogen cyanide gas. This product is mainly used in the manufacture of iron blue and tripotassium hexacyanoferrate and in the pharmaceutical, metallurgical and other industries.
Molecular formula: K,Fe(CN). · 3H,O
Relative molecular mass: 422.39 (according to the 1995 international relative atomic mass) 2 Reference standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB 191—1990
Pictorial marking for packaging, storage and transportation
GB/T 601-1988
Preparation of standard solutions for titration analysis (volumetric analysis) of chemical reagents GB/T 602—1988
GB/T 603--1988
Preparation of standard solutions for determination of impurities in chemical reagents (neqISO6353-1:1982) Preparation of preparations and products used in test methods for chemical reagents (neqISO6353-1:1982) GB/T 1250--1989
Methods for expressing and determining limit values ​​GB/T3051—1982 (89) General method for determination of chloride content in inorganic chemical products - Mercuriometric method (neqISO5790:1979) GB/T 6678--1986
General Rules for Sampling of Chemical Products
GB/T 6946--1988
3 Requirements
3.1 Appearance: Yellow crystal.
Specifications and test methods for water used in analytical laboratoriesPlastic woven bags
2Industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate shall comply with the requirements of Table 1. 3.2
Requirements in Table 1
Indicator Items
Superior Products
Tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate[K,Fe(CN)]。 ·3H,O] content Chloride (as CI) content
Water-insoluble matter content
Approved by the State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry on April 20, 1999 99.0
First-class product
Qualified product
Implemented on April 1, 2000
4 Test method
HG/T 2963--1999
The reagents and water used in this standard, unless otherwise specified, refer to analytical reagents and grade 3 water specified in GB/T6682. The standard titration solutions, impurity standard solutions, preparations and products used in the test, unless otherwise specified, are prepared in accordance with the provisions of GB/T601, GB/T602 and GB/T603.
4.1 Determination of Tetrapotassium Hexacyanoferrate Content
4.1.1 Summary of Method
In an acidic medium, titrate with zinc sulfate standard titration solution, and use potassium hexacyanoferrate blue and diphenylamine as a mixed indicator solution to indicate the end point. 4.1.2 Reagents and Materials Sulfuric acid solution: 1+8. Tripotassium hexacyanoferrate solution: 10g/L (prepare before use). Ammonia-ammonium chloride buffer solution, pH=10. Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) standard titration solution: c(EDTA) is about 0.03mol/L, prepared with reference reagents. Standard zinc sulfate titration solution: c(ZnSO.) is about 0.03mol/L. Preparation and calibration: Weigh 9.0g zinc sulfate heptahydrate, dissolve in 1000mL water, and shake. Pipette 30~35mL of the prepared zinc sulfate solution, add 70mL water and 10mL ammonia-ammonium chloride buffer solution, add 5 drops of chrome black T indicator solution, and titrate with EDTA standard titration solution until the solution changes from purple to pure blue.
Perform a blank test at the same time.
The concentration of zinc sulfate c (ZnSO) standard titration solution is calculated according to formula (1): (Vi-V,)c
Where: V.--the volume of EDTA standard titration solution consumed by the titration test solution, mLV The volume of EDTA standard titration solution consumed by the titration blank test solution, mL; C
-the actual concentration of EDTA standard titration solution, mol/L; V…-the volume of zinc sulfate standard titration solution transferred, mL. Chrome black T indicator solution: 5 g/L. Diphenylamine indicator solution: Dissolve 1 g of diphenylamine in 100 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid. 4.1.3 Analysis steps
Weigh about 5 g of sample (accurate to 0.0002 g), place in a 500 mL volumetric flask, add water to dissolve and dilute to the scale, shake to hook, this solution is solution A (also used for the determination of chloride). Use a pipette to transfer 25 mL of solution A into a 500 mL conical flask, add 20 mL of sulfuric acid solution, 3 to 5 drops of diphenylamine indicator solution, and 3 to 5 drops of tripotassium hexacyanoferrate solution. Under vigorous stirring, slowly titrate with zinc sulfate standard titration solution until the solution changes from yellow-green to purple-blue.
4.1.4 Expression of analysis results
The content Xi of tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate (K,Fe(CN).·3H,O) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (2): Xi Ve X0. 81 6 × 100 = 563.2XVcm×0
Wherein: V-
-volume of zinc sulfate standard titration solution consumed in titration, mL; actual concentration of zinc sulfate standard titration solution, mol/L; m--mass of sample weighed, g;
mass of tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate 0.281 6-www.bzxz.net
equivalent to 1.00ml zinc sulfate standard titration solution c(ZnSO4)=1.000mol/L expressed in grams.
4.1.5 Allowable difference
HG/T 2963-1999
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results is taken as the determination result. The absolute difference of the parallel determination results shall not exceed 0.3%. 4.2 Determination of chloride content
4.2.1 Summary of method
Same as Chapter 2 of GB/T3051-1982.
4.2.2 Reagents and materials 95% ethanol; Nitric acid solution: 1+15; Hg(NO3)2 with a concentration of about 0.05 mol/L, prepared according to 4.9 of GB/T3051-1982 and calibrated with standard titration solution of mercuric nitrate: c
Bromophenol blue ethanol solution: 1 g/L; Diphenylazocarbohydrazide ethanol solution: 5 g/L; Zinc nitrate solution: 150 g/L.
4.2.3 Apparatus and equipment
Same as Chapter 3 of GB/T3051-1982.
4.2.4 Analysis steps Blank test: Add 100mL of water and 3 drops of bromophenol blue indicator solution to a 250mL conical flask, add nitric acid solution until the color just changes from blue to yellow, and then add 5 drops in excess. Add 1mL of diphenylazocarbonylhydrazide indicator solution, use a microburette, and titrate with mercuric nitrate standard titration solution until the solution turns purple-red. Record the volume used. Determination:
Pipette 50mL of zinc nitrate solution into a 250mL volumetric flask, add solution A (4.1.3) to the scale, and shake well. Let it stand and dry filter with slow filter paper, discard the initial filtrate, transfer 100mL of filtrate, place it in a 300mL conical flask, add 3 drops of bromophenol blue indicator solution, add nitric acid solution until it just turns yellow, and then add 5 drops in excess. Add 1 mL of diphenylazocarbonyl hydrazide indicator solution and use a microburette to titrate with standard mercuric nitrate titration solution until the solution changes from yellow to purple-red. This is the end point. Store the waste liquid after titration and treat it according to the provisions of Appendix D of GB/T3051-1982. 4.2.5 Expression of analysis results
The nitride content (in terms of CI) expressed as mass percentage (X,) is calculated according to formula (3): (V-Vo)c×0. 035 45 × 100 = 2X2 =
Where: V-
22. 16(V-- V.)c
-The volume of the standard mercuric nitrate solution consumed by the titration test solution, mL;-The volume of the standard mercuric nitrate solution consumed by the titration blank test solution, mL;The actual concentration of the standard mercuric nitrate solution, mol/L;-The mass of the sample weighed in 4.1.3, g
0.03545-The mass of chlorine in grams equivalent to 1.00mL of the standard mercuric nitrate solution (cL1/2Hg(NOs)2]-1.000mol/L).
4.2.6 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results is taken as the determination result. The absolute difference of the parallel determination results shall not exceed 0.03%. 4.3 Determination of water-insoluble matter content
4.3.1 Reagents and materials
Ammonium ferric sulfate solution: 50g/L.
4.3.2 Instruments and equipment
Glass sand: pore size 5μm~15μm.
4.3.3 Analysis steps
HG/T 2963—1999
Weigh about 50g of sample (accurate to 0.1g), place in a 500ml beaker, add about 100mL150mL water, heat and stir until the sample is completely dissolved, filter while hot using a glass sand crucible that has been dried to constant weight at 105℃~110℃, and wash with hot water until no blue color comes out when tested with ammonium ferric sulfate solution. Dry the crucible and residue at 105℃~110℃ to constant weight. 4.3.4 Expression of analysis results
The water-insoluble content (X,) expressed as a mass percentage is calculated according to formula (4): Xs=m=m×100
Wherein: m1——mass of glass sand crucible, g; m2——mass of water-insoluble matter and glass sand, g; m——mass of weighed sample, g.
4.3.5 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results is taken as the determination result. The absolute difference of the parallel determination results shall not exceed 0.005%. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 All items specified in this standard are factory inspection items. 5.2 Each batch of products shall not exceed 10t.
5.3 Determine the number of sampling units in accordance with 6.6 of GB/T6678-1986. Each plastic woven bag is a packaging unit. (4)
When sampling, insert the sampler obliquely from the top of the packaging bag into the material layer at 3/4 of the depth to take a sample. After mixing the sample, divide it into about 500g according to the quartering method and pack it into two clean and dry wide-mouth bottles with ground stoppers and seal them. Paste labels on the bottles, indicating the manufacturer's name, product name, grade, batch number, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is used as a laboratory sample and the other is kept for three months for reference. 5.4 Industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate shall be inspected by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that each batch of products shipped meets the requirements of this standard. If one of the indicators in the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, re-sampling shall be carried out from the packaging of twice the number of sampling units of the batch of products for re-inspection. If even one of the indicators in the re-inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products shall be unqualified. 5.5 Determine whether the test results meet the standard according to the rounded value comparison method specified in 5.2 of GB/T1250-1989. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 The packaging bags of industrial potassium hexacyanoferrate should be firmly and clearly marked, including the manufacturer's name, address, product name, trademark, grade, net content, batch number or production date, the number of this standard, and the mark 7 "afraid of moisture" in GB191-1990. 6.2 Each batch of industrial potassium hexacyanoferrate should be accompanied by a quality certificate, including the manufacturer's name, address, product name, trademark, net content, batch number or production date, proof that the product quality complies with this standard and the number of this standard. 6.3 The inner packaging of industrial potassium hexacyanoferrate should be a plastic film bag with a thickness of not less than 0.05mm, and the outer packaging should be a plastic woven bag. Its performance and inspection methods should comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T8946. The net content of each bag is 25kg or 50kg. 6.4 The inner bag of industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate shall be sealed or tied with a sealing machine, and the outer bag shall be folded at a distance of not less than 30mm from the bag edge, and sewed with vinyl thread or other thread of equivalent quality at a distance of not less than 15mm from the bag edge. The stitches shall be neat, the needle spacing shall be even, and there shall be no leakage or skipping. 6.5 The industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate shall be covered during transportation to prevent rain and moisture. It shall not be mixed with acids, alkalis and iron salts. 6.6 The industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate shall be stored in a ventilated and dry warehouse to prevent rain, moisture and sunlight exposure, and shall not be mixed with acids, alkalis and iron salts.16(V-- V.)c
-The volume of the standard mercuric nitrate solution consumed by the titration test solution, mL;-The volume of the standard mercuric nitrate solution consumed by the titration blank test solution, mL;The actual concentration of the standard mercuric nitrate solution, mol/L;-The mass of the sample weighed in 4.1.3, g
0.03545-The mass of chlorine in grams equivalent to 1.00mL of the standard mercuric nitrate solution (cL1/2Hg(NOs)2]-1.000mol/L).
4.2.6 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results is taken as the determination result, and the absolute difference of the parallel determination results shall not exceed 0.03%. 4.3 Determination of water-insoluble matter content
4.3.1 Reagents and materials
Ammonium ferric sulfate solution: 50g/L.
4.3.2 Instruments and equipment
Glass sand: pore size 5μm~15μm.
4.3.3 Analysis steps
HG/T 2963—1999
Weigh about 50g of sample (accurate to 0.1g), place in a 500ml beaker, add about 100mL150mL water, heat and stir until the sample is completely dissolved, filter while hot using a glass sand crucible that has been dried to constant weight at 105℃~110℃, and wash with hot water until no blue color comes out when tested with ammonium ferric sulfate solution. Dry the crucible and residue at 105℃~110℃ to constant weight. 4.3.4 Expression of analysis results
The water-insoluble content (X,) expressed as a mass percentage is calculated according to formula (4): Xs=m=m×100
Wherein: m1——mass of glass sand crucible, g; m2——mass of water-insoluble matter and glass sand, g; m——mass of weighed sample, g.
4.3.5 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results is taken as the determination result. The absolute difference of the parallel determination results shall not exceed 0.005%. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 All items specified in this standard are factory inspection items. 5.2 Each batch of products shall not exceed 10t.
5.3 Determine the number of sampling units in accordance with 6.6 of GB/T6678-1986. Each plastic woven bag is a packaging unit. (4)
When sampling, insert the sampler obliquely from the top of the packaging bag into the material layer at 3/4 of the depth to take a sample. After mixing the sample, divide it into about 500g according to the quartering method and pack it into two clean and dry wide-mouth bottles with ground stoppers and seal them. Paste labels on the bottles, indicating the manufacturer's name, product name, grade, batch number, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is used as a laboratory sample and the other is kept for three months for reference. 5.4 Industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate shall be inspected by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that each batch of products shipped meets the requirements of this standard. If one of the indicators in the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, re-sampling shall be carried out from the packaging of twice the number of sampling units of the batch of products for re-inspection. If even one of the indicators in the re-inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products shall be unqualified. 5.5 Determine whether the test results meet the standard according to the rounded value comparison method specified in 5.2 of GB/T1250-1989. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 The packaging bags of industrial potassium hexacyanoferrate should be firmly and clearly marked, including the manufacturer's name, address, product name, trademark, grade, net content, batch number or production date, the number of this standard, and the mark 7 "afraid of moisture" in GB191-1990. 6.2 Each batch of industrial potassium hexacyanoferrate should be accompanied by a quality certificate, including the manufacturer's name, address, product name, trademark, net content, batch number or production date, proof that the product quality complies with this standard and the number of this standard. 6.3 The inner packaging of industrial potassium hexacyanoferrate should be a plastic film bag with a thickness of not less than 0.05mm, and the outer packaging should be a plastic woven bag. Its performance and inspection methods should comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T8946. The net content of each bag is 25kg or 50kg. 6.4 The inner bag of industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate shall be sealed or tied with a sealing machine, and the outer bag shall be folded at a distance of not less than 30mm from the bag edge, and sewed with vinyl thread or other thread of equivalent quality at a distance of not less than 15mm from the bag edge. The stitches shall be neat, the needle spacing shall be even, and there shall be no leakage or skipping. 6.5 The industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate shall be covered during transportation to prevent rain and moisture. It shall not be mixed with acids, alkalis and iron salts. 6.6 The industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate shall be stored in a ventilated and dry warehouse to prevent rain, moisture and sunlight exposure, and shall not be mixed with acids, alkalis and iron salts.16(V-- V.)c
-The volume of the standard mercuric nitrate solution consumed by the titration test solution, mL;-The volume of the standard mercuric nitrate solution consumed by the titration blank test solution, mL;The actual concentration of the standard mercuric nitrate solution, mol/L;-The mass of the sample weighed in 4.1.3, g
0.03545-The mass of chlorine in grams equivalent to 1.00mL of the standard mercuric nitrate solution (cL1/2Hg(NOs)2]-1.000mol/L).
4.2.6 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results is taken as the determination result, and the absolute difference of the parallel determination results shall not exceed 0.03%. 4.3 Determination of water-insoluble matter content
4.3.1 Reagents and materials
Ammonium ferric sulfate solution: 50g/L.
4.3.2 Instruments and equipment
Glass sand: pore size 5μm~15μm.
4.3.3 Analysis steps
HG/T 2963—1999
Weigh about 50g of sample (accurate to 0.1g), place in a 500ml beaker, add about 100mL150mL water, heat and stir until the sample is completely dissolved, filter while hot using a glass sand crucible that has been dried to constant weight at 105℃~110℃, and wash with hot water until no blue color comes out when tested with ammonium ferric sulfate solution. Dry the crucible and residue at 105℃~110℃ to constant weight. 4.3.4 Expression of analysis results
The water-insoluble content (X,) expressed as a mass percentage is calculated according to formula (4): Xs=m=m×100
Wherein: m1——mass of glass sand crucible, g; m2——mass of water-insoluble matter and glass sand, g; m——mass of weighed sample, g.
4.3.5 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results is taken as the determination result. The absolute difference of the parallel determination results shall not exceed 0.005%. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 All items specified in this standard are factory inspection items. 5.2 Each batch of products shall not exceed 10t.
5.3 Determine the number of sampling units in accordance with 6.6 of GB/T6678-1986. Each plastic woven bag is a packaging unit. (4)
When sampling, insert the sampler obliquely from the top of the packaging bag into the material layer at 3/4 of the depth to take a sample. After mixing the sample, divide it into about 500g according to the quartering method and pack it into two clean and dry wide-mouth bottles with ground stoppers and seal them. Paste labels on the bottles, indicating the manufacturer's name, product name, grade, batch number, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is used as a laboratory sample and the other is kept for three months for reference. 5.4 Industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate shall be inspected by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that each batch of products shipped meets the requirements of this standard. If one of the indicators in the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, re-sampling shall be carried out from the packaging of twice the number of sampling units of the batch of products for re-inspection. If even one of the indicators in the re-inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products shall be unqualified. 5.5 Determine whether the test results meet the standard according to the rounded value comparison method specified in 5.2 of GB/T1250-1989. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 The packaging bags of industrial potassium hexacyanoferrate should be firmly and clearly marked, including the manufacturer's name, address, product name, trademark, grade, net content, batch number or production date, the number of this standard, and the mark 7 "afraid of moisture" in GB191-1990. 6.2 Each batch of industrial potassium hexacyanoferrate should be accompanied by a quality certificate, including the manufacturer's name, address, product name, trademark, net content, batch number or production date, proof that the product quality complies with this standard and the number of this standard. 6.3 The inner packaging of industrial potassium hexacyanoferrate should be a plastic film bag with a thickness of not less than 0.05mm, and the outer packaging should be a plastic woven bag. Its performance and inspection methods should comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T8946. The net content of each bag is 25kg or 50kg. 6.4 The inner bag of industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate shall be sealed or tied with a sealing machine, and the outer bag shall be folded at a distance of not less than 30mm from the bag edge, and sewed with vinyl thread or other thread of equivalent quality at a distance of not less than 15mm from the bag edge. The stitches shall be neat, the needle spacing shall be even, and there shall be no leakage or skipping. 6.5 The industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate shall be covered during transportation to prevent rain and moisture. It shall not be mixed with acids, alkalis and iron salts. 6.6 The industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate shall be stored in a ventilated and dry warehouse to prevent rain, moisture and sunlight exposure, and shall not be mixed with acids, alkalis and iron salts.4 The inner bag of industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate is sealed or tied with a sealing machine, and the outer bag is folded at a distance of not less than 30mm from the bag edge, and the edge is sewed with vinyl thread or other thread of equivalent quality at a distance of not less than 15mm from the bag edge. The stitches are neat, the needle length is even, and there is no leakage or skipping. 6.5 The industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate should be covered during transportation to prevent rain and moisture. It should not be mixed with acids, alkalis and iron salts. 6.6 The industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate should be stored in a ventilated and dry warehouse to prevent rain, moisture and sunlight exposure, and should not be mixed with acids, alkalis and iron salts.4 The inner bag of industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate is sealed or tied with a sealing machine, and the outer bag is folded at a distance of not less than 30mm from the bag edge, and the edge is sewed with vinyl thread or other thread of equivalent quality at a distance of not less than 15mm from the bag edge. The stitches are neat, the needle length is even, and there is no leakage or skipping. 6.5 The industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate should be covered during transportation to prevent rain and moisture. It should not be mixed with acids, alkalis and iron salts. 6.6 The industrial tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate should be stored in a ventilated and dry warehouse to prevent rain, moisture and sunlight exposure, and should not be mixed with acids, alkalis and iron salts.
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