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Rule of installation and service for room air-conditioner

Basic Information

Standard ID: SB/T 10541-2009

Standard Name:Rule of installation and service for room air-conditioner

Chinese Name: 房间空气调节器安装服务规范

Standard category:Business Industry Standard (SB)

state:in force

Date of Release2009-12-24

Date of Implementation:2010-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:03.080.08

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A20 Comprehensive Technology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2010-07-01

other information

drafter:Guo Chibing, Zhao Zerui, Liu Song, Wang Yunwei, Liu Zhijun, Li Hongqi, Song Youshan, Ji Qun, Wang Liang, Jin Jiang

Drafting unit:China Household Electrical Appliances Repair Association, Hisense Kelon Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd.

Focal point unit:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:Ministry of Commerce

competent authority:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

SB/T 10541-2009 Room Air Conditioner Installation Service SpecificationSB/T10541-2009 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the methods and procedures used in the service provision process in accordance with the inherent characteristics of air conditioner installation services to meet user needs. This standard is applicable to air conditioner installation service organizations to establish and improve the air conditioner installation service quality assurance system.
Appendix A of this standard is an informative appendix.
This standard is proposed by the China General Chamber of Commerce
. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China. This standard was
drafted by the China Household Electrical Appliances Maintenance Association and Hisense Kelon Electric Co., Ltd., and Beijing University of Technology, Beijing Electrical Engineering School, Guangdong Chigo Air Conditioning Co., Ltd., Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Air Conditioning Company, and Guangdong Midea Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. participated in the drafting.
The main drafters of this standard are Guo Chibing, Zhao Zerui, Liu Song, Wang Yunwei, Liu Zhijun, Li Hongqi, Song Youshan, Ji Qun, Wang Liang and Jin Jiang.
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all dated referenced documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties who reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all undated referenced documents, the latest versions are applicable to this standard.
GB/T7725-2004 Room air conditioner
GB/T15624.1-2003 Guide to service standardization work Part 1: General principles
GB/T17242-1998 Complaint handling guide
Foreword I
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 1
4 Basic requirements for installation service 1
5 Service organization 1
6 Professional installers 3
7 Service process 4
Appendix A (Informative Appendix) User evaluation form for air conditioner installation quality 6

Some standard content:

ICS 03.080.08
Registration number: 270722010
Domestic trade industry standard of the People's Republic of China SB/T10541-2009
Rule of installation and service for room air-conditioner2009-12-25Promulgated
Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on 2010-07-01
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
Basic requirements for installation service
Service organization
Professional installers
Service process
Appendix A (informative appendix)
User evaluation form for air-conditioning installation quality
Appendix A of this standard is an informative appendix.
This standard is proposed by the China General Chamber of Commerce. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China. Foreword
This standard was drafted by the China Household Electrical Appliances Maintenance Association and Hisense Kelon Electric Co., Ltd., and Beijing University of Technology, Beijing Electrical Engineering School, Guangdong Chigo Air Conditioning Co., Ltd., Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Air Conditioning Company, and Guangdong Midea Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. participated in the drafting.
The main drafters of this standard are Guo Chibing, Zhao Zerui, Liu Song, Wang Yunwei, Liu Zhijun, Li Hongqi, Song Youshan, Ji Qun, Wang Liang, and Jin Jiang. 1 Scope
Room Air Conditioner Installation Service Specification
This standard specifies the methods and procedures used in the service provision process in accordance with the inherent characteristics of air conditioner installation services that meet user needs. This standard is applicable to air conditioner installation service organizations to establish and improve the air conditioner installation service quality assurance system. 2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all referenced documents with dates, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties that reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all referenced documents without dates, the latest versions are applicable to this standard. GB/T77252004Room air conditioner
GB/T15624.12003Guidelines for service standardization work Part 1: General provisionsGB/T172421998Guidelines for complaint handling
GB17790··1999Room air conditioner installation specificationGB/T187602002Methods and requirements for after-sales service of consumer productsCustomer satisfaction evaluation specification for household and similar electrical appliancesSB/T10425
Code of conduct for household and similar electrical appliances repair service personnel3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1
Air conditioner installation service
roomairconditionerinstallationserviceThe activities between air conditioner installation service providers and users and the activities carried out internally and the results thereof in order to meet the needs of users.
Qualified person
A person who has certain basic knowledge, technical experience and a qualification certificate for air conditioner installation and maintenance or a special operation qualification certificate, and is authorized to complete air conditioner installation and maintenance tasks in a safe manner. 3.3
Air conditioner installation service organizationroomairconditionerinstallationserviceorganization Personnel and facilities related to air conditioner installation service activities whose responsibilities, authorities and relationships are arranged. Including air conditioner production and sales companies, as well as air conditioner installation professional service companies, or their parts, or their combination, 4 Basic requirements for installation services
Based on the service characteristics of SB/T10425, combined with the characteristics of air conditioner installation services to meet relevant requirements. 5 Service organization
5.1 Qualifications
5.1.1 Legal industrial and commercial registration
Air conditioner installation service organizations must have the corresponding enterprise qualifications registered with the industrial and commercial administrative authorities. 1
5.1.2 Personnel Qualification
The positions of the air conditioner installation service organization are scientifically and reasonably set up according to the work organization and links, and the professionals must meet the corresponding qualifications, such as obtaining the national, industry or enterprise job certificate and holding the certificate to work. 5.1.3 Safe working conditions
The management, operation, equipment and facilities of the air conditioner installation service organization meet the safe working conditions stipulated by the state or industry. 5.2 Management
5.2.1 Information management The construction of the service network (the number, scale, layout, etc. of outlets) matches the service needs of users. The dispatch system matches the amount of service information and meets the requirements of timely dispatch according to the dispatch time limit of the service organization. The information records are clear, accurate, detailed, and organized, and are retained for more than 3 years. The information processing speed meets the internal time limit of the service organization. Information transmission forms a closed loop of collection, collation, analysis and improvement. 5.2.2 Internal management In accordance with relevant national standards, industry standards and industry specifications, formulate installation technical specifications within the service organization5.2.2.2 Establish and improve a safe installation quality assurance system, provide qualified safety protection equipment (such as safety belts, etc.); provide qualified installation auxiliary equipment (such as installation racks, extension pipelines, etc.). Focus on establishing the brand image of air conditioners, and according to the air conditioner installation service capabilities, correspondingly improve the prominence of the brand characteristics of air conditioner installation services.
Formulate and implement professional service behavior codes. Standardize and unify professional technical terms and service terms for air conditioner installation, and clarify the service5.2.2.4
general terms.
Strengthen the technical training and assessment of professionals, regularly train and assess professionals' installation technology, knowledge of relevant national and industry regulations5.2.2.5
, service communication skills, etc., and strictly prohibit non-professionals from taking up their posts. Arrange special personnel to conduct spot checks on the quality of installation technology. 5.2.3 User return visit management system The return visit methods may include telephone return visit, electronic network consultation, letter return visit, customer satisfaction questionnaire, etc. The return visit content is mainly aimed at the problems that the service organization urgently needs to improve raised by users. The return visit information collection mainly includes: user special needs, complaints, information about frequent user complaints about a certain problem over a period of time, information about product improvement suggestions, reasons for product quality problems, etc. The return visit quality assessment system should be scientific and effective. For example: the amount of effective information collected is used as the inspection indicator, etc. The return visit personnel must undergo training and examinations and can only take up their posts after passing the examination. 5.2.4 Service information disclosure system Air-conditioning production and sales enterprises (providing installation services) and professional air-conditioning installation service enterprises shall publicly disclose service, supervision or complaint telephone numbers when air-conditioning leaves the factory, is sold, and provides services, and ensure that they remain unchanged for at least 3 years. Service, supervision or complaint calls have manual transfer services and are answered by professionals. The voice connection rate should be 100%, and the manual connection rate should be above 90%. The time for providing telephone services shall not be less than 9 hours a day (preferably from 9:00 to 18:00), and voice messages shall be set up and users' messages shall be recorded during the rest of the time. Organizations with online services shall set up a special page (page) to provide services to users, and correctly publicize service, supervision or complaint telephone numbers; correctly publicize service prices, service commitments and service specifications and other information. 5.3 Equipment and Facilities
5.3.1 The facilities for installation services [such as door-to-door service vehicles (motorized or non-motorized), mobile phones equipped by professionals, etc.], equipment, tools (boxes), materials, etc. are fully equipped and professional, and are kept neat and intact. 5.3.2 The design of professional clothing meets the characteristics of functionality, aesthetics, comfort and symbolism. 5.4 Installation Sheet
The installation sheet is the basis for air conditioner installation service. One copy is handed over to the user for retention, and the other copy is retained by the enterprise as the archive material for the service organization to establish contact with the user.
The content design of the installation sheet complies with relevant national and industry regulations, and is comprehensive, easy to read and understand; it has the characteristics of the service organization; and it is beautiful. The information that needs to be filled in by the user and the information that needs to be filled in by the service organization are clearly separated, highlighting the user's needs. The content of the installation sheet includes but is not limited to: a) User information (such as user name, user contact information, installation address of the air conditioner product, etc.). b) Product information (product name, brand, model, specifications, product purchase date, product purchase location, etc.). c)
Service information (installation date, user service phone number, installation equipment list, etc.). Service quality feedback information (such as guidance on product use, air conditioner trial operation status, user evaluation of installation, user signature, etc.). d)
User suggestions.
5.5 Service Charges Explicitly
According to the Provisions on Price Marking for Household Appliance Repair Services (No. 2379, 2005) of the Development and Reform Commission, a service charge explicit system is required. 6 Professional Installers
According to the basic requirements of QB/T2837, professional air conditioner installation service personnel must meet the following requirements: 6.1 Dresswww.bzxz.net
Wear professional clothes designed by the service organization and keep them clean, tidy and suitable for the body. 6.1.1 Appearance Hair: clean and neat, avoid strange hairstyles. Face: clean. No beard. Keep the mouth clean. Hands: clean and neat nails, no long nails. Avoid wearing decorative items. Legs and feet: hygienic. It is strictly forbidden to go barefoot or wear slippers. 6.1.2 Others Work permit: Wear a work permit that is visible from the front to the user.
2 Tool box: The box is clean and the items inside are arranged in order. Price list, installation sheet, receipt, invoice: clean and flat. Signature pen: Carry it with you. It is strictly forbidden to sign with a pencil. 6.2 Service etiquette
6.2.1 Principle Respect first: Pay attention to users and provide honest service. Role positioning: Providing satisfactory service to users is a requirement of job responsibilities. Service awareness: Take the initiative to pay attention to users, actively communicate with users, and timely and accurately discover users' potential needs. Mentality adjustment: Maintain a healthy and positive mentality, and do not let personal emotions affect work. Service skills: master service etiquette, professional knowledge, service communication skills, etc. Self-improvement: summarize regularly, learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, and improve skills. 6.2.2 Service etiquette requirements Make a phone call: prepare before making a call, including confirming the user's phone number, conversation outline, desired results, and the method of answering when the user raises different opinions. Communicate with the user according to the standard procedures required by the service organization: introduce yourself, confirm the user's identity, enter the topic concisely and clearly, and after fully confirming the service items, hint to end the call, thank you, and say goodbye, and hang up the phone after the user hangs up. Answer the phone: adjust your mood, answer the phone three times, greet proactively, understand the needs, record carefully, solve the problem, and after fully confirming the service items, hint to end the call, thank you, and say goodbye, and hang up the phone after the user hangs up. SMS service: greeting, self-introduction, concise and clear statement of the topic, thank you. Service language: use the standard service terms formulated by the service organization. Look: Look directly at the person, avoid squinting, and convey respect.
Speak: Use friendly language, natural, clear, and soft tone, moderate volume, clear answers, and concise, professional, and elegant wording. When using professional technical terms, necessary explanations should be given to the user. Listen: Listen to the facts, hear the connection, and respond positively. Standing: Keep your head up, chest up, waist straight, abdomen in, look forward, stretch, and be refreshed. Handing or receiving objects: Put your five fingers together, hold your arms naturally at your sides, bow your upper body forward to indicate, and hand over or receive objects with both hands. Bow: Look at the user with a smile, keep your legs together, put your hands on both sides, lean forward about 15 degrees with your waist as the axis, and your eyes will slide down.
7 Service Process
7.1 Appointment
7.1.1 Timely Appointment
Appointment with the user for on-site service according to the time limit of the service organization. If the user leaves both a landline and a mobile phone, the landline should be called first when contacting the user.
7.1.2 Appointment Principles
Comply with the air conditioning installation service time commitment stipulated by the service organization. Meet the needs of the user as much as possible. 7.1.3 Confirmation Matters Product Information: Model, month and place of purchase of the air conditioner. Product Information: Detailed contact information and gender. It is necessary to keep the user's information confidential. Determine the user's age and personality based on the language communication and make a record so that the professional staff can choose the communication method that the user accepts when they come to the door for service. Product Installation Information: Door-to-door time, installation environment (installation location, special requirements, etc.), so that the professional staff can bring the corresponding tools and auxiliary materials when they come to the door for service.
7.2 Home visit as agreed
7.2.1 Before departure, check whether the equipment, tools and materials carried are complete and standardized. 7.2.2 Arrive on time: Before departure, factors such as the distance from the appointment address with the user and traffic conditions should be considered to ensure on-time home installation service. 3 Keep in touch:
When the estimated arrival time is at least 5 minutes later than the scheduled home visit time, contact the user immediately to explain the reason, express your kindness, and inform the estimated arrival time.
When the home visit cannot be made as agreed due to special reasons, inform the user immediately, express your deep kindness and obtain understanding. After obtaining the user's consent, reschedule the home visit time, or contact the service organization to send other professionals to provide home services. If the home visit is made at the scheduled time, if it is confirmed that the user is not there, post a note in a conspicuous place to explain the situation and indicate the user's direct contact phone number and contact person. The message note should be written clearly and the language should be standardized. 7.2.4 Preparation before entering the door: adjust your mood, tidy up your appearance, and check your belongings again. 7.2.5 Ring the doorbell (or knock on the door), and step back and wait. 7.2.6 After the user opens the door, confirm the user's identity, actively introduce yourself, inform your name, unit name, work number, and show your work permit. 7.2.7 Obtain the user's consent and put on shoe covers to enter the door. 7.3 Installation service
7.3.1 Reasonably place tool boxes and safety protection supplies, and check safety protection supplies. 7.3.2 Show the installation form and the "Installation Quality Evaluation Form", and actively ask the user to supervise the quality of the installation service; if fees need to be charged, explain in advance and show the fee price list.
7.3.3 Requirements for installing air conditioners:
Comply with the installation technical specifications within the service organization, ensure the quality of installation technology, and improve work efficiency. During the installation operation, strictly abide by the operating procedures to ensure your own safety. Propose reasonable suggestions for air conditioning installation according to user needs. b)
Put yourself in the shoes of the user during the service process and minimize the trouble caused to the user. c)
7.3.4 Test the machine and actively, patiently and comprehensively introduce the knowledge of air conditioning use and maintenance. 7.4 After the installation is completed
7.4.1 Clean the site and keep the installation environment clean. SB/T10541-2009
7.4.2 Design the "User Evaluation Form for Air Conditioner Installation Quality" in accordance with the requirements of the "Room Air Conditioner Installation Quality Inspection Specifications", and let the user supervise and inspect the air conditioning installation quality of the service organization. 7.4.3 When charging users, strictly charge according to the marked price and issue receipts and invoices. 7.4.4 User evaluation and signature confirmation. Ask the user whether it is convenient to accept the return visit. 7.4.5 Farewell.
7.5 Return visit system
7.5.1 According to the user information obtained, reasonably choose the time and method of return visit. 7.5.2 Use the standardized and standard user return visit terms formulated by the service organization. 7.5.3 Determine the length of the user return visit based on the user's attitude towards the return visit, which should generally not exceed 2 minutes. If the user is inconvenient or refuses the return visit, stop the return visit.
7.5.4 For the return visit for the customer satisfaction survey, it is advisable to adopt a closed-ended questioning method and implement a scoring system; if the scoring system is not implemented, the return visit personnel should accurately record the user's evaluation terms. 7.5.5 The user's return visit records are accurate and clear. 7.5.6. Arrange and feedback the results of user return visits. 5.
Qualification status
Product status
Environmental status
Matching status
Installation surface status
Wall hole status
Outdoor unit status
Pipeline layout status
Indoor unit status
Operation status
Completion effect
Enterprise status
Staff status
Indoor and outdoor units
Installation accessories and parts
Protection insurance
Room Room area
Purpose and structure
Location space
Water pipe treatment
Location space
Solution introduction
Air conditioning effect
Function adjustment
Introduction to use
Appendix A
(Informative appendix)
User evaluation form for air conditioning installation quality
Evaluation content
Corporate logo, qualifications, etc.
Qualification level, work permit, etc.
Is there a review and verification procedure||tt| |Whether it is complete and matching
Interface type, power load, grounding, leakage, insulation, neutral and live wires, power protection, insurance device
Room structure, indoor and outdoor unit installation and wiring location130W/m2~170W/m; room height 3m, ≤3 doors and 2 windowsLiving room increases 30W/m2, kitchen increases 50W/m; 110W/m/Door and windowInstallation surface material, appearance, surrounding dimensions, flatness, firmnessInstallation surface material, appearance, surrounding dimensions, flatness, firmnessInside high and outside low, >1/100 (or >5°)||tt| |Neat appearance; tight sealing
Sufficient size and space around
Material, structure, good anti-corrosion measures
Material, size, quantity, tightness of expansion screws, fixing screws and gaskets meet the requirements
Appropriate length, secure fixation, tight connection, unobstructed drainage. Firm connection, appropriate length, tight sealing. Water pipes are at the bottom and power cords are wrapped at the top; the wiring is horizontal and vertical, with smooth and regular corners
Sufficient size and space around
Arrive on time; normal installation time<2 h
The plan is reasonable, and the description is accurate and detailed
Noise level; dust, sand, mud and dirt levels. Temperature, noise, water leakage and drainage during operation meet the required temperature and function settings after testing.
Inform the use requirements and precautions; introduce maintenance knowledge. Note: The quality level is divided into 10 levels, 10 is the best, 8 is good, 6 is qualified, and 1 is the worst. 6
Quality Grade
Print Issue: June 29HF009, 2010
Domestic Trade of the People's Republic of China
Industry Standard
Room Air Conditioner Installation Service Specification
Published and Distributed by China Standards Press
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Tel: 6852394668 517548
Printed by Qinhuangdao Printing Factory of China Standard Press, distributed by Xinhua Bookstores all over the country
Format 880×1230
First edition in June 2010
Printing sheet 0.75
Word count 13,000 words
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