title>HG/T 3599-1999 Sulfur yellow brown 4GR (Sulfur yellow brown 6G150%) - HG/T 3599-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 3599-1999 Sulfur yellow brown 4GR (Sulfur yellow brown 6G150%)

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 3599-1999

Standard Name: Sulfur yellow brown 4GR (Sulfur yellow brown 6G150%)

Chinese Name: 硫化黄棕4GR(硫化黄棕6G150%)

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-04-20

Date of Implementation:2000-04-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Chemical Products>>71.100.01 General Chemical Products

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Coatings, Pigments, Dyes>>G57 Dye

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HG/T 3599-1999 Sulfur yellow brown 4GR (Sulfur yellow brown 6G150%) HG/T3599-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
1999-04-20 Issued
2000-04-01 Implementation
IIC/T 35991999
This standard is in accordance with the relevant provisions of the national standard B/T2376-80 Chemical dyestuff color and strength test method>, and has determined the high-pressure test method for color and strength through the selection of trial and error conditions, and has determined the inspection criteria and technical indicators based on the product quality data provided by relevant manufacturers and users in a wide range of consultation. All inspection items in this standard shall adopt the methods specified in the national standard compilation. This standard was proposed by the former Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. The technical supervision department of this standard is the National Dye Standard Promotion Technical Committee, and the drafting units of this standard are: Biyang Chemical Research Institute, Anjiao Shilang Shuiyan Dye Chemical; the main drafters of this standard are: Ti Lan, Tong Zhong, Bai Lue, Zhang Ta Gan, etc. 1 Standard
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Sutphur Yellow Brown 4CR
(Sulphur Yellow Brown 6G150%) HG/T3599—1999
This standard specifies the requirements for chemical yellow brown R (C1. Fluidized bed 1), sampling, test methods, inspection and identification, as well as marking, loading, post-transportation and other requirements
This standard is mainly used for dyeing of sulphur yellow brown R (sulfur yellow brown R) produced by desulfurization, neutralization and crushing in 2 and 4 grades. 2 Referenced Standards
The texts covered by the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. The versions shown are valid at the time of publication of this standard. New versions are not recommended. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB/T 2374-4 GR/T 2875-30 G/T 2331-94 Determination of color intensity of dyestuffs Determination of non-residue content in dyestuffs by force method Determination of sieve fineness of dyestuffs C3/T 2333-80 Determination of moisture content in dyestuffs and dyestuffs SB/T 2331-94 Determination of color intensity of dyestuffs by force method Determination of sieve fineness of dyestuffs C3/T 2333-80 Determination of moisture content in dyestuffs and dyestuffs 2386—90
B/132U—107 Fabric color half-rise test low single floor color rate (e41O105-X:211993) GB/T3U21.4-1597
Typical fabric color test color fastness test 4 (e05) 105-0111989) GR/T3922—15S5
G1 61=2
GB/T $427—1993
3 Requirements
Anti-toxic products must be accompanied by annual test methods (01050: 1994) 1/1 Dye case also marked with dark change F
Sale productsbZxz.net
3.1 Appearance: Yellow and pink,
Color fastness test (0105-01194)
Color fastness test
Heat color (S) 105-x1114)
Light color fastness return (g#151 05-0:1994)) Color fastness information trial purchase
3.2 Sulphur yellow standard 1GR meets the requirements of Table 1, approved by the State Bureau of Mang Oil and Chemical Industry on 1999-04-20 and implemented on 2000-04-01
Zhang Yuan, divided
Miscellaneous items containing sodium methacrylate,
Quality requirements for sparse yellow brown 4GR
Group passed through 25 sieve
Moisture content
Color addition||t The color fastness of the sulphurized brown hole on the item should not be lower than the standard color of the product. The standard color fastness of the product should not be lower than the standard color fastness ... The sample must not be more than 200 degrees dry. Mix the obtained samples and put them in two sterile brown glass bottles. Seal them with wax and paste labels indicating the manufacturer, product name, batch and sampling date. One bottle must be inspected and the other bottle must be kept for future reference. 5 Test method 5.1 Observation determination Use daylight measurement. 5.2 Determination of color light and intensity General conditions for dyeing (please refer to the relevant provisions of 2174 and 23). 5.2.1 Treatment of color depth
The dyeing depth is set at 2, and the final dyeing depth is 58 cotton (or knitting). Before dyeing, the weighed cotton yarn [cotton line] is cut into pieces (. Say B/drop penetrant industrial use Buddha 1m, wheel ratio 1:2, after treatment, wash with water. Then, 5.2.2 Preparation of dye bath
Weigh the test and standard product: .5g (accurate to 0.0005g), and add 1CCg/about sodium sulfate 11.25ml [dyeing liquid: sodium hydroxide (calculated as 100%) 1:75 and 1ml Turkish red oil (calculated as 100%) are mixed into a slurry. Heat the water for 5 minutes and then add pressure to make the temperature of the dye batch reach ~ 1 minute to make it completely dissolved. Steam the water for 2 minutes, stir thoroughly, cool and transfer to a volumetric bottle, dilute with steam to make the dye solution dilute. The dye solution used for each color must be prepared as needed, and it should be prepared regularly at 5 minutes. 3
Shenjiang No.
report, for 1.5 more/560m3. of the opening of the second film 57.g/59ml. sample liquid
JnceL small anti-Qi shock rate night
51g:L anhydrous basis to avoid selling deep night
Deng two water to
Luobi: Bangsha (Changshi) 1:43.
5.2.3 brother color soft cattle
Table 3 dye preparation
After the East package box is prepared, the dye is placed in the standard dye package. The dye temperature is 3, the plan is to buy the medicine, and the temperature is 90--! (, color at 45u, after finishing dyeing, take out and wash thoroughly in a small stream. Take out the dyeing environment without condensation), air dry for 10tri, rinse with a cleanser, and dry at 3 ℃ or 10 ℃. 5.3 Strength and color performance evaluation
refer to the relevant provisions of 3/2274
5.4 The quality of the dyeing shall not be limited by the content of sulfur. However, the dyeing shall be carried out with 51%/T2521. The first three years of its correction will be required. [Chuan. Run chain, pass pulp. 5.5 The degree of determination of the mesh size shall be in accordance with the provisions of GBT2383, and the standard screening behavior shall be 233m3. 5.6 The water content shall be determined by referring to the provisions of B/T2386, and it shall be dried at 39~105℃ for 2h. E.7 The quality shall be determined by the thorough determination of the color of the car body and the color spot inside the cover shall be judged according to the complete determination of 3920. The determination of color fastness shall be carried out in accordance with the standard of GB/T421.4. The determination of color reduction rate shall be carried out in accordance with the standard of GB30 for heat light fastness, the determination of color fastness to water fastness shall be carried out in accordance with the standard of GB/T5715 for heat pressing fastness, and the determination of color fastness to light shall be carried out in accordance with the standard of GB/T612. 6. Inspection specifications
6.1 Inspection classification
In this specification, 2.1~9.3 are type items, 3.1~3.2 are output items, and all items of 3.3 are inspected once a year.
6. 2. The quality inspection department of the factory should carry out inspections on the sulfur yellow R products produced by the factory, and the new products should be certified to meet the requirements of the standard. Each sulfur yellow R product from the factory should be accompanied by a quality certificate in a certain format. 6.3. The inspection and acceptance department shall have the right to inspect the sulfur yellow R products in accordance with the standard and check whether they meet the requirements of the standard. 6.4. Re-inspection. If there are items in the standard that do not meet the requirements of this approval, the sample should be re-inspected by taking samples from the color table twice as many as the sample.At the end of the new inspection, if only one indicator does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire product will not be accepted. The outer packaging of HG/T3599-1999 Sulphur yellow label 4R should be clearly marked with the manufacturer's name, product name, registration number, batch number, production date and market weight, and accompanied by a product quality certificate. 1.2 Packaging The inner packaging and the net weight of each barrel should be k or 0k, and the product should be accompanied by a certain form of quality certificate. The inner packaging: manufacturer name, factory address, product name, batch number, production date, date, month, product weight, product quantity and storage number to prove that it meets the requirements of this standard. Other packaging shall be determined through negotiation with the user. 7.3
3 Before use, please be careful to avoid leakage. Handle with care during transportation, and prevent fire, swallowing and binding. Do not damage the packaging. 7.
The product should be stored in a cool, well-ventilated warehouse. 5G
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