JB/T 9989.3-1999 This standard is a revision of ZB J41 003.3-87 "Technical conditions for trapezoidal thread taps". During the revision, the chapter on performance test was deleted, and editorial changes were made in accordance with relevant regulations. Other technical contents remained unchanged. This standard is part of the JB/T 9989 "Trapezoidal thread taps" series of standards. This series of standards includes the following three parts: JB/T 9989.1: Types and dimensions JB/T 9989.2: Thread tolerances JB/T 9989.3: Technical conditions This standard specifies the technical requirements, marking and basic packaging requirements for trapezoidal thread taps. This standard is applicable to trapezoidal thread taps (hereinafter referred to as taps) used for machining ordinary trapezoidal threads (according to JB/T 5796.1~5796.4-1986 "Trapezoidal threads"). This standard was first issued on the date of year. JB/T 9989.3-1999 Trapezoidal thread taps Part 3: Technical conditions JB/T9989.3-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
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ICS25.100.50 Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T9989.1-9989.3-1999 Trapezoidal Thread Taps Published on May 20, 1999 National Bureau of Machinery Industry Implementation on January 1, 2000 JR/T9989.3—1999 This standard is a revision of the technical requirements of ZEJ41003.3-875 Trapezoidal Thread Taps. During the revision period, except for the editorial revision of the relevant provisions of performance certification and safety, other technical contents have not changed. This standard is part of the series of standards for trapezoidal thread taps issued in T99. This series of standards includes the following parts: IB/T9989.1-1999 Trapezoidal thread screws, Part 1: Type and size JB/T9989.2-1999 Trapezoidal screws Part 2: Wing tolerance JB/T 9989.3-1999 Trapezoidal thread screws Part 3: Technical conditions and specifications This standard replaces Z0J41001.3-87 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and approved by the National Technical Foundation for the Promotion of Cutting Tools Standardization. Responsible unit for drafting this standard: Machinery Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard: Jiang Tijue, Hai Zhenwei, Xiao Gaoxing, Jiang Wenyun, 1 ScopeWww.bzxZ.net Machinery Industry Standard of the Republic of China Trapezoidal Thread Taps Part 3: Technical Conditions The standard specifies the technical requirements for end-shaped thread taps and the basic requirements for marking equipment. JDT9989.3—1999 Dai Zhe ZB [41 003.3—B7 Standard filter is applicable to dry processing sound cotton-shaped screw (according to (say 1-5 must 4-trapped system screw effect end-shaped screw system wire (hereinafter referred to as wire series] 2 Reference standards The provisions contained in the following standards are used in this standard and constitute the provisions of the car standard. When this standard is released, the versions shown are valid. All approvals will be revised. The parties using this standard shall discuss the possibility of using the following standards to indicate the latest version, GB/5796.1—1986 thread type GB/T5796.2, 1986 micro-shaped fuel efficiency inspection light and operation series GB/T5796.31986 trapezoidal operation efficiency basic dimensions GB/T 5796.4—1986 Trapezoidal thread tolerances !B/T 9989.2—1999 3 Technical requirements Trapezoidal thread tolerances Part 2: Thread tolerances 3.! The thread chain shall not have any marks, notches, grinding burns or other defects that may affect the performance: 3.2 The thread chain surface is given in Table 1, Thread release surface (cover surface) Tooth front Tooth rear Leading part before installation |Handle Surface 3.3 The lead and end diameters of the taps shall conform to the tolerances given in 1B589.2. 3.4 The lead and end diameters of the taps shall conform to the tolerances given in 1B589.2. The mean diameter shall be checked at the calibration point. 3.5 The lead and end diameters of the taps shall be given in Table 2: Approved by the State Bureau of Machinery Industry on 1-05-2 Implemented on 2000-01-01 Only tolerance bands 7: 118: 119 JB/T9989.3-1999 The radial runout of the outer diameter of each part of the tap (the tooth part is the major diameter) to the common axis is given in Table 3. 3.6 Tap tap common belt H7:118:H9 Nominal vertical diameter Cut part Relief part Tap thread Part of the tooth type should be selected for pin grinding, and the calibration part should have a reverse taper. 3.7 3.B The incomplete teeth of the wire should be removed The guide part The square head size tolerance of the wire chain is 112, and the average position tolerance of the square head is included in the tolerance range of the force head size. 3.9 3.10 The length tolerance of each part of the wire row is h18.3.11 The wire pin is W6 Mo5Ct4V2 and other brands with the same performance are manufactured at high speed. 3.12 Hardness is as follows: Threaded part and leading part: Shaft part and square head: 63~661IRC; 40-321IRC. 3.13 Wires are allowed to undergo surface strengthening treatment. 4 Marking and packaging 4.1 Marking 4.1.1 Products 1. Should be marked ) Manufacturer or seller trademark, b) Twist code and wire dimension tolerance code: center) Twist mark of grouped wire chains (first thread 1 ring, second thread 2 rings, third thread 3 rings) d) Thread button screw direction (left-hand spiral mark, right-hand spiral no mark) e) Material code. 4.1.2 Markings on the packaging box: a) Name, address and trademark of the manufacturer or seller; h) Marking of the wire; ) Material code and brand number; d) Number of pieces; e) Year and month of manufacture. 4.2 Packaging The wire ends should be treated with anti-rust treatment before packaging. The packaging must be firm and can prevent the opening and recovery during transportation. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.