drafter:Xiong Caiqi, Li Hongmei, Wang Yanhui, Chen Xi, Liang Yunqiu, Wan Youming, Chu Chunchao, Liu Yang, Yang Jianping, Weng Yanzhen, Gao Aiying, Yang Xueying, Tan Junchong, Wang Haixia, Bian Xuehang, Liu Xiaolei, Zhao Xinhui, Yao Chunyu, Song Tingting, Anping, Song Jia, Wu Mufei, Chen Like
Drafting unit:Ministry of Transport Science and Technology Research Institute, Meiyingsen Group Co., Ltd., China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, Xiamen Changsu Industrial Co., Ltd., China Packaging Research Institute Co., Ltd., Dali Xiangyun Daewoo Packagi
Focal point unit:National Packaging Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 49)
GB/T 4892-2021.Dimensions of rigid rectangular transport packages.
1 Scope
GB/T 4892 specifies the calculation principles of the plane dimensions of rigid rectangular transport packages, the transport package modulus dimensions, the plane dimensions of transport packages and the height dimensions of transport packages.
GB/T 4892 applies to transport packages for unit cargo transported by road, rail and water. Transport packages for non-unit cargo can refer to this.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 4122.1 Packaging terms Part 1: Basics
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 4122.1 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Plan dimensions
The dimensions of a rectangle enclosed by four mutually perpendicular vertical planes on a horizontal plane. These four vertical planes can contain the transport package placed freely on the horizontal plane, see Figure 1.
4 Principles for calculating the plane dimensions of transport packages
The plane dimensions of transport packages should be calculated by arranging the transport package module dimensions or by multiplying or dividing the transport package module dimensions by integers.
5 Transport package module dimensions
The packaging module dimensions of transport packages are: 600mmX400mm, 600mmX500mm and 550mmX366mm.
6 Transport package plane dimensions
The plane dimensions of transport packages should be the maximum plane dimensions of the filled transport packages. According to the calculation principle in Chapter 4, the plane dimensions of the transport packaging of 1200mmX800mm and 1200mmX1000mm unit cargo formed by the packaging modulus of 600mmX400mm are shown in Table 1, and their arrangement is shown in Figure 2; the plane dimensions of the transport packaging of 1200mmX1000mm unit cargo formed by the packaging modulus of 600mmX500mm are shown in Table 1, and their arrangement is shown in Figure 3; the plane dimensions of the transport packaging of 1100mmX1100mm unit cargo calculated by the packaging modulus of 550mmX366mm are shown in Table 1, and their arrangement is shown in Figure 4.
This standard specifies the calculation principle of the plane dimensions of rigid rectangular transport packaging, the transport packaging modulus dimensions, the transport packaging plane dimensions and the transport packaging height dimensions. This standard applies to transport packaging of unit cargo transported by road, rail and water. The transport packaging of non-unit cargo can be implemented as a reference.
Some standard content:
ICS55.020 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T4892—2021 Replaces GB/T4S922008 Dimensions of rigid rectangular transport packages(ISO 3394:2012,Packaging-Complete, filled iransport packages andunit loads Dimcnsions of rigid rectangular packagcs,MOD)Published on March 9, 2021 State Administration for Market Regulation National Administration of Standardization Implementation on October 1, 2021 -riKacerKAca- This standard is based on the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. This standard replaces H/T4892—20C8 "Dimensions of rigid rectangular transport packages". Compared with GB/T4892-2008, this standard has the following major changes: terms and definitions are added (see Chapter 3); GB/T4892-2021 changes Chapter 3 Principles of GB/T1892-2008 to Chapter 4 Principles for calculating the plane dimensions of transport packages (see Chapter 4, Chapter 3 of the 2008 edition); adds that the plane dimensions of transport packages should be obtained by arranging the modular dimensions of the packages (see Chapter 4); adds the modular dimensions of 600mm×100mm transport packages (see Chapter 3); changes the content of Chapter 5 of GB/T4892-2008 to The current provisions in Table 1 of Chapter 6 (see Chapter 6, Chapter 5 of the 2008 edition): The "multiple" in serial number 1 of Table 1 of Chapter 6 of GB/T4892-2008 is modified to the plane dimensions of the transport packaging arranged by the transport packaging modulus dimensions (see Chapter 6, Chapter 6 of the 2008 edition): The plane dimensions of the unit cargo of 1200mmx80cmm calculated by the transport packaging modulus dimensions of 600mm×400mm are added (see Chapter 6); The plane dimensions of the unit cargo of 1200mm×1000mm calculated by the transport packaging modulus dimensions of 600mm×500mm are added (see Chapter 6). This standard is revised using the redrafting method, so it adopts ISO3394:2012 "Small series of rigid rectangular transport packaging dimensions for packaging of transport packages and single goods". The technical differences between this standard and ISO3394:2012 and their reasons are as follows. Regarding normative reference documents, this standard has made adjustments with specific technical differences: In order to adapt to my country's technical conditions, the adjustments are concentrated in Chapter 2 "Normative Reference Documents", and the adjustments are as follows: ? Replace IS021057 with GB/T1122.1: · Delete IS06780 Because the standard does not contain any load expansion: Therefore, the term "load expansion" is deleted; In order to maintain the consistency of the provisions of GB/T48922C08, the modulus size specified in Chapter 1 of ISO3394:2012 is changed to Chapter 5; Because the 6c0mm%.ccmm transport packaging modulus size can only be arranged to form 1200mm/ 1cc0mm unit cargo plane size, so the serial number 3 of Table 1 in Chapter 6 is modified to "the plane size of the transport packaging arranged by the transport packaging modulus size" (see Chapter 6, Chapter 6 of the 2008 edition); The two 6c0mm×5ccmm transport packaging modulus dimensions are arranged to form a 11c0mm×1100mm unit cargo plane size. The transport packaging plane size of the unit cargo plane size cannot fully utilize the 1100mm×1109mm plane size, which does not comply with the provisions of the design principle. Therefore, in addition to the transport packaging half-surface dimensions and their arrangement diagrams (including Figure 6) formed by the 600mm×500mm transport packaging modulus dimensions: Because Figure; and Figure 7 have arrangement diagrams in Figure 2 and Figure 4 respectively, Figure 5 and Figure 7 are deleted; because Chapter 7 is now specified The content is inconsistent with the title, so the 7th chapter is deleted and the content is placed in the 6th chapter: Because the stacking example given in the second figure on the right side of Appendix A of the information document is not an example of stacking of two layers of the same unit cargo size: Therefore, except for the informative Appendix A, this standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee for Packaging Standardization (SAC/TC49) and drafted by: the Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, Meiyingsen Group Co., Ltd., China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, Xiamen-riKacerKAca- GB/T4892—2021 Changsu Industrial Co., Ltd., China Packaging Research Institute Co., Ltd., and Renzhou Xiangyun Renning Packaging Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard: Xiong Caiqi, Li Honghui, Wang Yanhui, Chen Xi, Liang Deqiu, Fang Youming, Chu Tunchao, Liu Yang, The previous versions of this standard are released as follows: GB/T4892-—1996, GB/T4892—2008rrKaeerkAca 1Scope Dimension series of rigid rectangular transport packaging GB/T4892—2021 This standard specifies the calculation principles of the plane dimensions of rigid rectangular transport packaging, the transport packaging modulus dimensions, transport packaging plane dimensions and transport packaging height dimensions This standard applies to transport packaging for unit cargo transported by road, rail and water, and can be used as a reference for transport packaging for non-unit cargo. 2 Normative referencesWww.bzxZ.net The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For all dated applicable documents, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T4122.1 Packaging terms Part 1: Basics 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in GB/T4122.1 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document: 3.1 Plane dimensions plandimensions The short dimension enclosed by four mutually perpendicular vertical planes on a horizontal plane. These four vertical planes can contain the transport package placed freely on the horizontal plane, see Figure 1 Figure 1 Plane dimensions 4 Principles for calculating the plane dimensions of transport packages The plane dimensions of transport packages should be calculated by arranging the transport package modulus dimensions or by multiplying or dividing the transport package modulus dimensions by integers. 5 Transport package modulus dimensions The packaging modulus dimensions of transport packages are: 600mm×4c0mm, 6ccmm×50cmm and 55cmm×366mm. Transport package plane dimensions The plane dimensions of transport packages should be the maximum plane dimensions of the filled transport package. According to the calculation principles in Chapter 4, the transport package plane dimensions of 120 cmx800 mm and 1200 mmx1 cmx0 mm unit cargo formed by the packaging module size of 600 mmx1 -rrKaeerkca- GB/T4892—2021 4 cmx1 are shown in Table 1, and their arrangement is shown in Figure 2; the transport package plane dimensions of 1200 mmx1000 mm unit cargo formed by the packaging module size of 600 mmx509 mm are shown in Table 1, and their arrangement is shown in Figure 3: The transport package plane dimensions of 1100mm×1100mm unit cargo calculated by the minimum modular dimensions are shown in Table 1, and the arrangement is shown in Figure 4. Transport package plane dimensions Transport package modulus dimensions Unit cargo dimensions formed by transport package modulus dimensions Transport package modulus dimensions arranged Transport package plane dimensions Transport package plane dimensions calculated by dividing the transport package modulus dimensions by multiples Transport package plane dimensions calculated by dividing the transport package modulus dimensions by an integer Note: " " in the table means Show none, 600×400 1200%800 1 (K) 30Xc00 600×400 300×100 200×400 150×400 m0x20m 300× 200 | | tt | tt||300×100 200x100 1508100 120x100 -rKaeerkca- 1200x1G0: 120x500 1OCOXGOC 600%500 300%500 200500 380x25 200×250 150×250 680%166 300X168 200X16 1E0x169 600×125 300x125 200×123 150×125 Unit is mm 550×366 1100×1 190 1100x110n 1100×550 1100×366 530×366 275×366 183×366 137X366 110x366 550×183 275×183 1338183 137X183 110×183 550X122 275×122 183×122 137×122 110122||t t||1200×1000 12U0×800 1200×400 800X600 Arrange and calculate the multiple plane dimensions of transport packaging 600×400 300X400 200×400 150×400 120×400 600X200 300X200 200X200 150×200 120×200 600×133 300×133|| tt||200X133 150×133 120×133 GB/T4892—2021 Unit: meter 600×100 300×100 200×100 150×100 120×100 b) Plane dimensions of transport packaging obtained by approximate calculation Figure 2 Arrangement of plane dimensions of transport packaging for unit cargo of 1200mm×800mm and 1200mm×1000mm formed by the modular dimensions of 600mm×400mm transport packaging -rrKaeerkca- GB/T 4892—2021 1201×1000 1200×500 600×1000 a) plane dimensions of transport packaging obtained by calculation of letter number 600×500 600X350 600×166 600125 300×500 300X250 300×166 300X125 200×5 00 200×250 200×166 200×125 Unit is meter 150×5 150×250 150×166 150×125 b Plane dimensions of transport packaging obtained by approximate calculation Figure 3 Arrangement of plane dimensions of transport packaging of unit cargo of 1200mm×1000mm formed by 600mm×500mm transport packaging module dimensions - rKaeerkAc a- 1100×1100 1100×550 1100×366 Logistics calculated by multiples Packaging plane dimensions 550X366 275X366 183X366 137×366 110×366 SOXIN3 275×183 183×183 137×183 1 10×183 GB/T4892—2021 Unit: perfect meter 275×122 183×122 137×122 110×122 b) Plane dimensions of transport packaging obtained by approximate calculation Figure 4 Arrangement of plane dimensions of transport packaging for unit cargo of 1100mm×1100mm formed by modular dimensions of transport packaging of 550mm×366mm 7 Height dimensions of transport packaging The height dimension of the transport package can be selected by yourself. 5 -rKaeerkca- -riKacerKAca- -riKacerKAca- GB/T 4892-2021 Scan the code to get the genuine service type City of China National standard Hard rectangular transport packaging size series GB/T 4832 Published by China Standards Press No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Erlihe North Street, Xiyucheng District, Beijing (130925) Website: spe.org.cn Service hotline: 4C0-168-3010 2C21年3四川第一版 Book number: 155066: 1-66932 Copyright reserved -rKaeerkca- Infringements will be investigated Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.