This standard specifies the classification, naming, requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of marine auxiliary anodes. This standard applies to the design, production and inspection of auxiliary anodes in the impressed current cathodic protection system of steel seagoing ships. The auxiliary anodes in the impressed current cathodic protection system of other steel structures in seawater can also refer to this standard. GB/T 7388-1999 Technical conditions for marine auxiliary anodes GB/T7388-1999 standard download decompression password:
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National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T 7388—1999 Technical reguirements for marine auxiliary anode1999-08-31 Issued Implemented on 2000-06-01 Issued by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision G/T7388—1999 This standard is a revision of GB/T7388—1987 "Technical requirements for marine auxiliary anode". The main technical differences between this standard and GB/T7388··1987 are as follows: Platinum-titanium composite anode, platinum-saw composite anode and titanium-based metal oxide anode and the corresponding types, structures, requirements, test methods and inspection rules are added. This standard is used in conjunction with GB/T3108-1999 "External Impressed Current Cathodic Protection System for Ships". From the date of implementation, this standard replaces Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix C of GB/T7388-1987, which are all indicative appendices. This standard was developed by the Technical Committee on Marine Material Application Technology of the China National Marine Ship Standardization Technical Committee. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the China State Shipbuilding Corporation Luoyang Ship Material Research Institute. This standard was drafted by the China State Shipbuilding Corporation Luoyang Ship Material Research Institute and the Ministry of Communications Shanghai Ship Transportation Science Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are: Xu Likun, Xu Jianhua, Wang Chaoyi, Xing Hehua, Yi Kexian, Wang Zaizhong, Ping Fengying. This standard was issued in March 1987. 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Technical requirements for marine auxiliary anodeGR/T 7388- 1999 GB/T73881087 This standard specifies the classification, naming, requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of marine auxiliary anodes. This standard is applicable to the design, production and inspection of auxiliary anodes in the impressed current cathodic protection system of seagoing vessels. Auxiliary anodes in the impressed current cathodic protection system of other steel structures in seawater can refer to this standard. 2 Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard by reference in this standard. At the time of publication of this standard, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards: GB191-1990 Pictorial symbols for packaging, storage and transportation GL/T 469—1995 Lead mirror GB/T 1419-1989 Platinum sponge CB/T 3620.1—1994 Titanium and titanium alloy grades and chemical composition GB/T 4103.5-1983 GB/T 4103.6—1983 Methods for chemical analysis of lead-based alloys: Determination of copper content by cyclohexanone oxalyl dithiocarbamide spectrophotometry GB/T 4103.12—1983 Methods for chemical analysis of lead-based alloys: Determination of iron content by atomic absorption spectrophotometry GB/T 4103.13—1983 Methods for chemical analysis of lead-based alloys: Determination of silver, zinc, magnesium and sodium by atomic absorption spectrophotometry 4135--1994 Silver ingot GH/T 6896-1998 CB/T3667.1:-1995 Ship cable equipment and electrical equipment installation accessories Cable penetration device 3 Classification and naming 3.1 Classification Ship auxiliary resistance electrode connection materials are divided into two categories and a total of six types. Among them, the lead-silver type includes lead-silver alloy anode and lead-silver micro-pin anode; the platinum type includes platinum-plated titanium anode, perth-titanium composite anode, and platinum composite anode; the metal oxide type is titanium-based metal oxide electrode. 3.2 Model table The model of marine auxiliary anode is as follows: Approved by Beijing Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau on August 31, 1999, and implemented on June 1, 2000 GB/T 7388—1999 Specification code See Table 1 - Type code, Q - Lead-aluminum type - Platinum type Y - Gold hydride type Auxiliary anode 3 Specifications, numbers and structural types The specifications and numbers of auxiliary anodes used in the current period are shown in Table 1, and the structural types are shown in Table 1 ~ 7. 1999 GB/T 7388 SL----(00 9x:002 asx101 OSXR61 GB/T73881999 GB/T 7388—1999 GB/T7388—·1999 G8/T 7388—1999 1--current body;2-absolute seat:3-number screen knock layer:4-body:5. -anode seat;b: electrode,7-electric dry filler +8·pressure nut;9-watertight cover,10--conductive rod 1I-blocking material two meat 4 circles disc sheath auxiliary anode structure diagram GB/T 7388 - 1999 GB/T7388—1999 1--cable: 2--cable seal + 3--pressing screw 4--anode stuffing box: 6--electric fiber; 6--anode insulation seat + 7--anode body; 8--rubber pad; 9:-hull: 10--watertight cover Figure 6 Long strip (CYB-3 type) auxiliary anode structure diagram GB/T7388-—1999 1--cable: 2--cable seal: 3--lower case Mother: 4-positive filler: 6-number pole: 6--ground image rate: 7-positive batch plate: 8-positive kidney: 9-sample skin treatment: 10-sugar body; 11-watertight sugar skin change, 12-water break system Figure 7 Long strip (CYY-2 type, CYY-3 type and CYY-4 type) auxiliary anode structure diagram 3.4 marking example The anode material is lead-silver alloy, the specification number is 1, and the auxiliary anode is marked as: auxiliary anode CYQ-1GB/T 388—1999 4 Requirements 4.1 Raw materials The purity of lead shall not be lower than that specified in GB/T 469 for Pb-2. 4.1.1 4.1.2 The purity of tantalum shall not be lower than that specified in GH 413 for Ag-2. 4.1.3 The purity of platinum wire shall not be lower than 59.95%, or it shall be a platinum-iridium alloy wire containing 70% to 20% iridium. 4.1.4 The purity of platinum shall not be lower than that specified in GB/T 1419 for HP1-2. 4.1.5 The purity of titanium shall not be lower than that specified in GB/T 3620.1 for TA-2. 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