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Method of evaluating luminous environment

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 12454-2017

Standard Name:Method of evaluating luminous environment

Chinese Name: 光环境评价方法

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2017-07-12

Date of Implementation:2018-02-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Environmental Protection, Health Care and Safety >> 13.180 Ergonomics

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A25 Ergonomics

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces GB/T 12454-2008

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2017-07-27

other information

drafter:Wang Shuxiao, Zhang Xin, Zhang Yaogen, Ran Linghua, Rong Haolei, Luo Tao, Liu Qiyao, Wu Yanyu, Tun Jinghua, Zhang Bin, Li Yuan, Wang Zhongquan, Ma Ye, Xu Jianxing, Gao Yachun

Drafting unit:China Academy of Building Research, China National Institute of Standardization, Beijing Qingcheng Pinsheng Lighting Research Institute Co., Ltd., South China Institute of Environmental Sciences of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Shanghai E

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Ergonomics Standardization (SAC/TC 7)

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee on Ergonomics Standardization (SAC/TC 7)

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 12454-2017 Light environment evaluation method GB/T12454-2017 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Specifies the basic requirements, evaluation indicators, evaluation methods and steps for light environment quality evaluation

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces GB/T12454—2008
Method of evaluating luminous environmentbzxz.net
Method of evaluating luminous environment2017-07-12Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaStandardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on 2018-02-01
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
Basic requirements
5 Evaluation indicators
6 Evaluation methods and steps
Appendix A (Informative Appendix)
Appendix B (Normative Appendix)
Appendix C (Informative Appendix)
Appendix D (Informative Appendix) Appendix E (Normative Appendix)
Appendix F (Informative Appendix)
Appendix G (Normative Appendix)
Appendix H (Informative Appendix)
“Light Environment Quality Grade
Calculation Parameters of Reflected Light of Glass Curtain Wall
Candidate Scoring Items for Light Environment
Statistical Table of Scoring Items
Determination of Scoring Item Weights
Evaluation Questionnaire and Scoring System
Calculation Method of Light Environment Scoring
Light Environment Evaluation Process and Examples
Hii KAoNhi KAca
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. GB/T12454-2017
This standard replaces GB/T12454-2008 "Visual Environment Evaluation Method". Compared with GB/T12454-2008, the main changes are as follows: 1. Added control items in the evaluation (see 4.2); added light environment quality classification method (see 4.5); 1. Added regulations on the calculation parameters of glass curtain wall reflected light (see Appendix B). This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Ergonomics Standardization (SAC/TC7). This standard Drafting units: China Academy of Building Research, China National Institute of Standardization, Beijing Qingcheng Pinsheng Lighting Research Institute Co., Ltd., South China Institute of Environmental Sciences of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Shanghai Environmental Energy Conservation Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai Tianqiao Information Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Rolaids Lighting System Co., Ltd., Xiamen Lidaxin Lighting Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard: Wang Shuxiao, Zhang Xin, Zhang Yaogen, Ran Linghua, Rong Haolei, Luo Tao, Liu Qiyao, Wu Yanyu, Tun Jinghua, Zhang Bin, Li Yuan, Wang Zhongquan, Ma Hua, Xu Jianxing, Gao Yachun. The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are: -GB/T12454—1990.GB/T12454—2008. Hii KAoNhi KAca
1 Scope
Light environment evaluation method
This standard specifies the basic requirements, evaluation indicators, evaluation methods and steps for light environment quality evaluation. GB/T12454—2017
This standard applies to the quality evaluation of indoor and outdoor light environments such as civil and industrial buildings and outdoor work sites, roads, and night scene lighting. 2
Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T5699 Daylighting measurement method
GB/T5700 Lighting measurement method
Light and heat performance of glass curtain wall
Architectural daylighting design standard
Architectural lighting design standard
Urban residential area planning and design specification
Outdoor work site lighting design standard
Architectural sunlight calculation parameter standard
5Urban road lighting design standard
Architectural lighting terminology standard
Urban night scene lighting design specification
3Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in JGJ/T119 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Luminous environment
Light environment
The visual environment that affects people's physiological and psychological formations. 3.2
Light environment index rating of luminous environment An index used to indicate the quality of the light environment, which comprehensively considers the impact of the light environment on people's visual efficacy, visual comfort and other factors, and is determined by actual measurement and subjective evaluation.
4 Basic requirements
4.1 The light environment should be evaluated by the light environment index. 4.2 The evaluation indicators include control items and scoring items, and the evaluation results should comply with the following provisions: a) The evaluation results of the control items should be satisfied or not satisfied; HiiKAoNhiKAca
b) The evaluation results of the scoring items should be 1.2.3, 4, 5. 4.3 The light environment should be evaluated independently during the day and at night. 4.4 The light environment evaluation should be carried out under normal use. 4.5 The light environment quality level can be divided according to Appendix A. 5 Evaluation indicators
5.1 Control items
The indoor light environment shall comply with the following provisions:
a) The illuminance, illuminance uniformity, color rendering index, color tolerance and glare limit of indoor lighting shall comply with the provisions of GB50034; b) The indoor daylight factor shall comply with the provisions of GB50033; c) The sunshine hours in residential buildings, wards, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools shall comply with the provisions of GB50180. 5.1.2 The outdoor light environment shall comply with the following provisions: a) The average illuminance, average brightness, uniformity, total uniformity and longitudinal uniformity of road lighting, width increment, ambient ratio and induction shall comply with the provisions of CJ45; b) The illuminance, average brightness, color rendering index and glare limit of outdoor work site lighting shall comply with the provisions of GB50582; e
The illuminance of park and square lighting shall comply with the provisions of JGJ/T163; The light pollution limit of night scene lighting shall comply with the provisions of JGJ/T163; d)
e) The reflected light of glass curtain wall buildings around roads and residential buildings shall comply with the provisions of GB/T18091, and the calculation parameters of glass curtain wall reflected light shall comply with the provisions of Appendix B.
5.2 Scoring items
5.2.1 Candidate scoring items shall be proposed by the members of the expert evaluation group based on the actual conditions such as the use function of the site, the surrounding environment, and the purpose of evaluation, with reference to Appendix C.
5.2.2 The scoring items shall be generated by the expert evaluation group through voting based on the candidate scoring items. The voting results can be referred to Appendix D for statistics. The vote rate of the scoring items shall not be less than 50%.
5.2.3 The expert evaluation group shall comply with the provisions of 6.1.2. 6 Evaluation methods and steps
6.1 Composition of evaluation group members
6.1.1 The evaluation group shall include an expert evaluation group, a user evaluation group and a light environment test group. 6.1.2 The expert evaluation group shall be composed of professionals in light environment design and research, with no fewer than 5 members. 6.1.3 The user evaluation group shall be composed of people with normal vision randomly selected from actual users, with no fewer than 10 members. 6.1.4 The light environment test group shall be composed of staff from institutions with national authorization qualifications. 6.2 Evaluation of control items
6.2.1 The light environment test group shall conduct actual measurements according to the requirements of the control items for designated places in Chapter 5 and in accordance with the provisions of GB/T5700 and GB/T5699.
6.2.2 The test results within 3 months provided by an institution with national authorization are equally valid. 6.2.3 When the evaluation results of a control item are not satisfied, the scoring item evaluation should not be carried out. 2
6.3 Evaluation of scoring items
6.3.1 Determine the scoring items and weights
The expert evaluation group shall determine the scoring items and weights according to 5.2.2 and Appendix E. 6.3.2 Determine the scoring method
The expert evaluation group shall prepare a scoring method based on the scoring items. 6.3.3 On-site evaluation
The on-site evaluation of the light environment shall be carried out in accordance with the following provisions: a) The evaluation questionnaire can be prepared with reference to Appendix F; GB/T12454—2017
b) The members of the expert evaluation group and the user evaluation group shall use the evaluation questionnaire to independently observe and judge the light environment under normal use, and give scores according to the actual status of each scoring item: c)
The light environment test group shall complete the actual measurement and scoring of the scoring items of the designated places according to the scoring method and the provisions of GB/T5700 and GB/T5699.
6.3.4 Calculation of light environment index
The calculation of light environment index shall comply with the following provisions: The subjective scores of the expert evaluation group and the user evaluation group shall be calculated according to Appendix G based on the questionnaire results and the weights of each scoring item a)
Subjective score Ssubjective should be calculated according to formula (1): Ssubjective=0.5×Suser+0.5×Sexpert Where:
subjective score;
Suser user group subjective score;
expert group subjective score.
c) Light environment index S should be calculated according to formula (2): S=0.5XS±Observation+0.5XSMeasurement
SLight environment index;
6.4 Evaluation report
Measurement score.
.. (1)
The evaluation report should include the individual evaluation results of the control items and scoring items, the light environment index and the light environment quality level. The light environment evaluation example shall refer to Appendix H.
(Informative Appendix)
Light environment quality level
The light environment quality level should be divided into three levels: one star, two stars and three stars. A.1
2 The light environment quality level should be determined according to the light environment index in accordance with Table A.1. A.2
Correspondence between light environment index and quality level Light environment index S
Light environment quality level
One star
Two stars
Three stars
Appendix B
(Normative appendix)
Calculation parameters of reflected light from glass curtain walls
B.1 The parameters for the analysis and calculation of reflected light from glass curtain walls shall meet the following requirements: GB/T12454—2017
a) A typical day in 2001 shall be selected. The solar position parameters of the typical analysis day can refer to GB/T18091; b) The analysis of the impact on surrounding buildings shall be carried out during the period from sunrise to sunset when the solar altitude angle is not less than 10. B.2 When analyzing the impact of reflected light from glass curtain walls on surrounding buildings or sites, the locations and intervals of sampling points for windows, buildings and sites shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T50947.
B.3 Within the range of 0° to 45° with the horizontal plane, the continuous retention time of the reflected light from the glass curtain wall on the window sills of the living space of the surrounding residential buildings should not exceed 30 minutes, and the calculation time interval should not be greater than 1.0 minutes. B.4 Within the vertical angle of 20° and the horizontal angle of ±30° in the driver's forward direction, and within the driving distance of 100-m, the glass curtain wall should not cause continuous harmful reflected light to the motor vehicle driver, and the calculation time interval should not be greater than 1.0 seconds. B.5 The reflected light analysis modeling of the glass curtain wall should comply with the following provisions: a) All models should use a unified plane and elevation benchmark; b) The terrain, buildings and annexes that constitute the obstruction should be modeled; c) The sunshade and grille components on the outside of the glass curtain wall should be modeled according to the actual situation; d) The affected building walls, windows and sunshade components should be modeled according to the actual situation. GB/T12454—2017
Appendix C
(Informative Appendix)
Candidate scoring items for light environment
C.1 Candidate scoring items for indoor light environment should be determined with reference to Table C.1. Table C.1
Reference scoring items for indoor light environment
Item name
Illuminance (brightness) level
Color rendering
Use of natural light and field of view
Directionality of light
Brightness distribution
Space and lamp form
Indoor space color
Visual art effect
Lighting control interface
Scoring items that indicate whether the evaluated light environment is bright and whether it meets the requirements of visual tasks. Scoring items that indicate whether there are visual phenomena in the evaluated light environment that cause discomfort or reduce the ability to observe details or targets due to inappropriate brightness distribution or brightness range in the field of view, or extreme brightness contrast.
Scoring items that indicate whether the light color of the light source is cold or warm
Scoring items that indicate the color reproduction ability of the light source. Scoring items that indicate the lighting method and layout of the evaluated building, the quality of its use, and whether it can provide a good field of view for indoor workers, etc.||tt ||Scoring items that characterize the influence of the shape, three-dimensional sense and texture of the viewed objects in the evaluated light environment. Scoring items that characterize the influence of brightness distribution in the field of vision on the comfort of the evaluator. Scoring items that characterize the unstable visual phenomena caused by light stimulation due to the fluctuation of brightness or light harmonic distribution over time.
Scoring items that characterize the layout of furniture and lamps in the evaluated environment, and the relationship between them, and help users determine the orientation and functional distinction.
Scoring items that characterize the coordination of indoor space color matching and the consistency with the functional positioning of the space. Scoring items that characterize the artistry of indoor space environment light, color, furniture and other elements. Scoring items that characterize the ability of users to accurately understand the meaning of control interfaces, panel symbols, etc., so as to accurately realize control functions.
Note: This table lists the main reference scoring items that affect the quality of light environment. In the practice of light environment evaluation, the main scoring items can be selected from the table or other scoring items can be appropriately added as scoring items according to the characteristics of the evaluated building. C.2
Candidate scoring items for outdoor light environment should refer to Table C.2 to determine reference scoring items for outdoor light environment
Project name
Illuminance (brightness) level
Sense of safety
Light pollution prevention
Scoring item that represents whether the object being evaluated is bright
Scoring item that represents the subjective feeling of safety of the evaluator in the environment being evaluatedScoring item that represents the degree of influence of glass curtain walls and lighting facilities in the evaluated area on surrounding road traffic and residential buildings
Scoring item that represents that walking in the evaluated environment area or driving on nearby roads does not feel obvious interference from the lamps in the evaluated area1 The parameters for the analysis and calculation of reflected light from glass curtain walls shall meet the following requirements: GB/T12454—2017
a) A typical day in 2001 shall be selected, and the sun position parameters for the typical analysis day can refer to GB/T18091; b) The analysis of the impact on surrounding buildings shall be conducted during the period from sunrise to sunset when the sun altitude angle is not less than 10 degrees. B.2 When analyzing the impact of reflected light from glass curtain walls on surrounding buildings or sites, the location and interval of sampling points for windows, buildings, and sites shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T50947.
B.3 Within the range of 0° to 45° with the horizontal plane, the continuous residence time of the reflected light from the glass curtain wall on the window sill of the living space of the surrounding residential buildings shall not exceed 30 minutes, and the calculation time interval shall not be greater than 1.0 minutes. B.4 Within the vertical angle of 20° and horizontal angle of ±30° in the driver's forward direction and within the driving distance of 100-m, the glass curtain wall should not cause continuous harmful reflected light to the motor vehicle driver, and the calculation time interval should not be greater than 1.0s. B.5 The reflected light analysis modeling of the glass curtain wall should comply with the following provisions: a) All models should use a unified plane and elevation benchmark; b) The terrain, buildings and annexes that constitute the obstruction should be modeled; c) The sunshade and grille components on the outside of the glass curtain wall should be modeled according to the actual situation; d) The affected building walls, windows and sunshade components should be modeled according to the actual situation. GB/T12454—2017
Appendix C
(Informative Appendix)
Candidate scoring items for light environment
C.1 Candidate scoring items for indoor light environment should be determined with reference to Table C.1. Table C.1
Reference scoring items for indoor light environment
Item name
Illuminance (brightness) level
Color rendering
Use of natural light and field of view
Directionality of light
Brightness distribution
Space and lamp form
Indoor space color
Visual art effect
Lighting control interface
Scoring items that indicate whether the evaluated light environment is bright and whether it meets the requirements of visual tasks. Scoring items that indicate whether there are visual phenomena in the evaluated light environment that cause discomfort or reduce the ability to observe details or targets due to inappropriate brightness distribution or brightness range in the field of view, or extreme brightness contrast.
Scoring items that indicate whether the light color of the light source is cold or warm
Scoring items that indicate the color reproduction ability of the light source. Scoring items that indicate the lighting method and layout of the evaluated building, the quality of its use, and whether it can provide a good field of view for indoor workers, etc.||tt ||Scoring items that characterize the influence of the shape, three-dimensional sense and texture of the viewed objects in the evaluated light environment. Scoring items that characterize the influence of brightness distribution in the field of vision on the comfort of the evaluator. Scoring items that characterize the unstable visual phenomena caused by light stimulation due to the fluctuation of brightness or light harmonic distribution over time.
Scoring items that characterize the layout of furniture and lamps in the evaluated environment, and the relationship between them, and help users determine the orientation and functional distinction.
Scoring items that characterize the coordination of indoor space color matching and the consistency with the functional positioning of the space. Scoring items that characterize the artistry of indoor space environment light, color, furniture and other elements. Scoring items that characterize the ability of users to accurately understand the meaning of control interfaces, panel symbols, etc., so as to accurately implement control functions.
Note: This table lists the main reference scoring items that affect the quality of light environment. In the practice of light environment evaluation, the main scoring items can be selected from the table or other scoring items can be appropriately added as scoring items according to the characteristics of the evaluated building. C.2
Candidate scoring items for outdoor light environment should refer to Table C.2 to determine reference scoring items for outdoor light environment
Project name
Illuminance (brightness) level
Sense of safety
Light pollution prevention
Scoring item that represents whether the object being evaluated is bright
Scoring item that represents the subjective feeling of safety of the evaluator in the environment being evaluatedScoring item that represents the degree of influence of glass curtain walls and lighting facilities in the evaluated area on surrounding road traffic and residential buildings
Scoring item that represents that walking in the evaluated environment area or driving on nearby roads does not feel obvious interference from the lamps in the evaluated area1 The parameters for the analysis and calculation of reflected light from glass curtain walls shall meet the following requirements: GB/T12454—2017
a) A typical day in 2001 shall be selected, and the sun position parameters for the typical analysis day can refer to GB/T18091; b) The analysis of the impact on surrounding buildings shall be conducted during the period from sunrise to sunset when the sun altitude angle is not less than 10 degrees. B.2 When analyzing the impact of reflected light from glass curtain walls on surrounding buildings or sites, the location and interval of sampling points for windows, buildings, and sites shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T50947.
B.3 Within the range of 0° to 45° with the horizontal plane, the continuous residence time of the reflected light from the glass curtain wall on the window sill of the living space of the surrounding residential buildings shall not exceed 30 minutes, and the calculation time interval shall not be greater than 1.0 minutes. B.4 Within the vertical angle of 20° and horizontal angle of ±30° in the driver's forward direction and within the driving distance of 100-m, the glass curtain wall should not cause continuous harmful reflected light to the motor vehicle driver, and the calculation time interval should not be greater than 1.0s. B.5 The reflected light analysis modeling of the glass curtain wall should comply with the following provisions: a) All models should use a unified plane and elevation benchmark; b) The terrain, buildings and annexes that constitute the obstruction should be modeled; c) The sunshade and grille components on the outside of the glass curtain wall should be modeled according to the actual situation; d) The affected building walls, windows and sunshade components should be modeled according to the actual situation. GB/T12454—2017
Appendix C
(Informative Appendix)
Candidate scoring items for light environment
C.1 Candidate scoring items for indoor light environment should be determined by referring to Table C.1. Table C.1
Reference scoring items for indoor light environment
Item name
Illuminance (brightness) level
Color rendering
Use of natural light and field of view
Directionality of light
Brightness distribution
Space and lamp form
Indoor space color
Visual art effect
Lighting control interface
Scoring items that indicate whether the evaluated light environment is bright and whether it meets the requirements of visual tasks. Scoring items that indicate whether there are visual phenomena in the evaluated light environment that cause discomfort or reduce the ability to observe details or targets due to inappropriate brightness distribution or brightness range in the field of view, or extreme brightness contrast.
Scoring items that indicate whether the light color of the light source is cold or warm
Scoring items that indicate the color reproduction ability of the light source. Scoring items that indicate the lighting method and layout of the evaluated building, the quality of its use, and whether it can provide a good field of view for indoor workers, etc.||tt ||Scoring items that characterize the influence of the shape, three-dimensional sense and texture of the viewed objects in the evaluated light environment. Scoring items that characterize the influence of brightness distribution in the field of vision on the comfort of the evaluator. Scoring items that characterize the unstable visual phenomena caused by light stimulation due to the fluctuation of brightness or light harmonic distribution over time.
Scoring items that characterize the layout of furniture and lamps in the evaluated environment, and the relationship between them, and help users determine the orientation and functional distinction.
Scoring items that characterize the coordination of indoor space color matching and the consistency with the functional positioning of the space. Scoring items that characterize the artistry of indoor space environment light, color, furniture and other elements. Scoring items that characterize the ability of users to accurately understand the meaning of control interfaces, panel symbols, etc., so as to accurately implement control functions.
Note: This table lists the main reference scoring items that affect the quality of light environment. In the practice of light environment evaluation, the main scoring items can be selected from the table or other scoring items can be appropriately added as scoring items according to the characteristics of the evaluated building. C.2
Candidate scoring items for outdoor light environment should refer to Table C.2 to determine reference scoring items for outdoor light environment
Project name
Illuminance (brightness) level
Sense of safety
Light pollution prevention
Scoring item that represents whether the object being evaluated is bright
Scoring item that represents the subjective feeling of safety of the evaluator in the environment being evaluatedScoring item that represents the degree of influence of glass curtain walls and lighting facilities in the evaluated area on surrounding road traffic and residential buildings
Scoring item that represents that walking in the evaluated environment area or driving on nearby roads does not feel obvious interference from the lamps in the evaluated area
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