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JB/T 8411-1996 Impact air trigger

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8411-1996

Standard Name: Impact air trigger

Chinese Name: 冲击式气扳机

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1996-09-03

Date of Implementation:1997-07-01

Date of Expiration:2007-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Process Equipment>>J48 Pneumatic Tools

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces ZB J48004-88; replaced by JB/T 8411-2006

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1997-07-01

other information

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Rock Drilling Machinery and Pneumatic Tools

Publishing department:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Rock Drilling Machinery and Pneumatic Tools

Introduction to standards:

This standard is a revision of ZB J48 004-88. During the revision, the problems existing in the original standard and the clauses in the inspection rules were revised, and the rest of the standard is the same as the original standard. This standard specifies the types and basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of impact air triggers. This standard is applicable to impact air triggers with impact mechanisms powered by compressed air. This standard does not apply to fixed torque impact air triggers and pure torque air triggers. JB/T 8411-1996 Impact Air Trigger JB/T8411-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 8411-96
Impact Air Wrench
1996-09-03 Issued
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
19970701 Implementation
This standard amends the problems existing in 2B148004
33 Impact Air Wrench.3. The clauses in the inspection rules are revised, and the rest of the standard is similar to the original standard.
This standard is based on GE1.1-1993 Standardization Work Guide Unit 3: Rules for drafting and submitting standards Part 1: Basic provisions for standard writing. In terms of referenced standards, it is based on G/T1.22-93 Standardization Work Guide Unit 2: Method for determining the content of standards Part 22: Provisions for using standards 3. This standard is effective from the date of implementation. If the same period is 2B [48C04-88, Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard. This standard is approved and managed by the National Standardization Technical Committee for Pneumatic Drilling. The unit of this standard is Shishui Pneumatic Tool Factory. The main drafter of this standard is Yu Xiqiao.
1 Scope
Standards of the Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Impact Air Wrench
JB/T $411-96
This standard specifies the type and basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules of impact air wrench and standard packaging, transportation and storage.
This standard is not applicable to impact-type air wrenches with impact mechanisms powered by compressed air. This standard is not applicable to fixed-torque impact-type air wrenches and pure torque air wrenches. 2 Reference standards
The following standards contain provisions that constitute fixed standard provisions through reference in the standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties who prepare this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. CR133-31
G5 197-81
GH 2323R7
GB 3227 24786 | | tt | | JB 525-84 | 71.5193
JD/T 7152-93
JB/T T154-9.1
IB/T 730294
ZB J84 012-88
3 Types and equivalents
3.1 Products are classified or divided into
Ordinary basic size of thread (diameter 1s0)mm)
Ordinary screw effect tolerance fit (diameter 1~355mm) Manufacturing grid inspection design teaching sampling process production and sampling details (applicable to batch inspection) Mechanical properties of pressing parts
Transmission square of mobile sleeve hand
Network transmission variable of mobile vibration hand
Gear test Mechanical and pneumatic tool performance test method Gear rock Mechanical and pneumatic tool course sound plan Method T. I reached
Rock machinery and pneumatic tools terminology
Automobile wheel separation test, frequency mother and pad separation technology provisions Rock expansion carbon and pneumatic tools
Rock drill ball and pneumatic tools
Other rock fence and pneumatic tools
New rock machine effect and pneumatic tools
Rock drilling machinery and pneumatic tools
Rock drilling machinery and pneumatic tools
Huangyan cutting rust special pneumatic tools
Rock drilling machine recovery and pneumatic tools
Kidney rock machinery and pneumatic tools
Mechanical and pneumatic tools
) with anti-violating mechanism (ordinary type
h) without anti-violating mechanism (high-violation type) approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry 63
Product model compilation method
General technical records of anti-violating and other general technical records
Metal mold, sand casting alloy holder wine installation technology bar selection aluminum alloy general stock length system
General detection method for product cleanliness
General technical system for heat treatment parts
General technical system for steel investment castings
Kai Machinery II General Technical Specifications
General Technical Specifications for Product Packaging
General Technical Specifications for Socks
1997-07-01 Implementation
3.2 Product handle types are divided into: a) Straight pick type (including angle type): b) Check handle type + c) Ring handle type, d) Measuring handle type, JB/T8411-96
3.3 Products should be equipped with a lifting ring for easy holding and use. Products with a length greater than 5k should have a lifting ring. 3.4 Products can be manufactured into a bottle-shaped or bottle-lengthened type according to needs. 3.5 The product's cost table number should comply with the provisions of Table 1. 3.6 Product model B/115S0 is pre-coded. Table 1 Basic Specifications of Products Basic Transformer Specification Range 5.-5. Operation Time Gas Ventilation Noise Level (Sound Frequency Level) Product Quantity Gas Inner Diameter Transmission Scheme 65.3.14-12.5.16 1 Acceptance Air Pressure is 0.5 Product Column 2 The upper and lower values ​​of the product quantity column are respectively applicable to products without speed reducer and with speed reducer. 3 The product quantity does not include the motor set wrench, air inlet head, auxiliary hand, product ring, etc. The numbers in 4 are optional.
45-~5659~-76 78~-160
3.7 Product case 76 and two types of products without deceleration can be increased to the specified time of 1, but the error 2.3.8 The weight of the load-bearing product can be increased by 15% based on the value specified in Table 1. 3.9 The weight of the light-axis long-type product can be increased by 15% based on the value specified in Table 1. 4 Technical requirements
4.! The product shall comply with the requirements of this standard and the drawings and technical documents approved by the prescribed procedures. 4.2 The product drawings and technical documents shall comply with the provisions of B6247. 36.0
4.3 [The parts of a model product can be connected to each other (except for the optional products specified in the national sample and technical documents). 4.4 The quality of the replacement castings shall comply with the provisions of IB/7162. 4.5 The quality of alloy castings shall meet the requirements of JB/T2951 and JD/3905, 2
4.6 The quality of machined parts shall meet the requirements of JB/T7164, 4.7 The quality of hot-dry parts shall meet the requirements of JB/T7161. 4.8 The quality of the product shall meet the requirements of Table 2. Table 2 Product Quality
Product List
The following two values ​​are suitable for machined products. 42
4.9 The service life of other parts of the product shall also meet the requirements of Table 3 and meet the requirements of Table A. Table 3 Service life of main parts of the product
Strict quality planning
Left frequency screw
All parts
Sandals, impact head, hammer
Chongshan craftsman resources Chongnan School
4.I0 The anti-rust quality of the product shall meet the requirements of JTi7E, 4.11 The paint quality of the product shall meet the requirements of 2BJB4014. 2 24
4.17 The transmission and transmission parts of the product shall comply with the provisions of GB3227 and B3228. 4:13 When the product is in the idle state, the joints shall not be full of air. The operation shall be normal. 5 Test methods and inspection rules
5.1 The products shall be inspected and accepted by the technical control department of the manufacturer and accompanied by the technical documents proving the product quality before they can leave the factory. 5.2 The product inspection meeting shall be carried out according to the specific product inspection standards formulated by the manufacturer. The test values ​​of the running torque, air consumption, shockproof time, etc. shall be equivalent to those in Table 1. 5.3 The product performance test shall be carried out according to the current test methods of the industry inspection department. The air consumption of the product shall be carried out according to the provisions of GB5621. 5.+ The noise measurement of the product shall be carried out according to the provisions of B5R28. 5.5 The cleanliness of the product shall be inspected and determined according to B/4041. S.6 The product's heat test life test rate shall be based on the type test report table, 5.The product shall be subject to type test in one of the following situations: 1) new products including old products are being trial-produced; 2) products are being re-produced; 3) products undergoing type test shall be followed by qualified products. 4) products undergoing type test shall be inspected once according to the provisions of [3B], 5) packaging, transportation and storage. .1 The product’s visible parts shall be marked with: 1) the year of manufacture or product name; 2) product abbreviation; 3) product model and product name; 4) product abbreviation; 5) product date of manufacture (year, month); 6.2 Product packaging shall be in accordance with the provisions of J5/T7303; 6.3 The product box shall be accompanied by the following technical documents: 1) packing list: 2) product quality certificate: 3) product installation and maintenance instructions. 5B/T 8411-96; 6.4 During transportation and storage, the product shall be protected from water and moisture and instantaneous damage. JB/T 84J1-96
Appendix A
Test of the life of the main parts of the product and basic tolerances (Appendix to the standard)
AI Test of the life of the main parts of the product A1.1 The test of the life of the main parts of the product should be carried out in the threaded connection under temperature, static load and without adding dripping agent:
A1.2 The basic dimensions of the thread and end thread of M6--M100 should comply with the provisions of GB196, and the thread tolerance should be within 6H6g according to the provisions of GB197, and the thread roughness should not be less than 6.3m. A1.3M 6~M42 The performance of the machine parts of the frequency-sensitive parts shall comply with the regulations of B3098.1~3098.$. A1.4 The test screw strength level: When the broken bolt diameter d is the maximum value of the screw efficiency range in Table 1, it is 5.6 level, and the minimum repair time is 5.R level. The length of the explosion control 1 should meet the requirements of 4.25. 41.5 The life test shall ensure that the sliding parts and operation methods specified in the product maintenance manual are met. During the life test, the subsequent maintenance work specified in the product maintenance manual is allowed to be carried out in parallel (such as regular disassembly and repair, additional cleaning and lubrication, replacement of plugs, etc.).
1.7 The working pressure during the test is 0. 49--0 3MP (Table 1.1). If the bursting bolt strength level of the monthly life test is 10.9 and meets the requirements of B525, the loss of 3 protective screw inspection can be reduced by 25%:
Product main wearing parts discard limit
No product quality limit for important replacement parts See Table A1, Table A product main wearing parts discard limit
Scientific name
Impact eggwwW.bzxz.Net
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21:30. 4d;
Nude shallow 1.15
Free reduction ~ 10%
Measure the card position
Measure the average value
In the direction of the guide, take the average position
(Measure in the direction, take the average position
Measure on the 4th city, take the common average value
Measure in the square, take the flat value
Measure upward at free high force, and express the average positive center size, average palm size, unit is the length of the inner measurement after wear, unit m
See Figure A1
See Figure A2
See Figure A3
See Figure A5
Exceed the specified degree of Hui
JB/T 8411-96
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