This standard applies to all types of resistive potentiometers for electronic equipment, including screw-driven, preset, multi-turn potentiometers, etc. This standard specifies the standard terms, inspection procedures and test methods used in the quality assessment system and identification and approval sub-specifications and detailed specifications of electronic devices. GB/T 15298-1994 Potentiometers for electronic equipment Part 1: General specification GB/T15298-1994 Standard download decompression password:
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National Standard of the People's Republic of China Potentiometers for use in electronic equipment Part 1: General specification Potentiometers for use in electronic equipmentPart 1 :Generic specificationGB/1 1529894 IFC 393-1 QC 410000 This standard is equivalent to the international standard IFC393-1 (1989) "Potentiometers for use in electronic equipment Part 1: General specification 3 and its first amendment (1992). 1 Scope This standard applies to all types of resistive potentiometers used in electronic equipment, including screw drive type, preset type, multi-bacteria potentiometer, etc. This standard specifies the standard terms, verification procedures and test methods used in the quality assessment system and identification and approval of electronic components. The test methods specified in this standard are mainly written according to the widely used single-turn rotary potentiometer with a control axis. For other types of potentiometers: The rotation angle may be multiple turns; The control axis referred to should also be applicable to other drive mechanisms. +- The rotation angle should be understood as indicating the mechanical stroke of the drive mechanism; if the drive mechanism is a linear motion rather than a rotary motion, the force value should be specified instead of the torque value. These alternative provisions should be clarified in the sectional specification or detailed specification. When the component constitutes a variable resistor (i.e., a two-terminal component), the changes brought about by the test should be specified in the detailed specification. 2 General 2.1 Referenced standards IFC27-1 Text symbols for electrical technology Part - General EC50 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) GB2691 Marking code for resistors and capacitors IEC.63 Resistors and capacitors Preferred number system First revision (196?) Second revision (1977) IEC68 Basic environmental testing regulations IEC68-1 (1978) Part 1: General IEC:68-2-1 (1974) Test A: Cold IECG8-2-1A (1976) First supplement IEC682.2 (1974) Test B: Dry heat IFC 68-2-2A(1976)First Supplement Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on December 6, 1994, implemented on July 1, 1995 GB/T 1529894 1EC 68-2-3(1969) Test Ca Steady-state heat First revision (1984) IEC 68-2-6(1970) Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal) Second revision (1985) IEC 68-2-13(1966) Test M: Low pressure IEC68-2-14(1974)Test N: Temperature changeIEC68-2-17(1968)Test Q: SealingIEC 68-2-20 (1979) Test I: Soldering IEC 68-2-21 (1983) Test U: Strength of lead terminals and integral mounting parts--Revised (1985) IEC 68-2-27 (1972) Test Ea: Impact IEC 68-2-29 (1968) Test Eh Impact IEC68-2-30 (1980)Test Db: Cyclic damp heat (12+12h cycle)IE(: 68-2-45(1980) Test XA and Guide: Immersion in Cleaning AgentIEC617 Graphical symbols for drawings 1EC390 Dimensions of shaft ends of manually operated electronic components IEC410 Sampling plans and procedures for inspection by counting IECQ/QC(001001EC Electronic Component Quality Assessment System (IECQ) Basic RegulationsIECQ/QC001002IEC Electronic Component Quality Assessment System (IECQ) Rules of ProcedureGB 321 Priority numbers and priority number systems 1S0)497 Guide to the selection of priority number systems and their valuesGB310International system of units and its application Note: Except for IEC68, which must use the specified version, the other referenced documents all adopt the current versions. 2.2 Units, symbols and terms 2.2.1 Overview Units, graphic symbols, text symbols and terms should be selected from the following standards as far as possible. GB3100 EEC617 When more items are needed, they should be derived from the above documents. 2.2.2 Type A group of components with similar design characteristics and similar manufacturing processes that can be combined together in both identification and approval and quality consistency testing. This group of components is usually summarized by a separate detailed specification. Note: ① In some cases, the components specified in several detailed specifications can be considered to belong to the same type, so they can be combined together for identification and approval and quality consistency testing. Installation parts that have no significant impact on the test results may not be tested. 2.2.3 Style It refers to a certain type that is further divided, usually by size. A style includes more than ten different mechanical derivatives. 2.2.4 Grade This term refers to additional general characteristics related to the intended application (such as long life). GR/T 15298—94 The term "grade" can only be used in combination with one or more words (such as long life grade), and cannot be expressed by a single letter or number. The number added after the term "grade" should be Arabic numerals. 2.2.5 Variant A variant is a "subdivision" of certain structural components such as terminals, shaft milling planes or shaft lengths within a variety with a specific size. Family (of electronic components) A group of electronic components that prominently display a specific physical characteristic and/or perform a certain specified function. 2.2.7 Sub-category (of electronic components) Suh-family A group of electronic components manufactured by similar processes within a category. 2.2.8 Category temperature range category temperature range The range of ambient temperatures for continuous operation determined by the design of the potentiometer, which depends on the temperature limit of its applicable category. 2.2. 9 Upper rategary level The maximum ambient temperature for continuous operation at a part of the rated power consumption determined by the design of the potentiometer. The part of the rated power consumption is expressed by the category power consumption (2.2.14). 2.2.10 Lower category temperature range lower 2.2, 11 Critical resistance The resistance value when the rated voltage is equal to the limiting voltage of the resistor. The maximum voltage that can be applied to the two ends of the potentiometer below the critical resistance is the rated voltage. The maximum voltage above the critical resistance is the limiting voltage of the resistor ( and 2.2.16). 2.2.12 Rated resistance The nominal resistance is the resistance value marked on the potentiometer. 2.2.13 Rated power consumption dissipation The maximum power dissipation allowed between the potentiometer lead a and (see 2.2.80) when the ambient temperature is 70℃. The change in resistance under the conditions of the electrical endurance test at 70℃ should not exceed the specified value of this test. Note: In practice, the power dissipation is corrected for the following situations. For high resistance values, the rated power dissipation may not be achieved due to the limitation of the resistor body limit voltage (see 2.2.16). For the average power dissipation at temperatures other than 70℃, it should be determined according to the load curve in the relevant detailed specifications; - For only using the lead. With h or with: and the angle of the control shaft is adjusted to 100% of the effective electrical travel, the moving contact limit current (2.2.18) should also be considered. 2.2.14 Category power dissipation calegory dissipation The maximum allowable power dissipation under continuous load conditions when the ambient temperature is equal to the upper category temperature. The passband is expressed as a fraction of the rated power dissipation. Note: The category power dissipation can be zero. 2.2.15 Rated voltage Rated voltage The DC or AC effective voltage calculated from the square root of the product of the nominal resistance and the rated power consumption Note: In high-voltage pairs, the rated voltage cannot be used due to the size of the potentiometer structure (see and 3.2.16). 2.2.16 Limiting element voltago The maximum DC or AC effective voltage that can be applied across the resistor of the potentiometer. When using AC effective value voltage in this ship, the voltage peak shall not exceed 1.42 times of the effective value. Note: This voltage meter should be applied to the potentiometer with a resistance equal to or greater than the critical resistance. 2.2.17 Insulation positive isolation voltage The maximum peak voltage that can be applied between the lead end of the potentiometer and other external conductive parts connected together under continuous working conditions. Under normal pressure, the insulation voltage value should not be less than 1.42 times the limiting voltage of the resistor. Under low pressure conditions, the insulation voltage should be reduced and its value should be within the detailed specification. GB/T 15298 2.2.18 Moving contact limiting current liritingmovingcontactcurrcnt The maximum current allowed to pass between the resistor and the moving contact.viriation of resistancewithtcnmpcralure2.2.19 Resistance change with temperature The resistance change with temperature can be expressed by the resistance temperature characteristic or the resistance temperature coefficient, which is defined as follows: Resistance temperature characteristic tcmperaturc charactcristic of resistance The maximum reversible change in resistance caused by a given excitation within the class range. Usually expressed as a percentage of the resistance at the reference temperature of 20°C. Resistance temperature Where: R Resistance change between two specified ambient temperatures: resistance at the reference temperature. 2.2. 19. 2 Temperature coefficient of resistance (ar) Temperature coefficient of Icsistance The relative change (average coefficient) of resistance between two given temperatures divided by the temperature difference that causes the change. Usually expressed in parts per million per degree Celsius (-10-5/C). Where 9---The algebraic difference between the reference temperature and the specified ambient temperature, °C. Note: It should be noted that the use of the term temperature coefficient does not mean that this function has a certain degree of linear relationship, nor should such an assumption be made. 2.2.T9.3 Output ratio temperature coefficient (a) temperaturecoefficientof outputratio The relative change (average coefficient) of the voltage output ratio between two given temperatures when the output ratio is a fixed adjustment value and the load on the moving contact is constant, divided by the temperature difference causing the change. The passband is expressed in ten thousandths of a degree Celsius (10-\/°C). (nb2 /t n2) .. (a1/1) (Ub/0r)-A Where: △: the algebraic difference between the base temperature and the specified ambient temperature, °C. Note: α. The value of may not be the same for different values of the output ratio. It should be noted that the use of the term temperature coefficient does not imply a linear relationship for this function, nor can such an assumption be made. 2.2.20 Visible damage visibledamage Damage that reduces the usability of the potentiometer for its intended use. 2.2.21 Potentiometer potentiometcr A three-terminal element used as a voltage divider. Its two leads are connected to the two terminals of the resistor, and the first end is connected to a moving contact that can move mechanically along the resistor. 2.2.22 Pre: set or trimmitr polemioetei A potentiometer designed for a small adjustment surface. 2.2-23 Lead screw drive potentiometer A potentiometer with a screw as a multi-turn drive mechanism. 2.2.24 Multi-ganged potentiometer A potentiometer consisting of two or more working parts that are adjusted by a common shaft. The number of gangs should be included in the description, such as a 2-gang potentiometer or a 4-gang potentiometer. dual concentric: potentiometers 2.2.25 Concentric dual potentiometers A potentiometer consisting of two working parts that are independently adjusted by two concentric shafts. 2.2.26 Spindle sealed potentiometers These potentiometers have a shaft seal to prevent particles and liquids from entering the potentiometer along the shaft (see Figure 1). 2.2.27 Rail sealed and panel sealed potentiometers These potentiometers have a shaft seal and panel seal to prevent particles and liquids from entering any device in which the potentiometer is installed (see Figure 2). GB/T15298-94 Figure 1 Shaft sealed potentiometer (Second type: Figure 2 Shaft sealed and panel sealed potentiometer 2.2.28 Container sealed poter.licmeter These potentiometers are fully shaft sealed. Their housing is designed to prevent particles and liquids from entering the inside of the potentiometer from the outside (see Figure 3). In some cases, a panel seal can be added. Such a potentiometer is called a "fully sealed potentiometer" (see Figure 4). External Figure 3 External sealed or electric model GB/T 15298- 94 Figure 4 Fully sealed potentiometer Note: In Figures 1 to 4: represents an unsealed passage, represents a sealed surface, and represents an unsealed surface. 2.2.29 direction of rotation rotation When the operator faces the side of the potentiometer with the drive mechanism, the rotation direction is defined as clockwise or counterclockwise. When there is doubt, the base surface should be marked according to the detailed specification. 2.2.30 Designation of terminations The preferred designation of the three terminations of the potentiometer is: the terminal termination that is electrically closest to the moving contact end when the shaft is adjusted to the end in the counterclockwise direction as specified in Article 2.2.29. h- Moving contact termination. The other end of the suffix termination. The numbers 1, 2 and 3 or the colors yellow, red and green can be used instead of holes, b and c respectively. When marking the terminations, their identifiers should be consistent with this clause. When indicating other terminations, the additional letters, numbers and colors should be specified in the relevant specifications. 2.2. 31 Variable resistorvariahle Resistor A resistor with a fixed contact at one end of the resistor and a second contact that can move along the resistor to change the resistance. 2.2.32 Moving contact Moving contact A potentiometer contact that moves along the resistor. 2.2.33 Tap A fixed electrical connection on the resistor. 2.2. 34 Trek A contact path for the moving contact on the resistor. 2.2.35 Clutch A declutching device is a device that allows the drive mechanism to continue rotating after the moving contact reaches any end of the resistor. 2.2.36 Number of turns (of the drive mechanism) The total number of times the drive mechanism completes (or nearly completes) a 360° rotation in the total mechanical stroke. 2.2.37 Resistance law Resistors A resistor law The relationship between the resistance or output ratio measured between terminals a and b and the mechanical position of the moving contact. The general potentiometer laws are classified as follows: Straight line law: Law A (Figure 5). Logarithmic law: Law B (Figure 6). Reverse logarithmic law: Law C (Figure 7). GB/T 15298-94 In the sub-specification or detailed specification, the resistance change rate near the end of the effective stroke may be allowed to be less than the specified law requirements, and the allowable deviation may be specified. It may also be allowed to be close to the curve shown in Figure 6 and Figure ? The center line and its allowable deviation may be specified. Other laws (such as sine and cosine laws) may be required in special applications. These laws are different from the widely used laws A, B and C listed in They should be specified in the sectional specification or detailed specification. A : rotation angle (guanidian hour hand) 2.2.38 Cycle of coefficient Figure 6 For single-turn and multi-turn potentiometers, one cycle is the travel of the moving contact from one end of the resistor to the other and back again. For continuously rotating potentiometers, one cycle is the travel of the moving contact through two 360° in the middle and opposite directions. 2.2.39 Shorted segment The portion of the resistor body through which the moving contact with a specified load resistance passes, its output remains constant within the specified range. 2.2.40 Terminal resistance The terminal resistance is the minimum value that can be obtained between the moving contact terminal b and any other terminal (see 2.2.30). 2.2.41 Residual resistance The residual resistance is the resistance obtained between the terminal a or the moving contact terminal b (see 2.2.30) when the moving contact is adjusted to the corresponding terminal stop. Note: When there is no significant change in resistance between the terminal stop and the point where the minimum effective resistance is observed, the residual current is greater than the minimum effective output resistance. The minimum resistance value does not necessarily correspond to the mechanical terminal stop. 2.2.42 Load resistance (R,) (see Figure 9) load resistance RL The external resistance observed from the output voltage (i.e. the resistance connected between the moving contact h and the lead terminal a or). 2.2.43 Total applied voltage (U (see Figure &) total applied voltageU voltage applied between the input terminals. For example, the voltage applied between the input terminal and the reference point. 2.2.44 Output voltage (U see Figure 8) output voltagcU voltage between the output terminal b and the specified reference point. Unless otherwise specified, the specified reference point is the output terminal. 2.2.45 Output ratio (see Figure 8) nupulralin ratio of output voltage to total applied voltage U Output ratio is usually expressed as a percentage of the total applied voltage. GB/T 15298-94 Figure 8 Output ratio 2.2. 46 Minimum output ratio minimum output ratio ratio The ratio of the minimum voltage that can be obtained between the moving contact lead-out terminal and one of the terminal lead-out terminals to the fixed voltage applied to the terminal lead-out terminal. attenuaticn The reciprocal of the output ratio, usually expressed as 20log . 2.2.48 Load error (see Figure 9) luading error When the axis is in any position and the output ratio is measured at the same axis position, the difference between the output ratio with an indefinite load resistance and the output ratio with a finite load resistance specified in the book. Note: The method of reducing the load error by making it necessary for the electrical body to obtain the desired output under the specified conditions of the accompanying load is called "load compensation". Figure: Load model drop 2.2.49 Resistance-travel characteristicsreristance/travel The following definitions apply to the following two common structures, potentiometers with end stops or clutches. a. b. Single-turn rotary potentiometers without end stops or clutches. The values of travel may be expressed in degrees, numbers or millimeters. Terms and definitions for other structures shall be specified separately in the detailed specification. Note: The other terms given in parentheses in 2.2.491.1 + and are for reference only. Total mechanical travel (total mechanical rotation angle) (see Figure 10) total mechanical travel (total mechanical rotation angle) In 2.2.49 item a: The total mechanical travel is the displacement of the drive mechanism within the entire range of motion when the moving contact slides between two end stops or between two operating positions of the clutch. End stop or clutch or 0 GB/T 15298—94 Effective electrical travel Total electrical travel Invalid mechanical travel Total mechanical travel In item b of 2.2.49, the total mechanical travel is 360%. Total electrical travel (see Figure 10) Lotalclectricaitravel The travel between the two terminal positions of the driving mechanism, during which the contact between the moving contact and the resistor body should not have any abnormal interruption. Note: In item 2.2.49: The terminal position usually coincides with the terminal stop or the starting working position of the clutch, so the total intermediate travel is the same as the total mechanical travel. Effective electrical travel (angle of effective electrical rotation) The travel that the drive mechanism must move to move the moving contact so that the resistance value changes according to the prescribed resistance law. Note: For potentiometers of certain structures, the effective electrical travel may be interlaced with the total electrical travel. Ineffective mechanical travel (angle of ineffective mechanical rotation) (see Figure 10) Ineffective mechanical travel (angle of ineffective mechanical rutation) The ineffective mechanical travel is part of the mechanical travel. The continuity of contact between the moving contact and the resistor body cannot be guaranteed within this travel. It is equal to the difference between the total travel and the total electrical travel. Total resistance The total resistance is the resistance between the lead and the resistor measured in accordance with the provisions of 4.6. Effective resistance The effective resistance is the part of the total resistance within which the resistance varies in a manner determined by the prescribed resistance law. Minimum effective resistance The minimum effective resistance The resistance between the lead b and the closer terminal, lead a or at each end of the effective electrical travel (see 4.6.6). Usually expressed as a percentage of the total resistance. Continuity The maintenance of electrical contact between the moving contact and the resistor body, related to the mechanical travel of the moving contact. Conformity (see Figure 11) Conformity is the maximum difference between the actual measured resistance law and the prescribed resistance law, expressed as a percentage of the total resistance and the total applied voltage. Note: Compliance can be expressed in different ways, but it must be clearly stated in the detailed specification. The following clauses give some methods of expressing compliance: Comparison GB/T15298-94 Actual specification Compliance difference Figure 11 Compliance Specified limit Absolute compliance (see Figure 12) Adsolute compliance Compliance measured within the specified effective resistance range. It is expressed as the maximum deviation between the actual resistance law and the specified resistance law. Specified minimum position Observation Linearity (see Figure 13) Linearity Current effective stroke Large deviation Figure 12 Absolute compliance Absolute compliance Specified stacking Actual Stroke 6 Conformity: A special form, it is the compliance when the specified law or output ratio is a straight line. Introduce ratio GB/T15298-94 Actual slow law Linear deviation Figure 13 Linearity Specified rules Independent linearity (best straight line) (see Figure 11) Independent linearity (best straight line) A special form of compliance, which is the maximum vertical deviation of the actual law from the reference straight line within the effective electrical stroke or any specified part thereof, expressed as a percentage of the total applied voltage. The slope and position of the reference straight line are selected to minimize the vertical deviation. Note: When the maximum and minimum output ratio requirements are specified, the slope and position of the reference straight line are restricted. Its mathematical expression is: Lh =P(8/)+Q士℃ Wu: P- unspecified slope; Q unspecified intercept when 8=0: -effective electrical stroke. Where: 1 and Q should be selected to minimize C, but subject to the output ratio requirements. Zerobascd Linearity (see Figure 15) (Applicable only to wirewound potentiometers) A special form of zerobascd linearity conformance is the maximum vertical deviation between the actual line and a reference line over the effective electrical range, expressed as a percentage of the total applied voltage. The reference line is the line through which the specified minimum output ratio is drawn, and its slope is selected so as to minimize the maximum deviation. The requirement for the maximum output ratio will constrain the variation of the slope of the reference line. Unless otherwise specified, the minimum output ratio is taken to be zero. Its mathematical expression is: 武;P- GB/T 15298 94 =P(8/8)+B±C Unspecified slope, limited by the maximum output ratio terminal voltage requirement; effective electrical stroke. Unless otherwise specified, the output ratio specified in B-0 is the maximum value of the actual value . The error may be small . Effective electrical travel Figure 15 Zero baseline Absolute linearity (see Figure 16) A special form of absolute linearity is the maximum vertical deviation between the actual law and the reference straight line within the specified effective electrical travel, expressed as a percentage of the total applied voltage. The minimum and maximum output ratios specified when the reference straight line passes through the two ends of the specified effective electrical travel. Unless otherwise specified, the minimum and maximum output ratios are 0 and 100% of the total applied voltage, respectively. Its mathematical expression is -A(8/8)+R±C where A-given slope: B—given intercept at 0-0 ——given effective electrical stroke. Unless otherwise specified, A=l and B—0. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.