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Terminology of marine forecast

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39628-2020

Standard Name:Terminology of marine forecast

Chinese Name: 海洋预报术语

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-12-14

Date of Implementation:2021-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.060 Geology, Meteorology, Hydrology

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Subjects>>A45 Oceanography

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2020-12-01

other information

drafter:Ren Shutong, Yuan Ye, Li Benxia, ​​Liu Yu, Meng Sujing, Li Yun, Yang Jing, Jiang Hua, Song Xiaojiang

Drafting unit:National Marine Environmental Forecast Center

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Marine Standardization (SAC/TC 283)

Proposing unit:Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39628-2020.Terminology of marine forecast.
GB/T 39628 defines the commonly used terms and definitions in marine forecast.
GB/T 39628 applies to the production, release, dissemination and use of various marine forecast products. ||
tt||2General terms
Marine forecast
An advance report on the development and changes of various marine elements and marine phenomena in a specific area and time period.
Marine forecast for public
Marine forecast provided to meet the general needs of the public.
Marine forecast for decision-making
Marine forecast provided for government departments at all levels to formulate marine-related policies such as economic construction, disaster reduction and emergency response.
specialized marine forecast
Targeted and specialized marine forecast for users in specific industries and fields.
Note: Mainly includes route forecast, fishing ground and fishery safety forecast, coastal tourism and holiday area forecast, maritime military and rights protection activity forecast and important marine engineering forecast.
forecast validity period
The validity period of the forecast.
forecast initial time
The starting time of the forecast.
forecast periods
The text that defines a specific period in the forecast work and its corresponding time range.
Note: The forecast period includes daytime, nighttime, morning, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, first half of the night, midnight, and second half of the night. The specific corresponding time ranges are shown in Table 1. ||
false forecast
A certain forecast element or phenomenon is forecasted but it does not appear in reality.
missed forecast
A certain forecast element or phenomenon is not forecasted but it appears in reality.
Nearshore forecasting region
The sea area on the landward side of the outer limit of China's territorial sea.
Note: The Bohai Sea nearshore forecasting region is the sea area within 12 nm from the multi-year average high tide line of the coast to the seaward side.
This standard defines the commonly used terms and definitions in marine forecasting. This standard applies to the production, release, dissemination and use of various types of ocean forecast products.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Terminology of marine forecast2020-12-14Issued
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
Implementation on 2021-07-01
General terms
Forecast methods
Forecast categories
Marine environment forecast
Marine disaster alert
Marine climate forecast
Emergency forecast for marine emergencies
Nearshore basic unit forecast
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Marine Standardization (SAC/TC283). Drafting unit of this standard: National Marine Environmental Forecast Center. GB/T39628—2020
Main drafters of this standard: Ren Shutong, Yuan Ye, Li Benxia, ​​Liu Yu, Meng Sujing, Li Yun, Yang Jing, Jiang Hua, Song Xiaojiang1
Marine forecast terms
This standard defines the commonly used terms and definitions in marine forecasts. This standard applies to the production, release, dissemination and use of various marine forecast products. General terms
Marine forecast
An advance report on the development and changes of various marine elements and marine phenomena within a specific area and time limit. 2.2
Marine forecast for public
Marine forecast for public
Marine forecast provided to meet the general needs of the public2.3
Marine forecast for decision-making
Marine forecast provided for government departments at all levels to formulate marine-related policies such as economic construction, disaster reduction and emergency response2.4
Marine special forecast
Specialized marine forecast
Marine forecast with targeted and special purposes for users in specific industries and fields. GB/T39628—2020
Note: It mainly includes route forecast, fishing ground and fishery safety forecast, coastal tourism and holiday area forecast, maritime military and rights protection activity forecast, and important marine engineering forecast.
Forecast validity period
Forecast validity period.
Forecast initial time
The starting time of the forecast.
Forecast periods
The text that defines a specific period in the forecast work and its corresponding time range. Note: The forecast period includes daytime, nighttime, morning, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, first half of the night, middle of the night, and second half of the night. The specific corresponding time range is shown in Table 1nG
Forecast period
First half of the night
Second half of the night
Forecast period and its corresponding time range
A certain forecast element or phenomenon was forecasted but it did not appear in reality. 2.9
A certain forecasting element or phenomenon was not forecasted but occurred in reality. 2.10
nearshore forecasting region
The sea area on the landward side of the outer limit of my country's territorial waters. Beijing time
Note: The offshore forecast area of ​​Bohai Sea is the sea area within 12nmile from the multi-year average high tide line of the coast to the sea side 2.11
Offshore forecasting area
offshore forecasting area region
The outer limit of the coastal waters is the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, the sea east of Taiwan, the South China Sea and adjacent waters to the west of 130° east longitude.
Note: Rewrite GB/T19721.2-2017, definition 3.92.12
Sea surface temperature
sea surface temperature
The temperature of the water layer within 0.5m of the sea surface
Note: Also known as the surface sea temperature, it mainly depends on two factors: solar radiation and ocean circulation. 2.13
Sea temperature anomaly
sea surfacetemperatureanomalyThe deviation of the average seawater temperature of a month, ten days or week from its multi-year average value for the corresponding period. Note 1: Positive anomaly means higher than the multi-year average, and negative anomaly means lower than the multi-year average. Note 2: The continuous data used in the calculation of multi-year averages is not shorter than 30 years in principle. 2.14
Mesoscale ocean phenomenon
mesoscalephenomenonintheocean Ocean processes with a time scale of several days to several months and a spatial scale of tens to hundreds of kilometers Note: Such as serpentine currents, mesoscale eddies, coastal upwelling, frontal and frontal eddies, coastal waves, thermoclines and some mesoscale circulations. 2
El Nino event
The phenomenon of abnormal continuous rise in sea surface temperature in the equatorial central and eastern Pacific Ocean over a large area, and the intensity and duration meet certain conditions. Note: The equatorial central and eastern Pacific Ocean refers to the sea area (5\S5°N.170°W~90°W). La Nina event
La Nina event
The phenomenon that the sea surface temperature in the equatorial central and eastern Pacific Ocean continues to drop abnormally over a large area, and the intensity and duration meet certain conditions. Note: The equatorial central and eastern Pacific Ocean refers to the sea area within the range of (5\S5°N.170°W~90°W). 3 Forecast method
marinenumerical forecast
Marine numerical forecast
Under certain initial and boundary conditions, the evolution process of marine environmental elements is described through numerical calculation. .smart grid forecast
Smart grid forecast
The forecast area is decomposed into four-dimensional grid areas of fixed size according to longitude and latitude, sea depth and time, and the numerical forecast results of the grid area are interpreted and applied by machine learning and other methods. 4 Forecast categories
4.1 Marine environmental forecast
marine environmental forecastMarine environmental forecast
Marine forecast for a specific area and time, including information on changes in various marine environmental forecast elements Note: Marine environmental forecast elements mainly include: sea temperature, salinity, current velocity, current direction, tide level, tide time, wave height, wave direction, etc. 4.1.2
Wave forecastWww.bzxZ.net
Marine forecast for sea surface fluctuations caused by wind in a specific forecast area and time, including information on wave height, period, wave direction and its impact range.
tidal forecast
Ocean forecast for specific areas and time periods, including information on the periodic rise and fall of the sea surface caused by the tidal force of celestial bodies, as well as information on tide level and tide time.
ocean current forecast
Ocean current forecast ...6
weeklyforecast of sea surfacetemperatureanomalySea temperature weekly forecast
Ocean forecast for a specific area, including information such as surface sea temperature anomaly for the next seven daysGB/T39628—2020
Sea ice forecastseaiceforecast
Ocean forecast for a specific area and time period, including information such as the coverage, thickness and morphology of floating ice and fixed ice at seaNote 1: In addition to ice formed by direct freezing of seawater, sea ice also includes river ice, lake ice and glacier ice that originate from land but eventually float to the seaNote 2: Rewrite GB/T 15918—2010, Definition 5.4.3 4.1.8
Forecast of mesoscale phenomena in the ocean Ocean forecast issued for a specific area and time, including information on possible mesoscale ocean phenomena and their main characteristic values ​​4.1.9
Marine water quality forecast Marine water quality forecast issued for a specific area and time, including information on changes in the physical quantities of marine water quality elements.
Note: Marine water quality elements include chlorophyll, dissolved oxygen, nutrient concentration, etc. 4.1.10
Red tide occurrence condition prediction Red tide occurrence condition prediction Ocean forecast issued for a specific area and time, including information on whether the ecological and marine environmental conditions are suitable for the large-scale reproduction or aggregation of red tide species.
Green Tide Trend ForecastgreentidetrendypredictionOcean forecast issued for a specific area and time period, including the ecological and marine environmental conditions of the green tide occurrence area, as well as the temporal and spatial distribution and the trend of the green tide
4.2 Marine Disaster Warning
Marine Disaster WarningmarinedisasterwarningOcean forecast issued for a specific area and time period when a disastrous marine phenomenon that may cause serious harm may occur, including information such as the disastrous marine phenomenon and its characteristic values. 4.2.2
DisastrousoceanwavewarningA warning ocean forecast issued when a significant wave height of 2.5m or more is expected in the nearshore forecast area or 6.0m or more is expected in the offshore forecast area under the influence of tropical cyclones or temperate weather systems in the next 24 hours. It contains information such as significant wave height, affected area, and affected time.
Note: The significant wave height is the average of the first 1/3 wave heights after sorting the wave height sequence measured continuously in a certain period from large to small. It is also called the 1/3 big wave height.
TyphoonstormsurgewarningA warning ocean forecast issued when a significant wave height of one or more representative tide gauge stations in the affected area is expected to reach the warning tide level in the next 24 hours under the influence of tropical cyclones. It contains information such as storm surge, high tide value, high tide time, and affected area. Note 1: If a tropical cyclone is expected to land in my country's coastal areas in the next 24 hours, or if the center of a tropical cyclone is within 100 km of the coast, a typhoon storm surge warning will also be issued.
Note 2: The warning tide level is a tide level threshold. When the tide level reaches this reading, the coast may be in danger and it is necessary to enter a state of alert to prevent the occurrence of tidal disasters. 4.2.4
extratropical storm surge warning
extratropical storm surge warningA warning marine forecast issued when the high tide level4
at one or more representative tide gauges in the affected area is expected to reach the warning tide level in the next 12 hours. It contains information such as storm surge, high tide value, high tide time and affected areas. 4.2.5
forecast of storm surge overtopping the sea wallA warning marine forecast for a specific area and time period, which notifies the overflow and discharge of seawater from the top of coastal embankments caused by the superposition of astronomical tides, storm surges, nearshore waves and runoff. 4.2.6
Storm Surge Flooding Forecast Stormsurge Flooding Forecast is a warning ocean forecast issued for a specific area and time period, notifying the phenomenon of seawater flooding low-lying areas on land caused by the superposition of astronomical tides, storm surges, nearshore waves, runoff, etc., including information such as the scope of seawater flooding. 4.2.7
Sea Ice Warning seaicewarning
It is a warning ocean forecast issued when the characteristic values ​​of sea ice density and floating ice outer edge line in a specific area and time period reach a certain level and continue to develop. 4.2.8
Tsunami Information tsunamiinformation
After an underwater earthquake, volcanic eruption, underwater collapse, landslide or other event that may trigger a tsunami occurs, and it is predicted that the tsunami will not cause disasters in the forecast area, this is a warning ocean forecast that notifies whether a tsunami will occur, the tsunami amplitude, etc. 4.2.9
Tsunami warning
After an underwater earthquake, volcanic eruption, underwater collapse, landslide or other event that may trigger a tsunami occurs, and it is predicted that a tsunami may cause disasters in the forecast area, this is a warning ocean forecast that includes information such as the tsunami occurrence, tsunami arrival point, tsunami amplitude, and danger level.
Note: Rewrite GB/T15918-2010, definition 5.4.5. 4.3 Marine climate forecast
Marine climate forecastmarineclimaticpredictionSA
Marine forecast for monthly, seasonal and above time scales, including marine environmental forecast elements and information on the development and changes of marine phenomena.
El Nino forecast
Marine forecast for the large-scale continuous abnormal increase in sea surface temperature in the equatorial central and eastern Pacific Ocean for a certain period of time and intensity and its main characteristic values.
La Nina forecast
Marine forecast for the large-scale continuous abnormal decrease in sea surface temperature in the equatorial central and eastern Pacific Ocean for a certain period of time and intensity and its main characteristic values.
4.4 Emergency Forecast for Marine Emergencies
Emergency Forecast for Marine Emergencies forecastformamarineemergency is provided to serve the emergency needs of marine search and rescue, marine oil spill, marine hazardous chemical leakage and other incidents. It contains marine environmental forecast elements, marine target movement changes and other information. 5
Oil spill drift trajectory forecastoilspilltrajectoryforecastOcean forecast containing the movement route of the oil spill center and other information4.4.3
Forecast of Spatial Distribution of Oil Spill forecast contains the ocean forecast of the horizontal distribution of oil spills at a certain moment 4.4.4
marineobjectsdrifttrajectoryforecast marine forecast issued for a specific time and area after a marine accident, including the location of marine search and rescue targets 4.4.5
marinehazardouschemicalsleakageforecast marinehazardouschemicalsleakageforecast the estimation and notification of the concentration distribution, transport path and diffusion trend of hazardous chemicals leaked at sea. 4.5
marineforecast of the development and changes of waves, sea temperature and tidal phenomena in county-level waters within the outer limit of my country's territorial waters, 6
Part 2: Coastal Observation
Specifications for Marine Observation
Comprehensive Terminology of Oceanography
Physical Oceanography
Oceanographic Terminology
Specifications for Determination of Warning Tide Levels
GB/T3566 3—2017
Ocean forecast and warning issuance
Part 1: Storm surge warning issuance
Ocean forecast and warning issuance Part 2: Wave forecast and warning issuanceOcean forecast and warning issuance Part 3: Sea ice forecast and warning issuanceGuidelines for severe weather forecast and warning
Methods for distinguishing El Nino/La Nina events
Basic terms of weather forecast
Feng Shizhai. Introduction to Marine Science [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 1998.Law of the People's Republic of China on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone [E]. GB/T39628—2020
Chinese Pinyin Index
Tidal forecast
Prediction of red tide occurrence conditions
El Niño/La Niña event identification method
Basic terms of weather forecast
Feng Shizhai. Introduction to Marine Science [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 1998.Law of the People's Republic of China on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone [E]. GB/T39628—2020
Chinese Pinyin Index
Tidal forecast
Prediction of red tide occurrence conditions
El Niño/La Niña event identification method
Basic terms of weather forecast Nino event
El Nino forecast
Storm surge overbank forecast
Storm surge overbank forecast
Sea ice forecast
Sea ice warning
Sea surface temperature
Marine target drift trajectory forecast
Marine emergency forecast
Marine hazardous chemical leakage forecast·
Marine public forecast
Marine water quality forecast
Marine numerical forecast
Marine environment forecast
Marine decision-making service information
Sea wave warning
Sea wave forecast
Ocean current forecast
Marine climate forecast
Sea temperature forecast
Sea temperature anomaly
Sea temperature weekly forecast
Tsunami warning| |tt||Tsunami information
Ocean forecast
Ocean disaster warning
Ocean special forecast
Nearshore forecast area
Nearshore basic unit forecast
Nearshore forecast area
La Nina event
La Nina forecast
Green tide trend forecast
Report start time
Typhoon storm surge warning
Temperate storm surge warning
Oil spill distribution range forecast
Oil spill drift trajectory forecast
Forecast period
Forecast timeliness
Intelligent grid forecast
Mesoscale ocean phenomenon
Mesoscale ocean phenomenon forecast
English corresponding word index
disastrous ocean warning waveEl Nino event
El Nino prediction
extratropical storm surge warningfalseforecast
forecast for marine emergencyforecast initial time
forecast of mesoscale phenomenon in the oceanforecast of storm surge overtopping the sea wallforecast periods
green tide trendy predictionLa Nina event
La Nina prediction
marine climatic prediction
marine disaster warning .
marine forecast
marine forecast for public .marine environmental forecastmarine forecast for decision-makingmarine hazardous chemicals leakage forecastmarine numerical forecast ...marine objects drift trajectory forecastmarine water qualityforecastmesoscalephenomenon in the oceanmissed forecast
nearshore forecasting regionD
Chinese Pinyin Index
Tidal Forecast
Red Tide Occurrence Conditions Forecast
El Niño Event
El Niño Forecast
Storm Surge Overbank Forecast
Storm Surge Overbank Forecast
Sea Ice Forecast
Sea Ice Warning
Sea Surface Temperature
Marine Target Drift Track Forecast| |tt||Emergency forecast for marine emergencies
Forecast for hazardous chemical leaks at sea·
Marine public forecast
Marine water quality forecast
Marine numerical forecast
Marine environment forecast
Marine decision-making service information
Sea wave warning
Sea wave forecast
Ocean current forecast
Marine climate forecast
Sea temperature forecast||tt ||Sea temperature anomaly
Weekly sea temperature forecast
Tsunami warning
Tsunami information
Marine forecast
Marine disaster warning
Marine special forecast
Nearshore forecast area
Nearshore basic unit forecast
Nearshore forecast area
La Nina event
La Nina forecast
Green tide trend forecast||tt ||Starting time
Typhoon storm surge warning
Temperature storm surge warning
Oil spill distribution range forecast
Oil spill drift trajectory forecast
Forecast period
Forecast timeliness
Intelligent grid forecast
Mesoscale ocean phenomenon
Mesoscale ocean phenomenon forecast
English corresponding word index
disastrous ocean warning waveEl Nino event
El Nino prediction
extratropical storm surge warningfalseforecast
forecast for marine emergencyforecast initial time
forecast of mesoscale phenomenon in the oceanforecast of storm surge overtopping the sea wallforecast periods
green tide trendy predictionLa Nina event
La Nina prediction
marine climatic prediction
marine disaster warning .
marine forecast
marine forecast for public .marine environmental forecastmarine forecast for decision-makingmarine hazardous chemicals leakage forecastmarine numerical forecast ...marine objects drift trajectory forecastmarine water qualityforecastmesoscalephenomenon in the oceanmissed forecast
nearshore forecasting regionD
Chinese Pinyin Index
Tidal Forecast
Red Tide Occurrence Conditions Forecast
El Niño Event
El Niño Forecast
Storm Surge Overbank Forecast
Storm Surge Overbank Forecast
Sea Ice Forecast
Sea Ice Warning
Sea Surface Temperature
Marine Target Drift Track Forecast| |tt||Emergency forecast for marine emergencies
Forecast for hazardous chemical leaks at sea·
Marine public forecast
Marine water quality forecast
Marine numerical forecast
Marine environment forecast
Marine decision-making service information
Sea wave warning
Sea wave forecast
Ocean current forecast
Marine climate forecast
Sea temperature forecast||tt ||Sea temperature anomaly
Weekly sea temperature forecast
Tsunami warning
Tsunami information
Marine forecast
Marine disaster warning
Marine special forecast
Nearshore forecast area
Nearshore basic unit forecast
Nearshore forecast area
La Nina event
La Nina forecast
Green tide trend forecast||tt ||Starting time
Typhoon storm surge warning
Temperature storm surge warning
Oil spill distribution range forecast
Oil spill drift trajectory forecast
Forecast period
Forecast timeliness
Intelligent grid forecast
Mesoscale ocean phenomenon
Mesoscale ocean phenomenon forecast
English corresponding word index
disastrous ocean warning waveEl Nino event
El Nino prediction
extratropical storm surge warningfalseforecast
forecast for marine emergencyforecast initial time
forecast of mesoscale phenomenon in the oceanforecast of storm surge overtopping the sea wallforecast periods
green tide trendy predictionLa Nina event
La Nina prediction
marine climatic prediction
marine disaster warning .
marine forecast
marine forecast for public .marine environmental forecastmarine forecast for decision-makingmarine hazardous chemicals leakage forecastmarine numerical forecast ...marine objects drift trajectory forecastmarine water qualityforecastmesoscalephenomenon in the oceanmissed forecast
nearshore forecasting regionD
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.