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HGJ 5-1986 Technical regulations for energy-saving design of caustic soda

Basic Information

Standard ID: HGJ 5-1986

Standard Name: Technical regulations for energy-saving design of caustic soda

Chinese Name: 烧碱节能设计技术规定

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1987-01-01

Date of Implementation:1987-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Comprehensive Chemical Industry>>G01 Technical Management

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HGJ 5-1986 Technical Regulations for Energy-saving Design of Caustic Soda HGJ5-1986 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
.Design Standards
Technical Regulations for Energy-saving Design of Caustic Soda
Standard Search Network mm, bzeEo, com Various Standards Industry Information Free Download 1 General PrinciplesbzxZ.net
2 Unit Comprehensive Energy Consumption Index
3 Main Process Energy Consumption Index
3.1 Electrolysis Process Energy Consumption Index
3.2 Evaporation Process Energy Consumption Index
3.3 Solid Soda Process Energy Consumption Index
4 Main Process Energy-saving Technical Measures
4.1 Electrolysis Process Energy-saving Technical Measures
4.2 Energy-saving technical measures for evaporation process
4.3 Energy-saving technical measures for solid alkali process
4.4 Instructions for the preparation of energy-saving measures for power supply and distribution and electrolytic rectifier
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Design standards
Technical regulations for energy-saving design of caustic soda
c0m Various standards industry information free download
"Technical regulations for energy-saving design of caustic soda" is a design standard approved and promulgated by the Ministry of Chemical Industry for trial implementation. The contents of this regulation include: general principles, unit comprehensive energy consumption indicators, energy consumption indicators of main processes, energy-saving technical measures for main processes, etc. This regulation is used for the engineering design of new construction, expansion and reconstruction of enterprises producing caustic soda by diaphragm electrolysis. This regulation is accompanied by a compilation description, which collects data and indicators on energy consumption of some large and medium-sized enterprises in China, so that users can better understand and implement this regulation. This regulation is compiled by China Chengdu Chemical Engineering Company. The compilers are Xiao Fangrong, Ge Yuanqin, Wang Ruyi, Zhao Guangxia, Zhang Zinan, the reviewers are Xiao Fangrong, Xu Weisheng, Wang Deqiao, Xie Chunli, the auditors are He Guorui, Luo Shusheng, Shi Yuzu, Li Yusheng, and the reviewer is Lan Shihuang. Standard Jielan.com wbzs
Figure 080S0m Editor
Ministry of Chemical Industry
Design Standard
Technical Regulations for Energy-saving Design of Caustic Soda
(Trial Implementation)
Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry
China Chengdu Chemical Engineering Company
1 General Principles
January 1987
Design Standard
No. 1 "Total 10 Poverty
1.1 These regulations are used for the design of new construction, reconstruction and expansion projects of diaphragm electrolysis production of caustic soda. 12 The energy consumption of the design of new construction (including large and medium-sized reconstruction and expansion) projects shall try to meet the first-level energy consumption indicators of these regulations and shall not be higher than the second-level energy consumption indicators of these regulations. The energy consumption of general reconstruction and expansion design can adopt the second-level energy consumption indicators, and the third-level energy consumption indicators shall be adopted. Approved by the superior department. 1.3 The design should adopt new processes, technologies and high-efficiency equipment that save energy, and backward processes, equipment and electromechanical products that have been eliminated by the country should not be used.
14 Under the condition of ensuring reasonable processes and optimal economic benefits, attention should be paid to changing the general energy structure and making rational and full use of energy.
15 Energy consumption detection instruments should be installed in the design to improve the level of automatic control and strengthen measurement management. 1.6 In addition to being implemented in accordance with these regulations, the design should also comply with the energy-saving regulations issued by the state and relevant regulations of the superior. 2 Unit comprehensive energy consumption index
2.1 The unit comprehensive energy consumption of caustic soda includes the sum of the energy consumption of the process system, auxiliary production system, and ancillary production system of caustic soda production, excluding energy used for life. 2.2 The auxiliary production system and ancillary production system of caustic soda include electric orange repair, diaphragm adsorption, electrode assembly, carbon plate processing, and anode sheet production , asbestos wool recovery, battery management group, workshop maintenance, military analysis, car office, workshop rest room, locker room.
2.3. Calculation scope of energy consumption of caustic soda production process system: starting from the first-level belt conveyor entering the salt barrel, including the consumption of electrolysis AC, power electricity, steam, water, compressed air, oil, coal, etc. consumed by all processes and equipment from brine rectification, electrolysis, evaporation, solid alkali to finished product packaging and storage, excluding the energy consumption of fluorine hydrogen treatment, self-use caustic soda to make soda ash, freezing method to remove awns, and steam exhaust pipe. 2.4 Calculation formula
2.4,1 Comprehensive energy consumption of caustic soda per unit
Comprehensive energy consumption of caustic soda per unit (tons of standard coal/tons of 100% alkali) Total consumption of various energy of finished products (standard coal)
100% caustic soda output (in-warehouse quantity)
2.4.2 Specified values ​​of various energy converted into standard coal oro .com Standard Technology Network wwwe.bzso
Page 2 of 10 pages
Vegetable steam 410 kg/m#
Compressed air 6 kg/cm below
Send: The old source is
The specified value of various energy converted into standard coal is calculated
Standard meter·
Average low-level heating plate
Thousand bear ears (kcal)||tt| |41868×10
Standard coal
(840)Notice No. 22 of the Chemical Industry Department on the Trial Implementation of the Comprehensive Energy Methods for Burning City Calcium Carbide Products). 2.5 Comprehensive energy consumption per unit of caustic soda
Comprehensive energy consumption per unit of liquid caustic soda
Unit: ton of standard coal/ton 100% caustic soda
30% caustic soda release (equivalent to 100
42% liquid melt (equivalent to
100% NaOH)
50% liquid reduction (equivalent to
100% NaOH
Jin Guo Yong Ji
Shi Xiang School
Shi Lingyang Teaching, Jin Zhenyang Technology
Jin Hou Mi Grade,
D1500A.D=800A/D-1500A/m: D=800A*=D1500A7m Medium-sized plant Large plant
Large plant
Medium-sized large plant Medium-sized plant Large plant Medium-sized plant Medium-sized plant Medium-sized hall 1 .60
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Solid alkali unit comprehensive energy consumption table
Unit: tons of standard coal/ton 100% alkali
Metal disease pole
Large factory
Agricultural plastic yang board
Metal yang quilt
Page 3 of 10 pages
Shiyingyang board
9 yuan 800A/mD=1500A/mD+800A/m, large-scale
Medium-sized factory
Large factory
3 main workers Energy consumption index of the electrolysis process: 3.1 Energy consumption index of the electrolysis process 3.1.1 DC power consumption index should be lower than the value in the table below. DC power consumption table I first level second level first level first level third level third level third level third level third level third level third level third level third level third level third level fourth level fourth level fourth level fourth level fourth level fourth level fourth level fourth level fifth ... Note: Vacuum system water temperature is 8℃. ② Electrolytic flow NaOH 120 g/L, 80*C. Medium-sized plant Power electricity kilowatt-hour/ton 100%·alkali 60(65) TO(TS) Large plant All metal electrode D1500A/m Large production: Medium-sized plant Power consumption watt-hour/night Pure/ton 100% City 6 public medical blue table. ) The internal position is part of the wrong loop process power consumption. 83
Zhuo Class Standard Industry Luolai Negative Ticket
Page 4 of 10 pages
3.2,242% (equivalent to 100% NaOH) liquid energy consumption index 42% liquid alkali energy consumption index (three-effect downstream part forced circulation) level
First level
Second level
Third level
Production water
Note: ① Vacuum system flow ice difference 3℃
Electric light liquid NaOH120g/L, 80C
Zhonghuo Xingdian power full catty original #, store,
First level
Second level
Li Lanjiao
Power electricity
Zhongchen hour wide tons
100% alkali
50% (equivalent to 100% N20H) liquid alkali energy consumption index50% liquid alkali energy consumption index (Triple effect countercurrent)
Production water
100% drama
Method, steam power kg/seat, 3.3.1 Membrane method alkali shield energy consumption index
Membrane solid
First level
Second system
Third training slope
Production water
100% number
Handy hour station
T00% effect
Big pot method alkali solid energy consumption block
Standard search network
In watt hour/hall
100% result
100% alkali
100% reduction
(in calories/hour100% alkali)
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First level
Second level
Zhengzhou level
First production use
Energy consumption index of large pot solid alkali
Powerful run|| tt||Niu Wa Xiao Dui/Eat
100% Reduction
10Q% Brick
4 Main Process Energy Saving Technical Measures
4.1 Electrolysis Process Energy Saving Technical Measures
4.1.1 Reduce Cell Voltage
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For You Ring/Ton 100% Alkali
(Kcal/Eat 100% Alkali)
(1) Large plants use metal anode cells with low anode potential and can operate at high current density. (2) Improve the cell structure and reduce the inter-electrode distance. The inter-electrode spacing of the right cotton diaphragm is controlled at about 8.5 mm, and the inter-electrode spacing of the modified diaphragm is less than 6.5 mm.
4.1.2 Improve the current efficiency
The current efficiency indicators are as follows:
First stage
Second stage
Third stage
Current efficiency
(1) Use acidic brine electrolysis to make the current efficiency reach 94-96%, (2): Control the NaOH liquid concentration in the electrolyte at 120135 g/L, stone
(3) Improve the quality of the primary brine, the NaCl concentration is above 315 g/L, and the total Ca++Mg** content is below 8 mg/K.
, 43 Choose a reasonable cell type
Newly built small and medium-sized caustic soda plants should choose the cell model (anode area of ​​the cell) based on factors such as caustic soda scale, cell price, rectifier equipment price, rectifier efficiency, economic current density, etc., with low investment and high efficiency. 41.4 Others#collection#9.0
(1) Strengthen the heat preservation of the motor to control the temperature of the electric condition at about 90℃ to improve the current efficiency and reduce the slot voltage.?
, (2) In order to save energy and improve the operating conditions, it is not suitable to install the electric power in the open air ceiling.
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Page 6 of 10 Pages
4.2 Energy-saving Technical Measures for Evaporation Process
4.2.130% alkali adopts a three-effect bottle flow process. HGJ5-86.
4.2.242% alkali adopts a three-effect downstream partial forced circulation process. 4.2.3 "50% alkali adopts a three-effect countercurrent flash forced circulation process. 4.2.4 Others
(1) Utilization of condensed water:
In the downstream, the first-effect condensed water first preheats the electrolyte, and can be used for indirect heat exchange in other main processes, and finally returned to the boiler room for recovery. After the second-effect condensed water preheats the electrolyte, it is sent to the storage tank together with the three-effect condensed water for use in the tank washing and brine delivery processes.
In the countercurrent, the first-effect condensed water is used to preheat the first-effect feed liquid, and then flash evaporated once, and then can be used The other processes are indirectly heat exchanged and then recycled back to the boiler room. The second-effect condensate preheats the second-effect feed liquid and flashes it. (2) Improve the vacuum degree:
The flow adopts a high-efficiency jet condenser to control the water temperature not to exceed 40°C: The countercurrent requires a vacuum degree of 670mmHg column and a two-stage steam jet pump. (3) Reduce heat loss
① Direct electrolyte feed and use electrolyte cold reflux: ② Use continuous production.
③ Strengthen the insulation of equipment and pipelines.
4. 3. Energy-saving technical measures for solid alkali process,
4.3,1 Two-stage concentration process of membrane method
Use two-stage concentration process of pre-concentrator and final concentrator. If conditions permit, the secondary steam generated by the final concentrator should be used for heating the pre-concentrator. -Replace new steam to achieve better energy-saving effect. 4.3.2 Three-stage concentration process of membrane method·
If conditions permit, the plant can use the three-stage concentration process with internal steam evaporator in the pre-concentrator and final concentrator to achieve better energy-saving effect.
4.3.3 Large-pot process with preheating pot
When using a large-pot to produce solid alkali, the large-pot process with preheating pot must be used, which can make use of part of the waste heat of flue gas. ,
4.3.4 Others
(1) Improve the thermal efficiency of industrial furnaces and further improve the structure of industrial furnaces. When conditions are ripe, a continuous coil-type molten salt heating furnace should be used. Flue gas should be used to preheat the combustion air to further reduce the exhaust gas temperature. "(2) Comprehensive utilization of condensed water. The steam condensate of the pre-concentrator or the secondary steam condensate is recycled for comprehensive utilization (3) Reduce the operating temperature of molten salt: The operating temperature of the heat-carrying molten salt should be controlled at 430~450°C, not higher than the standard exchange network use
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4.4 Power supply, distribution and energy-saving measures for electrolytic rectifiers 4.4.1 Power supply, distribution
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(1) Rectifiers powered by the power grid should be powered by the power supply voltage, and the power supply should be directly led from the power grid to the rectifiers to reduce the transformation level and the repeated capacity of the transformation equipment and power loss. However, for systems above 110 kV, the primary voltage of the rectifier transformer must be determined after technical and economic comparison. (2) Large rectifiers powered by the thermal power station of the plant should be as close to the thermal power station as possible. They can be powered by the generator bus voltage or the voltage level of the rectifier, but the impact of the harmonics generated by the rectifier on the generator must be verified. (3) When the power factor of the rectifier of large and medium-sized caustic soda plants is lower than 0.9 under operating conditions, capacitors should be installed on the circuit of each rectifier. The power factor after compensation should be above 0.9, which can reduce the loss on the grid side. (4) The effective value of each harmonic current and voltage in the network should be calculated to check whether it exceeds the "Interim Regulations on Harmonic Management of Power System" (SD126-84). Otherwise, the number of rectifier phases should be increased, and filtering devices can be added if necessary. ① When ordering large transformers, strict restrictions should be imposed on the third harmonic current generated by the transformer under any operating conditions.
Capacitors should be connected in series with reactors with a capacity of 6% of the capacitor as needed to prevent the harmonic current generated by the rectifier from invading. In order to strengthen economic accounting and do a good job in energy measurement and management, monitoring and metering instruments should be installed according to the minimum economic accounting unit.
4.4.2 Electrolytic rectifier device
(1). The valve side voltage of the rectifier transformer should not have a margin. The margin of the rectifier current should be determined based on the reliability and economic load rate of the device. The reasons should be explained through technical and economic comparison. (2): The efficiency index of the rectifier is divided into three levels, and each level is different according to the DC voltage as shown in Table 11 below. Rectifier efficiency table
Rated voltage (V)
First stage effect
Second stage effect ()
Third stage effect (X method
①The first level efficiency does not include the true busbar loss, and the second and third level efficiency include the direct busbar loss. ②When the single machine voltage is below 25 kA, the upper limit is reached, and when it is above 50 kA, the lower limit is reached. The device voltage is below 35 kV, and above 110 V. The calculation and determination method of the device efficiency shall be carried out in accordance with GB3859~83 standards! @
The second and third level efficiency indicators are the device efficiency, and can be discontinued when the load is not reached. Standard Technology Network
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More than 500
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(3) Rectifiers must sign a technical agreement with the manufacturer before ordering. Energy-saving requirements are as follows: ① The efficiency of the rectifier should not be lower than the requirements of Table 12. Rectifier output efficiency table
Rated power monitoring ()
Efficiency (%)
Note, the standard selection is the same as Table 11 Note ②. @Time system. The rectifier efficiency should be improved under the condition of reasonable price increase. Table 12
③When the DC current is 30 kA and the capacity is above 8000 kVA, the busbar on the valve side of the rectifier transformer should be connected from the box. When the DC current is above 12500 A, the busbar should be arranged in the same phase in anti-parallel, and the protective cover should not be magnetic or closed.
③Each rectifier branch can only use one rectifier element, so a high reverse voltage rectifier element should be used to replace two series rectifier elements with low reverse peak voltage. Large-capacity components should be used as much as possible to increase the safety margin of the components to reduce the forward voltage drop loss of the components.
④The forward voltage drop of each parallel component on each rectifier is as consistent as possible, which can reduce the loss of components and current-sharing reactors. The fast fuse is only used to damage components. By increasing the required voltage of the fast fuse, its own power loss can be reduced.
(4) When the rectifier unit is in the stage of adjustment, the lower limit of the voltage should not be higher than 50%. When the test run is difficult, it is recommended to temporarily add a non-loaded automatic voltage regulator. After the power is fully powered off, this non-loaded automatic regulator will be removed and a thyristor rectifier will be selected for the first production and fine adjustment of the electrolytic unit. (5) Under normal circumstances, the rectifier should be equipped with a rectifier device that integrates voltage regulation, transformation and rectification. The bus length should not exceed 1.0 to 2.0 meters. The rectifier should be close to the electrolysis workshop to minimize the DC bus length. (6) Through technical and economic comparison and reliability inspection, the thyristor rectifier should be gradually used in the rectifier equipment with smaller capacity.
(7) Attention must be paid to the manufacturing quality of on-load switches. Under the condition that the quality of on-load switches can be guaranteed, the fine adjustment range of the saturated reactor shall not exceed the 2-3 level voltage adjustment range of the on-load voltage-changing transformer, and shall not exceed 10% of the rated voltage. *
(8) The valve-side busbar must be as far away from ferromagnetic materials as possible, and the humidity rise of the bracket around the busbar shall not exceed 20°C. (9) Large and medium-sized rectifiers must be equipped with a current stabilization system so that the fluctuation amplitude of the total DC current under normal operating conditions does not exceed ±1% of the set value.
(10) The cross-sectional area of ​​the AC and DC busbars should first be selected based on the calculated economic current density, and then verified using the detailed current formula after the busbar size is selected. (11) The connection of the AC and DC busbars should be welded as much as possible. When welding, the current density of the contact surface shall not exceed the provisions of Table 13 below. Standard Search Network
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If screw connection is used,
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