Introduction to standards:
Standard number: QX/T 501-2019
Standard name: Statistical method for upper-air climate data
English name: Statistical method for upper-air climate data
Standard format: PDF
Release time: 2019-09-30
Implementation time: 2020-01-01
Standard size: 1332K
Standard introduction: This standard specifies the observation data, statistical period, statistical time, statistical level, statistical items and statistical methods used in the statistics of upper-air climate data, and gives the calculation formulas for non-observation items.
This standard is applicable to the statistics of global or regional upper-air climate values, standard climate values, and temporary climate values, and is also applicable to the statistics of annual, monthly, ten-day and pentad values of upper-air climate data over the years. ||tt
||2 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this article.
Cumulative annual statistical values multi; year statistics
Statistical values calculated based on historical observations and statistical data.
Note 1: Including multi-year averages, extreme values, etc.
Note 2: Rewrite GB/T34412-2017, Definition 3.1,
Climate values climate normals
Include at least the cumulative statistical values of meteorological elements over a continuous period of 30 years
GB/T34412-2017, Definition 3,2]
Standard climate normals
The cumulative statistical values of meteorological elements over a period of 30 years as specified by the World Meteorological Organization.
Note: 30 years usually refers to 1901-1930, 1931-1960, 1961-1990 [GB/T3442-2017, definition 3.3]
Provisional climate normals
Annual statistical values of meteorological elements for 10 consecutive years or more in a period that does not meet the statistical requirements of standard climate values or climate values
Note: Rewrite GBT3412-2017, definition 3.4
This standard specifies the observation data, statistical period, statistical time, statistical level, statistical items and statistical methods used in the statistics of upper-air climate data, and gives the calculation formulas for non-observational items. This standard applies to the statistics of global or regional upper-air climate values, standard climate values, and provisional climate values, and also applies to the statistics of annual, monthly, ten-day and pentad values of upper-air climate data over the years.
Some standard content:
Meteorological Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Statistical method for upper-air climate data
Statistical method for upper-air climate dataIndustry Standard Information Service Platform
Released on September 30, 2019
China Meteorological Administration
Implementation on January 1, 2020
Industry Standard Information Service Platform
Terms and Definitions
Observational Data
Observational Data Processing
Auxiliary Information
4Statistical Period and Statistical Time
Statistical Period
Statistical Time
5Statistical Level
Statistical Items
Statistical Methods||tt ||Annual (monthly, ten-day, pentad) statistical values
7.2 Cumulative statistical values
7.3 Special treatment
Appendix A (Normative Appendix)
Appendix B (Normative Appendix)
Statistical items
Calculation formulas for non-observational items
Industry standard information service platform
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Basic Meteorological Information (SAC/TC346). The drafting unit of this standard: National Meteorological Information Center. The main drafters of this standard: Liao Jie, Wang Huiying, Jiang Hui, Yuan Fang, Zhou Zijiang, Chen Zhe, Hu Kaixi, Li Qinglei. Industry Standard Information Service Platform
Statistical methods for upper-altitude climate data
This standard specifies the observation data, statistical period, statistical time, statistical level statistical items and statistical methods used in the statistics of upper-altitude climate data, and gives the calculation formulas for relevant non-observational items. This standard applies to the statistics of global or regional upper-altitude climate values, standard climate values, and temporary climate values: it also applies to the statistics of annual, monthly, ten-day, and syndromic values of upper-altitude climate data over the years.
2 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 2.1
multi-year statistics
Cumulative annual statistical values
Statistical values calculated based on observations and statistical data over the years. Note 1: Including multi-year averages, extreme values, etc. Note 2: Rewrite GB/T34412—2017.Definition 3.12.2
climate values climatenormals
contain at least the cumulative statistical values of meteorological elements over a continuous period of 30 years. [GB/T34412—2017.Definition 3.2]
standard climatenormals
standard climate values
the cumulative statistical values of meteorological elements over a continuous period of 30 years as specified by the World Meteorological Organization. Note: 30 years usually refers to 1901-1930, 1931-1960, 1961-1990 [GB/T34412-2017. Definition 5.3]
temporary climate value
provisional climateaidrmais
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the cumulative annual statistical value of meteorological elements for 10 consecutive years or more when the statistical requirements of standard climate values or climate values are not met Note: rewrite GB/T34412-2017 definition 3.4. 2.5
specified isobaric surface
the pressure layer where high-altitude meteorological observatories conduct observations and data collation. 2.6
specified height level
specified altitude layer
the altitude layer where high-altitude meteorological observatories conduct observations and data collation. 2.7
Synthetic windsyntheticwind
Wind synthesized by using the average zonal wind component and meridional wind component of a certain period of a year or a number of years. 1
Quality controlqualitycontrol
Operational techniques and activities to ensure that the observation records meet the required quality. [QX/T123—2011, definition 2.2]
3 Observational data
3.1 Observational data processing
The observational data participating in the statistics should be quality controlled. If the height of the tropopause is missing or wrong, the pressure height formula can be used to recalculate the height of the tropopause. If a specified isobaric surface layer or tropopause element is missing or wrong, the missing element can be recalculated by vertical interpolation using the observational data of the adjacent upper and lower layers. The observational data involved in the recalculation should be quality controlled data. When calculating standard climate values, it is advisable to conduct a homogeneity test on the observation data after quality control of temperature, temperature dew point difference and potential height. When the sequence to be tested is non-uniform observation data, it is advisable to first correct the sequence for homogeneity, then conduct overall statistics on the corrected data, and provide the corrected statistical values. 3.2 Auxiliary information
The auxiliary information of the observation data participating in the statistics should at least include the station name, station number, station location, observation instrument, observation time system, observation time and observation specification evolution data, etc. The content should be complete and accurate. If statistics are conducted after uniformity correction, correction information such as breakpoint time and correction amount should be provided.
4 Statistical period and statistical time
4.1 Statistical period
The statistical period follows the following provisions:
Herbal: 5 days is 1 herbal, a month is divided into 6 herbals, the 6th herbal is from the 26th to the last day of the month; Sentence: 10 days is 1, a month is divided into 3 sentences, the 3rd sentence is from the 21st to the last day of the month; Month: According to the Gregorian calendar, a month is composed of 28 to 31 days, and a year is divided into 12 months; Year: According to the Gregorian calendar, a year is composed of 365 days and 366 days, from January 1st to December 31st. 4.2 Statistical time
The annual (month, ten-day, herbal) statistics and cumulative annual statistics are calculated at 00:00 and 12:00 UTC respectively. When taking statistics, the observation data of the balloon launch total service average time within 3 hours before and after 00:00 UTC should be unified to UTC, and the observation data of the balloon launch time within 3 hours before and after 12:00 UTC should be unified to 12:00 UTC. 5 Statistical levels When calculating annual (monthly, ten-day, pentad) statistical values, the statistical levels include the specified isobaric surface, tropopause and specified altitude layer. The tropopause refers to the transition layer between the troposphere and the stratosphere. The first type of tropopause is located at 150hPa500hPa (inclusive), and the second type of tropopause is located at 40hPa~150hPa (inclusive). For the selection method of the two types of tropopause during the observation process, please refer to the conventional high-altitude meteorological observation specifications. When calculating climate values (including standard climate values) and temporary climate values, the statistical levels include the specified isobaric surface, tropopause and thickness layer. Thickness layer includes ground to 700hPa (inclusive), 700hPa~400hPa (inclusive), 400hPa~300hPa (inclusive), 300hPa~200hPa (inclusive), 200hPa~100hPa (inclusive),100hPa~50hPa (inclusive), 50hPa~30hPa (inclusive), 30hPa~10hPa (inclusive). 2
When all the pressure records of the ground layer of the station are not higher than 700hPa (or the station altitude is above 2800m), the ground to 400hPa is the first layer; when part of the pressure records of the ground layer of the station are not higher than 700hPa, the first layer of statistical values is assigned a special mark. The vertical high-resolution temporary climate value can be calculated using the L-band radar second-level sounding data. The isobaric surfaces involved in the statistics include the ground layer, with each 20hPa layer between 1000hPa and 700hPa, each 40hPa layer between 700hPa and 300hPa, each 20hPa layer between 300hPa and 100hPa, each 10hPa layer between 100hPa and 30hPa, each 2hPa layer between 30hPa and 10hPa, and each 1hPa layer between 10hPa and 0hPa. Statistical items
Annual (monthly, ten-day, pentad) statistical values and climate value statistical items are shown in Appendix A. Vertical high-resolution temporary climate values only count the mean and standard deviation of each element of the isobaric surface. Data at 200hPa and above do not participate in the statistics of items related to elements such as temperature dew point difference, water vapor pressure, relative humidity, and specific humidity. Some statistical items are non-observational elements and can be calculated from observational elements. The calculation formula is shown in Appendix B. The units and accuracy requirements of some statistical items are shown in Table 1. The wind speed level is divided into 10 levels. The corresponding relationship between the wind speed level and wind speed at different heights is shown in Table 2. The wind direction is divided into 17 directions. The corresponding relationship between the wind direction direction and the wind direction angle is shown in Table 3. The height of the tropopause is divided into 13 levels. The corresponding relationship between the level and the geopotential height is shown in Table 4. Table 1
Item name
Geopotential height
Temperature dew point difference
Water vapor pressure
Relative humidity
Atmospheric density
Units and precision of some statistical items
Unit name
Geopotential meter
Degrees Celsius
Degrees Celsius
Gram per gram
Kilogram per cubic meter
Meter per second
Unit symbol
Expressed as percentage (%)||tt| |Comparison table of wind speed levels and zone speeds
Major size
Ground to 700hPa (inclusive)
Wind direction
East Northeast
East southeast
South southeast
South southwest
West southwest
West northwest
North northwest
Wind speed level and wind speed size comparison table (continued) Wind speed size
Ground to 700hPa (inclusive)
Greater than 40
Wind direction and wind direction angle comparison table
Wind direction symbol | |tt | ]
[192.213]||tt| |[214,236]
The angle is uncertain, and the wind speed is less than or equal to 0.3m/s. Note 1: Wind direction refers to the direction from which the wind comes. The wind direction angle is 0° from due north and 360° in a clockwise rotation.
Note 2: When the wind direction angle is not an integer, it is rounded up to the nearest integer. 4| |tt||Comparison table of tropopause height level and geopotential height Table 4
Tropopause height level
Note: When geopotential height is not an integer, it is rounded up. Statistical method
Annual (month, ten-day, pentad) statistical value
Monthly (ten-day, pentad) average value
Monthly (ten-day, pentad) average value statistics see I (1): Standard
Geopotential height
Less than 7000
[14000,150 00]
[17000,1 8000】
greater than or equal to 18000
The average value of a certain element in a certain month (including pentad) of a certain year at a specified time and a specified level; X..i
The quick test and error records of the element records of this year and this month (ten-day, pentad) at this time and this level are not included in the statistics), and the value is 1,2,…,n, where n represents the number of element records of this year and this month (ten-day, pentad). For the monthly average value, when the number of invalid (missing and error) records in this month exceeds 15, the annual rate mean is not calculated. For the ten-day average value, when the number of invalid (missing and error) records in this ten-day exceeds 2, the average value is not calculated. For the pentad average value, when the number of invalid (missing and error) records in this pentad exceeds 1, the average value is not calculated. 7.1.2
Annual average value
Annual average value statistics are shown in formula (2):
Annual average value of a certain element in a certain year at a specified time and a specified level; X..i
7.1.3 Extreme value
Monthly average value of the element in the year at the specified time and at the specified level, i takes the values of 1, 2, 12, and when the monthly value of a certain month is invalid (missing or wrong), the annual average value is not calculated. The extreme value of a certain year (month, ten-day period, pentad) at a specified time and a specified level is selected from the highest (lowest) value of the year (month, ten-day period, pentad), and the date when the extreme value occurs and the number of samples involved in the statistics are recorded. 7.2 Cumulative annual statistical values
7.2.1 General
The cumulative annual average values of the statistical items of isobaric surfaces, thickness layers and two types of tropopause are calculated using the average values of previous years. The cumulative annual statistical items of tropospheric items at all levels of altitude and the occurrence frequencies of two types of tropopause are directly counted using regular observation data. The amount of valid data for climate values (including standard climate values) and temporary climate value statistics should meet the following requirements: the proportion of consecutive missing data in previous years does not exceed one-tenth; the total proportion of missing data does not exceed one-sixth. Example:
When the missing data of a certain month does not exceed 5 in a period of 30 years and there is no missing data for 3 consecutive years, the monthly standard climate value of that month can be calculated. 7.2.2 Cumulative annual (monthly, ten-day) average and standard deviation The calculation of the cumulative annual (monthly, ten-day) average and standard deviation is shown in formula (3) and formula (4): X=1
X, the cumulative annual (monthly, ten-day) average value;
X3, the annual (monthly) average value of the ith year, with values of 1, 2, n3, n3 represents the number of years of data; S: the standard deviation of the cumulative annual (monthly, ten-day) average, with one decimal place. The standard deviation statistics should meet the effective data volume and the standard deviation statistics should meet the effective data volume and ... The amount of valid data satisfied is consistent. · (3)
·· (4)
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7.2.3 The cumulative average temperature of the troposphere top at a certain altitude The statistics of the cumulative average temperature of the troposphere top at a certain altitude are shown in formula (5): 12x
The cumulative average temperature of the troposphere top at a certain altitude: The temperature record value of the troposphere top at a certain altitude. i takes a value of 1.2., n4, n4 represents the number of times the troposphere top appears at this altitude X
(temperature is not included in the statistics if it is missing). 7.2.4 Cumulative average frequency
The statistics of the cumulative average of the monthly frequency are shown in formula (6):6
The cumulative average of the monthly frequency;
The monthly frequency of the year, the value is 1, 2, ..., n, n represents the number of data years. The statistics of the cumulative average of the annual frequency are shown in formula (7):xx.
The cumulative average of the annual frequency;
The cumulative average of the monthly frequency of the month, the value of i is 1.2, ..., frequency of the top of the troposphere at a certain level of height The heights of the top of the troposphere at various levels are shown in Table 4. The statistics of the frequency of the top of the troposphere at a certain level of height are shown in formula (8):F. = (n/N) × 100%
F. ——The frequency of the tropopause at a certain altitude; ne
The number of times a tropospheric term appears at that altitude; The total number of times the tropopause appears.
7.2.6 The frequency of the individual and simultaneous appearance of various types of tropopause The statistics of the individual and simultaneous appearance of the first and second types of tropopause are shown in formulas (9) to (12): F=(ml/N)X100%
F= (mz/N) ×100%
The frequency of the first type of tropopause appearing alone; m
The number of times the first type of tropopause appears alone; N
The total number of times the first and second types of tropopause appear alone and simultaneously in a year; The frequency of the second type of tropopause appearing alone F
The number of times the second type of tropopause appears alone; m2
The number of times the first and second types of tropopause appear simultaneously. m
Cumulative annual extreme values
The cumulative monthly extreme maximum and minimum values are selected from the monthly extreme values of the past years, and the dates of the extreme values are recorded. The average maximum and minimum values of each month in the cumulative years are selected from the monthly average values of previous years, and the months and years in which the average maximum and minimum values appear are recorded. 7.3 Special treatment
When the ground pressure at a certain time is less than the pressure of a specified isobaric surface, the statistical values of each item of that year (month, ten-day period, season) from the ground pressure layer at that time to all layers of the specified isobaric surface should be marked as the reference average value. When counting the wind direction and azimuth of the maximum wind speed on the isobaric surface, if there is more than one maximum wind speed and there are multiple wind directions and azimuths, the wind direction is not recorded, but the number of wind directions and azimuths is recorded.
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