JB/T 8819-1998 This standard is a revision of GB 10177-88 "Diesel Engine Fuel Injection System Product Model Compilation Method". This standard specifies the diesel engine fuel injection device product model compilation method. This standard applies to diesel engine fuel injection devices. JB/T 8819-1998 Diesel Engine Fuel Injection Device Product Model Compilation Method JB/T8819-1998 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
TCS 43.060.40 Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T88191998 Diesel engine fuel injection equipment Product model compilation method The mode for designation of product models of fuel injection equipment for diesel engine1998-09-30Published State Machinery Industry Bureau 1998-12-01Implementation JB/E8819-1998 This standard is a revision of GB10177-88 diesel engine fuel injection system product model compilation method 3. Compared with GB1017788, the main technical contents of this standard have changed as follows: the name of the standard has been changed. The "fuel injection system" in the original standard name has been changed to "fuel injection device" to be consistent with relevant standards such as GB10B26 (some fuel injection devices for oil engines). The product names and terminology are unified. The "fuel supply angle device" in the original standard has been changed to "fuel advance device", and the fuel pump installation method in the original standard has been changed to "end flange and arc separation combination installation method". The "arc bottom installation type" and "mid-bottom installation type" were changed to "end face flange installation type" and "bracket installation type" respectively to comply with the provisions of GB/T10B26. The model compilation method was simplified. The plunger type fuel injection model was deleted from the column oil volume maintenance belt (or required rotation) position code and the oil control angle (screw) direction, and the split type fuel injection pump was listed separately to avoid mis-coding the camshaft return code, etc. For example, the installation method of the synthetic fuel injection system was simplified to the following: The flange mounted type and bracket mounted type are consistent with the model compilation method of foreign oil pump nozzle manufacturers. --In order to make the model compilation method more appropriate, considering that the technical parameters of the air film speed regulator are different from those of the mechanical speed regulator, the air film speed regulator is listed separately to be consistent with the foreign oil pump nozzle manufacturers. From the date of implementation of this standard, the original GB10177-8B is invalid. This standard was issued and regulated by the Technical Committee for Standardization of Oil Pump Nozzles of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The winning bidders are: Beijing Weifu Jinning Co., Ltd. and the Oil and Gas Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The drafters of the bid are: Fan Kejie and Zheng Peitan. This standard was first issued in December 198 and revised for the first time in 1998. This standard was entrusted to the Oil and Gas Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry to interpret the scope of the People's Republic of China's Machinery Industry Standards for Diesel Engine Fuel Injection Equipment Product Model Compilation Method The standard specifies the fuel injection equipment for diesel engines and the fuel injection equipment for diesel engines. 2.2 General Principles ... There are some changes that need to be distinguished and the change code is specially noted after the code: Latin letters indicate, 3 injection case 3, "separate Wu Guan Shan Quan design change mark design number zero diameter (mm) series code: O, T, A, AK... overall structure G one-flow wheel type missing without roller type separate type oil pump home machinery industry film 1098.19.30 approved 1998-12-01 implementation 3. 2 subtractive spray systems 3.3 distributed oil slurry JA/10-19 design and installation mark design number camshaft rotation direction (from the jet pump drive right R-attached needle [-counterclockwise and 10 times the rate diameter (mm) series and its blank code: 1, Ⅱ, A, AD, F chaos installation method T-bracket installation absent-face method" table type combined leather type oil swallowing rate design zero movement mark design number transmission auxiliary lifting rotation direction! From the sound training phenomenon to judge the dynamic model) R one-frequency clock [one-frequency spray phenomenon rated speed, min speed regulator type F machine vibration type E--electronic control social diameter (mM) heart rate Oil system:, [ plunger parts 5 oil outlet valve characteristics JB door 8819-1998 design change standard Note Design number Injection system code and its variant code Diameter (mm) times Oil pan control space Z left-handed Y—at Oil nut super-slot position s—upward A click Absent—upward, downward Pull-pull pair Design change mark Design number Instantaneous oil series and its variant code Concave diameter [mm) (one is 10 times the diameter of the oil outlet) Oil outlet parts Speed regulator 6. Mechanical centrifugal speed regulator 6.2 Air film speed regulator JB/T8819—1998 Design change mark Design number Oil injection series and its variant code Number (spaces allowed) Maximum operating speed, in Action "\ one-way or full-range two-way -"-full-range Minimum 1 operating speed, torque machine-type speed regulator TI.TI, TRSVTQUV..- If the code number is a number, such as a space? Set change mark Design number D belt Correction device Absent without correction device Injection pump series and variant codes Diameter of membrane, mm Fulian two-speed force type T-cam fuel regulation Air film governor 6.3 Liquid positive test governor Live penetration teaching oil pump JB/T88t9—1998 Design change mark Design number|| tt||S-Double pulse type Absent-Non-double step-down type Speed regulation type Heart-beating rod type B.Dial type Control device Y-Controlled electric device Absent-Uncontrolled electric device TWorking capacity, N·m Hydraulic speed governor TY-Child speed governor TYD-Electro-hydraulic type Speed governor Design change mark Design number Active stroke, mm Active diameter, mm Carrying type D=-Lever type Absent-hydraulic wheel type Structural type H-Stretch type K Wide type 7-Left oil inlet F-Effective fraud L-Side oil inlet||tt| |Injection pump series and product variant number Auxiliary degassing 8 Mechanical centrifugal injection device 9 Injection solution JE/T8819-1998 Design change mark Design number Injection pump camshaft rotation direction (from the injection pump drive end) R-clockwise 1Counterclockwise Diameter of the installation chain hole at the end, mm :c—22 F—35 Increase the advance degree, (.) Injection system and its variant code [spaces are allowed] T operating speed, Timin "The front indicates the starting speed "The back indicates the injection pump standard speed Injection advancer series code Design change mark Design number Injection advancer series code Installation length, mm Installation type F-flange installation type B-pressure plate installation type L-clear type Absent sleeve installation type Injector 10Injection advancer 1 0.1Axis needle type injection nozzle parts 10.2Hole type fuel injection nozzle parts JB8819-199 Design change markwwW.bzxz.Net Hole diameter (m) (the two-digit number is the 10th of the hole diameter)Flow section type J-throttling type Absent-non-flow type Series code Main angle, () Axis needle type fuel injection nozzle parts Design change mark Main hole diameter (mm)1Hole type fuel injection nozzle parts Spray hole Series code Spray hole angle, (”) Long machine type fuel injection nozzle parts K-Long hole type fuel injection nozzle parts ZK-Short hole type fuel injection nozzle parts Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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