GB/T 3859.4-2004 Semiconductor converters including semiconductor self-commutated converters for direct current converters
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 3859.4--2004/IEC 60146-2: 1999 replaces 3/T 7677-1987, G/[7678--1987 Semiconductor converters
Including direct dc converters
Semiconductor self-commutated converters
Semiconductor converter--Seif-commutated semiconductor converters includingdirect d, c, converters
(IEC 60146-2:1999.IDT)
2004-05-14 Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
2005-02-01 Implementation
Semiconductor Converters is a series of standards consisting of the following parts: GB/F 3859.4—2004/IEC 60146-2:1999 GB/T3859.1: Basic requirements for biconductor converters (cqVIEC60146-1-1:1991) GB/T3859.2: Application guidelines for semiconductor converters (eqIEC60146-1-2:1991) GB/T3859.3: Transformers and reactors for semiconductor converters (egvIE*60146-1-3:1991) GB/T3859.4: Semiconductor converters Conductor converters
Semiconductor self-commutated converters including direct current converters (IEC60146-2:1999, IDT)
GB/T17950: Semiconductor converters Guide for the use of fuses to protect semiconductor converters against overcurrent (IEC:60146-6—1992.1Dr)
This part is the fourth part of the series of standards and is equivalent to 1EC69146-2:1199. Except that the standard name does not contain the words "Part 2" in the original text (limited by the provisions of my country's standard numbering) and the correction of editing and printing errors, the content is the same as 1EC60146-2:1999. This part replaces GB/T7G77—1987 "Semiconductor direct current converters" and GB/T76781987≤Semiconductor self-commutated converters". The main changes are: a) The two standards are merged into one standard. GB/T76771987 and GB/T76781987 are equivalent to IEC60146-2:1974 (1st edition) and IEC601463:1977 (1st edition), respectively. These two IEC standards have been replaced by IFC60146-2:1999 (2nd edition) adopted in this part: b) The product marking method has changed significantly;
e) The test procedure and test circuit are different;
d) Wave and electromagnetic compatibility and its test requirements are added. Appendix A of this part is an informative appendix.
This part is proposed by China Electrical Equipment Industry Association. This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Power Electronics Standardization Technical Committee. Drafting units of this part: Xi'an Power Electronics Technology Research Institute, Guangzhou Jinlai Electronic Technology Engineering Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this part: Zhou Guanyun, Li Min. This part was first published in 1987, the version is: GB/T7677-1987 (main drafters: Zhang Shi'an, Miao Shilun) GB/T7678-1987 (main drafters: Zhou Guanyun, Zhou Shengzong), this is the first revision, 1 Scope
GB/T 3859.4-2004/IEC 60146-2:1999 Semiconductor converters including semiconductor self-commutated converters for direct DC converters
This part applies to all types of semiconductor commutated converters in which at least one part of the power converter is self-commutated. For example: AC converter, indirect DC converter. For direct DC converter, the requirements in GB/I3859.1 also apply to self-commutated converters as long as they do not conflict with this part. For some special applications, such as uninterruptible power supply equipment (UPS), AC and DC speed control drives and electrical power equipment, other standards may be used. Note: test limits may apply to special applications, such as thermal power and reactive power transformers. 2 Normative reference documents
The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For dated reference documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties who reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether to use the latest versions of these documents. For any undated referenced documents, the latest versions apply to this standard. GB/T 2900.1 Technical Specification for Electrical Power Electronics (IDT IEC 60050-101) GB/T 2900.33 Terminology for Electrical Power Electronics (IEC 60050-101) 60050-551 and IEC:60050-551-20) GB/T3859.1 Basic requirements for semiconductor converters (eqVIEC6014611) CB/T3859.2 Guidelines for the application of flat conductor converters (qVIFC60146-1-2) GB/T4365 Electromagnetic compatibility terminology (1EC60050 (161), 1DI) GB4793 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use Part 1: General requirements (IEC610101.ID) T) GB/T1 6935.1 Absolute coordination of equipment in low voltage systems (idtIEC60664-1) (IDT) GB/T17573 Semiconductor devices Discrete devices and integrated circuits Part 1: General (IEC60747-1, IDT) GB/T17626 (all parts) Electromagnetic compatibility test and measurement techniques (idtIFC61000-4) IEC61000-2-2: 1990 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2: Environment - Part 2: Compatibility of low voltage public power supply systems with frequency conducted disturbances and signal transmissions 6I(M00-2-4:1994 Electromagnetic compatibility (FMC) - Part 2: Environment - Chapter 4 Compatibility level of low-frequency conducted disturbances in industrial premises
3 Definitions
3.1 Function of converter
(Electronic power) (Electriciantics) (Power) conversion The conversion of one or more characteristics of an electrical system by means of electronic valve devices, with little or no significant loss. [(GB/T2900.33] Note: For example, the characteristics are voltage, phase number and frequency (including Li frequency) 3.1.2
(Electronic power) (Electronics) AC/DC (Puwer) conversion The conversion of AC to DC or DC to AC, _GB/T2900.333. 1. 3
(electric power)(electronics)rectification(electronics)(pnwer)rectificationConversion of AC to DC. [GB/T2900.33]GB/T 3859.4—2004/IEC 60146-2:19993. 1. 4
(electric power)(electronics)inversion(electronies)(power)inversionConversion of AC to AC. [GB/T 2900,33]]3. 1. 5
(electric power)(electronics)AC conversion(electronics)a,c,(power)converslonConversion of AC to AC. [GR/T2900.33]3. 1. 6
(electric power)(electronics)DC conversion(electronics)dc. (power)conversionConversion of DC to DC. _GB/T2900.33]3. 1.7
(power) direct conversiondirect (puwer) conversionConversion without DC or AC links. GB/T2900.33]3. 1. 8
(power) indirect conversionindirert (power) conversionConversion with one or more DC or AC links. [GB/T2900.33]3. 1. 9
In the converter, the process of the current being transferred from one conducting arm to the next conducting arm in sequence, without interruption, and the two arms conducting simultaneously within a limited time. [GB/T2900.33]3. 1.10
Ecommutating roltage
Commutation voltage
The voltage that causes current commutation. [GB/T 2900.333. 1. 11
Fine commutation
An external commutation method in which the commutation voltage is provided by the power grid. [GI/T 2900.333.1.12
A commutation method in which the commutation voltage is provided by the internal parts of the converter or electronic switch. [GB/T2900.33]3.1.13
Phase control
The process of changing the start time of the conduction of the electronic valve device or valve arm during the period. [GB/T2900.33]3.1.14
Pulse control
The control of changing the starting point and/or end point of the repeated conduction of the main arm. [GB/T2900.33]3.1.15
Pulse duration control!
Pulse duration control
A type of pulse control that changes the pulse width while keeping the frequency unchanged: _GB/T2900.33]3.1.16
Pulse frequency control
A type of pulse control that changes the pulse frequency while keeping the pulse duration unchanged. [GB/T2900.33]3.1.17
Pulse width modulation control (abbreviated as PWM control) is a kind of pulse control that modulates the width or frequency of the pulse in each basic cycle, or modulates the width and frequency of the pulse at the same time, to produce a certain output waveform. [GB/T 2900.33]
GB/T 3859.4—2004/1EC 60146-2:1999 The control effect of enabling the valve device or the arm formed by it to achieve the opening. [GB/T2900.33]3.1.19
The process of establishing the main current in the conductive direction of the valve device or the arm formed by it. GB/T 2900.33] 3.2 Types of converters
(power) electronic) converter
(electronics) (power) converter An operating unit consisting of: one or more valve devices together with a transformer, a filter (if necessary) and auxiliary devices (if any). [GB/T 2900.33]
Self-commutated converter self-cnmmutated converter A converter that uses self-commutation at least in part. Note: If it is necessary to emphasize the self-commutation feature, similar terms can be used for specific types of self-commutated converters. For example: self-commutated AC/DC converter, good commutation inverter, etc.
AC/DC converter ac/deconverter An electronic converter used for rectification or inversion, or for both rectification and inversion. [GB/T2900.33]3.2.4
voltage type AC/DC convertervoltage stiff a,c./dc. converterAC/DC converter with a basically smooth DC side voltage (for example, providing a low impedance path for harmonic currents), GB/T2900.333.2. 5
current type AC/DC converter
current stiff ac/dc converterAC/DC converter with a basically smooth DC side current (for example, by reducing harmonic currents). [GB/T2900.33~3. 2. 6
AC/DC converter used for rectification. ,GB/T2900.333.2.7
Inverter iaverter
AC/DC converter for inversion,LGB/T2900,333.2. 8
Voltage sourre inverter vollage fed inverler Voltage source remote inverter
Inverter with stable voltage. [GB/T2900.33]3.2.9
Current source inverter; Current fed inverter Electric source inverter
Inverter with smooth current[GB/T2900.33]3.2.10
Line-interactive converter Line-interactive converter is an AC/DC converter that runs in parallel with the power grid and can provide electric energy to one or more users, and can also absorb, store and/or feedback electric energy.
GB/T 3859.4-2004/[EC 60146-2:19993.2. 11
Reactive power converter Reactive power converter Converter used for reactive power compensation or consumption of reactive power. No active power flows except the losses of the converter. [GB/T2900.33]3.2.12
Acconverter Converter
Converter used for AC conversion. [GB/T2900.3373.2.13
Direct AC converter Direct A, C. converter AC converter without DC link. [GB/T2900.3373.2. 14
Indirect AC converter Indirect A, C. converter AC converter with DC link. [GB/T2900.33]3.2.15
DC converter
Converter for direct current conversion. GB/T2900.333.2.16
direct d, r. converter
direct d, r. converter
direct d, c. converter
DC chopper
DC converter without AC link, [GB/T2900.33]3.2.17
indirect d, c. converter
DC converter with AC link. [GB/T2900.33]3.3 Converter circuit components
electronic devices
devices whose function is based on the migration of charge carriers through semiconductor, vacuum or gas discharge. GB/T2900.33]3.3.2
Electronic valve device Electronic valve device is used for power conversion or power switching: including an indivisible device with a single uncontrollable or bistable controllable unidirectional conductive path, [GB/2900.33]
Note 1: thyristors, power rectifier diodes, shunt bipolar and field effect power transistors, IGBTs and other typical electronic valve devices. Note 2: Two or more electronic valve devices can be made on a semiconductor chip (such as a reverse-conducting thyristor including a thyristor and a rectifier diode, etc., and a switch-type field effect power transistor temporarily includes its reverse diode), or encapsulated in a common housing (such as a power semiconductor module). Such a combination is considered as an independent sub-valve device, and a valve device stack
is a structure in which one or more electronic valve devices, their mounting parts and auxiliary parts (if any) are integrated. [GB/T2900.3373. 3. 4
Valve device valve device assembly electronic valve device or assembly composed of electronic valve devices or devices connected electrically and mechanically, including all electrical connections and auxiliary excitations in its mechanical structure, GB/T2000.33"
Note: Similar terms also apply to stacks and devices composed of specific electronic valve devices, such as diode stacks (segments are rectifier diodes), thyristor devices (only thyristors, or composed of rectifier diodes). 3.3.5
Converter device converter fssemhly
GB/T 3859.4—2004/IEC 60146-2:1999 The arms of the converter and other major parts in the main circuit, especially DC capacitors, reactors and gate devices, are assembled electrically and mechanically, usually excluding control equipment. 3.3.6
Part of the circuit of a power electronic converter or switch, bounded by any two AC or DC terminals, including one or more electronic valve devices and other components (if any) connected together and conducting electricity, GB/T2900.333. 3. 7
Snubber (circuit)Snubber (circait)An auxiliary circuit connected to one or more electronic valve devices to reduce such as overvoltage, shutdown loss, high voltage or current rise rate, GB/T2900.331
Note: Commonly used fixed terms such as RC damper, parallel damper, AC side damper, etc. 3.4 Main performance of converters and electronic valve devices 3. 4. 1
Fundamental powerfundamental power
The active power determined by the fundamental components of voltage and current. [GR/T 2900.33]3.4.2
DC powerDCpower
The product of DC voltage and DC current (both are average values). [GB/T2900.333.4.3
The ratio of fundamental wave output active power or DC output power to fundamental wave input active power or DC input power. [G13/T29U0.33]3.4. 4
total power factortotal powerfactor
The ratio of active power to apparent power. GB/T3859.1]3.4. 5
displacement factordisplacement faetorThe ratio of the active power of the fundamental wave component to its apparent power. [HI3/T 3859,1]3.4.6
Deformation factor deformation facler
The ratio of total power factor to displacement factor. LGB/T 3859. 113.4.7
(Power) efficiency (power) efficiency The ratio of the output active power of the converter to the input active power. [GB/T3859,]]3.4.8
(Electronic valve device) virtual junction temperature (of anetectronicvalvedevice) The equivalent temperature of the junction in a semiconductor device. [GB/117573.J]3.4.9
(Electronic valve device) transient thermal impedance (of an electronic vaive device) The term generally means: at the end of a period of time, the ratio of the change in temperature difference between two specified points or areas to the skin power loss caused by the temperature difference change at the beginning of the period of time. [GB/T 17573.1
GB/T 3859.4—2004/IEC 60146-2:19993.5 Disturbance and electromagnetic compatibility
Electrical disturbance Any change in electrical quantity beyond the specified limit. Electrical disturbance may cause performance degradation, work interruption or damage to the converter. _GB/T3859.13.5.2
(Electromagnetic) disturbance (electromagnetie) disturbance Any electromagnetic phenomenon that may cause the performance of a device, equipment or system to degrade, or have a harmful effect on living or non-living matter, GB/T43651
Note, electromagnetic disturbance may be electromagnetic sound, useless signals or changes in the propagation medium itself. 3.5.3
(Electromagnetic) radiation (electromagnetic) emnission The phenomenon of emitting electromagnetic energy from a source. [GB/T4365]3.5.4
Emissienlevel (of disturbancesource) A given electromagnetic disturbance level from a specific device, equipment or system measured by a specified method. [GB/T4365]3.5.5
Electromagnetic interference Electromagnetic interference caused by electromagnetic interference equipment, transmission channels or system performance degradation. [GB/T4365]3.5.6
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) The ability of equipment or system to work normally in its electromagnetic environment and not cause unacceptable electromagnetic disturbance to anything in the environment. [GB/T4365]
(Electromagnetic) compatibility level (electromagnelic) compatibility The interference level specified by the level, under which there is a satisfactory and high probability of electromagnetic compatibility. [Modify GB/T4365 Note: In fact, the electromagnetic compatibility level is not an absolute maximum value, but may be exceeded with a small probability. 3.5.8
Immunity (to disturbance) The ability of a device, equipment or system to face electromagnetic interference without reducing its operating performance. [GB/T4365] 3.5.9
Immunity level
The maximum interference level at which a given electromagnetic disturbance is applied to a specific device, equipment or system and it can still operate at the required performance level. LModify GB/T4365] 3.5.10
Immunity margin
The difference between the immunity limit value and the electromagnetic compatibility level of an equipment, equipment or system, EGB/T43653.5. 11
Immunity level of a converter is the specified value of electrical disturbances below which the converter meets the required performance, or operates continuously, or avoids damage. [GB/T4365]
The letters used for the possible consequences of exceeding the immunity level of a converter are as follows: 1) 1EC60146-2:1999 has no notes. The content of this note is added according to GB/T4365 to make the terminology easier to understand and use. Performance degradation
Interruption of operation (caused by protective devices)
Permanent damage (except fuses)
E Modification of GB/T 3859. 1
F(still operational)
(damaged ring)
(performance) degradation (of performance) GB/T 3859.4-2004/1EC 60146-2:1999 An unexpected deviation of the operating performance of a device, equipment or system from its expected performance. [GB/T4365] Note: The term "reduction" can be applied to temporary or permanent faults. 3.5.13
Voltage change
The change in the RMS value or peak value of voltage between two adjacent levels within a certain but not specified time. [GB/T43653. 5. 14
Voltage unbalance voltage unbalance; voltage imbalance A state in which the RMS value or phase angle of the phase voltage between adjacent phases in a multi-phase system is not completely equal. [CB/T4365] 3.5. 15
Asymmetry ratio utibalanceratin
In a three-phase AC system, the ratio of the difference between the maximum and minimum RMS values of the fundamental component of current or voltage to the average RMS value of the corresponding three-phase fundamental component.
Unbalance factor
The ratio of the negative sequence component to the positive sequence component.
Voltage drop oltage din
Sudden drop in voltage at a certain point in an electrical system, which returns to normal after a short duration of several cycles to several seconds. LGB/TA365J
commutation netch
commutation gap
The voltage change that can occur in the AC voltage due to the commutation process of the converter, and its duration is much shorter than the AC cycle. [CB/T4365]
Ripple voltage (on the DC side) ripple voitage (on the DC side)c. slde) The AC voltage component in the DC side voltage of the converter. [GB/T2000.33] 3.5.20
True current waveform factor dcform factor The ratio of the square mean of the change in the DC component between periods to the average value in the entire cycle, [GB/T2900.33] 3.5.21
DC ripple factor d,c. Ripple factor The ratio of half the difference between the peak value and the valley value of the pulsating DC quantity to the average value of the DC quantity, GB/I2900.33 Note: When the commercial current ripple value is very small, its value is approximately equal to the ratio of the maximum value to the minimum value to the sum of the two values. 3. 5.22
Relative peak-to-peak ripple factor The ratio of the peak-to-valley value of the ripple of the quantity to its DC component. GB/T 3859.4—2004/IEC 60146-2:19993,5.23
Harmonic analysis of the a,c,voltage and cnrrent Note: New concepts are being developed. During this period, any number of harmonic contents, THF and THD, shall be characterized by analytical methods.
3. 5.23. 1
Fourier series Fourierseries
A method of describing a periodic function by its average value and a series of sinusoidal terms, where the frequency of the sinusoidal terms is an integer multiple of the frequency of the function. IGB/T 2900. 1]
fundamental (vomponent)
The component of the Fourier series of a periodic function with order 1. GB/T2900.1]
harmonic content
The quantity obtained by subtracting the fundamental component from the alternating quantity. GB/T2900.1]
(Total) harmonic factor (abbreviated as THF) The ratio of the root mean square value of the harmonic content in the alternating quantity to the root mean square value of the alternating quantity. [GB/T2900. !]
Total harmonic distortion (abbreviated as THD) The ratio of the root mean square value of the harmonic content in the alternating quantity to the root mean square value of the fundamental component in the alternating quantity. [GB/T2900.33』3. 5. 23. 6
partial harmonic distortion
Partial harmonic distortion
The ratio of the RMS value of the specified harmonic component to the RMS value of the fundamental component in the alternating current. For example, PHD in the frequency band from 14 to 50°
Q—alternating current (voltage or current).
Individual harmonic distortionThe ratio of the RMS value of a harmonic component specified by individual harmonic distortion to the RMS value of the fundamental component in the alternating current. 3.6 Characteristics of inputs and outputs
The direction of energy flow is characterized by "input" and "output". For reversible energy flow, the input and output are determined by the main flow direction. The definitions of input and output are specific to the converter and do not change with the energy flow and application. 3.6.1
Shape of voltage
DC voltage or AC voltage.
Impedance characteristics Impedance characteristics Due to the possible differences in voltage and load, the following group of terms is recommended.
Electrical machine voltage The voltage produced by an AC or DC motor. The impedance is characterized by the type and parameters of the motor.
Active load
Load has its own electromotive force like the motor voltage.
Passive load
Load has no electromotive force but has an impedance characteristic. 3.6.2. 4
Linear loadtinear loal
A load that can be characterized by a linear differential equation with a common factor. 3,6.2.5
Non-linear loadnon-linearload
A load other than a linear load.
(Converter) Input (converter) InputGB/T 3859,4—2004/IEC 60146-2:1999The part of the converter that introduces the power to be converted (under normal operation). 3.6.4
(convertcr) wutput
(converter) mask out
the part of the converter that takes the transformed power out (under normal operation): if the power flows in both directions equally, the tester and the output can be fixed at will, 3.6.5
stiffd,c.ora,c.source a point source or alternating current (voltage or current) connected to the input or output of the converter, whose RMS value, frequency and waveform do not change significantly due to the influence of the converter,
supply supply
the gas system connected to the converter input,
load load
the electrical system connected to the converter output. 3.6.8
supply transient overvoltagesupply transient overvoltagethe transient peak voltage that may appear between the input grid and the converter when the converter is disconnected, 3.6.9
supply transient energy
Instantaneous energy of the power supply
The energy that can be released to the connected converter at the power supply terminal in an instant when the converter is connected. 3.6.10
Supply inductance
The inductance of the input network to the converter when the converter is disconnected 3.6.11
Input impedanceinput impedance
The impedance of the converter under specified conditions. GB/T 3B59.4--2004/IEC 60146-2: 19993.6.12
(Input) inrush current (input) inrush current The maximum instantaneous value of the converter input current when the converter is energized3. 6. 13
Dynamic short-circuit output current dyoamit: shori-circuit tput current The instantaneous DC or AC current flowing from the converter into the short-circuited output terminals. 3.6.14
output impedance
impedance presented by the converter to the load under specified conditions: (see 3.6.11 and 3.6.15) 3.6.15
load impedancewwW.bzxz.Net
impedance presented by the load to the converter under specified conditions, 3.6.16
output voltage modulation periodic output voltage modulation periodic variation of the output voltage amplitude at a frequency lower than the output load frequency. 3.6.17
periodic frequency modulation
periodic frequency modulation periodic variation of the output frequency from its rated value, 3.6.18
instantaneous voltage deviation Instantaneous voltage deviation The difference between the actual instantaneous voltage and the instantaneous value of the corresponding waveform when it is not disturbed. Note that the magnitude of the instantaneous voltage deviation is expressed as a percentage or unit of the peak voltage when the waveform is disturbed. 3.6.19
Tolerance bandlolerancc hand
The steady-state value range of the stable output of the stable power supply is between the upper and lower limits of the predetermined value (such as the nominal value). [GB/T2903,33]
3.7 Definition of rated value
rated valueraled value
The specified value of electrical, thermal, mechanical and environmental parameters specified by the supplier relative to the defined operating conditions. Under these conditions and parameters, valve components, stacks, devices or converters can achieve the expected satisfactory operation, modifying GB/I3859.1 Note: Semiconductor devices are different from other electrical components. Even if they are operated for a very short time beyond the maximum rating, they will be permanently damaged. Note 2: The range of changes in the rated values should be specified, some of which are specified as limits. These limits can be maximum or minimum values. 3.7.2
Rated input DC supply voltage ratee inpatd.csupplyvultage The average value of the DC voltage between the converter input terminals specified by: 3.7.3
Rated input AC supply voltage ratedinputacsupplyvoltago The root mean square value of the fundamental component of the AC voltage between the converter input terminals specified by: 3.7.4
Rated input supply frequency ratedinputsupplyfregutnty The frequency of the rated AC supply voltage specified by:
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