title>GB 2797-1994 General technical requirements for lamp holders - GB 2797-1994 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 2797-1994 General technical requirements for lamp holders

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 2797-1994

Standard Name: General technical requirements for lamp holders

Chinese Name: 灯头总技术条件

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-04-12

Date of Implementation:1994-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Electrical engineering>>Electric lamps and related devices>>29.140.10 Lamp caps and lamp holders

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>Electrical Lighting>>K72 General Lamps

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced GB 2797-1981; replaced by GB 2797-2008

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Publication date:1994-12-01

other information

Release date:1981-11-04

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Wang Yinquan

Drafting unit:Beijing Electric Light Source Research Institute

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Lighting Appliances

Proposing unit:China Light Industry Federation

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:China Light Industry Federation

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of various metal lamp caps, ceramic lamp caps and plastic lamp caps. This standard is applicable to screw-on, socket-type, cylindrical, pin-type and pre-focused lamp caps. GB 2797-1994 General Technical Requirements for Lamp Caps GB2797-1994 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
General Specifications for Lamp Caps
General specifications for lamp caps1 Subject content and scope of application
Replaces GB2797--81
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of various metal lamp caps, ceramic lamp caps and plastic lamp caps.
This standard applies to screw-on, socket-type, cylindrical, pin-type and pre-focused lamp caps. 2 Reference standards
GB2828||tt ||GB2829
3Product classification
Lamp holder model naming method
Types and sizes of screw-type lamp holders
Types and sizes of plug-in lamp holders
Types and sizes of round and recessed lamp holdersTypes and sizes of pin-type lamp holders
Types and sizes of pre-focused lamp holders|| tt||Gauges for screw-type lamp holders
Gauges for plug-in lamp holders
Gauges for pin-type lamp holders
Gauges for pre-focused lamp holders
Count sampling procedures and sampling tables for batch inspection (applicable to inspection of continuous batches)Count sampling procedures and sampling tables for periodic inspection (applicable to inspection of production process stability)Packaging, storage and transportation graphic signs
Metal coating thickness test method
Timed liquid flow method
Magnetic method
Metal coating thickness test method
According to the structural characteristics, it can be divided into:
Screw-type lamp holder (E);
Plug-in lamp holder (B);
Cylindrical lamp holder (S);
Recessed lamp holder (R);
Pin-type lamp holder (GF);
Pre-focused lamp holder (P).
According to the characteristics of the shell material, it can be divided into:
Metal lamp holder;
Approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on April 12, 1994 and implemented on December 1, 1994
Ceramic lamp holder;
Plastic lamp holder.
Technical requirements
Model and main dimensions
4.1.1 The determination of the lamp holder model shall comply with the provisions of GB1405. 4.1.2 The main dimensions of the lamp holder shall comply with the provisions of GB1406, GB1407, GB2798, GB2799 and GB2800. For lamp holders not specified in this standard, they shall comply with the relevant IEC standards. 4.2 Material and appearance quality
4.2.1 The shell of the lamp holder shall be made of steel, aluminum alloy, brass, ceramic and plastic materials according to the different characteristics of the bulb. The pins of socket
type lamp holders shall be made of steel or brass, and the electrical contact pieces and pins shall be made of brass or materials with the same performance. The insulators of metal lamp holders shall be made of materials such as glass, ceramics, bakelite, phenolic cloth laminates and high temperature resistant plastics. Plastic lamp holders shall be made of high temperature resistant and flame retardant engineering plastics to meet the requirements of Articles 4.5 and 4.6. 4.2.2
The copper shell shall be surface treated, and the shell surface of the steel lamp holder shall be plated, with an average zinc coating thickness of not less than 6μm. 4 The surface shall be chrome plated or nickel plated, with an average coating thickness of not less than 3μm. 4.2.3
The coating of the lamp holder shall have sufficient bonding strength, and there shall be no shedding or peeling after testing. The inner surface coating of the lamp holder shall not be exposed or rusted. The appearance of metal lamp holders shall be smooth, without defects, wrinkles, cracks, scratches on the pins, and the outer surface coating shall not have defects such as bubbling, severe passivation liquid marks and local coating absence. The appearance of non-metallic lamp holders shall be smooth, uniform in color and free of defects. Metal shell lamp holders shall be moisture-proof and their outer surfaces shall not rust after the humidity test. 4.2.6
4.3 Mechanical strength
The insulator of socket, screw, pre-focused and round-type lamp holders shall be firmly connected to the metal shell and shall be able to withstand the pressure specified in Table 1 without deformation or damage.
The connection between the pin and the shell of the socket and pre-focused socket lamp holders shall not have any shaking that affects normal use and shall be able to withstand the shear force specified in Table 2 without deformation or damage.
Shell diameter d, mm
Shell diameter d, mm
4.3.3 The connection between the insulator and the shell, the electrical contact piece and the pins of other lamp holders except those specified in Articles 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 shall not be loose.
4.3.4 The pins of G5 and G13 lamp holders shall be able to withstand a torque of 0.6N·m and 1.2N·m respectively without loosening or deformation. 4.4 Insulation resistance and dielectric strength
4.4.1 The insulation resistance between the lamp holder shell and the electrical contacts (pins) shall not be less than 50MQ under normal atmospheric conditions and shall not be less than 2Ma under humid atmospheric conditions.
4.4.2 The dielectric strength between the shell and each electrical contact (pin) and between the contacts (pins) shall be able to withstand the 50Hz AC test voltage specified in Table 3 for 1 min without breakdown or sparking (the glow discharge that does not cause voltage drop can be ignored). Table 3
Maximum size of shell, mm
4.5 Heat resistance, heat resistance
Test voltage, V
4.5.1 The single-ended fluorescent lamp holder made of plastic shall still meet the requirements of Article 4.1.2 after being placed at 130±2℃ for 48h. 4.5.2 The single-ended fluorescent lamp holder made of plastic shall have a certain heat resistance, and the diameter of the indentation after the ball pressure test shall not be greater than 2mm. 4.6 Flame retardancy
The single-ended fluorescent lamp holder made of plastic shall have a certain flame retardancy. 5 Test methods
5.1 Normal atmospheric test conditions: temperature 15 ~ 35 ℃, relative humidity 45% ~ 75%. 5.2 The main dimensions of the lamp holder (Article 4.1) are inspected with gauges that comply with GB1483, GB1484, GB6997, and GB6998. For lamp holders that are not specified in the standard and lamp holders for which gauges are not specified in the standard, general measuring tools can be used for inspection. 5.3 The material and appearance quality of the lamp holder (Articles 4.2.1, 4.2.4, and 4.2.5) are inspected by appearance method (if there is any doubt about the material, physical or chemical analysis methods specified in other standards can be used for further inspection). 5.4, the coating thickness (Article 4.2.2) is inspected by the timed liquid flow method specified in JB2115 or the magnetic method specified in JB2119, and the arithmetic average of the thinnest and thickest parts is taken.
5.5 The bonding strength of the coating (Article 4.2.3) is inspected by the heating test method. Keep the sample at 300%℃ for 5 minutes, then observe that the coating should not fall off, peel off or bubble. 5.6 Moisture resistance (4.2.6) is carried out in a humid test chamber. Before the sample is placed in the test chamber, it should be stored at 45℃ for 2 hours. After the temperature stabilizes, keep the sample at 40±2℃ and relative humidity of 90%-95% for 40 hours. There should be no rust on its outer surface.
5.7 The connection between the insulator of the lamp holder and the shell, the electrical contact piece and the pin (Article 4.3.3) is inspected by appearance method. 5.8 The connection firmness between the insulator of the lamp holder and the metal shell (Article 4.3.1) and the connection strength between the pin of the socket-type lamp holder and the shell (Article 4.3.2) should be carried out on a special pressure or shear test device respectively. It should reach the specified values ​​of Table 1 and Table 2 without damage or deformation.
5.9 The torque test of G5 and G13 lamp holder pins (Article 4.3.4) is carried out on a special torque meter. The torque should be gradually and evenly increased from zero to the specified value. The pins should not be loose, deformed or damaged. 5.10 The insulation resistance test of the lamp holder (Article 4.4.1), when measured under normal atmospheric test conditions, the sample should be stored under such conditions for 2 hours before measurement. When measured under humid conditions, it can be stored under the humid conditions specified in Article 5.6 for 1 hour, and the measurement should be carried out within 5 minutes after being taken out of the test chamber.
Before measuring, use soft paper to absorb the water droplets on the surface of the lamp holder, and pass a 500V DC voltage for 1 minute during measurement. 5.11 The dielectric strength test of the lamp holder (Article 4.4.2), this test should be carried out before 5.10. It shall be carried out immediately after the insulation resistance test under normal atmospheric conditions is completed.
At the beginning of the test, 1/2 of the specified voltage value shall be applied first, and then it shall be quickly increased to the specified value. The accuracy of the measuring instrument shall not be less than 0.5 level. 5.12 Heat resistance test (Article 4.5.1), put the plastic lamp holder in a heating box, raise the temperature to 130±2℃ and keep it for 48 hours, and then use the method specified in Article 5.2 to check its main dimensions. 5.13 Heat resistance test (ball pressure test) (Article 4.5.2), put the plastic lamp holder in a heating box, keep the temperature at 125±2℃, and use a 20N force to press a steel ball with a diameter of 5mm on a plane of the lamp holder (the plane should not be suspended. If the structure does not allow, a sample block with the same material as the lamp holder can be used instead). After 1 hour, remove the steel ball, soak the test piece in water at room temperature for 10 seconds, and then cool it to room temperature in the air, and then measure the diameter of the steel ball indentation.
5.14 Flammability test (needle flame test) (Article 4.6): On a dedicated instrument, ignite butane gas with a purity of not less than 95% through a tube port with a length of not less than 35 mm and an inner diameter of 0.5 ± 0.1 mm, so that the flame length is 12 ± 1 mm. Apply the flame to the surface of the sample where the fire source is most likely to appear during operation. The tip of the flame should be in contact with the surface of the sample, and the flame should be maintained for 10 ± 1 s. When the flame leaves the sample, any spontaneous combustion flame should be extinguished within 30 s, and the burning falling objects should not ignite the 5 layers of thin paper horizontally spread 200 mm below the sample.
6 Inspection rules
The inspection rules adopt quality assessment rules, including two types of inspections: identification inspection and quality-consistency inspection. 6.1 Inspection classification
6.1.1 Identification inspection is an inspection of all items of several products of the same model to determine whether the manufacturer is capable of producing products that meet the requirements of this standard.
6.1.2 Quality consistency inspection is based on batch inspection, and samples are periodically taken from the product for inspection to determine whether the quality can be guaranteed to be continuous and stable during the production process. 6.2 Identification inspection
Identification inspection is carried out in one of the following situations: trial design inspection of new products;wwW.bzxz.Net
trial design inspection of old products transferred to the factory for production; identification inspection of products after major changes in design, process, materials and spare parts; identification inspection when resuming production after a long period of suspension; when the national technical supervision department makes a request. Identification inspection is carried out according to the items and sequence listed in Table 4. Table 4
Main dimensions
Material and appearance
Coating thickness
Inspection items and clauses
Insulator and metal shell and pins are not looseInsulator and metal shell firmness
Pin and metal shell firmness
Pin firmness
Insulation resistance (normal state)
Dielectric strength
Test method clause
Moisture resistance
Insulation resistance (humid state)
Coating bonding strength
Heat resistance
Heat resistance (ball pressure)
Note: Items 13 to 14 refer to plastic lamp holders.
Continued Table 4
Inspection Items and Clauses
Quantity and Grouping Items of Identification Inspection Samples Table 5
Classification of Lamp Holders
Metal Lamp Holders
Ceramic Lamp Holders
Plastic Lamp Holders
Metal lamp holders shall be tested for items 1 to 12 according to Table 4, and the samples shall be divided into two groups, A and C, with 30 pieces in each group. Group A shall be tested for items 1 to 7, and Group C shall be tested for items 8 to 12. Ceramic lamp holders shall be tested for items 1, 2, and 4 according to Table 4. Sample
Test method clause
Group A, C
Group A, C
Plastic lamp holders shall be tested in items 1, 2, 4, 13, 14, and 15 according to Table 4, and the lamp holders shall be divided into two groups, A and C. The 15 in Group A shall only be tested in items 1, 2, and 4, and the 5 in Group C shall only be tested in items 13, 14, and 15. All samples shall pass all the tests and be judged as qualified. If any of the samples fails in any item, it shall be judged as unqualified. 6.2.4
Products that fail the identification inspection shall be re-inspected after improvement by the production unit. During the re-inspection, only the last unqualified items and 6.2.5
items that may affect the unqualified items shall be inspected. After several inspections are summarized, if all items pass, it can be judged as qualified. The time from the first identification to the last identification inspection shall not exceed half a year, otherwise a new round of identification inspection shall be started again. 6.3
Quality consistency inspection
The batch inspection items, sequence and AQL value of the quality consistency inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 6. 6.3.1
Main dimensions
Appearance quality
Inspection items and clauses
4.2.1, 4.2.4, 4.2.5
Insulator and shell and pins are not loose
Insulation resistance (normal atmospheric conditions)
Test clauses
Sampling adopts the normal one-time sampling plan of the general inspection level I of GB2828, and determines the sample and the qualified and unqualified judgment numbers (A., R.) according to the size of the delivery batch. 6.3.3 The determination of inspection strictness, the search of sampling plan, the extraction of samples, the inspection of samples, the judgment of qualified or unqualified batch by batch inspection and the disposal after batch by batch inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4.6, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12 of GB2828 respectively. 6.3.4
The periodic inspection of quality consistency shall be carried out in accordance with the single sampling of the discrimination level il of GB2829. The inspection items, sequence, classification of unqualified products, RQL value and number of judgment groups shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 7. No.
Inspection items and clauses
Material and appearance
Coating thickness
Coating bonding strength
Insulator and housing and pins are not loose
Main dimensions
Insulator and metal housing connection firmness
Pin and metal housing connection firmness
Pin firmness
Moisture resistance
Insulation resistance (normal)
Dielectric strength
Insulation resistance (wet state)
Heat resistance
Test method clauses
Sample size
Number of judgment groups
Unqualified classification
The sampling, inspection and disposal after inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4.9, 4.10 and 4.12 of GB2829.
6.3.6 According to the inspection results, if the number of unqualified samples is less than or equal to the qualified judgment number, it is judged as a qualified batch. If the number of unqualified samples is greater than or equal to the unqualified judgment number, it is judged as unqualified. 6.3.7 Periodic inspections shall be carried out once every quarter. If the batch-by-batch inspection results are significantly different from the previous periodic inspection, they shall also be carried out. 7
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
The lamp holders shall be packed in a firm packaging box. The box should be covered with a moisture-proof layer and be accompanied by a certificate of conformity issued by the inspection department. The weight of each package should not exceed 50kg. Each package box should indicate:
Manufacturer name and trademark;
Lamp holder name and model;
Code for this standard:
Relevant symbols specified in GB191:
Packing date.
Each certificate of conformity should indicate:
Items a, b, d in Article 7.3;
Inspection date;
Signatures of the inspection department and inspectors.
7.5 Lamp holders should be stored in a dry, ventilated place free of corrosive gases and substances. 6 The storage period of lamp holders shall not exceed one year from the packaging date. 7.6
Additional Notes
This standard is proposed by China Light Industry General Association
This standard is under the jurisdiction of National Electric Light Source Standardization Center This standard is drafted by Beijing Electric Light Xinjiang Research Institute The main drafter of this standard is Wang Yinquan,
GB 29-42), put the plastic lamp holder in a heating box, keep the temperature at 125±2℃, press the steel ball with a diameter of 5mm on a plane of the lamp holder with a force of 20N (the plane should not be suspended in the air, if the structure does not allow, a sample block with the same material as the lamp holder can be used instead), remove the steel ball after 1h, soak the specimen in water at room temperature for 10s, cool it to room temperature in the air, and then measure the diameter of the steel ball indentation.
5.14 Flammability test (needle flame test) (Article 4.6), ignite butane gas with a purity of not less than 95% through a tube port with a length of not less than 35mm and an inner diameter of 0.5±0.1mm on a dedicated instrument, so that the flame length is 12±1mm. Apply the flame to the surface of the sample where the fire source is most likely to appear during operation. The tip of the flame should be in contact with the surface of the sample. The flame should be maintained for 10 ± 1 second. When the flame leaves the sample, any spontaneous flame should be extinguished within 30 seconds. The burning falling objects shall not ignite the 5 layers of thin paper horizontally spread 200mm below the sample.
6 Inspection rules
The inspection rules adopt the quality assessment rules, including two types of inspections: identification inspection and quality-consistency inspection. 6.1 Inspection classification
6.1.1 Identification inspection is an inspection of all items of several products of the same model to determine whether the manufacturer is capable of producing products that meet the requirements of this standard.
6.1.2 Quality consistency inspection is based on batch inspection, and samples are periodically taken from the product for inspection to determine whether the quality can be guaranteed to be continuously stable during the product production process. 6.2 Identification and Inspection
Identification and inspection are conducted in one of the following situations: trial-production and inspection of new products; trial-production and inspection of old products transferred to other factories; identification and inspection of products after major changes in design, process, materials and spare parts; identification and inspection when resuming production after long-term suspension; when the national technical supervision department makes a request. Identification and inspection shall be conducted according to the items and sequence listed in Table 4. Table 4
Main dimensions
Material and appearance
Coating thickness
Inspection items and clauses
Insulator and metal shell and pins are not looseInsulator and metal shell firmness
Pin and metal shell firmness
Pin firmness
Insulation resistance (normal state)
Dielectric strength
Test method clause
Moisture resistance
Insulation resistance (humid state)
Coating bonding strength
Heat resistance
Heat resistance (ball pressure)
Note: Items 13 to 14 refer to plastic lamp holders.
Continued Table 4
Inspection Items and Clauses
Quantity and Grouping Items of Identification Inspection Samples Table 5
Classification of Lamp Holders
Metal Lamp Holders
Ceramic Lamp Holders
Plastic Lamp Holders
Metal lamp holders shall be tested for items 1 to 12 according to Table 4, and the samples shall be divided into two groups, A and C, with 30 pieces in each group. Group A shall be tested for items 1 to 7, and Group C shall be tested for items 8 to 12. Ceramic lamp holders shall be tested for items 1, 2, and 4 according to Table 4. Sample
Test method clause
Group A, C
Group A, C
Plastic lamp holders shall be tested in items 1, 2, 4, 13, 14, and 15 according to Table 4, and the lamp holders shall be divided into two groups, A and C. The 15 in Group A shall only be tested in items 1, 2, and 4, and the 5 in Group C shall only be tested in items 13, 14, and 15. All samples shall pass all the tests and be judged as qualified. If any of the samples fails in any item, it shall be judged as unqualified. 6.2.4
Products that fail the identification inspection shall be re-inspected after improvement by the production unit. During the re-inspection, only the last unqualified items and 6.2.5
items that may affect the unqualified items shall be inspected. After several inspections are summarized, if all items pass, it can be judged as qualified. The time from the first identification to the last identification inspection shall not exceed half a year, otherwise a new round of identification inspection shall be started again. 6.3
Quality consistency inspection
The batch inspection items, sequence and AQL value of the quality consistency inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 6. 6.3.1
Main dimensions
Appearance quality
Inspection items and clauses
4.2.1, 4.2.4, 4.2.5
Insulator and shell and pins are not loose
Insulation resistance (normal atmospheric conditions)
Test clauses
Sampling adopts the normal one-time sampling plan of the general inspection level I of GB2828, and determines the sample and the qualified and unqualified judgment numbers (A., R.) according to the size of the delivery batch. 6.3.3 The determination of inspection strictness, the search of sampling plan, the extraction of samples, the inspection of samples, the judgment of qualified or unqualified batch by batch inspection and the disposal after batch by batch inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4.6, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12 of GB2828 respectively. 6.3.4
The periodic inspection of quality consistency shall be carried out in accordance with the single sampling of the discrimination level il of GB2829. The inspection items, sequence, classification of unqualified products, RQL value and number of judgment groups shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 7. No.
Inspection items and clauses
Material and appearance
Coating thickness
Coating bonding strength
Insulator and housing and pins are not loose
Main dimensions
Insulator and metal housing connection firmness
Pin and metal housing connection firmness
Pin firmness
Moisture resistance
Insulation resistance (normal)
Dielectric strength
Insulation resistance (wet state)
Heat resistance
Test method clauses
Sample size
Number of judgment groups
Unqualified classification
The sampling, inspection and disposal after inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4.9, 4.10 and 4.12 of GB2829.
6.3.6 According to the inspection results, if the number of unqualified samples is less than or equal to the qualified judgment number, it is judged as a qualified batch. If the number of unqualified samples is greater than or equal to the unqualified judgment number, it is judged as unqualified. 6.3.7 Periodic inspections shall be carried out once every quarter. If the batch-by-batch inspection results are significantly different from the previous periodic inspection, they shall also be carried out. 7
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
The lamp holders shall be packed in a firm packaging box. The box should be covered with a moisture-proof layer and be accompanied by a certificate of conformity issued by the inspection department. The weight of each package should not exceed 50kg. Each package box should indicate:
Manufacturer name and trademark;
Lamp holder name and model;
Code for this standard:
Relevant symbols specified in GB191:
Packing date.
Each certificate of conformity should indicate:
Items a, b, d in Article 7.3;
Inspection date;
Signatures of the inspection department and inspectors.
7.5 Lamp holders should be stored in a dry, ventilated place free of corrosive gases and substances. 6 The storage period of lamp holders shall not exceed one year from the packaging date. 7.6
Additional Notes
This standard is proposed by China Light Industry General Association
This standard is under the jurisdiction of National Electric Light Source Standardization Center This standard is drafted by Beijing Electric Light Xinjiang Research Institute The main drafter of this standard is Wang Yinquan,
GB 29-42), put the plastic lamp holder in a heating box, keep the temperature at 125 ± 2℃, press the steel ball with a diameter of 5mm on a plane of the lamp holder with a force of 20N (the plane should not be suspended in the air, if the structure does not allow, a sample block with the same material as the lamp holder can be used instead), remove the steel ball after 1 hour, soak the specimen in water at room temperature for 10s, cool it to room temperature in the air, and then measure the diameter of the steel ball indentation.
5.14 Flammability test (needle flame test) (Article 4.6), ignite butane gas with a purity of not less than 95% through a tube port with a length of not less than 35mm and an inner diameter of 0.5 ± 0.1mm on a dedicated instrument, so that the flame length is 12 ± 1mm. Apply the flame to the surface of the sample where the fire source is most likely to appear during operation. The tip of the flame should be in contact with the surface of the sample. The flame should be maintained for 10 ± 1 second. When the flame leaves the sample, any spontaneous flame should be extinguished within 30 seconds. The burning falling objects shall not ignite the 5 layers of thin paper horizontally spread 200mm below the sample.
6 Inspection rules
The inspection rules adopt the quality assessment rules, including two types of inspections: identification inspection and quality-consistency inspection. 6.1 Inspection classification
6.1.1 Identification inspection is an inspection of all items of several products of the same model to determine whether the manufacturer is capable of producing products that meet the requirements of this standard.
6.1.2 Quality consistency inspection is based on batch inspection, and samples are periodically taken from the product for inspection to determine whether the quality can be guaranteed to be continuously stable during the product production process. 6.2 Identification and Inspection
Identification and inspection are conducted in one of the following situations: trial-production and inspection of new products; trial-production and inspection of old products transferred to other factories; identification and inspection of products after major changes in design, process, materials and spare parts; identification and inspection when resuming production after long-term suspension; when the national technical supervision department makes a request. Identification and inspection shall be conducted according to the items and sequence listed in Table 4. Table 4
Main dimensions
Material and appearance
Coating thickness
Inspection items and clauses
Insulator and metal shell and pins are not looseInsulator and metal shell firmness
Pin and metal shell firmness
Pin firmness
Insulation resistance (normal state)
Dielectric strength
Test method clause
Moisture resistance
Insulation resistance (humid state)
Coating bonding strength
Heat resistance
Heat resistance (ball pressure)
Note: Items 13 to 14 refer to plastic lamp holders.
Continued Table 4
Inspection Items and Clauses
Quantity and Grouping Items of Identification Inspection Samples Table 5
Classification of Lamp Holders
Metal Lamp Holders
Ceramic Lamp Holders
Plastic Lamp Holders
Metal lamp holders shall be tested in items 1 to 12 according to Table 4, and the samples shall be divided into two groups, A and C, with 30 pieces in each group. Group A shall be tested in items 1 to 7, and Group C shall be tested in items 8 to 12. Ceramic lamp holders shall be tested in items 1, 2 and 4 according to Table 4. Sample
Test method clause
Group A, C
Group A, C
Plastic lamp holders shall be tested in items 1, 2, 4, 13, 14, and 15 according to Table 4, and the lamp holders shall be divided into two groups, A and C. The 15 in Group A shall only be tested in items 1, 2, and 4, and the 5 in Group C shall only be tested in items 13, 14, and 15. All samples shall pass all the tests and be judged as qualified. If any of the samples fails in any item, it shall be judged as unqualified. 6.2.4
Products that fail the identification inspection shall be re-inspected after improvement by the production unit. During the re-inspection, only the last unqualified items and 6.2.5
items that may affect the unqualified items shall be inspected. After several inspections are summarized, if all items pass, it can be judged as qualified. The time from the first identification to the last identification inspection shall not exceed half a year, otherwise a new round of identification inspection shall be started again. 6.3
Quality consistency inspection
The batch inspection items, sequence and AQL value of the quality consistency inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 6. 6.3.1
Main dimensions
Appearance quality
Inspection items and clauses
4.2.1, 4.2.4, 4.2.5
Insulator and shell and pins are not loose
Insulation resistance (normal atmospheric conditions)
Test clauses
Sampling adopts the normal one-time sampling plan of the general inspection level I of GB2828, and determines the sample and the qualified and unqualified judgment numbers (A., R.) according to the size of the delivery batch. 6.3.3 The determination of inspection strictness, the search of sampling plan, the extraction of samples, the inspection of samples, the judgment of qualified or unqualified batch by batch inspection and the disposal after batch by batch inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4.6, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12 of GB2828 respectively. 6.3.4
The periodic inspection of quality consistency shall be carried out in accordance with the single sampling of the discrimination level il of GB2829. The inspection items, sequence, classification of unqualified products, RQL value and number of judgment groups shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 7. No.
Inspection items and clauses
Material and appearance
Coating thickness
Coating bonding strength
Insulator and housing and pins are not loose
Main dimensions
Insulator and metal housing connection firmness
Pin and metal housing connection firmness
Pin firmness
Moisture resistance
Insulation resistance (normal)
Dielectric strength
Insulation resistance (wet state)
Heat resistance
Test method clauses
Sample size
Number of judgment groups
Unqualified classification
The sampling, inspection and disposal after inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4.9, 4.10 and 4.12 of GB2829.
6.3.6 According to the inspection results, if the number of unqualified samples is less than or equal to the qualified judgment number, it is judged as a qualified batch. If the number of unqualified samples is greater than or equal to the unqualified judgment number, it is judged as unqualified. 6.3.7 Periodic inspections shall be carried out once every quarter. If the batch-by-batch inspection results are significantly different from the previous periodic inspection, they shall also be carried out. 7
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
The lamp holders shall be packed in a firm packaging box. The box should be covered with a moisture-proof layer and be accompanied by a certificate of conformity issued by the inspection department. The weight of each package should not exceed 50kg. Each package box should indicate:
Manufacturer name and trademark;
Lamp holder name and model;
Code for this standard:
Relevant symbols specified in GB191:
Packing date.
Each certificate of conformity should indicate:
Items a, b, d in Article 7.3;
Inspection date;
Signatures of the inspection department and inspectors.
7.5 Lamp holders should be stored in a dry, ventilated place free of corrosive gases and substances. 6 The storage period of lamp holders shall not exceed one year from the packaging date. 7.6
Additional Notes
This standard is proposed by China Light Industry General Association
This standard is under the jurisdiction of National Electric Light Source Standardization Center This standard is drafted by Beijing Electric Light Xinjiang Research Institute The main drafter of this standard is Wang Yinquan,
GB 29-42 Identification and Inspection
Identification and inspection are conducted in one of the following situations: trial-production and inspection of new products; trial-production and inspection of old products transferred to other factories; identification and inspection of products after major changes in design, process, materials and spare parts; identification and inspection when resuming production after long-term suspension; when the national technical supervision department makes a request. Identification and inspection are conducted according to the items and sequence listed in Table 4. Table 4
Main dimensions
Material and appearance
Coating thickness
Inspection items and clauses
Insulator and metal shell and pins are not looseInsulator and metal shell firmness
Pin and metal shell firmness
Pin firmness
Insulation resistance (normal state)
Dielectric strength
Test method clause
Moisture resistance
Insulation resistance (humid state)
Coating bonding strength
Heat resistance
Heat resistance (ball pressure)
Note: Items 13 to 14 refer to plastic lamp holders.
Continued Table 4
Inspection Items and Clauses
Quantity and Grouping Items of Identification Inspection Samples Table 5
Classification of Lamp Holders
Metal Lamp Holders
Ceramic Lamp Holders
Plastic Lamp Holders
Metal lamp holders shall be tested for items 1 to 12 according to Table 4, and the samples shall be divided into two groups, A and C, with 30 pieces in each group. Group A shall be tested for items 1 to 7, and Group C shall be tested for items 8 to 12. Ceramic lamp holders shall be tested for items 1, 2, and 4 according to Table 4. Sample
Test method clause
Group A, C
Group A, C
Plastic lamp holders shall be tested in items 1, 2, 4, 13, 14, and 15 according to Table 4, and the lamp holders shall be divided into two groups, A and C. The 15 in Group A shall only be tested in items 1, 2, and 4, and the 5 in Group C shall only be tested in items 13, 14, and 15. All samples shall pass all the tests and be judged as qualified. If any of the samples fails in any item, it shall be judged as unqualified. 6.2.4
Products that fail the identification inspection shall be re-inspected after improvement by the production unit. During the re-inspection, only the last unqualified items and 6.2.5
items that may affect the unqualified items shall be inspected. After several inspections are summarized, if all items pass, it can be judged as qualified. The time from the first identification to the last identification inspection shall not exceed half a year, otherwise a new round of identification inspection shall be started again. 6.3
Quality consistency inspection
The batch inspection items, sequence and AQL value of the quality consistency inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 6. 6.3.1
Main dimensions
Appearance quality
Inspection items and clauses
4.2.1, 4.2.4, 4.2.5
Insulator and shell and pins are not loose
Insulation resistance (normal atmospheric conditions)
Test clauses
Sampling adopts the normal one-time sampling plan of the general inspection level I of GB2828, and determines the sample and the qualified and unqualified judgment numbers (A., R.) according to the size of the delivery batch. 6.3.3 The determination of inspection strictness, the search of sampling plan, the extraction of samples, the inspection of samples, the judgment of qualified or unqualified batch by batch inspection and the disposal after batch by batch inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4.6, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12 of GB2828 respectively. 6.3.4
The periodic inspection of quality consistency shall be carried out in accordance with the single sampling of the discrimination level il of GB2829. The inspection items, sequence, classification of unqualified products, RQL value and number of judgment groups shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 7. No.
Inspection items and clauses
Material and appearance
Coating thickness
Coating bonding strength
Insulator and housing and pins are not loose
Main dimensions
Insulator and metal housing connection firmness
Pin and metal housing connection firmness
Pin firmness
Moisture resistance
Insulation resistance (normal)
Dielectric strength
Insulation resistance (wet state)
Heat resistance
Test method clauses
Sample size
Number of judgment groups
Unqualified classification
The sampling, inspection and disposal after inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4.9, 4.10 and 4.12 of GB2829.
6.3.6 According to the inspection results, if the number of unqualified samples is less than or equal to the qualified judgment number, it is judged as a qualified batch. If the number of unqualified samples is greater than or equal to the unqualified judgment number, it is judged as unqualified. 6.3.7 Periodic inspections shall be carried out once every quarter. If the batch-by-batch inspection results are significantly different from the previous periodic inspection, they shall also be carried out. 7
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
The lamp holders shall be packed in a firm packaging box. The box should be covered with a moisture-proof layer and be accompanied by a certificate of conformity issued by the inspection department. The weight of each package should not exceed 50kg. Each package box should indicate:
Manufacturer name and trademark;
Lamp holder name and model;
Code for this standard:
Relevant symbols specified in GB191:
Packing date.
Each certificate of conformity should indicate:
Items a, b, d in Article 7.3;
Inspection date;
Signatures of the inspection department and inspectors.
7.5 Lamp holders should be stored in a dry, ventilated place free of corrosive gases and substances. 6 The storage period of lamp holders shall not exceed one year from the packaging date. 7.6
Additional Notes
This standard is proposed by China Light Industry General Association
This standard is under the jurisdiction of National Electric Light Source Standardization Center This standard is drafted by Beijing Electric Light Xinjiang Research Institute The main drafter of this standard is Wang Yinquan,
GB 29-42 Identification and Inspection
Identification and inspection are conducted in one of the following situations: trial-production and inspection of new products; trial-production and inspection of old products transferred to other factories; identification and inspection of products after major changes in design, process, materials and spare parts; identification and inspection when resuming production after long-term suspension; when the national technical supervision department makes a request. Identification and inspection are conducted according to the items and sequence listed in Table 4. Table 4
Main dimensions
Material and appearance
Coating thickness
Inspection items and clauses
Insulator and metal shell and pins are not looseInsulator and metal shell firmness
Pin and metal shell firmness
Pin firmness
Insulation resistance (normal state)
Dielectric strength
Test method clause
Moisture resistance
Insulation resistance (humid state)
Coating bonding strength
Heat resistance
Heat resistance (ball pressure)
Note: Items 13 to 14 refer to plastic lamp holders.
Continued Table 4
Inspection Items and Clauses
Quantity and Grouping Items of Identification Inspection Samples Table 5
Classification of Lamp Holders
Metal Lamp Holders
Ceramic Lamp Holders
Plastic Lamp Holders
Metal lamp holders shall be tested in items 1 to 12 according to Table 4, and the samples shall be divided into two groups, A and C, with 30 pieces in each group. Group A shall be tested in items 1 to 7, and Group C shall be tested in items 8 to 12. Ceramic lamp holders shall be tested in items 1, 2 and 4 according to Table 4. Sample
Test method clause
Group A, C
Group A, C
Plastic lamp holders shall be tested in items 1, 2, 4, 13, 14, and 15 according to Table 4, and the lamp holders shall be divided into two groups, A and C. The 15 members of Group A shall only be tested in items 1, 2, and 4, and the 5 members of Group C shall only be tested in items 13, 14, and 15. All samples shall pass all the tests and be judged as qualified. If any of the samples fails in any item, it shall be judged as unqualified. 6.2.4
Products that fail the identification inspection shall be re-inspected after improvement by the production unit. During the re-inspection, only the last unqualified items and 6.2.5
items that may affect the unqualified items shall be inspected. After several inspections are summarized, if all items pass, it can be judged as qualified. The time from the first identification to the last identification inspection shall not exceed half a year, otherwise a new round of identification inspection shall be started again. 6.3
Quality consistency inspection
The batch inspection items, sequence and AQL value of the quality consistency inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 6. 6.3.1
Main dimensions
Appearance quality
Inspection items and clauses
4.2.1, 4.2.4, 4.2.5
Insulator and shell and pins are not loose
Insulation resistance (normal atmospheric conditions)
Test clauses
Sampling adopts the normal one-time sampling plan of the general inspection level I of GB2828, and determines the sample and the qualified and unqualified judgment numbers (A., R.) according to the size of the delivery batch. 6.3.3 The determination of inspection strictness, the search of sampling plan, the extraction of samples, the inspection of samples, the judgment of qualified or unqualified batch by batch inspection and the disposal after batch by batch inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4.6, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12 of GB2828 respectively. 6.3.4
The periodic inspection of quality consistency shall be carried out in accordance with the single sampling of the discrimination level il of GB2829. The inspection items, sequence, classification of unqualified products, RQL value and number of judgment groups shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 7. No.
Inspection items and clauses
Material and appearance
Coating thickness
Coating bonding strength
Insulator and housing and pins are not loose
Main dimensions
Insulator and metal housing connection firmness
Pin and metal housing connection firmness
Pin firmness
Moisture resistance
Insulation resistance (normal)
Dielectric strength
Insulation resistance (wet state)
Heat resistance
Test method clauses
Sample size
Number of judgment groups
Unqualified classification
The sampling, inspection and disposal after inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4.9, 4.10 and 4.12 of GB2829.
6.3.6 According to the inspection results, if the number of unqualified samples is less than or equal to the qualified judgment number, it is judged as a qualified batch. If the number of unqualified samples is greater than or equal to the unqualified judgment number, it is judged as unqualified. 6.3.7 Periodic inspections shall be carried out once every quarter. If the batch-by-batch inspection results are significantly different from the previous periodic inspection, they shall also be carried out. 7
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
The lamp holders shall be packed in a firm packaging box. The box should be covered with a moisture-proof layer and be accompanied by a certificate of conformity issued by the inspection department. The weight of each package should not exceed 50kg. Each package box should indicate:
Manufacturer name and trademark;
Lamp holder name and model;
Code for this standard:
Relevant symbols specified in GB191:
Packing date.
Each certificate of conformity should indicate:
Items a, b, d in Article 7.3;
Inspection date;
Signatures of the inspection department and inspectors.
7.5 Lamp holders should be stored in a dry, ventilated place free of corrosive gases and substances. 6 The storage period of lamp holders shall not exceed one year from the packaging date. 7.6
Additional Notes
This standard is proposed by China Light Industry General Association
This standard is under the jurisdiction of National Electric Light Source Standardization Center This standard is drafted by Beijing Electric Light Xinjiang Research Institute The main drafter of this standard is Wang Yinquan,
GB 29-45
Insulator and housing and pins are not loose
Insulation resistance (normal atmospheric conditions)
Test terms
Sampling adopts the normal one-time sampling plan of the general inspection level I of GB2828, and the samples and the qualified and unqualified judgment numbers (A., R.) are determined according to the size of the delivery batch. 6.3.3 The determination of inspection strictness, the retrieval of sampling plan, the extraction of samples, the inspection of samples, the judgment of qualified or unqualified batch inspection and the disposal after batch inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4.6, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12 of GB2828 respectively. 6.3.4
Periodic inspection of quality consistency shall be carried out in accordance with the one-time sampling of the discrimination level il of GB2829. The inspection items, sequence, unqualified classification, RQL value and number of judgment groups shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 7. No.
Inspection items and clauses
Material and appearance
Coating thickness
Coating bonding strength
Insulator and housing and pins are not loose
Main dimensions
Insulator and metal housing connection firmness
Pin and metal housing connection firmness
Pin firmness
Moisture resistance
Insulation resistance (normal)
Dielectric strength
Insulation resistance (wet state)
Heat resistance
Test method clauses
Sample size
Number of judgment groups
Unqualified classification
The sampling, inspection and disposal after inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4.9, 4.10 and 4.12 of GB2829.
6.3.6 According to the inspection results, if the number of unqualified samples is less than or equal to the qualified judgment number, it is judged as a qualified batch. If the number of unqualified samples is greater than or equal to the unqualified judgment number, it is judged as unqualified. 6.3.7 Periodic inspections shall be carried out once every quarter. If the batch-by-batch inspection results are significantly different from the previous periodic inspection, they shall also be carried out. 7
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
The lamp holders shall be packed in a firm packaging box. The box should be covered with a moisture-proof layer and be accompanied by a certificate of conformity issued by the inspection department. The weight of each package should not exceed 50kg. Each package box should indicate:
Manufacturer name and trademark;
Lamp holder name and model;
Code for this standard:
Relevant symbols specified in GB191:
Packing date.
Each certificate of conformity should indicate:
Items a, b, d in Article 7.3;
Inspection date;
Signatures of the inspection department and inspectors.
7.5 Lamp holders should be stored in a dry, ventilated place free of corrosive gases and substances. 6 The storage period of lamp holders shall not exceed one year from the packaging date. 7.6
Additional Notes
This standard is proposed by China Light Industry General Association
This standard is under the jurisdiction of National Electric Light Source Standardization Center This standard is drafted by Beijing Electric Light Xinjiang Research Institute The main drafter of this standard is Wang Yinquan,
GB 29-45
Insulator and housing and pins are not loose
Insulation resistance (normal atmospheric conditions)
Test terms
Sampling adopts the normal one-time sampling plan of the general inspection level I of GB2828, and the samples and the qualified and unqualified judgment numbers (A., R.) are determined according to the size of the delivery batch. 6.3.3 The determination of inspection strictness, the retrieval of sampling plan, the extraction of samples, the inspection of samples, the judgment of qualified or unqualified batch inspection and the disposal after batch inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4.6, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12 of GB2828 respectively. 6.3.4
Periodic inspection of quality consistency shall be carried out in accordance with the one-time sampling of the discrimination level il of GB2829. The inspection items, sequence, unqualified classification, RQL value and number of judgment groups shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 7. No.
Inspection items and clauses
Material and appearance
Coating thickness
Coating bonding strength
Insulator and housing and pins are not loose
Main dimensions
Insulator and metal housing connection firmness
Pin and metal housing connection firmness
Pin firmness
Moisture resistance
Insulation resistance (normal)
Dielectric strength
Insulation resistance (wet state)
Heat resistance
Test method clauses
Sample size
Number of judgment groups
Unqualified classification
The sampling, inspection and disposal after inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4.9, 4.10 and 4.12 of GB2829.
6.3.6 According to the inspection results, if the number of unqualified samples is less than or equal to the qualified judgment number, it is judged as a qualified batch. If the number of unqualified samples is greater than or equal to the unqualified judgment number, it is judged as unqualified. 6.3.7 Periodic inspections shall be carried out once every quarter. If the batch-by-batch inspection results are significantly different from the previous periodic inspection, they shall also be carried out. 7
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
The lamp holders shall be packed in a firm packaging box. The box should be covered with a moisture-proof layer and be accompanied by a certificate of conformity issued by the inspection department. The weight of each package should not exceed 50kg. Each package box should indicate:
Manufacturer name and trademark;
Lamp holder name and model;
Code for this standard:
Relevant symbols specified in GB191:
Packing date.
Each certificate of conformity should indicate:
Items a, b, d in Article 7.3;
Inspection date;
Signatures of the inspection department and inspectors.
7.5 Lamp holders should be stored in a dry, ventilated place free of corrosive gases and substances. 6 The storage period of lamp holders shall not exceed one year from the packaging date. 7.6
Additional Notes
This standard is proposed by China Light Industry General Association
This standard is under the jurisdiction of National Electric Light Source Standardization Center This standard is drafted by Beijing Electric Light Xinjiang Research Institute The main drafter of this standard is Wang Yinquan,
GB 29-4
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