title>GB/Z 35043-2018 Photovoltaic industry project operation management specifications - GB/Z 35043-2018 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/Z 35043-2018 Photovoltaic industry project operation management specifications

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/Z 35043-2018

Standard Name: Photovoltaic industry project operation management specifications

Chinese Name: 光伏产业项目运营管理规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

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Introduction to standards:

GB/Z 35043-2018.Speifications for operation management of photovoltaic project.
1 Scope
GB/Z 35043 gives the project conditions, division of responsibilities, project organization and operation of photovoltaic industry projects. Project expected results analysis. Project evaluation and management content, and provides typical cases of photovoltaic industry precision poverty alleviation (see Appendix A).
GB/Z 35043 is applicable to the operation management of photovoltaic industry projects.
2 Project conditions
2.1 Natural conditions
2.1.1 Reasonable site selection based on light resources, land properties, grid connection conditions, geographical environment, geological conditions and construction mode.
2.1.2 Priority is given to barren mountains, barren beaches, barren slopes, etc. Without changing the nature of the land, a composite photovoltaic power station construction model combined with agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery resources can be adopted.
2.1.3 The site should be oriented towards the south or close to the south, avoiding the obstruction of the photovoltaic modules by surrounding obstacles.
2.2 Facility and Equipment Conditions
2.2.1 The construction site of the photovoltaic power station should have the traffic conditions for access to the construction site and operation and maintenance after commissioning.
2.2.2 The photovoltaic power station should have the conditions for grid access.
2.3 Personnel Conditions
2.3.1 The aid recipients can participate in the daily operation and maintenance of the power station, such as cleaning the components and weeding the power station.
2.3.2 The aid recipients should be interested in and motivated in the maintenance of the power station, be willing to engage in related work, and be able to actively learn and accept the necessary professional knowledge and technical guidance and training.
2.4 Other conditions
The following conditions will be more conducive to the implementation of the photovoltaic industry targeted poverty alleviation project:
The industrial development area (poor village) is located in Class I or Class II solar energy resource area;
In the industrial development area, various types of high-efficiency agriculture are organically combined with photovoltaic poverty alleviation power stations to reduce the land use area of ​​photovoltaic poverty alleviation power stations and increase the superimposed land benefits;
In the industrial development area, a new generation of agricultural and photovoltaic complementary technology of "smart photovoltaic + scientific and technological agriculture" is innovated, and under the condition of "not changing the nature of the land, not changing the soil structure, and not changing the basic land farming method", the comprehensive utilization of agricultural land is promoted to improve the social comprehensive effects of agricultural modernization and green environmental protection.

Some standard content:

National Standardization Guiding Technical Documents of the People's Republic of China GB/Z35043-2018
Specifications for operationmanagement of photovoltaic industry projects
Specifications for operationmanagement of photovoltaicproject2018-05-18Release
State Administration for Market Regulation
Standardization Administration of China
Project conditions
Division of responsibilities
Project organization and operation
Analysis of expected project results
6 Project evaluation and management
Appendix A (Informative Appendix)
Typical examples of photovoltaic farms in Lingbi County, Suzhou City, Anhui ProvinceForeword
This guiding technical document was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009, GB/Z35043-2018
Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing agency of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying these patents. This guiding technical document is proposed and managed by the China National Institute of Standardization. The drafting units of this guiding technical document: China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd., Suzhou Tenghui Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd., China National Institute of Standardization
The main drafters of this guiding technical document: Guo Weisheng, Sheng Wanxing, Wang Jinli, Liu Bolin, An Xin, Wang Li, Hou Yiming, Sun Zhaoyang, Cheng Yue GB/Z35043—2018
Photovoltaic poverty alleviation is an effective poverty alleviation model for targeted poverty alleviation and targeted poverty reduction pioneered in China. It has been listed as one of the top ten projects for targeted poverty alleviation by the state and is being promoted and applied to poverty-stricken areas across the country. Carrying out photovoltaic poverty alleviation in accordance with local conditions in poverty-stricken areas with good light resources is in line with the strategy of targeted poverty alleviation and targeted poverty reduction, as well as the national clean and low-carbon energy development strategy: it is conducive to expanding the photovoltaic power generation market and promoting the stable income and increase of the poor population.
To speed up the photovoltaic poverty alleviation project and ensure the poverty alleviation effect of photovoltaic poverty alleviation projects, the National Energy Administration and the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office issued the National Energy Development New Energy (201739 "Notice of the National Energy Administration and the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office on the Preparation of the 13th Five-Year Plan for Photovoltaic Poverty Alleviation"), proposing that the capacity of village-level photovoltaic poverty alleviation power stations should be configured with an average of 5kW~7kW per household based on the county as the overall planning unit, and the scale of a single village should generally not exceed 300kW (it can be relaxed to 500kW for those with nearby access to the power grid and power grid absorption conditions). Various provinces, cities and counties across the country have also issued a large number of photovoltaic poverty alleviation policies. In order to guide local governments to effectively implement the village-level photovoltaic poverty alleviation power station project, combined with the practice of the precision poverty alleviation photovoltaic farm project in Lingbi County, Suzhou City, Anhui Province, this guiding technical document was compiled. This guiding technical document can be used as a reference in the operation and management of photovoltaic industry poverty alleviation projects. 1 Scope
Photovoltaic Industry Project Operation and Management Specifications
This guiding technical document provides the project conditions, division of responsibilities, project organization and operation, project expected results analysis, project evaluation and management of photovoltaic industry projects, and provides typical cases of photovoltaic industry precision poverty alleviation (see Appendix A). This guiding technical document is applicable to the operation and management of photovoltaic industry projects. 2 Project conditions
2.1 Natural conditions
2.1.1 Reasonable site selection based on light resources, land properties, grid connection conditions, geographical environment, geological conditions and construction mode. 2.1.2 Optimal First, select barren mountains, wastelands, and barren slopes. Without changing the nature of the land, a composite photovoltaic power station construction model that combines agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery resources can be adopted. 2.1.3 The site should be oriented south or close to the south to avoid obstruction of photovoltaic components by surrounding obstacles. 2.2 Facility and equipment conditions
2.2.1 The construction site of the photovoltaic power station should have transportation conditions for on-site construction and post-operation operation and maintenance. 2.2.2
The photovoltaic power station has grid access conditions nearby. 2.3 Personnel conditions
2.3.1 The recipients of assistance can participate in the daily operation and maintenance of the power station, including component cleaning and weeding. The recipients of assistance should be interested in and motivated in power station maintenance work, willing to engage in related work, and able to actively learn and accept necessary training. 2.3.2
Required professional knowledge and technical guidance training.
2.4 Other conditions
The following conditions will be more conducive to the implementation of photovoltaic industry precision poverty alleviation projects: The industrial development area (poor village) is in Class I or Class II solar energy resource area. In the industrial development area, various types of high-efficiency agriculture are organically combined with photovoltaic poverty alleviation power stations to reduce the land use area of ​​photovoltaic poverty alleviation power stations and increase the superimposed land benefits:
In the industrial development area, the "intelligent photovoltaic + scientific and technological agriculture" new generation of agricultural and photovoltaic complementary technology is innovated, and under the condition of "not changing the nature of the land, not changing the soil structure, and not changing the basic land farming method", the comprehensive utilization of agricultural land is promoted to improve the social comprehensive effect of agricultural modernization and green environmental protection. 3 Division of responsibilities
3.1 Main work content of the government
3.1.1 Organization and leadership
Establish a photovoltaic poverty alleviation leading group in the district to strengthen leadership and coordinate the implementation and promotion of photovoltaic poverty alleviation projects. GB/Z35043—2018
3.1.2 Division of labor and cooperation The photovoltaic poverty alleviation leading group has an office, which is located in the (district) county Development and Reform Commission. It is responsible for the daily work of the leading group, the pursuit of photovoltaic indicators, the coordination of project filing and the promotion of ground photovoltaic power stations. The member units of the leading group are responsible for their respective duties and strive to promote the implementation of the photovoltaic poverty alleviation project. The county (district) poverty alleviation office is responsible for the pursuit of photovoltaic poverty alleviation policy funds, the selection of poor villages and poor households, and the overall promotion of Promote photovoltaic power generation to households and villages, and make good arrangements for poverty alleviation funds and project construction scheduling. The county (district) Finance Bureau is responsible for obtaining project funds and arranging necessary working funds. The county (district) Land and Resources Bureau and Forestry Bureau are responsible for policy coordination on land use for photovoltaic poverty alleviation projects and implementation of preferential policies on land compensation and fees. The county (district) power supply company shall speed up the implementation of rural power grid transformation and upgrading to ensure that the demand for photovoltaic power generation is met, and shall be responsible for the implementation and connection of relevant policies, formulation of access system plans, selection of grid connection methods, grid connection, commissioning, daily maintenance of assets owned by the power supply department, meter reading and subsidy fund settlement, etc.
The county (district) poverty alleviation financing platform is responsible for the fundraising and integration of funds for photovoltaic poverty alleviation projects in the county (district) ) The government supervision office is responsible for supervision and inspection, and assesses the implementation of the project in the townships. The party committees and governments of each township are responsible for the photovoltaic power generation poverty alleviation projects in their townships, and organize township (town) and village cadres and village-based poverty alleviation teams to select poor households for project implementation, publicize, mobilize and collect self-raised funds, promote projects, coordinate construction, coordinate and deal with problems that arise during project implementation, and cooperate with inspections and acceptance. County (district) direct assistance units should organize relevant personnel to go to villages and households in accordance with the requirements of the annual poverty alleviation work opinions of the county party committee and county government, and support photovoltaic projects for poor households in the assisted villages.
3.1.3 Policy and financial guarantees The capital for project construction should be integrated by the government. During the project operation period, it should be guaranteed The county (district) power supply company shall prioritize the subsidy demand of photovoltaic poverty alleviation projects in the annual plan according to the management system of renewable energy power generation subsidy funds issued by relevant national departments, and ensure that photovoltaic poverty alleviation projects settle electricity bills in full and receive national subsidy funds on a monthly basis. 3.2 Responsibilities of the main body of assistance implementation
3.2.1 Formulate implementation plan
According to the actual conditions of the areas where the assisted objects are located, formulate feasible photovoltaic and industrial composite photovoltaic power station construction plans according to local conditions3.2.2 Do a good job in project implementation
Actively communicate between the government and the assisted objects to implement the project and ensure that the funding policies are in place, and perform the main responsibilities in project design, construction, operation, maintenance, etc.
2 Make timely site selection and evaluation plan design in the early stage of the project. Strictly control the construction quality during the project construction. Make every effort to ensure the operation and maintenance of the project after it is put into operation to ensure the project benefits. 3.3
Responsibilities of the Assisted Person
3.3.1 Provide a suitable site
According to the conditions and requirements for the construction of the photovoltaic power station, provide a suitable construction site. 2
3.3.2 Actively learn to operate according to the regulations
Change the concept and establish the idea of ​​hard work and wealth. Actively accept the guidance and requirements of assistance, and earnestly learn the basic theory and operation skills of photovoltaic power station operation and maintenance. Actively complete the daily management and maintenance of the photovoltaic power station according to the regulations and time nodes. 4 Project organization and operation
4.1 Project operation mode
4.1.1 Single village construction, capacity below 500kW, unified management by the county-level government platform company. GB/Z35043—2018
4.1.2 Multi-village joint construction, several village-level photovoltaic poverty alleviation power stations with a capacity below 500kW are built in one of the poor villages according to land conditions, grid conditions, distribution of poor villages and other conditions, and are operated in the mode of "centralized construction, centralized management, and village-based benefits", and are managed by the county-level government platform company.
4.2 Project contract signing
4.2.1 Government, enterprises, cooperatives, poor households (aid targets) and other entities participating in the implementation of poverty alleviation projects shall clarify the responsibilities and division of labor for assistance and the ownership of farms and other properties, and jointly sign an assistance project implementation agreement. 4.2.2 The village-level photovoltaic poverty alleviation power station project adopts the method of open bidding or invitation bidding to select engineering survey, design, construction, and supervision units, and sign relevant contracts.
4.2.3 The operation and maintenance management or technical services of the village-level photovoltaic poverty alleviation power station shall be undertaken by enterprises with strong technical and management capabilities through public bidding or invitation bidding, etc., with cities and counties as units, and corresponding contracts shall be signed in accordance with regulations and strictly implemented in accordance with the contract requirements. 4.3 Project Risk Analysis
4.3.1 Funding Risk
The initial construction investment and financing amount of the village-level photovoltaic poverty alleviation power station project is large, and it is necessary to ensure that the construction funds are in place in time to prevent delays in the project schedule.
4.3.2 Engineering Design Scheme Risk
The engineering design scheme risks include:
Using the value engineering theory, adopting the limit design method, correctly and reasonably selecting schemes and materials, avoiding blind pursuit of high standards, and making design decisions from the perspective of a)
quality and economy, so as to achieve the goal of saving investment: Using the bill of quantities pricing model for construction project bidding is conducive to controlling the investment in construction projects and reasonably transferring the risk of material price increases to contractors.
4.3.3 Comprehensive risk assessment
The construction of village-level photovoltaic poverty alleviation power stations in remote and impoverished areas is subject to the risk of improper daily operation and maintenance or untimely professional operation and maintenance, which will affect the power generation efficiency and actual power generation income of the power station.
4.4 Project operation
4.4.1 Poor villages can adopt a precise industrial poverty alleviation model with superimposed benefits such as "photovoltaic + industry (agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery) + employment". 4.4.2 The photovoltaic poverty alleviation power station shall be implemented by a platform company established by the county-level government in accordance with the five unified principles of "planning, design, construction, acceptance, and operation and maintenance". It shall be responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance of the photovoltaic poverty alleviation power station to ensure the quality of power station construction and the stability of operating income. 3
4.4.3 After the completion of the village-level photovoltaic poverty alleviation power station, the county-level government shall organize unified operation and management, and the property rights of the power station and its income rights shall belong to the poor village. 4.4.4 After the completion and acceptance of the village-level photovoltaic poverty alleviation power station project, the property rights shall be transferred to the poor village, and the specific management measures shall be separately formulated by the relevant poverty alleviation departments Formulate.
4.5 Project Summary
A project completes one cycle (usually one cycle year) and should be summarized in a timely manner, perform various duties according to the contract, and conduct performance appraisal and fulfillment.
5 Analysis of expected project results
5.1 Cost investment
5.1.1 Government investment, special poverty alleviation funds, agricultural funds and other government funds. 5.1.2 Other investment: social donations (if any). 5.2
Expected income is calculated based on poor households (aid targets) 5.2.1 Basic income
Through the investment of poverty alleviation funds, help poor households build photovoltaic power stations, and the property rights and income belong to the poor households. The annual power generation income of photovoltaic power stations built in poor villages is calculated as follows:
Annual power generation income - capacity of poor households × annual average light According to the time × local on-grid benchmark electricity price. 5.2.2 Other income
Other income includes: employment income from public welfare positions, land rental income, and sales income from characteristic industries. The annual other income is calculated as follows: annual other income - annual employment income from public welfare positions + annual land rental income + annual sales income from characteristic industries. 5.2.3 Total income
Total income includes: power generation income, public welfare position employment income, land rental income, and sales income from characteristic industries. The annual total income is calculated as follows:
Annual total income + annual power generation income + annual employment income from public welfare positions + annual land rental income + annual sales income from characteristic industries. 5.2.4 Calculation results
For specific calculation results, please refer to the typical cases in Appendix A. 5.3
8 Poverty alleviation cycle
Poverty alleviation cycle 1 (total income during the life cycle minus total investment during the life cycle)/total investment during the life cycle Project evaluation and management
According to the signed assistance project implementation agreement, the project implementation effect is evaluated. The main evaluation contents include assistance responsibilities, division of labor implementation, and income of poor households.
6.2 The local government is responsible for supervision, inspection and acceptance. According to the progress and completion of the project implementation, a phased assessment is conducted, and the corresponding support funds are allocated in accordance with the regulations of the bureau. The assessment can be carried out through on-site inspection, expert review, visits to poor households, etc. 4
A.1 Basic situation of poverty alleviation projects
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Typical case of photovoltaic farm in Lingbi County, Suzhou City, Anhui Province The basic situation of poverty alleviation projects is shown in Table A,1.
Case name
Number of registered poor people
Project start time
Poverty-stricken counties covered
Industry type
Featured industry
Business entity
Interest linkage mechanism
Name of standardization pilot demonstration
Number of poor people driven
Total investment/10,000 yuan
Profit in 2017/10,000 yuan
75,000 people
November 2016
Basic situation of poverty alleviation projects
Photovoltaic farm in impoverished village of Lingbi County
Suzhou, Anhui Province
Lingbi, Guangxi||t t||Poverty incidence
Investment payback period
Contiguous special hardship counties and districts
Planting Forestry Breeding Aquaculture Energy Processing Tourism Services Others (
Photovoltaic farms
Leading enterprises
Family farms
Professional large households
New professional farmers
Others (government)
Leading enterprises + cooperatives + farmers
Leading enterprises + farmers
Photovoltaic + modern agriculture + support for goods
Others (
Photovoltaic farms in impoverished villages in Lingbi County
Non-standard pilot Demonstration
Average annual income of poor people/yuan
Total output/10,000 yuan
Average annual profit rate/%bzxZ.net
High China Low
A.2 Poverty alleviation model and practice
A.2.1 Assistance model
Lingbi County has established Lingbi County Mutual Aid Poverty Alleviation Co., Ltd. to manage and operate photovoltaic farms in poor villages in a unified manner. The property rights of the built photovoltaic farms belong to the poor county, allowing poor villages to have their own power plants and special farms, and achieve 25 years of cumulative income to get rid of poverty. Photovoltaic farms in poor villages can grow grains such as water chestnuts, wheat, and corn, and can also engage in Chinese herbal medicine, oil-producing peonies, soilless cultivation, pig farming, fish farming, and domestic horticulture. Poultry, flowers, sightseeing, etc. The farm is uniformly provided with technical support and guarantee by Zhongli Agricultural Research Institute, which controls the quality of seeds and fertilizers, eliminates genetically modified organisms, encourages the use of biological organic fertilizers, and gradually achieves chemical-free and pesticide-free farming, prohibiting hormone and antibiotic farming. The photovoltaic farm in the poor village adopts the Internet model to recruit member units and individuals locally. The cooperative purposefully divides the land reasonably, and the member units and individuals claim it, and plant and breed according to the requirements of the member units and individuals. The cooperative manages it uniformly and lists the members as shareholders to let them enjoy the benefits of the landlord. First of all, the needs of the members are guaranteed, and the excess harvest is sold to the outside, and the profits are then divided with the members in an agreed proportion. This not only avoids the risks of cooperative farming, but also guarantees the interests of all parties. A.2.2 Specific assistance measures
Taking industry as the starting point, through market-oriented operation, explore new poverty alleviation models and implement industrial poverty alleviation projects. Relying on the standardization system and combining the local poverty alleviation and development reality, explore a set of standardized poverty alleviation operation and management methods. In the implementation of the project, through standardized operation procedures, improve the quality effect of the project and the effectiveness of poverty alleviation. "Smart photovoltaic + scientific and technological agriculture" breaks through the limitation of traditional "agricultural light complementation" only used for shade-loving crops and breeding, and successfully realizes the application in rice, wheat, corn and other food crops, creating a new form of organic integration of photovoltaic power generation and modern scientific and technological agriculture, effectively promoting agricultural quality and efficiency improvement and farmers' increased production and income, and promoting the comprehensive utilization of agricultural land under the condition of "not changing the nature of the land, not changing the soil structure, and not changing the basic land farming methods", and improving the social comprehensive effect of agricultural modernization and green environmental protection.
A.2.3 Project Management Measures
Innovate the precise industrial poverty alleviation model of "photovoltaic + modern agriculture + employment superimposed benefits", and the village-level photovoltaic poverty alleviation power station construction and management model of "centralized construction, centralized management, and village-by-village benefits". In poverty-stricken areas, various types of high-efficiency agriculture and photovoltaic poverty alleviation power stations are organically combined to reduce the land use area of ​​photovoltaic poverty alleviation power stations by nearly 40%, while increasing the superimposed benefits of land. A.2.4 Local Policy Support
Local policy support includes:
"Notice of the Anhui Provincial Poverty Alleviation Office, Anhui Provincial Energy Bureau, and Anhui Provincial Finance Department on Issuing the Anhui Provincial Photovoltaic Poverty Alleviation Implementation Plan" (Anhui Poverty Alleviation Office (No. 201570);
"Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the People's Government of Anhui Province on the Implementation of Photovoltaic Poverty Alleviation"; "Anhui Province's Notice on Issuing the 201 A.3 Standardization Construction and Implementation
A.3.1 Construction of Standard System
Participate in the formulation of national standards such as "Management and Evaluation Guidelines for Village-level Photovoltaic Power Stations for Targeted Poverty Alleviation" and "Technical Guidelines for Village-level Photovoltaic Power Stations for Targeted Poverty Alleviation".
A.3.2 Implementation Measures of Standard System
The construction of village-level photovoltaic power stations for poverty alleviation is based on GB50794 "Construction Specifications for Photovoltaic Power Stations", GB50797 "Design Specifications for Photovoltaic Power Stations", GB/Z35043-2018
GB/T50865 "Design Specifications for Photovoltaic Power Generation Connected to Distribution Networks", GB/T36115 "Technical Guidelines for Village-level Photovoltaic Power Stations for Targeted Poverty Alleviation", GB/T36119 "Management Specifications for Village-level Photovoltaic Power Stations for Targeted Poverty Alleviation". A.3.3 Results of standardization implementation
The village-level photovoltaic poverty alleviation power stations are built in accordance with relevant standards to ensure construction quality, meet the requirements for grid access, and ensure that poor villages and poor households obtain continuous and stable poverty alleviation benefits.
A,4 Achievements
A.4.1 Photovoltaic power station
The total investment in the photovoltaic farm power station site and external lines in the county is about 275 million yuan: after completion and grid connection, each of the 73 poor villages will enjoy the assets and income of the 0.5MW photovoltaic power station. According to the simulation calculation based on the local lighting conditions, each 0.5MW photovoltaic farm power station generates an average of about 625,000 kW·h of electricity per year. Based on the local benchmark grid-connected electricity price of 0.85 yuan/(kW·h) in the third category of areas, the annual income of the power station alone exceeds 530,000 yuan for each poor village. The local government's poverty alleviation income management method extracts part of the income as collective economic income, which is used for village collective public welfare undertakings, such as building a small village fitness square to provide villagers with a place for exercise and cultural construction: at the same time, an incentive fund for college students from poor households is established to help more poor students solve the difficulties of going to school. Other income is mainly used to help poor households get out of poverty. For poor people with labor capacity, some auxiliary employment poverty alleviation measures are taken, such as setting up some village cleaning positions and civilization promotion positions to carry out labor education and work poverty alleviation, while some poor households with no "three" are directly carried out economic poverty alleviation. A.4.2 Farm
A 0.5MW village-level photovoltaic farm covers an area of ​​about 15 mu. Considering the agricultural output value of greenhouse planting and pond breeding, efficient agriculture can generate about 5,000 yuan per mu per year, and realize a total agricultural net income of about 75,000 yuan. At the same time, local poor villagers are hired to carry out production labor during the agricultural planting process, and the employment income of photovoltaic farms in poor villages is used for poverty alleviation; the average monthly salary is 1,000 to 2,000 yuan. From the side, it can solve the employment of about 30 poor people, and at the same time, it can drive the development of related industries such as logistics and improve comprehensive benefits. 1) 1 mu ~ 666.67m
People's Republic of China
National Standardization Guiding Technical Documents
Specifications for Operation and Management of Photovoltaic Industry Projects
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100045) Website spc.net.cn
Editor's Office: (010) 68533533 Distribution Center: (010) 51780 238 Reader Service Department: (010) 68523946
Printed by Qinhuangdao Printing Factory of China Standard Press Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Format 880×12301/16 Printing sheet 0.75 Word count 20,000 words First edition in May 2018
First printing in May 2018
Book number: 155066: 1-60856
Price 16.00 yuan
Replaced by the distribution center of this company
If there is any printing error
Copyright reserved
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Report telephone: (010) 68510107The 5MW village-level photovoltaic farm covers an area of ​​about 15 mu. Considering the agricultural output value of greenhouse planting, pond breeding, etc., high-efficiency agriculture can generate about 5,000 yuan per mu per year, and achieve a total agricultural net income of about 75,000 yuan. At the same time, during the agricultural planting process, local poor villagers are hired to carry out production labor, and the employment income of the photovoltaic farm in the poor village is used to alleviate poverty; the average monthly salary is 1,000 to 2,000 yuan per person. From the side, it can solve the employment of about 30 poor people, and at the same time, it can drive the development of related industries such as logistics and improve the overall benefits. 1) 1 mu ~ 666.67m
People's Republic of China
National Standardization Guiding Technical Documents
Specifications for Operation and Management of Photovoltaic Industry Projects
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100045) Website spc.net.cn
Editor's Office: (010) 68533533 Distribution Center: (010) 51780 238 Reader Service Department: (010) 68523946
Printed by Qinhuangdao Printing Factory of China Standard Press Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Format 880×12301/16 Printing sheet 0.75 Word count 20,000 words First edition in May 2018
First printing in May 2018
Book number: 155066: 1-60856
Price 16.00 yuan
Replaced by the distribution center of this company
If there is any printing error
Copyright reserved
Infringement will be investigated
Report telephone: (010) 68510107The 5MW village-level photovoltaic farm covers an area of ​​about 15 mu. Considering the agricultural output value of greenhouse planting, pond breeding, etc., high-efficiency agriculture can generate about 5,000 yuan per mu per year, and achieve a total agricultural net income of about 75,000 yuan. At the same time, during the agricultural planting process, local poor villagers are hired to carry out production labor, and the employment income of the photovoltaic farm in the poor village is used to alleviate poverty; the average monthly salary is 1,000 to 2,000 yuan per person. From the side, it can solve the employment of about 30 poor people, and at the same time, it can drive the development of related industries such as logistics and improve the overall benefits. 1) 1 mu ~ 666.67m
People's Republic of China
National Standardization Guiding Technical Documents
Specifications for Operation and Management of Photovoltaic Industry Projects
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100045) Website spc.net.cn
Editor's Office: (010) 68533533 Distribution Center: (010) 51780 238 Reader Service Department: (010) 68523946
Printed by Qinhuangdao Printing Factory of China Standard Press Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Format 880×12301/16 Printing sheet 0.75 Word count 20,000 words First edition in May 2018
First printing in May 2018
Book number: 155066: 1-60856
Price 16.00 yuan
Replaced by the distribution center of this company
If there is any printing error
Copyright reserved
Infringement will be investigated
Report telephone: (010) 68510107
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