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HG/T 2332-1992 Main rubber parts of radio recorders

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2332-1992

Standard Name: Main rubber parts of radio recorders

Chinese Name: 收录机主要橡胶配件

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1992-06-01

Date of Implementation:1993-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Rubber and plastic industry>>Rubber and plastic products>>83.140.99 Other rubber and plastic products

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Rubber Products and Auxiliary Materials>>G42 Hose, Tape, and Plaster

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HG/T 2332-1992 Main rubber parts of radio recorders HG/T2332-1992 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Main rubber parts of recorders
Subject content and scope of application
HG 2332-92
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, etc. for the main rubber parts of recorders (hereinafter referred to as rubber parts). This standard applies to the main rubber parts of recorders with a use temperature of 10~~40℃. 2 Reference standards
GB 528 Determination of tensile properties of vulcanized rubberGB531 Rubber Shore A hardness test methodGB 1689
GB 5722
GB 6031
GB 9865
Determination of wear resistance of vulcanized rubber (using Akron abrasion machine)Batch inspection counting sampling procedure and sampling table (applicable to continuous batch inspection)Rubber hot air aging test method
General provisions for marking, packaging and transportation of rubber sealing productsGeneral provisions for storage of rubber sealing products
Determination of international hardness of vulcanized rubber (30~85IRHD)Conventional test method
Determination of international hardness of vulcanized rubber (30~85IRHD)Micro test method
Determination of permanent deformation of vulcanized rubber under constant deformation compression at room temperature and high temperatureEnvironmental test requirements and test methods for radio recorders, radio and television receivers, tape recorders, audio power amplifiers (amplifiers)
Preparation of vulcanized rubber samples and test specimens
GB 10197
Technical requirements and measurement methods for tape transport mechanism of cassette recordersGB/T 12840
3 Classification
Reliability requirements and test methods for the tape transport mechanism of cassette recorders The main rubber parts of cassette recorders are divided into three categories according to their uses: transmission belts; transmission wheels; motor pads. 3.1 Transmission belts include main transmission belts, auxiliary transmission belts, and counter belts. According to the cross-sectional shape, they can be divided into square belts and flat belts. 3.2 Transmission wheels include pressure wheels, winding wheels, friction wheels, and various intermediate wheels. 3.3 Motor pads.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Dimension tolerance
4.1.1 The inner diameter tolerance of the transmission belt shall comply with the requirements of Table 1. Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People’s Republic of China on June 1, 1992 274
Implementation on July 1, 1993
Inner diameter size
HG 2332—92
Inner diameter tolerance
4.1.2 The tolerance and unevenness of thickness and width of transmission belts shall comply with the provisions of Table 2 for flat belts; for square belts, the tolerance and unevenness of thickness and width shall comply with the tolerance and unevenness of thickness in Table 2. Table 2
>0. 4~0.8
>0. 8~1. 2
≥>1. 2 ~1. 4
>1. 4~1. 6
The dimensional tolerances of transmission wheels and motor pads shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. 4.1.3
>0. 6~1. 0
>1. 0~1. 6
>1.6~3. 0
>3. 0~6. 0
Transmission wheel
Pressing wheel
Taping wheel, friction wheel, intermediate wheel
Motor pad
4.1.4 In case of other requirements for geometric tolerances and dimensional tolerances, they shall be determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 4.2 Physical properties
4.2.1 The physical properties of vulcanized rubber shall conform to those specified in Table 4. Table 4
Hardness (international hardness or Shore A), degrees
Tensile strength, MPa
Elongation at break, %
Compression set (70℃×22h), %
Abrasion, cm3
Hot air aging, 70℃×70h
4.3 Product performance
Transmission belt
Tensile strength change rate, %
Elongation at break change rate %
Transmission wheel
Motor pad
HG 2332—92
4.3.1 The appearance of the product should not have cracks, pores, impurities, rubber edges and mechanical damage defects. 4.3.2 The 10% elongation stress of the transmission belt should be between 0.6 and 1.5 MPa. 4.3.3 The jitter rate (weighted peak value) of the transmission belt should increase by less than 0.05% compared with the prototype. Note: The prototype is the movement approved by both the supply and demand parties. 4.3.4 The radial runout of the transmission wheel should be less than or equal to 0.03mm for the pressure wheel and less than or equal to 0.05mm for other wheels.
4.3.5 The reliability of the product (mean time between failures) should be greater than or equal to 1500h. 4.3.6 The environmental resistance test performance of the product should comply with the provisions of GB9384. 4.4 If there are other special requirements, they shall be determined by negotiation between the supply and demand parties. 5 Test methods
5.1 Dimension measurement
5.1.1 The inner diameter of the transmission belt is measured with a special taper gauge. When measuring, the transmission belt should be gently put into the cone and parallel to the annular scale of the taper gauge.
5.1.2 The thickness, width and uneven hook of the transmission belt are measured with a scale with a graduation value of 0.001mm. 5.1.3 The basic dimensions of the transmission wheel and motor pad are measured with a measuring tool with a graduation value of 0.02mm. 5.2 The preparation of vulcanized rubber specimens shall be carried out in accordance with GB9865. 5.3
The determination of hardness shall be carried out in accordance with GB6031 or GB6032 or GB531, and GB6031 or GB6032 is the arbitration method. The determination of tensile strength and elongation at break shall be carried out in accordance with GB528. 5.4
5.5 The determination of compression set shall be carried out in accordance with GB7759. The determination of wear amount shall be carried out in accordance with GB1689. 5.6
Hot air aging test shall be carried out in accordance with GB3512. 5.7
5.8 The appearance quality inspection of the product shall be carried out by visual method. 5.9 The determination of 10% elongation stress of the transmission belt shall be carried out in accordance with the method in Appendix A. 5.10 The determination of the wobble rate of the transmission belt shall be carried out in accordance with Article 3.3.2 of GB10197. 5.11 The radial runout of the transmission wheel shall be measured on a special tooling with a micrometer with a graduation value of 0.001mm. 2 The reliability test of the product shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T12840. 5.12
5.13 The environmental resistance test of the product shall be carried out in accordance with GB9384. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Factory inspection
6.1.1 Inspection of rubber The same type of rubber produced on the same machine within one day is a batch of rubber. The same specification products made of the same type of rubber shall be a batch of products if the delivery quantity does not exceed 50,000 pieces at the first delivery, and another batch of products if the delivery quantity exceeds 50,000 pieces. The hardness, tensile strength, elongation at break and compression set of vulcanized rubber shall be inspected batch by batch. The wear and hot air aging test of vulcanized rubber shall be carried out at least once a month. If any inspection item fails, double samples shall be taken for re-inspection of the unqualified items. If the re-inspection still fails, the batch of rubber represented by the sample shall be judged to be unqualified. When a batch of rubber is judged to be unqualified, three consecutive rolls of rubber shall be inspected one by one from the next batch of rubber before normal inspection and regular inspection can be carried out.
6.1.2 The appearance quality of the product, the tolerance and unevenness of the thickness and width of the transmission belt, the tolerance of the diameter and width of the transmission wheel and motor pad, the radial runout of the transmission wheel, etc., shall be inspected piece by piece by the manufacturer. When the purchaser accepts the product, a normal inspection sampling plan shall be adopted according to GB2828, the general inspection level is I, and the qualified quality level (AQL) shall be as specified in Table 5. 6.1.3 For the inspection of 10% elongation stress and shake rate of the transmission belt, a secondary normal inspection sampling plan shall be adopted according to GB2828, the sample size shall be 276
letter K, and the qualified quality level (AQL) shall be as specified in Table 5. Types
Transmission belt
Transmission wheel
Motor pad
6.2 Type inspection
Inspection items
Appearance, dimensions
Wow rate, 10% elongation stress
Appearance, dimensions
Radial runout
Appearance, dimensions
6.2.1 When there is one of the a, b, c, d, e, f conditions described in Article 6.6.1 of GB1.3 "Guidelines for Standardization and Regulations for the Preparation of Product Standards", a type inspection should be carried out.
6.2.2 The reliability test of the transmission belt and the environmental resistance test of the product shall be carried out at least once a year, and shall be carried out together with the type inspection of the movement of the random core factory. The samples used for this inspection item can be randomly selected from the products delivered at one time (regardless of the number of batches). According to the test results, if one rubber item fails, the delivered product represented by the sample is judged to be unqualified. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
7.1 The marking, packaging and transportation of products shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB5721. 7.2 The storage of products shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB5722, but isolation powder shall not be used. 277
A1 Test device and requirements
Appendix A
Determination of 10% fixed elongation stress of tape recorder transmission belt (supplement)
A1.1 The test device adopts a special tensile testing machine. Its main performance is: it has a measuring device that can measure 0.1mm fixed elongation and can reach the load of the allowable tolerance of ±2%. The diameter of the hook is 2mm. The domestic 2D-50 tensile testing machine meets the above requirements. A1.2 When the elongation of the test machine is specified, the load required for its elongation is within the range of 15% to 80% of the full load of the machine. A1.3 The distance between the two hooks of the test device is S (mm), calculated according to formula (A1): S (1 + e) ​​yuan
Where: D is the original inner diameter of the sample, mm;
is the constant elongation of the sample, %. E is 10%. A1.4 The tensile speed of the sample is (25~35) mm/min. A2 Sample
The sample is a randomly selected rubber transmission belt of a tape recorder. A3 Test conditions bzxz.net
Test environment temperature (23 ± 2) ℃; relative humidity (40~80)%. A4 Test procedure
A4.1 Install the sample on the hook vertically to the horizontal plane. During the test, the sample shall not be twisted or have other undesirable phenomena. A4.2 Before measuring the 10% constant elongation stress test, do a pre-stretching, that is, after stretching 15%, stay for 30s. The pre-stretching speed is in accordance with A1.4; the speed of unloading load is (30-60) mm/min. A4.3 The stretching speed of the main test is the same as the pre-stretching speed. After stretching the specimen to an elongation of 10%, record its load value after 30s. A4.4 10% elongation stress p (MPa) is calculated according to formula (A2): F
Where: F is the recorded load value, N;
Width of the transmission belt, mm;
Thickness of the transmission belt, mm.
Contents of the test report:
Test standard number adopted;
Specimen name and specifications;
Test environment temperature;
Test results;
Test personnel and auditors;
Test date.
Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People’s Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Northwest Rubber Industry Products Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by Shandong Weifang Rubber Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Liu Guiming, Hao Fusen, Zhou Dong, Yu Lianquan and Wang Zhongmeng. 279
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