title>HG/T 20646.2-1999 Chemical plant piping material design engineering regulations - HG/T 20646.2-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20646.2-1999 Chemical plant piping material design engineering regulations

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20646.2-1999

Standard Name: Chemical plant piping material design engineering regulations

Chinese Name: 化工装置管道材料设计工程规定

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-12-10

Date of Implementation:2001-08-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>71.120 Chemical Equipment

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Industrial Equipment Installation Engineering>>P94 Metal Equipment and Process Pipeline Installation Engineering

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HG/T 20646.2-1999 Chemical Plant Piping Material Design Engineering Regulations HG/T20646.2-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Chemical Plant Pipeline Material Design Engineering Regulations HG/T20646.2—1999
Pipeline Material Grade Code Regulations
1.1 Pipeline Material Grade Code Compilation Instructions
Pipeline material grade code is composed of letters and numbers, generally composed of three units. It represents the nominal pressure, serial number, and main material of the pipeline.
The meaning of each unit
Unit 3 (Pipeline Material Category)
Unit 2 (Serial Number)
Unit 1 (Pipeline Nominal Pressure)
1.3 Pipeline Material Grade Code Numbers and Alphabets Unit 1: Nominal pressure (MPa) grade code of the pipeline, expressed in uppercase English letters. A~K is used for ASMEB16.5 standard pressure grade code (I and J are not used), and L~Z is used for domestic standard pressure grade code (O and X are not used).
Pressure level
For ASME standard
Pressure level
For domestic standard
1.3.2 The second unit is the sequence number, expressed in Arabic numerals, starting from 1, indicating different materials and (or) different pipe connection forms when the first and third units are the same. 1.3.3 Unit 3: Pipe material categories, represented by capital letters A-—cast iron;
B-—carbon steel;
C—ordinary low alloy steel;
D—alloy steel;
E-stainless steel;
F—non-ferrous metals;
H—lining and internal anti-corrosion.
1.4 Explanation
1.4.1 Domestic design projects: Pipe material codes can be compiled as above. The order of these symbols can be determined by each company and design unit, but the meaning of the code should be explained in the design. The code should not be too long, but simple and clear, so as to avoid complexity and increase the workload of pipeline drawing, system CAD drawing, etc. 1.4.2 Projects designed in cooperation with foreign companies: Generally, the pipeline material grade number is based on the foreign company. The domestic delivery part can be compiled as above.
1.4.3 Foreign design projects: All are based on the regulations of foreign engineering companies. 1.5 Examples
N1B indicates that the main material is carbon steel and the nominal pressure is 2.5MPa. 44
L1C indicates that the carbon steel pipeline (used for low-temperature media) needs to undergo low-temperature impact test, and the nominal pressure is 1.OMPa. W1B
indicates that the main material is carbon steel pipeline, and the nominal pressure is 32.OMPa. U1E indicates that the main material is stainless steel pipeline (00Cr17Ni14Mo3N), the nominal pressure is 22MPa, and the fluid is urea process material.
V2E indicates that the main material is stainless steel pipeline, the fluid is urine, and the nominal pressure is 2.5MPa. The serial number changes according to the type of stainless steel.
Regulations for the selection of pipeline materials
2.1 Scope
2.1.1 These regulations are only applicable to the selection of materials for process pipelines of chemical plants. 2.1.2 Basic principles for material selection
1 Designers must first clarify the various operating conditions and operating conditions in the production process of chemical process plants, such as pressure, temperature and the physical and chemical properties of the transported fluid - composition, corrosiveness, physical state, intermittent or continuous operation. 2 Designers must fully understand the characteristics of various engineering materials, correctly select the materials used, and carefully analyze various material problems that may arise during the production process of the device - such as the impact of reduced material toughness, and at the same time consider the processing technology and economy of the selected materials. 3 The selection of new materials and special materials must be strictly based on experiments and production, and can only be selected for use after sufficient demonstration.
2.2 Principles for the selection of metal materials
2.2.1 Performance of materials
1 The mechanical properties and chemical, physical and other properties of the materials should meet the requirements of relevant standards and specifications. 2 The use temperature range of various metal materials shall comply with the provisions of GB150 "Steel Pressure Vessels" and "Industrial Metal Pipeline Design Code".
2.2.2 Process performance of materials
1 The process pipeline is composed of pipes and various types of pipe fittings. Therefore, the ability of metal materials to adapt to the requirements of processing technology is an important factor in determining whether and how to process. 2 Process performance is roughly divided into welding performance, cutting performance, forging performance and casting performance. For the process performance of pipeline materials, welding performance and cutting performance are the most important. Therefore, in the overall material selection process of the pipeline, especially the selection of special pipe fittings, the process performance of the selected materials should be fully considered. 2.2.3 Economic efficiency of materials
1 Economic efficiency is an important factor that must be considered in material selection. It not only refers to the price of the selected material itself, but also makes the price of the manufactured product as low as possible. The selected materials should be minimized in variety and specifications to facilitate procurement, production, installation and spare parts management.
2 The prices of different materials vary greatly in different regions and time. Designers should have market awareness and economic concepts, and should understand the prices of the material market in order to choose economically and scientifically. 46
3 With the development of industry, the problems of resources and energy are becoming increasingly prominent. The materials selected should be rich in sources and considered in combination with my country's resource conditions and actual domestic production conditions. 2.2.4 Corrosion resistance of materials
1 Classification of metal corrosion
1) According to the type of fluid, it can be divided into: chemical corrosion and electrochemical corrosion.
2) According to the different forms of corrosion damage, it can be divided into: comprehensive corrosion (i.e. uniform corrosion) and local corrosion (i.e. non-uniform corrosion). Local corrosion includes regional corrosion, pitting corrosion, intergranular corrosion, selective corrosion and stress corrosion. For comprehensive corrosion, only considering the corrosion allowance can ensure the strength and life of the pipeline. For local corrosion, the method of increasing the corrosion allowance cannot be used. It is necessary to consider the material selection method or take corresponding process measures and anti-corrosion measures. 2 Methods for evaluating metal corrosion resistance
Methods for evaluating the corrosion resistance of metal materials include the weight method and the linear polarization method. For uniform corrosion, the corrosion resistance of materials is divided into V categories according to different corrosion rates. Table 2.2.4
Classification of corrosion resistance
Corrosion resistance degree
Extremely strong corrosion resistance
Very strong corrosion resistance
Weak corrosion resistance
Weak corrosion resistance
Very weak corrosion resistance
Corrosion rate
Fully usable
Try not to use
Material corrosion allowance should be fully considered when designing and selecting materials. Corrosion allowance=corrosion rate×service life. 3 Factors affecting the corrosion resistance of iron-carbon alloys 1. The structure of iron-carbon alloys;
1. Corrosion of iron-carbon alloys in various media; 47
1. The influence of medium temperature and pressure;
Stress corrosion and corrosion fatigue.
2.2.5 The following matters should be noted in the selection of metal materials: 1. Cast iron materials
1) Gray cast iron, malleable cast iron, and high silicon cast iron have low tensile strength, plasticity and toughness, and are only used in working conditions with low strength and toughness requirements.
2) Gray cast iron should not be used for liquids that are a gas or can flash to produce gas under environmental or operating conditions. These fluids can ignite and burn in the air. If hydrocarbons and combustible gases must be used under special circumstances, their design temperature should not be higher than 150℃, and the design pressure should not exceed 1.0MPa. For non-flammable and non-toxic gases or liquids, the design pressure should not exceed 1.6MPa, and the design temperature should not exceed 230℃. 3) The temperature range of malleable cast iron is -19~300℃, but when used as a pipeline for conveying flammable media, the temperature should not be higher than 150℃ and the pressure should not be greater than 2.5MPa. High silicon cast iron shall not be used for flammable media. 4) When ductile iron is used to manufacture pressure parts, the use temperature is limited to -19~350℃ and the design pressure should not exceed 2.5MPa. At room temperature, the design pressure should not exceed 4.OMPa, it cannot be connected by welding, except for austenitic ductile iron. Austenitic ductile iron should be subjected to low-temperature impact test when used below -19℃, but the use temperature shall not be lower than -196℃.
5) Other cast irons are not suitable for severe cyclic operating conditions, such as overheating, thermal vibration, mechanical vibration and misoperation, and protective measures should be taken. Buried cast iron pipeline components can be used below 2.5MPa. 2 Carbon steel and low-medium alloy steel
1) Graphitization
Carbon steel and carbon-manganese steel should be used for a long time at a temperature above 425℃, and the graphitization tendency of the carbide phase in the steel should be considered. The long-term operation of 0.5Mo steel at about 480℃ or above will also accelerate the development of graphitization, thereby deteriorating the mechanical properties.
2) Pearlite spheroidization
Carbon steel and low alloy steel are mostly ferrite plus pearlite structures. At high temperatures such as above 450°C, the lamellar cementite in the pearlite gradually transforms into spherical, which greatly reduces the creep limit and endurance strength of the material. In order to prevent graphitization and pearlite spheroidization, Cr-Mo heat-resistant steel should be selected within this temperature range. 3) High-temperature oxidation
Carbon steel and low alloy steel not only greatly reduce their strength at high temperatures, but also the surface of the material is very easy to oxidize. Adding enough Cr, Si, and Al to the steel can effectively prevent high-temperature oxidation. 4) Caustic embrittlement
The surface of the pipe is subjected to long-term erosion or repeated action of a certain concentration of alkaline fluid, and is prone to embrittlement and fracture under the combined influence of high temperature and stress.
5) Hydrogen embrittlement and hydrogen corrosion
Metal materials are prone to hydrogen embrittlement when in contact with hydrogen media within a certain temperature and pressure range. Hydrogen corrosion is a chemical reaction on the grain boundary, which causes cementite decomposition, changes in organization, cracks and expansion, seriously reducing the mechanical properties of the material, and even destroying it. It is the most dangerous corrosion, especially under high pressure conditions, and should be paid more attention to. For this reason, the "limit temperature curve of common steel types used in hydrogen medium", that is, the "Nelson" curve, should be consulted to select materials.
3 High alloy steel
1) Cr-containing ferritic steel will produce 475℃ brittleness when used for a long time at 400500℃. In addition, after heating at 500~800℃, 8 phases are easily precipitated, resulting in phase brittleness. 2) Austenitic steel has poor thermal conductivity, and its thermal conductivity is one-third of that of carbon steel. Cr18-Ni18 steel is resistant to both low and high temperatures and can be used in a temperature range of 196~800℃, but stress corrosion cracking is an extremely important corrosion damage form of austenitic stainless steel. The media that can cause stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steel include various chloride aqueous solutions, high temperature alkali solution, hydrogen sulfide aqueous solution, polythionic acid (H2SxOs, X=2~57), high temperature water and steam, etc. In addition, austenitic stainless steel is extremely sensitive to CI- ions and is prone to pitting corrosion. Therefore, whether inside or outside the pipe, the content of C1- ions should be strictly controlled.
3) Non-ultra-low carbon austenitic stainless steel that does not contain stabilizing elements Nb and Ti will tend to produce intergranular corrosion when heated at 450~850℃ and in the heat-affected zone of the welded joint. For this reason, at this operating temperature, low-carbon materials should be selected or corresponding measures such as solution treatment should be taken. 2.3 Principles for the selection of non-metallic materials
2.3.1 The selection of non-metallic materials should consider the following points: 1 Mechanical properties of materials - tensile strength, bending strength, shear strength, compression, impact strength and elastic modulus, expansion coefficient, fatigue resistance, etc. 2 Temperature and pressure ranges where materials are allowed to be used. 3 Other influences:
1) The influence of light and oxygen;
2) The influence of acid, alkali and oil medium.
2.3.2 The following matters should be noted when selecting non-metallic materials: 1 Various non-metallic materials have different corrosion resistance to various fluids. They can be selected according to relevant non-metallic material manuals, test data and product samples. 49
2 The nominal pressure must be selected according to the temperature-pressure rating of the non-metallic material. Non-metallic materials are very sensitive to temperature, and temperature has a great impact on service life. 3 When selecting non-metallic materials, sensitivity to mechanical vibration must be considered. 4 Non-metallic materials have a large linear expansion coefficient, poor thermal conductivity, and poor rigidity. 5 When selecting non-metallic materials, their processing technology performance and connection performance must be considered. 6 For the material of the lining, the adhesion and affinity between the lining material and the base material must be considered, and special attention should be paid when used in negative pressure conditions.
7 Thermoplastics shall not be used to transport flammable fluids on the ground. 8 When thermosetting resin materials are used to transport toxic or flammable fluids, safety protection measures should be taken. 9 Brittle materials such as borosilicate glass and ceramics shall not be used to transport toxic and flammable fluids. 10 Fire prevention measures must be taken for flammable and combustible non-metallic materials. 11 The wall thickness of plastic pipes must take into account the creep of plastics to prevent the pipes from breaking due to deformation during the expected life. The safety factor should be selected according to different plastics. The performance of various polymer materials varies greatly, and when selecting, the performance of various materials should be comprehensively analyzed, compared and evaluated, and suitable materials should be selected and tested to further verify the reliability of material performance. At the same time, it is also necessary to understand the processing performance and manufacturing, installation, maintenance and other performance of the selected materials. 2.4 Basis for the selection of metal pipes and components In addition to the requirements of Section 3.2 of HG/T20646.5 "Technical Regulations for Design of Pipeline Materials for Chemical Plants", the nominal pressure, test pressure and maximum working pressure and temperature-pressure rating of pipes and components are the basic criteria for material selection.
2.4.1 Pipe
1 Metal pipe
1) International series of steel pipe standards should be preferred, or equivalent standards equivalent to international standards, such as Ia series steel pipes in HG20553 "Series of seamless and welded steel pipe sizes for chemical piping". Only when the pipe standards are determined can the standards of other valves, pipe fittings, and fasteners be determined, so the selection of pipe standards and materials is the basis for the selection of pipeline components. As for the pipe material, it is selected according to the fluid working conditions. 2) Internationally used standards: ASME B36.10M "Welded and seamless forged steel pipes" ANSI/ASME B36.19M "Stainless steel pipes" API5L "Technical requirements for pipes for pipelines" ISO4200 "List of dimensions and unit length weight of welded and seamless plain end steel pipes" 3) Commonly used domestic standards include: Stainless steel seamless pipes Seamless steel pipes for low and medium pressure boilers Galvanized welded steel pipes for low pressure fluid transportation Low pressure fluid transportation Welded steel pipe for fluid transportationbzxZ.net
Seamless steel pipe for high-pressure boilers
High-pressure seamless steel pipe for fertilizer equipment
Seamless steel pipe for fluid transportation
Seamless steel pipe for petroleum cracking
GB9948|| tt||《Technical conditions for delivery of steel pipes for petroleum and natural gas industry Part 1: Grade A steel pipe》GB9711.1《Stainless steel welded pipes for fluid transportation》
《Straight seam electric welded steel pipes》
《Stainless steel seamless pipes for fluid transportation》
《General purpose high temperature alloy pipes》
《Large diameter electric welded steel pipes for low pressure fluid transportation》《Selection regulations for austenitic stainless steel welded steel pipes》《Spiral submerged arc welded steel pipes for ordinary fluid transportation》《Spiral high frequency welded steel pipes for ordinary fluid transportation》2 Non-ferrous metal pipes
《Lead and lead alloy pipes》
《Drawn copper pipes》
《Extruded copper pipes》
《Drawn brass pipes》
《Extruded brass pipes》
《Extruded aluminum bronze pipes》
《Aluminum and aluminum alloy extruded pipes》
《Industrial aluminum and aluminum alloy drawn (rolled) pipes》
2.4.2 Valves
1 The selection of valves is mainly based on the two aspects of trouble-free operation of the device and economy. 1) The properties of the conveyed fluid: such as phase, solid content, dust, and corrosiveness. GB12771
HG 20537.1~4
2) Functions to be operated: cut-off, adjustment, speed, etc. 3) Pressure loss.
4) Temperature and pressure range.
5) Economical and durable.
6) Drive mode: manual, gear drive, pneumatic, hydraulic, electric, etc. 2The main standards for American valves are:
"Valve face-to-face and end-to-end dimensions""Flanged and butt-welded steel valves"
"Steel gate valves with flange or butt-welded connections""Compact carbon steel gate valves"
"Flanged ductile iron gate valves"
"Compact carbon steel gate valves with extended valve bodies"
"Luggage-type and wafer-type butterfly valves"
"Inspection and testing of valves"
3The main standards for domestic valves are:
"Valve structure length butt-welded valves""Valve structure length wafer-connected valves""Valve structure length + internal threaded valves""Valve structure length external threaded valves""PN16.0 、32.0MPa forged high pressure valve structure length》ASMEB16.10
《Basic dimensions of internally threaded gate valves, stop valves, ball valves and check valves》GB/T846 5.18 "Structural Length of Flanged Metal Valves" "General Requirements for Steel Valves
Flanged Iron Gate Valves"
"General Valves
"General Valves
"General Valves
"General Valves
"General Valves
"General Valves
"General Valves
"General Valves
"General Valves
"General Valves
" General Valves
" General Valves
" General Valves
" Iron Stop Valves and Lift Check Valves"
Flanged and Butt-Welded Steel Gate Valves"
GB/T12232||tt ||GB/T12233
Flanged steel stop valve and lift check valve》GB/T12235 Steel swing check valve》
Flanged and butt-welded steel ball valve》
Flanged and wafer-connected butterfly valve》
Diaphragm valve》
Iron plug valve》
2.4.3 Flange
my country's flange standards include national standards, industry standards, etc. Commonly used standards abroad include ASME standards, DIN standards, JIS standards, etc. In engineering design, the corresponding standards should be selected according to the specific conditions of the project. 1 The following standard flanges can be matched with the British series such as HG20553 "seamless and welded steel pipe size selection series for chemical piping" Ia series pipes: "Pipe flanges and flange fittings"
"Large diameter steel flanges"
"Compilation of national standards for steel pipe flanges" (including PN2.0, PN5.0, PN10.0, PN25.0, PN42.0 grades) (GB/T9112~9131)
"Steel pipe flanges, gaskets, fasteners" European system A series "Steel Pipe flanges, gaskets, fasteners》American system《Petrochemical steel pipe flanges》
2The following standard flanges can be matched with the metric series HG20553《Chemical piping seamless and welded steel pipe size selection series》Ⅱ series pipes:
《Compilation of national standards for steel pipe flanges》(except the above grades)《Ductile iron pipe flanges》
《Large diameter carbon steel flanges》
《Steel pipe flanges, gaskets, fasteners》European system B series List of "Pipeline Flanges and Gaskets"
"Forgeable Cast Iron Pipe Flanges"
"General Design of High-Pressure Pipes, Pipe Fittings and Fasteners" 2.4.4 Pipe Fittings
1 Can be used with "Welded and Seamless Forged Steel Pipes" (ASMEB36.10M), "Stainless Steel Pipes" (ANSI/ASMEB 36.19M), "Technical Requirements for Pipes for Pipeline Use" (API5L) and "Selection Series of Seamless and Welded Steel Pipes for Chemical Piping" (HG20553) Ia series and other British series matching pipe fittings standards are: "Factory-made forged steel butt-welding pipe fittings"
"Socket welding and threaded forged steel pipe fittings"
"Steel butt-welding seamless pipe fittings" (A series
"Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittings"
"Forged steel socket welding pipe fittings"
"Forged steel threaded pipe fittings"
"Forged steel socket welding pipe fittings" (British series) ASMEB16.9
ASME B16.11
HG/T21634 (formerly HGJ10)18 "Structural length of flange-connected metal valves" "General requirements for steel valves" "Flanged iron gate valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "General valves" "Flanged and butt-welded steel gate valves" "GB/T12221" "GB/T12224" "GB/T12232" " |GB/T12233
Flanged steel stop valve and lift check valve》GB/T12235 Steel swing check valve》
Flanged and butt-welded steel ball valve》
Flanged and wafer-connected butterfly valve》
Diaphragm valve》
Iron plug valve》
2.4.3 Flange
my country's flange standards include national standards, industry standards, etc. Commonly used standards abroad include ASME standards, DIN standards, JIS standards, etc. In engineering design, the corresponding standards should be selected according to the specific conditions of the project. 1 The following standard flanges can be matched with the British series such as HG20553 "seamless and welded steel pipe size selection series for chemical piping" Ia series pipes: "Pipe flanges and flange fittings"
"Large diameter steel flanges"
"Compilation of national standards for steel pipe flanges" (including PN2.0, PN5.0, PN10.0, PN25.0, PN42.0 grades) (GB/T9112~9131)
"Steel pipe flanges, gaskets, fasteners" European system A series "Steel Pipe flanges, gaskets, fasteners》American system《Petrochemical steel pipe flanges》
2The following standard flanges can be matched with the metric series HG20553《Chemical piping seamless and welded steel pipe size selection series》Ⅱ series pipes:
《Compilation of national standards for steel pipe flanges》(except the above grades)《Ductile iron pipe flanges》
《Large diameter carbon steel flanges》
《Steel pipe flanges, gaskets, fasteners》European system B series List of "Pipeline Flanges and Gaskets"
"Forgeable Cast Iron Pipe Flanges"
"General Design of High-Pressure Pipes, Pipe Fittings and Fasteners" 2.4.4 Pipe Fittings
1 Can be used with "Welded and Seamless Forged Steel Pipes" (ASMEB36.10M), "Stainless Steel Pipes" (ANSI/ASMEB 36.19M), "Technical Requirements for Pipes for Pipeline Use" (API5L) and "Selection Series of Seamless and Welded Steel Pipes for Chemical Piping" (HG20553) Ia series and other British series matching pipe fittings standards are: "Factory-made forged steel butt-welding pipe fittings"
"Socket welding and threaded forged steel pipe fittings"
"Steel butt-welding seamless pipe fittings" (A series
"Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittings"
"Forged steel socket welding pipe fittings"
"Forged steel threaded pipe fittings"
"Forged steel socket welding pipe fittings" (British series) ASMEB16.9
ASME B16.11
HG/T21634 (formerly HGJ10)18 "Structural length of flange-connected metal valves" "General requirements for steel valves
Flanged iron gate valves"
"General valves
"General valves
"General valves
"General valves
"General valves
"General valves
"General valves
"General valves
"General valves
"General valves
"General valves
"General valves
"Iron stop valves and lift check valves"
Flanged and butt-welded steel gate valves"
GB/T12232||tt| |GB/T12233
Flanged Steel Stop Valve and Lift Check Valve》GB/T12235 Steel Swing Check Valve》
Flanged and Butt-welded Steel Ball Valve》
Flanged and Wafer-connected Butterfly Valve》
Diaphragm Valve》
Iron Plug Valve》
2.4.3 Flange
my country's flange standards include national standards, industry standards, etc. Commonly used standards abroad include ASME standards, DIN standards, JIS standards, etc. In engineering design, the corresponding standards should be selected according to the specific conditions of the project. 1 The following standard flanges can be matched with the British series such as HG20553 "Series of seamless and welded steel pipe sizes for chemical piping" Ia series pipes: "Pipe flanges and flange fittings"
"Large diameter steel flanges"
"Compilation of national standards for steel pipe flanges" (including PN2.0, PN5.0, PN10.0, PN25.0, PN42.0 grades) (GB/T9112~9131)
"Steel pipe flanges, gaskets, fasteners" European system A series "Steel Pipe flanges, gaskets, fasteners》American system《Petrochemical steel pipe flanges》
2The following standard flanges can be matched with the metric series HG20553《Chemical piping seamless and welded steel pipe size selection series》Ⅱ series pipes:
《Steel pipe flange national standard compilation》(except the above grades)《Ductile iron pipe flanges》
《Large diameter carbon steel flanges》
《Steel pipe flanges, gaskets, fasteners》European system B series List of "Pipeline Flanges and Gaskets"
"Forgeable Cast Iron Pipe Flanges"
"General Design of High-Pressure Pipes, Pipe Fittings and Fasteners" 2.4.4 Pipe Fittings
1 Can be used with "Welded and Seamless Forged Steel Pipes" (ASMEB36.10M), "Stainless Steel Pipes" (ANSI/ASMEB 36.19M), "Technical Requirements for Pipes for Pipeline Use" (API5L) and "Selection Series of Seamless and Welded Steel Pipes for Chemical Piping" (HG20553) Ia series and other British series matching pipe fittings standards are: "Factory-made forged steel butt-welding pipe fittings"
"Socket welding and threaded forged steel pipe fittings"
"Steel butt-welding seamless pipe fittings" (A series
"Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittings"
"Forged steel socket welding pipe fittings"
"Forged steel threaded pipe fittings"
"Forged steel socket welding pipe fittings" (British series) ASMEB16.9
ASME B16.11
HG/T21634 (formerly HGJ10)
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