title>Instructions for use of products of consumer interest-Instructions for use of toys - GB 5296.5-1996 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Instructions for use of products of consumer interest-Instructions for use of toys

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 5296.5-1996

Standard Name:Instructions for use of products of consumer interest-Instructions for use of toys

Chinese Name: 消费品使用说明 玩具使用说明

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1996-04-10

Date of Implementation:1998-01-01

Date of Expiration:2007-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Household and commercial equipment, entertainment, sports>> entertainment equipment>> 97.200.50 Toys

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Economy, Culture>>A12 Supply and Use Relationship

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB 5296.5-2006

Procurement status:ISO/IEC GUIDE 37-1995 NEQ

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press


Publication date:2004-03-19

other information

Release date:1996-04-10

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:coding institute

Focal point unit:National Service Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:National Standardization Administration Committee

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic principles, labeling content and presentation methods of toy instructions. This standard applies to the instructions for use of toys sold and produced domestically. GB 5296.5-1996 Instructions for use of consumer products Instructions for use of toys GB5296.5-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the basic principles, labeling content and presentation method of instructions for use of toys. This standard applies to the instructions for use of toys sold and produced domestically.

Some standard content:

This standard is one of a series of standards for instructions for use of consumer products. This series of standards includes: GB5296.1~-85 General Instructions for Use of Consumer Products, (GB5296.2-87 Instructions for Use of Consumer Products Instructions for use of household and similar electrical appliances, GB5296.31995 Instructions for use of consumer products, general labels for cosmetics, GB5296.4-87 Instructions for use of consumer products, instructions for use of textiles and clothing. This standard is based on the International Organization for Standardization ISO/IEC Guide No. 37 "Use of Consumer Products." "Instructions". A6 "Presentation of warning statements" in Appendix A of this standard (the appendix of the standard) is determined with reference to Part 1 "Marking and Instructions for Toy Safety" of EN71-88 approved by the European Committee for Standardization. Appendix A of this standard is an appendix to the standard.
This standard is proposed and centralized by the China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding. This standard was drafted by: China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding, Shanghai Toy Research Institute, Beijing Toy Research Institute, China Light Industry Federation Standardization Research Institute, China Toy Association, China Consumers Association. The main drafters of this standard are: Zuo Peilan, Jiang Mingquan, Sun Yuping, Xu Rigong, Xie Fenghua, Xu Chi 50
1. Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Instructions for use of consumer products
Instructions for use of toys
Instructions for use of products of consumer interest---Instructions for use of toys This standard Specifies the basic principles, labeling content and presentation methods of toy instructions. This standard applies to the instructions for toys sold and produced in China. 2 Reference standards
GB 5296.5—1996
Contained in the following standards. Provisions of this standard constitute provisions of this standard by reference in this standard. The versions indicated are valid at the time of publication. All standards are subject to revision and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB5296.1-85 General Instructions for Use of Consumer Products GB6675-86 Toy Safety
3 Basic Principles
3.1 Instructions for use are an integral part of the delivered product (see 3.2 in GB5296.1-85). Instructions for use should help consumers use toys correctly and safely to avoid injuries caused by improper use. 3.3 Instructions for use should truly describe the use effects of the product; 3.4 Instructions for use should not be used to cover up design flaws. Toys that cause injury should have safety warning signs or warning instructions. 3.5 The product safety warning signs or warning instructions should be permanently attached to the product and packaging. If it is inconvenient to attach them to the product, they should be attached to the packaging according to 3.6. The age and development characteristics of children and adolescents indicate the age range suitable for children. Contents of instructions for use
4.1 Product name
The product name in the instructions for use should be consistent with the name of the national, industry, and enterprise standards and consistent with its actual content. 4.2 Product model
The instructions for use should be consistent with the product type and model. The same instructions cannot be used for different types and different types of products. 4.3 Main ingredients or materials
For toys containing fillers, the main ingredients or materials should be indicated [see A1 in Appendix A (Standard Appendix)]. 4.4 Age range
The age range suitable for children should be indicated on the packaging, instructions, and labels [see A2 in Appendix A (Standard Appendix)]. 4.5 Safety warning
Toys that require warning signs or warning instructions should be marked [see A5 in Appendix A (Standard Appendix)]. 4.6 The name and address of the manufacturer
The name and mailing address of the toy manufacturer registered in accordance with the law shall be indicated. The State Bureau of Technical Supervision approved it on 1996-04-10 and implemented it on 1998-01-01
51| |tt||GB5296.5—1996
Enter! Toys should be marked with the country and region of origin (referring to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau) and the names and addresses of agents and importers registered in China according to law.
4.7 Instructions for use
The instructions for use should indicate the operating methods and precautions for using the toy [see A3 in Appendix A (Standard Appendix)]. 4.8 Assembly procedure diagram
Plug-in toys and assembled toys should have assembly procedure diagrams. 4.9 Maintenance and upkeep
More complex and easily damaged toys should have maintenance and upkeep methods [see A4 in Appendix A (Standard Appendix)] 4.10 Product standard number
The country where the product is implemented should be indicated The code and sequence number of a standard, industry standard or corporate standard. 4.11 Product Quality Inspection Certificate
Each single toy product should have a product quality inspection certificate. 4.12 Safe use period
Products that need to be used within a limited period should be marked with the production date and safe use period (marked in the order of year, month and day). 5 Form of instructions
5.1 The following main forms are adopted according to the characteristics of the toy product: a) imprinting, pasting, hanging tags or sewing on the product; h) product packaging:
accompanied by the product Instructions provided.
5.2 The instructions for use in the above three forms should be based on a single product. 6 Basic Requirements
6.1 The content of the instructions for use should be clear and easy to understand. Symbols and graphics should be standardized and intuitive, and the background and background color should be in contrasting colors to facilitate identification.
6.2 The font size of "Announcement" and "Attention" should be greater than or equal to 5mm×5mm. 6.3 Standard Chinese characters should be used in the instructions for use. 52
A1 Main ingredients or materials
GB 5296.5---1996
Appendix A
(standard appendix)
Statement of relevant contents of toy instructions
Indicate the main ingredients on toy products containing fillers Or the material is to let consumers know the true situation of the materials used in the product to protect the health of children. For example: all are made of safe materials!, all are made of new materials 2, and the filling is 100% polyester fiber || tt||The marking of the age range is used as a reference to guide consumers when purchasing toys. It is also an important content to ensure the safe use of children. It should be marked on the product packaging, instructions or labels, such as: suitable for 6 months and above, suitable for 18 years old More than 3 months old, suitable for 5 to 9 years old, not suitable for children under 3 years old, etc.
How to use A3
Due to the increase in the complexity of toys, it is not suitable for more complex and multi-functional toys. Toys should specifically indicate the operating procedures of the toy, such as: operating procedures and precautions for computers and electronically controlled toys www.bzxz.net
A4 Maintenance and Maintenance
Producers should provide complex toys or durable toys (such as strollers). ). In order to protect children's health, some toys that can be washed or disinfected, such as plush, cloth toys, and plastic toys, should be marked with washing or disinfection methods
A5. Toy products and packaging bags with warning signs or warning instructions A5.1 Toys that are dangerous to children under 3 years old; A5.2 Toys with sharp and bladed objects; A5.3 Toys mounted on beams (" swings and similar toys); toys with projectiles;
A5.5 toys that imitate protective equipment (such as toy safety helmets); A5.6 kites and other flying toys;| |tt||A5.7 roller skates and skateboards sold as children's toys; A5.8 water toys;
hanging toys (such as toys hung on strollers and cribs) ;, children's bicycles (such as children's bicycles, children's tricycles, children's strollers, baby walkers); A5.10
Toy plastic packaging bags;
Other toys that are dangerous to children.
1) Safety materials:
a) The soft filling material shall not contain any hard or sharp substances, such as: metal shavings, nails, needles and broken wood chips, broken glass or broken plastic, etc. And it shall not contain any unhygienic substances from insects, birds and rodents (see 3.1.4 in GB6675-86). h) Comply with the requirements for prohibited flammable materials in toy safety (see 9 of GB6675-86). 2) New materials: New or sterilized fillers must be used (see 3.1.4 in GB6675---86). 53
Explanation of A6 warning instructions
GB 5296.5-1996
A6.1 Toys that are dangerous to children under 3 years old should have safety warning instructions, such as "Not suitable for 3 years old" Children below." A6.2. For functional toys with sharp and bladed objects, the instruction manual must remind you of the potential dangers of "sharp" and "blade" objects to children, and explain that they can only be used under the direct supervision of adults. A6.3 is installed on For toys on cross beams, such as "autumn dryers" and similar toys, it is necessary to pay attention to regular inspection and maintenance of the main parts (hanging parts, fixing parts, etc.), and point out that if they are not repaired, the toys may be damaged and will be damaged. This instruction is fixed on the toy. A6.4 Toys with projectiles should be reminded of the dangers of using projectiles, as well as the dangers of launching such objects at close range. A6.5 Toys that imitate safety equipment (such as safety helmets). ) should be marked with "Cannot provide protection in the event of an accident or similar warning signs or warning instructions.
A6.6 Kites and other flying toys must have the following warning: "Warning! Do not use near areas with overhead wires." A6.7 Roller skates and skateboards sold as children's toys should have The following warning statement: "Warning! Protective equipment should be worn. The instructions for use should also indicate the precautions when using the toy, because the toy requires high technology during use, and recommended protective equipment, such as helmets and gloves , knee pads, elbow pads, etc., should also be given instructions to avoid falling or bumping injuries to the user or other people. A6.8 Water toys must have the following warning instructions: "Warning! Only available in shallow water. Children's height must adapt to the depth of the water and must be used under adult supervision! "
If the toy is similar to a swimming aid or a life-saving device, it should be marked as a non-life-saving device." A6.9 Toys tied to cradle, crib, or stroller with cords, straps, etc., must be equipped with The following warning prompts: "Attention! In order to prevent possible injuries, the toy must be removed when the baby can grasp it with hands." A6.10 children's strollers must have the following warning instructions: "Warning! For you For the safety of the child, the seat belt must be fastened and the adult should not leave the child. The maximum weight of this stroller is ××kg. Please use the stroller in the correct way to avoid any dangerous situations. "A6.11 Toy plastic packaging bags should be used. There is the following warning: "Please put away the packaging bag in time to prevent children from playing with toys and causing suffocation." 5 4
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