GB/T 9040-1988 General technical requirements for 4 GHz 960-channel telephone/color television analog microwave relay communication equipment
Some standard content:
UDC 621.396.6
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 9040—1988
4GHz960-channel telephone/colour TV
General specifications for 4 GHz 960 telephone channel/colour TVanalogradiorelaycommunicationequipments1987-12-07Promulgated
Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of the People's Republic of China
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
4GHz960-channel telephone/colour TV
General specifications for 4GHz960telephonechannel/colourTVanalogradiorelaycommunicationequipmentsUDC 621.396.6
This standard applies to the equipment of 4GHz terrestrial analog microwave relay communication system. These equipment are used to form trunk communication circuits and transmit telephone, fax, data, television broadcasting and other services. This standard is also applicable to the technical transformation of existing circuit equipment and serves as the corresponding basis for future circuit construction. 1 Reference standards
Packaging, storage and transportation pictorial symbols
Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test A: Low humidity test method Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test B: High temperature test method Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Ca: Steady-state damp heat test method Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Eb: Collision test method Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal) test method Basic technical requirements for network interface of simulated microwave relay communication system General technical conditions for packaging of communication equipment GB4958
Measurement methods for equipment used in terrestrial radio relay systems GB6361
Parabolic antenna type spectrum series for microwave relay communication system 2 Definition of terms and symbols
2.1 Hypothetical reference circuit
A hypothetical circuit of finite length composed of a certain number of intermediate devices and terminal devices. The number of these devices is large enough, but not too large.
2.2 Uniformity Segment
It is a segment established in the system under investigation. On this segment, there is neither branching nor any other form of modulation and demodulation except the intermediate frequency modem specified at the terminal. 2.3dBqOps
Indicates the quasi-peak noise meter weighted noise level measured at the zero relative level point of the sound program circuit, expressed in decibels relative to 0.775V.
3 Equipment Types
The system has the following main equipment:
a. Microwave transceiver;
b. Telephone modem;
Approved by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of the People's Republic of China on December 7, 1987 and implemented on October 1, 1988
c. Television modem;
d. Antenna;
e. Feeder;
f. Branching and paralleling equipment;
g. Remote monitoring master control machine;
h. Remote monitoring controlled machine;
i. Channel switching machine;
j. Business liaison machine;
k. Basic power supply.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Equipment working conditions
4.1.1 Under the following normal working conditions, the equipment should meet all the indicators. Temperature: +5~40℃ (-40~55℃ for outdoor equipment); Relative humidity: less than 90% at +30℃;
Air pressure: 86~106kPa;
Power supply voltage: -24V±10%, ripple voltage peak-to-peak value not greater than 48mV. 4.1.2 When any of the following conditions occurs, the equipment can work and the indicators are allowed to exceed. When the conditions are restored, the equipment indicators should be restored. Temperature: -5~+45℃;
Relative humidity: not more than 95% at +30℃; Air pressure: above 70kPa;
Power supply voltage: -24V±3V.
4.2 Channel configuration
4.2.1 The equipment working frequency band is divided into high and low bands. The high frequency band is 3800~4200MHz, and the low frequency band is 3400~3800MHz. 4.2.2 Six bidirectional channels are set in the high frequency band and the low frequency band respectively. The incoming channel is located on one side of the center frequency of each frequency band, and the outgoing channel is located on the other side, as shown in Figure 1.
Let: f. be the center frequency of the occupied frequency band, which divides a frequency band into two upper and lower half bands. For the high frequency band, fo=4003.5MHz, for the low frequency band, fo=3592MHz;
f, is the center frequency of a channel in the lower half of the frequency band (MHz); f\ is the center frequency of a channel in the upper half of the frequency band (MHz). The center frequency of each channel can be expressed by the following relationship: lower half of the frequency band: f=fo-208+29;
upper half of the frequency band: f%=f. ++5+29 yuan.
where: n=1,2,3,4,5 or 6.
Figure 1 Channel configuration (unit: MHz)
The center frequency values of each conventional channel in the specified frequency band are listed in Table 1. 2
High frequency band
Low frequency band
Channel number
Incoming (going) frequency
Going (coming) frequency
3When the insertion channel is required, the center frequency of the insertion channel is located at the center frequency of the corresponding channel in Table 1, 14.5MHz. 4.2.4 One official liaison channel is set for the odd-numbered channels and even-numbered channels of the conventional channels and the insertion channels respectively. The center frequencies of the official liaison channels are shown in Table 2.
Frequency band and Transmission
Center frequency of official communication channel
Corresponding transmission channel
Conventional channel
Insertion channel
Odd channel
Even channel
Odd channel
Even channel
Come (go)
High frequency band
Go (come)
Come (go)
Low frequency band
Go (come)
Note: The interval between the local oscillator frequency of each channel and the center frequency of the corresponding channel is 70MHz. Each production department can specify the local oscillator frequency of its own equipment according to actual conditions. When specifying these frequencies, full attention should be paid to the possible interference of the local oscillator frequency to other systems within the system and in adjacent frequency bands. At any time, The relative error caused by the local oscillator on a circuit including 6 microwave relay sections shall not exceed 200ppm. 4.3
Assuming the reference circuit
The telephone assumes that the reference circuit is 2500km long. The circuit should include the following in each transmission direction: 4.3.1
3 sets of channel modems;
6 sets of group modems;
9 sets of supergroup modems;
9 sets of radio equipment modems.
For each transmission direction, 9 sets of radio modems divide the circuit into 9 equal-length segments of equal quality. As shown in Figure 2. 25.00km
yyoookHkytyooyLaao|| tt||Route modem
Group modem
—Supergroup modem
<Radio equipment modem
Figure 2 Telephone hypothetical reference circuit
4.3.2 Television hypothetical reference circuit The length between the two video terminals is 2500km. Assume two intermediate video points M and M', which divide the circuit into three equal-length and equal-quality segments. The three segments are independent and interconnected without any overall adjustment or correction. The circuit does not include a standard converter, nor does it include a pulse regenerator or a signal insertion device during line blanking and field blanking. As shown in Figure 3. M
Figure 3 Television hypothetical reference circuit
4.3.3 The length of the sound program hypothetical reference circuit is 2500km. Two audio intermediate points M and M' divide the circuit into three equal length and equal quality segments. The three segments are independent and interconnected without any form of overall adjustment or correction. As shown in Figure 4. M
Figure 4 Sound program hypothetical reference circuit
4.4 Performance indicators of hypothetical reference circuit
4.4.1 Performance indicators of telephone hypothetical reference circuit On the 2500km telephone hypothetical reference circuit, taking into account unfavorable propagation conditions, the zero relative level point km noise power in any voice channel does not exceed the following specified values:
For more than 20% of the time in any month, the weighted one-minute average power of the noise meter is 7500pW0p. a.
b. For more than 0.1% of the time in any month, the weighted one-minute average power of the noise meter is 47500pW0p. For more than 0.01% of the time in any month, the unweighted noise power (integration time 5ms) is 1000000pW0p. c.
When further redistributing the above performance indicators, the noise in item a and the small percentage of time in items b and c should be considered to be proportional to the number of equal-quality segments included. The allocation of performance indicators derived from the hypothetical reference circuit in the equipment is shown in Appendix A. 4.4.2 Performance indicators of television hypothetical reference circuits On a 2500km television hypothetical reference circuit, the ratio of the nominal value of the luminance signal to the root mean square value of the continuous random noise measured after bandwidth limitation, expressed in dB, should not be less than the following specified values: 57dB for more than 20% of the time in any month;
53dB for more than 1% of the time in any month;
45dB for more than 0.1% of the time in any month. GB/T9040—1988
When further redistributing the above performance indicators, the average power of clutter in item a and the small percentage time rate of item c should be considered to be proportional to the number of equal-quality segments included. The distribution of performance indicators (clutter and nonlinearity, etc.) derived from the assumed reference circuit in the equipment is shown in Appendix B. 4.4.3 Performance indicators of the sound program assumed reference circuit On the 2500km sound program assumed reference circuit, the weighted noise level with a bandwidth of 0.05 to 10kHz should be lower than the following specified values:
a. More than 20% of the time in any month - 39dBqOps; b. More than 1% of the time in any month - 35dBqOps; c. More than 0.1% of the time in any month - 27dBqOps. The weighted noise level of the sound program with a bandwidth of 0.04 to 15kHz on the 2500km sound program hypothetical reference circuit shall be lower than the following specified values:
a. 42dBqOps for more than 20% of the time in any month; b. 38dBqOps for more than 1% of the time in any month; c. 30dBqOps for more than 0.1% of the time in any month. The noise in item a and the small percentage time rate in item c in and shall be considered to be proportional to the number of equal-quality segments. The distribution of the performance indicators derived from the hypothetical reference circuit in the equipment is shown in Appendix C. 4.5 Switching characteristics of the equipment
4.5.1 The telephone baseband interface shall comply with the provisions of GB2789. 4.5.2 The intermediate frequency interface shall comply with the provisions of GB2789. 4.5.3 Interface characteristics of video and sound programs: Video interface shall comply with GB2789. 10kHz sound program interface shall comply with GB2789. 15kHz sound program interface shall comply with GB2789 except for the frequency range of 0.04~15kHz. 4.5.4 RF interface characteristics: RF input and output are rectangular waveguides with a width of 58mm and a height of 10mm. The size deviation shall not exceed ±0.1mm. Input and output standing wave ratio shall not exceed 1.1. 4.6 System availability indicators and protection monitoring functions 4.6.1 System availability
The availability on the 2500km assumed reference circuit shall be greater than 99.7%. In order to make the statistical results credible, the time period for studying the percentage should be long enough (at least one year).
4.6.2 Protection function and channel switcher Set up spare channels and channel switchers to reduce the interruption time of information transmission on the working channel. The maximum ratio of working channels to spare channels is 5:1. Functions that the channel switcher should have: Have the function of performing switching at baseband or intermediate frequency points or performing switching at both of the above switching points. A maximum of 5:1 multi-line switching is allowed. The switcher should provide switching when one of the following conditions occurs on the working channel. a. The weighted noise power of a voice channel relative to the zero level point reaches 1×10~5×105pW0p; b. The pilot signal drops by 4~8dB;
c. The weighted signal-to-noise ratio of the video is reduced to 43~48dB. The channel switcher shall have the functions of manual switching, manual paralleling, first-failure priority, and complete interruption priority over noise increase. When the switched working channel returns to normal, the switcher shall be able to make it withdraw from the occupied standby channel6. The maximum switching time when there is no parallel connection is 4ms.
4.6.3 A remote monitoring machine shall be set up to provide perfect maintenance performance and effectively reduce the average repair time of faults. The remote monitoring machine shall have the following functions:
a. Telesignaling, telemetry and remote control of the equipment and environment of the controlled station by the master control station; b. Automatic alarm, display and recording of equipment failure and environmental deterioration of the controlled station at the master control station. 4.7 Auxiliary signal
4.7.1 On the 280km auxiliary signal circuit, the noise power in any 3.1kHz bandwidth shall not exceed 20000pW0p. 4.7.2 The auxiliary signal shall include at least the following types: a. For business telephones used for inter-station communication, the frequency is 0.3~3.4kHz; monitoring signals, the frequency is 4.3~10.3kHz; b.
For two-way true telephones between end stations, the frequency is 12~20kHz; c.
Channel switching signals, the frequency is 25~45kHz; short-distance carrier telephone signals, the frequency is 60108kHz (only applicable to independent auxiliary microwave relay systems). e.
4.7.3 Interface characteristics:
The interface characteristics of the equipment shall be specified in the equipment technical documents, including input and output impedance, input and output levels, test audio frequency and frequency deviation pilot frequency and frequency deviation.
4.7.4 The auxiliary signal is transmitted by any of the following methods: a. An independent auxiliary microwave relay system composed of a public liaison agency; b. A non-independent system below the telephone baseband or above the television video band; c.
An independent system composed of other transmission means. 4.8 Antenna
The antenna determined according to the communication distance and equipment parameters shall comply with the provisions of GB6361. 4.9 Feeder
4.9.1 The feeder is a combination of rectangular, circular, elliptical waveguides and their corresponding waveguide components. The feeder should be sealed to the air. The echo interference noise power of the zero relative level point in a voice channel caused by a feeder is not greater than 10pW. 4.9.2 The internal cross-sectional dimensions of the rectangular waveguide are 58mm wide and 25mm high, and the level is "higher precision". 4.9.3 The internal diameter of the circular waveguide is 69mm, and the level is "higher precision". 4.9.4 The equivalent inner dimensions of the elliptical waveguide are 75mm in long axis and 39mm in short axis. 4.10 Branch and parallel equipment
The branch and parallel equipment is composed of a series of circulators and branch and parallel filters. The standing wave ratio at the feeder interface is not greater than 1.07. The waveguide is 58mm wide and 10mm high.
4.11 Basic power supply
The basic power supply is a floating battery DC power supply with a nominal voltage of 24V and a positive ground. The battery should be sealed and explosion-proof. When the battery begins to discharge, a remote alarm signal should be issued. The diesel generator set and rectifier should have automatic starting and switching performance, and can be used for remote telemetry, remote signaling and remote control. 4.12 Structure
Except for the remote monitoring main control machine which is a desktop structure, the equipment structure is a cabinet or strip structure. Cabinet structure: 2000mm high and 350mm thick. Strip structure: height 2000mm, thickness 120mm. 5 Measurement method
The measurement method shall be carried out in accordance with GB4958.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Routine test at room temperature
6.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the test conditions for equipment inspection are: temperature: 15~35℃;
pressure: 86~106kPa;
relative humidity: 45%~75%;
power supply voltage: -24V±10%, ripple voltage peak-to-peak value not greater than 48mV. 6.1.2 All indicators of the product are measured and qualified, and the records are filled in and sent for inspection. For products that pass the inspection, the quality department shall issue the inspection certificate before they can leave the factory. The technical documents of the equipment should specify the full inspection and sampling inspection items. Full inspection items refer to the items that need to be inspected for each equipment. In the full inspection items, if any indicator fails, the machine is unqualified and returned to the production workshop. The implementation of the sampling inspection item is to randomly extract 10% (but not less than two pieces) from the products that pass the full inspection. If any indicator of any item fails to meet the standards, double the sample shall be taken and the indicator shall be tested. If all the indicators are qualified, the above-mentioned unqualified products are individual problems, and the products submitted for inspection this time are qualified products after repair; if the indicators are still unqualified, the batch of products is unqualified and returned to the production workshop. 6.1.3 Products repaired by the production workshop shall be re-tested. 6.2 Environmental condition test
6.2.1 Low temperature test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.1 test Ad and test Ab. 6.2.2 High temperature test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.2 test Bd and test Bb. 6.2.3 Constant humidity and heat test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.3 test Ca. 6.2.4 Collision test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.6. 6.2.5 Vibration test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.10. 6.2.6 The severity level of the above-mentioned tests shall be specified in the technical documents of the equipment. 6.2.7 Details of the collision test, vibration test and transport test shall be specified in the technical documents of the equipment. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
The provisions of GB191 shall apply.
7.2 Packaging, transportation and storage
The provisions of GB3873 shall apply. The packaging of the equipment shall comply with the provisions of rainproof, first-class moisture-proof and shockproof. 7
Appendix A
Telephone Assumed Reference Circuit Index Allocation
A1 For most of the time, it is assumed that the noise power of a part of the reference circuit is proportional to the number of equal-quality segments, each of which includes 6 microwave relay segments of equal length.
Unweighted noise power of each equal quality segment: 7500
A2 Different types of equipment may allow for different allocations of specific indicators, but the unweighted total noise power of a telephone equal quality segment shall not be higher than 1500pW0.
The noise power allocation value of an equal quality segment for more than 20% of the time in any month is shown in Table A1. A3
Thermal noise 473
Delay distortion
Slope term 312
Amplitude distortion
Intermodulation noise 577
Nonlinear distortion
Amplitude distortion
Curvature term 265
Delay distortion
Echo interference
This line 256
Interference noise 450
Day Line system
Branch circuit
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each modem
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each modem
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each feeder
Each intermediate frequency cable
Front-to-back interference
Cross-station interference
Propagation distortion
Definition of symbols
n: Number of video equal-quality segments ;
L: circuit length;
l: 2500km;
TV hypothetical reference circuit video performance index allocation (supplement)
D3: 2500km hypothetical reference circuit index or parameter; Da: the above index or parameter allowed by n equal-quality segments; h; In the formula of B2, the value of h is one of 1, 3/2 or 2. 2 Circuit index superposition law
1 Superposition law related to circuit structure, except for "continuous random noise", all parameters in Table B1 use the following equation: B2.1
2 The superposition law related to circuit length uses the following equation, which is only used to calculate "continuous random noise voltage". When only considering the distance B2.2
, the superposition law becomes
The appropriate h values for various performance parameters are listed in Table B1. B3
The length of a TV isobaric segment is 833km, including 18 microwave relay segments of equal length. In view of the different emphases of each manufacturer, the distribution of performance indicators of a TV isobaric segment in specific equipment is allowed to be different, but the indicators of an isobaric segment for more than 20% of the time in any month shall not be inferior to the values specified in Table B2. Table B1
Intervention gain error
Intervention gain variation
Continuous random clutter voltage
Low frequency clutter
Periodic clutter
Pulse clutter
Crosstalk (inter-channel crosstalk clutter)
Power supply AC noise
Single frequency clutter
Representation of D3
Noise voltage
Noise voltage
Crosstalk voltage
Image signal nonlinear distortion
Linear waveform distortion
Chroma-luminance difference
Steady-state characteristics
Intervention gain
Periodic noise
Signal-to-noise ratio
Between TV channels
Crosstalk signal-to-noise ratio
Chroma gain
Chroma phase
Chroma-to-luminance intermodulation
Differential gain
Differential phase
Nonlinear distortion of synchronization signal
Field time
Line time
Table B1 continued
Short-time overshoot and ringing rise time
Long-time waveform distortion
Chroma-luminance gain difference
Chroma-luminance delay difference
Amplitude frequency characteristics
Delay frequency characteristics
Performance index items
Intervention gain deviation
Intervention gain change
Weighted signal-to-noise ratio of luminance signal
Short time (1s)
Medium time (1h)
Power supply hum and low-order harmonics are not less than|| tt||1kHz~5.5MHz single frequency clutter is not less than
Pulse clutter signal-to-clutter ratio is not less than
Undistorted crosstalk is not less than
Distortion crosstalk is not less than
D3 representation
Indicator value
Equal quality section
3/2 or 2
3/2 or 2
No regularity
No regularity
Each set of modem
Each set of microwave
Transceiver1 Low temperature test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.1 Test Ad and Test Ab. 6.2.2 High temperature test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.2 Test Bd and Test Bb. 6.2.3 Steady heat test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.3 Test Ca. 6.2.4 Collision test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.6. 6.2.5 Vibration test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.10. 6.2.6 The severity level of the above tests shall be specified in the technical documents of the equipment. 6.2.7 Details of the collision test, vibration test and transportation test shall be specified in the technical documents of the equipment. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
shall be carried out in accordance with GB191.
7.2 Packaging, transportation and storage
shall be carried out in accordance with GB3873. The packaging of the equipment shall comply with the provisions of rainproof, first-level moisture-proof and shockproof. 7
Appendix A
Indicator allocation for telephone hypothetical reference circuit
A1For most of the time, it is assumed that the noise power of a part of the reference circuit is proportional to the number of equal-quality segments, each of which includes 6 microwave relay segments of equal length.
Unweighted noise power of each equal-quality segment: 7500
A2For different types of equipment, the allocation of specific indicators is allowed to be different, but the unweighted total noise power of a telephone equal-quality segment shall not exceed 1500pW0.
The noise power allocation value of an equal-quality segment for more than 20% of the time in any month is shown in Table A1. A3
Thermal noise 473
Delay distortion
Slope term 312
Amplitude distortion
Intermodulation noise 577
Nonlinear distortion
Amplitude distortion
Curvature term 265
Delay distortion
Echo interference
This line 256
Interference noise 450
Day Line system
Branch circuit
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each modem
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each modem
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each feeder
Each intermediate frequency cable
Front-to-back interference
Cross-station interference
Propagation distortion
Definition of symbols
n: Number of video equal-quality segments ;
L: circuit length;
l: 2500km;
TV hypothetical reference circuit video performance index allocation (supplement)
D3: 2500km hypothetical reference circuit index or parameter; Da: the above index or parameter allowed by n equal-quality segments; h; In the formula of B2, the value of h is one of 1, 3/2 or 2. 2 Circuit index superposition law
1 Superposition law related to circuit structure, except for "continuous random noise", all parameters in Table B1 use the following equation: B2.1
2 The superposition law related to circuit length uses the following equation, which is only used to calculate "continuous random noise voltage". When only considering the distance B2.2
, the superposition law becomes
The appropriate h values for various performance parameters are listed in Table B1. B3
The length of a TV isobaric segment is 833km, including 18 microwave relay segments of equal length. In view of the different emphases of each manufacturer, the distribution of performance indicators of a TV isobaric segment in specific equipment is allowed to be different, but the indicators of an isobaric segment for more than 20% of the time in any month shall not be inferior to the values specified in Table B2. Table B1
Intervention gain error
Intervention gain variation
Continuous random clutter voltage
Low frequency clutter
Periodic clutter
Pulse clutter
Crosstalk (inter-channel crosstalk clutter)
Power supply AC noise
Single frequency clutter
Representation of D3
Noise voltage
Noise voltage
Crosstalk voltage
Image signal nonlinear distortion
Linear waveform distortion
Chroma-luminance difference
Steady-state characteristics
Intervention gain
Periodic noise
Signal-to-noise ratio
Between TV channels
Crosstalk signal-to-noise ratio
Chroma gain
Chroma phase
Chroma-to-luminance intermodulation
Differential gain
Differential phase
Nonlinear distortion of synchronization signal
Field time
Line time
Table B1 continued
Short-time overshoot and ringing rise time
Long-time waveform distortion
Chroma-luminance gain difference
Chroma-luminance delay difference
Amplitude frequency characteristics
Delay frequency characteristics
Performance index items
Intervention gain deviation
Intervention gain change
Weighted signal-to-noise ratio of luminance signal
Short time (1s)
Medium time (1h)
Power supply hum and low-order harmonics are not less than|| tt||1kHz~5.5MHz single frequency clutter is not less than
Pulse clutter signal-to-clutter ratio is not less than
Undistortion crosstalk is not less than
Distortion crosstalk is not less than
D3 representation
Indicator value
Equal quality section
3/2 or 2
3/2 or 2
No regularity
No regularity
Each set of modem
Each set of microwave
Transceiver1 Low temperature test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.1 Test Ad and Test Ab. 6.2.2 High temperature test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.2 Test Bd and Test Bb. 6.2.3 Steady heat test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.3 Test Ca. 6.2.4 Collision test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.6. 6.2.5 Vibration test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.10. 6.2.6 The severity level of the above tests shall be specified in the technical documents of the equipment. 6.2.7 Details of the collision test, vibration test and transportation test shall be specified in the technical documents of the equipment. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
shall be carried out in accordance with GB191.
7.2 Packaging, transportation and storage
shall be carried out in accordance with GB3873. The packaging of the equipment shall comply with the provisions of rainproof, first-level moisture-proof and shockproof. 7
Appendix A
Indicator allocation for telephone hypothetical reference circuit
A1For most of the time, it is assumed that the noise power of a part of the reference circuit is proportional to the number of equal-quality segments, each of which includes 6 microwave relay segments of equal length.
Unweighted noise power of each equal-quality segment: 7500
A2For different types of equipment, the allocation of specific indicators is allowed to be different, but the unweighted total noise power of a telephone equal-quality segment shall not exceed 1500pW0.
The noise power allocation value of an equal-quality segment for more than 20% of the time in any month is shown in Table A1. A3
Thermal noise 473
Delay distortion
Slope term 312
Amplitude distortion
Intermodulation noise 577
Nonlinear distortion
Amplitude distortion
Curvature term 265
Delay distortion
Echo interference
This line 256
Interference noise 450
Day Line system
Branch circuit
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each modem
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each modem
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each feeder
Each intermediate frequency cable
Front-to-back interference
Cross-station interference
Propagation distortion
Definition of symbols
n: Number of video equal-quality segments ;
L: circuit length;
l: 2500km;
TV hypothetical reference circuit video performance index allocation (supplement)
D3: 2500km hypothetical reference circuit index or parameter; Da: the above index or parameter allowed by n equal-quality segments; h; In the formula of B2, the value of h is one of 1, 3/2 or 2. 2 Circuit index superposition law
1 Superposition law related to circuit structure, except for "continuous random noise", all parameters in Table B1 use the following equation: B2.1
2 The superposition law related to circuit length uses the following equation, which is only used to calculate "continuous random noise voltage". When only considering the distance B2.2
, the superposition law becomes
The appropriate h values for various performance parameters are listed in Table B1. B3
The length of a TV isobaric segment is 833km, including 18 microwave relay segments of equal length. In view of the different emphases of each manufacturer, the distribution of performance indicators of a TV isobaric segment in specific equipment is allowed to be different, but the indicators of an isobaric segment for more than 20% of the time in any month shall not be inferior to the values specified in Table B2. Table B1
Intervention gain error
Intervention gain variation
Continuous random clutter voltage
Low frequency clutter
Periodic clutter
Pulse clutter
Crosstalk (inter-channel crosstalk clutter)
Power supply AC noise
Single frequency clutter
Representation of D3
Noise voltage
Noise voltage
Crosstalk voltage
Image signal nonlinear distortion
Linear waveform distortion
Chroma-luminance difference
Steady-state characteristics
Intervention gain
Periodic noise
Signal-to-noise ratio
Between TV channels
Crosstalk signal-to-noise ratio
Chroma gain
Chroma phase
Chroma-to-luminance intermodulation
Differential gain
Differential phase
Nonlinear distortion of synchronization signal
Field time
Line time
Table B1 continued
Short-time overshoot and ringing rise time
Long-time waveform distortion
Chroma-luminance gain difference
Chroma-luminance delay difference
Amplitude frequency characteristics
Delay frequency characteristics
Performance index items
Intervention gain deviation
Intervention gain change
Weighted signal-to-noise ratio of luminance signal
Short time (1s)
Medium time (1h)
Power supply hum and low-order harmonics are not less than|| tt||1kHz~5.5MHz single frequency clutter is not less than
Pulse clutter signal-to-clutter ratio is not less than
Undistortion crosstalk is not less than
Distortion crosstalk is not less than
D3 representation
Indicator value
Equal quality section
3/2 or 2
3/2 or 2
No regularity
No regularity
Each set of modem
Each set of microwave
A2 Different types of equipment may allow for different allocations of specific indicators, but the unweighted total noise power of a telephone equal quality segment shall not be higher than 1500pW0.
The noise power allocation value of a equal quality segment for more than 20% of the time in any month is shown in Table A1. A3
Thermal noise 473
Delay distortion
Slope term 312
Amplitude distortion
Intermodulation noise 577
Nonlinear distortion
Amplitude distortion
Curvature term 265
Delay distortion
Echo interference
This line 256
Interference noise 450
Day Line system
Branch circuit
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each modem
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each modem
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each feeder
Each intermediate frequency cable
Front-to-back interference
Cross-station interference
Propagation distortion
Definition of symbols
n: Number of video equal-quality segments ;
L: circuit length;
l: 2500km;
TV hypothetical reference circuit video performance index allocation (supplement)
D3: 2500km hypothetical reference circuit index or parameter; Da: the above index or parameter allowed by n equal-quality segments; h; In the formula of B2, the value of h is one of 1, 3/2 or 2. 2 Circuit index superposition law
1 Superposition law related to circuit structure, except for "continuous random noise", all parameters in Table B1 use the following equation: B2.1
2 The superposition law related to circuit length uses the following equation, which is only used to calculate "continuous random noise voltage". When only considering the distance B2.2
, the superposition law becomes
The appropriate h values for various performance parameters are listed in Table B1. B3
The length of a TV isobaric segment is 833km, including 18 microwave relay segments of equal length. In view of the different emphases of each manufacturer, the distribution of performance indicators of a TV isobaric segment in specific equipment is allowed to be different, but the indicators of an isobaric segment for more than 20% of the time in any month shall not be inferior to the values specified in Table B2. Table B1
Intervention gain error
Intervention gain variation
Continuous random clutter voltage
Low frequency clutter
Periodic clutter
Pulse clutter
Crosstalk (inter-channel crosstalk clutter)
Power supply AC noise
Single frequency clutter
Representation of D3
Noise voltage
Noise voltage
Crosstalk voltage
Image signal nonlinear distortion
Linear waveform distortion
Chroma-luminance difference
Steady-state characteristics
Intervention gain
Periodic noise
Signal-to-noise ratio
Between TV channels
Crosstalk signal-to-noise ratio
Chroma gain
Chroma phase
Chroma-to-luminance intermodulation
Differential gain
Differential phase
Nonlinear distortion of synchronization signal
Field time
Line time
Table B1 continued
Short-time overshoot and ringing rise time
Long-time waveform distortion
Chroma-luminance gain difference
Chroma-luminance delay difference
Amplitude frequency characteristics
Delay frequency characteristics
Performance index items
Intervention gain deviation
Intervention gain change
Weighted signal-to-noise ratio of luminance signal
Short time (1s)wwW.bzxz.Net
Medium time (1h)
Power supply hum and low-order harmonics are not less than|| tt||1kHz~5.5MHz single frequency clutter is not less than
Pulse clutter signal-to-clutter ratio is not less than
Undistorted crosstalk is not less than
Distortion crosstalk is not less than
D3 representation
Indicator value
Equal quality section
3/2 or 2
3/2 or 2
No regularity
No regularity
Each set of modem
Each set of microwave
A2 Different types of equipment may allow for different allocations of specific indicators, but the unweighted total noise power of a telephone equal quality segment shall not be higher than 1500pW0.
The noise power allocation value of a equal quality segment for more than 20% of the time in any month is shown in Table A1. A3
Thermal noise 473
Delay distortion
Slope term 312
Amplitude distortion
Intermodulation noise 577
Nonlinear distortion
Amplitude distortion
Curvature term 265
Delay distortion
Echo interference
This line 256
Interference noise 450
Day Line system
Branch circuit
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each modem
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each modem
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each microwave transceiver
Each modem
Each channel switching switch
Each feeder
Each intermediate frequency cable
Front-to-back interference
Cross-station interference
Propagation distortion
Definition of symbols
n: Number of video equal-quality segments ;
L: circuit length;
l: 2500km;
TV hypothetical reference circuit video performance index allocation (supplement)
D3: 2500km hypothetical reference circuit index or parameter; Da: the above index or parameter allowed by n equal-quality segments; h; In the formula of B2, the value of h is one of 1, 3/2 or 2. 2 Circuit index superposition law
1 Superposition law related to circuit structure, except for "continuous random noise", all parameters in Table B1 use the following equation: B2.1
2 The superposition law related to circuit length uses the following equation, which is only used to calculate "continuous random noise voltage". When only considering the distance B2.2
, the superposition law becomes
The appropriate h values for various performance parameters are listed in Table B1. B3
The length of a TV isobaric segment is 833km, including 18 microwave relay segments of equal length. In view of the different emphases of each manufacturer, the distribution of performance indicators of a TV isobaric segment in specific equipment is allowed to be different, but the indicators of an isobaric segment for more than 20% of the time in any month shall not be inferior to the values specified in Table B2. Table B1
Intervention gain error
Intervention gain variation
Continuous random clutter voltage
Low frequency clutter
Periodic clutter
Pulse clutter
Crosstalk (inter-channel crosstalk clutter)
Power supply AC noise
Single frequency clutter
Representation of D3
Noise voltage
Noise voltage
Crosstalk voltage
Image signal nonlinear distortion
Linear waveform distortion
Chroma-luminance difference
Steady-state characteristics
Intervention gain
Periodic noise
Signal-to-noise ratio
Between TV channels
Crosstalk signal-to-noise ratio
Chroma gain
Chroma phase
Chroma-to-luminance intermodulation
Differential gain
Differential phase
Nonlinear distortion of synchronization signal
Field time
Line time
Table B1 continued
Short-time overshoot and ringing rise time
Long-time waveform distortion
Chroma-luminance gain difference
Chroma-luminance delay difference
Amplitude frequency characteristics
Delay frequency characteristics
Performance index items
Intervention gain deviation
Intervention gain change
Weighted signal-to-noise ratio of luminance signal
Short time (1s)
Medium time (1h)
Power supply hum and low-order harmonics are not less than|| tt||1kHz~5.5MHz single frequency clutter is not less than
Pulse clutter signal-to-clutter ratio is not less than
Undistorted crosstalk is not less than
Distortion crosstalk is not less than
D3 representation
Indicator value
Equal quality section
3/2 or 2
3/2 or 2
No regularity
No regularity
Each set of modem
Each set of microwave
Transceiver5MHz single frequency clutter is not less than
Pulse clutter signal-to-clutter ratio is not less than
Undistorted crosstalk is not less than
Distortion crosstalk is not less than
D3 representation
Indicator value
Equal quality section
3/2 or 2
3/2 or 2
No regularity
No regularity
Each set of modem
Each set of microwave
Transceiver5MHz single frequency clutter is not less than
Pulse clutter signal-to-clutter ratio is not less than
Undistorted crosstalk is not less than
Distortion crosstalk is not less than
D3 representation
Indicator value
Equal quality section
3/2 or 2
3/2 or 2
No regularity
No regularity
Each set of modem
Each set of microwave
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.