Standard ICS number:Metallurgy>>77.120 Nonferrous Metals
Standard Classification Number:Metallurgy>>Methods for testing physical and chemical properties of metals>>H21 Methods for testing physical properties of metals
This standard specifies a method for determining the lubricant content in lubricant-containing metal powders. This method is also applicable to the determination of elemental content, such as graphite and oxygen, and its determination value can exclude the interference caused by the presence of lubricants. The condition for applying this method is that the suitable solvent for extracting the lubricant is known and easily available. GB/T 8643-2002 Determination of lubricant content in lubricant-containing metal powders Modified Soxhlet extraction method GB/T8643-2002 Standard download decompression password:
Some standard content:
ICS77.120 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/I86432002 Generation 8643--1338 Lubricated metal-powder mixes-Determination of lubricant content Modified Soxhlet extraction method (ISO 13944:1996(E),IDT) 7002-0823 Xiaohua People's Republic of China State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine 2003-03-01 implementation GB/T8643202 Production standard is based on 150139:199 lubricant metal powder to reduce the content of lubricant content in the determination of the Soxhlet (Yuan Shang-let) rate under guaranteed GB\TR613:1S8EC lubricant content in the registration will be the same as the international standard in terms of technology, this standard G/E843-9 has made some revisions: a pair of standards if it is called "revised" In the revision, the word "rust-proof" is added before "need to be treated"; the wood standard has added section 5. "Before the production of the sample, the industry only lists the sequence of the test instrument, and records the value of the sample. This standard has interchangeable quality with the original standard in terms of measurement and calculation. The original standard is a small combustion version taken in China to measure the quality changes of oxygen. In essence, the original standard method is due to the increase of the quality of the lubricant in the grid version, the operation frequency is long, the energy consumption is low, and the lubrication agent is not sufficient to obtain the maximum change ratio of the sample before the test. This standard is commercially available and has shortened the test time and improved the visual expansion. This standard has been replaced by the China Ranking Industry Association. This standard China has three industrial standard design and quality control institutes. The drafting of this standard is mainly carried out by Beijing Institute of Electrotechnical Engineering, and the main initiators of this standard are Ning Junqin, Xiang Hongyun, and the association will strive for loyalty. GH/T8643-·2002 IS Foreword 1 The International Electrotechnical Commission (IS) is a world organization composed of international standards bodies, which formulates standards. 1. The technical committees of IS are composed of members. All members have technical interests in the technical committees and are members of the committee. Cooperation: Maintaining cumulative or non-blind cooperation with international organizations with IEC 6001 or IEC 6001. In the field of chemical and physical standards, S maintains close cooperation with the international electrotechnical commission and is responsible for the development of international standards. It also participates in non-blind cooperation. In the field of chemical and physical standards, S maintains close cooperation with the international electrotechnical commission and is responsible for the development of international standards. The same heat of the product can be published as an international standard. IS.3941S>/TC11!/SC2 Technical requirements for the preparation of powder (excluding hard alloy 1 joint sample and test point technical meeting, Six non-generation SA 15095; 197 1 Scope Metal powder containing lubricants Determination of the maximum lubricant content in the modified Soxhlet (Soxhlet) extraction method GB/T86432002 A method for the determination of the content of metal powder in the market, this method is also applicable to the determination of the content of the content of the sample, such as the seven wishes and the system, the conditions for the application of this method are: the appropriate box for the determination of the lubricant content is known and easy to obtain. 2 Principle Use the three consulting columns to remove the best test subjects from the column, after taking, you can measure the gas material, the quality of the charging hole is the standard content of the agent taken by the user. The sample after the rate of extraction can be used to determine its content without the influence of the secretion meter. 3.1 Analytical instruments and reagents: see 3.3, accurate to 1 mg. 3.2 Filter holder, as shown in the figure, with the following components: a) spherical cooler, h) Filter holder, sample volume 13mL2 (. glass source city (pore diameter grade P1) (through the glass cotton with a fixed length of m diameter and length is the test requirement). If the test reagent contains less than 0.5% of the reagent, see 3.31, d) round bottom bottle with volume 5ml. t||c heat year, H letter is enough for the rate. Can evaporate the solvent with a depth of not less than 2ml.rim-3.3 organic solvent. Suitable for this new lubricant. Example H and petroleum enough Note: No one in the machine has a gas obtained in the apple. 4 samples 4.1 Take two test scans to run the test, 4.2 Usually the powder is not tested according to the nuclear collection state. 3 If the measured content is less than or equal to, the value of the test quality is such as the use of the sea content of the scientific personnel for the amount of R: 5 Steps 5.1 Before putting the sample in the car, the bottom of the collection is examined and the test is recorded. 5.2 Reduce the full cotton filter and weigh the m. sticky to the correct weight. 5.3 Select a piece of paper and put it in the part of the cotton. Weigh its total work Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.