title>QB/T 2347-1997 Maltose (maltose) - QB/T 2347-1997 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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QB/T 2347-1997 Maltose (maltose)

Basic Information

Standard ID: QB/T 2347-1997

Standard Name: Maltose (maltose)

Chinese Name: 麦芽糖饴(饴糖)

Standard category:Light Industry Standard (QB)


Date of Release1998-01-16

Date of Implementation:1998-09-01

Date of Expiration:2007-12-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Food>>Sugar and Sugar Products>>X31 Sugar

associated standards

alternative situation:ZB X31005-89

Publication information

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Introduction to standards:

QB/T 2347-1997 Maltose (maltose) QB/T2347-1997 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

This standard is a revision of the professional standard ZBX31005-1989 "Maltose Hall (饸糖)". This revision rewrites the determination of dry matter (solids), cancels the calibration of the refractometer in Appendix A of the original standard; at the same time, cancels the total acid index and test method in Appendix B, and the acidity is uniformly controlled by pH value. The lead in the hygienic index of this standard is changed from no more than 1.0 mg/kg to no more than 0.5 mg/kg; the sulfated ash content of first-class products and qualified products is changed to no more than 0.7 and no more than 1.0 respectively; the net content is implemented in accordance with the State Technical Supervision Bureau Order [1995] No. 43; the standard is written in accordance with the basic provisions of GB/T1.1-1993 to make it more stringent. This standard is jointly proposed by the Quality Standards Department of the China Light Industry Association and the Ministry of Domestic Trade. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Food Fermentation Standardization Center. The drafting units of this standard are: Shanghai Haiou Brewing Company Sugar Factory, China Food Fermentation Industry Research Institute, Wuhan Science and Technology and Talent Exchange Center.
The main drafters of this standard are: Wang Longbao, Chen Min, Jiang Guanchang, Guo Xinguang, Lu Yicheng. From the date of implementation of this standard, the professional standard ZBX31005-1989 "Maltose (Sweet Sugar)" issued by the former Ministry of Light Industry will be invalid.
Light Industry Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Maltose (Sweet Sugar)
1 Scope
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage requirements of maltose (sugar).
This standard applies to maltose (Sweet Sugar) made from starchy raw materials through the hydrolysis process of α-amylase, malt (or β-amylase, fungal amylase). 2 Reference standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When the standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB191—1990 Pictorial markings for packaging storage and transportation
Preparation of standard solutions for titration analysis (volume analysis) of chemical reagents GB 603—1988
Preparation of preparations and products used in chemical reagent test methods Chemical reagents Acid-base indicators General method for determination of pH color range GB2760—1996 Hygienic standard for the use of food additives GB4789.2—1994 Microbiological examination of food hygiene Determination of total colony count GB4789.3—1994 Microbiological examination of food hygiene Determination of coliform group GB4789.4—1994 Microbiological examination of food hygiene Salmonella examination GB/T5009.11 1996 Determination method for total lead in food GB/T5009.12—1996 Determination method for lead in food GB7718—1994 General standard for food labeling Approved by China Light Industry Federation on January 16, 1998 and implemented on September 1, 1998 QB/T2347—1997 Order No. 43 of the State Bureau of Technical Supervision [1995] "Regulations on Metrological Supervision of Quantitatively Packaged Commodities" 3 Technical requirements 3.1 Sensory requirements The sensory requirements shall comply with the requirements of Table 1.
3.2 Physical and chemical requirements
It is a viscous, slightly transparent liquid, without visible impurities, light yellow to brownish yellow
It has the normal smell of maltose
It is moist and pure, without any peculiar smell
The physical and chemical indicators should conform to the provisions of Table 2
Dry matter (solids), %
Sugar boiling temperature, ℃
Sulfated ash, %
3.3 Hygiene requirements
The hygiene indicators should conform to the provisions of Table 3.
Arsenic (As), mg/kg
Lead (Pb), mg/kg
Total bacteria count, cfu/g
Coliform bacteria, MPN/100g
Superior product
Test method for pathogenic bacteria (referring to intestinal pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic cocci)
Superior product
The water used in this test,
unless otherwise specified, refers to distilled water.
4.1 Sensory inspection
4.1.1 Color and appearance
First-class products
No detection
Qualified products
Qualified products
Take a sample of about 30mL in a colorless and clean sample cup (or a 50mL small beaker), place it in a bright place, observe its color and transparency with the naked eye, and check whether there are visible impurities. 4.1.2 Aroma
Use your sense of smell to carefully identify the smell of the sample.
4.1.3 Taste
Use a glass rod to take an appropriate amount of sample and put it in your mouth. Before tasting the second sample, you must rinse your mouth with clean water. 4.2 Physical and chemical tests
4.2.1 Dry matter (solids) Instruments
a) Abbe refractometer with an accuracy of 0.0001 unit; b) Constant temperature water bath with an accuracy of ±0.1°C. Test procedures
Approved by China Light Industry Federation on January 16, 1998 and implemented on September 1, 1998
a) Place the refractometer in a well-lit location and connect it to a constant temperature water bath. Use a constant temperature water bath to adjust the temperature of the refractometer prism to 20.0 ± 0.1°C and adjust the refractive index to 1.3330 with double distilled water. At this time, the percentage of dry matter (solids) is zero; open the refractometer prism, wipe off the water with absorbent cotton, add 1 to 2 drops of sample to the center of the prism surface, b
quickly close the prism. Make the sample evenly cover the prism surface, without bubbles and fill the field of view; c)
After the sample reaches 20.0±0.1℃, read the refractive index through the eyepiece, which is the percentage of dry matter (solids). Clean and dry the prism, and measure the same sample for the second time. Take the arithmetic mean of the two measured values ​​and report the result.
4.2.2 pH value Instrument
pH meter (acidity meter) accuracy ± 0.02. Test steps
a) Adjust and calibrate the acidometer according to the instrument manual. b) Weigh 20g of sample into a 50mL beaker and add 20mL of freshly boiled water cooled to room temperature to dissolve. Adjust the sample solution temperature and the temperature compensation of the pH meter to 25±1℃, measure the pH value of the sample solution, and read the value when the pH value stabilizes within 1min. Rinse the electrode several times with water first and then with the sample solution, repeat the measurement (the difference between the two measurement values ​​shall not exceed 0.05pH), and take the arithmetic mean to report the result. 4.2.3 DE value (reducing sugar determination method) Reagents
a) Methylene blue indicator (10g/L) Weigh 0.5g of methylene blue, dissolve it in water and dilute it to 50mL;
Standard glucose solution (2g/L) Accurately weigh 0.5000g of standard anhydrous glucose dried to constant weight at 100±2℃, dissolve it in water and dilute it to 250mL, shake well and set aside: c) Fehling's solution is prepared and calibrated in accordance with the provisions of GB603. Test steps
a) Preparation of sample solution Weigh a certain amount of sample, accurate to 0.0001g (the sampling amount should be such that every 100mL of sample solution contains 125-200mg of reducing sugar), place it in a 50mL beaker, add hot water to dissolve it, then transfer it to a 250mL volumetric flask, cool it to room temperature, add water to dilute to the scale, shake well and set aside;
Pre-titration Pipette 5.0mL each of Fehling's solution III and Fehling's solution I into a 150mL conical flask b
Mix well, and accurately add 10mL of sample solution and a small amount of water. Place the conical flask on an electric stove and heat it to boiling. Titrate with the sample solution (add 1 mL at a rate of about 1015 s) until the blue color of the solution is about to disappear. Add 2 drops of 10 g/L methylene blue indicator solution and continue to titrate with the sample solution until the blue color disappears as the endpoint. Record the total volume of sample solution consumed;
c) Formal titration: According to the pre-titration procedure, take 5.0 mL of Fehling's solution II and Fehling's solution I respectively and mix them in a 150 mL conical flask. Add about 1.0 mL less sample solution than the pre-titration, place it on an electric stove and heat it to boil within 2 minutes. Add 2 drops of 10 g/L methylene blue indicator solution and continue to titrate with the sample solution to the endpoint. The entire titration process must be completed within 3 minutes and keep boiling all the time. Calculation
Wherein: X is the DE value of the sample:
Approved by China Light Industry Federation on January 16, 1998 100
Implemented on September 1, 1998
RP is the mass of glucose equivalent to 1mL Fehling's solution (I, I), g; M is the sampling volume, g
250 is the total volume of the prepared sample solution, mL;
V is the volume of the sample solution consumed in the formal titration, mL
DMC is the content of dry matter (solids) in the sample, %. 4.2.4 Sugar boiling temperature
Weigh 200g of the sample into a 500mL beaker and place it on a 1000W electric stove (with asbestos mesh). Insert a 150℃ mercury thermometer in the center of the cup (the mercury head of the thermometer is about 0.5cm from the bottom of the cup), heat and boil. After boiling, add 2 drops of vegetable oil and continue to heat and boil. When the sample in the cup shows a coking point, record the temperature, which is the boiling temperature.
4.2.5 Sulfate ash Reagents
Concentrated sulfuric acid. Instruments
a) Platinum crucible (or quartz crucible, porcelain crucible) 50mL; b) High temperature furnace 525±25℃;
c) Dryer (with color-changing silica gel);
d) Analytical balance with a sensitivity of 0.1mg. Determination
a) The crucible is first heated and boiled with hydrochloric acid to wash, then rinsed with tap water, and then rinsed with distilled water. Place the clean crucible in a high-temperature furnace and burn at 525 ± 25℃ for 0.5h, cool to below 200℃, take out, put in a desiccator to cool to room temperature, weigh accurately, and repeat the burning until constant weight.
b) Weigh 2g of sample (weigh to 0.0001g), place in the above constant weight crucible, add 5mL of concentrated sulfuric acid, rotate slowly to make it even, place on an electric furnace and heat carefully until it is completely carbonized. Then, place in a high-temperature furnace and burn at 525 ± 25℃, maintain this temperature until all carbonized products disappear (at least 2h).
Take out and cool, add a few drops of concentrated sulfuric acid to moisten the residue, put it back in the high-temperature furnace and burn until it is completely ash, cool to about 200℃, take out, put in a desiccator, cool to room temperature, and weigh accurately. Repeat the burning until the difference between the two weighing values ​​does not exceed 0.5mg to be constant weight. c) Calculation
Wherein: Sulfated ash content of a sample, %;
m-mass of a crucible, g;
m-mass of a crucible plus sample, g;
m-mass of plus ash, g.
According to GB/T5009.11.
According to GB/T5009.12.
4.2.8 Total bacteria count
According to GB4789.2.
Approved by China National Light Industry Association on January 16, 1998 (2)
Implemented on September 1, 1998
4.2.9 Coliform bacteria
According to GB4789.3.
4.2.10 Pathogenic bacteria
According to GB4789.4.
5 Inspection rules
5.1 Sampling
All products produced in the same production period and packaged and shipped out of the factory with the same quality certificate are considered as a batch. Sampling and acceptance by batch. bzxz.net
5.2 Sampling method and quantity
5.2.1 Canned or tank truck: Take the can or tank truck as the sample unit and take samples from 10cm below the liquid surface. 5.2.2 Bottled products: Take samples according to Table 4 and take 1 bottle from each box at random. 5.2.3 Barreled products: According to the batch size (number of barrels), randomly take samples from 10cm below the liquid surface according to Table 4.
5.2.4 Take an equal amount of samples from each sample, and the total amount of samples shall not be less than 1kg. Mix well, divide into two clean, dry glass bottles with stoppers, and seal. Paste the label and indicate the product name, manufacturer name and address, grade, batch number (tank, tank truck, barrel number), sampling date and location, and name of the sampler on the label. One bottle is sent to the laboratory for inspection, and the other bottle is kept by the delivery party for one month for reference. Table 4
Batch (barrel/box)
16 or less
150 or more
5.3 Factory inspection
Sample size (barrel/box)
5.3.1 Before the product leaves the factory, the technical inspection department of the manufacturer shall be responsible for inspecting each batch according to the provisions of this standard. Only products that meet the requirements of the standard and are issued with a quality certificate can leave the factory. 5.3.2 Factory inspection items
Net content, sensory, dry matter (solids), DE value, pH value. 5.4 Type inspection
5.4.1 Type inspection items are all sensory, physical and chemical, and hygiene indicators in the product standards. 5.4.2 Under normal circumstances, type inspection must be conducted every six months. The sugar boiling temperature and sulfate ash content are conducted once a month; the total colony count, E. coli, and pathogenic bacteria are conducted once a quarter. It must also be conducted in any of the following situations.
a) Changes in major raw and auxiliary materials;
Changes in key processes and equipment;
When new trial products or normal production products are suspended for more than 3 months and then resumed; d) When the national quality supervision agency conducts random inspections. 5.5 Judgment rules
5.5.1 When one of the inspection items fails in the inspection results, a double amount of samples should be drawn from the same batch of products for re-inspection, and the re-inspection results shall prevail. If there is still one unqualified item, the entire batch shall be judged as unqualified.
5.5.2 If the retest results do not meet the physical and chemical index requirements of "superior" or "first level" marked on the label, but meet the requirements of the next level, it can be downgraded. China Light Industry General Association approved on January 16, 1998 and implemented on September 1, 1998
5.5.3 If one of the microbiological indicators is unqualified, the batch of products will be judged as unqualified, and retesting is not allowed. Return to the factory.
When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, the arbitration unit shall be selected by both parties through consultation and retest according to this standard.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
6.1 Negative deviation is allowed for the net content of a single package. Bottled: According to Table (I) of Article 5 of the State Technical Supervision Bureau No. 43 [1995]. Bulk (barrel, tank truck): 15-50kg: 1.5%; 50-100kg: 1.0%; above 100kg: 0.5%. 6.2 The graphic signs of packaging, storage and transportation shall comply with the provisions of GB191. The product name, manufacturer name, factory address, net weight, batch number, production date, shelf life, implementation standard number, specifications and grade shall be marked on the outside of the container. 6.3 Bottled products must be packaged in bottles that meet food hygiene requirements, with the bottle body straight, clean and tightly sealed. Labels shall comply with the provisions of GB7718. 6.4 The packaging and containers must be neat, hygienic, without damage, and meet food hygiene requirements. 6.5 During transportation, dust and flies must be prevented, and exposure to the sun and rain must be strictly prevented. It is strictly forbidden to mix and transport with toxic and harmful substances. Measures should be taken to prevent exposure to the sun and rain. Loading and unloading during transportation should comply with the regulations of the packaging storage and transportation graphic signs on the outer packaging,
6. Finished products should be stored in a dry, ventilated and clean warehouse, and the principle of first-in-first-out should be followed. Bulk products are strictly prohibited from being stored in hot and cold conditions to avoid fermentation and deterioration. 7 Shelf life
Bulk (barrels, tank trucks): not less than 20 days in the first and fourth quarters, not less than 10 days in the second and third quarters. Bottled: not less than six months. Each manufacturer can determine the specific conditions based on the technical conditions of the factory. Approved by the China Light Industry Federation on January 16, 1998 and implemented on September 1, 19983 Determination
a) The crucible is first heated and boiled with hydrochloric acid to wash, then rinsed with tap water, and then rinsed with distilled water. Place the clean crucible in a high-temperature furnace, burn it at 525 ± 25℃ for 0.5h, cool it to below 200℃, take it out, put it in a desiccator to cool to room temperature, weigh it accurately, and repeat the burning until constant weight.
b) Weigh 2g of sample (accurate to 0.0001g), place it in the above constant weight crucible, add 5mL of concentrated sulfuric acid, rotate it slowly to make it even, place it on an electric furnace and heat it carefully until it is completely carbonized. Then, put it in a high-temperature furnace, burn it at 525 ± 25℃, and maintain this temperature until all the carbonized materials disappear (at least 2h).
Take it out and cool it, add a few drops of concentrated sulfuric acid to moisten the residue, put it back in the high-temperature furnace and burn it until it is completely ash, cool it to about 200℃, take it out, put it in a desiccator, cool it to room temperature, and weigh it accurately. Repeat the burning until the difference between the two weighing values ​​before and after does not exceed 0.5mg to obtain constant weight. c) Calculate
Where: Sulfate ash content of a sample, %;
m-mass of a crucible, g;
m-mass of a crucible plus sample, g;
m-mass of ash plus, g.
According to GB/T5009.11.
According to GB/T5009.12.
4.2.8 Total bacterial count
According to GB4789.2.
Approved by China National Light Industry Association on January 16, 1998 (2)
Implemented on September 1, 1998
4.2.9 Coliform bacteria
Implemented in accordance with GB4789.3.
4.2.10 Pathogenic bacteria
Implemented in accordance with GB4789.4.
5 Inspection rules
5.1 Sampling
All products produced in the same production period and packaged and shipped out of the factory and with the same quality certificate are considered a batch. Sampling and acceptance are based on batches.
5.2 Sampling method and quantity
5.2.1 Canned or tank truck: Take the can or tank truck as the sample unit and draw samples from 10 cm below the liquid surface. 5.2.2 Bottled products: Take samples according to Table 4, and take 1 bottle from each box. 5.2.3 Barreled products: According to the batch size (number of barrels), randomly take samples from 10cm below the liquid surface according to Table 4.
5.2.4 Take an equal amount of samples from each sample, and the total amount of samples shall not be less than 1kg. Mix well, divide into two clean, dry glass bottles with stoppers, and seal. Paste labels, and indicate the product name, manufacturer name and address, grade, batch number (tank, tank truck, barrel number), sampling date and location, and name of the sampler on the label. One bottle is sent to the laboratory for inspection, and the other bottle is kept by the delivery party for one month for reference. Table 4
Batch (barrel/box)
16 or less
150 or more
5.3 Factory inspection
Sample size (barrel/box)
5.3.1 Before the product leaves the factory, the technical inspection department of the manufacturer shall be responsible for the batch inspection according to the provisions of this standard. Only the products that meet the requirements of the standard and are issued with a quality certificate can leave the factory. 5.3.2 Factory inspection items
Net content, sensory, dry matter (solids), DE value, pH value. 5.4 Type inspection
5.4.1 Type inspection items are all sensory, physical and chemical, and hygiene indicators in the product standard. 5.4.2 Under normal circumstances, type inspection shall be carried out every six months. Among them, the boiling temperature and sulfate ash content shall be carried out once a month; the total number of colonies, Escherichia coli, and pathogenic bacteria shall be carried out once a quarter. If any of the following conditions occur, it shall also be carried out.
a) Changes in major raw and auxiliary materials;
Changes in key processes and equipment;
When newly trial-produced products or normal production products are resumed after being discontinued for more than 3 months;d) When the national quality supervision agency conducts random inspections. 5.5 Judgment rules
5.5.1 When one of the inspection items fails in the inspection results, double the amount of samples should be taken from the same batch of products for re-inspection, and the re-inspection results shall prevail. If there is still one item that fails, the entire batch shall be judged as unqualified.
5.5.2 If the re-inspection results do not meet the physical and chemical index requirements of "superior grade" or "first grade" marked on the label, but meet the requirements of the next level, it can be downgraded. Approved by China National Light Industry Association on January 16, 1998 and implemented on September 1, 1998
5.5.3 If one of the microbiological indicators is unqualified, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified, shall not be retested, and shall be returned to the factory for processing.
When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, the two parties shall negotiate and select an arbitration unit to conduct a retest in accordance with this standard.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
6.1 Negative deviation is allowed for the net content of a single package. Bottled: in accordance with Table (I) of Article 5 of the State Administration of Technical Supervision No. 43 [1995]. Bulk (barrel, tank truck): 15~50kg: 1.5%; 50~100kg: 1.0%; more than 100kg: 0.5%. 6.2 The graphic markings for packaging, storage and transportation shall comply with the provisions of GB191. The outside of the container must be marked with the product name, manufacturer name, factory address, net weight, batch number, production date, shelf life, implementation standard number, specifications and grade. 6.3 Bottled products must be packaging bottles that meet food hygiene requirements, with a straight, clean bottle body and tight sealing. Labels should comply with the provisions of GB7718. 6.4 Packaging and containers must be neat, hygienic, undamaged, and meet food hygiene requirements. 6.5 During transportation, dust and flies must be prevented, and exposure to the sun and rain must be strictly prevented. Mixing and transportation with toxic and harmful substances is strictly prohibited. Measures should be taken to prevent exposure to the sun and rain. Loading and unloading during transportation should comply with the provisions of the packaging storage and transportation graphic signs on the outer packaging.
6.6 Finished products should be stored in a dry, ventilated and clean warehouse, and the first-in-first-out principle should be followed. Bulk products are strictly prohibited from being stored in cold and hot conditions to avoid fermentation and deterioration. 7 Shelf life
Bulk (barrel, tank truck): not less than 20 days in the first and fourth quarters, not less than 10 days in the second and third quarters. Bottled: not less than six months. Each manufacturer can determine the specific shelf life based on the technical conditions of the factory. Approved by China Light Industry General Association on January 16, 1998 and implemented on September 1, 19983 Determination
a) The crucible is first heated and boiled with hydrochloric acid to wash, then rinsed with tap water, and then rinsed with distilled water. Place the clean crucible in a high-temperature furnace, burn it at 525 ± 25℃ for 0.5h, cool it to below 200℃, take it out, put it in a desiccator to cool to room temperature, weigh it accurately, and repeat the burning until constant weight.
b) Weigh 2g of sample (accurate to 0.0001g), place it in the above constant weight crucible, add 5mL of concentrated sulfuric acid, rotate it slowly to make it even, place it on an electric furnace and heat it carefully until it is completely carbonized. Then, put it in a high-temperature furnace, burn it at 525 ± 25℃, and maintain this temperature until all the carbonized materials disappear (at least 2h).
Take it out and cool it, add a few drops of concentrated sulfuric acid to moisten the residue, put it back in the high-temperature furnace and burn it until it is completely ash, cool it to about 200℃, take it out, put it in a desiccator, cool it to room temperature, and weigh it accurately. Repeat the burning until the difference between the two weighing values ​​before and after does not exceed 0.5mg to obtain constant weight. c) Calculate
Where: Sulfate ash content of a sample, %;
m-mass of a crucible, g;
m-mass of a crucible plus sample, g;
m-mass of ash plus, g.
According to GB/T5009.11.
According to GB/T5009.12.
4.2.8 Total bacterial count
According to GB4789.2.
Approved by China National Light Industry Association on January 16, 1998 (2)
Implemented on September 1, 1998
4.2.9 Coliform bacteria
Implemented in accordance with GB4789.3.
4.2.10 Pathogenic bacteria
Implemented in accordance with GB4789.4.
5 Inspection rules
5.1 Sampling
All products produced in the same production period and packaged and shipped out of the factory and with the same quality certificate are considered a batch. Sampling and acceptance are based on batches.
5.2 Sampling method and quantity
5.2.1 Canned or tank truck: Take the can or tank truck as the sample unit and draw samples from 10 cm below the liquid surface. 5.2.2 Bottled products: Take samples according to Table 4, and take 1 bottle from each box. 5.2.3 Barreled products: According to the batch size (number of barrels), randomly take samples from 10cm below the liquid surface according to Table 4.
5.2.4 Take an equal amount of samples from each sample, and the total amount of samples shall not be less than 1kg. Mix well, divide into two clean, dry glass bottles with stoppers, and seal. Paste labels, and indicate the product name, manufacturer name and address, grade, batch number (tank, tank truck, barrel number), sampling date and location, and name of the sampler on the label. One bottle is sent to the laboratory for inspection, and the other bottle is kept by the delivery party for one month for reference. Table 4
Batch (barrel/box)
16 or less
150 or more
5.3 Factory inspection
Sample size (barrel/box)
5.3.1 Before the product leaves the factory, the technical inspection department of the manufacturer shall be responsible for the batch inspection according to the provisions of this standard. Only the products that meet the requirements of the standard and are issued with a quality certificate can leave the factory. 5.3.2 Factory inspection items
Net content, sensory, dry matter (solids), DE value, pH value. 5.4 Type inspection
5.4.1 Type inspection items are all sensory, physical and chemical, and hygiene indicators in the product standard. 5.4.2 Under normal circumstances, type inspection shall be carried out every six months. Among them, the boiling temperature and sulfate ash content shall be carried out once a month; the total number of colonies, Escherichia coli, and pathogenic bacteria shall be carried out once a quarter. If any of the following conditions occur, it shall also be carried out.
a) Changes in major raw and auxiliary materials;
Changes in key processes and equipment;
When newly trial-produced products or normal production products are resumed after being discontinued for more than 3 months;d) When the national quality supervision agency conducts random inspections. 5.5 Judgment rules
5.5.1 When one of the inspection items fails in the inspection results, double the amount of samples should be taken from the same batch of products for re-inspection, and the re-inspection results shall prevail. If there is still one item that fails, the entire batch shall be judged as unqualified.
5.5.2 If the re-inspection results do not meet the physical and chemical index requirements of "superior grade" or "first grade" marked on the label, but meet the requirements of the next level, it can be downgraded. Approved by China National Light Industry Association on January 16, 1998 and implemented on September 1, 1998
5.5.3 If one of the microbiological indicators is unqualified, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified, shall not be retested, and shall be returned to the factory for processing.
When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, the two parties shall negotiate and select an arbitration unit to conduct a retest in accordance with this standard.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
6.1 Negative deviation is allowed for the net content of a single package. Bottled: in accordance with Table (I) of Article 5 of the State Administration of Technical Supervision No. 43 [1995]. Bulk (barrel, tank truck): 15~50kg: 1.5%; 50~100kg: 1.0%; more than 100kg: 0.5%. 6.2 The graphic markings for packaging, storage and transportation shall comply with the provisions of GB191. The outside of the container must be marked with the product name, manufacturer name, factory address, net weight, batch number, production date, shelf life, implementation standard number, specifications and grade. 6.3 Bottled products must be packaging bottles that meet food hygiene requirements, with a straight, clean bottle body and tight sealing. Labels should comply with the provisions of GB7718. 6.4 Packaging and containers must be neat, hygienic, undamaged, and meet food hygiene requirements. 6.5 During transportation, dust and flies must be prevented, and exposure to the sun and rain must be strictly prevented. Mixing and transportation with toxic and harmful substances is strictly prohibited. Measures should be taken to prevent exposure to the sun and rain. Loading and unloading during transportation should comply with the provisions of the packaging storage and transportation graphic signs on the outer packaging.
6.6 Finished products should be stored in a dry, ventilated and clean warehouse, and the first-in-first-out principle should be followed. Bulk products are strictly prohibited from being stored in cold and hot conditions to avoid fermentation and deterioration. 7 Shelf life
Bulk (barrel, tank truck): not less than 20 days in the first and fourth quarters, not less than 10 days in the second and third quarters. Bottled: not less than six months. Each manufacturer can determine the specific shelf life based on the technical conditions of the factory. Approved by China Light Industry General Association on January 16, 1998 and implemented on September 1, 19984 Take an equal amount of samples from each sample, and the total amount of samples shall not be less than 1kg. Mix well, divide into two clean, dry glass bottles with stoppers, and seal. Paste labels, and indicate the product name, manufacturer name and address, grade, batch number (tank, tank truck, barrel number), sampling date and location, and name of the sampler on the label. One bottle is sent to the laboratory for inspection, and the other bottle is kept by the delivery party for one month for reference. Table 4
Batch (barrel/box)
16 or less
150 or more
5.3 Factory inspection
Sample size (barrel/box)
5.3.1 Before the product leaves the factory, the technical inspection department of the manufacturer shall be responsible for inspecting each batch in accordance with the provisions of this standard. Only products that meet the requirements of the standard and are issued with a quality certificate can leave the factory. 5.3.2 Factory inspection items
Net content, sensory, dry matter (solid), DE value, pH value. 5.4 Type inspection
5.4.1 Type inspection items are all sensory, physical and chemical, and hygiene indicators in the product standards. 5.4.2 Under normal circumstances, type inspection must be conducted every six months. Among them, the sugar boiling temperature and sulfate ash content are conducted once a month; the total colony count, Escherichia coli, and pathogenic bacteria are conducted once a quarter. It must also be conducted in any of the following situations.
a) Change of main raw and auxiliary materials;
Change of key processes and equipment;
When the new trial product or the normal production product is stopped for more than 3 months and then resumed production d) When the national quality supervision agency conducts random inspection. 5.5 Judgment rules
5.5.1 When one of the inspection items in the inspection results is unqualified, a double amount of samples should be drawn from the same batch of products for re-inspection, and the re-inspection results shall prevail. If there is still one unqualified item, the whole batch is judged as unqualified.
5.5.2 If the retest result does not meet the physical and chemical index requirements of "superior" or "first level" marked on the label, but meets the requirements of the next level, it can be downgraded. China Light Industry General Association approved on January 16, 1998 and implemented on September 1, 1998
5.5.3 If one of the microbiological indicators is unqualified, the batch of products is judged as unqualified, and retesting is not allowed. It is returned to the factory.
When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, the arbitration unit shall be selected by both parties through consultation and retest according to this standard.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
6.1 The net content of a single package is allowed to have a negative deviation. Bottled: According to Table (I) of Article 5 of the State Technical Supervision Bureau No. 43 [1995]. Bulk (barrel, tank truck): 15-50kg: 1.5%; 50-100kg: 1.0%; above 100kg: 0.5%. 6.2 The graphic signs of packaging, storage and transportation shall comply with the provisions of GB191. The product name, manufacturer name, factory address, net weight, batch number, production date, shelf life, implementation standard number, specifications and grade shall be marked on the outside of the container. 6.3 Bottled products must be packaged in bottles that meet food hygiene requirements, with the bottle body straight, clean and tightly sealed. Labels shall comply with the provisions of GB7718. 6.4 The packaging and containers must be neat, hygienic, without damage, and meet food hygiene requirements. 6.5 During transportation, dust and flies must be prevented, and exposure to the sun and rain must be strictly prevented. It is strictly forbidden to mix and transport with toxic and harmful substances. Measures should be taken to prevent exposure to the sun and rain. Loading and unloading during transportation should comply with the regulations of the packaging storage and transportation graphic signs on the outer packaging,
6. Finished products should be stored in a dry, ventilated and clean warehouse, and the principle of first-in-first-out should be followed. Bulk products are strictly prohibited from being stored in hot and cold conditions to avoid fermentation and deterioration. 7 Shelf life
Bulk (barrels, tank trucks): not less than 20 days in the first and fourth quarters, not less than 10 days in the second and third quarters. Bottled: not less than six months. Each manufacturer can determine the specific conditions based on the technical conditions of the factory. Approved by the China Light Industry Federation on January 16, 1998 and implemented on September 1, 19984 Take an equal amount of samples from each sample, and the total amount of samples shall not be less than 1kg. Mix well, divide into two clean, dry glass bottles with stoppers, and seal. Paste labels, and indicate the product name, manufacturer name and address, grade, batch number (tank, tank truck, barrel number), sampling date and location, and name of the sampler on the label. One bottle is sent to the laboratory for inspection, and the other bottle is kept by the delivery party for one month for reference. Table 4
Batch (barrel/box)
16 or less
150 or more
5.3 Factory inspection
Sample size (barrel/box)
5.3.1 Before the product leaves the factory, the technical inspection department of the manufacturer shall be responsible for inspecting each batch in accordance with the provisions of this standard. Only products that meet the requirements of the standard and are issued with a quality certificate can leave the factory. 5.3.2 Factory inspection items
Net content, sensory, dry matter (solid), DE value, pH value. 5.4 Type inspection
5.4.1 Type inspection items are all sensory, physical and chemical, and hygiene indicators in the product standards. 5.4.2 Under normal circumstances, type inspection must be conducted every six months. Among them, the sugar boiling temperature and sulfate ash content are conducted once a month; the total colony count, Escherichia coli, and pathogenic bacteria are conducted once a quarter. It must also be conducted in any of the following situations.
a) Change of main raw and auxiliary materials;
Change of key processes and equipment;
When the new trial product or the normal production product is stopped for more than 3 months and then resumed production d) When the national quality supervision agency conducts random inspection. 5.5 Judgment rules
5.5.1 When one of the inspection items in the inspection results is unqualified, a double amount of samples should be drawn from the same batch of products for re-inspection, and the re-inspection results shall prevail. If there is still one unqualified item, the whole batch is judged as unqualified.
5.5.2 If the retest result does not meet the physical and chemical index requirements of "superior" or "first level" marked on the label, but meets the requirements of the next level, it can be downgraded. China Light Industry General Association approved on January 16, 1998 and implemented on September 1, 1998
5.5.3 If one of the microbiological indicators is unqualified, the batch of products is judged as unqualified, and retesting is not allowed. It is returned to the factory.
When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, the arbitration unit shall be selected by both parties through consultation and retest according to this standard.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
6.1 The net content of a single package is allowed to have a negative deviation. Bottled: According to Table (I) of Article 5 of the State Technical Supervision Bureau No. 43 [1995]. Bulk (barrel, tank truck): 15-50kg: 1.5%; 50-100kg: 1.0%; above 100kg: 0.5%. 6.2 The graphic signs of packaging, storage and transportation shall comply with the provisions of GB191. The product name, manufacturer name, factory address, net weight, batch number, production date, shelf life, implementation standard number, specifications and grade shall be marked on the outside of the container. 6.3 Bottled products must be packaged in bottles that meet food hygiene requirements, with the bottle body straight, clean and tightly sealed. Labels shall comply with the provisions of GB7718. 6.4 The packaging and containers must be neat, hygienic, without damage, and meet food hygiene requirements. 6.5 During transportation, dust and flies must be prevented, and exposure to the sun and rain must be strictly prevented. It is strictly forbidden to mix and transport with toxic and harmful substances. Measures should be taken to prevent exposure to the sun and rain. Loading and unloading during transportation should comply with the regulations of the packaging storage and transportation graphic signs on the outer packaging,
6. Finished products should be stored in a dry, ventilated and clean warehouse, and the principle of first-in-first-out should be followed. Bulk products are strictly prohibited from being stored in hot and cold conditions to avoid fermentation and deterioration. 7 Shelf life
Bulk (barrels, tank trucks): not less than 20 days in the first and fourth quarters, not less than 10 days in the second and third quarters. Bottled: not less than six months. Each manufacturer can determine the specific conditions based on the technical conditions of the factory. Approved by the China Light Industry Federation on January 16, 1998 and implemented on September 1, 1998
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