This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, sampling and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of striped tar base paper. This standard applies to the base paper used to process striped tar paper. QB/T 2237-1996 Striped tar base paper QB/T2237-1996 Standard download decompression password:
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QB/T 2237—1996 This standard is a revised version of QB8281982 "Striped Tar Base Paper". The technical indicators of this standard are determined in accordance with the standard atmosphere of (23±1)℃ and (50±2)%RH specified in GB/T107391989 "Standard atmosphere for handling and testing of pulp, paper and paperboard samples". The main technical elements of the original standard have been slightly changed in the following chapters: -4 Cancel the second-class product; -4.1 Divide into B and C grades, and the quantitative is divided into 32g/m2, 36g/m, and 40g/m2; -5.4 Sampling is carried out using GB/T2828—1987 "Batch-by-Batch Inspection Count Sampling Procedure and Sampling Table (Applicable to Continuous Batch Inspection)". This standard is proposed by the Food and Papermaking Department of China Light Industry Association. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Papermaking Standardization Center. The drafting unit of this standard: Minfeng Group Corporation. The main drafter of this standard is Lu Jian. From the date of implementation of this standard, the former Ministry of Light Industry Standard QB828--1982 "Striped Tar Paper" will be invalid. 435 1 Scope Light Industry Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Striped Tar Paper QB/T 2237-1996 This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, sampling and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of striped tar paper. This standard applies to the base paper for processing striped tar paper. 2 Referenced Standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB/T450--1989 Paper and paperboard sampling GB/T451.2-1989 Paper and paperboard quantitative determination method GB/T 454-1989 Paper bursting strength determination method GB/T 455.1--1989wwW.bzxz.Net Paper tearing strength determination method GB/T 458-1989 GB/T 460-1989 GB/T 462-1989 GB/T 2828-1987 Paper and paperboard air permeability determination method (Schober method) Paper and paperboard sizing degree determination method (ink streaking method) Paper and paperboard moisture determination method Batch inspection counting sampling procedure and sampling table (applicable to continuous batch inspection) GB/T 10342—1989 GB/T 10739--1989 3 Product classification Paper packaging and marking Pulp, paper and paperboard 3.1 Striped tar base paper is divided into two grades: B and C. 3.2 Striped tar base paper is rolled paper. 4 Technical requirements and test methods Sample treatment and test standard atmosphere The technical indicators of striped tar base paper must comply with the provisions of Table 1. Table 1 Name Tear strength Burst resistance Air permeability Gluing degree Delivery moisture Not less than Not less than Not more than Not less than μm/Ma·s Test method 40±2.0GB/T 451.2 GB/T455.1 GB/T454 GB/T 458 GB/T 460 GB/T 462 4.2 Roll width As stipulated in the order contract, the width deviation shall not exceed ±3mm, and the width deviation of the unrewound roll shall not exceed ±5mm. Approved by China Light Industry General Association on October 11, 1996 T KAoNi KAca Implementation on July 1, 1997 QB/T2237—1996 4.3 Other quantitative striped asphalt base papers can be produced according to the contract provisions, and the strength index can be converted according to the equivalent strength index in Table 1. 4.4 The fiber structure of the paper is uniform, the stripes should be clear, and the color of each batch of rolls should not have obvious differences. 4.5 The number of paper defects such as sand holes, folds, holes, broken edges, cracks, water splashes, pulp lumps, and translucent eyes inside the roll should not exceed 3%. The inspection method for determining the paper defects inside the roll is to take five layers from the inside of the roll with more than ten layers, cut them into 0.05m2 paper pieces, and then select the paper pieces with paper defects and weigh them to calculate their percentage in the sample. 4.6 The ends of the rolls should be neat, and the serrations of the ends of the rewound rolls should not exceed 3mm, and the serrations of the ends of the unrewound rolls should not exceed 10mm. 4.7 The number of joints of the unrewound rolls per 100kg shall not exceed 1, and shall be clearly marked. The number of joints of the rewound rolls shall not exceed 5, and shall be well glued. 4.8 The color of the striped tar base paper shall be in accordance with the order contract. 5 Sampling 5.1 The quantity delivered at one time shall be a batch, but shall not exceed 30t. 5.2 The manufacturer shall ensure that the paper produced complies with the provisions of this standard, and a certificate of conformity shall be attached to each piece of paper delivered. 5.3 The sampling and pre-inspection treatment of the samples shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T450 and GB/T10739. 5.4 Delivery inspection and sampling inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T2828, and the sample unit is the roll. 5.5 Delivery inspection, inspection level and qualified quality level (AQL) shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 2. Table 2 Batch, simplified 91~500 501~1200 Second normal sampling Inspection level S-4 Class B nonconforming products Sample size 13(26) Class C nonconforming products Nonconforming classification Class B nonconforming Tear strength Burst resistance Class C nonconforming Air permeability Gluing degree Delivery moisture Appearance quality 5.6 The purchaser has the right to inspect whether the quality of the batch of products conforms to this standard. If there is any objection to the quality of the products, the purchaser shall notify the supplier within three months after arrival and jointly take samples for re-inspection. If it does not meet the requirements of this standard, the whole batch of paper is considered unqualified and the supplier is responsible for handling it. If it meets the requirements of this standard, it is considered qualified and the buyer is responsible for handling it. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage 6.1 The marking, labeling and packaging of striped tar base paper shall comply with the provisions of GB/T10342. If there are special requirements, they shall be in accordance with the provisions of the order contract. 6.2 During transportation, a canopy and clean transportation vehicle should be used. 6.3 It is not allowed to drop the rolls from a height. 6.4 The paper should be properly stored to prevent it from being affected by rain, snow and ground moisture. 437 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.