Some standard content:
This standard is formulated on the basis of the actual production of domestic manufacturers and absorbs some contents of foreign advanced standards. The size requirements adopt the European Aerosol Technical Federation standard FEA 202-E (fixed cover size for II diameter 25.1 mm aerosol cans) and FEA210-F (20mm size of aerosol metal hoop). Other technical requirements refer to the standards of advanced countries such as Europe and the United States. This standard is proposed by China National Packaging Corporation. This standard is issued by the Metal Container Technical Committee of the National Packaging Standardization Technical Committee. This standard is drafted by the following units: Zhongshan Kaida Fine Chemical Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Saiye Aerosol Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shenwei Group Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this standard are Feng Xiuqiong, Wu Zhijian, Ye Canxiong, Li Fengming, and Hua Guoyuan. 1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Aerosol valve
Aerosol valre
This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of aerosol valves (hereinafter referred to as valves). This standard applies to the production, use, circulation and supervision inspection of valves with a diameter of 25.1mm and 20mm that match the diameter of aerosol containers.
2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards. The provisions of this standard are constituted by reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and each sequence using this standard should explore the possibility of using the new version of the following standards. GB/T2828-1987 Procedure and sampling table for counting samples for batch inspection (applicable to inspection of continuous batches) GR/T13010-1991 Packaging terms Metal containers CB/T14119-1993 Test methods for aerosol products 3 Definitions and symbols
3.1 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions. Aerosol valve aerosolvalvc
A mechanical device fixed to the aerosol container that ensures that the contents do not leak when closed and releases the contents in a predetermined form when actuated. Non-quantitative aerosol valve nan-netering aerosal valvcA valve that continuously sprays the contents until it is closed when actuated. Metered dosc valve Valve that can spray out the contents every time the valve is actuated Forward aerosol valve Valve or upright aerosol valve Valve for upright use of aerosol products Reverse aerosol valve Valve for inverted use of aerosol products Valve for inverted use of aerosol products. 60° aerosol valve Valve for 360° use Valve that can be used in 360° directions for aerosol products. Pressing acrosol valve Valve that can spray the contents from the channel when the valve actuator is pressed vertically during use Side-push aerosol valve Valve that can spray the contents from the channel when the valve actuator is pushed sideways during use. GB 17447-1998 Male acrosol valve The valve stem is higher than the fixed cover small plane, and the actuator is on the valve stem. Male acrosol valve The valve stem is connected with the valve stem, and the actuator is placed on the inner hole of the valve stem seat below the fixed cover small plane. Acrosol valve with steel mounting cap The valve with the base material of the fixed cap is tinned or other coated thin steel plate, stainless steel plate. Acrosol valve with aluminium nuniting cap The valve with the base material of the fixed cap is aluminium alloy plate. 3.1.2 Components Valve stem
For definition, see 6.11 of GB/T 13040. Outer gasketA static sealing component installed between the outer roll of the valve fixing cover and the aerosol container. Valve mounting capFor definition, see 6.9 of GB/T 13040. Inner gasketA dynamic sealing component installed between the valve fixing cover and the valve body: Spring
An elastic component that supports the valve stem and the inner sealing ring and resets them. Valve body
A valve housing component that supports other valve components and is installed on the fixing cover. Dp tube
Extends from the lowest point of the valve to the bottom of the aerosol container and delivers the contents to the plastic component of the valve. Valve actuator See GB/T 13040, 6.13 for definition Valve seal
Component that supports the actuator valve support in the female valve. 3.2 Line number (see Figure 2)
a) D-outer diameter of the outer flange of the fixed cover:
inner diameter of the fixed cover;
-total height of the fixed cover
outer flange height of the fixed cover:
e) Inner-height of the small boss of the fixed cover;
thickness of the material of the fixed cover.
4 Specifications and classification
4.1 Specifications
According to the size of the valve and the diameter of the aerosol container, there are 5.4 mm and 20 mm2 specifications. 4.2 Classification
4.2.1 According to the spray volume, it can be divided into non-quantitative valve and quantitative valve; 4.2.2 According to the direction of spray, it can be divided into stop valve, bottom valve and 360° valve. 4.2.2
GB 17447 -- 1998
4.2.5 According to the base material of the fixed cover, it can be divided into steel fixed cover valve, aluminum fixed cover valve, male gas penetration valve, and single aerosol valve. 1- stem, 2- outer sealing net, 3- ceramic door component, 4- inner seal, 5- elastic meal, 6- body, 7- lead pipe, 5- valve actuator 19 stem seat Figure 1
5 Requirements
5.1 Appearance requirements
5.1.1 The valve should be complete and free of defects, clean and intact as a whole, and the inner and outer surface protective layers should be free of scratches and shedding. 5.1.2 The installation position of each part is correct and the quantity is accurate. 5.2 The size requirements of aerosol containers are shown in Figure 2. Table 2. Table 3. m
25.4mm air valve
420m air ring
21mm air ring
not less than 8.
Basic size
Minimum value
Limit difference
Maximum position
0 mm aerosol version
Basic size
#25 15
Limit deviation
5.3 Application performance requirements
5.3.1 All channels should be unobstructed when the valve is actuated, GB 17447-1998
5.3.2 Leakage test (0.85MPa, 1n1In): no leakage. 5.3.3 The door is kept under 1.8MPu positive knife for 1min, and the height change value of the small boss of the cover is not more than 0.30mm. 5.3.4 Pull-off of the waste pipe: the inner pipe is not less than 49N, and the pain pipe is not less than 10N. 5.3.5 The allowable error of each spray volume of the quantitative valve below 100ml is ±20%. 6 Test method
6.1 Appearance test
Test under natural light or 40W light.
6.2 Measurement of the diameter
6.2.1 Measurement of the diameter, d and height H and H Measuring tool
Vernier caliper: indication accuracy 0.01mm, measurement range 0~125mm, 6.2-1.2 Measurement method
Use vernier caliper to measure the parts shown in Figure 2 and give the readings shown. 6.3 Door pass test
6.3.1 Instrument
Leak tester (see Figure 3): Pressure gauge measuring range (~1.6 MPa + precision 1.5 level: 6.3.2 Test method
Place the sample in the leak tester, tighten the sample, inflate and pressurize to 0.5MPa, press the actuator, open the valve, and bubbles continuously flow out from the actuator channel to pass. 6-4 Test of valve leakage test
6.4.1 Instrument
6.4.2 Test method
Place the sample in the tester, tighten the sample, inflate and pressurize to 0.85MPa, press the actuator by hand, and bubbles flow out from the actuator channel. Release your hand and keep it for 1 mn 6.5 Deformation pressure test 6.5.1 Instrument Pressure tester (see Figure 4), pressure gauge accuracy 1.5, range 0~2.5MPa. Special dial gauge (Figure 5): measuring range 0~10mml, graduation value 0.01mm GB17447-1998 Gas pipe connection 4 m gas mist smoke leakage test Buy
Gas pipe
20mm gas level reading leak test set head
Figure 3 Leak tester
54mm gas zero limit
Long support
Ventilation rate
Sealing enclosure
0mm gas cabinet
Upward spiral
Ventilation rate
Gas connection parts
Gas connection
GB 17447—1998
Target 5.4mm aerosol pressure tester detection head p50
20 mm aerosol valve pressure test detection
Figure 4 Pressure tester
254mm gas sharing pavilion
Open support
$20mm gas sea
Min support
6.5.2 Test method
GB 17447—1998
Figure 525.4mm/$20mrm aerosol valve special dial gauge The sample is measured with a special dial gauge for h value (see Figure 2) and then placed in the pressure tester, pressurized to 1.8MFa and maintained for 1m1n. After the pressure is released, take out the companion product. Then use the special dial gauge to measure the h value again, and calculate the change between the two measured values. The change value is not large. mm is qualified. The calculation formula is as follows:
Wherein: h—value of h after internal pressure, mml
h, value before internal pressure, mm,
6-6 Test of pull-off force of liquid guide tube
6. 6.1 Test temperature: 25C5 C
6.6.2 Physical and chemical equipment
6.6.3 Test method
GB 17447 1998
Figure 6 Special iron hook
All 5
Eight-way viewing cabinet
After adjusting the testing machine, first clamp the special iron hook on the chuck of the testing machine, and then put the sample on the special iron hook. Then clamp the middle of the length of the sample's guide tube on the lower head of the testing machine. Adjust the pulling speed to 50mm/min, start the testing machine and stretch until the liquid guide tube is separated from the body, and read the reading.
6.7 Test of the amount of each spray of the quantitative valve
Test according to GB/T14449 method,
7 Inspection rules
7.1 The number of shipments is a batch, and one valve is a unit product. 7.2 The internal components of aerosol products are different, and the requirements for the internal sealing of the valve are different. The manufacturer should provide samples to the user for applicability testing and obtain confirmation.
7.3 Before delivery, the product must be inspected by the inspection department and a certificate of conformity must be issued. The factory inspection includes all items. 7.4 Sampling
The requirements of this standard are as follows: shall be subject to the normal inspection sampling plan in GB/12828, shall be subject to the normal inspection sampling plan. 7.5 Judgment rules
Inspection level: 5.1, 5.2 shall be subject to S-4, 3.3.1,, shall be subject to S-2. Qualified quality level: Class A unqualified AQI.=0.65; Class B unqualified AQL-1.5; Class C unqualified AQL=4. 7.6 Defect classification is shown in Table 4.
Size (5.2)
Inspection item H
Aerosol valve passage is unobstructed (5.3.1)
Pain test (5.3.2)
Deformation pressure (5.3.3)
Pull-off force of liquid guide tube (5.3.4)
GB 17447—1998
Normal inspection secondary suppression sampling plan, the judgment number of inspection level S-4 is shown in Table 5. 7.7. 1
Below 10000
10 001~ 35 000
35000 or more
Number of sampling
Second time
Second time
Second time
Second time
Sample size
Cumulative sample
Class B unqualified
Normal inspection-time sampling plan, the number of judgments for inspection level S-2 is shown in Table 6. Table 6
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
8.1 Marking
Sample size
Class A unqualified
Class C unqualified
Class B unqualified
The surface of the packaging box should have transportation marks such as product name, trademark, manufacturer name, address, etc. If the user has special requirements, the user requirement mark can be added. Each box should have a certificate of conformity, which should include the product name, specification type, product standard number, quantity, production date, and inspector's signature. 8.2 Packaging
Outer packaging is corrugated paper box, inner packaging is plastic film bag, or packaged according to user requirements. 8.3 Transportation
When transporting, load and unload lightly, and do not throw it. Avoid collision, rain, exposure and pollution. 8.4 Storage
The product should be stored in a ventilated, dry and clean place, avoid direct sunlight, and do not press it!
6-6 Test of the pulling force of the liquid guide tube
6. 6.1 Test temperature: 25C5 C
6.6.2 Apparatus
Physical propertieswwW.bzxz.Net
6.6.3 Test method
GB 17447 1998
Figure 6 Special iron hook
All 5
Eight-way viewing angle
After adjusting the testing machine, first clamp the special iron hook on the clamping head of the testing machine, and then put the sample on the special iron hook. Then clamp the middle of the length of the sample on the lower head of the testing machine. Adjust the pulling speed to 50mm/min, start the testing machine to stretch until the liquid guide tube is separated from the body, and read the reading.
6.7 Test of the spray volume of quantitative valves each time
Test according to GB/T14449 method,
7 Inspection rules
7.1 The number of shipments is a batch, and one valve is a unit product. 7.2 Aerosol products have different internal components and different requirements for valve internal sealing. The manufacturer should provide samples to users for applicability testing and obtain confirmation.
7.3 Before delivery, the product must be inspected by the inspection department and a certificate of conformity must be issued. The factory inspection includes all items. 7.4 Sampling
The requirements of this standard are as follows: shall be subject to the normal inspection sampling plan in GB/12828, shall be subject to the normal inspection sampling plan. 7.5 Judgment rules
Inspection level: 5.1, 5.2 shall be subject to S-4, 3.3.1,, shall be subject to S-2. Qualified quality level: Class A unqualified AQI.=0.65; Class B unqualified AQL-1.5; Class C unqualified AQL=4. 7.6 Defect classification is shown in Table 4.
Size (5.2)
Inspection item H
Aerosol valve passage is unobstructed (5.3.1)
Pain test (5.3.2)
Deformation pressure (5.3.3)
Pull-off force of liquid guide tube (5.3.4)
GB 17447—1998
Normal inspection secondary suppression sampling plan, the judgment number of inspection level S-4 is shown in Table 5. 7.7. 1
Below 10000
10 001~ 35 000
35000 or more
Number of sampling
Second time
Second time
Second time
Second time
Sample size
Cumulative sample
Class B unqualified
Normal inspection-time sampling plan, the number of judgments for inspection level S-2 is shown in Table 6. Table 6
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
8.1 Marking
Sample size
Class A unqualified
Class C unqualified
Class B unqualified
The surface of the packaging box should have transportation marks such as product name, trademark, manufacturer name, address, etc. If the user has special requirements, the user requirement mark can be added. Each box should have a certificate of conformity, which should include the product name, specification type, product standard number, quantity, production date, and inspector's signature. 8.2 Packaging
Outer packaging is corrugated paper box, inner packaging is plastic film bag, or packaged according to user requirements. 8.3 Transportation
When transporting, load and unload lightly, and do not throw it. Avoid collision, rain, exposure and pollution. 8.4 Storage
The product should be stored in a ventilated, dry and clean place, avoid direct sunlight, and do not press it!
6-6 Test of the pulling force of the liquid guide tube
6. 6.1 Test temperature: 25C5 C
6.6.2 Apparatus
Physical properties
6.6.3 Test method
GB 17447 1998
Figure 6 Special iron hook
All 5
Eight-way viewing angle
After adjusting the testing machine, first clamp the special iron hook on the clamping head of the testing machine, and then put the sample on the special iron hook. Then clamp the middle of the length of the sample on the lower head of the testing machine. Adjust the pulling speed to 50mm/min, start the testing machine to stretch until the liquid guide tube is separated from the body, and read the reading.
6.7 Test of the spray volume of quantitative valves each time
Test according to GB/T14449 method,
7 Inspection rules
7.1 The number of shipments is a batch, and one valve is a unit product. 7.2 Aerosol products have different internal components and different requirements for valve internal sealing. The manufacturer should provide samples to users for applicability testing and obtain confirmation.
7.3 Before delivery, the product must be inspected by the inspection department and a certificate of conformity must be issued. The factory inspection includes all items. 7.4 Sampling
The requirements of this standard are as follows: shall be subject to the normal inspection sampling plan in GB/12828, shall be subject to the normal inspection sampling plan. 7.5 Judgment rules
Inspection level: 5.1, 5.2 shall be subject to S-4, 3.3.1,, shall be subject to S-2. Qualified quality level: Class A unqualified AQI.=0.65; Class B unqualified AQL-1.5; Class C unqualified AQL=4. 7.6 Defect classification is shown in Table 4.
Size (5.2)
Inspection item H
Aerosol valve passage is unobstructed (5.3.1)
Pain test (5.3.2)
Deformation pressure (5.3.3)
Pull-off force of liquid guide tube (5.3.4)
GB 17447—1998
Normal inspection secondary suppression sampling plan, the judgment number of inspection level S-4 is shown in Table 5. 7.7. 1
Below 10000
10 001~ 35 000
35000 or more
Number of sampling
Second time
Second time
Second time
Second time
Sample size
Cumulative sample
Class B unqualified
Normal inspection-time sampling plan, the number of judgments for inspection level S-2 is shown in Table 6. Table 6
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
8.1 Marking
Sample size
Class A unqualified
Class C unqualified
Class B unqualified
The surface of the packaging box should have transportation marks such as product name, trademark, manufacturer name, address, etc. If the user has special requirements, the user requirement mark can be added. Each box should have a certificate of conformity, which should include the product name, specification type, product standard number, quantity, production date, and inspector's signature. 8.2 Packaging
Outer packaging is corrugated paper box, inner packaging is plastic film bag, or packaged according to user requirements. 8.3 Transportation
When transporting, load and unload lightly, and do not throw it. Avoid collision, rain, exposure and pollution. 8.4 Storage
The product should be stored in a ventilated, dry and clean place, avoid direct sunlight, and do not press it!
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.