title>JB/T 8562-1997 Specifications for zinc-aluminum alloy cage materials for rolling bearings - JB/T 8562-1997 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8562-1997 Specifications for zinc-aluminum alloy cage materials for rolling bearings

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8562-1997

Standard Name: Specifications for zinc-aluminum alloy cage materials for rolling bearings

Chinese Name: 滚动轴承 锌铝合金保持架材料技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1997-04-15

Date of Implementation:1998-01-01

Date of Expiration:2008-01-23

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Parts>>J11 Rolling Bearing

associated standards

alternative situation:The product has been withdrawn from the market and the main technology is no longer used.

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Rolling Bearing Standardization

Publishing department:National Technical Committee for Rolling Bearing Standardization

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 8562-1997 This standard specifies the technical requirements and inspection rules for ZZnAl27Cu2 and ZZnAl38Cu4 zinc-aluminum alloy materials used in the manufacture of bearing cages. The zinc-aluminum alloy cages specified in this standard are only applicable to bearing operating temperatures not exceeding 120°C and water-free and non-corrosive environmental conditions. This standard applies to the material inspection and acceptance of finished and semi-finished zinc-aluminum alloy cages for rolling bearings. JB/T 8562-1997 Technical conditions for zinc-aluminum alloy cages for rolling bearings JB/T8562-1997 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rolling Bearing
Technical Conditions for Zinc-Aluminum Alloy Cage MaterialsWww.bzxZ.net
Published on April 15, 1997
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on January 1, 1998
This standard is the first to be formulated. This standard is proposed and submitted by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Rolling Bearings. The drafting units of this standard are: Luoyang Bearing Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry, Luoyang Bearing Group Company, Wafangdian Bearing Group Company, Northwest Bearing Group Co., Ltd., Guangxi Torrington Bearing Co., Ltd., Shanghai Pujiang Bearing Factory, Henan Changge New Alloy Material Co., Ltd., Henan Zhongfa Alloy Products Co., Ltd., Luoyang New Zinc Alloy Co., Ltd., Shenyang Bearing Cage Factory, Henan Weihui Weitian Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd. and Tianhe Anqiang New Alloy of Zhou.
Drafters of this standard: Yue Chuanguo, Fan Zhonghe, Liang Hua, Lu Shujun.
Standard of the Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Technical Conditions for Zinc-Aluminum Alloy Cage Materials for Rolling Bearings
JB/T 8562-1997
This standard specifies the technical requirements and inspection rules for the zinc-aluminum alloy cage materials of HZZnAl27Cu2 and ZZnAl3RCut4 for manufacturing bearing cages.
The zinc-aluminum alloy cages specified in this standard are applicable to the conditions where the bearing working temperature is not higher than 120°C and the environment is free of water and corrosion. This standard is applicable to the material inspection and acceptance of finished and secondary finished zinc-aluminum alloy cages for rolling bearings. 2 References
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the text of this standard by reference in this standard. The versions shown are valid at the time of publication of this standard. All standards are subject to revision. Parties to this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB 228-87
GB 231-84
Metal tensile test method
Metal Brinell hardness test method
Gold chips tensile test specimen
Packaging, marking, transportation and storage of heavy non-ferrous metal processing products G13/T12689-90 Chemical analysis method for zinc and zinc alloys 3 Definitions
This standard uses the following definitions:
Cold shut-a gap or pit in a casting that has not been truly fused. 4 Material code
The material code is shown in Table 1.
Alloy grade
5 Technical requirements
5.1 Chemical composition
The chemical composition shall conform to the requirements of Table 2.
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on April 15, 1997
Alloy code
Implemented on January 1, 1998
Alloy code
2. 0~2. 5
0. 010.04
0. 01--0, 04
5.2 Mechanical properties and physical and technological properties
The mechanical properties of the material at room temperature shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. Pb
The physical and technological properties of the material at room temperature shall comply with the provisions of Table 4. Fe
By agreement with the parties, the finished retainer can be tested for the pull-out of the integral frame using a special fixture. Table 3
Stop method
Metal mold casting)
Semi-reverse continuous casting (La)
Centrifugal casting (L)
Casting (Y)
Note: Values ​​are generally not measured. H is measured in case of dispute Type
5.3 Surface quality
4. 6 ~5. 0
Solidification temperature
Performance is not
Linear service coefficient
Thermal conductivity
Mass is not greater than
C, 102
SC --140
>10 Qm
Tubes, unfinished materials and finished retainers shall be supplied after heat treatment or aging treatment. 5. 8
Stop this mold maker
The inner and outer surfaces of the tubes in the supply state (after rough turning) shall be smooth, clean and silver-gray. No bubbles, cracks and visible 5. 3. 2
impurities are allowed.
5.3.3 The surface of the die-cast finished product shall be uniform in color, without cracks, shrinkage holes and cold shuts. 5.4 Fracture
The fracture shall be silver-gray. The structure shall be dense, and there shall be no macroscopic shrinkage holes, air chaos, interlayers and slag inclusions. 5.5 Structure
Low-magnification group
Segregation, shrinkage residues, air holes, cracks and foreign inclusions are not allowed. 5.5.2 High-magnification organization
a) The microstructure of the tube and the raw material after rough turning should have fine and uniform dendrites, and should not have coarse dendrite segregation and large aggregate inclusions. If coarse dendrites as shown in Figure 1 are found, it should be judged as unqualified. b) The microstructure of the finished retainer is composed of α phase (+) + + phase (intermetallic compound). Among them, the (α-β) two machine organizations should be fine and uniform granular organizations, and should not be in a network shape. c) If coarse needle-shaped iron phases are found in the microstructure (as shown in Figure 2), it should be judged as unqualified. The material of this heat number cannot be used as a retainer. The metallographic test piece should first be tested for its porosity in the polished state. If the porosity is greater than that in Figure 3 in the same standard field of view at 100 times magnification, it should be judged as unqualified.
Test method
Observe.1 Fracture and surface quality
The fracture and surface quality are observed with a microscope or under a 5x magnifying glass. 62 Chemical analysis
The chemical composition test is carried out in accordance with GB 12689. Other methods are allowed under the condition of ensuring the accuracy of the analysis. 6.3 Mechanical properties
6.3.1 The tensile test method of the tube material shall be in accordance with the provisions of GR228. The tensile test specimen shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of GB6397. 6.3.2 Hardness test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of B 231. 6.4 Organization
Inspect under an optical microscope at 100 times or 500 times magnification, using the picture comparison method. 7 Inspection rules
.! Acceptance batch composition
The same materials or cages shall be submitted for acceptance in batches, and each batch must be composed of products with the same furnace number and the same specification. 7.2 Surface quality inspection
The surface quality of the product shall be inspected piece by piece as specified. 7.3.1 Tensile test group shall take three (pieces) of specimens from each batch. 7.3.2 Metallographic specimens shall take three specimens from each batch. 7.3.3 Hardness test can be carried out on the tube material holder. At least three (pieces) of each batch of products shall be measured. The hardness difference of each test point shall be less than 5 IIB. The hardness difference of each test point of each batch of test pieces shall be less than 10 HB. Packaging, transportation and storage
The packaging, transportation and storage of tube materials shall comply with the provisions of GB 8888. JB/T 8562 -1997
(a) lnnx
Fig.1 Coarse tree-like segregation
JB/T 8562—1997
Fig.2 Iron amplitude in zinc-lead alloy
JH/T 8562—1997
(6) Group point 100×
Fig. Hole glandularity
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