title>GB 4706.32-1996 Special requirements for safety of heat pumps, air conditioners and dehumidifiers for household and similar electrical appliances - GB 4706.32-1996 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 4706.32-1996 Special requirements for safety of heat pumps, air conditioners and dehumidifiers for household and similar electrical appliances

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 4706.32-1996

Standard Name: Special requirements for safety of heat pumps, air conditioners and dehumidifiers for household and similar electrical appliances

Chinese Name: 家用和类似用途电器的安全热泵、空调器和除湿机的特殊要求

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1996-04-24

Date of Implementation:1997-01-01

Date of Expiration:2005-02-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Electrical Engineering>>29.020 Electrical Engineering Comprehensive

Standard Classification Number:Electrician>>Electrician Comprehensive>>K09 Health, Safety, Labor Protection

associated standards

alternative situation:GB 5956-1991; replaced by GB 4706.32-2004

Procurement status:idt IEC 335-2-40:1992

Publication information

other information

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute

Focal point unit:China Light Industry Federation

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

Introduction to standards:

This standard applies to the safety requirements of heat pumps, as well as domestic (drinking) hot water heat pumps, air conditioners and dehumidifiers equipped with fully enclosed motor compressors. The appliances described above may consist of components produced in one factory or in multiple factories. If multiple components are provided and the individual components are to be used together, the technical requirements of this standard are based on the use of the components assembled together. Note: The definition of "totally enclosed motor compressor" is given in IEC335-2-34. The safety requirements for refrigerants are given in ISOR1662. In addition, the requirements for containers used to store hot water in domestic hot water heat pumps are given in IEC335-2-21. Auxiliary heaters (only if the heater is designed as part of the appliance assembly and the controller is installed in the appliance), or other independently installed devices are within the scope of this standard. For appliances used in vehicles, boats or aircraft, additional requirements may be required. GB 4706.32-1996 Special requirements for the safety of heat pumps, air conditioners and dehumidifiers for household and similar electrical appliances GB4706.32-1996 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

GB4706.32—1996 |
At present, my country's GB5856-91 "Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Room Air Conditioners" is equivalent to IEC378-1972. However, after more than 20 years of practice by IEC member states, many contents in IEC378-1972 are no longer applicable. Therefore, IEC/TC61 and SC61D formulated new "Special Requirements for Heat Pumps, Air Conditioners and Dehumidifiers" in 1992. There is the following statement in the preface of IEC335-2-40 (1992): "This standard is to be used in conjunction with IEC335-1, the second edition of IEC335-1 (1976) and its Supplement 1 (1977). ), the fourth printing (1991) of Supplement 2 (1979), Supplement 3 (1982), Supplement 4 (1984), Supplement 5 (1986) and Supplement 6 (1988)." my country's national standard that is equivalent to the above IEC335-1 version is GB4706.1-92 "General Safety Requirements for Household and Similar Electrical Appliances". Therefore, this standard should be used in conjunction with GB4706.1-92. When GB4706.1-92 is equivalent to the use of IEC335-1, there may be errors in translation and printing that cause problems when using this standard with GB4706.1-92, the original text of IEC335-1 shall prevail.
The versions indicated in the standards cited in this standard are valid at the time of publication. IEC standards are still being developed and improved, and all of its standards will be revised. All parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of IEC to comply with my country's policy of actively adopting international standards and the principle of equal and equivalent adoption of IEC standards. This standard will replace GB5956-91 "Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment of Room Air Conditioners" from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and administered by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Household Electrical Appliances. The main drafting unit of this standard: China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute, the main drafters of this standard: Jin Ke, Ma Dejun, Shen Zuxin, Tan Wangda, District Chang Zhao. The interpretation of this standard is entrusted to the China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute. GB 4706. 32—1996
IEC Preface
1) IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a worldwide standardization organization composed of electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees) from all countries. The purpose of IEC is to promote comprehensive cooperation among countries in the field of electrical and electronic standardization. For the above purposes and taking into account the needs of other activities, IEC also publishes International Standards. The entire formulation work is completed by a technical committee. Any IEC National Committee with a special interest in this technical issue may participate in the development work. According to the agreement reached between the two organizations, IEC and ISO, they have a close collaborative relationship in their work.
2) IEC resolutions or agreements on technical issues are formulated by technical committees in which all national committees with a special interest in this issue participate, and express as much as possible an international consensus on the issues involved. 3) These resolutions or agreements are for international use in the form of standards, technical reports or rules and are recognized by national committees in this sense.
4) In order to promote international unification, IEC hopes that national committees will adopt the contents of IEC standards as their national standards to the extent permitted by their national conditions. If there are any differences between IEC and the corresponding national standards or regional standards, they should be clearly pointed out in the national standards as much as possible. 5) IEC provides a non-marking procedure indicating its recognition, but it does not assume responsibility for a certain device claiming to comply with a certain standard. This standard was developed by IEC Technical Committee 61 "Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances", Subcommittee 61D "Air-conditioning Appliances for Household and Similar Purposes". This standard constitutes the second edition of IEC335-2-40 and replaces the first edition printed in 1987. This standard also replaces the content of IEC378 (1972) "Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Room Air Conditioners". This standard is based on the following documents. DIS
Voting Report
Further information on the voting status of this standard can be obtained from the voting report in the table above Find in . This standard is to be used in conjunction with IEC335-1, which is the second edition (1976) and includes the fourth edition of Supplement 1 (1977), Supplement 2 (1979), and Supplement 3 (1982). First printing (1991) and Supplement 4 (1984), Supplement 5 (1986) and Supplement 6 (1988).
In order to convert into the IEC standard "Special Requirements for Heat Pumps, Air Conditioners and Dehumidifiers". This standard supplements and modifies the corresponding provisions of IEC335-1.
If a special clause in IEC335-1 is not mentioned in the "Special Requirements", the clause in IEC335-1 can be used reasonably. If "addition", "modification" or "replacement" is marked in the second edition, the corresponding requirements, test specifications or interpretations of IEC335-1 should be modified accordingly.
The following differences exist in some countries:
- If it is specified in the manufacturer's instructions that the supply circuit must be protected by a fuse, the rated current of the fuse shall at least correspond to the maximum full power of the heat pump. If the rated input power of the enclosed motor compressor is 1.5 times plus the concurrent additional load (9.2), the starting test will not be performed.
—Class 1 heat pumps are allowed (22.1);
—Aluminum core power cords are not allowed (7.103). GB4706.32—1996
In this standard:
1) Use the following printed fonts: (referring to the English version)—Text requirements: printed fonts.
——Test specifications: italics.
——Annotation content: lowercase print
2) The sub-clauses and illustrations added in IEC335-1 should be numbered starting from 101. Appendix A is an integral part of the "Special Requirements" of IEC335. Appendix AA is for information only.
Note: Appendices B, E and G are normative. Appendix C is informative. It should be noted that these appendices are to be found in IEC335-1. 1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances
Special requirements for heat pumps, air conditioners and dehumidifiersSafety of household and similar electrical appliancesParticular requirements for electrical heat Except for the following content, this chapter in pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiersGB4706.1 applies. 1.1 This article is replaced by the following:
replaces GB5956-91
This standard applies to heat pumps , as well as the safety requirements for domestic (drinking) hot water heat pumps, air conditioners and dehumidifiers equipped with fully enclosed motor compressors.
The above appliances may be composed of components produced in one factory or in multiple factories. If multiple components are provided and the individual components are to be used together, the technical requirements of this standard are based on the use of the components assembled together. Note: The definition of "totally enclosed motor compressor" is given in IEC335-2-34. The safety requirements for refrigerants are given in ISOR1662. In addition, the requirements for containers used to store hot water in domestic hot water heat pumps are given in IEC335-2-21.
Auxiliary heaters (only if the heater is designed as part of the appliance assembly and the controller is installed in the appliance), or other independently installed devices are within the scope of this standard.
Note: This standard does not apply to:
Appliances specially designed for industrial engineering. Appliances prepared for use under certain special conditions, for example, where corrosive or explosive gases (dust, steam or gas) are present. For appliances used in vehicles, boats or aircraft, additional requirements may be required. It is important to note that in many countries health authorities, labor protection authorities and building design and planning authorities have additional requirements. For appliances intended to be permanently connected to a water supply system, all relevant requirements should be observed. 1.101 Reference standards Since some provisions of the following reference standards are quoted in this standard, they constitute provisions of the special requirements of this standard. At the time of publication of this standard, the versions indicated are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on these standards of IEC 335 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of application of the latest versions of the standards listed below. IEC and ISO members maintain a register of currently valid international standards. IEC85: 1984 Thermal evaluation and classification of electrical insulation IEC335-1 (Second Edition): 1976 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Part I: General requirements IEC335-2-21: 1989 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Part 1: Storage Special requirements for water-type water heaters IEC335-2-34: 1980 Safety Part I for household and similar electrical appliances: Special requirements for motor compressors IEC529: 1989 Enclosure protection level (IP code) ISO817: 1974 Organic refrigerant label ||tt| |ISOR1662:1971 Refrigeration Equipment - Safety Requirements State Bureau of Technical Supervision approved 1996-04-24 for implementation on 1997-01-01
ISODIS5149 is being formulated.
2 Terminology
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. 2.2.4 The following content is added to this article:
If the appliance consists of some electrical accessories (including fans), its rated input power shall be based on when the appliance operates continuously under corresponding environmental conditions and all accessories are powered on based on the total maximum electrical input power. If the heat pump can operate in both hot and cold conditions, the rated input power shall be based on the input power in the hot and cold conditions, whichever is greater. 2.2.29 This article is replaced by the following:
Full heat release conditions refer to the conditions when the appliance is installed according to normal usage and works under the most severe conditions specified by the manufacturer.
The following clauses are added to this chapter:
2.2.101 Heat pump: an appliance that absorbs heat at a certain temperature and dissipates heat at a higher temperature. Note: When it works to provide heat (i.e., when heating space or water), the appliance is said to work in a heating mode; when it works to remove heat (for example, cooling a space), the appliance is said to work in a cooling mode.
2.2.102 Dehumidifier: A shelled component designed to remove moisture from the surrounding environment. It includes an electric refrigeration system and air circulation unit. It also includes a drain to collect and store and/or treat condensate. 2.2.103 Comfort dehumidification: It is dehumidification that reduces the humidity of the space to meet the user's requirements. 2.2.104 Process dehumidification: It is dehumidification that reduces the humidity of the space to a level necessary for processing, storing goods or materials, or drying the building to a level necessary.
2.2.105 Thermal reuse dehumidification: It is dehumidification that reuses the latent heat and sensible heat taken away from the space and the compressor heat for other purposes instead of being discharged as waste heat.
2.2.106 Wet bulb temperature (WB): The temperature displayed when the temperature sensitive element installed in the wet gauze strip reaches a stable temperature state (evaporation equilibrium).
2.2.107 Dry bulb temperature (DB): The temperature displayed in the dry state of a temperature sensitive element that is not affected by radiation. 2.2.108 Condenser: A heat exchanger that liquefies refrigerant vapor by rejecting heat. 2.2.109 Compressor-Evaporator Unit: An assembly containing one or more compressors and evaporators with controls and wiring prepared for field connection to the condenser.
2.2.110 Condensing unit: Contains one or more compressors, fans and condensers connected to the refrigerant pipeline, and is equipped with controllers and wiring components. The condenser assembly can be used On-site connection to a remote evaporator. It can be integrated with other refrigeration units or air conditioning appliances.
2.2.111 Evaporator: A heat exchanger through which liquid refrigerant absorbs heat and evaporates. 2.2.112 Heat exchanger: A device specially designed to transfer heat between two physically separated fluids. 2.2.113 Indoor heat exchanger: A heat exchanger designed to transfer heat to or remove heat from indoor portions of a building or indoor hot water sources (e.g., toilet water)
2.2.114 Outdoor Heat exchanger: A heat exchanger designed to remove or release heat from a heat source (e.g., groundwater, outdoor air, exhaust gases, water, or brine).
2.2.115 Electric heating element assembly: It refers to a single electric heating element or electric heating element group and the frame or connector that keeps its assembly integrated. 2.2.116 Auxiliary heater: A heater provided as part of the appliance. It supplements or replaces the output of the appliance's refrigeration circuit by operating with or instead of the refrigeration circuit. 2.2.117 Air conditioner: An enclosed component or combination of components designed as an appliance for delivering treated air to a confined space, room or area. It contains an electrically powered refrigeration system that cools and dehumidifies the air. It can have devices for heating, circulating, cleaning and dehumidifying the air.
3 Domestic hot water heat pump: a heat pump prepared to transfer heat to domestic (drinking) water, 2.2.118
9 Domestic (drinking) Water: Water suitable for human consumption. 2.2.119
2.2.120 Pressure limiting device: A mechanism that automatically responds to a predetermined pressure by stopping the work of the pressure-generating component. 2.2.121 Pressure relief device: a pressure-driven valve or a fragile vulnerable part that automatically releases excessive pressure. 2.2.122 Self-storage unit: refers to a complete appliance composed of multiple suitable frames or shells. It is assembled and shipped in one or several parts. It has no field-connected refrigerant storage components other than fittings or stop valves. Note
1 A self-storage unit composed of a single frame or shell is called an overall packaging unit. 2 A self-storage unit composed of multiple frames or shells is called a split packaging unit. 2.2.123 Publicly accessible appliance: Appliance intended to be placed in a residential or commercial building. 2.2.124 Appliances not easily accessible to the public: Appliances intended to be maintained by qualified service personnel and located in the machine room or placed high or installed in a safe roof area.
3 General requirements
This chapter in GB4706.1 shall apply.
4 General instructions in testing
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. 4.5 This article is replaced by the following:
The tests and test conditions in Chapters 10 and 11 shall be carried out under the most severe working conditions within the working temperature range specified by the manufacturer. Appendix AA provides examples of such temperature conditions. 4.9 The following content is added to this article:
In each test, the appliance must work continuously. All controls that adjust the temperature and humidity of the space to be treated shall be short-circuited during the test. 4.10 The following content is added to this article:
For split appliances, the refrigeration circuit should be installed in accordance with the installation instructions. The length of the refrigeration circuit should be the maximum length stated in the installation instructions or 7.5m, whichever is shorter. Thermal insulation of the refrigeration circuit should be applied in accordance with the requirements of the installation instructions. This chapter adds the following clauses:
4.101 Motor-compressor must also withstand the relevant tests of Article 19.3 of IEC335-2-34. Unless the motor-compressor already complies with standard IEC 335-2-34, in which case the motor-compressor does not have to repeat these tests, 4.102 Appliances designed for use with auxiliary heaters are to be used with an appliance having the highest rated input power. The test is carried out when used together with a heater. Appliances with electric heaters having a lower rated power input may also be required to be tested if it can be determined that more serious consequences will occur.
5 Ratings
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. 5.1 This clause is replaced by the following:
Maximum rated voltage:
250V for single-phase portable appliances: - 600V for all other appliances. Compliance is determined by inspection of the mark. 6 Classification
This chapter in GB4706.1 is replaced by the following content. 6.1 Appliances are classified according to protection against electric shock: only Class I appliances.
6.2 appliances are classified according to the moisture-proof level of IEC529: 6.3 appliances are classified according to their accessibility according to the definitions of 2.2.123 and 2.2.124. 7 Marks
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. 7.1 Add the following content to this article:
Add the following content after the "power supply nature symbol" and before "if applicable": "Including the number of phases, except for single-phase operation" - the model and factory of the working refrigerant The quality of the refrigerant charged; the refrigerant model should meet the requirements of ISO817. The allowable working overpressure of the storage tank is measured in Pa. (for heat pumps used for domestic hot water); for the refrigeration circuit, if the allowable working overpressure on the suction side and exhaust side is different, separate marking is required. An IP code marked according to the waterproof level, except IPXO. The appliance shall be marked with all brands and rated input powers of the auxiliary electric heaters intended for use and shall have means of identification of the main heaters adjusted in the field.
Unless obvious from the design, the casing of the appliance shall use literature or symbols to indicate the direction of liquid flow. 7.12 The following content is added to this article:
The manufacturer's installation and operating instructions should be used to determine which provisions of this standard are applicable based on whether the appliance is accessible to the public.
All appliances should have installation, maintenance and operating instructions, and they should include the following: the appliance should be installed in accordance with national wiring regulations; the dimensions of the space necessary for the correct installation of the appliance, including adjacent The minimum distance allowed by the structure: - The wiring diagram of the appliance that clearly shows the wiring with the external control device - The external static pressure range of the appliance at the test location (only for auxiliary heat pumps and appliances with electric heaters); - For appliances with For resistance heater appliances and appliances tested with more than zero clearance, the minimum distance between the appliance and the combustible surface should be given;
The method of connecting the appliance to the power supply and the method of interconnecting the independent components (including wire size) ; - an indication of the parts of the appliance suitable for outdoor use: the type and rating of the fuse
- details of auxiliary heating elements that may be used with the appliance, including instructions for assembly of the appliance or auxiliary heater; — Maximum and minimum operating temperatures for hot and cold sides; maximum and minimum operating pressure for water or brine. 1. Open water storage tanks of heat pumps for heating water should have instructions. The instructions should state that the ventilation holes must not be blocked. 7.14 Add the following content to this article:
If the panel can be removed during installation or maintenance, but The marking may be placed on the panel as long as the appliance remains in its original position during operation. For built-in appliances, the marking may be placed on the back of a louvered panel or grille, and may require tools to remove the panel and grille before access. Field wiring compartment.
This chapter adds the following provisions:
7.101 The markings described in Articles 7.102 and 7.103 may be placed on labels or wiring diagrams. The material may be paper or similar. 7.102 Replaceable fuses or replaceable overload protection devices that are part of the product or external control assembly shall be marked. The sign should be visible when the compartment door or lid is open. - The mark shall specify the rated current (in A), model and rated voltage of the fuse; or - the mark shall specify the manufacturer's name and model of the replaceable overload protection device. GB4706.32-1996
7.103 If the product is intended to be connected to aluminum wires on site, this should also be stated on the mark. 8 Protection against electric shock
This chapter in GB4706.1 applies.
9 Start-up of electric appliances
This chapter in GB4706.1 is not applicable.
10 Input power and current
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable.
11 Fever
This chapter in GB4706.1 is replaced by the following content. 11.1 The appliance and its surrounding environment should not reach excessively high temperatures during normal use. Under the test conditions specified in 11.2 to 11.9, determine whether they are qualified by measuring the temperature of various components and the surrounding environment. As long as the temperature of the motor-compressor housing does not exceed 150°C, the temperature of its windings does not require measurement. Note: For motor-compressors complying with IEC335-2-34, it is not necessary to measure the winding temperature. 11.2 Appliances must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. In particular, the clearances to adjacent surfaces specified by the manufacturer should be maintained. - The exhaust duct connected to the appliance shall withstand the maximum static pressure specified in the manufacturer's instructions; - the flow rate of the liquid flow source or liquid storage device shall be the minimum value specified in the manufacturer's instructions. - For appliances with flow adjustment devices, the flow rate during the test shall be the minimum value possible. 11.3 Except for the winding, the temperature rise of other parts should be measured with thin-wire thermocouples. The selected thermocouple and its placement should have the least impact on the temperature of the component under test.
Note: Linear thermocouples with a diameter not exceeding 0.3mm are called thin wire thermocouples. Thermocouples used to measure the temperature rise of wall, ceiling and floor surfaces are to be embedded in these surfaces or attached to the back of a small blackened disc of copper or copper alloy 15 mm in diameter and 1 mm thick that is in contact with the surface. Flush. As far as possible, the appliance should be positioned so that the parts that are likely to reach the highest temperature are in contact with the small disc. When measuring the temperature rise of handles, grips, grips, etc., take into account all parts that are grasped during normal use and are in contact with hot metal. and components made of insulating materials.
Except for windings, the temperature rise of electrical insulation should be measured on the surface of the insulating material. These measurement points are insulation failures, which can lead to short circuits, contact between live parts and accessible metal parts, insulation conduction or creepage. Where distances and clearances are reduced below the values ??specified in 29.1. The temperature rise of the winding is measured by the galvanic method unless the winding is non-uniform or very complex to achieve the necessary connections, in which case thermocouples can be used to measure the temperature rise. 11.4 The appliance works in the test chamber under conditions of sufficient heat dissipation (see 2.2.29). If the appliance can be operated in both cooling and heating modes, the test is carried out separately in each mode. All appliances should be operated until a stable condition is reached. For appliances with a defrost device, the test shall include at least one defrost cycle under the most unfavorable conditions. The appliance is to be operated with a supply voltage that is between 0.94 times the lowest rated voltage and 1.06 times the highest rated voltage. The voltage selected is the supply voltage that gives the most adverse results. The heating element must operate at a voltage corresponding to 1.15 times the maximum rated input power.
11.5 For appliances with auxiliary electric heating elements, an additional test should be carried out with all heating elements in working condition. If necessary, the air temperature can be reduced to a certain value so that all elements Connected. 11.6 Controllers with adjustable limits shall be set to the maximum allowable breaking setting value and minimum differential value through the controller adjustment device during the test.
11.7 Hot air inlet pipe
In the refrigeration test, there are no requirements for the air inlet pipe. During the heating test, for appliances with auxiliary heaters, the air inlet pipe is connected to the return air opening of the appliance (assuming that the appliance is intended to be used as such). If a flange is provided, the pipe size shall be the same as that of the flange connection. If no flange is provided, the pipe size should be consistent with the air inlet size. The air intake duct should have an adjustable restrictor that reduces air flow. The flow restriction should be uniform across the cross-section of the air inlet duct so that the entire heating coil surface is exposed to the air flow. However, the exception is when the current limiting device is closed.
11.8 Hot air exhaust ducts
Appliances that are connected to exhaust ducts or forced ventilation systems must be assembled in accordance with the following requirements when conducting specified tests on exhaust ducts.
Appliances without auxiliary heating shall be equipped with an exhaust pipe of a size appropriate to the housing flange or opening without a flange, or to a location marked for use as a flange, and suitable To discharge the air from the return air outlet. Appliances containing or with provision for on-site installation of auxiliary heating shall be equipped with a metal forced ventilation system and exhaust duct in accordance with Figure 101a) or 101b).
The temperature in the tube is measured via a thermocouple grid. It consists of 9 thermocouples of the same length and parallel to form a grid, and each thermocouple is placed at the center of 9 identical duct sections in a plane perpendicular to the air flow axis. 11.9 Test box
For appliances intended to use exhaust pipes, a test box made of wooden multi-layer boards should be installed so that it can completely contain the appliance, exhaust pipe and appliances with auxiliary heaters. Heated surface. The test is to contain the exhaust pipe as shown in Figures 101a) and 101b). The test chamber consists of wooden multi-layer walls with a thickness of approximately 20 mm. The inner walls are completely blackened and all connections must be sealed. The distance between the box and the surface of the appliance, the exhaust pipe and the heated surface must be equal to the minimum gap specified by the manufacturer. If there is no such provision, the box shall be in direct contact with the appliance, exhaust pipe and heated surface. For appliances that are not intended to use exhaust pipes, the appliance must be installed in a test box in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions; the box consists of a hardwood board with a thickness of approximately 20 mm and an inner wall completely painted black. For appliances that do not specify a minimum installation gap, fiberglass insulation materials with a thickness of at least 25mm and a density of at least 16kg/m\ can be tightly wrapped around the exhaust pipe and heated surface of the appliance after obtaining the consent of the manufacturer. It is used as a replacement for hardwood test chambers.
11.10 During the test, the measured temperature should not exceed the limit value in Table 1. Thermal tripper should not operate. Unless the manufacturer has a minimum interval specified in Article 7.12, the temperature of the part in contact with the test probe shown in Figure 3 of GB4706.1 or in contact with the test chamber shall not exceed 90°C. The temperature of the air in the exhaust pipe should not exceed 90°C. Table 1 Temperature Limits
Totally enclosed motor compressor winding\
—-Synthetic insulating material
Other insulating materials
Totally enclosed motor The casing of a compressor or the casing windings of any other electric motor" if the winding insulation material (other than a motor compressor) is a Class A material 3
-Class E material\)
Class B material"|| tt||-F grade material”
temperature, c
115( 105)
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