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HG/T 20636.6-1998 Tasks of automatic control engineering design

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20636.6-1998

Standard Name: Tasks of automatic control engineering design

Chinese Name: 自控专业工程设计的任务

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1998-06-22

Date of Implementation:1999-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mechanical Manufacturing>>Industrial Automation Systems>>25.040.40 Measurement and Control of Industrial Processes 71.010

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Industrial Equipment Installation Engineering>>P94 Metal Equipment and Process Pipeline Installation Engineering

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HG/T 20636.6-1998 Tasks of automatic control engineering design HG/T20636.6-1998 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Task for Engineering Design of Instrumentation HG/T20636.6-1998 Prepared by: China Chengda Chemical Engineering Company Approved by: State Bureau of Petroleum and Chemical Industry Implementation date: January 1, 1999 Prepared by: Tong Qiujie Reviewed by: Zhang Zhenji, Duanmu Xian, Yan Bangming, Lin Fulie 1 General Principles 1.0.1 This regulation makes procedural and standardized operating regulations for various work tasks in the engineering design stage of automatic control, so as to ensure the design quality of automatic control and improve the efficiency of design work. 1.0.2 These regulations apply to the implementation of international general design systems and methods, as well as the self-controlled engineering design of engineering general contracting projects with design as the main body.
For engineering projects that do not implement international general design systems and methods or non-engineering general contracting projects, the design procedures, design methods and other basic requirements formulated in these regulations are also applicable or partially applicable. 1.0.3 The relevant standards are as follows:
"Regulations on Engineering Design of Process Systems for Chemical Plants" "Procedures for Engineering Design of Automatic Control Products"
"Quality Assurance Procedures for Engineering Design of Automatic Control Products" "Summary of Review of Engineering Design Documents for Automatic Control Products" "Regulations on the Preparation of Engineering Design Documents for Automatic Control Products" "Regulations on the Depth of Engineering Design Documents for Automatic Control Products" When implementing these regulations, the provisions of the relevant current national standards shall also be complied with. 57
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2 Basic engineering design
2.1 Overview
2.1.1 The engineering design stage is divided into the basic engineering design stage and the detailed engineering design stage. In the engineering design stage, the piping and instrumentation flow diagram (P&ID) should be issued in 7 versions, namely: 1P&IDA version (initial version);
2P&IDB version (internal review version);
3P&IDC version (user version);
4P&IDD version (confirmation version);
5P&IDE version (detailed version 1);
6P&IDF version (detailed version 2);
7P&IDG version (construction version).
The basic engineering design stage is the period of drawing the first 4 versions of P&ID (P&IDA, BC, D), and the detailed engineering design stage is the period of drawing the last 3 versions of P&ID (P&IDE, F, G). For some engineering projects, when P&ID user review is not conducted or the equipment order modification quantity is small, P&ID does not need to draw 7 versions.
2.1.2 Engineering design is carried out on the basis of basic design/preliminary design. The production control scheme and instrument selection have been basically determined in the basic design/preliminary design stage. If the basic design/preliminary design review meeting does not propose any modification opinions on the control scheme and instrument selection, the engineering design can be carried out according to the determined scheme and instrument selection. 2.2 Technical preparation before design start
2.2.1 Collect relevant design technical information, instrument product manuals, samples, etc. according to the production scale, process characteristics, operation requirements, process control scheme and instrument selection of the process unit. 2.2.2 When necessary, conduct research at relevant chemical production plants, research institutes, and manufacturing plants to solve technical problems left over from the basic design/preliminary design. bzxz.net
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2.3 Prepare instrument design regulations
2.3.1 Prepare the "Instrument Design Regulations" for the project based on the characteristics of the project and the "Preparation of Instrument Design Regulations" (HG/T20637.3).
2.3.2 The "Instrument Design Regulations" are the unified regulations for the professional design of the project, and designers must follow them in their design work. The "Instrument Design Regulations" should also be notified to the owner and the owner's opinions should be sought. 2.4 Prepare a design plan
2.4.1 Prepare a catalog of engineering design documents based on the size of the project, technical characteristics, selection of main instruments, and the "Regulations on the Depth of Engineering Design Documents for Automatic Control Specialties" (HG/T20638). 2.4.2 Estimate the design workload based on the number of design documents. The design workload should include the time required for submitting and accepting design conditions, as well as the time required for design review and design verification. Then estimate the required man-hours based on the design quota. 2.4.3 According to the required man-hours and design progress requirements, prepare the design schedule and manpower load curve of this specialty, organize the design force, and arrange the manpower reasonably to ensure that the design tasks are completed on time. 2.5 Draw the process control diagram and participate in the process plan review meeting 2.5.1 In the basic design/preliminary design stage, the automatic control specialty draws the process control diagram (PCD) version 1 based on the process flow diagram (PFD), material balance table, process control requirements and other materials submitted by the chemical process specialty (hereinafter referred to as the process specialty) or a complete instrument condition table.
Note: In the engineering design stage, if there is no major change in the process flow diagram and control scheme, PCD version 2 may not be drawn. If PCD version 2 is required, the information listed in Article 2.5.1 of this regulation must also be obtained from the process specialty. 2.5.2 Participate in the process plan review meeting, review both the process technology plan and the technical plans of related disciplines including the process system discipline (hereinafter referred to as the system discipline) and the automatic control discipline. The minutes of the review meeting are the design input documents of each discipline.
2.6 Cooperate with the system discipline to complete the P&IDA version and B version, and participate in the internal review meeting of B version 2.6.1 On the original P&IDA version submitted by the system discipline, the automatic control discipline shall review whether the settings of the main detection, control, and interlocking systems are reasonable and feasible, and whether the instrument function codes are accurate, and complete the PIDA version (first version). The P&IDA version is used by related disciplines to conduct equipment layout, pipeline direction, special pipelines and pipe rack research. It is one of the main bases for the automatic control discipline and other disciplines to carry out basic engineering design. 2.6.2 On the original P&IDB version submitted by the system discipline, the automatic control discipline shall review whether the settings of all detection, control, and interlocking systems are complete, and compile the instrument loop position number, and complete the P&IDB version (internal review version). P&ID is used for internal review by the design unit.
2.6.3 The design and review personnel of the automatic control specialty shall participate in the internal review meeting (also known as the review and evaluation meeting) of the P&IDB version, and mainly review whether the settings of the detection, control, and interlocking systems and the control schemes of this specialty are reasonable and feasible. 2.7 Acceptance and submission of design conditions
2.7.1 In addition to accepting the design conditions of the process specialty in accordance with Article 2.5.1 of these regulations, condition tables (diagrams) such as process data sheets, container and industrial furnace schematics, alarms and interlocks, etc. shall also be obtained from the process specialty. 2.7.2 Accept the control valve and flow meter data sheets submitted by the system specialty, and the automatic control specialty shall check the calculation results of the control valve and flow meter, such as the flow capacity Cv value (flow coefficient) of the control valve, the size of the valve: the differential pressure range (range) of the orifice flow meter, and the scale flow range, and use this table as the basis for the automatic control specialty to select the control valve and flow meter. The automatic control specialty shall draw a schematic diagram of the instrument container connection based on the process data table and the container schematic diagram, and submit this diagram to the 2.7.3
system specialty and equipment specialty.
2.7.4 According to the requirements of the power consumption condition table, submit the design conditions of the instrument power consumption to the electrical specialty, including voltage level, capacity, UPS battery backup time, etc. Submit the design conditions of the pressure, quantity, quality of the instrument air and the backup time of the instrument air tank to the air compressor station design specialty.
2.7.5 After the building area and plane layout of the control room (including the local control room and the automatic analyzer room) are determined, submit the design conditions of the control room's construction, lighting, air conditioning, ventilation, and water supply and drainage to the civil engineering, electrical, HVAC, waterway and other specialties respectively.
2.7.6 Draw the layout diagram of the main cable tray of the instrument based on the equipment layout diagram proposed by the process specialty and the proposed layout diagram of the pipe gallery and pipe rack of the layout specialty, and submit it to the layout specialty and external pipe specialty as design conditions. 60
Standard photography website.bzzomocon Free download of various American standard industry materials 2.8 Cooperate with the system professional to complete the P&IDC version and D version 2.8.1 The system professional completes the P&IDC version according to the modification opinions of the internal audit meeting. The automatic control professional marks the composition of the instrument loop, the form of the instrument, etc. in detail to complete the P&IDC version (user version). The PIDC version should have 95% completeness and accuracy, and this version is used for user review. 2.8.2 According to the review opinions put forward by the design review meeting organized by the user, the system professional modifies the P&IDC version to form the D version original drawing, and completes the P&IDD version (confirmed version) after review and confirmation by the automatic control professional. 2.9 Propose design requirements for subcontract projects
2.9.1 Subcontract projects mainly refer to complete sets of equipment, equipment or units, such as air separation units, desalination units, quick-install boilers, steam turbines and compressor units, etc. They generally require complete sets of control equipment and instruments. Therefore, the main design party should discuss and determine the design division of labor, supply scope, instrument selection, and the depth of the subcontractor's design document content and delivery time with the subcontractor to facilitate the work of both parties. 2.10 Preparation of engineering design documents
2.10.1 After the publication of the P&IDB version, the conditions for the automatic control specialty to carry out basic engineering design have gradually matured. In addition to submitting design conditions to relevant specialties in a timely manner, the preparation of engineering design documents for this specialty can be gradually carried out, and conditions can be created for instrument procurement.
2.10.2 The preparation of engineering design documents should comply with the requirements of "Composition and Preparation of Engineering Design Documents for Automatic Control Specialties" (HG/T20637.1).
The design documents that can be compiled (drawn) in this stage are as follows: instrument index;
instrument data table;
instrument panel layout diagram;
control room layout diagram:
DCS system configuration diagram (preliminary);
instrument loop diagram;
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interlocking system logic diagram or timing diagram;
instrument power supply system diagram;
instrument cable tray layout general diagram;
DCS-I/O table:
main instrument technical manual;
DCS technical specification;
instrument purchase requisition.
Standard photography technology network mm.bzgoao.com Free download of relevant standard industry data 3 Procurement of instruments and installation materials
3.1 Overview
3.1.1 It is a common practice for engineering companies (design departments) to carry out procurement of instrument equipment and installation materials during the engineering design stage when undertaking general contracting projects. Starting from the basic engineering design stage, the procurement department carries out procurement work based on the design documents submitted by the design department. The design department carries out detailed engineering design according to the order situation of the procurement department.
If it is not a general contracting project, the procurement work specified in this chapter will not be arranged when the user is responsible for the procurement work. The procurement work of instruments and installation materials is the responsibility of the procurement department, and the automatic control professional cooperates. The main cooperation work in the engineering design stage is as follows:
Submit technical documents for procurement:
Prepare instrument purchase requisition;
Participate in the technical review of manufacturers' quotations;
Review and confirm Guangshang technical documents.
3.2 Submitting procurement technical documents
3.2.1 Some design documents prepared (drawn) during the basic engineering design phase, such as instrument design regulations, instrument data sheets, instrument panel layout diagrams, DCS system configuration diagrams (preliminary), etc., are the main components of procurement technical documents and should be submitted to the procurement department according to the needs of procurement work. 3.2.2 According to the instrument selection of the project, prepare the technical specifications of the main instruments and the technical specifications of the DCS (including PLC), and submit them to the procurement department. 3.3 Preparation of instrument purchase requisition
3.3.1 After the preparation of instrument procurement technical documents is completed, prepare the instrument purchase requisition according to "Preparation of Instrument Purchase Requisition" (HG/T20637.5).
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FOFO-con3.3.2 The instrument purchase requisition shall be submitted to the procurement department after approval and signature by the project manager or engineering person in charge as the basis for preparing procurement documents (inquiry).
3.4 ​​Participate in the technical review of manufacturers' quotations
3.4.1 When the purchasing department receives the quotation from the instrument manufacturer, the automatic control design personnel shall participate in the technical review meeting held by the purchasing department and put forward technical review opinions. 3.4.2 Participate in the instrument manufacturer coordination meeting (VCM) held by the purchasing department to clarify relevant technical issues, determine the scope of supply, and clarify the design division of labor and document delivery. 3.5 Participate in DCS procurement and DCS kick-off meeting
3.5.1 Based on the DCS technical specification, review the DCS manufacturer's quotation from the aspects of reliability, advancement, economy, etc., and cooperate with the purchasing department to sign the DCS supply contract. 3.5.2 After the DCS supply contract is signed, the DCS kick-off meeting should be held in time to confirm the DCS system configuration, clarify the responsibilities of both parties, and stipulate the technical document delivery requirements of both parties. Note: For large-scale PLC systems used alone, the procurement of PLCs can also be carried out in accordance with the DCS procurement procedures and methods. 3.6 Review and confirm the manufacturer's technical documents
3.6.1 After the instrument supply contract is signed, the automatic control department shall be responsible for the review and confirmation of the technical documents submitted by the manufacturer.
3.6.2 Based on the confirmed manufacturer's technical documents, the automatic control department shall carry out detailed engineering design and submit design conditions to relevant departments so that other departments can carry out detailed engineering design. 64
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5OFO.con4 Detailed engineering design
4.1 Overview
4.1.1 Since the preparation of many design documents of the automatic control department can only be carried out after obtaining relevant information from the manufacturer, after the detailed engineering design begins and the instrument procurement work has not yet been completed, the automatic control department can first carry out the preparation of design documents that are not affected by the technical information of the instrument manufacturer. 4.1.2 The detailed engineering design of the automatic control specialty is the continuation and deepening of the basic engineering design. In addition to cooperating with the procurement department to complete the procurement work, there is no strict boundary between the two as far as the automatic control specialty is concerned. 4.2 Submit instrument connection and installation design conditions 4.2.1 The instrument interface size conditions should include the following: 1. Submit the instrument data sheet or "control valve and flow meter data sheet" of the control valve and flow meter with the determined model, specification and size to the system specialty (this sheet is submitted by the system specialty, reviewed by the automatic control specialty, and returned with the determined model and specification). 2. Submit the instrument connection conditions to the pipeline specialty, mainly submitting the connection sizes of control valves and various flow meters. For the source and sampling components or valves of temperature, pressure, flow, analysis and other parameters on the pipeline, the automatic control specialty shall submit the automatic control installation drawing number to the pipeline specialty, and then the pipeline specialty shall design according to the requirements of the automatic control installation drawing. 3. Submit the instrument container connection diagram to the equipment specialty. In addition to the temperature and pressure detection points, the design conditions can be submitted directly to the equipment department. For certain liquid level measurement points that require the installation of source stop valves, the design conditions must be submitted to both the equipment department and the pipeline department, because the stop valve is designed by the pipeline department. 4.2.2 When the sending end of the interlocking system is the process parameter and the execution end is the electrical equipment, the automatic control department shall propose the design conditions for executing the interlocking action to the electrical department. When it is necessary to set up a separate instrument grounding device, the automatic control department shall propose the instrument grounding design conditions, and the electrical department shall be responsible for the design of the grounding device.
4.2.3 Submit the instrument installation conditions to the civil engineering department, including the pre-processing design conditions of the installation brackets such as field instruments, protection (temperature) boxes, cable trays, etc., and the basic design conditions of the control room instrument panel (cabinet) or DCS operating table, cabinets, etc.
Standard submission network cb0.co All kinds of standard industry data are free to download 4.3 Accept pipeline plan and subcontractor technical documents 4.3.1 After the P&IDD version and D version pipeline naming table are published, the pipeline professional will draw the pipeline plan and carry out model design (when necessary). When the design reaches a certain stage, a model review meeting and instrument positioning meeting will be held, at which the location of the source and sampling point of the instrument and analysis will be agreed upon. After receiving the first version of the pipeline plan, the automatic control professional will start to draw the instrument location diagram, instrument cable and bridge layout diagram, on-site instrument wiring diagram, etc.
4.3.2 In general, the subcontractor is only responsible for the design and supply of random instruments and dials, while the installation of the dial and the design and supply of instrument power supply, signal cable and wires are the responsibility of the main design unit. At this time, the subcontractor must provide relevant instrument design information for the main party to draw the instrument cable and bridge layout diagram and count the instrument installation materials. 4.4 Cooperate with the system professional to complete P&ID version, F version, and G version 4.4.1. Cooperate with the system professional to complete the P&IDE version (detailed version 1). The P&IDE version is drawn based on the D version according to the final version of the data provided by the manufacturer, as well as the changes and modification opinions of the pipeline and automatic control professionals, and is used for the detailed version 2 (design version) drawing of the pipeline and equipment layout diagram. 4.4.2. Cooperate with the system professional to complete the P&IDF version (detailed version 2). The P&IDF version is published as needed, that is, it is drawn only when the data of the manufacturers of pipelines, instruments, pumps, etc. are greatly modified. 4.4.3. Cooperate with the system professional to complete the P&IDG version (construction version). The P&IDG version is the final version, which is the basis for construction, installation, preparation of process operation manuals, and start-up, production, and accident handling. 4.5. Complete the engineering design documents
In the basic engineering design stage, although part of the design documents have been compiled (drawn), since the instruments have not yet been ordered, their models and specifications cannot be completely determined, so this part of the documents is only a semi-finished product. In the detailed engineering design stage, as the instrument ordering work is carried out in depth, the compilation (drawing) of the engineering design documents of this major can be carried out in an all-round way. 4.5.1 For projects using conventional instruments, the design documents that need to be completed are as follows: 1 Text and table documents
1) Instrument design regulations;
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