Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces GB/T5795-2002
China Standard Book Number
(Is02108:2005 Information and documentation-Internationalstandardbooknumber (ISBN), MoD)2006-10-18 Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Administration of Standardization of the People's Republic of China
2007-01-01 Implementation
Scope of application
Normative references
Terms and definitions·
4 Structure of China Standard Book Number
4.1 Composition of China Standard Book Number||t t||EAN·UCC prefix
Group area code.
Publisher number
Publication serial number
Check code·
Allocation of China Standard Book Number
Position and display of China Standard Book Number in publications·Management of ISBN system
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
(Normative Appendix)
(Normative Appendix)
(Informative Appendix) Appendix)
(Normative Appendix)
(Informative Appendix)
Rules for the allocation and use of China Standard Book Numbers, Management of China's ISBN system
13-digit China Standard Book Number Verification Code. Scope of China Standard Book Number
China Standard Book Number Metadata,
10-digit China Standard Book Number
This standard is modified and adopted in combination with my country's actual situation. International Standard IS021 08:2005 "Information and Documentation - International Standard Book Number (ISBN)"
This standard has been modified to adopt IS02108:2005, and the following changes (including editorial changes) have been made: 1) Delete Chapter 7 of the international standard on ISBN charges; 2) Delete "Responsibilities of the International ISBN Management Agency" in Appendix B and add "Responsibilities of Publishers"; 3) Modify the language expression in accordance with Chinese habits; 4) Change some international standard expressions to expressions applicable to national standards in terms of content; 5) Change the examples in the international standard to examples with group code "7". This standard is a revision of GB/T57952002 "China Standard Book Number". The main contents of the revision are as follows: 1) China Standard Book Number is increased from 10 to 13 digits; 2) The relationship between China Standard Book Number Coding System and EAN·UCC Coding System is coordinated according to international standards; 3) Add the functions of ISBN system management and China Standard Book Number System Management; 4) Add the requirements for providing publication metadata and related information related to China Standard Book Number according to international standards. Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, and Appendix E of this standard are normative appendices, and Appendix D and Appendix F are informative appendices. This standard is proposed by the Barcode Center of the General Administration of Press and Publication: This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Information and Document Standardization Technical Committee. The drafting unit of this standard: the Barcode Center of the General Administration of Press and Publication. This standard is interpreted by the Barcode Center of the General Administration of Press and Publication. The main drafters of this standard: Qi Xiangtong, Cai Jingsheng, Xing Ruihua, Fu Zuohua, Kong Delong. This standard replaces GB/T5795-2002 from the date of implementation. This standard was first issued on January 16, 1986, and was first revised on January 4, 2002. This is the second revision. I
China Standard Book Number is a component of the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) system. The ISBN system was created in 1970. It is a common identification and coding system for the international publishing industry and book trade. An ISBN uniquely identifies a monographic publication in production, sales and distribution. The ISBV system is designed to provide key data about publications for the cataloging and ordering systems of publishers, distributors, libraries and other institutions. It also collects data for publisher directories and catalogs of upcoming publications. The application of ISBN is also conducive to the management of copyright and the monitoring of sales data in the publishing industry.
1 Scope of application
China Standard Book Number
This standard specifies the structure, display mode and printing position, allocation and use rules of China Standard Book Number, metadata related to China Standard Book Number and the management system of China Standard Book Number. This standard provides a unique and internationally universal identification and coding method for each monographic publication and each version published or produced by a publisher established in accordance with the law in China. For details of the monographic publications to which this standard applies or does not apply, please refer to Appendix A. 2 Normative references
The provisions in the following documents become the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties that reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version is applicable to this standard. GB/T2659 Code for names of countries and regions around the world (GB/T2659-2000, eqvIS03166-1:1997) GB/T3259 Chinese phonetic spelling of names of books and periodicals GB/T4880.12005 Language name code Part 1: 2-letter code (IS0639-1:2002, MOD) GB/T4880.2 Language name code Part 2: 3-letter code (GB/T4880.2-2000, eqvIS0639-2:1998) GB/T7408-2005 Data elements and exchange formats Information exchange date and time representation (IS08601:2000, IDT) 3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard.
EAN·UCC prefixEAN·UCCprefix
Product identification code assigned by the International Article Numbering Association. 3.2
Check digit
The last digit of the China Standard Book Number, calculated by a specific mathematical algorithm from the 12 digits preceding the check digit, is used to check the correctness of the China Standard Book Number.
Continuing resources
Public publications planned to be published indefinitely, usually published continuously or in an integrated manner, generally with numbers and/or year and month identifications. Note: Continuing resources include: serial publications, such as newspapers, journals, magazines, etc. 3.4
All copies of publications published by the same publisher with the same content. 3.5
Integrating resource
A public publication that is published for a limited or unlimited period, updates its content by way of supplements or changes, and is integrated with the original content. 1
Note: Integrating resources include loose-leaf publications and web pages that are constantly updated. ISBN
International Standard Book Number is the abbreviation of the International Standard Book Number, an identifier for the internationally used publication identification code.
Monographic publication
A publication in which a publisher or author publishes a work or a part of the work as a single volume and can be publicly distributed in any product form. Different from continuous publications and integrated publications. Note: The "publications" referred to in these standard terms are all "monographic publications". 3.8
Print on demand publications are publications produced according to customer needs, rather than publications in stock of the distributor or publisher. 3.9
Product form productform
The size, binding, carrier and/or data format of the product3.10
Publishing organization or organization that has applied to and obtained the publisher number from the China ISBN Administration3.11
registration group
A working area designated by the international ISBN administration based on countries, geographical regions, languages and other social groups. 4 Structure of China Standard Book Number
4.1 Structure of China Standard Book Number
China Standard Book Number consists of the identifier "ISBN" and 13 digits. The 13 digits are divided into the following five parts: 1) EAN·UCC prefix;
2) Group code:
3) Publisher number:
4) Publication serial number:
5) Check code.
When writing or printing China Standard Book Number, the identifier "ISBN" should be capitalized English letters, followed by a half-character space, and each part of the number should be separated by a half-character line. As shown below
ISBN EAN·UCC prefix-group code-publisher number-publication serial number-check code example: ISBN978-7-5064-2595-7
4.2EAN·UCC prefix
The first part of the Chinese standard book number. The product identification code provided specifically to the international ISBN management system by the International Article Coding (EAN·UCC) system.
4.3Group code
The second part of the Chinese standard book number. It is assigned by the international ISBN management agency. China's group code is "7". 4.4Publisher number
The third part of the Chinese standard book number. Identifies the specific publisher. Its length is 2 to 7 digits and is set and assigned by the Chinese ISBN management agency.
For the setting of the publisher number, see Appendix D.
4.5Publication serial number
The fourth part of the Chinese standard book number. The publisher shall manage and compile the publication order of the publications. The compilation rules are shown in Appendix A.
4.6 Check code
The fifth part of the Chinese Standard Book Number, which is also the last digit. It is calculated using the modulus 10 weighted algorithm. The calculation method is shown in Appendix C.
5 Allocation of Chinese Standard Book Numbers
5.1 The Chinese ISBN Administration shall allocate publisher numbers according to the allocation rules and the publisher's publishing plan. 5.2 The publisher shall provide the Chinese ISBN Administration with the metadata of the publications to which the Chinese Standard Book Number is allocated. The metadata requirements are shown in Appendix E.
5.3 A Chinese Standard Book Number shall not be changed, replaced or reused under any circumstances. 5.4 Each publication or its monograph published and issued by each publisher shall use a different Chinese Standard Book Number. Publications with the same content but different languages shall also use different Chinese Standard Book Numbers. 55 Different product forms of the same publication (such as hardcover, paperback, educational edition, audiotape, video, online electronic publication, etc.) should use different Chinese Standard Book Numbers. Different formats of electronic publications that have been published and produced and distributed separately (such as "lit", ".pdf", ".html", and ".pdb", etc.) should use different Chinese Standard Book Numbers. 5.6 When any part of a publication is significantly changed to form a new version, a new Chinese Standard Book Number should be assigned; if the title of the publication is changed with the same content, a new Chinese Standard Book Number should be assigned; a publication that is reprinted or reproduced without any change in version, form or publisher shall not be assigned a new Chinese Standard Book Number. A publication that is reprinted or reproduced with only a change in pricing or minor changes such as correction of printing errors shall not be assigned a new Chinese Standard Book Number. 6 Position and display of the Chinese Standard Book Number on publications 6.1 General
The Chinese Standard Book Number should appear permanently on the publication. 6.2 Publications in Printed Form
6.2.1 The Chinese Standard Book Number shall be printed on both the version record page and the back cover (or dust jacket) of the publication. 6.2.2 On the version record page, the Chinese Standard Book Number shall be printed in the format of the example in 4.1, with a font size of no less than 5. 6.2.3 On the back cover (or dust jacket), the Chinese Standard Book Number shall be printed in barcode format at the lower right corner of the back cover (or dust jacket), and the Chinese Standard Book Number in OCR-B font shall be printed above the barcode symbol. 6.3 Electronic Publications and Other Non-Printed Publications 6.3.1 For visual publications stored in electronic form (such as videotapes, online publications, etc.), the Chinese Standard Book Number shall be displayed on the initial page or screen with the title or copyright statement. 6.3.2 For audio-visual products and electronic publications published in the form of physical carriers, the Chinese Standard Book Number shall be printed on the outer binding frame and carrier identification surface of the audio-visual products and electronic publications, and displayed on the page or screen with the title or copyright statement. 6.3.3 The Chinese Standard Book Number shall be indicated as a machine-readable barcode on the outer cover and carrier identification surface of audio-visual products and electronic publications. The Chinese Standard Book Number shall also be displayed together with the barcode on the outer cover and carrier identification surface of other non-printed publications. 6.4 When the Chinese Standard Book Numbers corresponding to different product forms of the same publication appear at the same time, they shall be arranged in a top-to-bottom order. In a list composed of various Chinese Standard Book Numbers, each Chinese Standard Book Number is subject to the information restrictions of the specific product form it identifies. Management of the ISBN System
The Chinese ISBN Administration is responsible for the supervision, coordination and management of the Chinese Standard Book Number System in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO2108 and the ISBN system management. The responsibilities of the Chinese ISBN Administration and publishers are shown in Appendix B. 4
A.1 Overview
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Rules for the Allocation and Use of China Standard Book Numbers GB/T5795-2006
A.1.1 The allocation of China Standard Book Numbers has nothing to do with the form of publications and does not have the significance and value of being a legal certificate related to the ownership of the rights of the publication.
A.1.2 Each version of each publicly published publication shall be assigned a different China Standard Book Number. The same version of a publication with different product forms or languages shall be assigned a different China Standard Book Number. A.1.3 A China Standard Book Number shall not be allocated to multiple versions or product forms of a publication. A.1.4 A China Standard Book Number shall not be allocated repeatedly under any circumstances. Even if a China Standard Book Number is found to be used incorrectly, it shall not be allocated to other publications. If a China Standard Book Number is used incorrectly, the publisher shall report the incorrect China Standard Book Number to the Chinese ISBN Management Agency.
A.1.5 A revised version of a publication shall be assigned a new China Standard Book Number. A.1.6 The same publication published by the same publisher in the same product form should not be assigned a new China Standard Book Number when it is reprinted or reproduced.
A specific publication formed due to a change in product form should be assigned a new China Standard Book Number. For example, the hardcover A.1.7
book, paperback, Braille version, software, audio-visual reading materials, and online electronic version of the same publication. A.1.8 Publications with only a change in pricing will not be assigned a new China Standard Book Number. A.1.9 China Standard Book Number applies to the following types of publications: 1) Printed books and pamphlets (and different product forms of such publications); 2) Braille publications:
Publications that the publisher has no plan to update regularly or continue indefinitely: 4)
Educational or teaching films, video products and slides; 5)
Audio books in the form of tapes, CDs or DVDs: Electronic publications in physical carrier form (machine-readable tapes, optical disks, CD-ROMs) or electronic publications published on the Internet 6)
Electronic versions of printed publications:
Microform publications:
Educational or teaching software:
10) Mixed media publications (content mainly in text); 11) Maps and teaching cartography and graphic publications. A.1.10
Chinese Standard Book Numbers do not apply to the following types of publications: 1)
Continuous resources (such as periodicals, indefinitely published series, and integrated resources); 2)
Temporary printed materials (such as advertisements, etc.); printed loose-leaf music;
Art prints and art fold-out sheets without title pages and text; 5) Personal documents;
6) Greeting cards;
Music recordings;
Software for purposes other than education or teaching; 8)
Electronic bulletin boards;
10) E-mail and other electronic correspondence. A.2 Multi-volume publications
GB/T 5795-2006
For publications consisting of multiple volumes, a Chinese Standard Book Number should be assigned to the publication: If the volumes of the set of publications can be sold separately, each volume should also have its own Chinese Standard Book Number: The version record page of each volume should indicate the Chinese Standard Book Number of the volume and the Chinese Standard Book Number of the entire set.
For sets of books that are not sold individually (for example, encyclopedias where each volume is not sold separately), each volume can still use a Chinese Standard Book Number for the convenience of distribution and handling returns.
A.3 Publications as part of a series
If a publication is sold both individually and to the public as part of a series, it should be regarded as two different publications and assigned different Chinese Standard Book Numbers.
A.4 Joint publication
For publications jointly published or jointly edited and published by multiple publishers, each co-publisher may use its own China Standard Book Number and display it on the version record page, but only one of the China Standard Book Numbers can be displayed in barcode form. A.5 Reprint
A.5.1 If the same publisher uses different publishing marks to publish the same publication, a new China Standard Book Number should be assigned. A.5.2 If the same publication is published by different publishers using different publishing marks, a new China Standard Book Number should also be assigned. A.6 Print-on-demand publications
Print-on-demand publications with special content or for user-specific use according to customer requirements are not assigned China Standard Book Numbers. A.7 Electronic publications
The allocation of China Standard Book Numbers for electronic publications shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of Chapter 5 of this standard. 6
B.1 Overview
The ISBN system is an identification system for publications. Appendix B
(Normative Appendix)
Management of the ISBN system in China
The management of the ISBN system is divided into three levels: international management, group management and publisher management. GB/T5795-2006
The management of the ISBN system in China includes group management and publisher management. The system is managed in accordance with ISO2108, the rules established by the international ISBN management agency and this standard.
B.2 Functions and responsibilities of the Chinese ISBN management agency The functions and responsibilities of the Chinese ISBN management agency include: 1) Promote, coordinate and supervise the implementation of the Chinese Standard Book Number in accordance with this standard; 2) Issue notifications to publishers of publications regarding the allocation of Chinese Standard Book Numbers; 3) Manage and preserve records of ISBN numbers, ISBN metadata and management data in accordance with the policies established by the international ISBN management agency; 4) Enter detailed information, metadata and management data of the allocated Chinese Standard Book Number into the record; Correct erroneous Chinese Standard Book Numbers and Chinese Standard Book Number metadata; 5)
6) Prepare and preserve records related to the Chinese Standard 1) Prepare a directory of Chinese publishers, provide data for the International Publishers Directory (PIID), and provide information to the public: 10) Manage public publisher numbers:
11) Provide Chinese standard book number barcode films: 12) Implement the ISBN policies and procedures formulated by the International ISBN Management Agency in accordance with the provisions of IS02108 to ensure the provision of full-service. B.3 Publisher's Responsibilities
Publisher's responsibilities include:
Responsible for allocating publication serial numbers to their publications and ensuring the use of specifications in accordance with this standard 2) Ensuring the uniqueness of the China Standard Book Numbers allocated and used, and not to be reused under any circumstances; 3) Correctly managing and using the publication serial number segments of the special China Standard Book Numbers allocated and set by the China ISBN Administration, and not transferring them to others in any way:
4) Submitting publication metadata to the China ISBN Administration in accordance with the provisions of this standard 5) Providing the China ISBN Administration with its existing and planned publication information to ensure that the publication volume contained in the allocated publisher number is consistent with the actual scale of the publisher.
Appendix C
(Normative Appendix)
13-digit China Standard Book Number Verification Code C.1 The verification code is used to check the correctness of the China Standard Book Number. C.2 The China Standard Book Number verification code uses a 1-digit character from the Arabic numerals 0 to 9. The verification code is calculated using a weighted algorithm modulo 10. c.3
Take ISBN978-7-5064-2595-7 as an example, and the calculation method is shown in Table C.1. Table C.1 Example of calculation of the check code of the Chinese standard book number composed of 13 digits EAN·UCC prefix
Take the first 12 digits of the ISBN
Take the weighted value corresponding to each digit
Multiply each digit with its corresponding weighted value in sequence
Add the products to get the sum
Divide the sum by the modulus 10. Get the remainder
Subtract the remainder from the modulus 10, and the difference is the check code
Put the check code at the end of the basic digits that constitute the Chinese standard book number
Group area code
If the remainder obtained in step 5 is 0, the check code is 0. Mathematical formula:
Publisher number
123-10=12 remainder 3
Publication serial number
Check code=mod10(10-[mod10(sum of weighted products of the first 12 digits of the China Standard Book Number)])=mod10(10-[mod10(123)])
Method for verifying the China Standard Book Number: sum of weighted products plus check code, divisible by 10. 15
Check code2 Functions and Responsibilities of China's ISBN Administration The functions and responsibilities of China's ISBN Administration include: 1) Promote, coordinate and supervise the implementation of China Standard Book Numbers in accordance with this standard; 2) Issue notifications to publishers of publications regarding the allocation of China Standard Book Numbers; 3) Manage and preserve records of ISBN numbers, ISBN metadata and management data in accordance with the policies established by international ISBN administrations; 4) Enter detailed information, metadata and management data of allocated China Standard Book Numbers into records; Correct erroneous China Standard Book Numbers and China Standard Book Number metadata; 5) 6) Compile and preserve statistical data related to the operation of China Standard Book Numbers and submit them to the State Administration of Press and Publication 1) Submit relevant data and reports to the management agency, and submit annual reports to the International ISBN management agency: 7) Carry out publicity, education and training for users of the Chinese standard book number system: 8) According to the policies formulated by the International ISBN management agency, provide metadata related to the Chinese standard book number to other regional management agencies and users of the ISBN system:
9) Prepare a list of Chinese publishers, provide data for the International Publishers Directory (PIID), and provide information to the public: 10) Manage public publisher numbers:
11) Provide Chinese standard book number barcode films: 12) Implement the ISBN policies and procedures formulated by the International ISBN management agency in accordance with the provisions of IS02108, and ensure the provision of full-service. B.3 Publisher's Responsibilities
Publisher's responsibilities include:
Responsible for allocating publication serial numbers to their publications and ensuring the use of specifications in accordance with this standard 2) Ensuring the uniqueness of the China Standard Book Numbers allocated and used, and not to be reused under any circumstances; 3) Correctly managing and using the publication serial number segments of the special China Standard Book Numbers allocated and set by the China ISBN Administration, and not transferring them to others in any way:
4) Submitting publication metadata to the China ISBN Administration in accordance with the provisions of this standard 5) Providing the China ISBN Administration with its existing and planned publication information to ensure that the publication volume contained in the allocated publisher number is consistent with the actual scale of the publisher.
Appendix C
(Normative Appendix)
13-digit China Standard Book Number Verification Code C.1 The verification code is used to check the correctness of the China Standard Book Number. C.2 The China Standard Book Number verification code uses a 1-digit character from the Arabic numerals 0 to 9. The verification code is calculated using a weighted algorithm modulo 10. c.3
Take ISBN978-7-5064-2595-7 as an example, and the calculation method is shown in Table C.1. Table C.1 Example of calculation of the check code of the Chinese standard book number composed of 13 digits EAN·UCC prefix
Take the first 12 digits of the ISBN
Take the weighted value corresponding to each digit
Multiply each digit with its corresponding weighted value in sequence
Add the products to get the sum
Divide the sum by the modulus 10. Get the remainder
Subtract the remainder from the modulus 10, and the difference is the check code
Put the check code at the end of the basic digits that constitute the Chinese standard book number
Group area code
If the remainder obtained in step 5 is 0, the check code is 0. Mathematical formula:
Publisher number
123-10=12 remainder 3
Publication serial number
Check code=mod10(10-[mod10(sum of weighted products of the first 12 digits of the China Standard Book Number)])=mod10(10-[mod10(123)])
Method for verifying the China Standard Book Number: sum of weighted products plus check code, divisible by 10. 15
Check code2 Functions and Responsibilities of China's ISBN Administration The functions and responsibilities of China's ISBN Administration include: 1) Promote, coordinate and supervise the implementation of China Standard Book Numbers in accordance with this standard; 2) Issue notifications to publishers of publications regarding the allocation of China Standard Book Numbers; 3) Manage and preserve records of ISBN numbers, ISBN metadata and management data in accordance with the policies established by international ISBN administrations; 4) Enter detailed information, metadata and management data of allocated China Standard Book Numbers into records; Correct erroneous China Standard Book Numbers and China Standard Book Number metadata; 5) 6) Compile and preserve statistical data related to the operation of China Standard Book Numbers and submit them to the State Administration of Press and Publication 1) Submit relevant data and reports to the management agency, and submit annual reports to the International ISBN management agency: 7) Carry out publicity, education and training for users of the Chinese standard book number system: 8) According to the policies formulated by the International ISBN management agency, provide metadata related to the Chinese standard book number to other regional management agencies and users of the ISBN system:
9) Prepare a list of Chinese publishers, provide data for the International Publishers Directory (PIID), and provide information to the public: 10) Manage public publisher numbers:
11) Provide Chinese standard book number barcode films: 12) Implement the ISBN policies and procedures formulated by the International ISBN management agency in accordance with the provisions of IS02108, and ensure the provision of full-service. B.3 Publisher's Responsibilities
Publisher's responsibilities include:
Responsible for allocating publication serial numbers to their publications and ensuring the use of specifications in accordance with this standard 2) Ensuring the uniqueness of the China Standard Book Numbers allocated and used, and not to be reused under any circumstances; 3) Correctly managing and using the publication serial number segments of the special China Standard Book Numbers allocated and set by the China ISBN Administration, and not transferring them to others in any way:
4) Submitting publication metadata to the China ISBN Administration in accordance with the provisions of this standard 5) Providing the China ISBN Administration with its existing and planned publication information to ensure that the publication volume contained in the allocated publisher number is consistent with the actual scale of the publisher.
Appendix C
(Normative Appendix)
13-digit China Standard Book Number Verification Code C.1 The verification code is used to check the correctness of the China Standard Book Number. C.2 The China Standard Book Number verification code uses a 1-digit character from the Arabic numerals 0 to 9. The verification code is calculated using a weighted algorithm modulo 10. c.3
Take ISBN978-7-5064-2595-7 as an example, and the calculation method is shown in Table C.1. Table C.1 Example of calculation of the check code of the Chinese standard book number composed of 13 digits EAN·UCC prefix
Take the first 12 digits of the ISBN
Take the weighted value corresponding to each digit
Multiply each digit with its corresponding weighted value in sequence
Add the products to get the sum
Divide the sum by the modulus 10. Get the remainder
Subtract the remainder from the modulus 10, and the difference is the check code
Put the check code at the end of the basic digits that constitute the Chinese standard book number
Group area code
If the remainder obtained in step 5 is 0, the check code is 0. Mathematical formula:
Publisher number
123-10=12 remainder 3
Publication serial number
Check code=mod10(10-[mod10(sum of weighted products of the first 12 digits of the China Standard Book Number)])=mod10(10-[mod10(123)])
Method for verifying the China Standard Book Number: sum of weighted products plus check code, divisible by 10. 15
Check code
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