title>JB/T 4328.3-1999 General technical requirements for nonferrous alloy castings for electrical equipment - JB/T 4328.3-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 4328.3-1999 General technical requirements for nonferrous alloy castings for electrical equipment

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 4328.3-1999

Standard Name: General technical requirements for nonferrous alloy castings for electrical equipment

Chinese Name: 电工专用设备 有色合金铸件通用技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-08-06

Date of Implementation:2000-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrical>>Electrical Production Equipment>>K90 Electrical Production Equipment Comprehensive

associated standards

alternative situation:JB 4328.3-1986

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:2000-01-01

other information

drafter:Song Junfa, Chen Jiashan

Drafting unit:Shenyang Electrical Equipment Research Institute

Focal point unit:Shenyang Electrical Equipment Research Institute

Proposing unit:Shenyang Electrical Equipment Research Institute

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking and certification for nonferrous alloy castings based on copper and aluminum for electrical equipment products. This standard applies to nonferrous alloy castings (hereinafter referred to as nonferrous castings) in electrical equipment products. JB/T 4328.3-1999 General Technical Conditions for Nonferrous Alloy Castings for Electrical Equipment JB/T4328.3-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

This standard is a revision of JB4328.3--86 "General Technical Conditions for Nonferrous Alloy Castings for Electrical Equipment". This standard replaces JB4328.3--86 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and managed by Shenyang Electrical Equipment Research Institute. This standard is drafted by Shenyang Electrical Equipment Research Institute and Shenyang Electrical Machinery Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are Song Junfa and Chen Jiashan. This standard was first issued on December 1, 1986, and this standard was revised for the first time. This standard is entrusted to Shenyang Electrical Equipment Research Institute for interpretation. 69
1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Special Equipment for Electricians
General Technical Conditions for Nonferrous Alloy Castings
General requirement of the nonferrous alloy products for the electrician special equipment JB/T4328.3-1999
Replaces JB4328.386
This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking and certificates for nonferrous alloy castings for special equipment for electricians with copper and aluminum as the matrix.
This standard applies to nonferrous alloy castings (hereinafter referred to as nonferrous castings) in special equipment for electricians. Referenced Standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. At the time of publication of the standard, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T228—1987
3 Requirements
Metal tensile test method
Metal Brinell hardness test method
Casting aluminum alloy (neqASTMB26:1992) Casting copper alloy technical conditions
Electrical special equipment Grey cast iron parts general technical conditions 3.1 Brand, code and mechanical properties of non-ferrous castings The brand, code, chemical composition and mechanical properties of cast copper-based alloys shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. 3.1.1
The brand, code, chemical composition and mechanical properties of cast aluminum alloys shall comply with the provisions of Table 2 and Table 3. 3.1.2
Approved by the State Bureau of Machinery Industry on August 6, 1999, 70
Implemented on January 1, 2000
Alloy grade
ZAISi12Cu2Mgl ||tt || t||ZAISi7MgA
Alloy code
Alloy code
Casting method
S, R, J, K
S, R, J, K
S, R, K
S, R, K
S, R, K
S, R, K
Mechanical properties shall not be less than
Tensile strength
· 202
Brinell hardness
Alloy grade
Alloy code
JB/T4 328.3-1999
Table 3 (end)
Casting method
S, J, R, K
S, J, R, K
S, J, R, K
S, R, K
S, J, R
S, R, K
Mechanical properties
Tensile strength
“s” in the table is sand casting. “” is metal mold casting, “B” is modified treatment. “R” is investment casting.
The properties of ZL401 are those after 20 days of natural aging or artificial aging. 2
Not less than
Brinell hardness
“K” is shell casting.
Alloy state symbol "F" is cast, "T1" is artificial aging, "T2" is annealing, "T4" is solution treatment plus natural aging, "T5"3
is solution treatment plus incomplete artificial aging, "T6" is solution treatment plus complete artificial aging, and "T7" is solution treatment plus stabilization treatment. "T8" is solution treatment plus softening treatment.
3.2 The dimensional deviation of non-ferrous castings shall comply with the provisions of Table 4. Its dimensional deviation does not include the increase or decrease in size caused by the draft angle, but the minimum limit of the casting must be guaranteed. Dimensions. Table 4
Dimensional tolerances of castings
Rough castings
Basic dimensions
Dimensional tolerances are divided into 16 grades, namely CT1~CT16. 2
Tolerance values ​​for CT1 and CT2 are not specified, and are reserved for higher precision that may be required in the future. 11
Dimensional tolerance grades CT13~CT16 are not applicable to dimensions less than or equal to 16mm. These dimensions must be marked with separate tolerances, which can usually be selected more precisely than the general tolerance values, but the tolerance values ​​are still selected in Table 4. When the basic size is greater than 25mm, the dimensional tolerance grade of non-ferrous castings shall comply with The provisions of Table 5. Table 5
Modeling materials
Self-hardening sand
Copper alloy
Tolerance grade CT
Aluminum alloy
When the basic size is greater than 16mm and not greater than 25mm, the tolerance grade shall comply with the provisions of Table 6. 3.2.2
Modeling materials
Self-hardening sand
Copper alloy
Tolerance grade CT
Aluminum alloy
When the basic size is greater than 10mm and not greater than 16mm, the tolerance grade shall comply with the provisions of Table 7. 3. 2.3
Modeling materials
Self-hardening sandwwW.bzxz.Net
Copper alloy
Tolerance grade
When the basic size is not more than 10mm, the tolerance grade shall comply with the provisions of Table 8. Table 8
Modeling materials
Self-hardening sand
3.3The misalignment of non-ferrous castings shall comply with the provisions of Table 9. Tolerance grade CT
Copper alloy
Aluminum alloy
Aluminum alloy
Misalignment (max)
3.4 ​​A certain local range on the same casting allows the use of a different accuracy grade from the overall casting accuracy. 3.4 The surface quality of non-ferrous castings shall comply with the provisions of Table 10. Table 10
Molding sand, core sand, core bone
Gourding riser
Gas outlet
Tear bar
Residual range*
Not allowed
Not allowed on the outer surface. The inner cavity surface may peel off during use and the gas-liquid flow channel must be removed. The convexity and concavity on the net non-machined surface is ≤1.5mm, and the convexity on the machined surface is allowed to be ≤5mm. The concave volume has 1/3 of the machining allowance, which must be removed during machining and is cleared to the dimensional tolerance range as indicated in the process documents
*These values ​​cannot be added to the values ​​listed in Table 4. After grinding, the convexity is allowed to be ≤1.5mm
3.5.1 For the machined surface of non-ferrous castings, any casting defects that can be removed by machining are allowed to exist. 1mm.
3.5.2 For the non-machined surface of non-ferrous castings, the scope and quantity of defects shall not exceed the provisions of Table 11 and Table 12 without affecting the service life and performance.
Defect Type
Blowhole, sand hole, slag hole
Wrinkle, cold shut
Defect Size
Defect Condition
Defect Spacing
Defect Depth
≤1/7 of the wall thickness
After trimming, the wall friction dimension tolerance shall be guaranteed. Table 12
Defective parts
Gear tooth surface, sealing surfaceMain stress-bearing parts of castingsd≤100
Inner surface
Outer surface
General processing
Defect size
Allowable number of defects (pieces)
Within a Φ50mm circle|| tt||No more than
Defect conditions
Blowholes, sand holes, slag holes
In the whole casting
No more than
Number of defects
Defect depth
Number of defects within Φ50mm circle
Not allowed to exist
≤I door location
3.6 Casting defects are not allowed to appear on the same wall or two sides of the same section at the same time.
Total number of defects on the whole casting
3.7 Defects on the friction surface, sealing surface, threaded parts, main bearing parts of heavy loads and parts subjected to high temperature, high pressure and strong corrosion of non-ferrous castings are generally not allowed to be repaired.
3.8 Cold shut and serious sand holes, blowholes, slag holes, shrinkage, oxidation and slag inclusions on castings are not allowed to be repaired. 3.9 Repair regulations for nonferrous castings
3.9.1 Any defects on castings that are not within the scope of the permitted repairs in Articles 3.7 and 3.8 shall not affect the service life and performance of the castings after repair. Before welding, the defects must be removed until good metal is present, and the area within 30mm from the edge of the groove and the slope surface must be cleaned. 3.9.2
3.9.3 After welding, the welded area should be repaired and smoothed. Castings with airtightness requirements should be tested for leakage. For castings with hardness requirements, the difference in hardness between the welded area and the parent metal should be within the Brinell hardness value ±15. 3.9.4 The same area shall not be welded more than 3 times, and the distance between the edges of the welded area shall not be less than the sum of the diameters of the two adjacent welded areas. 3.9.5 There shall be no cracks, delamination, or incomplete penetration in the welded area. Test method
4.1 The chemical composition and mechanical properties of non-ferrous castings shall be sampled and tested every heat, and the test method shall comply with the provisions of GB/T1173. 4.2
The tensile strength test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T228. The hardness test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T231 and GB/T1173, and the sample shall be taken from the end of the tensile test sample. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 Non-ferrous castings shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer according to the drawings, relevant design documents and this standard, and the ordering unit has the right to conduct re-inspection.
5.2 Castings are divided into four categories according to the assessment requirements for chemical composition and mechanical properties, see Table 13. The category of the casting shall be indicated in the drawings or relevant design documents.
Casting categories
Important parts, trial parts
Required wear-resistant parts
Required strength parts
General parts
Assessment requirements
Chemical composition, mechanical properties
Chemical composition
Mechanical properties
No assessment
Mechanical properties inspection, only tensile strength and elongation are measured. If other items are inspected, they should be indicated in the drawings or technical documents. If there are no special requirements in the drawings or relevant design documents, copper-based alloys shall be inspected according to Class II, and others shall be inspected according to Class III requirements. If the chemical composition of the casting fails to meet the requirements for the first time, resampling is allowed. If it still fails to meet the requirements, the chemical composition of the casting of this furnace is unqualified. 5.5
The mechanical properties of the casting are based on the performance of the test bars of a single furnace. The test bars should be cast under the same grade and process conditions as the castings. 5.6
A group of two samples, the first test one, if qualified, the mechanical properties of the casting is qualified, if not qualified, the second test, if qualified 5.7
The mechanical properties of the casting are also qualified, if not qualified, the mechanical properties of the furnace casting are unqualified. 5.8 If the test result is unqualified due to defects in the sample, the sample should be re-tested. If there is no spare sample, the body sample can be taken. The cutting position and number of the body sample can be agreed by the relevant departments and indicated in the relevant design documents. 5.9 If one body sample is qualified, the mechanical properties of the furnace casting are qualified. If unqualified, double sampling should be done. If the average value of the performance of the two samples is qualified, the mechanical properties of the furnace casting are qualified, otherwise they are unqualified. 5.10 The tensile strength value of the body sample should not be less than 80% of the value of the single casting sample, and the elongation should not be less than 60% of the value of the single casting sample. 5.11 When conducting a hardness test on a casting, it should be processed to remove 1~2mm of the skin before conducting the test. 5.12 If the mechanical properties are unqualified, they can be adjusted by heat treatment, but the total number of heat treatments shall not exceed three times. 5.13 The surface quality of the castings shall be checked piece by piece. 5.14 Casting size and geometry Castings produced for the first time and single pieces shall be checked piece by piece, and batch production and castings with stable process shall be sampled. The number of sampled castings shall be 20% of the batch, but shall not be less than 3 pieces. If unqualified castings are found in the sampled castings, the batch of castings shall be checked piece by piece.
6 Marking and certificate
Castings that have passed the inspection shall be accompanied by the mark of the quality inspection department of the manufacturer. 6.1
6.2 Castings shall be accompanied by a certificate of conformity when leaving the factory, which shall indicate: a) manufacturer name or code;
b) part name, drawing code and quantity; c) alloy code, melting furnace number and furnace number; d) chemical composition and mechanical property test results; e) this standard number.7 The defects of the friction surface, sealing surface, threaded part, main bearing part of heavy load and the parts subject to high temperature, high pressure and strong corrosion of non-ferrous castings are generally not allowed to be repaired.
3.8 The defects of cold shut and serious sand holes, pores, slag holes, shrinkage, oxidation and slag inclusion on the castings are not allowed to be repaired. 3.9 Regulations for repair of non-ferrous castings
3.9.1 Any defects on the castings that are not within the scope of the permitted repairs in Articles 3.7 and 3.8 should not affect the service life and performance of the castings after repair. Before welding, the defects should be removed until good metal is present, and the area within 30mm from the edge of the groove and the slope surface should be cleaned. 3.9.2
3.9.3 After welding, the welded part should be repaired and smoothed. Castings with airtightness requirements should be subjected to leakage tests. For castings with hardness requirements, the difference in hardness between the welded part and the parent metal should be within the Brinell hardness value ±15. 3.9.4 The same spot shall be repaired by welding for no more than 3 times, and the distance between the edges of the welding zone shall not be less than the sum of the diameters of the two adjacent welding zones. 3.9.5 There shall be no cracks, delamination, or incomplete penetration in the repaired welding zone. Test methods
4.1 The chemical composition and mechanical properties of nonferrous castings shall be sampled and tested for each heat, and the test method shall comply with the provisions of GB/T1173. 4.2
The tensile strength test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T228. The hardness test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T231 and GB/T1173, and the sample shall be taken from the end of the tensile test sample. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 Nonferrous castings shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer according to the drawings, relevant design documents and this standard, and the ordering unit has the right to conduct re-inspection.
5.2 Castings are divided into four categories according to the assessment requirements for chemical composition and mechanical properties, see Table 13. The type of castings shall be indicated in the drawings or relevant design documents.
Casting categories
Important parts, trial parts
Wear-resistant parts
Strength parts
General parts
Assessment requirements
Chemical composition, mechanical properties
Chemical composition
Mechanical properties
No assessment
Mechanical properties inspection, only tensile strength and elongation are measured. If other items are inspected, they shall be indicated in the drawings or technical documents. If there are no special requirements in the drawings or relevant design documents, copper-based alloys shall be inspected according to Class II, and others shall be inspected according to Class III requirements. If the chemical composition of the casting fails to meet the requirements for the first time, resampling is allowed. If it still fails to meet the requirements, the chemical composition of the castings in this furnace shall be unqualified. 5.5
The mechanical properties of the castings shall be based on the performance of the test bars of a single furnace. The test bars shall be cast under the same grade and process conditions as the castings. 5.6
A group of two samples, the first test one, if qualified, the mechanical properties of the casting is qualified, if not qualified, the second test, if qualified 5.7
The mechanical properties of the casting are also qualified, if not qualified, the mechanical properties of the furnace casting are unqualified. 5.8 If the test result is unqualified due to defects in the sample, the sample should be re-tested. If there is no spare sample, the body sample can be taken. The cutting position and number of the body sample can be agreed by the relevant departments and indicated in the relevant design documents. 5.9 If one body sample is qualified, the mechanical properties of the furnace casting are qualified. If unqualified, double sampling should be done. If the average value of the performance of the two samples is qualified, the mechanical properties of the furnace casting are qualified, otherwise they are unqualified. 5.10 The tensile strength value of the body sample should not be less than 80% of the value of the single casting sample, and the elongation should not be less than 60% of the value of the single casting sample. 5.11 When conducting a hardness test on a casting, it should be processed to remove 1~2mm of the skin before conducting the test. 5.12 If the mechanical properties are unqualified, they can be adjusted by heat treatment, but the total number of heat treatments shall not exceed three times. 5.13 The surface quality of the castings shall be checked piece by piece. 5.14 Casting size and geometry Castings produced for the first time and single pieces shall be checked piece by piece, and batch production and castings with stable process shall be sampled. The number of sampled castings shall be 20% of the batch, but shall not be less than 3 pieces. If unqualified castings are found in the sampled inspection, the batch of castings shall be checked piece by piece.
6 Marking and certificate
Castings that have passed the inspection shall be accompanied by the mark of the quality inspection department of the manufacturer. 6.1
6.2 Castings shall be accompanied by a certificate of conformity when leaving the factory, which shall indicate: a) manufacturer name or code;
b) part name, drawing code and quantity; c) alloy code, melting furnace number and furnace number; d) chemical composition and mechanical property test results; e) this standard number.7 The defects of the friction surface, sealing surface, threaded part, main bearing part of heavy load and the parts subject to high temperature, high pressure and strong corrosion of non-ferrous castings are generally not allowed to be repaired.
3.8 The defects of cold shut and serious sand holes, pores, slag holes, shrinkage, oxidation and slag inclusion on the castings are not allowed to be repaired. 3.9 Regulations for repair of non-ferrous castings
3.9.1 Any defects on the castings that are not within the scope of the permitted repairs in Articles 3.7 and 3.8 should not affect the service life and performance of the castings after repair. Before welding, the defects should be removed until good metal is present, and the area within 30mm from the edge of the groove and the slope surface should be cleaned. 3.9.2
3.9.3 After welding, the welded part should be repaired and smoothed. Castings with airtightness requirements should be subjected to leakage tests. For castings with hardness requirements, the difference in hardness between the welded part and the parent metal should be within the Brinell hardness value ±15. 3.9.4 The same spot shall be repaired by welding for no more than 3 times, and the distance between the edges of the welding zone shall not be less than the sum of the diameters of the two adjacent welding zones. 3.9.5 There shall be no cracks, delamination, or incomplete penetration in the repaired welding zone. Test methods
4.1 The chemical composition and mechanical properties of nonferrous castings shall be sampled and tested for each heat, and the test method shall comply with the provisions of GB/T1173. 4.2
The tensile strength test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T228. The hardness test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T231 and GB/T1173, and the sample shall be taken from the end of the tensile test sample. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 Nonferrous castings shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer according to the drawings, relevant design documents and this standard, and the ordering unit has the right to conduct re-inspection.
5.2 Castings are divided into four categories according to the assessment requirements for chemical composition and mechanical properties, see Table 13. The type of castings shall be indicated in the drawings or relevant design documents.
Casting categories
Important parts, trial parts
Wear-resistant parts
Strength parts
General parts
Assessment requirements
Chemical composition, mechanical properties
Chemical composition
Mechanical properties
No assessment
Mechanical properties inspection, only tensile strength and elongation are measured. If other items are inspected, they shall be indicated in the drawings or technical documents. If there are no special requirements in the drawings or relevant design documents, copper-based alloys shall be inspected according to Class II, and others shall be inspected according to Class III requirements. If the chemical composition of the casting fails to meet the requirements for the first determination, resampling is allowed. If it still fails to meet the requirements, the chemical composition of the casting of this furnace is unqualified. 5.5
The mechanical properties of the casting are based on the performance of the test bars of a single furnace. The test bars shall be cast under the same grade and process conditions as the castings. 5.6
A group of two samples, the first test one, if qualified, the mechanical properties of the casting is qualified, if not qualified, the second test, if qualified 5.7
The mechanical properties of the casting are also qualified, if not qualified, the mechanical properties of the furnace casting are unqualified. 5.8 If the test result is unqualified due to defects in the sample, the sample should be re-tested. If there is no spare sample, the body sample can be taken. The cutting position and number of the body sample can be agreed by the relevant departments and indicated in the relevant design documents. 5.9 If one body sample is qualified, the mechanical properties of the furnace casting are qualified. If unqualified, double sampling should be done. If the average value of the performance of the two samples is qualified, the mechanical properties of the furnace casting are qualified, otherwise they are unqualified. 5.10 The tensile strength value of the body sample should not be less than 80% of the value of the single casting sample, and the elongation should not be less than 60% of the value of the single casting sample. 5.11 When conducting a hardness test on a casting, it should be processed to remove 1~2mm of the skin before conducting the test. 5.12 If the mechanical properties are unqualified, they can be adjusted by heat treatment, but the total number of heat treatments shall not exceed three times. 5.13 The surface quality of the castings shall be checked piece by piece. 5.14 Casting size and geometry Castings produced for the first time and single pieces shall be checked piece by piece, and batch production and castings with stable process shall be sampled. The number of sampled castings shall be 20% of the batch, but shall not be less than 3 pieces. If unqualified castings are found in the sampled castings, the batch of castings shall be checked piece by piece.
6 Marking and certificate
Castings that have passed the inspection shall be accompanied by the mark of the quality inspection department of the manufacturer. 6.1
6.2 Castings shall be accompanied by a certificate of conformity when leaving the factory, which shall indicate: a) manufacturer name or code;
b) part name, drawing code and quantity; c) alloy code, melting furnace number and furnace number; d) chemical composition and mechanical property test results; e) this standard number.2 Castings should be accompanied by a certificate of conformity when leaving the factory, which must indicate: a) manufacturer name or code;
b) part name, drawing code and quantity; c) alloy code, smelting furnace number and heat; d) chemical composition, mechanical properties test results; e) this standard number.2 Castings should be accompanied by a certificate of conformity when leaving the factory, which must indicate: a) manufacturer name or code;
b) part name, drawing code and quantity; c) alloy code, smelting furnace number and heat; d) chemical composition, mechanical properties test results; e) this standard number.
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