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Guidelines for catering industry supply chain management

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 40040-2021

Standard Name:Guidelines for catering industry supply chain management

Chinese Name: 餐饮业供应链管理指南

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2021-02-23

Date of Implementation:2021-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and management of companies (enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Services>>03.080.01 General services

Standard Classification Number:General>>Standardization Management and General Provisions>>A00 Standardization, Quality Management

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:2021-02-01

other information

drafter:Ma Xiaoou, Bi Yuqi, Zhang Yuan, Zhang Chunliang, Jiang Hao, Zhao Xiaoguo, Huang Lei, Hou Enjuan, Ren Xingben, Shi Congcong, Zhang Boyi, Li Xiangbo, Zhang Chen, Zhang Chao, An Bin, Wu Ying, Gao Jie, Chen Xinhua, Song Xiaoxi, etc.

Drafting unit:Shandong Blue Ocean Co., Ltd., Shandong Quality and Technical Review and Evaluation Center Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Debao Catering Management Co., Ltd., Juewei Food Co., Ltd., Shandong New Generation Standardization Research Institute Co., Ltd., etc.

Focal point unit:China General Chamber of Commerce

Proposing unit:China General Chamber of Commerce

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 40040-2021.Guidelines for catering industry supply chain management.
1 Scope
GB/T 40040 provides general principles for the implementation of supply chain management in the catering industry, and provides guidance on the basic model, planning, design and operation management of the catering industry supply chain.
GB/T 40040 is applicable to guiding catering enterprises to implement supply chain management, and other relevant enterprises can refer to it.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential terms of this document through normative references in this text. Among them, for dated references, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 2934 Main dimensions and tolerances of intermodal general-purpose flat pallets
GB/T 39002 Guidelines for separate dining service in catering
SB/T 11070 Management requirements for packaging services in catering service enterprises
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Supply chain
In the production and distribution process, the network chain structure formed by linking the raw material suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers and end users involved through upstream or downstream members around the core enterprise.
[Source: GB/T 26337.2-2011,2.1]
catering industry supply chain
With catering business as the core, it covers the network chain structure of procurement, processing, logistics, terminal sales and other links, and is composed of various stakeholders who directly or indirectly affect or respond to customer needs.
catering industry supply chain management
The activity of coordinating the product flow, information flow and capital flow of the catering supply chain with the goal of high efficiency and concentration.
4 General Principles
4.1 Product Traceability Quality and Safety
Build a catering industry supply chain management system based on food safety management requirements, implement traceability management of important product information of catering services, identify, monitor and control safety risks in the process of providing catering services, and ensure the quality and safety of catering products.
Provides general principles for the implementation of supply chain management in the catering industry, and provides guidance on the basic model, planning, design and operation management of the catering industry supply chain.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 40040—2021
Guidelines for catering industry supply chain management2021-02-23Release
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
Normative references
Terms and definitions
General principles
Basic model
Planning and design
Operation management
Appendix A (Normative)
References on key performance indicators of supply chain management in the catering industry
Foreword|| tt||GB/T40040—2021
This document is drafted in accordance with the provisions of (3/1.12020 Guidelines for Standardization Work Part 1: Structure and Drafting Rules for Standardized Support Parts).
Please note that some contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing agency of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying patents. This document is proposed and sponsored by the China General Chamber of Commerce. The drafting units of this document: Shandong Blue Ocean Co., Ltd., Shandong Quality and Technical Review and Evaluation Center Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Debao Catering Management Co., Ltd., Juewei Food Co., Ltd., Shandong New Generation Standardization Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shandong Kerry Commercial Group Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Longju Restaurant Beverage Group Co., Ltd., China General Chamber of Commerce, China Cuisine Association, China Hotel Association, Jiangsu Hefu Catering Management Co., Ltd., Zhongyu Catering Management Co., Ltd., Shandong Shunhe Hotel Group Co., Ltd., Binzhou Standard Information Institute, Jinan Chaoyixing Catering Co., Ltd., Jining Quality and Technical Supervision Information Institute, Shensi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Shandong Hotel Association, Guangdong Huayin Food Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. Xican (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd., Sanquan Food Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Zhifangzhai Industrial Co., Ltd., Chengdu Hope Food Co., Ltd., Fujian Anjing Food Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou Gongwei Yangchu Food Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Fangjia Ruyi Food Right Limited Public , Yaomazi Food Co., Ltd., Fujian Chunbaiwei Catering Development Co., Ltd., Chuangwei Feijian Freeze-dried Food Technology (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd., Beijing Sankuai Online Technology Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this document: Ma Xiaoou, Bi Qi, Zhang Yuan, Zhang Tunliang, Jiang Hao, Zhao Xiaoguo, Huang Bei, Hou Enjuan, Ren Xingben, Shi Congcong, Zhang Bojian, Ji Xiangbo, Zhang Chen, Zhang Chao, An Bin, Wu Ying, Gao Qing, Chen Xinhua, Song Xiaoxi, Gu Jianming, Zheng Wei, Jing, Zhang Jiaqi, Gan Jili, Chen Qiu, Chen Xiaosheng, Gong Ya'ou, Sheng Fulin, Sheng Jingyi, Li Weiguo, Duan Zhifei, Li Chengxiang, Liu Xiaobin, Su Ling, Chen Zhaogui, Yabenqin, Jiang Nan, Zhao Jianbo, Fan Yiyong Nan, Zhang Kajing, Zhao Yaojun, Xie Houqing, Zhang Yi, Liu Jin. 1
This document is proposed in the context of "practicing strict economy and opposing waste" and provides guidance and suggestions for the implementation of supply chain management in the catering industry. It guides enterprises to establish the concept of collaborative management of the supply chain, guides the intensive, efficient and economical operation of the catering industry supply chain, promotes the overall quality improvement and efficiency increase and resource coordination of the catering industry, and promotes the innovation of industrial organization methods, business models and government governance methods. 1 Scope
Guidelines for Supply Chain Management in the Catering Industry
GB/T 40040—2021
This document provides the general principles for the implementation of supply chain management in the catering industry, and provides guidance on the basic model, planning, design and operation management of the catering industry supply chain.
This document is applicable to guiding catering enterprises to implement supply chain management. Other relevant enterprises can refer to it. 2 Normative Reference Documents
The contents of the following documents constitute the indispensable terms of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated references, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document: for undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T2934 Main dimensions and tolerances of intermodal universal flat-handle trays G3/T39002 Guide to separate dining service for catering
SB/T11070 Management requirements for packaged services for catering service enterprises 3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document! 3.1
Supply chain supplychain
In the production and circulation process, around the core enterprise, the network chain structure formed by linking the raw material suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers and end users through upstream or downstream members. Source GB/26337.22011, 2.1
catering industrysupplychain With catering business enterprises as the core, it covers the network chain structure of procurement, processing and production, logistics terminal sales and other links, and is composed of all relevant parties that directly or indirectly affect or respond to customer needs. 3.3
catering industrysupplychainmanagementcalcringindustrysupplychainmanagcmcntWith high efficiency and concentration as the goal, it coordinates the product flow, information flow and capital flow of the catering supply chain. 4 General Principles
4.1 Product traceability, quality and safety
Based on food safety management requirements, the catering industry supply chain management system is established, the important product information of catering services is traced and managed, the safety risks in the process of providing catering services are identified, monitored and controlled, and the quality and safety of catering products are ensured. 4.2 Process Optimization and Resource Integration
It is advisable to continuously optimize supply chain-related processes, promote the formation of mechanisms such as collaborative procurement, collaborative distribution, and collaborative processing division of labor, and promote the dynamic integration and deployment of resources throughout the product 1
and service provision. 4.3 Scientific Forecasting and Rapid Response
It is advisable to obtain necessary data and information on each link of the catering industry supply chain through an interconnected cross-functional information system, improve the accuracy of demand measurement, and achieve synergy and rapid response of each link. 4.4 Supply and demand balance, win-win for all parties
It is advisable to improve the transparency of supply chain information through the application of information technology, promote the information exchange and utilization between supply and demand parties, balance the integration and comprehensive coordination of resources between supply and demand parties, and promote win-win for all downstream enterprises. 4.5 Cost control, efficient and intensive
It is advisable to establish the concept of cost overall management, strengthen the coordinated management and overall control of various costs, and achieve systematic savings of supply chain resources through the balanced management of quality and technology, delivery and inventory. 5 Basic model
The basic model of integrated management of supply chain in catering industry is shown in Figure 1. Product flow
(supplier management )
Purchase Implementation
6 Planning and Design
Purchase Verification
(Transportation, Distribution)bzxZ.net
Processing and Production
Central Kitchen)
Information Flow
Capital Flow
Terminal Sales
Figure 1 Basic Model of Integrated Management of Catering Industry Supply Chain 6.1 It is advisable to combine the interaction between the various elements of the catering industry supply chain product flow to ensure the quality of catering services, reduce the cost of supply chain management, and improve High supply chain response speed is daily, and synchronous design, overall optimization and integrated management are implemented for product flow, information flow and capital flow. 6.2 In combination with the catering industry's supply chain complexity control needs, it is advisable to reduce procurement complexity through supplier integrated management: it is advisable to reduce process complexity through product, operation and service standardization: it is advisable to reduce organizational management complexity through institutional integration: it is advisable to reduce product complexity through customer demand integration. 2
6.3 It is advisable to coordinate the management of push products and pull products, and guide push products to improve the degree of standardized production, and guide pull products to improve responsiveness.
Note 1: Push products refer to products with strong predictability, high standardization and relatively stable demand. Note 2: Pull products refer to products with low predictability, high personalization and large demand changes. 6.4 Based on the application of information technology, comprehensive and accurate information on all links of the supply chain should be obtained to provide information support for strategic decision-making and implementation of the catering industry supply chain.
6.5 According to the expected goals of the catering industry supply chain management, the key performance indicators of the catering industry supply chain management should be determined to evaluate the overall operation and management performance. Key performance indicators should be implemented in accordance with the provisions of Appendix A. 7 Operation Management
7.1 Procurement
7.1.1Supplier Management
7. 1.1. 1
It is advisable to quantify supplier performance evaluation standards and continuously optimize and integrate the supplier base. Establish a unified, cross-functional shared procurement information system and determine the supplier management strategy based on product flow chain information. It classifies and grades suppliers, formulates differentiated evaluation standards, and dynamically adjusts management levels. The performance evaluation of suppliers should focus on product quality assurance and supply assurance capabilities, including but not limited to: Compliance: evaluate continuous compliance by paying attention to the dynamic information of suppliers' various business qualifications, law-abiding publicity, etc.; b) Historical performance: evaluate supply assurance capabilities through comprehensive analysis of suppliers' contract execution rate, timely delivery rate, order processing rate, out-of-stock rate, cargo damage rate, verification qualification rate, fresh product rate, purchase price, after-sales service, etc.; Financial status: evaluate the vitality and growth of suppliers through financial analysis, and indirectly test the supply sustainability; l) Emergency response: evaluate supply stability through the emergency response performance of suppliers to emergencies. It is advisable to dynamically update the supplier list based on the results of supplier performance evaluation, and promote continuous improvement of suppliers through an incentive mechanism to enhance the supply assurance capabilities of the supplier group. It is advisable to establish a supplier incentive mechanism by adjusting the procurement share, contract cycle, supplier evaluation, etc. It is encouraged to identify key suppliers with strong correlation with food price evaluation, integrate their supply advantages with food R&D innovation, and react to the supply chain management to increase value.
7.1.2 Procurement Implementation It is advisable to identify procurement risks, strengthen procurement coordination management and control, and improve contract execution efficiency. It combines responsibilities, time limits and operating standards to design procurement processes, and continuously optimize procurement processes according to the basic paths of cancellation, merger, rearrangement and simplification. It is advisable to establish an early procurement participation mechanism to achieve synchronous acquisition of procurement demand information by the procurement department and upstream and downstream departments, and shorten the procurement cycle. It is advisable to establish a standardized procurement model through white-built bases, co-built bases, source procurement, multi-party cooperation, etc. to improve the quality assurance capabilities of raw materials. Combine the inventory and historical operation, determine the quantitative procurement information according to the daily procurement volume, consumption, etc., and implement dynamic management of procurement orders. Improve the procurement response speed. It is advisable to establish a procurement price information system for important procurement products, establish a price collection and analysis mechanism, and reduce procurement costs. Encourage the use of third-party procurement platforms, connect online and offline procurement channels, improve procurement accuracy, and reduce procurement costs. 3
7.1.3 Procurement Verification It is advisable to formulate quality control standards and procurement verification standards for purchased products, and monitor the verification pass rate through quality verification. It is advisable to conduct a systematic analysis of procurement verification information and use it as input for supplier performance evaluation. 7.2 Processing and Production
7.2.1 It is advisable to continuously improve the standardization of high-sales meals based on the statistical results of terminal consumption belts and reduce the cost of push products. It is advisable to include push products in the central kitchen for centralized processing and unified distribution. 7.2.2 It is advisable to improve the standardization of store operations through standardization of menus, processing procedures, distribution and other links. 7.2.3 It is advisable to determine the reserve information of raw materials for meals with relatively low consumption frequency based on periodic consumption statistics, reasonably control raw material inventory and improve pre-production capabilities:
7.2.4 It is encouraged to build a centralized raw material processing model, centrally standardize the processing of primary raw materials and improve the raw material yield. 7.2.5 It is advisable to improve the comprehensive utilization rate through process manufacturing and diversified use of materials. 7.2.6 Under the chain operation model, dynamically compare the material inventory, material utilization rate and other conditions of each store to improve the accuracy of raw material configuration. 7.3 Logistics
7.3.1 Overview It is advisable to establish a logistics information collection system to identify the relationship between system variables such as procurement volume, inventory and customer consumption capacity in logistics activities. Combine customer needs to control logistics costs. It is advisable to establish and operate standard operating procedures for logistics operations with a high degree of standardization. Reduce logistics operation costs and improve the coordination efficiency of the logistics system. When using third-party logistics, it is advisable to determine the degree of control over external logistics services to ensure that logistics activities such as procurement, transportation, distribution, and warehousing are controlled, and establish an evaluation and assessment mechanism for third-party logistics suppliers. Note: "Procurement and transportation" in this document is referred to as "transportation" 7.3.2 Transportation, distribution It is advisable to incorporate the standardized design and use of logistics units into the supply chain management strategy, encourage the deployment and use of standardized logistics equipment in accordance with the requirements of GB/-2934, and promote the formation of a social circulation and sharing system for standardized logistics equipment. It is encouraged to establish an information-based process traceability system, which can realize the automatic collection of process data by constructing the logistics unit identification code to strengthen the product tracking monitoring. It is advisable to consider the cargo turnover volume according to the cargo transportation volume, coordinate the design of transportation and distribution routes, and reduce the logistics turnover cost. When necessary, it is advisable to establish and implement cold chain logistics and insulation distribution operation standards to improve the transportation and distribution guarantee capabilities and efficiency. It is advisable to establish a third-party catering distribution platform information collection and exchange channel, analyze the reverse effect of information flow, and dynamically adjust the procurement information and processing order plan. When the transportation service is provided by the supplier, it will evaluate the results such as transportation cargo damage rate and timely delivery rate as the supplier's historical performance.
7.3.3 Warehousing It is advisable to formulate a raw material inventory plan based on the processing and production needs, and communicate the inventory plan with suppliers to shorten the order cycle and improve the inventory turnover rate: It is advisable to determine the turnover inventory and safety inventory of different raw materials based on the full chain information of the catering industry supply chain during the positive belt operation cycle, control excess inventory and reduce inventory costs. It is advisable to set inventory readings for the safety inventory of required raw materials and set up pre-adjustment reminders: It is advisable to establish an inventory cycle counting system, timely adjust the account and material difference data, and improve the accuracy of inventory data. GB/T40040—2021 It is advisable to classify and count the mobile inventory in the processing and production process and the excess inventory at the sales terminal as input for inventory cost assessment. It is advisable to establish a smart warehouse management system to dynamically manage the information of raw materials and auxiliary materials in and out of the warehouse, the quantity of inventory, inventory batches, inventory turnover rate, inventory cycle, etc. It is advisable to reasonably configure the storage area of ??normal temperature warehouse, constant temperature fresh-keeping warehouse and frozen warehouse to improve the utilization rate of warehouse It is advisable to configure storage facilities and equipment according to the storage conditions of different products to determine the product retention time and reduce storage loss. It is advisable to optimize the configuration of inventory points and balance the dispersion of inventory according to the distribution layout of infrastructure in each link of product flow. 7.3.4 Resource recycling and disposal It classifies and treats the waste generated in the process of the catering industry supply chain, and encourages the use of processes that are easy to recycle and reuse to improve the recycling rate. It is advisable to establish a circular economy model to make resource utilization of kitchen waste. 7.4 Terminal Sales
7.4.1 It is advisable to analyze consumer demand based on the data information generated during the customer's dining process, adjust the supply and demand plan, and improve service precision.
7.4.2 It is advisable to evaluate customer demand based on the regular supply and meal leftovers, and dynamically adjust the total food supply. 7.4.3 It is advisable to establish an information system to realize online inquiry, reservation, ordering, take-out and other functions to improve management efficiency. 7.4.4 It is advisable to implement the separate dining system according to the guidance of G13/T39002. Determine the economical dining supply plan for different separate dining methods. 7.4.5 Provide automatic packaging services for customers to package the items suitable for secondary consumption. The packaging services can refer to SB/T11070. 7.4.6 Encourage the design and use of economical tableware: SnG
Appendix A
Key Performance Indicator Table A of Catering Industry Supply Chain Management, 1 gives the key performance indicators and indicator descriptions in the catering industry supply chain management. Key Performance Indicator Table A of Catering Industry Supply Chain Management.1
Serial number
Contract execution rate
Timely delivery rate
Order satisfaction rate
Out-of-stock rate
Cargo damage rate
Verification pass rate
Raw material yield rate
Turnover inventory
Safety stock
Cargo transportation volume
Cargo turnover volume
Inventory turnover rate
Inventory cycle
Customer satisfaction
The ratio of the number of contracts actually executed by the supplier to the number of contracts signed within a fixed period of timeThe ratio of the number of orders delivered on time to the number of orders to be delivered within a fixed period of timeThe ratio of the actual number of shipments to the number of order requirementsThe ratio of the number of out-of-stocks to the number of customer ordersThe ratio of the number of damaged goods during delivery to the total number of logistics goodsThe ratio of the number of qualified products to the total number of batch productsThe weight of the raw materials that can be added after the initial addition and the weight of the added The ratio of the total weight of the previous materials is an indicator to measure the efficiency of raw materials. Under normal business conditions, the inventory established by the enterprise to meet the monthly needs is used to buffer the uncertainty factors (such as a large number of sudden orders, sudden extension of delivery time, etc.). The inventory prepared needs to be calculated with the help of statistics. The number of goods that actually completed the transportation process in a certain period of time is the product of the number of goods transported in a certain period of time and the transportation distance. It is expressed in terms of the ratio of the total number of warehouses out of the warehouse to the average inventory number in a certain period of time. Among them, the average time for the inventory items to be shipped out of the warehouse is the average of the beginning inventory number and the ending inventory number over several years. It is a measure of the turnover speed of inventory goods in a certain period of time. The average time for the inventory items to be shipped out of the warehouse is the degree to which customers feel that their expectations have been met. _2]
Logistics terms
GB/Z 26337.1—2010
GB/T 26337.2—2011
GB/T 28577—2012
G/T 288/3
Supply Chain Management
Part 1: Overview and Basic Principles
1 Part 2: SCM Terminology
Supply Chain Management
Classification and Basic Requirements of Cold Chain Logistics
Requirements for Tide Tracking Management of Food Cold Chain Logistics
GB/T 40040—2021
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