title>GB/T 15017-1994 Terms and definitions of physical properties and quantities in the field of resistance alloys - GB/T 15017-1994 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 15017-1994 Terms and definitions of physical properties and quantities in the field of resistance alloys

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 15017-1994

Standard Name: Terms and definitions of physical properties and quantities in the field of resistance alloys

Chinese Name: 电阻合金领域内的物理特性和物理量术语与定义

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1994-04-04

Date of Implementation:1994-05-01

Date of Expiration:2009-04-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Metallurgy>>77.120 Nonferrous Metals

Standard Classification Number:Metallurgy>>Steel Products>>H59 Other Specialty Alloys

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced GBn 283-1988; replaced by GB/T 15014-2008

Publication information

other information

Release date:1994-04-04

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Shougang Metallurgical Research Institute

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Steel Standardization

Publishing department:China Iron and Steel Association

competent authority:China Iron and Steel Association

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 15017-1994 Terms and definitions of physical properties and quantities in the field of resistance alloys GB/T15017-1994 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Physical properties and physical valuesterms and definitions for electric rexistancc alloysGB/T 15017--94
Recommended GBr 283.-88
This standard applies to the basic theory and technology of resistance alloys. Basic and commonly used physical properties and physical valuesterms and definitions. 1. Resistance alloy
eteetric resistance alloy
Alloys with electric properties as the main technical characteristics, generally with high resistivity and good processing performance, mainly including precision electrical resistance alloys, strain resistance alloys, thermistor alloys and electric heating alloys, etc. 2. Precision electrical resistance alloy
prccision electrical resistance alloyResistance alloy with small absolute value of resistance temperature coefficient and absolute value of thermoelectric emf to copper and good stability. 3 Strain resistance alloy
strain Llccctrical resistaince alloy Electrical alloy with high sensitivity coefficient of electrical strain and small absolute value of resistance temperature coefficient: 4 Electric heating alloy
electrical thermal alioy
Electrochemical alloy used to make electric heating elements. Generally, it has the characteristics of high resistivity, heat resistance, corrosion resistance and good high temperature shape stability. 5 Thermistor alloy
thermistor alloy bZxz.net
Electrochemical alloy with large resistance temperature coefficient and stable resistance. 6 Resistivity
elece:Lrical rcsistivity p
The resistance of an object per unit length and unit area. The calculation expression of resistivity is:
Where: ——resistivity, n -u/t:
physical resistance, port:
approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on April 4, 1994
implemented on May 1, 1994
S-transverse area, tum;
f length, me
GB/T 15017---94
The unit name is ohm force old meter per meter. The unit symbol is Q·m/ml. ! Conductivity α
clectrical condurtivityc
the reciprocal of conductivity.
The expression of conductivity is:
Where: a
conductivity, S/m;
unit name is two volts per meter, unit symbol is S/m. 8Instantaneous resistance temperature coefficient at
instaml lemperalurecofficient of resistanceaThe average resistance temperature coefficient of a material at a certain temperature when the temperature change tends to zero is the instantaneous resistance temperature coefficient of the temperature. The expression of the instantaneous resistance temperature coefficient α, is: RR
a-lg R(-t)
Formula 4, α,—instantaneous resistance temperature coefficient, ℃-R——resistance value at temperature t, 0,
Ri--resistance value at temperature: :
R——resistance value at reference temperature (usually 20℃), n. The unit name is per degree Celsius, unit symbol is ℃-19Average resistance temperature coefficient α
nmcan temperatire cofficient of rexistanceAt two certain temperatures (t, 2), the change of resistance per unit reference temperature corresponding to the change of the electric spot and temperature 1. The calculation formula of the average resistance temperature coefficient & is: RR
Where: α: average resistance temperature coefficient, C-: resistance value at temperature, 0;
, - resistance at a temperature,;
is the resistance value under the reference temperature of 20, 0. The unit name is per degree Celsius, and the unit symbol is, 10 resistance temperature constant av, and β
temperature constant uf resistauce ar, and j? The relationship between resistance and temperature is:
R, -.1 a, (t—) +—)-:... base humidity. The resistance temperature constant. r
is the resistance temperature constant at the reference temperature.
GB/T 15017--94
4. -(4 4342R.+(4-4)4,4R.+(4 -4),4(4,-A)R,+(4A)R 1(A, 4)R
8-(4 -4)4AR+(4-4)44,R,-(4-A)4,4,R Formula: R,—-—ti resistance value at temperature; resistance value at temperature;
R3 electric current at temperature.n;
A4, -t3 t.2
a. Unit name for each degree Celsius, unit symbol is (-\3Unit name for each degree Celsius square, unit symbol is r:. 11 Resistance temperature factor C.
ftnpuraturt factor of resistanceC, the ratio of the resistance value at a certain temperature to the average resistance value at the reference temperature. The calculation formula of the resistance temperature factor is:
Where: (-
Resistance temperature factor:
Resistance value at a certain temperature t,;
R, -Resistance value at a reference temperature (generally 20°C),. This value is the maximum:
12 Resistance uniformity
homogeneity of ele:lrical resisl acu resistance difference between any two unit lengths of alloy wire (ribbon) the ratio of the half-mean value of resistance 13 Average thermal electromotive force E
Inealt thertrial eleriroinntive [orce vrrsus copperE.. The ratio of the electromotive force to the temperature difference between the two nodes when the temperature of the two nodes of the thermocouple composed of copper and standard copper is correct (1). The calculation formula of the average thermoelectric electromotive force E is: E
formula;. Average thermoelectric electromotive force of copper. V/C;
1--the temperature of the high temperature node, C+
the temperature of the low temperature node, C
electromotive force,\When the current in the alloy flows from the high temperature node to the low temperature node, it is positive, otherwise it is negative. The unit name is volt per degree Celsius, and the unit symbol is V/C, 14 resistance strain sensitivity coefficient K
sensilivity uf cleerical rasistaae versus strainKGB/I 15017—94
Under the action of external force, within the elastic deformation range, the ratio of the resistance change rate to the length change rate of the alloy in the deformation direction is calculated by the formula of resistance strain sensitivity coefficient; AR/K
Where: K. Resistance strain sensitivity coefficient;
AR.—-Resistance increment, O;
R-…-Original resistance.a;
Length wear, mm;
Original length, mm,
This is dimensionless.
15 Accelerated test lifetime (lifetime)
Accelerated test lifetime (lifetime) Under the specified test conditions, the standard push specimen is subjected to periodic power on and off until it burns out, and the cumulative time of cold and hot cycles. The unit name is hour, and the unit symbol is h. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed by the Information Standard Research Institute of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry. This standard was drafted by the Xi'an Iron and Steel Research Institute and the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Research Institute.
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