title>JB/T 6364-1992 Linear motion rolling bearings - Circulating needle roller and roller guideway bearings - Structural types and dimensions - JB/T 6364-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 6364-1992 Linear motion rolling bearings - Circulating needle roller and roller guideway bearings - Structural types and dimensions

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6364-1992

Standard Name: Linear motion rolling bearings - Circulating needle roller and roller guideway bearings - Structural types and dimensions

Chinese Name: 直线运动滚动支承 循环式滚针、滚子导轨支承 结构型式和外形尺寸

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1992-07-15

Date of Implementation:1993-01-01

Date of Expiration:2005-11-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Parts>>J11 Rolling Bearing

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by JB/T 6364-2005

Publication information

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JB/T 6364-1992 Linear motion rolling bearings Circulating needle roller and roller guideway bearings Structural types and dimensions JB/T6364-1992 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 6364-1992
Circulating Needle Roller and Roller Guideway Bearing
Linear Motion Rolling Bearing 2
Structural Type and Dimensions
Published on July 15, 1992
Implementation by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China on January 1, 1993
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Linear Motion Rolling Bearing Circulating Needle Roller and Roller Guideway Bearing Structural Type and Dimensions
Subject Content and Scope of Application
JB/T 63641992
This standard specifies the structural type and dimensions of circulating needle roller guideway bearings and circulating roller guideway bearings in linear motion rolling bearings.
This standard applies to the manufacture and selection of circulating needle roller and roller guideway bearings (hereinafter referred to as guideway bearings). Structural type
This standard specifies the following structural types of guide rail supports. LNS0000RN type -
Circulating needle roller guide rail support (Figure 1):
Circulating groove needle roller guide rail support with stamped shell (Figure 2): LNS0000GRNU type
Circulating groove needle roller guide rail support with end head (Figure 3); LRS0000SG type, LRS0000SGK type -
Figure 1LNS0000RN type
Circulating roller guide rail support approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on 1992-07-15 (Figures 4 and 5). Figure 2LNS0000GRN type
Implementation on 1993-01-01Www.bzxZ.net
JB/T 6364-1992
Figure 3LNS0000GRNU type
Figure 4LRS0000SG type
Figure 5LRS0000SGK type
Marking example: Linear motion rolling guide support LNS2050RNJB/T6364-19923 symbol
B: Nominal width of guide support
B: Width of the mounting side ear of the needle roller guide support in the direction of the needle roller axis L: Nominal length of guide support
L: Length of the mounting side ear of the needle roller guide support
L2: Nominal length of the roller guide support bodyJB/T6364-1992
T: Nominal height of guide rail support (guide rail support without mounting side ears T=A) T: Distance between the axis of the mounting hole of the roller guide rail support and the reference plane of the support body Height of the guide rail support rolling surface (the surface formed by contact with the rolling element of the guide rail support) to the mounting reference plane A:
h: Thickness of the mounting side ears of the guide rail support
J: Distance between the two axial mounting holes of the guide rail support in the needle roller (roller) J: Distance between the two mounting holes of the guide rail support in the direction of movement N: Diameter of the mounting hole of the guide rail support
: Distance of the guide rail support needle roller (roller) protruding from the housing Lw: Nominal length of the roller of the roller guide support Overall dimensions
The overall dimensions of the circulating needle roller guide support shall be as specified in Table 1. Table 1
LNS 1540 RN
LNS 2050 RN
LNS 2560 RN
LNS 3270 RN
LNS 4087 RN
The overall dimensions of recirculating groove needle roller guide bearings with stamped housing shall be as specified in Table 2. Table 2
LNS 1540 GRN
LNS 2050 GRN
LNS 2560 GRN
LNS 3270 GRN
LNS 4092 GRN
LNS 50125 GRN
4.3 The overall dimensions of recirculating groove needle roller guide bearings with ends shall be as specified in Table 3. Inch,
LNS 38102 GRNU
Note: 1) Reference dimensions.
The overall dimensions of circulating roller guideway bearings shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 4. Table 4
LRS0000SG type
LRS2562 SG
LRS 2769 SG
LRS 4086 SG
LRS 52133 SG
LRS0000SGK type
LRS 2562 SGK
LRS 4086 SGK
Method of indicating guide rail supports
Method of indicating guide rail support codes
The code of guide rail supports consists of four parts. From left to right, the first part uses letters to indicate the type of support; the second part uses numbers from left to right to indicate the nominal width and nominal length of the support in millimeters; the third part uses letters to indicate the structural type of the support: the fourth part uses letters and numbers to indicate the tolerance grade and grouping of the support (the ordinary grade G is omitted). A2
Code example:
Precision grade (D), grouping (0~-3μm)
Circulating needle roller guide support, the needle roller end is stepped. The nominal width and nominal length are 20mm and 50mm respectively. Linear motion needle roller guide support
The type and structural type of the support are indicated in Table A1. Table A1
Additional Notes:
Structural Type
Linear Motion Needle Roller Guide
Circulating Needle Roller Guide, Needle Roller End is SteppedCirculating Needle Roller Guide, Needle Roller Middle Groove, with Stamped ShellCirculating Needle Roller Guide, Needle Roller Middle Groove, with End TypeLinear Motion Roller Guide
Circulating Roller Guide, Radial Mounting HoleCirculating Roller Guide, Axial Mounting HoleThis standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee for Rolling Bearing Standardization, and this standard is under the jurisdiction of the Luoyang Bearing Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was jointly drafted by the Luoyang Bearing Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry and Changshu Bearing Factory. Drafters of this standard: Zhang Hongjia, Feng Enguang, Xu Wenbao. 5
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Linear Motion Rolling Bearing
(Circulating Needle Roller, Roller Guide Bearing
Structural Type and Dimensions
JB/T 63641992
Published by the China Academy of Mechanical Science
Printed by the China Academy of Mechanical Science
(No. 2, Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code: 100044)
Format: 880×12301/16
Printing Sheet: 1/2Word Count: 10.000
First Edition in October 1992
First Printing in October 1992
Print Quantity: 1-500
Price: 1.50 Yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http:/www.JB.ac.cn261_99
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